Alert! Shit is breaking out in the middle of the streets of DC!

2  2017-01-20 by [deleted]



if it doesn't look like maidan... it ain't shit

I'm watching it on the news now, it is like maidan, it's bad, it's really bad....and now....the National Guard is on the scene. :o

Lol this must be OPs first riot. This is nothing.

I agree, riot was an overstatement at this point. I did see a periscope earlier when the protesters were running and doing the actual smashing, that was closer to a riot then it currently is.

a riot is a big group of people fighting the police or the military.
Anything els is just vandalism

Fair enough, I'll correct my usage going forward.

Lol this must be OPs first riot

Well played.

Hahahahaha this dude knows whats up.

Keep us posted! This is the first I'm reading anything riot related!

Oh yeah, wait, here's a live stream of the news telecast on it ---->

Thank you!!!

No problem....Oh and now some protesters are lighting fires....sigh Jesus Christ....

These guys don't have the balls to do anything too rash... These officers are showing enormous restraint... they knew this was coming long ago... and know exactly how to deal with it.

It won't get any worse than it is right now... 90% of the crowd is officers and curious onlookers/media.

Really? Because on the news, they said the protesters are disrupting right where the parade is supposed to take place.

Yeah... I'm sure they will be long gone by the time the parade actually gets moving... maybe just a few lone wolves hiding out, but nothing too tough to tackle.

Probably more people Soros paid to stir up shit, remember him sending buses full of people to "protest" aka riot after the election?

I read about people whipping batteries.

I think that was at an Eagles game.

Teargas and pressure grenades are being used because the protestors started throwing rocks at police and smashing store windows LOL There's a difference between peaceful protests and assault/destruction of property

What are you watching that it looks so bad? I've had CNN and Fox on and they keep saying it's just a few jackasses that are throwing rocks, the majority are peaceful protests.

Yeah CNN and FOX are lying, I'm watching WJLA Channel 8 news where the reporter is right in the middle of the action and it's not war zone bad yet but the last past few minutes ago, it was frighteningly escalating.

I will turn on your stream and check it out. So far they haven't shown anything that they didn't mention on the MSM feeds. Smoke bombs and tear gas isn't that much of a response considering the protesters lined up directly in the parade route. I think everything will be fine. If a building was torched or something like that it could escalate.

Some fights, burning trash cans in the street, smashed a limo windows in. The sparks getting closer to this powder keg

It's really not that bad dude, a few dozen eggs out of thousands of people. A few windows smashed and so.e fire started but no warzone.

OP, are you exaggerating how bad it is? A few thugs doesn't seem worth writing what you did. Or am I misunderstanding the scope?

No I am not, I'm watching it on the news. They are actually smashing store windows, smashing car windows, throwing rocks at cops, cops are shooting tear gas and rubber bullets and smoke bombs at them and the protests are a few blocks away from where the parade will take place and the protesters are steadily trying to move to the parade location.

Yes, they did it earlier before the inaug too A few broken windows isn't the end of the world. Let them get mopped up. Don't get swept up into it, it will be ok. This happened in Philly too where these guys thrive on pushing the limit to get a reaction. It will be ok.

Maybe look into what is actually going on. There are TONS of anarchists in the streets destroying shit. They have poles, hammers, rocks...This is just one protest and there are hundreds across the nation.

I am just saying, if you think this is chaos, isolated bursts of energy from angsty kids, you likely have had a gentle calm life. When I hear chaos, I think violence along the lines at Standing rock where people are hurt. I guess it is just perspective.

You don't think people are getting hurt? How about the Anti-Trump protesters attacking Trump supporters.

Ok, let's agree to disagree about what is chaos and what is a tantrum.

What's your version of chaos?

Those videos are from before the ceremony

they were not anarchists. agent provocateurs. anarchists dont run around smashing property. we toss commies and other tyrants out of helicopters

You call that chaos? Yikes.

What the hell do you call it. What is your version of chaos?

This has been going on for like 30 minutes. Why can I only find two posts on reddit on this? Why are they both in r/conspiracy?

TV shows a lot of people protesting and increasing violence and vandalism. What is the end goal?

I hoped these people voted.

I don't know, I'm watching this on WJLA Channel 8 news, because I live in Virginia and this looks pretty up there in DC.

Stay safe.

Thanks I will, it's just....shocking. Wow. I have never seen anything like this, it's just - creepy.

These people never have an end goal. They are the same ones that rail against corporations from their iPhones and then go and smash local businesses windows because their choice didn't win.

Because we are aware of our surroundings and wish the best for humanity :)

We care here! And we ask questions like you just did

Why the heck isn't this on the news. MSM is in it's death throes of propaganda for this very reason. We all see it.

Where's the humanity behind what they do..... nowhere in site.

Fox is reporting that Disruptj20's current goal is to disrupt the parade.


Get your kicks in quick

They're callin' the National Guard

Now could be your only chance to torch a police car

Climb the roof, kick the siren in and jump and yelp for joy

Quickly, dive back in the crowd, slip away, now don't get caught

The raging mob has lost its nerve

There's more of us but who goes first?

No one dares to cross the line

The cops know that they've won

If there isn't a bomb I'll be surprised.

It's fake. Did anyone see the girl on CNN holding out the flower to police officers in riot gear? She held it out there for like 10 minutes of the most cringiest set up crap i've ever seen in my life.

Yeah, they're crisis actors for sure, none of them are real protesters, they're paid by Soros....but they're out there.

So all the actual anarchists are sitting at home?


Thanks I will, it's just....shocking. Wow. I have never seen anything like this, it's just - creepy.