Classic Trump: Trump uses his Inauguration speech to declare an end to using the US Government as an Empire building mechanism, an end to business as usual, rips Obama a new one.

27  2017-01-20 by Dhylan



We'll have to wait and see. He could flip flop like hope-and-change-transparency-Obama.

I'm willing to wait and see. I didn't vote for him. (or for her, either) He has opportunities. If he can deliver to any significant extent, well, we owe him the chance to try.

Not Conspiracy related

Yeah but where else can you find real opinions today?

reddit is a salt mine today, just look at some of the threads at the top of /r/all right now. You can tell this is the first time a lot of young snowflakes have seen something not go their way.

Salt mine? More like quicksand..

Reddit is a propaganda/pop analysis tool.

I am surprised any of us are still here.

No doubt. The only reason I still use it is for specific communities relevant to my hobbies, not for general news purposes. Reddit stopped being a news aggregator a while ago when they let CTR take over and dictate a narrative.

IMO it stopped long before then. All civilian technology is infected at this point.

Surveillance and influence are the name of the game.

I'm not salty. I just stated it had nothing to do with a conspiracy, which is what the sub is about. This post belongs on the donald

Not that you could see, anyway. His speech was all about ENDING all kinds of conspiracies!

First would be the closing of conspiracy sub ?

Everyone kept pushing the justice angle I think massive government corruption will be shown as well as huge advances in technology that have been hidden for too long.. Just opinion and guesses though.

I heard hints of that in the speech, too.

I am Emperor Donald Trump

Born again with fascist cravings

Still, you made me president

Human rights will soon go 'way

I am now your Shah today

Now I command all of you

Now you're going to pray in school

I'll make sure they're Christian too

Lol. Have faith, my brother..... Let us join hands in prayer together!

He came close when he said something along the lines of "we won't impose our values on others, but be a shining light of our values." (Something like that.)

I would call that the intent to set a good example.

I understood it in a foreign policy context, but it's good to be an example instead of imposing your values on others anyway.

All the difference in the world

Imagine if everyone just did that in their own lives too?

Each person has a LOT of power to live their own life in a way that makes a very positive difference, yes. That's a universal truth, but is especially true in the USA and the Western World.

Obama seemed like he was cringing lol

He did shake trump's hand and say Good job afterwards.. said good job and his lips looked like he said it was a good speech as well. But I found it inspiring his speech.

Inspiring in the way I just hope he cleans out the government. Nothing good can happen with that much corruption going on.

Clean out the government and fill it with goldman employees?

Yeah his Exxon buddy gonna drain dat swamp with Rick Perry.

Actually tillerson has a slight connection to pizzagate. Whether he just profited off it or was a part of it is up for debate. And one of trumps top advisors named Feinberg is Dyncorp which had its own pedophilia scandal issues. Tillerson is linked to Feinberg though.

I hope trump just needed insiders to squeal on the whole group but I doubt that is what's happening.. Just the republican pedo's sacrificing the other pedo's to keep us satisfied is what I believe will happen. We wont be able to get rid of all of them. They will stop flaunting it in our face once we start locking up people.

Trump made all those globalists sit through his stump speech. It was something to behold.

Obama gave him a half hearted "good job" haha

I saw that. Made me chuckle.

wait and see

Let me know how that works out for you by 2020.

Says the 2 year reddit member to the 7 year reddit member. (8, actually, if you count my first user name which suffered shadowbanning.)

And as we all know, how long someone has been on Reddit is a clear indicator of their intelligence and level of importance in a discussion.

You say that. I didn't say that at all. How about you either quote me or say something that represents a logical thought of your own?

You certainly implied it

what does that have to do with anything?


bragging about how your older reddit account is 100% cringe material

Anything to make himself seem better. Because that is how you win anonymous online discussions.

I'm surprised he didn't call me a cuck.

I dragged you right down here with me, though, didn't I?

uh, no?

So this gives you some sort of authority over younger accounts?

You're basically attempting to display superiority based on account age. Give me a break.

I'm basically saying I don't have enough time for any petty discussions today. Take that to the bank.

You don't have time for "petty discussions" yet you take the time to reply to every comment said towards you. How about you take your moral superiority to the bank, see what kind of interest you get.

This is what people wanted though. They wanted an outsider to come in and shake politics up, and that's a good thing IMO. It's been too much business as usual for too long and that's not good for the average person. I don't necessarily think a billionaire has the average person's interests at heart either, but we'll see.

'Running the country' is going to be a lot different than 'Running the Trump Empire', no doubt. His Empire was a different kind of horse than the one he's riding now.

There was some stuff about restarting old alliances and making new alliances?

How does having an oil magnate as SOS advance that?

I don't know how he does it with a straight face.

IIRC he did mention our role in the world: that we need to take care of our own interests and not be involved in every thing worldwide....

If we go over his speech we will find that the TV commentators are lying to us about what he actually did say. I haven't had time to do it yet but if nobody else does this then I will do it.

as he gets his 5th Goldman Sachs crony

one hopes he will also keep in mind that the american people's suffering will only be exacerbated by cuttin SS, medicare, and medicaid.

when you've dog a ditch as deep as ours, you do not have the luxury to dig it any deeper.

many people depend solely on SS, medicare, SSDI, and medicaid. you can't make america great again on the already broken.

I and my wife are on Social Security and Medicare. SS is not our only income, fortunately, and we're both healthy. I am keenly aware that we are better off than many in America. If not for Social Security then my parents and grandparents would have suffered much more - something akin to the way things were before Social Security and pensions, etc.

It was very nationalistic. I randomly stumbled upon this 2007 article regarding economic nationalism and how it was applied in Russia. There are a lot of very interesting parallels to what has been taking place in America and what Trump has been telling the populace. I thought the discussion of how Putin used the guise of nationalism to come to power and then take control of most of the resources of Russia sounds like a mirror of Trump and his cabinet today.

Not trying to promote any theory of a tie between Trump and Putin, just pointing out that Trump's nationalistic speeches and actions look very similar to how Putin used nationalism in Russia.

I happen to hold Putin in very high regard. He is widely respected not only in Russia but in much of the world. I also think that he has had a rather significant and positive influence on Trump.

All dictators use a proven system.

Step 1; Build up your own image to that of celebrity status

Step 2; Erode public trust in "institutions of truth"

Step 2b; Set yourself up as the only "legitimate" source of information

Step 3; Use nationalistic rhetoric to distract the populace from your own power grab

Step 4; Become dictator

Step 5; Profit, or die in a terrible civil war

Take this to /r/politics. First warning.

Why are you shilling for the POTUS on /r/conspiracy?

Why are you trying reduce everything I've written to the word 'shilling'?

I didn't try, I did.

And it's because your entire post is nothing but a propaganda piece saying "look how awesome trump is!"

Rule 10, second and final warning.

Just ban my ass right now. I get called CTR almost every single day on this subreddit, and I report dozens of comments every day for rule 10, and you never do shit about it.

I ask someone why they are CLEARLY pushing pro trump propaganda, and I get this?

At least pretend not to be biased, eh?

No, you didn't "ask" anything, you called them a shill and made no argument whatsoever. I don't ban by request, so you're going to have to actually earn a ban if that's really the route you want to go. Or you could just stop calling everyone you disagree with a shill out of context - it's up to you.