The disclosure. Will it happen in our lifetime?

14  2017-01-26 by [deleted]



Enjoy being the greatest known life form in the universe.

I think that the significant proof wont be uncovered in my lifetime because of a few things, how huge space is, that if any outside sentient race were observing us theyd probably wait until we could get along with each other before they introduce themselves, so many more possibilities. Its just interesting to hear all the theories and other peoples takes on it.

It'll happen but it won't be what most people think. Everyone will find out that ET's are just regular Human Beings too. They'll just have the good stuff.

Then later we'll find out they freeze dry humans for snack.

We might be a crop for sure. It all comes down to two things. Humans are either Gods or Fuel.

Why not both? There's always a bigger fish...

Not if you're already a killer whale.

Ive always theorized that ETs would most likely look very similar to us (up right, 2 legs, 2 arms, eyes at the front, very "anthropomorphic" . Another is that maybe we were planted here by "us" in an effort to see their progress on a different planet or just in an effort to study how we would manage if were somehow sent back to the "stone age". Your theory sounds fascinating. Mind expanding? Are you talking about a sort of Kyle XY (if you even heard if that show) or something like the next step in human evolution?

This experience was created for fun. Imagine it like. It's the truth too.

If we are being visited by aliens and not alone I would guess it's more like we aren't allowed to join until we get our stuff together. Imagine a race of beings that can travel the stars. The technology and culture of a race like that would have to be highly organized and far beyond what we have. We couldn't be entrusted with such technology, imagine a terrorist with such power. We still kill each other over make believe fairy tales. We are really pathetic as a species even though we have accomplished some great things. We rape each other, kill each other for paper, torture each other, rape kids, the horrors never end.

Yah Ive definitely thought that before. It would make the most sense to wait until we can collectively "ascend" to a higher plane of thinking. First contact today would send the world into a panic. It would turn most religions onto their heads and a lot of peoples first instinct would be to attack. There also could be the possibility that there are no species capable of interstellar travel anywhere near us and we go extinct or are long gone from this galaxy before anything visits our solar system.

But we also have spread beauty and love through art and music. There are countless acts of kindness that go unnoticed everyday. Not all is dark.

I don't think it's the peaceful species thing per say. I think it is more that we are NIT a unified species. A lot of powerful countries with conflicting ideals. They got to give the keys to somebody.. But who. Kinda ties into new world order mumbo jumbo.

Oh you think that the new world order is part of a unification mission by aliens?

Some people believe in ET life, while believing the Moon landing is fake, and the world is flat.

Yeah, they just instead refer to the "extraterrestrials" as "interdimensionals".

Lets not be sarcastic because we're hung up on semantics.

A lot of people believe a lot of things, some more likely than others. I believe the moon landing was real because if the Soviets had a chance to expose America like that they would have but i can definitely see why people doubt it, it being a time of global posturing and with tech less advanced than most cellphones. Are you saying though that believing the earth is flat along with moon landing being fake contradicts believing in aliens?

"are you saying though that believing the earth is flat along with moon landing being fake contradicts believing in aliens?"

Who knows? not me. My ideas and images of alien life involve spheres, stars, space, and spaceships. It's possible they used other flat planets as skipping stones to get here, or that the flat space is never-ending.

My now deceased Grandfather said he didn't think he'd see it in his lifetime, but I'd see it in mine.

It always gave me hope, but now, I'm just not sure. I feel like that's what I'll be telling my give them hope.

It is a very hopeful feeling to think that aliens would contact and help us, especially today with all the talk of global warming and a possible mass extinction event. I guess all we can really do is hope so its always good to instill it in the children.

If disclosure happens would it even be real?

If ET life has made contact with this world, I hope they have not been imprisoned.

Imo we are like cavemen, and if its true we're in the age of information we as human beings still have a long road to go. If you believe in ufos, have you asked yourself why do the appear right before our eyes an yet no contact? To agree with u/vanquish, we are savages, who amongst us has tried to communicate with a wild beast, an how successful was it? My guess could be wrong but I assume we won't have disclosure as they (E.T.) are afraid of our unpredictability, as we would to a wild animal.

maybe a 'partial' disclosure; meaning, not the whole truth. so what good will that be? how will that profit the handlers? it won't, so they want to keep us where we're at: on prison planet.

the flip side to that, is if we're able to free ourselves. should that happen, then i'd expect some 'good guys' to show up (or reveal themselves, with our 'blinders' removed, we'll be able to communicate). we won't get an invite (be approached) until we've ready.

I really hope it happens in our lifetime. Many of us are ready. Those who aren't ready are too set in their ways and brainwashed. Seems they've been prepping us through kids movies and shows for a while now. Can't be totally afraid of something you've heard of since you were a child. Or at least that would make it easier to digest in reality. What if there's a culling that only targets the violent ones? You never know what an advanced race that's been watching us for a millennia has been planning.

After reading about the UFO-nuke connection (where on multiple occasions UFOs have been sighted hovering over nuclear weapons storage facilities and disabling the warheads), I believe that while they don't want to interfere with our development (prime directive), they also don't want to see us blow ourselves up and will take action to prevent such a scenario.

As to why their existence hasn't been publicly acknowledged yet, the cabal that owns this planet will never agree to disclosure because they benefit too much from keeping the public in the dark for a number of reasons, the most important of which is the ETs' free energy and anti gravity technologies that have the power to destroy their control systems and set humanity free.

The disclosure happened to me a while ago. Now you will need massive evidence to make me believe that we're alone. The theory about interdimensional entities resonates with me as truth.

The situation is much more bizarre than any simple act of disclosing information can surmise.

"Today they call them angels, demons, tomorrow they will call them something else."

  • Aleister Crowley

"The majority of modern mediumistic apparitions are but elemental creatures masquerading through bodies composed of thought substance supplied by the very persons desiring to behold these wraiths of decarnate beings."

  • Manly P Hall (Secret Teachings of All Ages)