TIL if your protesting something that fits the MSM narrative, you get free promotion, free round the clock coverage, and free celebrity appearances.

226  2017-01-21 by DontTreadOnMe16

But if you try to Occupy Wall Street, you're just a bunch of jobless hippies that cause traffic.

Pretty much guaranteed to get a massive movement

Edit: Yes I'm aware I used the wrong form of they're in the title. I apologize.


So, you're saying if you want free press from the propaganda networks, you just need to play into their narrative...?

So where's the conspiracy, bub?

It's just a casual observation that the MSM is compromised and all on the same page with what agenda they want to push. And this one happens to be a narrative of division.

I am hoping he plays it like we do when we see a shill. We call them out, downvote them, and move on. If trump calls out CNN and whomever for lies, gets others to see and hear his explanation, and move on like a boss - the word will get out and bought, and CNN will have no choice but to stop the bs.

To be fair, those dicks did fuck up my morning drive for a while.

Anyone stopping traffic in the name of their stupid little protest deserves to get run over. There is no right to disrupt the lives of others while you're doing your little protest garbage.

you should move to north dakota, it might be legal to manslaughter protesters soon

If the block traffic or disrupt legal activities, they shouldn't be surprised if some of them get turned into road pizza.

You can make the argument that Trump got elected because we ignored Occupy Wallstreet.

This is what we get assholes!

If your cause further divides the people, the media will jump on it and promote you day and night

how was this peaceful protest divisive?

You must be blind.

Could you please elaborate for us Europeans who have plenty of crap to keep track of closer to home?

Protesting the president... dividing.. it's quite simple.

Think about it like this. Both sides feel left out, both sides feel abused and used and ignored in one way or another. Meanwhile, corporations use people's inner desires to get them to consume consume CONSUME! Yeah, it's a win win game for corporatism, meanwhile people squabble over titles and what group they belong to, and how they should all be treated equally. It's a mind numbing thing for any realist in America. I'll help you out, watch this video called The Century of the Self and you might understand what I'm talking about: https://youtu.be/eJ3RzGoQC4s?list=PLkN3tP8CFQcseEPJsoBJKA_8DDGTHqN8p

ok so the protestors are doing things and saying things other people don't agree with.. so thats divisive. Trumps does and says things other people don't agree so I guess that means he's divisive too! Thanks for helping me understand!

Yeah it's called NOT being politically correct. .. Everybody is so damn politically correct nowadays, that everything must be labeled. That right there is divisive. Speak your mind. Your values, not what group or labels your in or you hate..

You're talking about the women's protest, right?

It's decisive because it put women vs men, non-binary vs cis.

Anything that devices the people on relatively non-issues is what the media loves/the powers that be want. Divide and rule.

And apparently free transportation and free printing.

Yes the budget for this astroturf protest was huge.

Or protest a pipeline or grazing rights.

Look at Bobby Fischer. A huge celebrity.

Not a big fan of jews tho.

If a Brilliant mind is not a fan of the joos, then his celebrity status would be marginalized no matter how popular he was.

TIL women, and men with morals, don't like it when a guy who openly talked about how he sexually assaulted women gets inaugurated president, regardless of whether they are journalists, celebrities or just everyday people.

It's only sexual assault if the grabbed pussy objects. American slags are so shallow though that they never reject the rich and famous. You really harm others when you trivialize sexual assault for cheap political points they way you're doing here. Shame on you.

I think you've confused this sub for /r/Incel. Youd seem to fit in there rather well.

This guy is a great demonstration why women are protesting; because someone like him, but not a virgin, got elected.

I feel like you were waiting for some guy in here to make a misstep and sound misogynistic. However most people don't care about something he said back then when he is taking a step toward building jobs. Also, there hasn't been a threat to women's health or women's issues yet. When there is one, I'd imagine that everyone here would defend your right to birth control. There has been nothing Trump has said so far that leads me to suspect he is planning to set back male/female relations 50 years.

Also, there hasn't been a threat to women's health or women's issues yet

The repeal of ACA?

Hasn't happened and haven't even heard of a Republican replacement. They aren't just going to rip it away and leave nothing. If they did, I would be right there with you. We haven't seen anything they have to put forward yet, so why assume that it is immediately damaging?

Let's see a plan first before we decided that he is wrong in repealing it.

Hasn't happened and haven't even heard of a Republican replacement. They aren't just going to rip it away and leave nothing

Yes they will. Their idea is HSA's which is back to health care for the rich. So I would hope you would be right here with me.

Their idea? We haven't even seen their plan yet, and they stated they wouldn't repeal unless they had a replacement. So we may have some time before jumping to the jackboot conclusion.

What do you think they will do? The only plan Republicans have proposed recently are HSAs, which is subsidized healthcare for people who don't need it.

He was talking shit with an idiot frat boy Bush. That's what businessmen do, read their audience and smooze them into a sense of comradery. Billy was eating it up he couldn't stop himself even they were in the precense of women. Trump on the other hand couldn't even form the right context. Nobody says grab some pussy it something that someone who doesn't have that mindset would think someone who did might say. Basically the reverse of the Podestas awkward code talk for the disgusting stuff they' re into.

What the fuck are you talking about

Something your talking points memos don't address obviously.

I think he's right as far as Trump's #1 objective in any social situation: say whatever you can to impress, ridicule, or hope your ridicule is seen as impressive. He plays to an audience at all times, tailors sentiments, says what those he wants to win over want to hear.

That said, it's still a quote admitting and promoting forceful sexual assault, defined and defended by apologists of the activity as simply "making a move." The gist of that shit-talking was consent is not necessary, and the more powerful/rich/impressive you are, the less it even pops into your mind. And that beautiful women always enjoy it.

oh i thought the guy was defending trumps comments... the way he worded it was confusing

I mean that's a part of it, maybe.


I am glad I am in the precense of an intelligent person.

Your comment is actually pretty incoherent, but not only did Trump say that, but he didn't apologize or seem to think saying that was unacceptable. Also, you lose credibility when you talk about how you would have sex with your teen daughter if she wasn't related to you, and imported a eastern European model 24 younger than for your third marriage. And I don't see what your fantasy about Podesta has to do with Trump being a despicable womanizer.

You have to do better than that. You just backed up my point by pointing out his apology Lol. Simple misspelling doesn't change the facts. Those other things are constructs of events based on the perverted minds of people like yourself.

Nothing wrong with that. Have you just came to earth? Like do you have any idea of anything that happened since the last ice age?

I suspect I know more about history than you, because you are kind of stupid. But please, continue, tell me what happened since the last ice age.

Hey girls are sluts too, not just the guys, i'm sure that pussy he was grabbin enjoyed it

"It is ok that I sexually assaulted her, she wanted it"

If there is consent it's not assault, it's like when i get into fist fights with my friends, there's consent, therefore we are assaulting eachother, we are just scrapping.

Or here's another example, you give a hooker money, and then you get to fuck her, again, not sexual assault.

There wasn't consent though. That is the point. Just because she wasn't trying to pepper-spray him doesn't mean it wasn't sexual assault

How do you know there wasn't consent, maybe i missed something?

Generally women don't consent to 60 year old married men grabbing them on the vagina, and the quote makes it clear he wasn't trying to get their consent in any way before he grabbed them.

Lolol women consent to it all the time, he's got lots of money, and like i said, it"s not just men who are pigs

Really? Give me one example of a women consenting to a man walking up to her and grabbing her on the pussy.

I know men and women are pigs in around equal frequencies, but the subject of conversation is the pig that has been elected to the White House.

He was bullshitting with another guy. You might be an asexual beta, but men often joke around and talk about pussy with other men.

There is a difference between what he did and joking around, namely that he never apologized for what he said or made any indication he didn't think it was perfectly acceptable.

Are you a girl? Because I'm pretty sure you are, and if you are, do you have any friends that are also girls? What do girls talk about? Tell me. Besides relationships, emotions, feelings, dicks, dick sizes, fantasies, sex last night, and what else, oh yeah dicks.

Nothing wrong in what he said. It's human nature you imbecile.

TIL that people still believe that his comments were describing things he had done, rather than braggadocio describing what he could get away with because these women valued themselves so lightly.

It doesn't make a difference. It is still despicable.

Ok Hillary Clinton. What are you a parrot? Don't you have a mind of your own that you follow?

Yeah, unlike a lot of people in this sub, I have a mind of my own. I realize that women are people too, and shouldn't be treated like objects by people with power.

We are all treated like objects when it comes to politicians

Really? Has Trump grabbed your groin recently?

Has he grabbed yours?

No, because Trump only treats the pretty women who work for him like objects.

I'm sure he treats all his employees like that, because in a grand sense every employee is just an object used to make to make a company function, #WeAreAllObjects

There's no difference between saying "And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything....Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything," and actually sexually assaulting women? The fact that you think there is no difference is despicable.

Great, so he uses his position of authority to have sex with women. That is actually still sexual assault.

Wrong, women are pigs too, don't forget, i'm sure any chick that fucks trump brags about it after

Ah yes, it is ok for Trump to sexually assault women because some women are pigs. That makes perfect sense.

Who is he sexually assaulting? You now claim multiple women, where are they?

Doesn't the quote go something like

"When ur a star 'they let' you do anything"

Key words being 'they let'

That sounds like consent to me

Don't go using facts here!!

Trump saying he could grab em by the pussy means he's a serial rapist in the eyes of the average liberal redditor.

Way to miss the point.

Either way, I still think Occupy Wall Street had a huge impact on the conversation about economic inequality and promoted awareness for so many people about the political and media establishment. For example, I was 14-15 when Occupy Wall Street happened and I didn't know anything about politics, but because I spent a huge amount of time on the internet (like most teenagers) I came away with the impression that Occupy Wall Street was cool and the 1% was greedy. It was a simplistic takeaway, but ultimately shaped my political views much later. I guess my point is, marches and protests are still worthwhile, regardless of media attention or establishment support.

yeah, 2.5 million americans storming the streets protesting the most vile president in recent memory is noting to cover. Thats not news at all. Yeah the media is totally covering it because they're all evil little crab people that suck the souls out of little children.

You missed the point. Way over your head.

What's such bullshit is that if Hillary won, absolutely none of these women would be out there protesting what her husband (actually) did!

Everybody loves bread and circuses, few love blood, sweat, and tears. I give these protest a week. Fuck George Soros.

Best TIL ever.

Still think both groups are jobless hippies. Affecting how I can do my job. When you block the streets I use to work.

And you can shoot people who don't agree with you without being faced with charges, like the guy who shot someone at a Milo event the other night because "He was some kind of white supremacist".

Released without charges.

Fuckin' awful.


Lot of shills on the sub today

you should move to north dakota, it might be legal to manslaughter protesters soon