Elon Musk. Computer Simulated Reality

25  2017-01-23 by astralrocker2001

This video deserves a thread even though sadly no one actually cares about this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t5KIwIb-EWM


Does anyone know who this woman on stage in the video is? Incredible genius..

You don't really give us much of a chance to care... you just dump multiple youtube links with ambiguous titles and no discussion inside... this sub gets like 500 youtube videos dropped off here every day... you need to make people care by opening a line of discussion in the selfpost to get people interested enough to go watch the video.

Hey there. I have been doing this all day. It has taken up my entire day. Therefore if I cannot present enough on one subject to get people to come forward and get involved, so be it. 90 percent Trump posts do not really help us understand reality, and how to change it if possible. Have a great day.

Yeah... most people ignore the Trump topics too... Write up a big post with your opinion on the overall "story" the various videos are portraying... write it from your perspective... emphasis what you like or find interesting... ask questions about parts you don't understand or want to know more about... then sprinkle the youtube videos or websites into the post as reference material. People come here to engage in a conversation about a topic... not to blindly click youtube videos. You will have a much better time if you play that way...

Thanks for the advice. This is all starting to look like a huge waste of my time, as I could be snowboarding or playing Sony VR all day. Sadly; I know the actual real truth of this matrix and its next level "Afterlife" so I will continue posting..

Don't let your feelings get hurt. He's just trying to help your productivity here.

From a certain perspective, the absurdity of a Trump presidency is a wide open door into the idea of a simulated reality.

Simulation theory has been around much longer than Elon Musk. He's just one of the first "mega rich" people to talk about it.

I've thought about it a lot, and believe we absolutely are in a simulation, however, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter at all.

What if someone told you you were absolutely living in a simulation? What would you change? Nothing, you would say you would change something, but you wouldn't. It doesn't change anything for you whether you think it does or not.

Hi. I disagree. The "Laws Of Physics" are merely Computer Code. Matter does not exist. Understanding this brings forth the theory that it is all merely "thought". Thought can shape and change reality. So yes.. It can definitely change things.

Okay so, name some things that you've changed because of it? I've focused on things and made them happen, things that I've really wanted, and they've all come true. So what? I would've really wanted them anyway, I just focused on them more and realized that I was focusing on them.

It's not like you're going to "think" millions of dollars into your bank account, the code is designed to give you things that you want, but not things that are completely absurd to obtain without any work.

Not to mention, when you know all of the game's rules, it gets stale.

Also you're thinking way too far into it, you think you're uncovering something groundbreaking, but instead you're just realizing that something exists that you didn't consciously know about in the past, you've subconsciously always known, now you consciously known, and you won't change anything because of it because you've always known.

You're wasting brainpower, I went down this road years ago, then came to the realization that I wasn't learning anything new and it was just a waste of time.

Live life and be happy, it's still the motto of life, simulation or not, whether you consciously know that your thoughts manipulate the world around you or not, it makes absolutely no difference and is a waste of brainpower, I wasted many days/weeks/months researching this when I could've been doing something productive.

Considering this is a completely Enslaved Reality and that everyone gets forced to constantly reincarnate to feed Energy Parasites known as "Archons", i think i will choose to the think the opposite of you.

Yeah, the idea of these Archon people has been around for ages.

Yet, there's happy people everywhere, the world is happier, healthier, more fed, has more access to clean waters, more wealthy, etc, than any time in history.

I used to think like you when I was constantly depressed, so I understand where you're coming from. I used to look up all the bullshit about the archons, chimeras, saturn, orion, etc just because I felt like SOMETHING was holding me down, but then I got happier and realized that maybe this life is just what you make it, and blaming others is just a mechanism to cope with extreme sadness.

Yes.. Lets go back to sleep and await yet another Forced Reincarnation. Bye..

It's unfortunate that you're stuck in that hole. I was stuck there many years ago.

Hope you find your way out, I enjoy life, I enjoy being able to socialize, love, touch, feel, see, hear, fuck, watch people do stupid things across the world through the beauty of the internet, live vicariously through video game characters and live many adventurous lives, I love eating pizza and partying with friends every once and a while.

Your "ideal" reality is here, you say you've found out that you can manipulate your reality with your thoughts, yet here you are manipulating it for the worse, no?

This reality is created for you, yet you make excuses to say it's not, which makes your reality dark and depressed. Use your supposed knowledge of the simulation to get yourself out of the rut, not to dig yourself deeper.

I do everything you describe in your first paragraph and more. Furthermore I am not dark or depressed. It is that I actually know the truth of this multidimensional prison and know the only way to change it is by getting more people to refuse its limitations.

Yeah sure, I thought I was "happy and a being of light" back then too. Good luck getting out of it.

My objective is to end the cruel and unacceptable Forced Reincarnational process currently being imposed on myself and all other humans. Anything other that that is trivial at this point.

Then you may end up just being in a rut forever, or at least until you grow out of the phase where you believe everything you hear on the internet. Trust me, I've been there, pleidians, archons, orion, saturn, chimaera, underground aliens, satanic rituals, black magic, white magic, wizardry, witchcraft, among many other topics.

Let me give you a little hint, if they're selling a book or have ads on their site, they're profiting from you being there. Go check your sources, link them to me if they are not selling/advertising anything, and I'll be absolutely shocked.

I agree with what you are saying. But at this point I am actually doing my own thing. Nevertheless, people like David Icke, Jeff Rense and Henry Makow have to pay the bills, so their ads do not bother me.

Just remember that people have created religions on the basis of getting people to believe them all in the name of money.

It is incredibly easy to come up with semi-plausible theories as to why reality is terrible for some people and get them to flock to the website, I've even thought of doing it because it would be an easy ticket to working for myself and I already have a LARGE base of knowledge from researching all of this stuff to work off of, making it even more plausible sounding.

I understand. But as I said I am at the point where I am doing my own thing. On occasion I will check out videos on youtube, but at this point I have it all pretty much figured out. I tell other people who are still trying to make sense of it all to check out David Icke and maybe some other videos. I am not sure about everyone, but david Icke basically puts everything he makes back into his work. He is a pretty old guy and tirelessly does 10 hours lectures around the world. In actuality he is doing it for for almost nothing. He lives in a small apartmant and drives a used car. Still, he constantly does 10 hour lectures and wakes people up around the world.

but at this point I have it all pretty much figured out.


sounds silly. but actually yes..

I want you to remember you saying this 6 months from now.

Its just one day at a time

Trust me when I say, you're going to come to a point where you look back and feel like a fool. There was a website that I followed from 2005 to 2012, they kept talking about archons and all that jazz, every time they said something big was going to happen, something else happened that coincidentally made it not happen.

That website is still up, and doing the same thing. In 2017.

Guess what? It has advertisements.

Thought can shape and change reality only in tandem with actions. Doesn't really matter under what OS we're playing the game in.

Actions are actually "Thoughts". Physical matter does not exist.

I can have the best thoughts ever when playing a game of Dota but they won't amount to shit if I don't execute them with my mouse and keyboard.

The interface is there for a reason and faith without works is dead.

Yes the last part is from TWD

Sorry, but at the end of the day these are all "Thoughts". All actions are "thoughts". Thoughts are in fact the only thing that ultimately exists anywhere..

Matter would still exist. It would just be more relative to an illusion. An illusion exists, however it is both more and less than it appears to be.

The perceived thought of "solidity" would and does exist. Matter does not and never has existed. This reality is a "Sensory Illusion" if you can understand that.

So would you like me to hit you in the head with a baseball bat? Sensory illusion perhaps, but a rather persistent and convincing one.

I do not want to hit anyone with anything. The rules programmed into the Simulation project pain and damage when outpicturing such actions. Sensory Illusions can still cause huge pain and even death as that is what the matrix will produce in its linear projection.

Completely Downvoted?? You people have no idea what waits for you in the Astral Afterlife. Even when you ridicule me I still feel bad for you. Believing in Physical Matter is going to be laughed at eventually.

Nobody cares for this theory because it's of no benefit at all and even harmful. It's also an excuse ppl use to deny God.

keeping your head in the sand and continuing to subscribe to what we have had is actually harmful.

Hi. I disagree. The "Laws Of Physics" are merely Computer Code. Matter does not exist. Understanding this brings forth the theory that it is all merely "thought". Thought can shape and change reality. So yes.. It can definitely change things.

Actions are actually "Thoughts". Physical matter does not exist.

Yeah sure, I thought I was "happy and a being of light" back then too. Good luck getting out of it.