Why aren't people worried about front facing phone camera as much as laptop cameras?

74  2017-01-24 by [deleted]



I've often wondered how many hours of video our phones have of us picking our noses

Mostly me squinting or making faces at my fb and reddit feeds...

They have hours of awkward seal double chin for me. I feel bad for the interns that get the late shift.

But no lie, if they're taking audio of my shits, I pity them...

What about your contorted expressions when watching porn? That always wigs me out.

Anyone who doesn't vote Zuckerberg in 2020 will have their Facebook profile photo changed to precisely that.

I'm really hoping Facebook is dying or dead by then. I'm not optimistic, but it would be nice.

I feel like social media changes only really happen with younger people. I feel like we're gonna be stuck with Facebook for a while.

Thank youuuu

Although I'm security conscious, I've decided to not care about potentially being filmed while wanking as blackmail because if you simply don't let it embarrass you, it's a shitty blackmail tool.

Think about how many people have been caught accidentally wanking on Twitch, for instance, and just shrugged it off and continued on.

That's my mentality in regards to this stuff, because ultimately secretly filming someone masturbating says FAR MORE about how sick they are, than it would any detriment to one's reputation.

If government sources tried to influence me with these videos, I'd go home, immediately drop trou and jizz all over the camera.

Probably remarkably little. Such video would take up a lot of memory and if many GBs were devoted to nosepicking videos, people would notice it. Couldn't be streamed to an external place for storage either, since that would eat a ton of Internet bandwidth that would also be noticed.

I don't really do too much that I don't want seen on my phone as much as my computer. And besides seeing my face staring blankly at reddit all day or me in my private home while my computer pointed at my bed and other living quarters can catch me naked or doing other illegal activities

I have a piece of tape on both...

Can I borrow your phone for a minute? What's this? Is that tape?

It's a sophisticated anti-surveillance prototype composed primarily of cellophane and translucent adhesive.

When will these sophisticated pieces of hardware be available to the public?

Social Concealment Of Technological Hegemony. Or SCOTCH TAPE.


Why, yes, yes it is.


Food for thought. Supposedly they were working on a workaround for tape. I couldn't find the original story in which I read about it but this guy mentions it in brief

I'm currently using black duct tape.

I think that article is satire, mate.

The budget for GoldenEye is reportedly in the neighborhood of $42 gazillion

Curse my cursory search to try to help you! The article I saw was about using WiFi and Bluetooth to create a 3d map, combined with somehow filtering out color from tape that is put over the lens. I will do my best to find it for you. Apologies for the accidental BS

Don't have a laptop. Phone is in my pocket or against my ear.

So you never look at your screen? Fascinating

That would require me to have glasses or something to see the little screen. So I just answer people that call me.

Well look at you.

Not though my own devices.


Those who worry about these issues are more likely to use their laptops than phones, if you catch my drift.

I actually keep tape on mine :/

I use a bookcase cover. an never have the back of my phone facing up. That is when it is not sitting in a room I am not in with the radio playing.

cus i do not care if a video of me jerking off to porn is leaked :P

what about things other than porn? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

i use my phablet ( big phone ) for anime readying hentai and porn.
For the rest of the time it is there on the bed turned off.
Well they might have heard me fucking my wife every now and then but that is it

No I meant what about when you jack off to things other than porn?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

what other things ?

It was a joke but when you have to explain a joke it's not funny

some time,s.
Some one is the bigger troll.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Have you ever talked about something then seen an advertisement, on exactly what you said. My wife and I did that. We were just talking about a cruise, no searching.

Lookie here, I get an email about cruises and start seeing banners.

Yup. Took a picture of a cat. Next day, OK Google-recommended search? "Cat pictures".

Nooooope. D:{

Cameras are a distraction for the real gold mine....microphones.

Can't put tape over a microphone. I mean, you can, but it's not gonna help much. And you can compress the $#!+ out of audio and still make out the voices just fine, so storing and retrieving recordings is pretty lightweight.

Plus the microphones are wired directly into the baseband processors, so as long as you own the tower a phone is connected to, you can listen through it.

We walk around with listening devices on our person pretty much 24/7. If they can access your camera, that's just gravy on top.

Zuckerberg, our next democratic presidential candidate, tapes over his micriphone

Probably not perfect, but it's a start.

God I wish people would stop referring to him that way. We have four years to render this piece of $#!+ unelectable. /pol, I know "we're not your personal army", but come on, it's the Zuck...let's finish this f--ker.


Anyway, three different issues: tape over webcam, tape over microphone jack, tape over microphone.


The first one is totally legit. Put a layer or two of painter's tape--even gaffer's tape if you're feeling hardcore--over the webcam and Bob's your uncle. There's nothing that anyone without physical access can do about it, and if someone has physical access, your machine is as good as compromised.


The second one is...why? This is worse than useless. At least if there's no tape over your headphone jack, you can easily confirm that there's nothing in the port. Meanwhile, if you put tape over the port, someone could come along and slip a tiny little microphone in there, tape it back over, and let software do the rest (since modern laptop headphone jacks don't actually physically lock out the speakers when headphones are plugged in). Does this theoretically open the malicious actor up to discovery? Sure. But if the tape appears undisturbed, who is really going to go to the trouble of untaping the port, visually inspecting it, and then retaping it back over? I mean, they thought putting tape over it made them safer in the first place...


The final one is useless, more or less so depending on your approach (but still useless either way). You have two options. The first is the weaker but reversible disabling of the device/uninstalling-slash-corrupting the driver approach, which I'm certain could easily be overcome by someone with nation-state resources. The second is opening up the laptop and getting snippy with the wires running towards the mic. Bonus nerd points if you manage to modify the exterior of the laptop to install a switch. But...!


Here's the thing that gets me about that. Without getting overly technical, microphones and speakers are the inverse of one another. Kinda like how an electric motor is the inverse of a generator, and can function as such. Say you've completely disabled the microphone on your device. How likely is it that the speakers themselves could be used as listening devices? Pretty much depends on the specific electrical and driver-level implementation of your sound solution, doesn't it?


Sorry to be a ray of anti-sunshine here. I guess the moral of the story is, if a nation-state wants access to your shit, there's not a Goddamned thing you can do.

How likely is it that the speakers themselves could be used as listening devices?

I've actually done this. Not in a "hacked your system" way, but physically used microphones as speakers and speakers as microphones in my electronics fiddling hobby.

There's a common DJ trick of plugging your headphones into a non-phantom-powered mic input and talking into...I wanna say the left earcup? (I have no idea why I can't find a single Google result that clarifies which ear.)

I mean it's basically just my face I upload pics of myself anyway lol

There's an Apple patent from a while back where they've patented a camera built behind a screen. The tech isn't there yet, but they have the process listed in the patent.

The only way I see that being ultra suspicious of eavesdropping is when they have the tech to actually put the camera behind the screen. Then the screen becomes somewhat harder to use if the camera is behind it.

Don't have the article in front of me, but the idea is you can look right into the other person's eyes like in the movies vs having that odd sensation you aren't looking directly into the camera.

If you use Android, I recommend Lens Cap. A rooted phone is not required, but to setup this app, you do grant certAin elevated privileges to this app in settings.

In short, it prevents both RFC and FFC from functioning. When I do want to use facetime/video chat, etc., or take a photo/video, I just tap the small orange circular widget and it enables camera. Tap again to disable.

Now all I worry about is the unauthorized audio recording by phone.


Cover it.

Doesn't bother me that much because my phone is in my pocket 99% of the day and facing down on the table the other 1%. I have an Android though, so I've pretty much just accepted that it's probably listening to whatever I do.

As for my laptop, I taped up the camera when I first got it and shortly after I pulled it apart and completely deactivated the camera and mic.

I was just thinking about this the other day while on the pot. Also the advertisements showing up after a conversation has happened multiple times without a search or post beings entered. I know there are advertisements based on posts or tags, etc. However stuff that I was just chatting to someone about such a certain whiskey. That's strange.


If you're worried about privacy and carry around a smartphone at all, you're gonna have a bad time.