Betsy Devos' brother, Eirk Prince, is the founder of Blackwater

410  2017-01-20 by krom_bom

Seems a bit... swampy, if you ask me.

A billionaire kept housewife with zero experience, who donated tens of millions to Trump's campaign, and familial ties to the clandestine military-industrial complex, appointed by Trump.

Still think he's an "outsider"?


She will not be approved

Oh yes she will. Her family are GOP mega donors, she is a shoe in.

She's certainly not going to get the support of bears.

low key burn, I like it

yeah, I was gonna say, that $200 million will make sure she gets approved.

Shoo-in. You mean shoo-in.

She should not, but she will. Who's going to stop it?

Until recently she had not been getting much attention, but I honestly think she is the most dangerous pick of them all. Controlling education is controlling the future, and she is not merely unqualified, she's a radical fundamentalist with an agenda.

She only needs a simple majority, which she has.

She bombed her interview. Knew none of the laws. No experience in any sense.

You're right but her family are some of the biggest Republican donors in the country and all she needs to get approved are Republicans so yeah she's getting approved.

It's not going to be hard to take money usually meant for public schools and place them in a "voucher" fund...that will be her entire job. The idea is cool in theory, but alternative schools in this country and not diverse, I'm sure her fam have been building a network of ready made fundamentalist schools in anticipation of something like this happening. Meanwhile, private charters have had shitty results, which I'm sure she blames on "public interference" which doesn't allow "school choice."

Erik Prince is an adviser to Trump.

Understandable why it would be suspicious. But given what I have seen over the past year, he always does it for a reason and am going to wait and watch until more info comes out. He has a way of making allies from enemies and using them, if not he would never have been sworn in today.

Yes Donald!!!! Keep fucking us we still love you God Emperor!

Please give me 5 examples of Trump turning enemies into allies and then using them to his advantage?

Dude, Trump was able to convince the ZODIAC KILLER TED CRUZ to do campaign calls for him.

This guy is a master manipulator.


Down voted before I saw the /s, then I switched it.

I'm sorry.

Cruz and Kasich are actually good examples of how Trump fails at getting enemies to ally with him. I can't remember any instances were primary candidates refused to endorse the party candidate.

Ed Koch for one

Almost there... 4 more to go. Shouldn't be too tough, just follow his track record.

You kinda need some controlled bad boys working along side you. Just to remind pissed off scum pushed out of DC, to mind their manners.

And whom, exactly, has the Haircut-in-Chief "pushed out of DC?"

Isn't this the Conspiracy sub? This is not a normal question you get asked here.

Remindme! 1 year "any progress on draining the swamp yet"

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You to head over to the "I'm a man with a vagina" sub. This is not the tone exchanged in the Conspiracy sub. Broette.

SRS, askmen, relationships.

Good launch points for that sort of thing.

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc

Fuck tone arguments, I want results. For the sale of the nation, I would love to be proven wrong about the man.

You're getting downvoted and pushed out of this sub for questioning who exactly the cheeto in chief in kicking out

When conspiracy becomes /r/T_D

They unironically call him "god emperor"

We're trapped in the shittiest, most cheeto multiverse timeline.

I mean, they are. But it's totally a meme based on the Warhammer 40k universe.

Pepe was also a meme from some comic, but then these angry autists turned it into a cult. Same with the god emperor crap. Go look at 5_d right now, second thread on their main page. "God emperor trump has ascended edition". That cult of personality is pire madness. These people are deranged.

It's a cult of personality created and maintained by the cult itself. They probably consider it an "ironic" gesture, but it's just pathetic and deluded.


They are mostly just clowns with actual harmful intentions, trying to transgress and feel cool and label themselves the new counterculture, cause counterculture and Alt are cool things to be in every case, I guess. I think they realized that all the biggest babes are feminists now and they feel out in the cold : ((((

Totally agreed.

Well, at least this edgelord got socked in the face.

That might be staged. Sure makes Spencer look like a poor victim of the radicalized "leftist protesters" he mentioned a split second before. "white lives matter too much," it's like a caricature. He pulls him by the shoulder before throwing the punch, WWF move. They're having a field day with it.

That's very true and sadly expected from scum like him, but it would be oh so sweet if he was ko'ed flat on his nazy back. One can only hope.

That man is a capital P Patriot if I ever saw one. I know most of you don't understand how free market capitalism work but yeah, deal with it. You guys hate Erik Prince/Blackwater for the same reason you hate Trump; they are successful businessmen and you are not. Quit whining and learn how America works. There is also an option of moving to Cuba or Venezuela where peasants are guided by the glorious philosophy of Socialism.


Unfortunately, it does not appear that way.

And ?

Socialism? You mean like the police department, fire department, social security, medicare, medicaid...

The US military could be said to be the world's largest socialist organization.

Library and school and road maintenance

Since when are fire and police departments federal agencies? They're local, county, and state

Those others you mentioned are inherently unconstitutional, and only came to be as a result of that criminal FDR threatening scotus.

Socialism is defined as regulation by a community. I never said it was federal.

you don't know what socialism is

Please teach us oh wise one.

Socialism has never been tried before! How could I teach you about something that's never existed?

you don't know what socialism is.

9/10 if satire

Bet youre typing this out of your trash-filled, one bedroom apartment thinking you will soon be at the country club with your billionaire heroes once you win the lotto.

Got bad news for you, chump...

This should be a sticky here.

It's not anti-clinton or pizzagate material, so the mods would never sticky it

I support your post, and (much of) pizzagate. Whatever that's worth.

Thank you.

Hey, if this had more substance we might consider it. Not a bad find though. Don't like the pizza thing myself.

A text only post. Without any sources, links. No investigation, no images, no explanations and only some opinions.

Why would that deserve to be a sticky. Low effort content like this should be downvoted and ignored. The story is out there, at least make an effort.

It's not the most in-depth analysis, I'll grant you that. But almost no one talks about the fact that the head of fucking Blackwater is an adviser to the president, and his wife is in the cabinet.

His sister.

I think you are mistaken. Read your link.

Gotcha, I misunderstood you at first and of course you are correct.

Understandable considering the article does begin by talking about Prince's wife.

Sorry, I forgot to upload my grainy jpeg with red circles and arrows everywhere. I know for people you like, that's the best form of evidence.

If this were something difficult to prove, you'd have a point. But it's something you can confirm with a quick google. It's public information.

Message mods to suggest it.

It's not really a serious suggestion, more of a metaphor for how underappreciated that particular fact seems to be.

they'll ask for money, that's how you get stuff stickied here

The war machine will rage on!!!!!1111!!

Thank god Erik prince is a huge trump supporter. Trump has full military confidence plus the confidence of the mercenaries. If Soros and the NWO try to make a move, they are fucked.

For years it's been conservatives that have come up with "heart attacks" (Scalia, breitbart). I hope now we get to see the other side take it in the ass. 8 beautiful years folks!!!

Go shill for globalist elites somewhere else, please.

I'm curious what sort of mental gymnastics are required to disassociate Blackwater and "the NWO" in your mind. Who the heck is pouring your kool-aid?

Who the heck is pouring your kool-aid?

I think I may have some idea

Wow, you probably won't be happy unless there are Russian internment camps, huh?

Just keep buying that Russian narrative they feed you man.

If Erik prince was NWO, why would he be supporting trump so hard? Seems like he has a war fighting company and he sold his services to the highest bidder. Has he said things in support of globalism? Because I've only heard him support nationalism. I could be wrong, what's your evidence

Seems like he has a war fighting company and he sold his services to the highest bidder.

The NWO are the highest bidders.

If Erik prince was NWO, why would he be supporting trump so hard?

Maybe because Trump's "anti-establishment" image is a complete and total crock of shit.

This sub loves blaming "the jews" and have developed a bias towards that. They hate hearing about Jesuits and the papacy..

Jesuits being bad makes them reflexively defend them cuz their Christian and most of these trumpers support him just cuz they were religious brainwashed long ago.

I agree that seems to be the reason they get so defensive. It's kinda like "so you're saying it's MY religion that's bad" but that's not what we're saying at all...



Remember his interview before the election? He said friends of his in the NYPD told him about pedo pics on Weiners laptop. He also said the FBI was holding civil right charges over the NYPD in the Eric Garner case to keep their mouths shut

I'm sure the billionaire founder of Blackwater would NEVER lie to the media in order to influence an election. /s

He just made all that shit up. It was right before the Comey letter and everything was conflated during that final election week, the mass doubt increased, pizzagate/"spirit cooking" launched wholesale. The result? The emails were duplicates of shit the FBI already had, and the race tightened up. That final week of emails emails emails! was the nail in the coffin. It was all smoke and fear-mongering mirrors.

Giuliani and his NYC FBI devotees (Mr. "October Surprise is coming!" on live television) and Prince were probably in on it together. I still don't know if the Russian collusion shit is real, but Guiliani and Prince should be investigated in some fashion. I won't hold my breath.

comey was a boy that cried wolf (don't announce investigation is ongoing then ten seconds later say oh wait nevermind)

Why is someone sensible like you in this sub?

General interest in what makes conspiratorial thinking tick, the incredible r/the_donald takeover during the election, ongoing war of reality and truth and appearance and conspiracy, you?

Hah actually a lot of the same things I just would never have bothered engaging with them because it's basically non-reasoned thinking. It's religious thinking.

Certainly can become that. Total narrative/your perspective tunnel vision, comfortable in a world growing ever complex. Mass conspiratorial thinking allowed the holocaust to happen, among other terrible things. It never just resolves itself without pain. Reason must be maintained, some shred of objectivity. Conspiracy theorist and self-skeptic as well.

Ah yes mr prince. A nice Roman Catholic working for the Jesuits.

nothing to see here

Joseph Schmitz's sister is Mary Kay Letourneau. Wholesome family.

Had to look up who she was to be honest. But holy shit she raped her 12 year old student then married him.... talk about fucked up.

Non-Mobile link:

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 20428

Oh shit, I remember that story. Small world.

Family values

So are saying that Joseph himself is a pedo?

No. Just related to one.

It's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.

More that they're a family existing in the highest echelons of power (social, political, military, economic) and as such they exist above the rule of law. He could be if he wanted.

What's wrong with us Roman Catholic Jesuits?

Why does the MSM not mention this when they're shitting on her? That's probably the biggest strike against her, other than the fact she's gonna gut public schools and sell them for pennies on the dollar to crony capitalists.

Because it is all a horse and pony show. They keep you distracted! They show you bits and pieces of stuff, and then sports, then gossip, then the doplar shows you how the clouds move, and with that you are informed.

Why do you think they have slogans for? "Trust FOX 6" "WISN 12: America's Leading ABC Station!" to lull you into a false sense of security.

Why does the MSM not mention this when they're shitting on her? That's probably the biggest strike against her, other than the fact she's gonna gut public schools and sell them for pennies on the dollar to crony capitalists.


I'm not criticizing capitalism. I'm criticizing the "public private partnership" where capitalists use relationships with government to loot the public coffers for their personal gain.

Sounds like a criticism of capitalism to me.

Are you stupid or just being a dick? Were you in favor of crony capitalism when Obama gave money to Solyndra?

Neither. He described something that is a fault in capitalism. And no, I'm not in favor of capitalism in the least bit.

My bad, totally misinterpreted what you were saying there. I think that capitalism can be a good thing, but I don't think there is any economic, political, or social system that is entirely adequate on its own.

No problem. If you want a good criticism of capitalism I would highly recommend A Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin its a good read. Cheers.

Cool, I do like to read good books. I'll check it out.

True capitalism would dictate a totally unbiased awarding of contracts to the most competitive bidder.

It's also a pipe-dream, but that's the strict interpretation.

Capitalism is a property rights system defined by private property, wage labor, and markets.

Sounds about right. And our imaginary capitalist government would strictly operate in a free market without any bias towards their crony's less competitive products.

But its impossible to stop that within capitalism, so the system inherently creates this relationship.l

My only point is that it would be more accurate to use the term "crony capitalism" to describe what everyone refers to as capitalism.

Since true capitalism doesn't really exist within any system of government (and may not be possible), we are wrong to call our current system capitalist. We should be calling it "failed capitalism" or "crony capitalism".

Thank you for specifying that it may not be possible, because by all metrics it isn't possible in the current world.

But the conditions for capitalism are met in almost every nation in the world.

I don't think anyone has figured out how to effectively eliminate humanity's propensity for corruption just yet.

in some situations the cure is worse than the disease.

And yet it always, invariably, has become crony capitalism. If there's any examples if "true" capitalism, I'd love to know.

Thats the thing. Thats capitalism. Theres no purity test, if its got a market wage labor and personal property its capitalism. Nothing says it must be free of externalities. Its liberalism 101.

But that's not the discussion were having. Yes they all fall under the umbrella of capitalism, but we're talking specifically about different kinds of capitalism.

Now please leave the discussion to people who can comprehend what is being discussed.

Because then they'd help viewers make the connection that ludicrous donations in politics are detrimental to getting policies passed that benefit anyone not at the top of the capitalist food chain, and the DNC doesn't want that message being conveyed to the people anymore.

again...I'm we hate big government or big business? Or do we hate both big government AND big business...or do we just hate everything in general?

Big govt and big business are one and the same these days.

"We" don't hate or like anything. This is not a place of blind, unwavering consensus.

That's what it is to think rationally; to take all the information available to you, drop the emotion, apply some skepticism and come to your own conclusions. What I hate is how people constantly, without even knowing it, undermine the agency of the individual to understand the world around them.

I think we oppose shadowy paramilitary organizations that act outside of the law.

the combination. that's what we dislike. government is cool. business is cool. when it becomes one in the same, or when one starts rubbing the shoulders of the other- it gets problematic. Government is supposed to protect and serve the people. Business is not supposed to protect- it's self serving and ideally serves the people.

Because they like that about her.

Holy shit. HOLY SHIT.

He may need Blackwater.. He's attempting to dismantle the CIA. Sounds like a good ally to me.

replace CIA with something even worse good idea

Why would he replace them with Blackwater? They're private security/mercenaries for hire. I doubt they have their own agenda either than to make money.

I doubt they have their own agenda either than to make money.

Sounds a lot like the CIA

Lol fair enough.

same with vince mcmahons wife

then again bill was trying to use dumb Hillary to keep control

There is a pic someone made with a tree of that family's connections to various PACs, i'll look for it.

Trumps Inauguration Speech:

For many decades, we've enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry; subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military;

Yeah, OK, Trump supporters time to pack it up. You are delusional if you think Trump isn't going to continue to expand our gross expenditures on the military industrial complex.

Drain the swamp!

If you examine a lot of what Donald Trump says in speeches and tweets, there is a lot of nuance, a lot of wiggle room. Which is what most politicians do. But he does it with less words, and with simpler words. It's enough to fool his dumbest supporters into thinking he is actually on his side, and trips up his opponents too, because they don't understand he can be nuanced, over react, which gets picked up as hysteria outside the liberal bubble.

Obama has been downright subtle compared to the actual troops on the ground wars Trump and Flynn will advocate. We're back in 2001, set to create unprecedented amounts of extremist spreading, at home and abroad. The War on Terror has begotten more terror, more misinterpretations and a growing police and surveillance state, what a surprise.

My family is the biggest contributor of soft money to the RNC. I have decided to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence. Now I simply concede the point.... We expect a return on our investment.

What's the source of that quote?

She wrote it in an Op-Ed in Roll Call in 1997. Unfortunately, I don't access to the original article and it is not archived on, but AFAIK no one has questioned its validity.

Trump may have run against big money in politics, but his choice for Education Secretary has made no apologies about her family’s political spending. Betsy DeVos has been a major financial backer of legal efforts to overturn campaign-spending limits. In 1997, she brashly explained her opposition to campaign-finance-reform measures that were aimed at cleaning up so-called “soft money,” a predecessor to today’s unlimited “dark money” election spending. “My family is the biggest contributor of soft money to the Republican National Committee,” she wrote in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call. “I have decided to stop taking offense,” she wrote, “at the suggestion that we are buying influence. Now I simply concede the point. They are right. We do expect something in return. We expect to foster a conservative governing philosophy consisting of limited government and respect for traditional American virtues. We expect a return on our investment.”

Here's an article from 2005 quoting the same Op-Ed:

It's so hard for me to imagine how anyone with half a brain can honestly think that Trump is not part of the global establishment. I just can't believe how many people have been duped by that asshole.

Very interesting, but I'm not surprised she said that.

I've actually met Betsy, in person, at a private dinner party (long story and I don't want to get doxxed, but in short, I know some people who know a bunch of rich people, and they all live in west michigan, where the DeVos family resides). Anyway, she didn't even seem like a real person to me. Just hollow and empty, like nothing behind her eyes while she smiled and laughed and made small talk with people around her. Creeped me out, tbh.

Eric could provide valuable intel

On what? War crimes committed by the GOP the last time they held the presidency?

I'm happy to see this posted. Talk about conspiracy, the DeVos family has been a major player in the "dark" billionaire far-Right movement for several decades. She specifically funnels millions of dollars into school privatization in order to bring the country "into the kingdom of god."

These are the twin forces that move modern Republican politics - Christian fundamentalism and fossil fuels.

Would be a nice name for his administration. #thefossils

Gotta win the "clash of civilizations" by creating our own theocratic extremist scene to counter the ones we despise. Hate your religious enemy? Become more religious (and not just religious but hard right fundamentalist religious). Great plan.

Lol, we love billionaires now. We are not against the George Soros funded moocher conspiracy.

speak for yourself. I definitely do not love billionaires like trump and soros

So after having done some research on Erik Prince and Blackwater, I'm not so sure this guy is an enemy. He could just as easily be getting intel into who is profiting from these corporations and what else they have been up to. His company sounds a lot like the CIA in terms of operations. Two intelligence services could be very interesting as far as balance for the country. Very messy web here.

Mental gymnastics at work.

Elisabeth "Betsy" DeVos (née Prince; born January 8, 1958) is an American businesswoman, philanthropist, and education activist.[1] DeVos is a prominent member of the Republican Party known for her advocacy of school choice, voucher programs, and ties to the Reformed Christian community.[2][3][4] She was Republican National Committeewoman for Michigan from 1992 to 1997 and served as chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party from 1996 to 2000, with reelection to the post in 2003. DeVos has been a defender of the Detroit charter school system[5][6] and she is a member of the board of the Foundation for Excellence in Education. She has served as chairwoman of the board of Alliance for School Choice and heads the All Children Matter PAC.

Yes, I do.

Secretary of Education is a throw away. In Hillary Clinton's leaked cabinet pick list, she put 'likely an African American' for the position - clearly to win diversity brownie points by throwing blacks a bone. I don't doubt Trump did the same thing here, she's there to keep the establishment placated while he leads the transition away from oligarchy

Secretary of Education is massively important. That list didn't come directly from Clinton and I'd assume whoever Clinton picked would have had a lot more experience than Devos.

while he leads the transition away from oligarchy

Seriously? Did you mean to say

"while he expedites the transition directly to oligarchy"?

He chose her because he hired 70 Blackwater people to protect his family.

She has had a long history with schools.

Basically trying to transfer all the public funds for public schools to private schools.

Ah it's really sick to be honest.

For a second there I thought I was reading a post about Game of Thrones.

Fuck this shit.

With all the Clinton related suicides, and the Alphabet agencies multiple known plans to assassinate presidents, etc. I expected Trump to have Blackwater on board. I can say a lot bad about them, but for personal security they don't fail.

Big govt and big business are one and the same these days.

"We" don't hate or like anything. This is not a place of blind, unwavering consensus.

That's what it is to think rationally; to take all the information available to you, drop the emotion, apply some skepticism and come to your own conclusions. What I hate is how people constantly, without even knowing it, undermine the agency of the individual to understand the world around them.

I think we oppose shadowy paramilitary organizations that act outside of the law.

the combination. that's what we dislike. government is cool. business is cool. when it becomes one in the same, or when one starts rubbing the shoulders of the other- it gets problematic. Government is supposed to protect and serve the people. Business is not supposed to protect- it's self serving and ideally serves the people.

General interest in what makes conspiratorial thinking tick, the incredible r/the_donald takeover during the election, ongoing war of reality and truth and appearance and conspiracy, you?

in some situations the cure is worse than the disease.