Just so we're clear
558 2017-01-19 by Ihopeitsround
The entire planet is run by an ancient death worshipping cult of psychopathic geniuses who have manipulated our physical, mental, and spiritual faculties for millennia. History is a lie and everyone in the higher class of every country has been coerced, recruited, or killed.
The news is fake and there to scare you.
Human beings are infinitely more powerful than we are told. Your attitude and behavior towards other life forms is what shapes our perception of reality.
Keep fighting and learning the truth. It is painful, yet rewarding; difficult, yet fair; and harsh, yet kind.
The truth will come out in our lifetime, the question is if we will accept or reject it.
Edit 1: post got a lot more chatter than expected. If anyone wants to conversate privately or has interesting information about Ancient Mystery Religions, feel free to PM me.
Edit 2: from the bottom of my heart I would like to thank everyone who participated in this discourse; r/conspiracy is truly a bastion of freedom, and though our community is relatively small, each one of us can make a huge impact. Each of you has impacted me. I hope I have done the same for you. I wish the best for all of you. You are our last, greatest hope.
n/a TheMadQuixotician 2017-01-19
Great post. Love the username! Love the attitude too. Keep going!
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Thank you. I really do hope it's round. Basically a stab at flat earthers lol.
n/a horridCAM666 2017-01-19
That's kind of where I'm out. I genuinely DO hope it's round, but there has been evidence shown to me that basically make me question everything. I hate it/love it.
n/a TheMadQuixotician 2017-01-19
Totally got it. Took it as "Dammit let at least one thing be true!"
n/a hangtherothschilds 2017-01-19
share this evidence and we'll share the burden
n/a horridCAM666 2017-01-19
lol. No.
n/a TheWiredWorld 2017-01-19
Eeeexactly. Quit shit posting.
n/a horridCAM666 2017-01-19
I wasn't interested in opening up dialogue on the subject, nor does any burden of proof fall u to me. I was making a statement on my own confusion. And I have better things to do than do your homework. No shit posting, just posting.
n/a LeakyTrump 2017-01-19
Same. The next step for me and a friend is to accurately measure the curvature of the earth ourselves.
n/a Ozcolllo 2017-01-19
When you finish, spend a little time thinking about the first time we, as a species, first tested and confirmed this. Eratosthenes, who I'm assuming you're emulating, did this in ancient Greece and was surprisingly accurate. It's pretty amazing to think how far we've come in just a few thousand years!
n/a wood_daver 2017-01-19
It's round, you can view it yourself, test it yourself and mathematically verify it that's one theory that holds no water at all ;-)
n/a DC_werne11 2017-01-19
Doubt is a powerful deception tactic. Wether the earth is round or not I don't know. In my experience, most flat earth theories merely place doubt around the round earth rather than prove it's flat. There are even some good real world examples that prove the earth is round and what direction the earth is spinning such as the coriolis effect. If you have stumbled upon any thing that I could read about the flat earth that are convincing I would be forever grateful.
n/a Meg-A-Lo-Maniac 2017-01-19
Right there with you on every sentiment you shared..and I hope it's round too!
n/a Seinfeldologist 2017-01-19
Fucking rounders, always taking stabs at us.
n/a kybarnet 2017-01-19
I do want to address one thing, which is that I just got done with my studies of Human Sacrifice, and, essentially, I would have to say, Human Sacrifice is within the divinity.
In the Old World, Human Sacrifice continued until 1000 AD, typically at a rate of ~1,000 or so person a year. In the New World, it was infinite, with the Mexican religions sacrificing the most frequent, say 50,000 a year up till 1500 AD ish.
Then comes war, in which the one who eats grain, prospered, and the ones that ate flesh (natives) killed and ate the flesh of their enemies, in periods of famine, and later as custom.
But it's the nature and causes of human sacrifice that I find most intriguing. Sacrifice, as was most practiced in Mexico, represented the differing between the societies of man and the societies of the divine. Which is to say, as the Mexicans realized the chasms so great, that that felt it was but little right not to sacrifice, near all of man.
And within the Hindu culture, the sacrifice of ones life was but enlightened suicide. To realize the bodily form has no meaning, and to voluntarily take ones life. In such a way, the mass sacrificial nature of Mexico and the individualistic practices of India were same. A service to divinity, not say of punishment, but of relief from punishment.
And then I think of christian culture. Which is to say, with Jesus sacrifice was to 'stop', as he paid for our sins. However, that is wrong. So wrong, as it absolves ourselves from the actions of society.
And that is the great danger of christian teaching, the weakness it creates, the immorality it perpetuates. The separation from life and duty, society and punishment, others and self. A christian can witness the killing of others with a clean conscious, where as the Hindu will kill themselves first, as Gandhi teaches.
In such a way, human sacrifice is the most noble, moral of religions. Society is to birth and rebirth until an apex, but once born, one becomes fixed, like a tool. Fixed within a primitive system.
Sadly, however, as OP has stated, the Old Primates of man, the ones in which the hereditary wealth has been passed done for centuries, millennia, have not changed, or kept up with Man. Confined within their ancient beliefs, mixed with the absolution of guilt that came with Christian teaching, the rulers have perverted the means up which they sacrifice, until now, where it has no meaning.
The Rulers of Man, in their beliefs, sacrifice in a way akin to the ancient sailors that would cast off a soul in order to change the wind. For they understood not the meanings of the world around them. And likewise, as we are unable to grow without progress, we too shall sacrifice, mostly others, but occassionally ourselves, through bombs, blood sport, discontinuity, and prisons.
Until at last, the mass of man learns to sacrifice themselves for the good of the whole. And the collective error is internalized, for always.
Lastly, to expedite this process, to reduce the failings of man, we must cycle, birth and rebirth. And no where are our failings more prevalent than in the nature of hereditary wealth.
When the money, the units that influence society, when some 50% of these units reside within the lives of so few, it creates a chasm, insurmountable. For they understand Human Sacrifice, but as the way of the most primitive. A prayer to an alien god. They sacrifice children, not themselves. They eat from the flesh of the punished.
And that will be the difference. When society is individually, and collectively prepared to pay for such crimes as war, and attrition, then the end will be near. None will settle for the accepted state of things, that so few will dictate so many. That the progress of man shall be locked into an archaic past.
That is to say, we shall sacrifice ourselves, for the good of all, and sacrifice those in control in proportion to their monstrosity. Collectively and individually, we will participate in the outcome, for all will accept the burden, and through such a way, the societies of man as we know them. Will end.
We will be as we were intended to be. An evolving species.
The Mayans predicted the world would end in 2012? Holy fucking hell were they close. The evolution of our species is likely less spiritual, and more calculable, than we'd be prone to suspect.
And so will be our history. One of primates ascending to heaven.
n/a g3374r2d2 2017-01-19
So the conspiracy is that they've learned to coverup magic and human sacrifice as "terrorism" and "art"
History repeats itself, but it keeps getting face lifts.
n/a kybarnet 2017-01-19
9/11 , Beau Biden. Are the sacrifices of primitive man, of the innocent, of the other. A prayer to a nonexistent god.
When we sacrifice ourselves to the all, to the new. That is when it will end, the primitive race of man.
n/a Top-Cheese 2017-01-19
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this but, but get back to your cubicle and crunch the numbers we made off people buying our useless shit.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
"Back to the salt mines!"
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Beautifully frightening comment.
Cheer up, it's all a ride.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
I think he really believes this shit, too. That's what's scary.
I don't say that as an attack. But to imagine the horror of living with that worldview.
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
What horror?
n/a gravesdm 2017-01-19
And don't forget to squeegee your third eye!
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
This is the opposite of Christian teaching. That's why the book of James is in there, to counteract super-spirituality and antinomianism.
I carry a gun everywhere I go, in case I need to stop an evil man from killing. And this is virtue in Christianity:
"Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle." (Psalm 144:1)
Jesus died in our place SO THEREFORE we do good works. Martin Luther King put Gandhi's words into action, in perfect harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ.
n/a TheWiredWorld 2017-01-19
What is "the one who eats grain"?
n/a kybarnet 2017-01-19
Agriculture. In context, native Americans primarily ate meat (or some tribes). It was said that the ones who ate grain would flourish and multiple, while those that ate meat would struggle.
And thus the white man would overcome the native Americans, in the end, regardless of intention. Or rather, a society and a culture must evolve, or die.
n/a How1ntriguing 2017-01-19
Sounds bout right
n/a Dodge1992 2017-01-19
You think we are getting close to the truth? I think there is just a fringe that is beginning to think that maybe the status quo isn't good but I don't know about the rest. The Rothschild have no need to worry yet.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
There are other factors. The useful idiots are mad for all sorts of reasons. They have to go ahead with damage control very carefully. The internet is a trap but it also is a battleground between the truth and lies.
It's a heavyweight championship, 20 seconds till the buzzer. Fighters are neck and neck.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
n/a g76nyc 2017-01-19
So many rabbit holes and so little time...
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
William Cooper's Mystery Babylon.
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
Yeah it's pretty good. Wouldn't use it as the only source though.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Yeah, it's a good introduction, and I think his broad outline is correct. No source is 100%, though.
n/a awesomely_jalapeno 2017-01-19
Hey ! Great post ! Thanks !!!
n/a CivilianConsumer 2017-01-19
My dog listens to me and I take good care of him so Im doing my part!
So awesome ! Very concise and well thought message. Truth is coming
n/a Theres_A_FAP_4_That 2017-01-19
I'm trying to educate those around me, but you are right, it's a tough battle. I mean the Blacklist is on tonight.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
There really is only so much we can do. A lot of it is their choice, and the Creator's timeline.
n/a CriticalCat 2017-01-19
Its been going on for so long I don't think it will come out in our lifetime. Or any lifetime. Earth needs to be purged.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
That's a bit of a dark look at it.
Maybe your right but I think it's much more likely given the evidence I've seen that time and history are cyclical,and that we are always approaching another golden age and another Kali Yuga; or dark age.
All that exists is the "now", the present moment. If we become spiritually responsible than happiness, awareness, and integrity become second nature; isn't that the goal?
Spiritual awakening.
The planet may die, you may die; but spirit lives in forever.
n/a basedMomsen 2017-01-19
...the more I see, the more I think the Hindu creation myth is the most accurate.
Unfortunately for your premise, that means that these cycles of history are gigantic; interglacial millenia at least. The pithy saying I took from the subcontinent is, "The world is many things: it is neither Good nor Bad."
Worrying about the ultimate fate of our species takes our minds away from the Now, the only time we can affect our condition.
I respect that you made this topic, but I cannot agree with your conclusions. The future of Truth you claim inevitable can only be found with great effort, but I would not be so bold to claim that we are on such a trajectory while the possibility of the cults you mention fully consolidating their position to the detriment of the rest of us.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I fully understand your position, and your not wrong.
I personally believe we are in the Dwapara Yuga or the "Grey Age". Basically it's the time when there is still some good in people, before we inevitably reach a point of absolute degradation in society.
That being said, we may be entering the Kali Yuga very soon, which would really not be a fun experience, as all morals and goodness erode from man for an age.
But you have to take the long view.
Everything will be okay, and the sun will rise again. I personally love human life and all of its wonders and I was born very, very poor and into a strict religious household.
The door is open for the brave hearts to shine
n/a istalkezreddit 2017-01-19
We are post that now, kalki will soon come, wait for it :)
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Still gotta work on it.
n/a 2matt2reject 2017-01-19
Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
n/a Irons_in_the_fire 2017-01-19
Wish I could give gold for the Tool reference.
n/a papayabobby 2017-01-19
n/a Flat_Earth-Fat_Girth 2017-01-19
It's flat bruh
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a blove301 2017-01-19
The first paragraph is obvious sarcasm....right? I read it and thought: Hell yeah, I like it.
then I read the rest and was like: wait a minute...
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Nothing in the post is sarcastic.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
I've got some bad news for you...
n/a belds 2017-01-19
I love this sub because it gives me some differing viewpoints to think about. Unfortunately you have to sift through a bunch of stuff like this to get to anything thought provoking.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
I've got some bad news for you as well...
n/a belds 2017-01-19
Just out of curiosity why are you here if you dont think theres anything at all worth taking seriously? just for the laughs? I wouldn't blame you, I go to r/politics for the same thing.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Far from it. There is a far greater density of truth here than most places.
n/a belds 2017-01-19
Oh sorry. I misunderstood. What's the bad news then?
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
The shit OP said is TRUE!
n/a fuzzyblanky 2017-01-19
I accept it!
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Basically, yes.
Much of the planet. But not all of it. And there are different factions.
It's not quite as unipolar as you envision.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I agree there are factions and I would be interested to hear your opinion on their makeup.
I was simply trying to spell out the basics for those who are unaware.
There is certainly a lot to digest. It's a complicated quagmire of shifting loyalities and factionalism, but they all feed the same monster.
n/a lovelycoconuts91 2017-01-19
I don't believe these factions aren't convening and networking with one another. The globalists have designed this whole system so that power is consolidated, everybody wins. It's a big club, the worlds aristocracy, of course they all get along...they're having the time of their lives
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a Hamsterarcher 2017-01-19
We are already changing the timeline from what was already planned, Another great wave of awakening is on its way. Forums and places for us all to chat and expose corruption,banding together as brothers/sisters of the fight gets us all connected. The more minds connected the stronger the global consciousness is. The elites are scared, Their dark satanic blood over intent system doesnt work anymore.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Amen. Blood over intent? Those are some buzzwords. You listen to Quasiluminous' crazy YouTube channel?
n/a JudiciousJay 2017-01-19
The older I get, the more I believe this is true
n/a oblivioustoobvious 2017-01-19
My only gripe is "when".
It's always soon.
I wouldn't put a time on it. A global consciousness awakening is akin to Jesus' coming. It has been predicted time and time again.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Time is cyclical and the awakening is within you. When the time is right your org becomes clear.
n/a oblivioustoobvious 2017-01-19
What about the lives that were fully lived without awakening? Just their spirit not in the right time of the cycle?
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
It's a good question, fate? Does it exist?
I can honestly tell you that I don't know. What I do know is that justice is an absolute and so is balance. The universe exists the way it does because of balance.
Those poor people placed on the back burner of history played their part. Every farmhand and factory worker from Beijing to Brooklyn matters and lives on in the mind of history.
Somewhere somehow I believe their stories continue to be told.
You might say, perhaps that is wishful thinking. But, doesn't the fact that little old me would say what I'm saying, alone, give their stories meaning?
Now multiply that by millions, because there are many like me; many more every day; who see the value and dignity of human life clearly.
n/a oblivioustoobvious 2017-01-19
Great comment. I do appreciate it. If you don't mind, I have a question. It's the mother of all questions but is relevant.
What do you think is the meaning of life?
Loaded questions: Do you think that our time in this existence is to make us reach enlightenment? Do you think that we're all one and collectively we will reach a higher state or we do so as sole souls (heh)?
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Thank you!
As far as your question, it's the great mystery. But I do believe everything you said is correct one way or the other. I think the universe adapts the same way we do, on a much larger scale.
Perhaps a being(s) who created Earth or the physical universe originally intended something much different and, like a clock maker, wound up time and let it loose upon itself. Maybe someone (something) altered the "machine"; changed its "programs".
Perhaps everything is derived from an original distortion or accident, and we are truly the only creative soul; in a universe such as this we are just infants; with aeons of discovery waiting for us beyond the atmosphere.
Perhaps every single cell and every single moment in life; every single sound and song, and experience and thought all come from a cosmic library somewhere in space.
Perhaps the mind itself creates these stories.
If you keep digging into yourself you see that there is a gentle, child like appreciation for the complexity and beauty of the universe, and wa la
You've arrived. There is no more fear of anger, only bliss.
n/a JDravenW 2017-01-19
I tend to lean toward the pursuit of knowledge collectively creating the universe through the underlying human consciousness. With quantum physics, they say that a particle exists in multiple states until it is observed. What if through observation of things, both tiny and across large distances, we collectively shape our universe?
We discovered cells, which gave way to atoms, followed by quarks. After telescopes we found other planets and galaxies. I mean, what if Earth really was flat until someone decided to check, and then it became round when it was observed to be that way? Crazy I know lol On the other hand, I believe if you keep zooming in on 'empty space' you eventually get to the Planck length, which supposedly looks pixellated, so maybe we are in a simulation of our universe, who knows? As far as religion, I don't have one, but I do believe in an overarching 'cosmic energy' permeating all existence. Maybe all matter is is manifestations of that energy.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Everything you just said resonates with me and I at least believe is possible, of not outright fact. It really is a wonderful mystery.
I think our destiny is to map our this cosmic terrain and become higher beings of intense pragmatism and benevolence.
If you believe there exists cycles as I do, it's possible we're the only intelligent beings left in the universe.
All the ones we've been in contact with may be ghosts.
Maybe the universe will be ours' for the taking; and we can create a new civilization in our image; just like "god" did before us.
n/a xxxSnappyxxx 2017-01-19
Sorry to butt in, I believe this to be true. When you think about it, the only true thing that can be gained or taken away from life is knowledge. Sort of like when you play a video game... you can build things, buy things, earn money/credits and build things but once it is turned off, all that is left is the knowledge of your experience with it that improves your next experience with it.
Every existence has experiences to learn from, some greater than others, but none the less there to learn from. Whether you choose to follow the "story quests" and advance or just "mess around" and not advance, is entirely up to you, but each life has certain meanings to learn from.
Before someone says, "What about a stillborn baby, what could you learn there?", well, if you look from a mother or fathers perspective, the doctors, nurses, relatives, etc., every different perspective is affected by what in a macroscopic view can seem irrelevant or miniscule.
But, yeah, in a nutshell, I do believe the goal is to learn how to peacefully interact with other perspectives and ideals.
n/a Just-R 2017-01-19
The meaning of life is to realize your true nature: consciousness-bliss.
n/a sper_jsh 2017-01-19
To just be here and experience what's happening. What other meaning could there be?
n/a oblivioustoobvious 2017-01-19
To prepare ourselves for the next level.
Our human bodies are prisons for our spirits.
I don't actually know. That's a theory.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
n/a sper_jsh 2017-01-19
To just be here and experience what's happening. What other meaning could there be?
n/a RubberSuperior 2017-01-19
'What's the meaning of life'? Hardest question in the world ain't it heh. That's what set me off years ago, still haven't found the absolute answer, but the more ya delve, the more ya learn, no doubt about that.
After years of reading, fooling myself, learning, guessing and hoping, I've ended up with a bunch of answers that I didn't even know there was a question for if that makes sense?
I remember first starting out years back (maybe twenty), I was determined to find 'answers' to the 'mysteries' I'd convinced myself existed from the past and also to discover wtf I was even supposed to be doing on this planet.
What happened for me was, I couldn't stop 'going back in time' it was always a case of 'this is interesting but what did people think/do before that,'. So from reading about 'Mysterious Wales in the 1600s', I ended up in Ancient Sumeria learning about their mysteries and religion. Not quite sure where I'm going with this now I've been papping for ages! Think I was gonna say, start with what interests you and see where you end up, you'll be amazed at the answers you'll find!
Must admit after years of delving, I'm kinda on the right path (I think) of discovering my/a 'purpose'. Haven't a clue what to do next but I'm gonna carry on searching, even if I'm just kidding myself, I've learnt so much along the way, I can only be a better person as a result surely? Hope so anyway heh.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
I dunno. Reincarnation? Correction after death?
n/a Scroon 2017-01-19
The waves may vanish, but the ocean advances.
n/a nerfherdingcat 2017-01-19
We are in the end times, to me it's really strange that these globalist satanist are aware of it, but still worship their symbols and do the most sickening things, and even islam knows this. If they are aware of the Bible and the rapture, they obviously know it's going to happen, but they rather just say no, its worth having those few years on earth to finish our agenda, then spend eternity paying for it. I just don't get it. But we are the end times for sure. We might get another 3.5 years, or several more years, but I don't think it's much longer than that and I DO NOT WANT to be here if I'm "left behind" the world is going to be hell. Globalists getting to be public with what they do behind closed doors and inflicting it on everyone? As well as chipping people, imagine ISIS controlling every country. Islam is Satans key, it pops up during history trying for world domination, and gets crushed back down, but no, it will rise and it will be they key for all of this.
n/a Ashitcunt 2017-01-19
Idk about the geniuses bit, just networking skills is what they have, that is something most geniuses do not have, the rest is on point imo.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
They have recruited geniuses though e.g. Aristotle (who stole Plato's philosophy) and Pythagoras.
n/a Ashitcunt 2017-01-19
Y bark when you can buy a dog lol
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Now you got it :)
Everybody had a price.
Mine is to have my own colony in a different star system where I get to come up wh my own law code that would be free and independent from earth.
If they can give that to me then I'll do or say whatever needs to be done.
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
they're very good at manipulating and deceiving and keeping innformation within their own orders through blackmail and secrecy.
n/a SoulPen13 2017-01-19
http://alliesofhumanity.org/the-allies-of-humanity/ Give this a read. I think you'll like it
n/a mydoghasfleaz 2017-01-19
Clicked expecting a shitpost...got TRUTH instead! Preach it brotha!
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Lol never judge a book..
n/a shill_account_46 2017-01-19
What purpose does the cover of a book serve if not a means to judge it's contents? I've always hated that expression.
n/a RPmatrix 2017-01-19
it means that "just becoz a book a a shitty as cover, that doesn't mean it can't have some amzing kick ass stories or information inside that shitty looking cover"
after all, books are for reading the ideas inside, not gawkng at the cover wouldn't you say? You don't stay on the first page of a magazine do you either? It's what's inside that counts!
I hope that helps you get the saying amigo
n/a shill_account_46 2017-01-19
I don't know how you interpreted what I said as "I don't understand the expression" but thank you the incredibly basic explanation
n/a RPmatrix 2017-01-19
lol, it was late ;p thanks for the comment
n/a tjswooshmenzada 2017-01-19
This is fake news
n/a littleblueanarchist 2017-01-19
i agree that the world is run by death cults.
christianity is a death cult itself, one of the most cynical, right up there with buddism?
the whole premise is to put your faith in an invisible messiah who will reward you with eternal happiness...the catch being you have to die first.
the reason death cults rule the world is because they were one of the only effective means of suppressing upprisings from the underclass, because (a) they acknowledged life is suffering (which it invariably is for the slave and underclasses), (b) it offerred a jack and the beanstick bargain to those with no bargaining power--5 beans for decades of labor, to take you to heaven upon deatn, and (c) it provided an outlet for the rage and dispair people felt caused by their unjust, inequitable treatment by promising that their persecutors would get what's coming to them when they died...and of course no one could come back and expose the fraud, because, well, they were dead.
the heroic religions that the death cult religions replaced, all said, "death sucks, being dead sucks, the place you go when you die sucks, so enjoy life"--with one exception, the only way to motivate people to risk their lives in battle when they believed being alive is infintely preferable to being dead, was to create eternal blisses for soldiers--valhalla and the elysian fields for example.
peoples who never developed rigid, oppressive class systems and/or were not belicose, retained animistic shamanism, being one with the world. where everything in existence is one and all time is now.
the one exception, the only unique religion, which is simultaneously not a religion, is confuscianism. though confuscianism's stricture on knowing and accepting one's place in society, functions like a death cult, without the bribery.
as more and more people become a-religious, they become harder to manage. the "don't worry, it gets good once you're dead" doesn't sell anymore. the "accept one's place in society" doesn't have traction in a democratic worldview. dying for glory died at verdun.
the oligarch have always been the leaders of the death cults, but the reaction of the public is no longer awe and fear, it is meh and ewww and wtf.
we are on the verge of returning to the eternal now, those who feel oneness with all else is growing. i think we will not achieve your goal until we embrace oneness.
n/a Osziris 2017-01-19
What you see today as Christianity has zero basis or bible truth. According to the Bible the earth was created for humans and heavens were created for spirit beings. We were meant to live in harmony and without death until a rebellion happened giving humans the opportunity to show if we have what it takes to rule without the creator. This experiment has utterly failed as you can see all around you. The new age is coming swiftly and everything will be restored and renewed.
n/a TheWiredWorld 2017-01-19
The new age is coming!
The NEW new age is coming!
The newest age is coming!
n/a Osziris 2017-01-19
Actually that is kinda how it works lol. In the Bible it says that after this current age ends there's 1000 years of life under the kingship of Jesus, then after that there's a second permanent death of all those opposed to life under those conditions. Then after that the entirety of the will of the creator will be complete and humans will live forever in a glorified state once again like the conditions of the garden of eden.
n/a RPmatrix 2017-01-19
how so? I don't see a lot changing
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
We absolutely won't achieve anything as an individual (spiritually speaking) until we accept oneness and the brotherhood of the universe. Religions have been taken captive, this is true; but the kernel of truth within them is invulnerable, an absolute truth; that there IS something beyond our idea of existence.
That something is within us. It's always been there. When you watched the nerdy kid in school get picked on, and did nothing; when you watched the innocent homeless man beg for money and respect but sat idle; that something was tugging at your heart strings.
It's tugs harder and harder as time goes on, for the brave hearts.
n/a kybarnet 2017-01-19
I agree with both points. Good discussion :)
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Within Christianity, it's the Bible. The church has taught all kinds of horrible, twisted distortions of what it says (sex is evil, God hates fags, etc.)
But if you sit down and read the text freshly, and are willing to put in the work to interpret it properly (historical context, understanding literary genre, etc.) it is remarkably different from the caricature most people reject.
n/a RPmatrix 2017-01-19
at first glance I thought you'd written: "Religions have taken the catnip!" .. uh yeah, ok? ... reads again, "duh lol"
n/a elnegroik 2017-01-19
This resonates. I wish more understood this - I think they will in the years to come. Well said. Regarding mystery schools - I've messaged you. Peace
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
You'll understand when you really want to
n/a BozuOfTheWaterDogs 2017-01-19
Some people think being nice is being weak. So being human is weak? So spreading joy is weak?
I feel so bad for people.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
I agree with that, look at the two political parties, both sides are convinced that one another are the devils despite the fact that the very devils they both openly despise find both sides of the aisle. There was, is, and never will be a left vs. right paradigm, only the illusion of such a thing. If people saw this then they could upend and destroy the chains that bid them to servitude, instead they just go on ignoring this and pretend their lives are just a game of political football with devastating actions in there wake.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
Sorry I meant to respond to someone else. LoL.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Churchianity is the death cult. But Jesus warned us about those motherfuckers...
n/a HillaryGodhamClinton 2017-01-19
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Oh boy, there's a lot. Off the top of my head, Jesus' discussion (rooted in the book of Zechariah) of the good and bad shepherds, and the book of Jude are good places to start.
n/a Drooperdoo 2017-01-19
Confucianism is a religion?
In what sense?
(It's a philosophical system.)
Just like Buddhism originally was.
It was no more a "religion" than Greek stoic philosophy.
n/a jarxlots 2017-01-19
I think some people use a more basic definition of religion in which it simply means "a way of life." Sure, a better word for such exists, but I do think that might be what's occurring in this instance.
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
buddhism doesn't teach "it gets good when you're dead" or "life is suffering" lol it teaches it'll be a dream-like cycle of pleasure and suffering for infinity and if you want to get out of that then you might be able to do it one day by becoming more aware of your being part of the universe.
n/a BakingTheCookiesRigh 2017-01-19
n/a awareness1111 2017-01-19
These people are not geniuses.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
They use geniuses todo their bidding. And some of them were in fact geniuses; Albert Pike, Napoleon, Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, etc; history is riddled with "mighty men" who played heroes but were in fact villains.
n/a 2012ronpaul2012 2017-01-19
Friend, the truth has already come out in our lifetime yet you are right. Will we accept or reject it?
"The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth."
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I'm guessing your talking about accepting Christ as my one and only savior?
n/a cvkxhz 2017-01-19
This is sort of like the hypothesis set forth by William Bramley in his book Gods of Eden, which is, to me, the mother of all conspiracy theories.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
It's a fantastic book but I think he went to far wh some things. Some things we just don't know.
n/a godlameroso 2017-01-19
Nah those people aren't at the top, they serve their masters, and aren't much more than clerks at the front desk.
n/a 8toborrm 2017-01-19
Great thank you
n/a BurnItDoe 2017-01-19
This world isn't real.
Thank you for showing me the way Christopher and Jonathan.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Go on? Who are these men?
n/a 5arge 2017-01-19
The Nolans?
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a Delusional_Liberal 2017-01-19
This is nonsense. The world is perfect and none of this is true. If it was, my favorite celebrities and politicians would have told me so! They would never lie to, or purposely misguide me. Anyways, back to my iPhone 17, gotta upload 15 more selfies because of the narcissistic personality traits I've devolved thanks to our hedonistic, celebrity worshipping society.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I'm so confused but, yeah!
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
n/a Cthulhuman 2017-01-19
n/a TheHighestEagle 2017-01-19
Crazy some people need the /s for a comment like that.
n/a el7delasuerte 2017-01-19
Matt Damon
n/a conspiracyjunkie 2017-01-19
n/a Chi-Zi-Wang 2017-01-19
Stop being so real. It's hurting my world view.
n/a tacotimeatforrests 2017-01-19
n/a [deleted] 2017-01-19
n/a creq 2017-01-19
Head up you've been shadowbanned. Contact the admins to see if it can be reversed.
n/a Azh1aziam 2017-01-19
LOL I see you hahahaha
n/a open_ur_mind 2017-01-19
"The truth will come out in our lifetime, the question is if we will accept or reject it."
Can you cite any sources that make you say this?
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Ah the scientific mind, no. Truth is, the truth has been under your nose the whole time. We're all just too scared and selfish to look.
I using what we call in the left brain leaning community, "creative liscense"
Your understanding of truth is different than your neighbors.
I'm simply trying to express what I know to be true; that is, that the world is very very dark, but, like all stories, of we stick through it together, the light will shine again.
n/a open_ur_mind 2017-01-19
How is this any different than religion and doomsday/rapture predictions? At least theirs give a date other than "within our lifetime."
I agree with the overall premise of your claims and your intentions, but some form of this global manipulation has been ongoing for generations upon generations. This, coupled with the fact that you have to use poetry to convey meaning doesn't add to your assertion that this will all fall in the near future.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I don't have to do anything.
Poetry is all around you. Art is all around you. You might as well make like colorful your only hear for a century if your lucky.
n/a stompyandsmashy 2017-01-19
Every time I hear "human beings are infinitely more powerful than we are told" I think about Wim Hof. I mean seriously, this guy found out that ALL OF US have practically a the fucking superpower to sustain extremely low temperatures
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I was thinking psychic abilities and everlasting life but yeah, I could go for superpowers. :)
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
Check out Wim Hof. Dude's legit.
n/a astralrocker2001 2017-01-19
Wim Hof is a SuperHuman..
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
People have been doing stuff like that for thousands of years. Yogis, hermits, medicine men, shamans. He didn't discover it.
n/a SacredCock 2017-01-19
someone's a philosophy guy (;
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Oh love it.
n/a whatsreallygoingon 2017-01-19
Yep. And the greatest curse is the knowledge.
I only know one other person who really gets this; and he's probably reading this thread. The rest of the people in my world are all over the spectrum and so far from the truth.
I'm planting a huge garden and spending lots of time with my chickens. Not sure what else I can do...
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
It's a blessing and a curse. Really, a calling. There are those who are going to have more responsibility because they have greater skill in knowing, but all life is sacred.
Plant your garden, learn. Teach others and be kind. Be happy and grow. Live and die as honorably as possible. You know what your doing and why.
n/a whatsreallygoingon 2017-01-19
Thank you for your sage insight! Sometimes it's hard to remember these things in the midst of the darkness.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Ha I'm no sage, just an old warrior soul trapped in a peace loving hippie's body.
There will always be light.
n/a filthyassistant 2017-01-19
chickens are awesome
n/a Merlin_was_cool 2017-01-19
And delicious
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
I'll never understand why conspiracy guys QQ about being treated like cattle by the illuminatis and then go and treat cattle like cattle etc. But each to their own.
n/a Merlin_was_cool 2017-01-19
Oh I don't believe any of this illuminatis stuff at all. I treat cattle like cattle because it's cattle. I also shoot things. And then cook those things in ways that make them utterly delicious.
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
Fascinating. Badass too.
n/a megaman420 2017-01-19
Thank you
n/a lfvhfb 2017-01-19
"We were made in God's image" take that for what it's worth
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
Psychopaths yes, geniuses no, more like murderers of the competition.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Psychopaths are usually very intelligent, and they have a lot of money and power and the ability to buy the brightest minds to do their bidding.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
I'd say manipulative and willing to do things most others wouldn't think to do simply because the idea could seem cruel and unusual.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Tomato tomoto.
They find ways to innovate cruelty.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
Fair enough.
n/a Itsamadmadmadworld 2017-01-19
What truth are you expecting? With the internet, ideas can be spread faster than any other time in human history. The truth might come out faster if you state it, rather than cryptically hinting at it.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
It's sort of a metaphor.
The truth I'm speaking of is the knowledge of human dignity; our true history as a species, our unparalleled innovation and determination; our ability to love so purely as to envelop all other dispositions. We are creators not creations.
Basically, we have been lied to; many people realize this, albeit at varying degrees of understanding.
What I'm saying is that someday we will reach that boiling point when enough people are mad and curious about enough stuff, that we tip the balance in or favor.
Now, on a spiritual, individual level (the most important and sacred level) this has already been achieved by many of our ancestors and constituents.
On a macro-level we are the first generation in known history to have access to the power of Truth.
I'm not hinting at anything. It's all around you. Breathe in the delicate, tense air. War is coming; a war between good and evil, between the soul and the mind.
Now do you see what I mean? The truth is out. It's the ability to see, perceive, and accept truth that we are lacking.
n/a g3374r2d2 2017-01-19
If Humans can unhinge emotion from intellect we will truly make great strides.
First we will have to believe that nothing is true so that we can believe anything can be true.
Get a Headstart and stop Caring about being right or wrong and just learn from being wrong. At least take the chance of being wrong. The world has forgotten how to do that because people care too much about what people think.
If people
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Amen but do not discount the emotional, artistic, feminine side of life; we made that mistake once. Millennia later here we are still being ruled my bloodthirsty patriarchs.
n/a g3374r2d2 2017-01-19
Well actually your point is my entire point.
If we were more feminine and artistic and creative we'd be able to entertain varying degrees of thought without invoking the emotions I was referring to.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Bada bing bada boom
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
It's been. Tough couple days here.
Thank you for your post.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
You know what you have to do, never mind the commotion about Trump.
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
For the sub.
n/a WestCoastHippy 2017-01-19
Sweet! What's C_S_T? It must be some trippy esoteric... ah. Ah.
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
Feel me?
n/a WestCoastHippy 2017-01-19
I just saw Shower Thoughts and thought Gulldurnit this is the subreddit my vapid ex liked. Outta here.
Oh man I was way wrong. It's closer to what I had hoped for.
n/a freedmason 2017-01-19
How did you get that flair?
n/a JamesColesPardon 2017-01-19
An old friend.
n/a Bfedorov91 2017-01-19
I completely disagree with that last part... and I think Karl Rove does too.
“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
So what is it you disagree with?
The fact that we have a responsibility to pursue, nurture, and refine Truth?
And share it with others?
n/a Sister_Lauren 2017-01-19
He was talking about his pedophile ring. They like to throw it in our face.
He thinks he is such a great magician, well I too know how to do magic tricks. What happens to their plan when 'chaos' throws a spanner into the works? They may be an Empire, but I'm an insider and I know loose lips sink ships (of state).
n/a Sister_Lauren 2017-01-19
Some ships deserve to be sunk.
n/a BrotherSpartacus 2017-01-19
Right on. They call themselves The Synagogue of Satan and Northrop Grumman.
n/a buzzlite 2017-01-19
What's the big conspiracy with Grumman? I have always thought of them as one of the more respectable defense contractors.
n/a BrotherSpartacus 2017-01-19
They make weapons of mass destruction and they make sure they get used. The rest of the shit they do is classified.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
Great Documentary on Corporate Psychopaths and how to deal with them.
n/a swift_cat_support 2017-01-19
So true. Well put!
n/a FartOnToast 2017-01-19
Ok we're clear!
n/a smokes_degrass 2017-01-19
tl;dr the world is like a less fun version of One Piece
with less water
n/a ShadowOfReality 2017-01-19
I love this post, thank you!
For anybody looking for a little backup info, this video is the very, very tip of the biggest conspiratorial iceberg humanity has ever seen. https://www.gaia.com/video/message-humankind
I watched this and scoffed at the person who showed it to me. But then I got curious. I started watching more. Yes, theres a subscription fee. But, the first month for a Gaia subscription is 99 cents and I watched the whole series in that time.
The evidence just piles up. I was not much of a conspiracy theorist before I watched these. I knew the US orchestrated 9/11, but I didn't think the mass shootings were false flags. I knew extraterrestrials existed, but didn't think they were here. I knew the politicians were corrupt, but I didn't know they were literally satan worshipping baby eaters. I went from Berniebro to Alex Jones in less than a week.
That said, I also had a serious hunger for the spiritual mysteries, and Cosmic Disclosure actually led me to the most incredible resource I've ever read: thelawofone.info , a summary derived from The Law of One books.
These things pieced together so well, I voraciously devoured the material. I'm still working through it all. One thing is certain, it's changed my life. Take a look for yourself. With an open mind, there's no limit to the truth you can discover.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Keep reading my friend, every source you named with exception of Alex Jones has something to offer you.
I would listen to Alan Watts, Terence McKenna, Manly P. Hall, Aleister Crowley (most mysterious man of the 20th century, be careful; could be a trap but great context material), Graham Hancock, David Icke (with a grain of salt), and there's like them.
Also go back and read Zechariah Sitchin and the early sci-fi work in the 50's and 60's.
More truth than fiction in some those books.
God bless
n/a WestCoastHippy 2017-01-19
Crowley is a "know your enemy" info source. Def a soul trap.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I agree
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
Iunno alan watts is pretty cool the rest are all different degrees, and i chose that word carefully if you got my meaning, of shifty imo.
n/a ShadowOfReality 2017-01-19
That's funny you say that, prior to my introduction to the Cosmic Disclosure, I was binging every Terence McKenna lecture I could through The Psychedelic Salon podcast. I'd say he's the one that divorced me fully from scientific materialism, authorizing my ascent to non-organized-religion-based spirituality.
n/a jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb 2017-01-19
Define ancient.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a jerkITwithRIGHTYnewb 2017-01-19
And I'm out.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
What if I had just said "Sumerian"? Haha
n/a FuckingWeebsX 2017-01-19
A whole load of gibberish.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
What, you don't like gibberish?
n/a Sister_Lauren 2017-01-19
Really? I thought it was awesome.
n/a FuckingWeebsX 2017-01-19
What was the meaning of this post?
Fear mongering. Don't listen to fake news, but listen to the distinguished InfoWars!
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
My goodness! The way you heroically throw away entire thought patterns of mine with one word! The courage! The inspiration! My my!
Please, tell me more!!!
Tell me how powerless we are.
n/a FuckingWeebsX 2017-01-19
Your whole way of writing is looney.
I did not say you are powerless. I said your magic mumbo jumbo is meaningless.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
To each their own, if you don't believe in anything supernatural and are unwilling to consider it, that's your choice.
n/a astralrocker2001 2017-01-19
Langely boys working overtime..
n/a LurkPro3000 2017-01-19
Yep. We're clear. The "truth vibrations", as Icke has predicted, appear to be coming to fruition as we speak. Hate to sound artsy-fartsy, but I feel it.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Me too. Godspeed
n/a manly_ 2017-01-19
Well, you have to realize that human brains are made to pay attention to 2 things in particular:
You'll have a hard time to ignore those 2 signals, in whatever for, they come in. Your brain will pay attention to it. The television and telemarketing people are very aware of this and purposefully using it to their advantage. There's a good reason some publicity on the radio will start with car horns so that your brain will pay attention to their publicity. Likewise, the television folks like to remind us of imminent dangers to keep us glued to their channel, to get more profit.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Absolutely but the goal of course is to transcend those prisons of the body.
n/a mindless_gibberish 2017-01-19
"Every man and every woman is a star."
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Beatififul quote. Who was it who said this? I can't remember.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Beatififul quote. Who was it who said this? I can't remember.
n/a mindless_gibberish 2017-01-19
Aleister Crowley. Book of the Law, I think. I never got through the whole thing, but that part grabbed me.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Of course.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Beatififul quote. Who was it who said this? I can't remember.
n/a thesarl 2017-01-19
Loud and clear!
n/a astralrocker2001 2017-01-19
Best posting of all time. Thank you for saying this..
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Well thank you very much and I am glad to stand on the side of truth.
n/a astralrocker2001 2017-01-19
keep up the good work. we all need it..
n/a the_Jess 2017-01-19
A few tips for defending yourself from spiritual/psychological attacks:
n/a HalfwayIllumined 2017-01-19
Stay in the light my kin.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
What's the point of this, OP? Your philosophy is the one carved in stone because you say so? "Just so we're clear". Lmao you got some control issues.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
The point is to express myslef and help others. Read through the comments, see if don't test my fellow man as brothers in arms.
Anyone can step up and be a leader. You just have to have balls.
If your not a conspiracy person why are you here? Everyone knows the elite are and have been around awhile. Get with the program.
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
You needed to post a whole thread for your "call to arms"?
You must be thirsting for attention.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Why the fuck do you use the internet for?
What the fuck is Reddit for?
If your not gonna contribute to the war effort you can sit back and pick berries with the females (I mean traditional females, don't fuck with the woke women of Reddit).
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
War effort? Oh you mean sitting in your underwear raging at text on a screen while hitting your keyboard really really hard?
"War effort". Please.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
It's one part of a larger group of tasks yes, but I'm fully dressed.
If you think your not part of a war than please, would you kindly leave my thread.
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
Leave your thread? Oh you mean this echo chamber you want for yourself to play imaginary general? Lol
n/a The_13th_King 2017-01-19
Can you teach me how to troll? You're hilarious. Well done.
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
Baseless accusation. You can do better than that, general.
n/a The_13th_King 2017-01-19
Its as simple as baseless accusation! Ill give it a try. Thanks dad, you're the strongest.
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
Go with the winds of the future, my son.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I am just a soldier on the front lines; more than you can say, apparently.
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
Yeah on the front line of the buffet table lmao
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I won't stoop to you level.
How much is the toll across the bridge though?
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
I dont let goats pass.
n/a OlDubya 2017-01-19
Positive minds.. the last time humanity was this close to figuring EVERYTHING out, the negatives in the back of your mind held us back and the civilization of Atlantis felt the consequences almost immediately.
n/a astralrocker2001 2017-01-19
It is round. Very similar to a "Snow Globe". It is a holographic sphere that only projects what is being observed. A simulation within a simulation. The "Dark Mirror" episode "White Christmas" shows it quite clearly..
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Wow synchronicity.
I DONT watch tv of any kind but I just binge watched that show cause of the subliminal programming.
n/a no1113 2017-01-19
Mother. Fucking. Relevant.
I was going to PM you this information based on your "Edit", but it's relevant overall to this very OP, so I just posted it here on the open forum for all to see and read.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Bookmarked, no1113, thanks!
n/a no1113 2017-01-19
Seriously heavy stuff in there. Try to read everything. Gets pretty deep. Cheers,
n/a rainbowdragon22 2017-01-19
We are all faeries about to return Earth to its original design as a succulent playground, all this siliness has only transpired for a brief time and the end is near and further ridiculousness will henceforward never be allowed, party time is almost here, nothing I too good to be true!
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I wanna hear more haha
n/a kanyelovekanye 2017-01-19
YES! Thank you.
n/a KingWolfei 2017-01-19
Nothing to see here move along earthlings.
n/a PinealEel 2017-01-19
I have a question
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
By all means I'm open to answering questions to my full ability
n/a nerfherdingcat 2017-01-19
Yeah I've been having a difficult time lately feeling like everything is artificial, and finally knowing what "living in a simulation" ACTUALLY is. I've always read into different theories since I was 11..and I don't know, it finally just crushed me this past week. It's making it really difficult and hard to wonder why they say -people could rise against the government - but WHY DONT WE? WHY DO WE LET PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP A SATAN CULT THAT PUT SYMBOLS UP AND RITUALS AND BUILD SHIT IN SHAPE FOR IT, LIKE WHY DO WE LET THEM DO THIS? WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE THEIR WAY? WHY DO THEY LIVE ON A DIFFERENT REALM, CREATE A FAKE REALITY FOR US, THEN JUST DO THE WEIRDEST FUCKING SHIT THAT THEY LITERALLY PUT EVERYWHERE? WHY DO WE PUT UP WITH IT? WHY DON'T WE SEPARATE OURSELVES FROM THEM? WHAT IF THERE WAS A COUPE AND WE NO LONGER LIVED UNDER PEOPLE WHO WORSHIP SATANIC BEINGS AND DO THE MOST FUCKED UP SHIT. D.C. SCARES ME THE WAY EVERYTHING IS SET UP AND WHY THEY SET IT UP THAT WAY, DENVER AIRPORT MAKES ME REALIZE ITS ALL ARTIFICIAL. I'm sorry I'm just really trying the past week to find a way to compose all these thoughts.
n/a Redchevron 2017-01-19
You forgot non-human entities, that's who they do all of this crazy shit for. Fucking Demons.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Start with the basics lol
n/a 2-DRY-4-2-LONG 2017-01-19
what basics? You mean that the rate of satanic pedophiles in the globalists/elites are stunning compared to the rest of humanity? You think that is a coincidence?
n/a 911bodysnatchers322 2017-01-19
n/a Project_Blue_Beam 2017-01-19
The Order of the Quest, The Brotherhood, Illuminati, whatever you want to call these people...have engineered out ENTIRE reality. It really is mind boggling when you scratch your neurons together. Is it really just a group of people in a secret society(ies) controling the world for the past however many thousands of years?
One day did 5000 years ago some friends come together and say, "Hey you know we have a lot of knowledge about the world, our bloodlines can take it over eventually and hoard all the information about the universe and our reality, what do you guys say?"
Have we actually been controlled by reptilians from the lower 4th dimension? (Seriously, why do so many people discredit this? You don't even know what a fucking black hole is, how do you know there aren't being in other dimensions controlling us? I totally get people shitting on this theory, but fuck it really is annoying that people don't try to give ANY thought towards more "crazy" theories...they are engineered this way though!)
Are the Greys controlling us? Other aliens? Is it Anunnaki from Nibiru who genetically created Humans to be their slave race such as Zacheria Sitchen claims? Or are we just in a simulation, and the elites figured this out? Are we vastly powerful spiritual beings expiring a life in the third dimension, have always been and always will be? Or do we just zonk out into blackness and the non-existent when we die? Why would the elites give a fuck to do all of this? So they can live their measly 90 years on Earth kind of ruling it from behind the veil? So their kids can rule it? Honestly, it makes me think there is more to life, after death, and all that because of everything they are doing. Do they really value their offspring that much to try to make them the rulers of the world? I mean 100 years ago the elites didn't totally rule the planet, and today they don't. They don't have their one world government, one religion yet. So why do it, for their kids some day, or their kids kids? Or do they know something, do they know they'll be around after this life?
Are the royal bloodlines ruling us made up of the same DNA that we are, they just figured out how to rule the planet long ago and have been working on it ever since? When was that, Roman times?
What kind of knowledge are they hoarding? Do these satanic rituals really work? Is it simply just tradition, or is there real purpose? If there is real purpose, that means there is some kind of force the general public does not know about. Is it spiritual, magic, who the fuck knows but it sure isn't in our realm of knowledge if there really is something about it.
What is their end goal...everyone says its to kill off 99% of the worlds population right? Is that after they use us to build their infrastructure, or what? We know they are soft-killing us, AIDS, cancer, vaccines, wars, H1N1, etc..idk. Too many thoughts for this evening!
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I think most of this is correct, some of it may be scare tactics by the Cabal but I think all of it is in the realm of possibility.
n/a builder1117 2017-01-19
Oh look more bullshit trying to make us look crazy.
Mods why the fuck aren't you deleting this? Lol
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Maybe because in a free, open forum censoring is looked down upon and avoided whenever possible, rightfully so.
n/a 2-DRY-4-2-LONG 2017-01-19
"some people just want to see the world burn" is so true
n/a IronedSandwich 2017-01-19
And they're trying to blame Hillary Clinton.
n/a MoonCheeseSociety 2017-01-19
and the wave builds
n/a brettyrocks 2017-01-19
Converse, not conversate.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I know but conversate sounds cooler
n/a DickLikeAWorm 2017-01-19
i have a very unpopular theory on all this i'd love to share. but i haven't made all the links i want to make just yet to make it make as much sense as possible. once i get it all sorted out i'll probably make a post.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I'm always all ears
n/a unruly_mattress 2017-01-19
Could you elaborate on "history is a lie"? How would one go about figuring out the true past?
n/a istalkezreddit 2017-01-19
Use ur imagination and compare things you are unsure about with things we know are factual.
n/a unruly_mattress 2017-01-19
Yes but what do you know is factual if history is a lie?
n/a istalkezreddit 2017-01-19
You compare what we know to be true. What did the tempels that the roman christians destroyed in europe look like? Where do we find temples like this elsewhere in the world?
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Well history is written by the victors. Let's just say there were no good guys in WWI or WWII. Our current world civilization is derived from that false war.
That's just what has happened in the last generation though. The elite have been influencing wars and political uprisings since Ancient Egypt.
The Exodus The Sea People's The Trojan War The faking of Jesus The Barbarian Immigrations The Crusades The New world massacres (destroyed entire civilizations in a matter of years and wiped out all memory)
Tenochtilan was the largest city in the world in 1500. 19 years before Hernan Cortes massacred the populace.
The entire history of the Aztecs and Maya were compromised. They had relics of a past civilization now erased from the memory of history.
History is written by the victors.
If the neocons in America get there way with the Middle East what do you think they'll say?? That it's their fault.
The British empire created those fake boundary lines in Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Jordan, and Israel so that if WOULD cause conflict.
History is a lie. It's also my favorite subject if you can't tell
n/a unruly_mattress 2017-01-19
I don't know, I know all kinds of stuff about the disappearance of the American cultures. I know this because I've read about half of 1491, a book by an American. There are Muslim scholars studying Jesus. Historians, in general, study events, and generally they are very far removed from the situation, certainly if more than 100 years have passed since, and they're often neither the victor nor the loser, who may both be long dead, and the end result is that history may not, in fact, be written by the victor in most cases.
History is written by Historians.
They will, but historians will not necessarily take their word for it. Certainly not after everyone involved is dead.
There certainly were bad guys in WW2. Holy shit, they were literally Hitler.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Reading half a book doesn't make us an expert. I also don't really understand your argument. Your correct that historians are usually far removed from the periods they write about, but that doesn't have anything to do with the actual control of knowledge.
If tomorrow Trump and all the other word leaders decided Christianity isn't okay anymore and is punishable by death, hen bibles would burned, entire groups of people would cease to exist, and the memory of Jesus would be irreversibly forgotten over the course of a few decades; when a new generation grows up without hearing about him.
Do you see?
Entire religions and philosophies have disappeared from the face of this planet because of the winners of wars and conflicts. All we have left is whispers.
n/a unruly_mattress 2017-01-19
I wasn't saying I'm an expert on ancient American civilizations, I was saying that a book about them exists. Written by someone who is neither victor nor loser, analyzing history in an impartial way.
The victor usually doesn't destroy all information about the loser. Virtually every war we know about had a losing side, and if someone who is uninvolved knows anything about the war, they know about the losing side, and if they're not actively controlled by the victor I don't see why their perception of the losing side wouldn't be impartial.
As happened many a time before. We know about these conflicts, both sides of them, one was the victor but we see both sides as primitive tribal cultures, because history was written by modern historians.
I doubt that very much.
The prominent culture would be prominent. And that would be part of history, when it's written a hundred years later, by impartial historians.
n/a pmichel 2017-01-19
This is spiritual warfare. This is the plot of every book you have ever read, every movie you have ever seen. Good vs Evil. These people are not only evil but calling on evil forces and have been since the beginning of time. The sad thing is this... God has become a dirty word. God (good) has become something to be mocked. What chance do we have against this evil without our own spritual forces to fight against them??
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
You are a spiritual force. Pursue justice and dignity for all life forms! The spirit of god is IN YOU! It's in all of us.
n/a Sexy___ 2017-01-19
Welp, better change my plans for today, then
n/a FallenRanger 2017-01-19
I know right. Keep up the good fight.
n/a Loose-ends 2017-01-19
Yup, just one huge all-encompassing conspiracy and one infinitely deep rabbit hole with nothing but primordial slime at the bottom of it.
n/a Spac3istheplac3 2017-01-19
Read the secret teachings of all ages by manly p. hall. You would benefit.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Literally most interesting thing I've ever experienced.
n/a Spac3istheplac3 2017-01-19
By a country mile.
n/a Horus_Krishna_5 2017-01-19
let's be clear
n/a sonicb00m42 2017-01-19
I 100000% agree, brother. Anything else we may be fighting is just an offshoot of the root problem. Which OP has right. Sucks that I've gotta downplaying the severity of the problem when I attempt to explain anything about anything government with my friends and family. I'm sure you all must feel the same :(
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Oh yeah I have to sugarcoat everything it fucking sucks. But it's part of the deal. Be strong. Be the rock.
n/a istalkezreddit 2017-01-19
Ancient its not, but since rome founded the Vatican eradicated our pagan (hindu) heritage and started its recent history project. Basicly eveything is based on Lies and this is an on going project. These are total psycho people we are dealing with and they will fail eventually because they are in the dark obsessed with power and control. The light and truth is more appealing to the human side of us which will eventually overcome the madness...
This is a cyclic thing. Corruption of power, Corruption is purged and light enters to lead with heart and knowledge....
Justice is not blind! Rome made it blind.
n/a getter1 2017-01-19
In what ways are humans powerful
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Well their only animals who can appreciate the beauty of a symphony or design a skyscraper, or enter space.
What about the love between family members, between father and son? That's. it powerful?
Some human beings are masters of the mind, they can make you do something you wouldn't normally do.
There are medicine men in South America who have lived for well over a century and can keep up athletically with young folk.
One man can rule a nation.
One man can start a war.
One man could save the world.
n/a Citizen-B 2017-01-19
n/a LightBringerFlex 2017-01-19
Nice post. All these things will be reversed by us and some help from the good apples in gov.
n/a Ashitcunt 2017-01-19
Y bark when you can buy a dog lol
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Now you got it :)
Everybody had a price.
Mine is to have my own colony in a different star system where I get to come up wh my own law code that would be free and independent from earth.
If they can give that to me then I'll do or say whatever needs to be done.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Ah the scientific mind, no. Truth is, the truth has been under your nose the whole time. We're all just too scared and selfish to look.
I using what we call in the left brain leaning community, "creative liscense"
Your understanding of truth is different than your neighbors.
I'm simply trying to express what I know to be true; that is, that the world is very very dark, but, like all stories, of we stick through it together, the light will shine again.
n/a AWokenBeetle 2017-01-19
Fair enough.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
I fully understand your position, and your not wrong.
I personally believe we are in the Dwapara Yuga or the "Grey Age". Basically it's the time when there is still some good in people, before we inevitably reach a point of absolute degradation in society.
That being said, we may be entering the Kali Yuga very soon, which would really not be a fun experience, as all morals and goodness erode from man for an age.
But you have to take the long view.
Everything will be okay, and the sun will rise again. I personally love human life and all of its wonders and I was born very, very poor and into a strict religious household.
The door is open for the brave hearts to shine
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
n/a StrongDad1978 2017-01-19
Go with the winds of the future, my son.
n/a HillaryGodhamClinton 2017-01-19
n/a dom-91 2017-01-19
Yeah it's pretty good. Wouldn't use it as the only source though.
n/a Merlin_was_cool 2017-01-19
Oh I don't believe any of this illuminatis stuff at all. I treat cattle like cattle because it's cattle. I also shoot things. And then cook those things in ways that make them utterly delicious.
n/a Ihopeitsround 2017-01-19
Oh yeah I have to sugarcoat everything it fucking sucks. But it's part of the deal. Be strong. Be the rock.