In under a week the Trump presidency has me wondering what the fuck we're all those other presidents doing?

0  2017-01-25 by [deleted]



It's great that you find the speediness of the destruction of the American Republican very pleasing.

Could you elaborate on him destroying the republic? How has what he done in the past week going to destroy the republic?

His policies are completely fucking evil and will lead to many people suffering needlessly, so ya, maybe he won't completely destroy the Republic but eh, congrats on supporting evil.

Wow, what a vague response this is. You might as well just say "because he's the devil!" Without any supporting info/data.

I'm with you man... so sick of these vague defeatists positions.

And sick of handouts.

Well he is.

I hate to come off as partisan, but You don't sound like a conspiracy theorist, you just sound like a raging liberal

Where did I say I support him? What policies? I believe he's a Zionist puppet, but this BS is shallow.

Which policy? The TPP is done. If Trump does something out of line, then we need to protest.

Lol, evil is all a matter of perspective mi amigo.

Hmmmm let's see. The DOW is up 20k today, that's never happened before and you know that is a good thing right? I just finished an article that the pipeline will be moved 70 Miles keeping sacred ground sacred and it will be replaced with American Steel so you know jobs all around! Turn off CNN and read a newspaper. If your idea of destruction is the president keeping the economy in the toilet and everybody on welfare than yeah he is destroying the republic 🤔

The financial system is not strong, it is on the verge of complete collapse due to derivatives and systemic corruption. Only Wall Street reform can fix this mess.

Umm... He waived the need for state department approval. That's it. A bureaucratic gesture. He's changed nothing of consequence, regarding the pipeline issues. He's just foolishly broadcasting his support of the oil companies by signing this meaningless waiver.

He's signed a bunch of stuff and tweeted a bunch of other stuff, but nothing's actually happened yet, has it?

Nope - but I do like the information conduit he has created with the public. If he hypes something and shit doesn't get done, then there is immediate backlash. Also, it pretty much gives people who disagree an opportunity to critique the decision right at the source. So basically, you see the info from the source, and you see the direct pro and con retaliations attached to it

His orders will have an yes, some big things have actually happened.

Republicans have a complete lock on the government at the moment. They can do anything they please, quickly.

Democrats were always blocked by the Republicans control of the House and or the Senate.. That's the difference

. Consider losing the idea that there is any difference in who controls either party. It's always Goldman Sachs , Israel, and the Military Industrial Complex running both sides. Those entities never have to run for office and are always there dominating.

It's always Goldman Sachs , Israel, and the Military Industrial Complex running both sides.

No black pills here, please.

If there are discernable connections then why shouldn't they be mentioned?

Dems were always blocked?

When Obama took office the Dems controlled 60 seats in the Senate and the House until 2010.

Get your history straight, or just keep spreading lies...

Why do people associate liberals with being against Trump? A lot of us Bernie supporters voted for Trump. We loathe Hillary.

You are not a liberal. You are a communist rat. Everything, everything Bernie has ever said is how he's gonna steal money from working people and give them to the other people. Everything is GibMeDats with that asshole.

Now that is funny. Are you a Fascist?

What is your source for what Bernie said? I recall Bernie saying he is against corporations stealing from the taxpayers, but I do not recall the quote you mention.

EVERYTHING in his platform is connected to giving handouts to people. He's literally ex-communist.

What is wrong with giving "handouts" to people? Let me clarify that question first.

We have been giving handouts to corporations for a long time. There are a lot of very successful corporations that take government subsidies. Walmart comes to mind, not to mention Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc.

So, why is it acceptable to give handouts to corporations, but not to people?

Rule 11, removed.