Cliff Notes on News Analysis Series, "Where is Eric Braverman?" >>>> George Webb's Thesis on Clinton Foundation's Empire-Building Activities, Racketeering, and Corruption (Part 4)

31  2017-01-22 by 911bodysnatchers322

George Webb has a great series where he's figured out what's actually going on. This is part 4 of "cliff notes" on George Webb's video series. This is my attempt to drink from the firehose of George Webb's material by taking notes on it. Please submit corrections in the comments below.

Here are previous versions:

I'm not going to be able to comment anymore on these posts for a while. I just don't have the energy to do this and to respond as thoroughly as I would like. I apologize in advance.

  • [Day 76]
    • Ft. Lauderdale shooter, immediately CNN jumped to the fact the FBI can't hold them past 3 days
    • Why couldn't the airport police have handled that and kept him from going to the bathroom to assemble...
    • Isn't it time to subpoena Braverman along with Comey and ask them unanswered questions?
    • This is about the Military trying to increase police powers (secret police) powers in the US.
    • Using kids (human trafficking) as bait to extort and get convictions
    • I might trust the FBI more if they didn't do quid pro quos, or sit on the 650k emails and want to take 5 yrs to process them.
    • FBIs warrant shows that 2 people without clearance received classified information (abedin-weiner). That is proof of criminality / treason
    • Why not follow all the murders around the Clintons instead of spying on americans and increasing police powers
    • These 1100 hidden donors are extortion targets, we should be able to see who they are, why not expose them?
    • We have senators meeting with Gaddaffi, senators meeting with Isis. Why not let's talk about that (McCain)

  • [Day 76 pt2]
    • Claude d'Estree taught Monica Petersen Human Trafficking Clinic; Worked for DynCorp, Asset Forfeiture; Seminars on Torture; Federal Prosecutor
    • Points out how d'Estree looks like the Boston Bomber picture of youtube video "cellphone captures actor la..." -- these two look kind of similar... (they look identical)
    • Recaps Hillary and President Clinton's 1998 plan NSC-62, the president's domestic secret police program D&D

  • [Day 76 pt3] -- MURDERS
    • 1976 Church committee reforms and how Clinton's consteallation have been trying to undermine those reforms
    • Hillary's 23 yr history, ever since she has been in the west wing, to running this kind of wheel of extortion game
    • 5 People associated with the DNC leaks DEAD, 4 within a 2 month period
    • Seth Rich -- DNC staffer shot in the back multiple times near his house, on his way to meet with the FBI to disucss election fraud
    • Shawn Lucas -- lead attorney in the anti-clinton DNC fraud case and Bernie Sanders...
    • Victor Thorn -- author of books exposing Clintons, found dead of a gunshot wound on a mountain top near his home
    • John Ashe -- UN official died suspiciously (barbell) a day before he was set to testify as a top official against DNC and Hillary Clinton
    • Also Gavin MacFadyen of Wikileaks found dead Oct 22 ==> Braverman goes to Russian embassy, they turned him away, come back a week later
    • Then Braverman has been missing, probably in a mental health facility
    • 3 musketeers of wikileaks. Ratner from cancer, Jim Jones, the UK laywer pushed in front of a train and McFadyen from heart problems.
    • Take out first amendment, the fourth amendment "illegal search and seizures", take out the 3rd amendment "standing armies", then take out the sixth amendment, all the way down to 2nd amendment, etc. It's a very calculated progression to take away our rights
    • George says he's being helped by retired FBI and by active FBI who think we are under a coup. McCabe might finally agree.
    • <<<Yah! That is awesome, George. Finally, the whitehats...I hope they hire you when this is all said and done>>>
    • George's open source investigation is a bridge swinging metaphor and we have to put in segment of the bridge.

It's all a big wheel...starting with Sy (Seymour) Hersh[SH:1974] and ending with Sy Hersh[SH:RLRL]

  • [Day 76 pt4]
    • Modus Operandi for the 1100 donors, they are people being extorted by Brownstone Operations, wherein they are honeytrapped and blackmailed into political favors and political donations
    • <<<Therefore Hillary Clinton built her incredible political machine on blackmail leverage; ***she built her powerbase on child rape and sex slavery***; on extortion, exploitation (slavery in Haiti), collusion and on murder. This isn't hyperbole. Webb's work is a logical proof by piecing together these facts and he's been validated by retired and current FBI>>>
    • George speculates reasonably on who being blackmailed; basically leaders of countries with scarce resources to be expropriated by these Clintonian profiteers
    • We are going to make a list of all these people and then just research them and prove it.
    • He mentions Denver/Boulder area for arms dealing Brownstone operations
    • The secret is the hierarchical nature (compartmentalization) of extortions through microloansharking
    • There is this APT chinese hacking group, another group in Israel
    • Senate arms committee McCain, Graham; and McCabe -- "Proof is coming"
    • The hacks you see are not being done by 13 yr olds; they are being done by intelligence and for the purposes of blackmail, or to discredit people to their employers and get them killed off social/financially.
    • "Any Rao, CEO, INtegrated Archive Solutions -- OPM Hack, Yahoo Hack, Aetna Hack, VA Hacks" -- friends of Hillary Clinton -- this is where the deplorables comes in, to Diffuse and Disturb the folks
    • There is a CIA manual that discusses how to take $10,000 into a country and within 10 years have control of the government by way of blackmail leverage thru brownstone operations.

  • [Day 76 pt5]
    • This all goes back to 1983 and Marc Rich and the secret pipeline
    • Barry Seal flying planes to Mena Arkansas with cocaine
    • They had to figure out a way to launder the money...sent to 2 banks, one in florida one in georgia, then to citicorp, then to international <<<swiss>>> banks
    • Guiliani prosecuted Marc Rich so hard Rich fled the country, got him on 65 counts
    • Comey is on the case with Guiliani until now, and had been wrist-slapping and giving light sentences since; he's been sitting on these documents for 30 yrs!!
    • They've been doing these quid-pro-quos for more agents into the FBI as kickbacks for light sentences. Why? To increase the corruption power of the FBI, it's all about gaining power for the security state
    • <<<George talks about "The religion thing" but I'm lost with that. Is he talking about Jesuits conspiracy theory?>>>
    • George brings up a chart on 9:24, showing all the Cyber Attacks on US Government employees, and how they are all tied to Hillary for blackmail purposes <<<JFC, we're under seige>>
    • Whenever you ty to investigate this, they pull the "national security defense"
    • George explains how to cross-reference FOIA'able information to determine if you've been part of those hack, and use this to prove Clinton was involved. <<<I think this is what he's saying>>>

  • Day 76 pt6 --
    • Transition planning (ie: if George goes away)
    • I'm going to put you into the role of going to Arkansas for the first time with Bill and Hillary
    • ...And your objective is to become president and then take over the World.
    • First thing you're <<<Bill Clinton>>> going to do is teach law school for one year, and you've got outside support now, because you have people in Washington who want you to be successful {{WHO? DeMolays, Am. Legion, KKK, OES?}}
    • Get your stripes as a lawyer--you're both lawyers--but she's got a huge law firm behind her (Rose Law Firm) for everything you do
    • You are going to then become the attorney general <<<of Arkansas>>>
    • Then--as attorney general--you can go around and run extortion rackets on businesses in arkansas for campaign donations, using blackmail leverage, do that for 2 yrs.
    • Then you run for governor and make promises to people.
    • Then you issue bonds--Arkansas Development Finance Authority (ADFA)--a thing that lent money to schools and hospitals, go to wall st and sell hundreds of thousands of millions of dollars in bonds, so now you have all this money in your account.[]
    • So now if you want a 1M dollar loan, then you send money to Rose Law Firm a 50k finding fee, and you get the 1M loan and you never have to make a payment on the loan. And that's exactly what happened.
    • Her Rose Law Firm partner Web Hubble--the person who proposed ADFA--is the person who oversees it and audits it is the Rose Law Firm, so again they are overseeing themselves. The same thing you have with Kadzik overseeing the Clinton Foundation.
    • He describes how the Clintons lean on businesses using their state dept connections and informational abuses to blackmail leverage people into giving them more money until finally.
    • Bill becomes Governor of Arkansas and maintains this position for several years
    • We have an airport that we can fly cocaine into, let's work with GB and Oliver North, so they started making money with arms and drugs sales; meanwhile gaining influence in washington
    • Where are you going to launder that money? It's so much money, that trying to launder through the state dept would be like an elephant going through a python, so you have to put it into a state account that has has a lot of money going through, so you use the ADFA and zero it out every month, send it to a couple of banks in Georgia and Florida to launder it out.
    • If anyone complains you threaten to sue them or use the AK police to beat them up.
    • When the Clintons go to DC, they bring this whole cast of characters with them <<<baddie-net>>>
    • Then they do the same things except on a national scale
    • And they expand out with ambassadors to other countries
    • If the countries don't buy arms from us, then we'll go over there with stingers and DISRUPT and force them to buy arms. If we can't get a deal we'll MAKE A DEAL
    • All this goes back to when Bill Clinton was first made Attorney General.

Thank you for this. It's a great series, but very time consuming if you haven't followed along from the beginning. That shouldn't sway people from watching because it's worth it IMO, but it's very nice to have these notes.


I've been watching it and it takes a long time to get through them. That's why I wanted to make this transcription

Doing the community a great service. Thank you

A true patriot.