It's interesting that this sub is being extremely divided with so many posts calling out either the left or the right. Smells like a conspiracy to divide us!

69  2017-01-20 by russian321


We are and have been divided. Reddit only proves that. If what im saying is a lie then why haven't "we the people " stood up to tyranny yet?

He's talking about left vs. right shit on reddit. Not the enslavement of humanity on earth (even though that's a very real, very important issue). Standing up to something that controls most of the world isn't that easy, sir, but i assure you people are taking steps against this tyranny (sorry, very doubtful trump is our savior. We the people are our own saviors).

It only takes 3% of a population to overthrow the government on average.

Conspiracy theorists just go full circle.

This sub consists of a niche group of faithful followers. The 1000 + other users here are elastic band users who are trying to create a narrative. The fact that you believe it so may prove that it's working effectively.

That's literally the biggest tool they have in my opinion. The tool to group and label people based on only two sides of a story. They offer one choice or the other and give the perception everyone is choosing sides, instead of offering the unbiased information. They know if they did people would all come to the same conclusion collectively, and that's what they fear.

Take this quote from this infowars article today as just one example.

"Far-left agitators have vowed to stage violent unrest in an effort to communicate the message that Trump’s presidency is illegitimate."

That "far-left/far-right" hypnotic trigger code word is their trick.

Yeah I feel like Jones is dropping the ball these days....didn't he used to always talk about the false right/left paradigm?


Oh for sure, Jones is most definitely controlled opposition fraud. I believe he is tasked with head damage control. I doubt he was ever carrying the ball to begin with.

That sounds like exactly something a Russian hacker would say!!

But yeah... Division is bad, and everywhere.

Humans are and will always be divided. Tis' but our nature.

I hardly believe you know what our nature is.

Why do you say that?

Beware false dichotomies and planned dialectics.

Absolutely. Why would a community of free thinking individuals argue and drive divide amongst one another. We wouldn't. They know their tactics haven't worked in this sub but they are trying their hardest to derail who we are. We must not give in. Spread love and peace. Be the change you want to see in life. “Before revolution can start in the streets, it first has to happen in the mind”.


The only thing that matters is TRUTH, and you're either seeking it or you're not. Truth has no political affiliation.


big if true

Yet so many people here have their nose so far up Trumps ass, you'd think they were a centaur.

This sub is supposed to be devided. Go somewhere else to find hands for your circe...

I only ever really see division in shitty threads like this TBH.

I've been saying that for a few weeks now.

their attempts should be irrelevant if you are truly non-partisan. otherwise wouldn't you just fit under the dnc or republican shill categories?

Boys, I don't care whose dick you tug. I just want to laugh as the cabal falls apart.

It's the master ploy to make Trump uncriticizable as when you criticize him you will be labeled as a Pro-Clinton Marxist and to make Hillary uncriticizable as when you criticize Hillary you will be criticized as a Pro-Trump Nazi. That way neither puppet will be criticizable and the dictatorship can go into fruititon much easier.

He's talking about left vs. right shit on reddit. Not the enslavement of humanity on earth (even though that's a very real, very important issue). Standing up to something that controls most of the world isn't that easy, sir, but i assure you people are taking steps against this tyranny (sorry, very doubtful trump is our savior. We the people are our own saviors).