Visited this sub reddit because I used to love conspiracies, but now most of these are Alex Jones type conspiracies and I just want to start a discussion on him

13  2017-01-22 by [deleted]

Alex Jones is worth $8 Million, which puts his net worth at about Obama's net worth. Making up conspiracy theories is a huge market right now and pays big

We should all realize this guy makes bags of money to tell conspiracy theories, and if he cant find one, you can bet on him pulling one right out of his ass.

So my question is this, why would anyone believe this guy? how does he have any credibility?

Anyway, I hope this can be civil


Honestly... there really isn't a lot of talk about Alex Jones here... the few that crop up is how he is a limited hangout/controlled opposition protecting the Zionists....

But on the rare occasion that he does crop up... I always post this song and a few people get a kick out of it...

Lol actually some skill in that music mix. well maybe i was too quick to judge. the first thing i saw was pizzagate and i think that's an Alex Jones type conspiracy. do you think so too?

maybe i should go through the other one and reevaluate this sub though

From what I remember Alex Jones steered into pizzagate for a couple days and then backed right off... Just like Milo... I'm guessing anyone with any clout was asked to keep mum about it by the government... I don't think pizza = child sex slave... but there is rampant child molesting and sex trafficking.

I think thats definitely true. I just watched a documentary about the child molestation in hollywood

but pizzagate is ridiculous. I saw a post on here talking about sacrificing children in a satanic ritual being involved in pizzagate and shit

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Another possibility is that AJ fears a lawsuit. You open yourself up to all kinds of litigation if you start naming names and asserting things without proof.

I think it's safe to say that most people in this sub are skeptical of Alex. He might get some things right, but we definitely don't lap up everything he says.

As for pizzagate, I don't consider that an Alex Jones type conspiracy, but there are probably people here who disagree with me. However, I'm curious what makes you say that

my defn of an Alex Jones conspiracy: I think an Alex Jones type conspiracy is one thats mostly motivated by politics/ an addiction to being angry (yes anger is addicting), that people believe just because they hate the side that the conspiracy flings mud on.

Pizzagate was just an easy and very lazy way to get people to hate Hillary (if remember correctly it was Podesta's emails that it derived from, saying Hillary was involved in a child abduction/sex/torture ring), I dont think there's any real proof of it. That guy shot up comet pingpong only to find out there wasn't even a basement to the building, and people still believe it. Why? Because they dont want to give up that hate for Hillary that they're addicted to

No politics intended. Just my theory on pizzagate

I agree that there were people who jumped on the pizzagate train simply because it fit their desire to demonize certain people or groups, but some of us have researched it deeply and don't fit that mold. However, I can see why you would label it an Alex Jones type conspiracy. Thanks for the reply

well lay out a case for it then

Sure. I will say right off the bat that I think Comet Ping Pong and Alefantis get too much attention. James seems like a creep, but i won't call him a pedophile without more evidence. For me, the compelling stuff is documented cases like the Franklin scandal, LtCol Michael Aquino, the Finders and their connections to the CIA, the Dutroux Affair, Laura Silsby and Monica Peterson, Cathy O'Brien, and the massive coverups of pedophilia in places like the U.K. This is enough to make me suspect that something big is going on in elite circles

I totally agree, I think it was a distraction from the clinton foundations involvement in the child trafficking.

Ive been looking into these and i currently cant see any connection between them.

michael aquino the church of satan is probably not what you think. they dont believe in any magic or supernatural being, they practice psychology but call it magic for whatever reason.

cathy o'brien recalled her memories through hypnosis, which has been shown to not actually make you recall memories other than the ones you are lead to "discover" by the person conducting the hypnosis.

Dutroux is weird, especially that the camera watching him was set to go off at 6pm and turn on at 8am, literally makes no sense. but that could also be explained as police fucking up and police inefficency, I dont really see police officers as the most intelligent (not to disrespect them, just that you dont have to be smart to get the job so they can screw up in stupid ways) and since it was such a long affair, i think he would have been killed long ago if higher ups were involved

Silsby is very strange, although Brock Turner proves just how fucked up our legal system is on letting people off the hook randomly. But 2 attorneys dropped out of representing her after she was cleared of federal (?) charges, and only had to deal with Idaho state which is suspicious.

These are the first time i've come across these, took me a while to get through the reading for them. Im not sure if i see the connection between these and pizzagate or a greater connection between them. I think my thinking is i dont believe in humans on an individual level, I think people fuck up, and departments fuck up, but that doesn't mean the fuck ups are connected.

I just want to reiterate this is the first time ive come across these and i researched them all just now so theres probably a lot i missed tho lol

Im probly on a list from those google searches though lol

i didn't mean for that to come off so dick-ish, i was being serious

No worries, i didn't interpret it that way. I can tell that you're willing to have a rational conversation even if we end up disagreeing

I can't speak for others, but that's not why I started a personal investigation on the topic. I don't like Hillary, but I don't think it really involves her (at least not in practice) or should have hurt her politically. It just makes her right hand man look bad, but lots of his emails made the party look bad.

I don't think most people take him seriously. He's just entertainment, but some people selectively believe some of the things he says.

I've seen the people here who believe every word he says.

Those conspiracies are mainstream conspiracies. Meaning, they're accepted, not even controversial. Jones is part the groups he claims to despise. How else would he get so close to Bilderburg meetings? Anyone else would be removed immediately.

One that isn't, the elites have chosen Trump to bring in a new puritanical agenda. The popular/electoral split was by design, to further push "divide & conquer". It's very obvious Trump is controlled opposition.

Of course, most conspiracies typically have to involve sci-fi level stuff or the plain bizarre.

Alex Jones is a media " personality " used to discredit any legitimate conspiracy theory. He throws out a bunch of completely off the wall claims then sprinkles in a few valid ones but puts some bullshit twist on them, so when someone tries to discuss them they are automatically dismissed as bullshit. It's actually pretty brilliant and so far has been proven affective. ....

We should all trust a guy like this.

Lol he's really trying to sell this. I'm glad he's not taken seriously then. I must have clicked on the wrong links when I first checked out this sub

I've seen them. There are a lot here who do.

To me it seems like he's on meth or something. ...

He was drunk as shit yesterday early morning before the inauguration. I watched a live feed someone had, and he's just this blabbering, snorting blob.

I heard about this. Someone called him out and said he smelled like liqour here's the link. at the bottom is the video

Never take a guy serious that right after an "emotional breakdown" tries to sell you a water filter. .. lol "think about the kids. .... by purchasing one of these high quality water purifiers. ." lmao, who buys this bullshit (saying and selling) seriously? ??

Sure, I'll bite!

Piss on Alex Jones all you want. The guy makes $, sells vitamins, etc...

He also asks questions. Some legit, some probably pampered, and some flat out stupid in our eyes.

Bottom line, infowars was where I took the red pill... it may be watered down now, but still has that potential for others.

But for every one person it makes aware, it gives 10 more a reason to dismiss everything that goes against the narrative and categorize it as a bullshit conspiracy theory

Don't forget he also endorses Big Berkey water filtration systems.

It's all about head movement. He shakes his head a lot and uses a nervous and sensational tone and a weird deep voice all the time. I think he can be entertaining to watch him make a fool out of himself, but nothing he says should be taken seriously.

Looks at the crowd, addresses them as being "amazing/fantastic people" usually twice every time he's on the podium.

"We really do have the best crowds, don't we guys?" Yeah, pretty much. ..

lol that too, then he will usually salute the army. Rarely leaves this platform.

Yeah he makes money, but does soros, the clintons and every dictator in history. ... he's infomercial cleverly disguised as a truth purveyor. ... a modern day snake oil salesman. Only he's not just pushing bullshit, he's splattering it on every legitimate conspiracy as well. ...

I feel like he's a gate keeper. You'll never hear him talk about 9/11 or Israel.

When he had his access show, that's all he talked about. If I remember correctly his show was on before or after a show called, "race and reason" a white supremacy show?!?! Lol but then he discovered sponsorship so jews became zionist and new world order might be okay? ?? Lmao

8mil aint shit lol. I sorta agree with the rest, but seems like he would be worth more if he was that hooked in to the psyops titties.

Keep the numbers impressive but not extraordinary and the budget small. Doesn't attract too much attention and makes it seem more believable. .. but that's just my opinion.

im not saying he's part of a conspiracy, just that he found a niche and is exploiting it. He's an entertainer who makes shit up for views/advertising and the 8 million shows that its lucrative enough to make shit up for a living. if a month came where he couldn't find anything new to report on he would definitely make that shit up to keep viewership up is what im trying to get at

Did Bill Hicks become Alex Jones, or did Alex Jones play the character Bill Hicks?

Alex doesn't have to make up conspiracies. We just witnessed the biggest conspiracy in American history ... the conspiracy of the elites, Hollywood, the media and the backroom boys of both parties, to get Hillary Clinton elected president. It only failed because Trump spoke to the hearts of the people.

Or played them all for fools... I guess we'll have to wait and see. ..

He became big once 9-11 hit. Before that you'd hear him on the radio in Texas and mo one took him seriously.

What people don't talk about is that family he snitched out to the feds back in like 97. For that reason alone, I avoid Alex Jones.


Trying to find's been at least 8 years since I last saw it. He ratted out a family in Waco to the FBI in the early 90s.

But for every one person it makes aware, it gives 10 more a reason to dismiss everything that goes against the narrative and categorize it as a bullshit conspiracy theory

Don't forget he also endorses Big Berkey water filtration systems.