Trump getting rid of pay-for-play? His new cabinet appointee DeVos' family donated "around" $200 million to the GOP party. It's time to stop this bullshit! Trump and Clinton are both shit. Fuck anyone else who says differently, trying to divide us.

394  2017-01-20 by russian321

Edit: to all the people saying I'm contradicting myself, you're reading my title wrong.

What I mean is, fuck those people who try to divide us by claiming that we have to be either a Trump supporter or a Clinton shill. This divisiveness is extremely toxic, especially to us as conspiracy theorists who are supposed to question every move the government makes. NOT say "give the government a chance to do things right!" This isn't going to happen guys. All of you fucking know this.


DeVo's got the appointment because her brother is Blackwater. If you watch CNN, he may need that extra protection tomorrow.

I thought Blackwater was essentially rebranded to something like 'Xercese' or some shit? Still, same M.O., different badge.

Last I heard they were "Academia". No joke.

Yup, first Xe then Academia.

Also why would they provide Trump protection if they were in bed with Bush and he helped them grow. That's like asking your enemies bodyguard to keep you safe.

They see an opportunity to profit so they are taking it. Billionaires don't think like the rest of us. They didn't sign any exclusivity contracts with Bush, and now they have an opportunity to integrate themselves with the highest level of office at a personal level.

Good point.

Personally, that's putting too much trust into some guy who migh/might not kill him.


And papa Bush is OLD, dying, weak. In a criminal Cabal, failing health equals to failing influence and loyalty etc.

Your point is excellent and made me think.

This whole process seems like some sort of major regime change among the globalists. We now see a trend in favor of Russian business relations; quite the opposite of what the old camp wanted.
Perhaps we are changing our long game to be united with Russia against China. Exactly how is not hard to imagine, especially with more and more Chinese citizens wanting to own automobiles. Russia would be in a very favorable position to monopolize this opportunity of supplying China's ever increasing energy needs, so of course the United States would have motive to strong arm the Russians into cutting a deal in order to not miss out on a buck being made. Waging proxy wars throughout the Middle East on the other side of Russian interests and manipulating global oil prices to hinder the Russian economy are two very strong cards play at the negotiating table.

It is hard to imagine we are not attempting some big oil and gas deals with Russia with the appointment of Tillerson to the cabinet.

I don't enjoy imagining Russia as some "enemy". If the current Republicans want to mend relations with Russia, then I wish them luck. If their intentions are less than genuine, something Trump is known for and excels at, then I really hope we don't face World War III in the fallout.

Erik Prince and his mercenaries mainly work out the middle east where it’s a lot easier to murder people without Government scrutiny.

However, Erik Prince himself, is currently working with the Chinese Government, a simple Google search will confirm this as fact.

Erik Prince and his mercenaries mainly work out the middle east where it’s a lot easier to murder people without Government scrutiny.

However, Erik Prince himself, is currently working with the Chinese Government, a simple Google search will confirm this as fact.

Yep all the sudden Eric fucking Prince is protecting our democracy

and an enormous 200million bribe, even hillary clinton would've thought twice about accepting something so blatantly and openly corrupt.

How is it corrupt can you pull up some fscts on the validity on the corruption.

"Fuck anyone who says otherwise" "They're trying to divide us"

Pick one.

I'm just saying people equate Clinton being evil to trump being our Savior. This kind of mentality is toxic, especially to this community of conspiracy theorists who need to scrutinize any authority figure that makes decisions affecting our lives.

We're all going to have differing opinions. We need to accept that people might feel differently about an idea, and not immediately start belittling them in the title of a post.

There are also grown adults who believe in faeries, no all thoughts are equal because "it's their opinion man don't judge them!!!".

Yeah but I don't dedicate a post to them telling them to fuck themselves. I ignore them and don't get worked up over it, something I suggest a lot more of you do.

How about this: Clinton and trump are both evil.

Hey how do some people get a cross next to the amount of upvotes? I'm on sync for Reddit if that makes any difference.

Most underrated comment.

Not really, the OP directly lambasted both political parties and Trump for falling in line with their policies. You are factually wrong, he is right.

"Fuck anyone who says otherwise" - people coming together to fuck

"They're trying to divide us" - people not coming together to fuck

Pick one

You can have both. The 5 percent will educate you. The 10 percent divide you. Instead of being divided we must unite against the dividers.

So you mean we divide the dividers?

Then solve for why?

I forgot how to math

It'll take a little while before most Trump people see the light.

Whoa because some asshats on a forum said so? Yeah you guys are doing so much better then the entire government and media during the election Face it he won and thats because this shit isnt working anymore. Bottom line is you guys dont know how this government works. I voted for chaos and thats what im getting.

But trump hasnt done anything bad or illegal so yelling gs! Or wahh 200 million dollar donations! Wah! Isn't working. Its not strong enough

Let's see what comes out in the next wikileaks.

I have a feeling hillary just wont get a break MAGA

I have a feeling wikileaks will drop Trump and Russian docs, blowing any calls of bias or sockpuppetry out of the water.

Lol so wikileaks, j. A who says they have nevwr worked with russians will leak info on donald trump working for russians. When msm claims russia influenced the election through wikileaks and the dnc leaks.

Thats monkey retarded. Not even human retarded. Any calls of bias is wrong tho? They have a 100% accuracy. Wild calls of bias hurts very little. Okay... They havent released one thing about trump and soo much about hillary and tjat trajectory is just gonna change? You're dumb

That's quite a big contradiction in that last sentence. a call to stop dividing society, yet basically saying a big fuck you to a large proportion of the country in the same sentence.

Thats like Hillary campaigning. Insult half the country

Trump also insulted a large portion of the population but you don't see that somehow. God bless.

When they are in a circle-jerk they tend to only stare longingly at their partner's/their own dick.

When they are in a circle-jerk they tend to only stare longingly at their partner's/their own dick.

If he gets assassinated today just because he said something fucking retarded in this it wouldn't even surprise me.


don't hold your breath.

I guess that answers his concerj of why we dont see that. Because it doesnt exist. God bless.

I would only feel obligated to cite something if I knew that you hadn't paid attention to the election, which I'm sure isn't the case. Sourcing harsh rhetoric and xenophobia doesn't make a difference in influencing the ability of the apologists to see that he ostracized entire groups of Americans. It's as simple as the fact that you don't belong to said groups so there's no reason for you to care or even acknowledge the problem. For a lot of you (not all and maybe not you, although asking for a source for something obvious doesn't help set you apart from the rest of the brigade), compassion and the understanding that minorities have been forced to the left because the right doesn't shy away from dehumanizing everyone outside of straight white people are nonexistent.

I've caught myself being hopeful about a Trump presidency multiple times. I want to be, but then I remember Mike Pence. Out of all the people that he could've chosen to be VP, why a notoriously evil homophobe? I'm from Indiana and he was extremely unpopular as Governor. Can't tell you how many "Fire Mike Pence" signs I've seen in yards across the state.

I will wait patiently, but if/when the first anti-gay laws start to pop up, I'll be able to say that this is exactly what the plan was all along and it was barely a secret.

I didn't vote. HRC is a corrupt, evil neocon and there's no way that reality TV star and trust fund baby Donald Trump should be our president. This election sucked and your blind support sucks even more because you're only feeding the system.

inb4: liberal scum, special snowflake

No, it's not. You have an obvious and clear bias, that's the real issue here.

Says the user called piss_president.

Haha nice username

Some people think reeeeing the loudest will unite people apparently.

YOU are trying to divide us, give Trump a chance FFS.

Trump has already had multiple chances.

He said he would Drain The Swamp.

He said he would Unite America.

He said he would Protect The Environment.

He said he would not Touch Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid.

He said he would be . . . insert your meme here.

And he has renounced all those positions.

God's sake man, he is planning to AUCTION OFF NPR!

Who voted for that? Who expected THAT?

Speak up.

Its almost like hes been running for 4 years and failed at all of this. Oh wait that was obama. Give the fucking guy a chance jesus.

Good point. We will find out on Monday.

After he takes the weekend off. He will start, on Monday, with a record of 100% vacation time. Something he repeatedly hammered Obama for.

And he plans to spend weekends at his Tower of Sauron in NYC. Yes, yes, precious. He will be a very, very good man for all the people.

Very, very good, precious.

Well we see your mind is already made up there. Instead of what he might do how about you look at what he has done going in?

How about the ban on lobbying for years after his cabinet stop working for him?

How about donating his profits from foreign countries to his hotels, to the us treasury?

How about all those companies backing him to invest in the US instead of mexico? (carrier ford toyota ect.)

Pretty good policies if you ask me.

How many of those things have actually happened?

And what the hell conspiracy does this involve anyway?

This is a nonpartisan sub and no politics matter here.

Bullshit doesn't matter here either.

Good one. Nice argument. Solid point.

He hasn't even been sworn in yet, holy shit. Maybe there is so much hate for Hillary because she's been in politics for fucking almost 40 years. Trolling isn't allowed here.

How about the ban on lobbying for years after his cabinet stop working for him?

Er, after you’ve worked for the Pres. of the US you don’t go back to being a lobbyist. You work two days a year sitting on the board of a global conglomerate that is stealing up the worlds resources.

How about donating his profits from foreign countries to his hotels, to the us treasury?

Well as Trump will be giving up his business interest before this is not really his decision is it.

How about all those companies backing him to invest in the US instead of mexico?

Save this comment, and in four years come back here and eat it when non of these things have happened.

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It's totally possible to run a billion dollar company and not claim a profit. Amazon does this. All one has to do is initiate large-scale, expensive projects that put the ledger into the red. Of course, the tactic is that each dollar in the red will have a positive ROI.

It's entirely possible that Trump will donate his profits to the US treasury, on the other hand, it's entirely possible that Trump won't claim any profits in the next four years.

This really isn't a stretch of the imagination, either.

He was given a chance, stop with this useless meme.

Did you forget to switch accounts?

I noticed this, too. Speaking out both sides of their mouth. Wtf.

Redditor for 5 hours.

Hello there, not a redditor for 5 hours here.

Trump blew his chance when he claimed he was going to fight corruption in politics and then appointed a bunch of fucking execs to his cabinet.

Who should he have appointed? Failures of industry?

What has happened to this sub!

Why are there so many people here supporting the establishment?

Going to bat for fucking Corporate America? One of the most vile and corrupt group of organisations on the planet.

I have read several comments on here literally asking me to not judge Trump for picking fucking ex-Goldman Sachs Assholes for his Cabinet? Really? we know Goldman Sachs is corrupt! We’ve all seen the vile shit they do to people and economies across the globe.

IMO, it’s a sad day for r/conspiracy when more users here support the Establishment than challenge it. It’s even sadder that some here don’t even think we should be asking questions saying “give him a chance”.

Because it's been flooded with the Donald.

There was a post here yesteday about how after Pizzagate was closed, alot of people came from thedonald.

Why are there so many people here supporting the establishment?

Asking who Donald Trump should have appointed instead is "supporting the establishment?" You know better; You've just become accustomed to your lies and hustles going unchecked. Well, those days are over.

We're just hopeful. That doesn't mean we're deluded. He's an unknown. He's made a couple of worrying appointments, but otherwise I'm happy so far. I'm a nationalist. I want to see America made great again. I want the foreign sapping of our economy to come to an end. I want the perpetual war machine to cease. He's our best shot.

You're right, it is much better to appointment friends and donors.

He's one of the most successful businessmen of our age. It makes sense a lot of his friends would also be successful businessmen.

Who donated to him.

One appointee donated to the Republican Party, not directly to his campaign. The same is true of any candidate. This is nothing compared to virtually every other president. Relax. Give him time to determine his sincerity. His feet should be held to the fire, but we shouldn't go nuts at every possibility of misstep when nothing has even come of it, good or bad, at this point.

Lol you know he has been president elect not president? He cant fail if he hasnt started yet moron

Dude he's just transitioning (not like Jenner), he's not really president yet until he is sworn in.


sounds like a great plan

Until Breitbart buys it.

Who is Jarl Mohn?

Jarl Mohn

The CEO of NPR.

He renounced uniting america and protecting america haha wow you're nuts

God's sake man, he is planning to AUCTION OFF NPR!

This is a standard issue useful idiot right here. He sees NPR and the words "national" and "public" makes him think it's some kind of peoples' radio staffed with good guys on his side serving and defending the public interest.

Because he doesn't actually know anything about NPR, or media mogul Jarl Mohn whose interests NPR serves on the public dime. Wake up folks and ignore these highly-vocal dupes.

See, that isn't how this works. There has been NO government worth giving the benefit of the doubt to. They should trust us to live free and die happy with all of our rights intact. WE should not trust our government no matter who is the face of it.

What you are basically saying is, don't worry, just stay in line and you'll be fine.

Well fucking said, this is the attitude I expect to find here, one that questions all authority.

The amount of fawning "give him a chance" bs I have seen here lately makes me sick.

this is the attitude I expect to find here, one that questions all authority.

You folks are really bad at this. People notice when you encapsulate such obvious contradictions in a single sentence. No gives a shot what you expect to find here. Take your expectwtions, sarge, and stick them up your ass.

The attitude I expect to find is, "this ends the revolution and x9 begins the reign of terror." Different strokes for different folks. Some of us voted for chaos. Some us voted to put you down. Happy Friday!

this person wants protesters killed. They're NOT a real person.they are the opposition, and apparently into sacrifice. They might even like pizza.

Ad hom and totally unfounded. A genuine inversion of reality. True that enemies of this nation must be crushed, and their lackeys deserve no better fortune, but you have mischaracterized my position and motivations entirely.

That said, given that you have clearly been so thoroughly warped and subverted I would not be saddened to see you heaped highest upon the pyre. Happy 2017.

There you go again, advocating execution, on nothing more than a few words.

And you call ME warped and subverted. You really ARE one of them aren't you?


Not just gs they are individuals wanna name the individuals and your problems with their qualifications? Yelling gs isnt going to convince the world geniuse

"Give Hillary a chance"

Do you think this would be upvoted here?

Trump is the biggest anti establishment candidate ever. Are we really gonna turn this knto a hillary vs trump... We do this time and time again and trump wins. Just like the election. Hillary had her chances.

Trump is the biggest anti establishment candidate ever.

Have you had a look at his cabinet?

Is that all? That not enough. Also doesnt change the fact he was an anti establishment candidate. The media would of blasted anyone he picked. Unless you can discredit every individual, provide reasons why trump picked them for his cabinet and the direct line to corruption these peiple have. If you cant do it in a way thats different then msm then its not going to work bud.

I saw his picks and saw how the establishment wasn't happy. Thats all i need to hear

Is that all?

What do you mean? Those are literally the people on top of the government.

Do you think they are anti-establishment?

Career politicians, CEO of an oil company, bankers, lobbyists.

How the fuck are those people anti-establishment? They are the very embodiment of the establishment.

So you arent able to do what i asked this small time stuff isnt convincing anyone. Maybe those people are qualified? Yeah its anti establishment. Is george soros pissed? Then im happy so far. Who was he supposed to pick? Carl sagan?

You think i would feel better if the media was fine with his choices. You're just a victim of propaganda its okay

Sure they might be qualified. That's not what we are debating here.

But do you think they are pro- or anti-Establishment?

They wanna work for the biggest anti establishment candidate ever so yeah i believe their anti establishment. Ceos arent apart of the establishment, neither are bankers and trumps said he would do something about the massive lobbying in Washington.

So yes anti establishment. If the establishment continues to throw fits then im happy. Once you see everyone liie cnn, msnbc, wp, all hapoy, thats when i get worried

I'll remind you in a couple of weeks.

Please do. Now shush sweet child trump is being inaugurated.

The reddit crowd would really prefer Bill Nye or Beakman, tbh. People who they really trust but are still alive. Did I mention Noam Chomsky? Maybe Amy Goodman for the self-described "intelligentsia?"

Bill nye? Hahaha we are dealing with the country foreign entities that wanna fuck us when it comes to energy deals, foreign relations, etc. This is the real world you need real people to navigate it. Ruthless caculating people who wull fight for this countrym not let mexico, and china rip us off.

The world is business, law making, law navigating shark infested waters. We dont know what we can find in those waters. Some of it will be kept secret for good reason but we need big dogs next to trump and that entails never truly understanding whats going on up there

You do realize you are in /r/conspiracy and not /r/thedonald, right?

Considering Clinton's pick for Department of Education was 'some African American', I'd say the position is a throw away, to placate other Republican donors. Trump still needs them so they'll fall in line when he strong arms the drug companies to stop price gouging and manufacturing companies to stop outsourcing

We also need to separate "Trump the person" from the Office of the President of the United States of America and what that entails. Once appointed, it doesn't matter who he is or what his values are.

Kissinger and others are making the cabinet appointments, and Trump is supposed to read the script that lauds their incredible talents and experience.

Let's just give trump 60 days. There is no way to know without at least 60 days. It's way too early too call him an Illuminati member.

You actually drank the kool aid. Good for you.

Bad for a nation.

Sorry, Hillary has been in politics for 35 years? Trump has for 0 days?

Look, mate, Hilary is gone, she lost, right?

So why did you just bring her up? What does she have to do with any of this discussion?

I have a feeling 2 years for now, these people will still be using what about hillary.

Except in 60 days he and Congress can pass a lot of laws to fuck over the people. How about we all stay vigilant, no matter what side of the aisle we are on.

Ya, vigilant has to be 24/7 no matter who has that much power. If they pass wierd laws that make America even worst, then we have to fire them and abolish those laws. Yes, there are ways to do it. We aren't bound to any laws anymore. We are bound to our own internal right vs wrong systems.

The cabal is out in the open and their laws stink.

But the bread and circuses keep the kiddies playing...

I'm a Trump supporter that is not loving his cabinet picks in the least. That being said I think everyone would benefit from a small wait and see approach.

It may very be a disaster but Trump may go down as the GOAT.

Here is what I believed from jump street and still believe. Trump is a narcissist and ego maniac. Those characteristics lead me to believe he will want approval and popularity more than anything. I can see Trump really focusing on race relations because everyone is calling him racist etc. Egomaniacs want to prove people wrong. I have to believe his ego will not allow him to be anything other than great

I'm a Trump supporter that is not loving his cabinet picks in the least.

Then why support him? “I hate what he does but he my boy”

That being said I think everyone would benefit from a small wait and see approach.

Nope, fuck that, wait and see what other vile shit comes out if his saggy orange skin mask, no thanks!

Trump is not only a bad President-Elect, he’s a incredibly vile repugnant human being who would literally sell his wife if it got him a good deal.

It may very be a disaster but Trump may go down as the GOAT.

Sry, didn’t realise ur comment was a joke post!

I support him because he still hasnt taken office so I believe he has earned the right to be allowed to perform.

Nope, fuck that, wait and see what other vile shit comes out if his saggy orange skin mask, no thanks!

I see the media has done a number with your mindset. You appear to be one of the type where the truth doesnt matter. The only thing that matters is anti trump sentiment

But narcissists, literally, lack the capacity for empathy. So how could a narcissist be compelled to improve the lives of others? Out of the goodness of his heart?

I understand your point, but you've admitted that Trump is an egotistical, narcissist. And you support him? Have you ever met a narcissist in real life? They will make your life a living hell.

Im a narcissist and I do make some peoples life hard I do also enrich many more people. I take great pride in doing things better than before

Isn't it true that a narcissist won't admit they are narcissistic?

Holy fucking Shit, what kind of drugs are in the kool-aid this cycle? We have DNC wackjobs falling over themselves to deny Shillary completely fucked up with her private email server. We have RNC nutters falling over themselves to ignore the 5, count them FIVE, Goldman-Sachs executives in Trump's cabinet after he spent months trashing Shillary for her ties to G-S and then went on to claim he was "different". Whatever drugs you diehard supporters are on with your "Just wait and see..." mentality, I want some of it because I could make a fucking fortune selling it, as strong as it appears to be.

"Give him 60 days"? WTF? He has had 60 days from election and in that time he's pushed for a cabinet filled to the brim with the highest dollar amount donators to the RNC and his own know, like EVERY OTHER POLITICIAN IN THE HISTORY OF EVER. So different...such a change from the "normal". Bullshit.

In 60 days, when Trump has done the same bullshit every other politician does in their first 60 days, you'll say "Give him 6 months, I promise, things will be different!" It's like fucking domestic abuse hotline material. "He can change...I swear it...I just tripped and fell into a doorjam...and hired five Goldman Sachs executives on my way down."

I can't believe I'm reading pro-government stuff on this sub. It is mind blowing/numbing.

Oh, relax. He had no donors besides small donations from the people. He kicked a koch brother out of his club. Just because people have money doesnt make them evil. Is this conspiracy or communist party usa? Have you watched any of the cabinet hearings? Maybe these people really do love this country and actually have knowledge to fix things. To work around or bring to light things. He refused to go to the world summit, ffs. This is where the worlds elites get together to discuss how to control us. He wanted nothing to do with it.

Hey, question all you want, this is conspiracy room. But worked for goldman sachs isnt automatically a bad thing. Concerning, but hes just getting the best people he can for the positions. Hes had a ton of interviews for every position. Who you feel better if it was a grocery bagger from publix?

Oh, relax. He had no donors besides small donations from the people.

The entire premise of this thread is the 200 million bribe Betsy Davos used to secure her seat. You are lying.

The 200 million was to the RNC, which Trump was constantly at odds with. She bribed the establishment to basically "recomend" her. She did not give money to Trump.

Does the RNC pick the cabinet members? Or does trump? Doesn't matter if he appeared to be at odds with them or not. Based on trumps actions it seems him and the rnc are on exactly the same page


Have you watched any of the cabinet hearings?

What're they gonna do go on tv and tell people how hard they're gonna get fucked in the ass?

fuck off and eat shit, shill.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

Concerning, but hes just getting the best people he can for the positions.


Its a double edged sword. One one hand I totally agree with your point. On the other you want to pick the best team you can and work with people that have been successful at what they do. Unfortunately the hard part is finding someone who knows their shit but actually has integrity and moral fiber. Cant say I have that faith in Trumps cab picks but I'm hoping for the best.

Pick some who are multi millionaires and pick some who are young, smart and working their way up the ladder. Not just filthy rich bankers.

I feel as though the only way they are multi millionaires is that they know their respective industries inside and out. They are also harder for companies to buy because money a we know it means nothing to them. I don't support Trump or his cabinet, but I want to believe they at least have our nation's best interests at heart.

They didn't get to where they were by having our best interests at heart. They got where they were because they screwed over the right guys and cut corners, thats what you do if you want to make alot of money you know where to cut corners. Like for instance someone mentioned how our new Sec. of Agriculture when he ran in Georgia took away regulations so it made pollution and animal cruelty harder to deal with. That right there gets people ahead. Less regulations to hold them back. It leaves them to their own vices and usually that doesnt go so well. We wind up with things like The Jungle by Upton Sinclair.

Money means nothing to them? You might be broken.

I voted for the man. The guy preached about the evil big banks and lobbyist and has 5 people from Sachs. with him. His brainwashed followers eat it up and ignore it because he says "We like successful people don't we folks? We like winner's. Am I right? Some of the people I hired are the best in the business."

Idk if he said those exact words but he pretty much said the same shit. I like that he's still talking about term limits for Congress though.

Oh you're right because Devos not knowing the difference in growth and proficiency will fix things. Let's just get those guns in schools to protect our children from the mighty grizzly bears. Wake up man.

Don't forget his Sec. of Agriculture has ties to Monsanto

Sonny Perdue is the former Governor of Georgia. He supports factory farms, pesticides and genetically engineered crops. In 2009, he signed a bill into law that blocked local communities in Georgia from regulating factory farms to address animal cruelty, pollution or any other hazard. He took money from Monsanto and other pesticide companies for his gubernatorial campaigns. The Biotechnology Innovation Organization, a front group for the GMO industry, named Perdue their 2009 Governor of the Year.

It was never about issues, and always about the party and personality.

People wanted Clinton to win because they wanted the "First Madame President", as well as because "she's not Trump."

People wanted Trump to win because they wanted to "make America great again" without specifics, "drain the swamp", and because "he's not Hillary".

After 4 years, and after Trump has disappointed all his supporters just like Obama, the Trump supporters would still chant "4 more years" and their excuse for the lacklustre 4 years would be "at least Hillary wasn't elected".

You know what's funny...all my friends who voted for Trump...STILL post about "HE'S DRAINING THE SWAMP!!!!"

The F? Do you EVEN know what that means? HE'S FILLING UP THE SWAMP EVEN MORE like wtf...Granted...most of them are baby boomers...but still...I REALLY don't understand how we got to where we are. I didn't vote Trumpe, I didn't vote Hillary either but...damn...

how old are you, honest question? I'm asking because depending on how old you are, you are witnessing first hand what every generation goes through in America, unfortunately: the succumbing to propaganda.


They probably don't know what that really means.

Technically, filling a swamp with rocks and gravel WILL drain it.

"Trying to divide us" lol, if you haven't noticed we're already divided.

I liked how he belittled Sheldon Adelson publically by joking he "only" gave the GOP $125 million. This is a jew who is used to having his ring kissed by fawning republican congressman and senators.

It's so you you can criticize neither.

This is over how many years? You're making it seem as if Trump received a bulk of it or most came this election cycle, but aren't providing sources.

I'm hopeful with Trump. You're the only one trying to divide here, OP. And you can go fuck yourself. I don't appreciate the preemptive insult.

I'm hopeful with Trump.

You're a fool. Who deserves what they get.

He won. We have no choice but to be hopeful. He's given enough reason to be hopeful, despite a couple of questionable appointments. I actually like most of his appointees, though some do make me very uncomfortable. Should I instead be hopeless and whiny like so many Hillary supporters despite the fact my guy won?

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

What are you talking about? OP told anyone who supports Trump to fuck themselves... Remove the OP, don't threaten people for responding in like. Your bias is showing, my friend.

Hear hear!

Sorry, not buying it. I care about unifying everyone against the establishment and I think that's possible under Trump.

The only reason people think an angry 70 year old billionaire is anti-establishment is because he regularly tweets that he is.

Also because everyone in the establishment spent the entire election trying to take him down...

Ok I'll OP, I'll bite. I'll admit that I'm not a fan of the DeVos pick either, being from Michigan, I know a bit about them and they have shown themselves to be very greedy and highly religious (I suspect that might be why they are there, to please the religious right in school and away from science, not good). I'm curious as to who you'd pick instead of Trump, CTR (cough) has come here hoping to pull an /r/redacted2.0 on the folks here and so far haven't been able to pull it off.

Keep in mind, I don't trust the Democratic Party (maybe Tulsi Gabbard or Bernie who has gone back to independent) and consider the party fraudulent in every way. The subverted the will of their voters and cheated a good man out of the presidency so they sock puppet could be installed instead. It seems to me the only reason Trump is being attacked is because he has decided to skip the middleman and go right to the corporations showing great transparency on who is pulling what strings and thus who we should boycott, but I digress.

The only party I would consider voting for at all now would be the Green Party and Jill Stein, what of yourself?

Honestly, I couldn't see myself voting for any of the candidates. I initially liked Jill Stein and the Green party, but there were a few issues with her that I got a little turned off. I'd say she and Bernie Sanders were the two people I'd most likely support.

I think this election season was a good wake up call for Americans to not just rely on the Presidential elections to make a difference, and what we need to do more at the local levels and begin from there with the primaries. I also think it was a good time for people to begin organizing for things they felt that needed to be changed.

I agree, so what should be done? Perhaps find a small grassroots party to look to and begin to cultivate for the 2020 elections or go to Greens and convince them to run on a platform that the majority would like to see?

I like the idea of going trying to get the Green party to choose a bomb ass candidate that could easily contend with Trump and the other Democratic candidate in 2020

Me too.

Click bait headline that has nothing to do with the post...

Don't you people understand how the game works? He has to have some people who the republican party want in order to keep them happy to get things done. He can't just go in all bullish and turn them down at every turn, this will be a slow process, draining the swamp will take years.

So you're like somehow magically reading Trump's mind? Wow, I'm so impressed

Why would trump give a shit about who donated to the republican party that fought against him? The only reason plausible is because his advisors told him to pick a donator to get and keep the party on side so he can get things done.

Im starting to think Trump is only gonna last a couple months

That is not a conspiracy. Or a conspiracy theory. And donating money to a party is NOT at all the same as pay to play from foreign countries.

Misleading title.

Glad to see someone gets it. Good post.

BS - as soon as Trump is in power, he'll reveal the truth behind 9/11. Full access to Area 51 documentation. And that's just the beginning. MAGA!

HR 6393 might have more than just the Area 51 files... we might get to go see the pieces of the ship...

Ҥ 4781. Cyber Center for Education and Innovation Home of the National Cryptologic Museum

“(a) Establishment.— (1) The Secretary of Defense may establish at a publicly accessible location at Fort George G. Meade the ‘Cyber Center for Education and Innovation Home of the National Cryptologic Museum’ (in this section referred to as the ‘Center’).

“(2) The Center may be used for the identification, curation, storage, and public viewing of materials relating to the activities of the National Security Agency, any predecessor or successor organizations of such Agency, and the history of cryptology.

Finally, it sounds like SOMEONE has seen the light. To paraphrase George Carlin "It a two party system and YOU aint invited". Bush was horrible for individual rights, but Obama doubled down on all of Bush's rights grab. Democrats and Republicans are BOTH One World Government / One World Economy proponents, and the American Tax Payer is footing the bill for their "IDEALS" while getting legally and economically screwed by their elected officials. Until there is a legitimate 3rd party (or dare we hope for 4), there isn't a chance of change.

Well fucking said, this is the attitude I expect to find here, one that questions all authority.

The amount of fawning "give him a chance" bs I have seen here lately makes me sick.

I'm hopeful with Trump.

You're a fool. Who deserves what they get.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

I support him because he still hasnt taken office so I believe he has earned the right to be allowed to perform.

Nope, fuck that, wait and see what other vile shit comes out if his saggy orange skin mask, no thanks!

I see the media has done a number with your mindset. You appear to be one of the type where the truth doesnt matter. The only thing that matters is anti trump sentiment