Every single post on the front of r/Politics somehow is bashing Trump or saying that he is bad in some way.

6  2017-01-23 by [deleted]



Who cares? Don't let it bother you.

I dont, I think it's fishy. If this is true, the Clintons wont have anything left running for them. (Not like they have anything left in the first place)

Tptb want this to boil over to split people upagreed, it is fishy.

Reddit is pretty much used by the DNC to help spread their propaganda

Every other place in Reddit is mostly conservative I've seen. Except for r/teenagers . My son posted there earlier and got shit on. Kinda sad

My son posted there earlier and got shit on. Kinda sad

You and your son share an account? Hm....

Yes actually.

If you say so. I doubt it.

Hey it works, we both play games together and share interests. He calls me a cool dad.

He calls me a cool dad.

Haha. Sorry kid, you're not fooling anyone.

child poses as his 43 year old dad and himself in a "shared" Reddit account to gain more respect and karma


You realize that reddit is built around showing you what you want to see though, right?

I'm fairly liberal in my beliefs, and the majority of what I see is liberal leaning posts, unless I go looking. If you think that reddit is mostly a conservative base, then I have to say that's not what I've seen.

What I despise seeing though is this huge influx of /r/conspiracy being labeled as 'conservative'. This isn't a place for liberal/conservative agendas. All these politicians are corrupt and should be scrutinized.


25 years old and you have a son? wut?

Is it that surprising when 3/4 the country disapproves of him?

Gotta keep the trump support alive apparently.

Apparently not enough to keep him out of the white house.

Not enough in very specific parts of the country.

The same for Hillary.

He was selected. Our votes don't matter. We've known this for ap long fucking time.

In an interview after the elections, head of CTR, David Brock said their new mission is to make Trump as unpopular as possible.

He does a pretty good job of that all by himself.

This is absolutely bullshit, we should do nothing but hope he does his best job, he is our president. We should treat him with respect and not shit on him for being honest.

All these things that he said that are "offensive" or "bigot like" have truth to them. He speaks his mind which is what we need. After being in this country for 20+ years allowed to vote, he is the first one I've voted for. I've seen all of the lying politicians. They never brought good. We need someone where if the middle class is struggling, they'll step up and speak the truth. If the country is in a place where they are completely looked down on (right now) he needs to tell the Americans this.


The problem with the US nowadays is that nobody can take criticism. Instead of saying to a 300 pound woman "You're beautiful don't change" we should be saying, "that's completely unhealthy and you should do something about it" 30 years ago we could say that. But nobody was because nobody was 300 pounds. If you were you were a freak of nature. I'm not saying it a bad thing but that's off topic.

The point is that we need the truth. This country shouldn't be based off of lies and scandals, period.

and here we go, undeniable propaganda.

we should do nothing but hope he does his best job, he is our president. We should treat him with respect

Worship your ruler without a single moment of critical thought. You are way, way, way worse than /r/politics.


The problem with the US nowadays is that nobody can take criticism.

LOL, how can you say this without a shred of irony. This is worse than Hillary supporters.

Do you know about CTR's agenda? You seem like you would know...

Do you know the pendulum swings both ways? You seem like you would know...

Should we tell them they lost the election?

I think so

The Clintons are gone. She's irrelevant. Our new president's counselor announced today that there are 'Alternative Facts'. That's not okay.

The Clintons are gone. She's irrelevant.

The DNC's trying to push this talking point hard so that Democratic voters don't hold the party leaders accountable for everything revealed by WikiLeaks.

The DNC can get fucked. A good part of this travesty is on Wasserman Shultz's doorstep. The fact remains, Clinton being completely awful is no excuse for him to continue being completely as well.

People don't like Donald Trump, he has a 40% approval rating, and you're just going to have to live with that fact.

Are you guys still going to be solely bitching about "DNC paid shills on reddit" in this subreddit after years of total Republican control of government, or are you going to pretend you actually aren't partisan hacks?

Clearly thats not accurate or he wouldnt have won. Also most of the people bashing him are basing their opinions on media spin, not facts. When the media colludes together to bash someone for a year+ with never a kind word to say, some people get brainwashed.

A large percentage of the population doesn't vote. People who voted for Trump can also have done so just because they didn't like the alternative but still disapprove of him.

As long the DNC keeps associating with David Brock, then I will continue to call out his astroturf. Why ignore it when he openly brags about his shill efforts?

A top Democratic super PAC is launching a war room that promises to make President-elect Donald Trump’s life miserable as he prepares to enter the White House.

Liberal political operative David Brock, a close ally of former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, told reporters on Tuesday that his super PAC, American Bridge, has established a war room that will act as an aggressor and a watchdog for the Trump transition team and his incoming administration.

American Bridge has established a rapid response team that will fact-check Trump’s claims in real time. Experts are said to be combing through Trump’s domestic and foreign business interests, his personal life, his charitable foundation and those he has associated with, using Freedom of Information Act requests to uncover new details.

Source: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/308978-top-dem-super-pac-launches-anti-trump-war-room

Good, it's about time the average liberal became critical of government. Maybe instead of using /r/conspiracy as a pity party for pro-government factions you could post something interesting.

Wow... this is the second "people on reddit are being mean to trump!" thread I've seen on /r/conspiracy today.

Seriously guys, it's pathetic.

I dont, I think it's fishy. If this is true, the Clintons wont have anything left running for them. (Not like they have anything left in the first place)

Not enough in very specific parts of the country.

Hey it works, we both play games together and share interests. He calls me a cool dad.

He was selected. Our votes don't matter. We've known this for ap long fucking time.