Happenings in Antarctica
45 2017-01-24 by [deleted]
Please read the following with an open, but critical, mind:
Former President Obama (possibly), Buzz Aldrin, John Kerry, and other notable people have been visiting Antarctica recently. http://www.inquisitr.com/3837247/john-kerry-visited-antarctica-to-see-nazi-ufo-bases-conspiracy-theorists-claim-video/
They aren't telling us why, for some reason, maybe due to a mass-panic in some highly religious regions?
As Antarctica melts away from global warming we are seeing more and more strange things poking out of the ice and snow.
There's a program called Google Earth that shows you satellite views of the planet (it's pretty amazing) you can download here: https://www.google.com/earth/download/ge/agree.html
Please feel free to go to these locations in Google Earth:
-66.273354, 100.984661
74°38'18.53" S 164°31'48.53" E
... which seem to show circular discs starting to poke out of the ice.
... some say that these cave entrances are strange, but they could be natural:
66°33'12.33"S, 99°50'20.37"E
66°36'12.69"S, 99°43'12.44"E
A strange thing happened in 1947, Rear Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd, Jr., USN took a navy fleet consisting of 4,700 men, 13 ships, and 33 aircraft to the Antarctic for "scientific research", though that seems like a lot of units for research. I wish to note that there was a claim that right before the Nazis fell, they sent roughly 100 submarines to the Antarctic with some of their best scientists, loads of equipment, ships, and more. Rear Admiral Byrd's trip was cut short, after being attacked by "saucer-shaped" craft which came out of the water and attacked their ships.
Here's an English-sub-titled Russian documentary about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SospT9Var3w&feature=youtu.be&t=8
We, the average human populace, are about to have some revelations that will spark from Antarctica, but why are our leaders seemingly nervous about it?
I'm making this post to see if anyone has any additional information, hypothesis, and so on.
n/a spiritualravenclaw 2017-01-24
Love this topic. If you haven't seen it yet, I recently started a thread here and there's some great discussions in the comments
n/a somedudeblah 2017-01-24
Would you like to gather cited data with me? Articles and so on? We could make a website, sure, or something about this?
What annoys me most is why won't they just tell us, you know? Personally, if an absurd truth is found and told to me, I doubt I'll start foaming at the mouth and go nuts. I'll probably go, "huh".
n/a FlyinPenguin 2017-01-24
Make a good sub.
n/a PM_ME_UR_GLIPGLOPS 2017-01-24
n/a LurkMcGurck 2017-01-24
Unless the truth includes "you won't survive" lol
n/a PM_ME_UR_GLIPGLOPS 2017-01-24
n/a GrooIsSmart 2017-01-24
You have posted Nothing NEW... all this info has been posted here countless times.
n/a NoNameForSteve 2017-01-24
Well it's new to me.
Hide thread is your friend
n/a RPmatrix 2017-01-24
And throw this into the mix!
n/a robaloie 2017-01-24
n/a J_Dub_TX 2017-01-24
What they're not telling you about the melting ice in Antarctica is on the other side of Antarctica the ice is building up and freezing again
n/a -0-1-0- 2017-01-24
Poles shifting?
n/a J_Dub_TX 2017-01-24
Either that or planet xena identified by NASA is pulling on the planet.
n/a trytheCOLDchai 2017-01-24
I'm sure there is a fresh water aquifer sustaining a moderate comfortable climate for very few lucky individuals
n/a RDS 2017-01-24
Just reading through Byrd's Wikipedia here and an interesting tidbit:
There are a set of mountains that he named after the Rockefellers in the anarctic.
n/a ConvertsToMetric 2017-01-24
Mouseover or click to view the metric conversion for this comment
n/a somedudeblah 2017-01-24
Neat, thank you.
n/a ninjatune 2017-01-24
Welp I'll bring this up yet again..Buzz and Kerry and many other people were staying at a fucking luxury hotel in Antartica http://www.white-desert.com/ and so do many high profile people..it costs $70k a week.
n/a J_Dub_TX 2017-01-24
Either that or planet xena identified by NASA is pulling on the planet.