Hillary Clinton is in fact an Illuminati High Priestess.. i think...

29  2017-01-20 by Butt_mugger5000

Okay, so this is all old info that I have had and there has to be other people that have also wondered about this so I am just going to word vomit this info out and see if you guys have any interesting ideas...

EVIDENCE OF CLINTON’S ODD RELIGIOUS ACTIVITY 1. Bohemian Grove Rituals Although he is not a member of the group, Bill Clinton attends Bohemian Grove ritual in 1991, the year before elected President. The Bohemian Club is a men’s only club in Northern California that began in the 1800’s consisting of the world’s most influential leaders. Members are sworn to secrecy and take part in several rituals involving human sacrifice. Uninvited guests are not permitted on the property and the first footage ever taken of the ritual was filmed by Alex Jones.

a. http://americansagainstnwo.tripod.com/id14.html

  1. Contacting the Dead In Hillary’s book “It takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us” she describes séance sessions held in the White House with Jean Houston where she contacted the deceased Eleanor Roosevelt and Mahatma Gandhi. Now I understand that this is impossible to prove, but what is noteworthy is the action itself. A personal advisor to Hillary once suggested that she reach out to Jesus Christ, however, Hillary stated that she is not interested in establishing that relationship. Bill Clinton has expanded on these rituals and has claimed that asking Eleanor Roosevelt for advice on being the first lady was a frequent habit of Hillary’s.

a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MRav-34ufcE

b. http://www.cnn.com/US/9606/22/hillary.book/

  1. Admiration of Alinsky and Lucifer Hillary Clinton was a known admirer of the infamous community organizer who wrote ‘Rules for Radicals’, Saul Alinsky. In the book, Alinksy crafts a strategy for implementing Marxist ideologies into society and delivers a full assault on the capitalist system with a dedication to Lucifer. While in college Clinton met with Alinsky several times and they maintained contact by regularly writing each other. Hillary’s admiration for Alinsky further developed into her Thesis Statement, taking Alinsky’s ideas of community organization and applying them to America.

a. http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/breaking-newly-discovered-letters-hillary-clinton-saul-alinsky-marxist-community-organizer/

b. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rules_for_Radicals

  1. Wiccan Church A former hitman and accomplice for the Clintons, Larry Nichols, has come forward and disclosed information indicating Hillary’s involvement with the Satanic Church while First Lady. Nichols has stated that Hillary would travel to Los Angeles to attend a church for witches. In here current campaign, Hillary still is known to be missing for days at a time without a press conference.

a. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS7uSmG-R34&feature=youtu.be

  1. Spirit Cooking Hillary’s campaign manager has leaked e-mails discussing “Spirit Cooking” and invites members of the campaign to join them. The e-mail originates with Marina Abramovic, who showcases her work involving menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm on YouTube. In correspondence on a separate e-mail Hillary cements her relationship with Marina by mentioning her by name. Marina’s work further devolves into cannibalism as part of one of her Satanic Rituals

a. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/15893

b. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsJLNGVJ7E&feature=youtu.be

  1. Moloch Acknowledgement In an e-mail with Cheryl Mills, Hillary acknowledges sacrificing a chicken to the Demon God Moloch after a successful endeavor. This is significant due to the irregularity and unusual occurrence of the Demon God Moloch. The majority of the American population would not recognize this word and has have never had a reason to use it in any conversation.

a. https://fellowshipofminds.files.wordpress.com/2016/08/hillary-wikileaks1.jpg

  1. Decoration of the White House While First Lady at the White House, Hillary Clinton was known by White House staff to decorate with occultic ornaments during the holidays. These items included fertility gods, condom ornaments, ornaments using drug paraphernalia, and sexual idols.

a. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/812710/posts?page=3

These are just some of the major known coincidences that all lead to this conclusion and all of this is the modern implementation of the Free Masons Fraternity. All of these ignore the known trips on Epstein’s Lollita Express, which can be a full e-mail on its own as well. You should definitely look into all of these and tell me what you think…


CERN HYDRON COLLIDER RITUAL CERN is partially situated is called “Saint-Genus-Poilly.” The name Pouilly comes from the Latin “Appolliacum” and it is believed that in Roman times a temple existed in honor of Apollo, and the people who lived there believed that it is a gateway to the underworld. It is interesting to note that CERN is built on the same spot.

Religious leaders – always suspicious of the aims of the scientific world – drew a connection to a verse straight out of Revelations (9:1-2, 11), which makes reference to the name ‘Apollyon.’

The verse states: “To him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit… And they had a kind over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.”

This ritual was conducted directly next to the statue of the Hindu god Shiva that stands at the entrance to CERN. In Hindu lore, Shiva is the “god of destruction”, and this spot was obviously purposely chosen.

-Interesting at time of tension with Russia and the threat of WW3 that a sacrificial ritual would happen at the European Center for Nuclear Research just last August 2016 on the eve of our upcoming election of the warhawk – wiccan, Hillary

The media has come out and said it was a joke, but with how the media has been lying about everything for the last year and a half who knows….

EDIT: I forgot the link for the CERN Ritual... Here it is...



She has done nothing since election. Nothing. All of her passion to help fight for the "oppressed" and she is being chauffeured in her scooby van to fancy restaurants to dine with the likes of Ted Danson.

That is an interesting update. I wonder why she would want to do that...

She's not announced running for mayor. At first read, that's what I got too. All the article says is that people "Dream" of her running for mayor. Everything besides the first two sentences is simply repeating historical data about her apperances after the election.

Yeah, I doubt she will run for that. Especially if Bill de Blasio is running again.

She is most definitely involved in the occult. It's very hard, but in coming to terms with the fact that the ruling aristocracy believes in decadence and deviance, indulging in guilty pleasures, and that these give you strength and power. We need to understand what we're dealing with here, these are psychopaths who are intelligent and crafty people, this is a legitimate ideological battle. They truly believe this is the way to live life.

It is so weird though. Shouldn't it be more obvious to the world and shouldn't America be asking about this occult that she is involved with? Like how could we have almost elected someone with all of this information present and obvious without asking any questions?

And this doesn't even mention the whole pizza gate side of everything, but it makes you wonder...

The American People are severely brainwashed and don't believe these things are capable even though it's right in front of them.

Wiccan and Satanist aren't synonymous.

I did not know this... I am sorry, I do not know much about any of this. I was just throwing out items that I thought were interesting. What is the difference? Is Wiccan judeo-christian based?

Wiccans believe in multiple gods and are primarily a nature worship theology. Satanists can be lumped into two camps.. 1) atheists patterned after Anton leveys church of Satans, or 2) those who worship Saran the opposite of God.

This is a super simplistic explanation, but gives you a basic idea I hope...

Hmmm okay. Do these beliefs have any more specific names? Which one references "Moloch"?

I would guess the moloch worship would fall into the Satan entity worship. It could also fall under voodoo if I recall correctly. Weird cult worship isn't really stuff I've spent a lot of time looking into. I know Wicca views itself as a kindly religion however, sort of like Hinduism.

Seeing as how Wicca has a "Should it harm none, do what thy Will" clause (read: don't be a butt), Moloch would have no place in the pantheon.

However, Eclectic Wiccans choose their avatars for the Goddess and God. Moloch could be chosen as such, but it wouldn't really work given the nature of God and His fragile state. I mean, the guy only lives for, like, eight months a year. And isn't evil. Probably.

Do you have any suggested reading I could do on the subject? You seem to know quite a bit. I will PM you.

Seeing as how Wicca has a "Should it harm none, do what thy Will" clause (read: don't be a butt), Moloch would have no place in the pantheon.

A perfect example of Gerald Gardner plagiarizing Aleister Crowley and his mantra of 'Do what thou wilt', though I must admit I prefer Gardner's version, with the added stipulation of 'Do no harm' or rather 'An it harm none' as he puts it.

Fair points.

As a former Wiccan, I can say that Wicca is a new age religion founded in I think the 40s or 50s. It has a lot of Celtic influence (obviously) and is very romantic in the literal sense.

It's deities are typically the Goddess and God, and the moon and sun serve as their respective avatars.

It's primarily nature based, spell-whipping, worship of the universe.

Satanism is a bit more complicated, but not necessarily evil in and of itself.

Others would have better explanations, as I'm at work and I hate typing with my thumbs.

All aside, I enjoyed the post, OP.

Thanks! The way everything played out was pretty surreal.

Maybe you should do some research before accusing tens of thousands of people?

Tens of thousands of people?

I thought I only accused Hillary Clinton. If someone else was named then I apologize.


Don't hold it against him. He was more than willing to ask for information and was corrected without any attitude.

The majority of Wiccans today, those following the teachings of Gerald Gardner, are teachings and rituals based on if not outright plagiarized from the Thelemic order of the A∴A∴, which Crowley in turn had largely "borrowed" or plagiarized from the Golden Dawn, which in turn has its roots in a highly esoteric form of Rosicrucianism (among other currents), Rosicrucianism having its roots in a form of pseudo-"Christian" mysticism (though equally if not moreso hermeticism, alchemy and qabalah).

So yes, in a sense, I suppose you can say much of Wicca today as we know it can (ironically) trace its roots to a form of 'Judeo-Christian' belief, though in the loosest sense of the word.

As you mention, longtime Clinton associate Larry Nichols has confirmed it. That Romanian hacker Guccifer also wrote it in a letter to the media when he was released from US jail. Even FBI Anon on 4Chan said it. There are so many sources. How I wish this information would appear in the msm.

This is what I would rather see than instead of that pizzagate shit. I just think there is so much more to go on with this stuff!

If Pizzagate is legit, it warrants the same amount of attention this does, as well as the CF money laundering and Pay 2 Play as Secretary of State. Unfortunately, pizzagate is being used to discredit any and all revelations from the podesta emails. Many here believe it is a false flag.

I would agree but I think investigating pizza fate whether it's true or not leads you on a path to find what's going on through association.

All ties will lead back to something/someone and proving pizza gate will only make it easier to find.

Keep in mind that doesn't mean only focus on pizza gate.

Even FBI Anon on 4Chan

It's conclusive then.

LOL not much of a source I have to admit. But everything that guy said weirdly seems to be checking out. Those posts he did are like the Oracle of Delphi.

Fuck Hillary Clinton.

Stop saying illuminati it doesn't exist anymore..

can you provide a replacement name?

Yes, the Jesuits. The ones who used the Bavarian illuminati to hide behind.

Which couldn't be further from reality. The Jesuits are pawns today (at best), and the Bavarian Illuminati was notoriously anti-Catholic and anti-Jesuit. The founder of the Bavarian Order, Adam Weishaupt, had attended a Jesuit university in his earlier years, however became disillusioned with the Jesuits, Catholics and religion as a whole, reflected by the distinctly anti-clerical and anti-religious agenda, writings and history of the Bavarian Illuminati itself.

While the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati no longer exists today, there are other various orders today which use the name Illuminati, among others who have 'Illuminati' degrees or grades within them, some of which using the name spuriously. To say they simply 'do not exist' is not technically accurate.

Great info.

All of this "spirituality" of the elite is nothing more than glorification of negativity and beliefs based in negativity.

The elite of this world are far older than most anyone realizes and their history extends back millennia, before the commonly "accepted" start of civilization. The current members of the elite themselves are not thousands of years old, but the elite as a group has existed since that time, always recruiting new members and replacements throughout the millennia to continue their mission for complete control, domination, and oppression of the entire globe, which is all based around negativity.

Negativity is what the elite constantly propagate through their global system of control that runs through literally every aspect of human life here on earth, and they thrive and feed off of negativity. They are more deeply attached to negativity then anyone else on the planet and they will do literally everything they can, within the confines of their narrative of reality and the rules of their system of control, to continue the negativity.

That means that while they do have advanced technology given to them by certain negative et's (there are very few groups of negative et's), they can only use it covertly because their narrative of reality has convinced people that such technology is impossible and if they used it overtly then the narrative would be broken and the system would collapse because the narrative is the heart of the system, it is the thing that allows the system to exist.

This narrative is completely centered and based around discounting, disproving, debunking, hiding, and fictionalizing the existence of a certain "mythical" place that is the place the elite and this current system of control stem from.

That place is Atlantis.

Atlantis is simply the most important topic anyone could be discussing, especially on this subreddit since this sub is the most concentrated, populated, and organized place of people who are actively questioning parts of the elite's narrative and parts of their system of control.

Atlantis is the key to defeating the elite and destroying their system of control because the elite rose to power in Atlantis and formed the foundations of the current system there, and Atlantis's existence is what will destroy their narrative, and thus their system, because their narrative is completely based around the non-existence of Atlantis.

I have made a thread going into detail about Atlantis and its connection/importance to defeating the elite and their global control system here, and in this comment, and in this comment that continues the first comment. This comment goes into Atlantis, the elite, secret societies, and spiritual initiates, all things that are important to understand Atlantis, and how there is a lie that the elite are somehow "spiritually" minded. (<-- This one is particularly important for this thread since there is a running belief that the elite are somehow involved with "spirituality", even if it is "dark" or negative.) This comment explains why the "comet" theory of Atlantis' destruction is false and it explains how Atlantis absolutely would have been destroyed, and it also goes into why cyclical rising and lowering of human consciousness is false as well.

She's a pawn. She's way too irrelevant to anything that's been happening to be anything more.

Mmmm I agree she's a pawn (or I would prefer to say) a puppet in a game. She was definitely deep in the game though. Even if she's irrelevant now, it matters what she did. For one thing history matters. For another the old networks are still operating.

A few things:

1) Bill Clinton has never attended the Bohemian Grove, nor is a member of the Bohemian Club, as their ranks are comprised solely of conservatives.

2) There is no 'High Priestess' grade or degree within the Illuminati.

That is an interesting update. I wonder why she would want to do that...

Thanks! The way everything played out was pretty surreal.