George Webb explains Spirit Cooking in the context of Bad Jacketting

106  2017-01-26 by 911bodysnatchers322

  • [Day 86 pt2]
    • There is a prison near the coast and near the port. (HAITI INDUSTRIAL PARK)
    • "The Clintons mined blood from prisoners in Arkansas" so it's not outside the realm of possibility (((see confirmed conspiracy Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal)))
    • This is why we have to publish those 650k emails, because they could be harvesting prisoner organs. This could be the guantanimo of the world.
    • This is where the spirit cooking comes in
    • Yes, they teach the satanic stuff, but the reason I keep saying it's a cover, is because it's psychological comfort for the aggressor. They know it's wrong to take someone's heart out. But they try to create a revenge motive. They convince the people that are doing that that they are taking revenge against you for something.
    • It's called *'bad jacketing', the FBI is famous for this. I take this guy's suit off him and then put a nazi jacket on him. I can send an anonymous letter, I can send an email, I can talk to a neighbor, there's a million ways I can bad jacket someone.*
    • Then the person over here who doesn't know any better says, "oh he's a child molester", this is what Dyncorp is doing.
    • They are targetting people who are speaking out. Haitian politician that exposes Clinton had better be careful or he's in for a spirit cooking.
    • It's not just politicians being spirit cooked; it's also these [Epstein's] 40 kids and 102 Jane Does. Brownstones are all over the world.

Thank you for your summaries of these.

Your welcome. I'm glad they are helpful

What's Webb's background? How does he know what he knows?

George is brilliant but he is too naive to understand dark occult involvement within the CIA and NSA. Not his area of expertise.

Agreed. I do enjoy his work, but it would behoove him to become as spiritually aware as he is in other areas.

I've been waiting for someone to point this out. He seems to pass off all the occult stuff as "cover", even in the face of overwhelming evidence. What he's doing is beyond admirable, but I think he's deliberately downplaying this subject for some reason.

To be honest, I agree with him.

The elite members of society aren't actually satanists wearing dark hoods and doing blood rituals.

That's just childish fantasy.

Bohemian Grove was documented. Elite, robes, chanting, Moloch, sacrificial effigy. Caught in the act.

Regarding Hillary, there is Guccifer, who hacked and read her emails, calling her a High Priestess of the Illuminati... plus the wikileaks references by her of Moloch and sacrifice.

Then there's the Spirit Cooking. This is literally satanic blood ritual.

You can also look into CIA-sponsored satanism with The Finders relating to child abduction, animal sacrifice, and blood ritual. Acknowledged satanism.

For another recent example, the President of South Korea was forced to step down after her participation in a Satanic cult was discovered.

It's all pretty sick. It's not surprising that most people deny it exists. It's scary and people don't want to look.

He doesnt ignore it and if you had watched his vids you would know what the satanists are used for. How they are used in standard intelligence blackmail to keep people in line.

do you know which episodes he discusses the use of satanists for standard intelligence blackmail?

Dont remember, it's one where he talks about podesta silly satanic rituals and that he's basically a blackmailing guy. If you don't stay in line podesta will spirit cook you, or if there is a politician that is opposing their group - podesta and his satanic spook team will pay him a visit for a spirit cooking to scare into submission. Also the blackmail through pedo activity, they take people in to parties, bring in women. then next time they are younger, then younger, then younger and then they film everything. That's how they keep peoples mouths shut the fucks.

thank you, I'll see if I can find that.

Dont remember, it's one where he talks about podesta silly satanic rituals and that he's basically a blackmailing guy. If you don't stay in line podesta will spirit cook you, or if there is a politician that is opposing their group - podesta and his satanic spook team will pay him a visit for a spirit cooking to scare into submission. Also the blackmail through pedo activity, they take people in to parties, bring in women. then next time they are younger, then younger, then younger and then they film everything. That's how they keep peoples mouths shut the fucks.

It's very real. Spend a few days on r/occult and see what even the most newby of initiates believe / try to do.

I started watching George recently. He may be off in certain instances, but ue is 98% on point.

What's the blood for? Why would anyone risk their nice political office just to "mine" blood from prisoners?

Fun? Joy? Laughter? No.... "revenge". What? Is Bill Clinton Batman?

Probably why they do anything else, money. They have an almost unlimited supply of free plasma and blood when they are able to just keep strapping prisoners up and farming their blood. If i'm not mistaken, there was an article about someone from India who escaped from a blood farm where she was held prisoner. Most were farmed for blood and those that could, became black market surrogate mothers.