First they came for the Muslims, and I did not speak out, because I was not a Muslim...

0  2017-01-25 by [deleted]



So you think that people who aren't like you should be imprisoned?

Yea if they're fucking traitors

This should be a free country where people are entitled to their beliefs. People should be able to be hold their own values and not be imprisoned for having them. That's not what this country was founded on.

It is a free country. But treason is treason.

you're entitled to alternative facts

Does it ever feel frustrating to hang around with these weak beta-males?

Yeah, that's why I stopped hanging out with you beta-troll. Check out OP's history. Obvious troll.

Who people that support Trump?

Pro-trump shills. When do they come for the pro-trump shills?

Not a shill. Only your loser candidate uses paid shills. Get over it, she lost.

Trump is one of the evil ruling elite. You can't see that? You're blind, stupid, or paid to ignore it.

you have absolutely no proof of it.

The fact that he's president is proof. That's controlled by the elite.

I see, the elite have bought and paid the thousands of little worker drones to peddle their pro-trump nonsense.

I'd like to know when I am getting paid then. I am a long standing subscriber and contributor to this sub and I actually researched trump at the beginning of the election. The elites hate him and are trying to take him down in any way possible.

If I were you, I would do some more research into the theory of patterns before embarrassing yourself further.

hes projecting.. he likely gets paid by whoever ctr evolved from..

If you don't know when you're getting paid, you're bad at key parts of your job. Be a better shill. Throw out more of your "alternative facts"

cucked by sachs?

3 million votes. Thats 10% of the population..... Contard

33% of illegals you mean

Super high end math here, but let's see, 3M / 319M = .009404

.09404% - You were close, but no participation trophies for this one.

not so close that rounds up to 1%

so he's 90% wrong

Alt-Reich attitude, kill everything until only I'm standing. These are people who actively cry over a nazi being punched and decry it as 'far left' superviolence and then calmly and without irony decide they want to butcher the entire world.

ALt-right is the ideology of peace. You can't judge the whole group of the views of tiny minority. That's racism.

I'm certainly no fan of the hardcore commie, sjw, cultural marxist sjws due to their ideology being very authoritarian and almost nazi like in ways but I don't believe that they should be locked up just for being that.

muslims are similar to Nazis

they came for the Nazis too late