You know something is very, very wrong when the conspiracy community endorse a politician. It's just so weird. This sub has become part of the psyop, just another cog in the machine. Only the willfully ignorant can't see it.

13  2017-01-26 by [deleted]



no shills?

You know posts like this with no point except to divide the community without any evidence do fuck all to help the problem as well.

That's the end goal of concern trolling

Or, it's a sincere observation made sincerely, with no end other than to state the observation.

Or whatever you personally think. Right. Concern Trolling.

No problem with that.. Just with a claim like any others if you want more people to consider your point of view. Evidence really helps :).

The guy who originally made the post, and was copied by OP, is in this thread.

Feel free to go see if he's sincere or a concern troll for yourself. I did, and I made up my mind.

Did you?


When did I ever say the words concern troll. I think you are fighting an argument over something that was never said by me. I agreed with you that it was your own sincere observation but only stated that having some form of evidence helps your case.

Why is it so surprising to Californians that conspiracy theorists lean right?

You can lean right and still see thru trump

That's not the point. There's a lot of shit that he's going to do that will be good for our nation. Of course, he could certainly fuck everything up, but I don't care. Its just great to say fuck you to liberals. They have seriously gotten out of hand in recent years.

Oh the butthurt for this mindset. Fuck over the entire country, have a negative effect on the entire world, because you hold a grudge over those in the majority with a different point of view on some things.

Same old song and dance, just spoken at a 5th grade level so the desperate haters can think they're winning or something. Believing the wealthiest administration in history care about the lower & middle class to the point of losing profits in a system they got rich off so they can just share it out of the goodness of their greedy hearts.

Or is that just a conspiracy?

Before we continue, what is your preferred pronoun?

Trump is actually very poor in liquid assets. There is even a noted joke in the new york billionaire's club when speaking of trump.

At least I could write a check for a billion dollars and it would clear

Trump has over exaggerated his wealth to just about everyone. But modern views of democrats are not even democratic anymore. It is more akin to the Whig party. That tried to say getting rid of the Second bank of the united states was a horrible thing. (The second failed attempt in history to make a "federal reserve")

"conspiracy theorists" are generally anti-authoritarian. that can be left or right. It can be "nationalist" or "globalist"- but those terms have different meanings to authoritarians and anti-authoritarians.

It's the pro-authoritarian conspiracy theorists that you have to watch out for. Those are the fascists.

In this day and age, the left expects the government to censor hate speech, foster affirmative action programs, wellfare programs, and further regulations. It's pretty hard to have those sorts of expectations for the government and not be a statist.

when you're talking about "the left", you're referring to the democrats- who occupy the authoritarian big government quadrant of the political compass.

Both wings of the party are authoritarian. And the vocal anti-tyranny groups are filled with cointelpro and then funded and coopted to represent extremism (think "alt-right/ tea party" and antifa/ black bloc) which still pushes authoritarianism.

The "regressive left" (see the journalists at TruthDig and The Intercept) are multi-culturalists, but they aren't the SJWs you on the right are reacting to.

I saw a post a while back that said something along the lines of even if we find a perfect president with no alterier motives, not controlled by lobbyists and such there will be those that call it a conspiracy.

You want to know what's weird? Peter Thiel the billionaire who is currently on Trump's transition team just bought a large piece of land on New Zealand and had citizenship there. He knows what's gonna happen in America under Trump's watch

A massive earthquake caused by climate change which will cause New Zealand to be ripped apart and fall into the ocean? Smart man.

While this sub used to be more interesting, it was always just serving its purpose as a cog in the machine.

Your division tactics don't work here.

You provide no evidence and make outrageous claims that have been proven false time and time again.

I really wish we were pro-banning at times like this, but it's a slippery slope, I mean say we ban these pointless division posts, at a time in the future, it could come true. So in the meantime we have to deal with your bullshit, but it's up to us commenters to call it out and downvote.

No evidence, huh?

Welcome to the sub. This must be your first time here in years, or ever.

If it didn't come from Alex Jones or a blogger account, it's fake news.

Nope, and you'll notice - save few topics - if it doesn't have any evidence at all, especially when it could easily be verified (such as this posts claims), it is shit on.

I have noticed that. I mean, there's no proof there is a paid drive to take over politics, specifically, either. Alternative Facts.

Get it? Rhetorical. Of course you do. It's just what you subscribe your belief to, and what you don't. And if you'll notice, on this sub, the downvotes and upvotes flow pretty specifically when it comes to this subject.

There is proof that politics was taken over, between massive ban waves, CTR agenda being pushed and more...which when the topic is brought up, people link to or provide some form of evidence, they don't just make a claim and leave.

Evidence of /r/politics specifically?

I've been around for a while. I haven't seen that.

Maybe you can give it to me, since you are claiming to know. Unless you're being ironic and playing along with the Alternative Facts thing. In which case, yeah: lol.

That's not proof of a thing. Beyond that, I'm active in that post.

And it's stupid. Because Bannon is one of those that is registered in two states. Which someone posted in the comments.

Read the posts you link. What the fuck is wrong with you.

Haha, K. This conversation is done, I went out of my way to help you out in your side track conversation, and pulled one that was recent for you, and you are being a shithead - I have no interest, I don't care, you are worthless as a person. You bring in a random topic into the conversation, then demand I provide against your claim, get real kiddo.

You went out of my way to help me, by linking a thread that doesn't prove that CTR is doing what you just claimed, and not having read the thread to see that I'm active in it all over the place?

If you don't care, then act like it.

But you obviously care. Look at all the effort.


I'll take a crack:

Operation Earnest Voice is an astroturfing campaign by the US government.[dubious – discuss] The aim of the initiative is to use sockpuppets to spread pro-American propaganda on social networking sites based outside of the US.[1][2][3][4] The campaign is operated by the United States Military Central Command (CENTCOM).

The organization recruited leading American journalists into a propaganda network to help present the CIA's views.

Hillary PAC Spends $1 Million to ‘Correct’ Commenters on Reddit and Facebook

Correct the Record’s “Barrier Breakers” project boasts in a press release that it has already “addressed more than 5,000 people that have personally attacked Hillary Clinton on Twitter.” The PAC released this on Thursday.

More than 2 MILLION of Hillary Clinton's Twitter followers are fake or never tweet – and she's already under fire for 'buying' fake Facebook fans

Just 4 per cent of President Barack Obama's Twitter followers, by comparison, are considered fake.

The White House worked overtime to purge most of them after a September 2013 report found that more than half of his followers didn't really exist.

Michelle Obama's Twitter audience is 25 per cent fake, according to StatusPeople, along with 21 per cent of Vice President Joe Biden's.

Another tool,, sampled 320,000 of Mrs. Clinton's followers and found that 18 per cent were fake.

It gets worse, too.

Podesta Group regularly instructs media on what to do. In Wikileaks, it was exposed that a large number of specific "journalists" were colluding with the DNC agenda.

It gets way worse, though, if you actually want to do any kind of digging.

The amount of collusion defies comprehension and everyone willing to pay has far more say in US government than any group of American voters.

Virtually every mainstream news source is actively shilling.

It is technically treason, conducting political activity under the power of a foreign government.

Here is how Russian money gets to the Clinton camp:

Here is the Podesta Group's submission (see the bottom):

Meanwhile, we are supposed to believe Russia is controlling Trump.

There is literally a media conspiracy to make Trump look bad and paint the enemies as his friends while people like Marc Rich do business with Iran and get presidential pardons and John Podesta gets 75,000 of Uranium One for his daughter's company, Joule.

It isn't so much that this community is pro-Trump as it is anti-government criminal conspiracy, which is substantially proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Trump is the victim of an obvious conspiracy and it boggles the mind that people can't understand why this subreddit, of all subreddits, is going to latch onto it.

Anyone who doesn't see the media collusion on a massive scale, intentionally distorting the weight of shitty opinions, is suffering from a myopic view.


Where is your well thought and researched and sourced on post on Trump? I'll take an old one you've made. Your due diligence is really impressive! I'm really ready to see the other faces of it.

Shadowbanned on last account.

Ah. Thanks for the response. Makes sense.

I'm curious about this. Do you think it was as wide scale as this? Or similar to what any candidate would do during an election? Do you have any links you could share or pm to me?

I think you only have to look at the polls and the reaction to see how widespread it is and how far from the truth the media is willing to go.

Vegas diverged from the news' polls a great deal. Vegas odds were the biggest dead give away, to me.

If people are betting on Trump, Twitter is banning hillaryforprison, spiritcooking, et cetera, as they are hitting the number one trending while that polling app was showing Trump would win in a landslide... it should have been obvious to everyone.

That is how much people trust the tv screen.

One candidate does not have the resources employed in the last election. The Democrats burned through a billion dollars and the machine behind them may have been a great deal more. Trump didn't spend anywhere near what they did.

If the CIA and FBI have a history of infiltrating the media, then how much money is that really? We take the billion they spent that we know of, then we add all of those man hours and cost of doing business with mainstream news outlets using our own government employees.

Even worse, when you start taking into account the amount of money stolen through corruption that is allowed by these people who are kept in power by taxpayer money.

If Trump is really not a part of their scheme, then it is significant. He is doing what he said he was going to do.

It is impossible to say, yet, how far he will go. We are only in week one.

If Donald Trump gets to everything he said in 4 years, the world's mind will be blown. Thus far, no politician has ever been that successful.

Get out of my head man I wish more people could see it like this.

The governments little mind control experiment is over. They never counted for the internet and the spread of information and knowledge at this level. That is why they are so desperately trying to control it.

At this point even if they continue on this path too many people are awake now to the politics lull. Trump if nothing else sets a whole new level of scrutiny that the whole government is now facing now and in the future.

The next local elections I think change is coming to congress. I hope anyway. Even if they subvert the internet people are now interested in their local politics on both sides because of trump love or hate.

If he stops getting baited by the media and just does his job we might see something special. But he is just a man and everyone has flaws. I believe his biggest flaw is our salvation.

He is a narcissist and I think he is going to legitimately try to go down in history as one of greatest presidents in history. His ego to be the best just might be our ticket to getting off this wacky ride.

But I wouldn't put it above him to put in the a new "power structure". Road to hell is paved with good intentions and all.

Trump did hire astroturfers, though not seemingly with anything near Hillary's budget.

One America News seems to be a pro Trump mainstream source.

But, due to the leaks, the volume of information on DNC collusion, combined with other independent sources, does a lot better of a job uncovering Clinton cohorts their connections to organized crime and possibly being a bridge between intelligence and clandestine operations.

Trump may have some mob lawyer connections.

He was accused of sleeping with an underage girl, but the accuser, while able to describe Epstein's egg shaped penis, had no such details about Trump.

If you can tie Trump to DynCorp, Rand, Tavistock, ARK, or something similar, you may be able to make the case he is on the same team.

The direction of the evidence hasn't seemed to have gone that way, yet, but that is what to look for.

The shills would do well to play their games in that direction. That is something /r/conspiracy would look at.

So, I went through the Panama Papers and turned up zilch. Trump sells companies, real estate development, usually, the use of his name. It makes tracking his stuff a nightmare.

Bizapedia is probably the best thing to go through, while Googling every name and cross referencing it with news articles, but I haven't taken the time to do that because the list is about 500 businesses. So, it is more involved than just a little Googling.

I didn't vote for Trump. I think the jury should still be out, because we have way more leaks on the other side and there is no reason to believe Republicans as a whole aren't dirty.

/r/conspiracy has not yet been convinced that Trump is part of the problem. I haven't either. I am open to the possibility.

The hurdle you really face is the John Titor and FBI Anon mythologies. According to the mythos, Trump is the savior and has been planning this, at least, since 2000 when he predicted 9/11.

He also predicted Anthony Weiner pedo status.

He appeared certain of his victory.

There are a few others I'm not remembering, but the point is that he is very well informed and a lot smarter than people give him credit for. I mean, that or the time traveler story is true, which I can't believe for a second.

Trump doesn't drink, he doesn't smoke... he seems to avoid vices. His biggest scandal seems to be his taxes, which my understanding is that he merely applied Hillary's rules to defer losses for a number of years and pay no taxes.

The grabbing the pussy thing, while damning, seems to be talking about women who are consenting... and let's face it, women do throw themselves at celebrities. Hillary's "hot dog no bun" for lunch email seems to be much the same, in terms of sexual harassment.

I haven't collected links or anything on him, but where I am at with Trump is:

  1. I've never cared for his personality. Lately, he has improved.

  2. I don't know what to make of his policies. Like the wall. Drugs still fly over, dig under and swim around. So will people. But hell, everyone seems to love the idea. That is clearly one of the reasons he was elected. So was the repeal of Obamacare. Americans wanted it.

  3. I will not shun evidence or information that exposes his involvement in a wider scheme, I just haven't seen anything convincing, yet. I'm going to trust primary sources, as with the Clinton issues, but that detailed information isn't available on Trump, yet.

The whole leaks thing could totally be a scam. Selective leaks. If there was really a hostility with Russia, Russia could create chaos by releasing everything they had on the US intelligence community. So could China. Probably Iran and North Korea, too.

There is definitely not a leak war going on, as much as I would like to see it.

The US has the power to implement transparency in every supposed 'enemy' government and force every regime to fix itself. Instead, we prefer conflict, war and drug cartels that the CIA participates in.

tl;dr In 6 months, I will have a more informed opinion. I've already had about that long to sit on the Clinton Foundation stuff.

Trump's final campaign ad roped many of us in. It showed "America's enemies": Yellen of the fed, Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, George Soros. Was it just nifty marketing?

Um, I don't know if you're criticising me or what, but it would be nice if you wouldn't steal a comment I made yesterday and post it as a thread of your own.

Literally word for word my post from yesterday...

Holy shit.

Uh. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?

Honestly, I'm flattered.

112k post karma, also. Mater Dei, you really attracted a pro.

Wow, a karma whore stole my comment! I'm flattered OP thought my comment would reap him some karma.

I don't think you get karma from text post I just agreed with your post a lot, I'll delete this if you want me to?

Nope I agreed and put the "". In the text to try to indicate it's a quote. No disrespect I agreed with exactly you said.

I don't see anything odd happening. As a group grows we see regression to the norm (the norm in this case being mainstream thinking). So the sub just becomes a watered down version of what it was. Most people who have enjoyed this sub for a while would laugh at anyone still arguing a left/right paradigm.

I'm more curious than endorsing.

The point of these concern trolling open ended posts is just to create infighting, divide and conquer, and then takeover the same way they did to r/politics

The only way to win is to not play their game

No evidence, huh?

Welcome to the sub. This must be your first time here in years, or ever.

Ah. Thanks for the response. Makes sense.

I'm curious about this. Do you think it was as wide scale as this? Or similar to what any candidate would do during an election? Do you have any links you could share or pm to me?