I would like to share how Holographic technology is farther advanced than you might think and, can alter your reality. This is Japan years ago, Tupac singing with Snoop on stage and, in honor of Princess Leia, a 360 mobile phone Starwars world created just for you.

40  2017-01-20 by [deleted]



Awesome, great post.

There were a few theories floating around that this technology may have been used to give the impression that Julian Assange is alive and well in the Ecuadorian embassy.


If it seems like a conspiracy, it probably is. Our gut instincts tell us something is going on.

Now when groups of people start saying hey, my instincts are telling me something is going on. See what we're seeing here!? .... you know what I mean! It's lunacy to think that anyone would try to tell us our feelings are wrong.

Seeing is believing and I believe we're seeing some shills spreading misinformation/disinformation to further divide us all. Sure we can have naysayers and fact checkers, but a quick glimpse on YouTube about debunked Assange recent news.... well, magic 8 ball instincts telling us outlook not so good.

And if Julian Assange is just a CIA cartoon... why don't they make him say that Russians gave him the leaks? Why make a fake Assange that won't do what you say?

Anyone pushing that JA is a cartoon is obviously trying to establish reasonable doubt for upcoming child sex tapes starring rich and powerful people.

"See! Russians can put kiddy porn starring me on my computer! I'm innocent! It was them damned russian hackers and japanese holograms! Not me! I swear!"

Why make a fake Assange that won't do what you say?

Because we're witnessing a stage play. Assange has been controlled opposition all along, whether he's CGI or not. He's supposed to counter the Russia narrative; it's what he's scripted to do.

So Assange was always on their side... so they killed him... and replaced him by a cartoon? Seems easier to just leave the real one there so they didn't have to expose the existence of futuristic livestreaming CGI technologies to a bunch of internet weirdos.

Oh no... first Assange and Putin and now... me?!?! I'm controlled opposition too! How deep does this conspiracy go!?! If you see a video of me fucking a baby remember that it is just my CIA CGI doppelganger!

I didn't say they killed him. I just said he's controlled opposition.

That's why he's not willing to admit 9/11 was an inside job. He's pushing the official narrative.

Oh okay... I can buy that... I can't buy that he is a CGI cartoon though... that is just fuckin' silly.

I dunno. Haven't checked.

Then why do you use it as an example of how he is a limited hangout?

I don't think he is completely cgi but the interview with morph cuts definately seems fake.

Just look at his hair

Then compare to Before and After that video.

Yeah there was a shitty edit or two going on... but you are trying to convince me that they have broken through the backside of uncanny valley with technology... but gave the cartoon the wrong haircut out of sheer ineptitude?

It's a lot harder to make convincing hair so they just gave him a short cut that doesn't move at all throughout the entire video.

Why not a hat? When I see Huma getting fucked by a doberman thats when all these seeds you guys are planting is supposed to bloom.

If Assange is fake then we have no reason to believe anything is real ever again... You guys are just silly that push this... cause if you were really this far off the deep end you'd be all up on the hollow Earth shit.

How many times you seen him with a hat?

Seriously though, I don't think he's not real, that video just looks really fake to me. No idea why they would fake it, my guess is they captured or killed him and are using whatever they can to string along anyone that is interested.

Nah... if you take any re-encoded copy or a re-encoded copy of a copy of an edited digital video and scrutinize it you will probably see similar things going on... editing artifacts... but no one is trying to claim that Whoopi Goldberg is a CIA CGI cartoon...

Assange is alive and everyone knows it... maybe he's under a NDA or not in the embassy... but he's alive.

Nobody knows he's alive. Haven't heard from him since internet supposedly cut. No tweets, pictures, anything at all except a couple pre recorded videos that look highly suspect. Fuck that, he's gone.

No... cause he did the livestream... and I asked a question and he answered it... so he wasn't prerendered... and no amount of CGI magic can accurately replicate the disgust of a grown man forced to look at a twitch chat.

He said people that say he are dead are just part of a Black OPs Campaign to discredit Wikileaks to hinder donations and leaks... it's mind games... and you are either on the bad guys side... or fooled by the bad guys. It ain't too late for redemption... he's alive. Everyone knows it.

have to expose the existence of futuristic livestreaming CGI technologies to a bunch of internet weirdos.

That technology has been public knowledge for a while. But it's a limited hangout. The MIC is way beyond that level by now. Montauk Project technology cubed is where they're at.

Yes yes... and they choose to use this technology on Assange... who 95% of the population pays little to no attention to... what other personalities have also been replaced by cartoons? I can't tell because they look so convincing... even can be rendered in real time... Is Obama still real or was he also replaced by a cartoon to pardon Manning?

a fake JA can make easy targets for those not towing the line, JA is not WL

I don't even know what you are saying... but he hasn't been replaced by a cartoon that won't cooperate.

thats okay ninja you are loved

I do not partake in upvotes or downvotes... that's what leads you to the darkside...

Because their not stupid.

Their what is not stupid?

FYI, 360 degree video looks confusing if it's not in the proper viewing mode. I clicked on the Star Wars video and only saw a screen wrap of the video.

Move your phone up and down, left right

That's the joke. I wasn't viewing it on my phone and it just looked convoluted.

Lol. I got you. A bit distracted! Lots of things going on with US military action right now.

Holy shit. The 360 thing. That's crazy. I remember VR in the late 80s was only something at high end malls, cost $20 for 5 minutes and made you nauseous as fuck. I was just in a shark tank on YouTube.... Fuckballs.

I remember the polygonal 3d back then too, what a time to be alive right?

Makes us wonder how far advanced their technology is, with unlimited unchecked money behind closed doors.

Heh. I make holograms for a living. The tech we use is actually pretty straight forward and it's something that's older than you know.

Actually the tech we used for the Tupac thing was over a hundred years old! True! It's called Pepper's Ghost and it's a simple light trick. Honest, this is really easy stuff.

The insidious stuff are the tech used in Hollywood movies. We can make anyone say or do anything and make it look...Well, real. We can computer generate any shadow or light or camera anomaly that you think are the "tells" for something to look real.

The things computers do now scare me as much as they make me excited.

I'd say by the end of 2017 everyone will understand that video cannot be trusted.

Yep, they used this technique in old plays that had ghosts. Ages ago, before electricity.

That's why I think it's rediculous to talk about holograms as some kind of alien magic. It's the same idea just using tvs or projectors.

If anyone is doing things like faking Julian Assange, it's not a hologram. It's just straight up CGI like in star wars or mad max.

Exascale computing refers to computing systems capable of at least one exaFLOPS, or a billion billion calculations per second. Such capacity represents a thousandfold increase over the first petascale computer that came into operation in 2008.[1] (One exaflops is a thousand petaflops or a quintillion, 1018, floating point operations per second.) At a supercomputing conference in 2009, Computerworld projected exascale implementation by 2018.[2]

Exascale computing would be considered as a significant achievement in computer engineering, for it is believed to be the order of processing power of the human brain at neural level (functional might be lower). It is, for instance, the target power of the Human Brain Project.


This is when the real shitshow will start. We're massively outgunned when it comes to sheer computing power. Your i7 is a joke comparatively.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exascale_computing

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Cameras that cryptographically sign and checksum each recording. That should help with confirming provenance.

Interesting. The fact is this entire Simulated Universe is Holographic. Physical Matter does not exist..

Like the matrix in sacks of goo being harvested by AI?!?


Welcome to the matrix. We have been waiting for people like you. Seek knowledge that you love and let it flow through you. Share your sight with everyone as you can.

Wow. What a fantastic message. Thank you..

Follow your heart and soul. Others are waking up all around us at this time, just like you. Search from December 15th 2016 and on, here at r/conspiracy.... look for the "anyone else feel" or "anyone experiencing". You'll know what you're looking for once it hits you. Follow what feels right and go with it

well if its all a holograph what happens when we die do we wake up somewhere else ?

You got to the Fake Heaven. It is an Astral Holding Area. You stay there for a few years and then they force you to Reincarnate.

huh =/

This interview gives me a bad feeling , just about hologram technology in general. Around the 29 min mark I feel like it's pretty obvious it is a simulation.

Something is just off with those side and back cameras!

In the back of my head Ive been thinking the same thing. The tech to fake something like his interview is available. Its a horrifying realization. Can we believe ANYTHING anymore?

Especially don't believe it when those russian hackers put japanese holograms of rich folks fucking kids on the internet.

This is a few years old, from Japan.

That's not a hologram. It's a projection on a piece of glass.

I was there for the Tupac holographic performance and it was so realistic looking that I thought I was witnessing history seeing Tupac alive

That 9/11 CGI documentary was very interesting. Not sure what to believe anymore

Don't forget this bizarre posthumous performance by "Michael Jackson" at the 2014 Billboard Awards.


Personally, I think the real illusion here is that they used an actor.

who used an actor?

your push to discredit Assange and Wikileaks is embarrassingly transparent, who do you work for?

Rule 10. Removed & Warning.

Rule 10. Removed & Warning.

dodging the question? Surprised that Assange didn't call out your little echo-chamber specifically in his last interview, what you're doing is absolutely obvious.

Thankfully there's still places online where your kind haven't infiltrated truth seeking forums so people can actually discuss reality without being silenced by you types.

I saw a holographic Michael Jackson in the Cirque De Soleil show

Being in the third dimension stuck in the river of time in my opinion is our souls last chance. We obviously messed up and rebelled from the oneness causing separation. Based on your humanly life the good deeds weighed against the bad will be the deciding factor if you will ascend into a higher plane after death or be eliminated entirely.

Conspiracy loving Snoop Dog?

The guy was involved in a conspiracy to corrupt hip hop and rap music. Rap music went from a political voice, to a voice that promoted criminality and materialistic lifestyle to young people.