This is the priest leading the prayers at the Presidential Inauguration. He's quite something...

615  2017-01-24 by [deleted]



Well getting downvoted straight away, no surprises there then ☺

Have an upvote :)


What a dick

Must be all those "pedo apologist & defenders" the pizzagaters are always talking about /s

Are you implying there are no "pedo apologist & defenders" involved in church and govt.?

No I was getting at the fact that every time the pizzagaters post their newest "alternative facts" and it gets downvoted of criticized, they immediately jump to that "pedo apologist & defenders are trying to silence us....."

And I was being sarcastic, because you'd think If pizzagate was anything but a democratic smear campaign, these people would want to investigate any potential pedo news as intensively as they did PG. I mean come on every time it's called out for what it is, they claim it isn't a witch hunt, and that all the non-believers need to put aside politics and "think about the children" or that "we need to protect the weakest people in our society"

I'd be willing to bet, if you had posted this as "pedo priest sat next to Hillary during inauguration" people would already be shouting it from the rooftops as yet more undeniable proof that "proves" pizzagate

These are not "alternative facts"

I never said they were, I said pizzagaters evidence could normally be summed up as alternative facts

I feel like there's a disconnect here, my first comment responding to you being downvoted was intended to be heavily sarcastic, implying that the same people who make the "apologist and defenders" claim on PG post when they're being downvoted are probably the ones downvoting this (since it's not about Clinton)

Ok, sorry i misunderstood your first answer

no you had it right he's trollin

How so? I think he made a pretty good explanation of the mindset behind some of the PG investigators, and how often times people are put down for dismissing circumstantial evidence.

There's a very interesting cognitive dissonance associated with the need to believe in something, especially when it involves those you want to see fail, or be indicted.

Nope. Labelling people as pizzagaters to discredit them is stupid. Pizzagate wasn't anything special, just more of the same. Same with 9/11 and truthers, Obama critics and birthers.

Labels are used to discredit our curiosity and it's bullshit.

Huh? That's not what I said at all.

I know. Hence the big day nope at the forefront of my comment.

I beleieve in pizzagate but and support Trump but I as hell would investigate this. Does the post imply the priest during the innaguration was involved with pedo stuff? I haven't had time to check the links yet. If it's true how holy....this might be an ice breaker and would definetly warrant a serious discussion. I'll keep scrolling through the comments to see what this is all about and check the links when I got more time.

My god I am already so fucking sick of hearing that phrase.

Is "alternative facts" the new "fake news"?

Yep pretty much

Dude I heard this phrase on the radio this morning, I don't know in what context. Did fake news stick to the MSM, which they didn't plan for, so now MSM will provide alternative facts? Such wild and bizarre times

It's because "alternative facts" was the phrase used to defend Spitzer's misinformation/lies from last week.

If you read those codes emails and didn't suspect at the very least they were talking about drug use, you're full of shit. You're doing the same thing you're accusing him of doing here, sweeping fishy ass shit under the rug to play partisan politics. Even then I've seen most people who believe in pizzagate openly admit it's not a partisan issue, these sick fucks are both red and blue. Blue just got caught slipping

Couldn't have said it better myself. Red will be caught too. You deniers are going to look so ridiculous when this finally unfolds...

Dennis Hastert, and the whole Franklin Scandal was republican all these idiots would rather put "pizzagate" out of site out of mind and think it doesn't happen. Non-partisan issue get over it and most people who say that it's nothing haven't looked at the whole thing so not sure if their shills or just low functioning idiots.

Exactly man. It makes me sad to have people dismiss Pizzagate or people posting about it because they still think they're just trying to bash Dems and Hillary.

I don't know why people can't just accept that those are the emails we got, so those are the ones people worked with and made connections from.

Basically implying pizzagate posters would turn a blind eye to Republican involvement if something came to light.

NO! No you assholes! If republican emails leaked, I would bet the house that the same people would be tearing into them looking for pizzagate connections. The election is over and settled. Perhaps consider the possibility people just want to get to the bottom of this? Maybe there is something more to it for these people than just making Dems and Hillary look bad?

Whether or not the emails were released to crush the democrats, it's very disturbing that people believe that people online looking into this only care about smearing Dems and don't just, I don't know, want to expose the possibility of some foul play/abuse involving children?

Someone actually challenged me on the notion that those emails don't even contain codewords, that people are just careless with their word placement and that is why these emails don't make sense. Unbelievable. Most of these clowns posting here dismissing pizzagate don't put up much of a fight when challenged on it. I haven't actually gotten the impression that ANY of the people like this that I have interacted with have even seen everything that has been found. Not once. I have not seen any plausible explanation for everything that has been found when considered as a WHOLE. I can believe words were misplaced in one email. Not far-fetched at all. But when were aren't talking about JUST ONE instance of these sentences that make no sense and with these same words in play, I have to really question if I'm dealing with an honest skeptic.... or an intentional deceiver.

Well I'm afraid of the results here but what about katie Johnson? Who said she was raped by trump and epstien when she was 13, and was gonna do a press conference about it till she was threatened if she did? Why is no one coming to fight for her voice or demanding a real investigation into whether or not her story checks out?

I'm not saying I'm buying her story blindly, but I'm sure there is a ton of dismissing suspect evidence in her case, where are all the citizen journalist on this case? With one conspiracy you have self determined code words and weird art, and the other you have a girl saying something actually happened to her, yet I have not seen any of the PG pushers even mention her name? Why does no one want to give her story the time of day if this isn't partisan?

With out a doubt had she been accusing podesta or Hillary and then canceled a press conference because of harassment and threats it would be all anyone would be talking about

Why is no one coming to fight for her voice or demanding a real investigation into whether or not her story checks out?

Why don't you?

They are too quick to dismiss something attaching across the aisle, I agree. Pizzagate has some substance to it to dig into.

The Katie Johnson thing is just the claims of an anonymous person. You either believe her story or you don't. Without a bill Cosby situation with tons of people stepping forward with similar tales, there's not much anyone can look at to make their decision.

I found the whole anonymous thing to be kind of weird to be honest, as well as the cancelling of the conference. If Trump really raped her, he and Jeff could very well know who she is...Why hide her identity from the public? I would be more worried about resourceful billionaires who raped me being able to figure out my identity and have me whacked while I'm still 'anonymous', personally.

Trump never went to pedo island and we know Bill did. I can see why people would think they cooked this up so both of their "rapy" stories would cancel out.

I find it a little hard to believe such a prominent public face would commit such a crime and leave such a person alive to tell the tale. If you are already a child rapist, would you really draw the line at murder and take on that risk of a surviving witness? Would you let victims disappear into anonymity to tell on you? Just seems far fetched to me

With pizzagate there is a code being used and we have the emails to go off of. I don't know what we can do to look into and make judgements on regarding Katie Johnsons story.

I am certain there are republicans involved in the pedo rings. If they were squeaky clean and the dems were depraved on their own, republicans would go public with this and never shut up about it. Politicians themselves would bring it up. It would be the death of the Democratic Party.

It's had to be all encompassing at the highest levels or it wouldn't work.

i think most pizzagate denying at least as far as im concerned is the willy nilly connections and borderline circumstantial evidence.

Yes i believe their is a pedo problem with the elite in washington. Yet PG seems to only focus on comet pizza, some 501c3, a coffin maker, edgy instagram posts and a fucking killroom.

How about these investigators investigate the right shit

I agree with you. Unfortunately you are right, especially being careful to even call any of it borderline evidence. There are a ridiculous amount of suspicious or sketchy things but but they cannot aggregate to become "evidence", unfortunately.

Despite all that I think what has been found is worth a look and it all looks extremely suspect. I also acknowledge that none of it qualifies as evidence.

Well said friend. I'm so sick of the left right paradigm where motherfuckers act holier than thou about certain actions, just to turn around and justify it when "their side" does the same. I'm happy to be out of that paradigm where you realize both are shades of the same bullshit.

Anyone can go look up Google trends and see for themselves how INSTANTLY the moment pizzagate spread, "Fake News" trended to almost an identical degree. I'm sure that's just a coincidence though.

It's even more infuriating because while simultaneously demanding acknowledgment that a humongous organization that for most of human history went hand in hand with government is partaking in child trafficking and pedophilia and covering it up, tries to sweep the insinuation that coked out old men who who take bribes for a living would do the same. You have no problem acknowledging that a power structure based around 'holiness" is full of shit, but God forbid someone accuse your precious DNC of doing the same.

Pizzagate is not a partisan issue. It is an issue with the government and ruling elite. Look at the "Conspiracy of Silence" - a 90s documentary that was never aired due to political pressure. George HW is implicated. It pervades both parties.

Lets all for a moment say a prayer for all the conspiracies that are banned

Oh?Just PG?

Where the fuck did this "alternative facts" term come from all of a sudden? Is it the new "fake news"? You can tell who comes here to distract from the conversations because they always use these new buzz words designed to discredit.

Haha. You pay NO attention, do you?

I pay attention to more important things than the latest dismissive terminology.

So official propaganda being pushed by the administration you support is less important than wrestling and sports teams?

Yeah, those other things I like to watch are like junk food. In a very serious world where everything is so polarized and there are so many cunts like you I have to interact with, it's nice to have some things to just turn my mind off and laugh at. That anything I've typed even led you to research my other posts tells me everything I need to know about you. You could have just answered with the origin of the term, but instead you chose this. You're a shitty person.

Gotta love this ongoing ministry of truth coming from politicians and their useful idiot followers. Now it's settling right in out of the gate. We are really completing this 1984 narrative.

Umm, have you even looked at anything pizzagate related yourself?

I was there when it started man. It's real.

Wow... This is a whole other level of shilling. Try to trick people into thinking that they should be ashamed in looking into pizzagate facts (not "alternate" facts... Cute try though) but supporting this post

Yeah, that crazy, cooky conspiracy theory that people were covering up pedos. THAT's never happened (Jimmy Savile, Boys Town, Catholic Church)

Good work! Couple weeks ago, did some research on Rex Tillerson, the new secretary of state. Ceo of exxon. Also, director of the boy scouts of America. He was known for allowing gay scout masters into the organization. There's also murmurings of similar pedo cover-ups. I know it's a stretch, but i think Tillerson might be a pedo.

On a note of devils advocacy, I recall reading how he served on a jury and ended up 12 Angry Men-ing them into putting a "What if the child consented?" pedo away.

what in the hell

I think you read that wrong. He convinced the jury to convict the pedophile.

ya I did oops

was some pedo gonna try to say the child consented, that would never matter anyway if under age. super reliable new source there. /s

I'm all for the truth. And even seeing this pervert at the inaguaration is disgusting. What isnt cool is just throwing things around that cant or arent verified. I feel like that should go for anyone and anything especially on this sub.

Being gay doesn't mean you're a pedo... do you mean he allowed homosexual child sex offenders to be Scout Masters? Or just gay dudes who are into scouting?

This is a very true and very important fact.

Being gay doesn't mean you're a pedo by any means. But a job as a scout master is probably a pedos dream job.'s also a dream job who remember childhood times in the scouts fondly, people who have maintained a relationship with the counts thief whole lives, and people who wish to benefit the lives of children. Don't be an idjit.

Little triggered there? Are you a scout master bruh? You act like i said all scout masters are pedos. You also act like there isn't a history of sexual abuse in the boy scouts of America.

No, I'm not "triggered". Sorry to bust your bubble, cupcake. I'm just pointing out that your "theory" is stupid and basically just bigoted.

How so?

Being gay doesn't mean you're a pedo by any means.

It's not that far away.

Pedophiles rape children, gay people are attracted to the same gender. The difference is pretty big.

show me please, your findings.

I started on that website, opensecret. Org, which shows where the candidates get their financial contributions from. Follow the money is a very true statement. This website lists each of the cabinet members and shows if and where they've had financial connections. On the website it had him listed as director of the boy scouts of America. Did a separate Google search on that, and found a couple articles talking about how he suppressed the allegations that children had been making. Also, an article about him allowing gay scout masters. Huge red flag. Thought about posting here once i came across it, but didn't want to have to type out a long spiel about how i came to the conclusion. But hey, better now than never.

what? pedofiles in the the church and republican party? Noooooooo impossibuuu /s

The eric braverman series has linked tillerson slightly to pizzagate. Check out his pizzagate investigation video's. Whether he just profits or participates is another question.

at 66 in the positive side right now

Yeah it took a while to stop getting pushed down

shows a majority of us here aren't idiots at the very least tho there are some duped ones here

Where are all the concerned pizza detectives?

Give them time, they have to figure out how they can spin this back towards Clinton, I'm sure once they expose her on this, we will see the red circles and arrows to help us understand their newly discovered "alternative facts"

Or you can, you know, research it yourself instead of complaining about what other people do.

Any research against Trump will get deleted or flagged as "unverified allegations"

Yea, totally.

Now I'll just navigate on over to voat to see if there are any pizzagate updates since we can no longer do so on reddit.

Non-partisan issue most of them don't even care to follow Clinton anymore shes already done and what are alternative facts? The shilling is insane and the fact you can shill for pedo's is even more crazy the lack of morals is outrageous.

Why is DHS and the FBI investigating now if there is nothing to it?

most of them don't even care to follow Clinton anymore shes already done

Are you serious?

Are you retarded, have you even been following it or are you just spewing shit like 90% of the other deniers?


Holy shit is that why people call the child fucking pizza place fake news?

And here we have the paid brownshirt to deflect all conversation to a Trump/Clinton slapfest.

Your probably a shill so this doesnt even matter but we basically exposed her right hand henchman john podesta as a pedophile.. "how does this lead back to hillary durrr durrr" shut the fuck up little kids are getting tortured and raped how low can you possibly go?

Good job!

leading the prayers.... I only saw a Hispanic poster speak, not this guy

can you provide footage or photos of this cardinal at the inaguration?

Ruh Roh Reorge !!!

We didn't even need the links. We all knew as soon as we saw the word priest mentioned.

The Vatican was like the original Mafia. Just because they are no longer so brazen doesn't mean they changed. It means the times changed, which made them transform their public image. But, ain't nuthin changed but the day.

The Roman Catholic Church the first to show how to run an effective PR campaign.

I think he's even seated right next to Trump at the Alfred E. Smith dinner. That's him right? Palling around like old times...

Yep, looks like him.

On another note, did anyone else think it was weird that they do so much praying at the Inauguration? Did Obama do this as well? Just par for the course?

I dunno without going back to cross check (which, honestly, I don't feel like doing), but no stuff like that is generally pat for the course. Even though Trump claiming to be a religious man makes about as much sense as Bill claiming to be monogamous.

I had never listened to one before, so I was completely unaware.

Your analogy was clever.

Supposedly Trump set the record for religious stuff, but only by one prayer event. So essentially par for the course.

Biggest prayer, ever. Anyone that says otherwise is trying to take away the enthusiasm for Trump and trying to divide our country.

I think he's even seated right next to Hillary at the Alfred E. Smith dinner. That's her right? Palling around like old times...


Yeah that guy is a huge piece of shit

How so? Serious question and not trolling.

Not trolling, huh? Maybe read the fucking links in the OP.

Suck a dick.


Dolan is evil, he sucks, he was one of six "leading prayers" at the inauguration, they were probably all power-hungry types.

You don't turn a battleship all at once. Baby steps. But we must watch closely and note alarming "allies" as we see them. Thank you for this post.

I don't mean to downplay this, but I think we can just assume this sort of behavior from higher ups in the Catholic Church.

At a certain level, they HAVE to be dealing with pedophilia cases, and since we don't hear about numbers of priests being arrested... well, I guess there is a cover up.

I noticed they talked about Babylon in their speech. I thought it was the city of satan?

Babylon the Great actually represents all False Religion.

Jesuits don't lose elections.

What about Kaine?

Kaine may have been Jesuit educated but so was Trump. Jesuits win either way.

I thought he looked familiar. Looks like he would be leading the prayers if Clinton won to so either way. Wishful thinking on my part that maybe Trump doesn't know...sigh

Call these guys out. Could be a connection to pizza gate.

He's just trying to save his diocese's money.

being involved in the catholic church and covering up pedophilia is like a cop involved in peacekeeping who covers up excessive violence.

they all need to burn in hell

since there is no hell lets just burn em

He was probably booked in advance by the hillary team

I went to a catholic school in Kenosha, a city in this diocese. Somewhere there's a picture of me with this guy on the front page of an old newspaper. I was class president and he put his little hat on my head for a photo op.... weird seeing all this about him.

I love how you essentially post the same article, in multiple formats to make it seem more substantial or something?

It's the same article. The Reuters article at the top was disseminated to all the rest of the mainstream media sources.

The Reuters article (and all the subsequent articles) makes it seem as though Dolan definitively shielded pedo priests. He did reassign priests -- which at the time of the scandal, the 80s was common practice -- the assumption being that this sin was 'curable'.

The therapeutic model has long since been scrapped. But to say that he did this deliberately in order to 'shield' the priests is not substantiated by the information given.

Further the information given shows that "in September 2003, Dolan informed the Vatican of abuse by Reverend John O'Brien" sending multiple letters to Pope John Paul II.

After receiving no response "records show that Dolan followed up with more two accounts of abuse on the part of O'Brien, according to a document."

In other words, Dolan repeatedly contacted the Vatican about Rev. Obrien's actions and was did not receive a prompt response.

I love how the mainstream media is 'untrustworthy' except when it publishes things about the Catholic Church. "'s all true!"

You will not hear me defend pedophiles or defend people who definitively harbored or shielded pedos. I am a female who was assaulted by an Anglican priest myself.

But I will stand up for the truth, no matter what side it is on. Where my beloved Catholic Church has fallen and is in error I will speak out against her, but where error is wanting, I will stand to defend her.

This post -- and these multiple 'articles' all saying the same slanted thing -- are not fair to the record of Cardinal Dolan.

Downvoted for speaking the truth on a sub that is supposed to be about seeking the truth. This place in now filled with people looking to fill their own prejudices. They ignore how the rate of abuse among clergy, is lower than the general population. Soley because of prejudice towards religion or a particular church.

And, he's a Catholic to boot!

whoever is speaking at 1:24 literally says something about big checks to hillary, and then says, "not so fast, don't forget the children."

plain sight

The Church of Rome existed long before it ever hitched it's wagon to Christianity and agreed to proclaim the divine right of European kings in return for recognising and financially supporting "the Princes of the Church" in equal style and splendor and restoring it's control over the monarchs who from then on needed the church's blessing to be fully acknowledged as absolute rulers that God had bestowed that power on and given that right to, just as the priesthood of the Church of Rome had in pre-Christian times when it came to selecting and endorsing Rome's own Emperors and most powerful leaders. A long tradition and a direct contradiction of Christ admonishing all of his followers "to call no man Lord".

I'm sure you'll get some apologists in here defending him.

Why is DHS and the FBI investigating now if there is nothing to it?

I started on that website, opensecret. Org, which shows where the candidates get their financial contributions from. Follow the money is a very true statement. This website lists each of the cabinet members and shows if and where they've had financial connections. On the website it had him listed as director of the boy scouts of America. Did a separate Google search on that, and found a couple articles talking about how he suppressed the allegations that children had been making. Also, an article about him allowing gay scout masters. Huge red flag. Thought about posting here once i came across it, but didn't want to have to type out a long spiel about how i came to the conclusion. But hey, better now than never.

Yep pretty much

most of them don't even care to follow Clinton anymore shes already done

Are you serious?

I had never listened to one before, so I was completely unaware.

Your analogy was clever.