Total value of Trump's cabinet: $4.5 Billion

26  2017-01-20 by [deleted]



Trump pledged to 'drain the swamp', the swamp being career politicians. I ask you, how else would you see his cabinet, other than filled with highly successful non politicians, like himself? Can someone give an alternative list that would satisfy the philosophies he ran his campaign on?

Well no I agree. I mean, that's the problem. The swamp was made of people who are qualified for the jobs. You can't drain the swamp. The swamp is made of people who are capable. So, who are those people? Generals, scientists, professors, bundlers, members of congress, governors, etc. That amount of wealth bothers me for other reasons than just how it defy's the swamp expression, though.

Qualification shouldn't be the only requirement for the job. The revolving door was established by corporations to feed their people into government roles. The previous administration maintained the facade.

Watch Bernie Sanders interview with the young Turks where he talks about his potential cabinet choices. They are good people wanting to help humanity and are also experienced/qualified.

I voted for Sanders and supported him but half the retards around here think he's some communist just because he actually wants to fight for the working class instead of bankers and CEOs like trump does.

In his speech he stated he would be giving power back to the people. Does filling your cabinet with billionaires (or the 1%) who have made their fortune exploiting people and the environment count as giving power back to the people?

Hillary Clinton was rightly criticised for being too close to Goldman during the campaign, now Trump has ex-Goldman employees in his cabinet but he seems to have escaped widespread criticism

You're right - I would rather Trump hires mangers from mcdonalds to run our national departments rather than the highest educated and qualified people with the best possible business portfolios in the country. I couldn't agree with you more

That's not what I was saying, though

Hillary was criticized for pay for play, benghazi, and a slew of other (at bare minimum) shady activity as secretary of state. Her goldman sachs relations are just another little dash of pepper in the disaster recipe that she is. Trump doesn't have the same history that she has. Trump still has a chance to prove that he is terrible or quality. And for the record, goldman sachs veterans could equally be perfect people for understanding how to level the economic table as they could possibly be the worst people for the job. At least give them 60-90 days to show us what they got. Im tired of people saying "yup! He has people who worked for goldman sachs! We're fuked!" Enough of that already

Trump may not have the same history, but there is still a lot of distasteful stuff he has done in the past, enough to get a handle on the type of person he is.

In political terms, I don't think he has handled his ownership of the Trump Organization very well and there are still questions to be answered over links to Russia. But you are right, he should get a chance. I'm just not that hopeful, so far anyway.

And for the record, goldman sachs veterans could equally be perfect people for understanding how to level the economic table as they could possibly be the worst people for the job.

Yep, there's definitely merit to that

Thanks brother

Are you willfully ignoring all the conflict of interests a Trump presidency will have with his business ventures?

The man is in position to expand his wealth and influence, not only for himself, but for his family and friends.

The biggest issue people would be complaining about if Hillary one is the Clinton foundation. But because Trump entertains and distracts, the criticism isn't there from those tired of all the Trump headlines.

It is sad to watch people get duped because of their diminishing attention spans and lack of understanding.

There has been nothing BUT negative attention towards Trump, his personality and his business ventures/cohorts for the best year and a half. I'm tired of hearing it. I'm not duped. I'm just willing to give him a chance instead of acting like I know everything with a pretty sparse data set.

But you are duped.

You're willing to swallow that bitter pill so that the man can be given a chance because you're tired of being exposed to the issues.

You are literally putting your head in the sand. It seems extremely hypocritical given that Democrats did the same for Clinton. They didn't care about speeches, emails, and cozy bank relationships. They didn't worry about the CF or Benghazi.

Why? Because they were tired of hearing about it and wanted to give her a shot.

It's a fucking stupid mentality and both candidates' supporters have it.

Nothing is worse or more close minded than the guy who once again "KNOWS" whats going on. You think you have an open mind, but you really don't. You're in your own little tangent and you are just as manipulatable as anybody, pal

I didn't know Hillary was the only other option...

I mean, this would be a questionable concentration of wealth under any president, but particularly one who seemed to want to change a status quo.

His whole agenda is to remove the barriers to profits for corporations. So, that means upping your taxes to fuck your water, your food, your air and drive up inflation and interest rates.

The one thing that has become overwhelmingly apparent to me in the last 6 months is the majority of redditors do not remember the 80s, or even what it meant economically post-9/11.

Thats YOUR interpretation of his agenda. But really, you have no clue unless you're donald trump. Lets give him 60-90 days to see what direction he's going in

They're not the highest educated or qualified. They're just the most money hungry and willing to fuck over others.

Was talking to a friend who knew a guy that worked for GS. He said he was ashamed to tell his family where he worked. After a year he got called in for an interview and asked where he saw himself going in the business. He gave his reply that he thought investment was an important part of raising the living standards for the world etc. The manager said "nope, wrong answer. If you're not here to make as much money for yourself then you shouldn't be here."

God forbid anyone plays us again. The people won't stand for it and we need to be eagle eyed and find out what's hapenning behind closed doors.

Seriously though, say you are being sued and for some reason, there's a shortage of lawyers. Your choices are: A paralegal, a first year law student, a shady lawyer who's been practicing for years and might be about to be disbarred, but is on good terms with every judge in town, OR, the best real estate salesman in town?

Who cares if they're successful in business. Businesses don't have standing armies, they don't elect their CEOs. Government is a different skill set.

On the flip side of that though is the ability of individuals to influence government officials via 'donations'. I'm not saying Trump couldn't potentially be suspect, but his cabinet is far from run of the mill people who have engaged in those sort of things.

Oh so the "establishment" is career politicians according to you, not the wealth class who has been bribing them for favors at the expense of the working class for the last 100+ years??

It's like every expects a rich man to pick all poor people.

It's good to see people actually invested in America's prosperity. Way better than some effete socialist academic sitting on ass for 4-8 years.

I mean, this would be a questionable concentration of wealth under any president, but particularly one who seemed to want to change a status quo.

I would rather have captains of industry working under a mandate than puppet academics under Soro's strings. The worst case scenario is status quo...

The money isn't that important, it is what they believe and what they will do. Watch Steve Mnuchin's opening statement and you can see how he will fight statism and over-regulation. He explains how government forced him to foreclose when he didn't want to. Government is a wet blanket on the economy.

When are you guys going to realize that everything Trump has done was to put us at the strongest position possible for the coming war?

i am gonna say this and i am gonna say it one time only.
There is noting wrong whit insanely wealthy people.
As long as the rest is well off as well

High Score!

Lol OP is comparing wealth with greater wealth. What point are you trying to make? That we have richer assholes now? Who cares, this is a really weak topic.

That's good, it takes away the ability to lobby them. No one can come close to adding to that.

I'll warn any future commenters: this is a trap. It's a trap because the commenters here are low information CTR people who are picking a fight

again, this sub usually has AND allows a much greater diversity of opinion. When I see uniformites, I know it's hillaryites

Okay. What about the information I posted, does that stir anything in you? Also, has a different view of the world than you ≠ shill.

Sorry I missed the context

On the flip side of that though is the ability of individuals to influence government officials via 'donations'. I'm not saying Trump couldn't potentially be suspect, but his cabinet is far from run of the mill people who have engaged in those sort of things.