Head over to the default subs and look at all the leftists who are all of a sudden in support of the TPP and are saying it was a dumb move by Trump to pull out of it. Lol this shit writes itself.

417  2017-01-23 by [deleted]



"The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a disastrous trade agreement designed to protect the interests of the largest multi-national corporations at the expense of workers, consumers, the environment and the foundations of American democracy. It will also negatively impact some of the poorest people in the world." - Bernie Sanders

I bet that will shut reddit up.

reddit don't love bernie any more they love hillary only

They only love hate at the point in the game.

yup hate fear they are such sore losers

It's getting uglier by the second. I am seeing people attack each other in almost every conversation. Women attacking women, men attacking men, and so on. Are they going to start blaming dogs & cats next? It's insane.

Perhaps that is by design. Shills being consistently divisive to the point where users become defensive, eventually going on the offense themselves. I cannot think of a better way to disrupt society than to subtly, over time, push regular conversation toward an environment filled with unexpected pitfalls of hostility.

It's absolutely by design, can't have the people realising who their actual enemy is.

....says the guy who's ass I jumped for zero reason! Ha! Wasn't my fault. It was those damn shilllllls. :)

Soon a picture of Clinton, NPH, and black science man will be posted to get all the karma.

shock doctrine. right now we're shocked trump one so it is prime time for them to push bad policies on us

well try to disfuse

they want us at odds

It seems crazy to me that people can't have a debate anymore without immediately resorting to insults. After watching many of the Milton Friedman videos of real debates, it is honestly sad how far society has devolved. I am guilty of the the same thing, but it feels like everyone on the left goes straight to that.

I love a good debate, its healthy to see other sides. It gives a broader perspective and eventually the best/correct side wins or you walk away and respectfully disagree. I know in politics is more my ideals vs. yours, but you get what I'm saying. But these things require respect, and from what I see, respect is long gone. Society as a whole have lost respect. Children do not respect elders, neighbors do not respect neighbors, parents don't respect teachers, employers don't respect employees, etc. everything is so self centered, they don't care about the other sides point of view. They don't want to see your side of the equation or how you got there.

There are so many reasons for this the list would be a mile long.

Leftie here, and I'm so glad Trump is pulling out of it. Just because I don't like the man doesn't mean I automatically dislike every one of his decisions.

I was on board with Bernie but I'm beginning to really like Trump. If he keeps going in this direction he will get my vote next time around.

Used to be on board with Bernie but just now starting to like trump? Is that why you have a 5 hour old old account named vanquish_islam? Sounds more like you're attempting to plant a narrative... nice try though!!

That's impossible! This sub is a sacred place and nobody would ever try to plant comments using new/alt accounts to push a narrative! /s

Oh look, r/politics regulars here to shitpost and spam, never seen that before /s

Who is the r/politics regular? Me? Lol nice try but some people aren't naive enough to trust some random comment trying to accuse me of being some shill with no actual evidence lolll

Haha the children are funny.

Up voted both to keep them visible, well spotted Sir! ITM

I don't like Islam, it's not something I'm trying to hide. I'm not understanding what you think I'm doing, I'm open to hearing what your issue is though.

He thinks you're a shill. Idk if you are but its not an unfair assumption. You have to understand, this subreddit is filled with people whose sole reason for coming here is to push an agenda.

Ya bro like mine is the flat earth, sadly the true ones aren't funded.

Fair enough I guess, but don't we all have some agenda? For me I love alien conspiracies and pizzagate/elite secret conspiracies. I also hate Islam and would say that's a conspiracy but it's pretty transparent about its desire to take over the world; not really a secret. I guess if by agenda to discuss aliens, elites and hate on Islam then yes I have an agenda. Also aren't shills paid money?

This just in, users in r/Conspiracy might be a bit paranoid. More at 11.

But seriously, I don't Reddit a whole lot but it is curious how many new accounts I see in here posting. It's either agenda pushing or this sub creates such thought evoking ideas that people can't help but join in. I really want to believe the latter but wishing doesn't get us anywhere.

I use alternate accounts to voice opinions that can cause me trouble on other subs...not too crazy to do.

Now it's 14 hours old. When are you gonna tell the Truth?

I was on board with Bernie, and liked trump at first, but he just got worse and worse as time went on. Really, rejecting the TPP is the only good thing he's done.

You actually thing this guy will be up for reelection?!?

He won't make the 4 years. There is no way he will not cross the line and either be shit canned or god-emperor by then.

Either way no election.

Yeah, why does one good thing suddenly negate a million poor qualities?

It doesn't, but it is good to be objective so we do not turn into the political assholes we despise.

Too late for this sub.

I will still resist to the bitter end.

Cheers. Glad to see some reasonable people haven't jumped ship yet.

Leave it then.

Aren't you a mod?

Yep. You've been screaming about politics taking over the sub for nearly a month but all you participate in is the politics on this sub. Maybe you should leave the sub to help us fix the problem?

And yes I am a mod here. So? The way I see it, you can either stop complaining and enjoy participation, or stop participating and enjoy not complaining.

Whoa. I've not posted here in a few days, and I certainly am not screaming about anything. You're suggesting I leave because my opinion doesn't fit the narrative here?

That kind of goes against what this sub is about. Does it not?

Whoaaaa just stop complaining about the sub. 90% of the annoying shit here is people complaining about other people's politics.

Fair enough, I'm sure it is annoying. But, opinions are going to be pretty varied right now. There's plenty to talk about, and people want to vent their opinions on the current state of the nation. You can't police everything.

Go to /r/politics and "vent" your opinion

What makes you think I want to post there? I have no use for that place. This sub is fine with me. Thanks.

I just fear we will be put into it by some other name or they will sneakily sign it without us knowing.

In the press release this morning Sean Spicer said Trump will push for bilateral 1 on 1 trade deals which I hope are negotiated in both parties interests. I think we as a country will have to suck up some unpleasant realities about standards of living though ie we need to stop the glut of Walmart and amazon/ebay international luxury goods.

That's true. But we also ignore the fact that it keeps wages low. We're overtaxed on top of that.

The bilateral deals President Trump promised could also mean worse deals for the working class and middle class then the TPP could ever have achieved. That is what has me worried.

If your a person who believes money flows down from the rich to the poor (like I believe Trump does) all the more likely your going to do a deal which is great for big business and the wealthy in each country but woeful to the middle class and working class of your and theirs countries.


Here here

I agree. Why does "leftists" have to all be grouped together talking about supporting this? Hillary supporters and moderate dems and republicans believe in globalist trade deals. Anymore left than moderate and you begin to see people opposed to TPP and NAFTA (including myself). You're using r/politics of all subs to bash an entire group of people to fit your narrative.

THIS! So many Berniecrats were already against free trade deals, shit going back to Ross Perot and his “Giant Sucking Sound”, I remember well. I absolutely despise the corporate Democrats that brought us HRC and Obama, they are all talk, telling democratic voters what they want to hear so they can then do the opposite. People are waking up, but for sure there is a funny kind of confusion over taking many of them as they react as only Pavlov could dream. But hey, Republican voters have been voting against their own self interest for as long as Democrats have been. Jesus, they fell for trickle down economics, and some still defend it as a viable economic theory. Even Bush Sr. called it out when he was running against Reagan, “voodoo economics”. 40 years later, and it’s still the basic policy of out government. We’re pathetic as a society.


CTR spent HOW much money trying to find the thing to get Reddit to shut up?! I doubt you could do it with one quote :P

Good quote though, very appropriate and well used.

I hope so. If something good is done, we should be thankful. If Hillary was President, she would be shaking her tits and ass to get people to accept it.

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Hahaha!! Wouldn't you like to know?

Just that Trump withdrew us from the TPP. I was saying that, if Hillary was President, should would be shaking her tits and ass to get people to accept it.

That's horribly misogynist.

If I was serious, I would agree with you. I do not like Hillary at all, and it is my right to make fun of her.

The problem with default subs is that they have been taken over by paid propaganda. Check out real Bernie subs like /r/WayOfTheBern for how Bernies really feel about it.

The people are just stupid assholes. There is no other way to explain their blind, biased hatred for Trump.

I bet that will shut reddit up.

The "people" op is talking about are the same "people" who trashed Sanders throughout the primaries.

Shills won't respond favorably to a Bernie quote lol

Reddit has been against tpp long before these sub year old accounts came along

no they are just shills and paid to say anything

Even if they are just shills, they are already echoing it IRL. People I know and now back flipping into how awful this is or that it's a trick. ??? Mind Control? It sure seems like it.

yes esepcially if they are watchin rachel maddow

its the micro waves they can turn them up when they feel like it

and being glued to their phones 24/7. talk about zombie apocalypses.

i know in the city they look so rediculous '

cant even have a conversation with eachother

more to the point, they don't want to. on your phone you can just close/swipe/delete. IRL, not so much.

i know control alt delete what a function! if only if only

Obama pushed TPP his entire presidency too which made it hard for libs to criticize it, well fake libs anyway, but then they'd say we're racist if we don't like TPP.

well that is iexactly why he was chosen

and he did everything they wanted him too

yes! and now they will have trump pretend to do some things to make the conservadems kneejerk be against it, or for it, like how they're not kneejerk for TPP.

did you enjoyo the compelling music

should get some ambient shoegaze guitar. i could do it

shoegaze? <--whatdat?

like rock and roll but a lot of effects on the guitar like fuzz and reverb

i see... dod you find the banking info interesting ?

ya very much

good just remember all the false veils they put before us to focus on rather than who is sitting in the room callin shots behind the veil they allow us to glimpse

i think all their rancid structures are about to crumble

gotta focus on both

anyone who went along with it? guillotine time.

i know the desparacy these days is worse than rococo times

Obama's legacy in one word. SHIT.

he is great unto himself but ... i am glad his time is over

At the risk of sounding insulated it is maddening to go through the first few pages of reddit; especially going into threads. Only when sorting comments by controversial do I see what seem like organic replies. So if you ever feel like you're going crazy try that. like in that male abduction/torture thread (also interesting how in that same thread the top comment is wildly karma inflated with multiple guilds.) the agenda is real

its crazy. I'm about to unplugged and go live in the woods. I try to be nice & polite, but some people are really pushing it.

Ever wonder if it's bots talking to bots and both comments are getting upvoated by bots?


Wait, what? ... Fucking Reddit, I'm starting to think more and more people drink lead water.

Woah! That's a hell of a conspiracy you came up with!

Absolutely absurd, I hope that in 20 years, a lot of folks will look back and be able to comprehend their idiocy seen currently.

20 years from now there will something far worse making this look like sanity. It'll probably be Chelsea's presidential run.

Honestly I think we are moving in the right direction. We just have to keep up momentum. Don't be discouraged. Get spiritual.

Ahah ahah! Newbs


Too much idiots

The whole idea of TPP was amazing: "Hey, if I'm going to invest in your country, I need to know that you won't suddenly elect a new government that changes the laws and thereby threatens my investment. I need a supranational board to ensure that laws passed internally by countries can be overrided otherwise it's a deterrent to international investment".

"what if people don't like pollution. make a law saying fuck them"

What was obvious and scary about the TPP really for me was the fact that it was blatantly trying to circumvent other nations, specifically China, India and Russia. To me this is ridiculous that no one was outraged by the fact that it was o so obviously aggressive on our part.

Oh no, America acting in her best interests.

Well let's reason here: the government represents he people equally and wholly, and this plan would be negative for a lot of American workers. So I think that it's not really acting her best interests by staying in.

Fair enough but your original point was a lot of hand wringing about America circumventing Russia and China while trying to get these countries within her orbit. Like what do you expect from Russia and China and every country? It's what they do.

Well they are. Think about the next step: military aggression. Its the next Cold War right here if it went through. Then would go our rights in the name of 'safety'. Patriot Act is an example.

What I am saying is that it's deeper than "it's what they do". Actions have motivations and self interest has factors that shape them. Those factors in my mind are not in representation of citizens but rather those same factors have a benefit to gain from the TPP . This effect has taken the shape of the ability for companies to donate money to our politicians to get it to go through. Not even to mention compete secrecy about it and trying to rush it through. The US is trying to get around Russia and China with TPP, in the interest of big money

The US is trying to get around Russia and China with TPP, in the interest of big money

I mean, I agree with you. I just don't share your surprise or consternation. The entire history of the human race has been this

I have, I don't see it. What I see are a bunch of very downvoted comments at the start of threads before the actual lefties hop in and comment about how stupid those comments are.

This then puts the idea in everyone's minds that somehow the left supported the TPP.

Its like racist comments early in a thread, and when you read the thread all the most upvoted comments are about how stupid the racist comments were, but to someone new to the thread those would be nowhere to be found.

Thank you for putting this into words.

Literally all I see is comments such as the one in the title. OP, this isn't the Donald .

Hillary and CTR paid shills = conservadems

which is also why I suspect trump will still do TPP albeit give itself a new name since the TPP one is tainted. and do likewise with NAFTA and obamacare, keep em but give em a new name. for show. they're right wing, conservative ideas.

Really? You think the guy who ran on Nationalism Vs Globalism as the #1 core issue is a TPP plant?

The Russian Manchurian Candiditate and White Supremacist theories were much better thought out than this one.

he's a repub and TPP is designed to only help the rich so yeah

TPP is for helping rich globalists. He's a rich nationalist. I can start naming rich globalists and rich nationalists on the left, if you want to go down this ridiculous anti-thought experiment.

nah he has tons of global connections

Apparently you're not aware of what "nationalism vs globalism" even means.

Nationalism does not mean isolationism. It means the control of international agreements is retained by the sovereign entities covered by those agreements. This is directly opposite of globalism, which means the control of international agreements is retained by international organizations that the entities are legally beholden unto.

The TPP is designed to give power to these globalist international organizations, taking it away from the nations. Thus, with TPP you have a governing body that can tell the US they can't determine their own import taxes (neither raising or lowering) regardless of who has come into power in the most recent election.

Nationalism lets the involved nations directly negotiating with each other, and if the voting public of either country doesn't like it, they vote in new leaders.

Globalism controls it via international organizations led by corporate leaders, and if the voting block doesn't like it.... Tough Shit.

All of that said, nothing in "nationalism" says or even implies that the state becomes isolationist and stops having global connections.

If you thought ANY candidate was pushing the removal of "global connections" well, you're wrong. The reason for that wrongness... insanity? stupidity? I'm sure we're about to find out.

ignore what trump says look at what he does

you got cucked by goldman sachs

That's an entirely different argument than "Trump is a secret globalist."

So let's look at what he does

/looks at the news

Oh look, he dumped the TPP.

think he'll take down the federal reserve? I think he has enough corporate backing to the not get JFK'd. but we'll see. interesting times indeed.

I don't know about taking it out, but I'm betting that regular audits are on the schedule. Minimum, one audit for every audit that was ever levied against Trump, lol.

haha! I like it.

What he does is fill his cabinet with the very same globalist fucks you derided a post ago. He now has the ability to loot the government for himself and his business interests. Do you really think the game changed here?

This is false. Every one of his cabinet that I have read about or heard speak is a strong nationalist. Once again, proving you detractors don't even understand the concepts being discussed.

Are Neoliberals considered leftist?

Never. They are centrist, sometimes act like rightist.

Except the whole communism/socialism part. Some people justify state control through different means but ultimately it comes down to "I know better than you plebs how you should live your life".

No. Neolibs are NOT socialists or communists. Actual socialists and communists go for people like Bernie Sanders, not scumbags like Hillary Clinton.

And actually, Sanders is barely a socialist at all really. Someone who is serious about socialism would look at his policy positions and say he's a centrist.


People you don't agree with commenting on reddit! What a conspiracy!

I have zero respect or trust for trump, and possibly even less so for his political comrades. That said, I do try to remain hopeful because the idea that things could be better is not misleading. I see more overtly authoritarian and anti populace things coming from this administration.

That said, thanks, Donnie.

If Trump denounced the Holocaust, I strongly suspect that the leftists would be screaming for concentration camps.

Pretty much every top comment in the default subs is about how this was a good move.....

Shhh, just be quiet and accept the circle jerk against the "other".

I know it isn't all of the left but many of their hate for all thing Trump seems like it could get them starving themselves if he talked about it being necessary to get enough nutrition

How is this a conspiracy? Fuck off you politically charged cunt

The only ppl left in the "left" are HC/NWO cabal and bots. They were defeated and are using shell of former entity to pretend they represent most Dems. They always had plenty of $ but no support (empty rallies). It's all orchestrated, FAKE, hired propaganda. (Soros supported post election protests and apparently Women's march was planned a year ago, as celebratory.) MSM collusion is a foregone conclusion, from the DNC LEAKS. So, as Kanye said, we are being lied to.

This is the result of never leaving your bubble and believing all the shit you see on reddit about liberals

Oh, a shill. Too much truth for you?

It's sad that you think people that disagree with you are paid. Actually take the time and talk to liberal minded people in life, but you'll probably think they're shills too :/

What makes you think I am not a liberal? Bec I'm not blind to gross corruption? Bernie should be Prez. I rest my case.

Uh huh

I live in Seattle. It's pretty much what he said, plus some differently-abled folks.

His comment makes no sense at all. No support at all but the Womens March was huge? Like cmon now have some common sense

It's just hyperbole.

Uh huh

Are you black?


Idk, just wondering. Your comments made you sound black in my head.


It was advertised and funded. Made it easy to make it happen.

Uh huh, that's why it happened all over and in multiple countries, all soros right!!!!

Eh, I've always supported it. The answer to the healthy process of noncompetitive jobs disappearing and competitive jobs appearing - also known as forward progress - shouldn't be protectionism. Without old jobs disappearing, new ones cannot appear. When cars are introduced, carriages go out of business. When machines are introduced, coal miners go out of business. That's not a bad thing, this is how it should be.

People do lose their jobs, though. The American way is that when you lose your job, you lose your health insurance, and health is incredibly expensive, so if you break your leg while unemployed your life is basically over. Additionally, if you've just been fired from a closing factory in a field that doesn't exist anymore, then it'll be really hard for you to go back to work in a different field, since education costs infinity money. And if you can't find a job, you will have to rely on restricted government food programs and Fox News will berate you for eating fish.

Save the people, not the ship. Let the jobs go, and arrange a safety net for the employees to continue living in a respectable way for a year or two while they learn new skills for a new job. This gives the best of two worlds - the market is kept flexible by not inhibiting fluidity in what the market is composed of, and employees aren't scared to death of losing their job.

In a way, both Trump and Bernie are wrong here. Bernie won't let the ship sink, while Trump won't let the ship sink and won't save the sailors. I guess Trump is more wrong.

The two main issues the American economy has, by far, are the insane costs of healthcare and education. That the last elections were about any other topic boggles my mind. TPP wouldn't have been a bad thing if people could change jobs or fields when needed.

Besides this point: listening to what the previous government had to say brings up that the TPP was a strategic move to strengthen China's neighbors. There's more than just jobs on the line here.

TPP = divestment. TPP = US rules in Asia.

It's really simple, we don't somehow get new better wonder jobs back when McDonalds goes and makes stores in Asia dude.

Trade is not a breach of sovereignty.

No US jobs are lost when McDonald's opens branches in Asia.

Jobs are not "gotten". There is no global jobs dispenser that the US needs to grab more from. Jobs are also not "created" by the government. They happen when ability, vision, resources and lack of government interference coincide.

If the government actively supports one sector, then it is actively inhibiting all others.

Trade is not a breach of sovereignty. No, they have to accept a bunch of our regulations like health codes.

What the hell are you blabbering about, really? McDonalds will take money they could have invested in the US and invest it in Asia. Then Asians will reap the tax, Asians will get the jobs. It's not good for the US people. We will have our rules enforced in their countries, so that our type of industries, like McDonalds, can compete. Asians will provide more demand for Tyson's shitty chicken, so we can sell it in walmart there, and then that demand is driving up prices Americans pay at home.

I'm just not seeing any sense in what you're saying.

Asians will provide more demand for Tyson's shitty chicken, so we can sell it in walmart there, and then that demand is driving up prices Americans pay at home.

So you're saying basically that exporting anything drives prices up? Maybe Trump should put export taxes on American industry to keep prices down then.

We will have our rules enforced in their countries

It's a trade agreement, not a cease fire agreement. They think it's better for their economies to take the trade America's offering.

No, they have to accept a bunch of our regulations like health codes.

They don't, and sanitation is like okay. So are fair salaries. I also won't mourn the passing of child labor.

TPP wipes out, for example, vietnam's food industry with our health codes

They could grow and cook their food with proper sanitary concern. It won't hurt them.

then replaces their industry with ours

If theirs can't compete. I suspect it will be able to.

I don't even think I need to make much of an argument. NAFTA looks like a job exporter on its face. It makes it easy to outsource our jobs to Mexico while selling the products that are made in America. Benefit from cheap labor, like Sanders was saying.

Immediately eliminated tariffs on 50 percent of industrial goods imported into Mexico from the US
Set a 10-year timetable for phasing out most tariffs — and a 15-year timetable for phasing out all tariffs — among Mexico, the US, and Canada. Before NAFTA, Mexican tariffs averaged 10 percent and US tariffs averaged 4 percent.
Eliminated a slew of Mexican protectionist measures: requirements that the government had to approve certain classes of imports; local content quotas, requirements that Mexican firms meet targets for export performance
Most importantly, gave Mexico guaranteed tariff- and quota-free access to the largest consumer market in the world, thus eliminating the principal cause of uncertainty that made investors leery of putting their money into the steel and concrete and machines bolted to the floor that are Mexican factories.

You could read the article, you know.

I posted that straight out of the article.

Yes, I know.

I'll never vote Democrat again, what a bunch of FUCKING losers, hell if Trump gets the black community going I think the Democrats may lose a MASSIVE chuck of their voting block. Thank You President Trump and keep up the good work !!!

I don't think they are Leftists. Just sayin'.

I just don't see how this is a conspiracy.... What the fuck is wrong with you, /r/conspiracy? You're I'll.

There's not one true leftist who support these trade deals. They are either neo-liberals or corporate shills.

I was a Bernie delegate at the Philly convention. And smuggled a sign in that was anti-TPP just like almost every other Bernie delegate did. :P And here is just one article about that: http://www.politico.com/tipsheets/morning-trade/2016/07/anti-tpp-protesters-keep-trade-a-hot-topic-at-convention-little-love-for-trump-on-wto-exit-talk-chambers-chief-lobbyist-to-retire-215536

And then I came home and participated in a Labor Day parade, and we all carried anti-TPP signs as the Roanoke Democratic Committee down the streets.

I don't know who is complaining about the TPP being dead, but I suspect it isn't Lefties.

Id love for anyone to link me a comment with more than 100-150 upvotes saying how this was a bad move and how Trump was in the wrong.

Hey feminist, how does it feel to be a tool of a billionaire who makes his money by causing civil wars such as the Ukraine war,and lost billions of dollars betting aginst tump?

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OP you don't seem to realize that the only reason Donald Trump is against the TPP is that he's been a Liberal for most of his life.

Meanwhile the GOP had UNILATERAL support for NAFTA AND the TPP.

"Leftists" indeed, before this retardation leftists were the only ones who opposed the TPP.

Nobody really was against it. It's an establishment vs. outsider issue. Smart people are against it, cronies left and right are for it.

while tpp is horrible for most countrys involved it is indeed a dumb move for trump to cancle it without a alternative deal.

Tpp was not made for economic reasons - it was made to bind the southeast asia countrys to USA. As a reaction to the danger of BRICS. So this countrys dont join BRICS. Now when India - China - Russia really start this BRICS thing and remove dollar for trade with eachother than this will hurt USA. But it will hurt much more when all other countrys see the progress and join it.

USA hates the euro because all the EU countrys dont use dollar anymore for trade with eachother - they have the euro now. And same will happen with east-asia.

Spicer said in the press conference today that it is the goal to negotiate trade deals with each individual country. Countries would never cut US out of trade like you say either, it would only hurt themselves.

Today at work i did a news (cant remember which source) how an Japan or Australian politican said something like China could join tpp and tak the spot for USA.

Sure, China could con countries into not trading with us. I really don't think they'll be able to since trading with us is so appealing.

this does not matter at all ... when this tpp countrys (south east asia) join BRICS and so remove dollar for trade with eachother than it just does not matter who is trading with usa

when countrys stop using dollar its allways damage for usa

They never joined BRICS before why would they now? We're just getting out of the TPP and renegotiating trade with each country individually. They're eager to trade with the US, the media lately makes it sound like we're really messing up, they have everyone being a worry wort. Nothing is going to change.

Why would you reduce a opinion/position down to left or right? Using those terms creates division that we don't need.

You confuse "leftists" with (neo)liberals. "Leftist" is insulting buzzword for everyone who is not far-right/fascist.

Liberals ain't left these days, bruh.


I'm really happy trump got us out of that deal. However has he even mentioned the TISA deal at all? That deal is just as bad...

What exactly is the conspiracy here. This is a t_d post, go there.

I like that he didn't sign it a lot it's probably the only good thing he'll do.

How is this a conspiracy? So generic swipes at "leftists" is a fine thread in /r/conspiracy?

What a the conspiracy?

They aren't leftists then are they

fix flint's water supply

I really hate when stupid conservatives call Hillary Clinton supporters. Leftists. They aren't. They supported a neocon. Bernie supporters do not support TPP.

should get some ambient shoegaze guitar. i could do it

That's true. But we also ignore the fact that it keeps wages low. We're overtaxed on top of that.

The bilateral deals President Trump promised could also mean worse deals for the working class and middle class then the TPP could ever have achieved. That is what has me worried.

If your a person who believes money flows down from the rich to the poor (like I believe Trump does) all the more likely your going to do a deal which is great for big business and the wealthy in each country but woeful to the middle class and working class of your and theirs countries.