Now that the cabal is exposed, I have a few demands for Trump

20  2017-01-24 by LightBringerFlex

  1. Create an open source voting software and present policy ideas for the people. A 67% vote passes the policy. This is a rough draft but I don't trust the secretive gov anymore and we have all suffered because of our lack of involvement. From now on, nothing goes through without the authorization of the people through some convenient online voting system that is absolutely transperanct and open source.

  2. We need more transperancy. Gov has fooled us by claiming secrecy is for national security. Every single secret has this excuse. We have nothing to hide. We need all the secrets unleashed to the public because it helps us. We need to know what technology we have, what problems exist around the world, ect.. so that we can decide on how to tackle these as a people.

  3. Eliminate all debt, shut down the fed, and remove predatory banking behavior from our communities.

  4. Unleash our 50 years worth of technology into the public.

I seriously don't like a few pedo gangster, Satan worshiping child eaters making all the decisions for 300 million people. This rule by the few is a dysfunctional system and never works in the long run.


soo why would trump listen to this?

Because he works for us.

Are you stupid? Serious question there. You really think trump gives a fuck about you?

I didn't say that. I said that the people are the ultimate boss. Government is supposed to serve us. This is all messed up and dysfunctional though. We are all supposed to take part in government. Giving up all that power attracts psychos who ruin the world. It simply doesn't work.

As the boss, we have a right to be involved with the American enterprise but first we need to grab our balls and make a massive but peaceful statement. There is no way to skip that step.

Only if it was that easy man but our government is corrupted by money and power. So they could give two shits about our opinion but they'll pretend you have the power of choice but you don't.

I have solution options for us but it will take balls and requires that we squash all grievances between us. Once the people are ready, we need to flip the switch and get off our dependency on money. We need to work, not for money, but for a high quality of life for us all. This means working and consuming for free. There is a system called sacred economics that outlines the plan here:

I guess we can wait 60 days to see trumps actions, but if he doesn't unleash the floodgates on our technology, wealth, resources, and information, then it I should surely time.

Have you seen a young kid who asks a girl out that says yes? He gets all nervous and worries about failure but it is his courage that got him into a new relationship. Humanity is like that. They are scared it might not work out. This fear is holding them back. It is truly better to try.

Like I said, I'm willing to give trump at least a little time, but we've been waiting all of our lives for government to save us so there's no point in waiting any longer.

I honestly do not think trump cares about protests or protestors. trump is a narcissistic asshole who only cares about himself. He must be dealt with head-on. We can use state power. For now. He and his pen will likely enact some crazy shit which will likely require real action.

Well, I still think sixty days is fair. We have to watch his moves for 2 months before we can formulate an opinion.

But... I don't care who doesn't like it. All I know is that there is a way to get what we want. We just don't believe in ourselves... yet. We will if it comes to that.

You say that so factually, as if you KNOW. Lol. You only get into presidency if they want you to man, this hasn't ever changed

  1. Privatize the US mint.

Privatize? It already is private. The Federal Reserve prints the money, not the US government. The Federal Reserve is private banking.

I make it a rule not to argue online, but this is just 100% demonstrably false. Almost, as idiotic as this lunatics desire to eliminate debt and the fucking FED of which he has zero understanding how it works.

Then demonstrate it is false. What sources do you have?

If the Fed is a government agency, then which branch of government is it in? Judicial? Legislative? Executive?

We have a system of checks and balances, so who checks the power of the Fed? Certainly not Congress because Congress has never been able to audit them.

The FED isn't a government agency but it doesn't print money - the US Treasury does.

OK. Fair enough.

So, how do we compel the US government to audit the Fed? I am not sure if you are aware of this or not, but there are trillions of dollars missing.

The Federal Reserve should be part of the Federal government, right?

No, it shouldn't. Not, is auditing the FED a good idea.

Any economy that is large and dynamic has to be able to control both interest rates and the money supply. Look no further than Japan for numerous reasons why.

Basically, the Fed is a necessary evil in a world where the payment system is primarily controlled by private banks. History has shown us the flaws in allowing the payment system to be run in an entirely private fashion hence the meeting at Jeykll Island. So it makes sense to leverage the government in such a crucial part of the financial system. Yes, it’s hardly perfect.

On your other points, the FED must be above politics - which is why in needs to be an independent organization - if you look at the board of governors you will find all of them to be tremendously qualified.

On your last point, auditing the FED publicly (it is privately audited) is a horrible idea. Best case scenario everything is perfect and we waste millions of dollars and create unnecessary panic in the economy. Worst case scenario, something is amiss and causes a global and lasting economic depression. The concerns about the FED are primarily from people that are not particularly experienced or schooled in finance.

You seem both malleable and really bright so I hope not to offend.


No, it shouldn't. Nor, is auditing the FED a good idea. I am not sure why you think that auditing the Fed is a bad idea. It seems like you know the history of its creation, as well as its operation. Even Woodrow Wilson lamented on the terrible mistake that was made. The biggest problem is that humans are inherently very weak creatures. We are very political and extremely greedy. Any organization that can essentially print its own money will naturally attract those that will abuse it. That is the problem.

This is why we have a government of checks and balances. Even still, very weak and political people have found ways to thwart the checks and balances. History is full of examples, so I can provide some if need be.

Any economy that is large and dynamic has to be able to control both interest rates and the money supply. Look no further than Japan for numerous reasons why. Sure, but it should be completely open to scrutiny or people will use it to their advantage. This is why we have such a huge wealth inequality. Normal people want to live their lives and be happy and left alone, but we have these psychopaths that want to game the system. They think it is fine to game the system if nobody stops them. They lack the switch that normal people have that releases the question "I know I can do this and get away with it, but should I?" With psychopaths, like Soros, the answer is that it is not wrong because nobody is stopping them. Well, I have noticed that people are discussing stopping him and others, but then this interferes with our ability to enjoy our lives. I used to not care about politics and all this other bullshit. Believe me, I would much rather be working in my garden than dealing with the fuckheads of the world.

Basically, the Fed is a necessary evil in a world where the payment system is primarily controlled by private banks. History has shown us the flaws in allowing the payment system to be run in an entirely private fashion hence the meeting at Jeykll Island. So it makes sense to leverage the government in such a crucial part of the financial system. Yes, it’s hardly perfect. Great pains were taken to hide the meeting at Jekyll Island, which tells me that they knew what they were doing is wrong. Otherwise, why hide it? Also, they waited until Congress was not at full strength. They manipulated they system and took advantage of the taxpayers for their own personal gain at the expense of everyone else. This wrong needs to be fixed after 100 years. Again, we have a huge wealth inequality now. People cannot afford new houses anymore, and they are forced to rent. Clearly, this is not acceptable.

On your other points, the FED must be above politics - which is why in needs to be an independent organization - if you look at the board of governors you will find all of them to be tremendously qualified. Right, but it is not above politics. There are trillions of dollars missing, and the Fed refused to tell Congress what happened to it. Are you familiar with the Dragon Family Lawsuit?

On your last point, auditing the FED publicly (it is privately audited) is a horrible idea. Best case scenario everything is perfect and we waste millions of dollars and create unnecessary panic in the economy. Worst case scenario, something is amiss and causes a global and lasting economic depression. The concerns about the FED are primarily from people that are not particularly experienced or schooled in finance. I disagree. The concerns are from people that understand human nature. The people in the following flow chart were or are taking advantage of the system we have in place. Some are dead, but I am sure they spawned more psychopaths to keep the scam going.

You seem both malleable and really bright so I hope not to offend. I am very well educated, but this area is new to me. I know enough to know when I do not know something. I am also not easily offended, especially by a well thought out response, even if I disagree.

Are you aware of Daniel P. Sheehan? Have you watched his videos? It really changed my worldview... I went to law school and I did not know most of the stuff he discusses. Hell, he went to Harvard Law and even he did not know how the system works. The education system hides how the real system works. You have to find it on your own, which is what I have been doing recently. I would much rather be working in my garden, though. LOL.

There are several playlists on his youtube channel.

I have a lot of demands I'd like to see, too. But I don't have any blackmail on Congress, so no one cares what I think.

The sooner we accept the reality of the situation, the sooner we can fix it.

I know. The reality of the situation is that we, the people, are dragging our asses and we have been for a long time. We need nationwide programs that makes it possible for people to greatly influence politics. We just have never really pushed hard on it in recent history so it's foreign to us.

I like the open source vote system, such a good idea, until you start to think about the security end of it, reddit bots and shills, as my example :p i think maybe if how you voted was on its own device made specificly for that, it could work maybe, always flaws with tech though, idea's worth spreading i think

Good retort. As a software dev, devops and IT person with high level of skill and knowledge about these things, I find it very frustrating to hear people talk about the "challenges to security" of it.

It's not challenging. They've already figured it out using the bitcoin blockchain ledger. Even before that there were safer ways to do it.

Gov has always been pushing the 'tech challenges' shutdown narrative for one reason alone: it's that they don't want to talk about crypto. There is a very big reason for that. It's that if crypto is good enough for voting and for the government to use in it's every day dealings with routine functions of civic participation, then eveyrone will start using it

then it will be really hard to spy on them


We hear that 'crypto is broken' etc. No it's not. They might be able to crack crypto, but why would they waste their time on you or me, without any top secret plans of mega weapons or any stolen chinese tech or something....

They won't.

But if everyone is using crypto, then they will have a really hard time selling your info to all their retail whores, which is the real reason for national security spy tech used domestically. It's used to harass and control and also to sell you stuff and manipulate you in various ways.

The majority of people don't even know how to properly secure their home wifi though, when you own the network you can own the device, and i think a big nation wide voting system that deals with important issues is going to have an unlimited amount of reasons for people to want to exploit it, if people can hack all levels of gov, they'll hack the online voting system too, it's a tough one lol, i love the idea though, and perhaps it can be perfected, but that's gonna be trial and error like all sites

Complete transparency and Trump? He wont even give an illusion of transparency by releasing his tax records. His govt is going to do the opposite of that.

I'm not worried about tax records. I'm worried about what's happening in the world and how it relates to us. Who is doing what? Where are my tax dollars going. How does cash flow through the economy. What's happening behind closed doors.

I know what you mean. My point is he won't be transparent in his old business dealings. What makes you think he is going to be transparent in his new business of running the country.

His business dealings are his own business as a private citizen. He is now a politician but before he was a private citizen. I really don't see how that information helps our world. I want transparency, voting rights so we can vote on every single policy, ect.. I'm only looking to move forward here. Showing us tax stuff is neutral. It won't do anything for us.

The only conspiracy here is that someone is so dumb they think Trump gives a fuck about their demands, and so delusional that he would ever come close to these policies. The conspiracy here is how OP got this deluded.

The only conspiracy here is figuring out how this braindead ape got so deluded to think that what he wrote has any basis in reality.

This is something i just came up with and never really considered before:

The huge faction of 'The Cabal' has their hands up Trump's ass like a puppet.

In the next few years they are going to tear up the economy and the country like a junkie stealing copper wire from an abandoned house.

The 'majority' of the citizenry are being carefully directed by manufactured media narratives and will easily fall for the ruse that 'Trump Destroyed America'. No blame will ever lie at the feet of the true perpetrators, who as a rule operate only in the shadows.

Then, after the US enters it's 'Greatest Depression', and the idea of a civilized, well-fed working-class society seems like a distant memory, they'll all rally behind whoever pretends to want to 'clean it up' afterwards. This clean-up batter and the people obscured by his shadow will seize the ultimate and total control of the populace.

Sacred economics doesn't use money. Money is the cabals secert weapon. We need to get off of it by the masses. Then money problems go away and there are countless problems related to money.

I mean, i'm talking about full and utter pillage. Resources, cash, bank accounts, savings, pensions, all of it. It's ramping up to full speed. It just seems so obvious Trump is a patsy based on the majority of public opinion to align or be easily aligned with hating on him and blaming him for everything going wrong.

It's not even this utter and total collapse/breakdown of society that would worry me as much as what comes after. When they finally reach their ultimate goal of total control of the population.

I guess it will be funny that this will happen under the guise of 'making america great again'.

Well, then it is best we create some security measures ourselves. We need to be able to swap to some alternative lifestyle at a moments notice. We need a centralized website that formulates ideas by the masses so we can have an alternative route in case the cabal literally destroy our lives. It would be worth it.

I am hoping trump makes us proud but a backup plan would be beneficial.

Lol i don't see us havin internet forever, specially if they want to fuck us, imagine no phones and no internet, wtf r ppl gonna do :p

Privatize? It already is private. The Federal Reserve prints the money, not the US government. The Federal Reserve is private banking.

I know what you mean. My point is he won't be transparent in his old business dealings. What makes you think he is going to be transparent in his new business of running the country.