What is Trump's internet team called? I assume like CTR, Donald has a team. I've noticed the honeymoon stage is dying and shilly Trump people are becoming noticable. Stand with Manning!

7  2017-01-26 by showmeurboobsplznthx


He might have a paid team, or it might be the t-d group working for what they call 'god emperor'.

"They" are human beings mate and if the primary wasn't rigged sanders would be President and you'd have nothing to moan about.

Yes, they are human beings, did I sound like I was saying they are bots in t-d? As for Sanders, we will never know.

Forget what I replied I read it wrong mate. Sorry for that.

No problem, brother!

or you know if the paid group was the one that started T_D

I never thought about that. I think they are down home good old fashioned trump fans. You can't fake adoration like that, no matter how much you pay.

/r/The_Donald was originally started in satire. It was co-opted by the fanatics.

it is weird how it's called "the" Donald

kind of unprofessional and makes me feel like they're trollin legit trump fans

Oh come on. You guys are brainwashed that Trump wants to harm you which is exactly what the elite Cabal wants. Give the man a chance. So much is happening, my head is already spinning. NASA just released all the scientific data. A bunch of people resigned from top positions because they knew they were dirty and that Trump would deal with them eventually. The swamp drained itself in the State Department but that is because Trump promised he would do it.

Well said pal

I'm not arguing that point. I was noticing in the Manning posts, trumpers came in to defend a lot of dumb comments like CTR does. He is calling the people who helped elect him traitors while calling for an end to corruption while also trying to gag people and stop leakers from inside his own administration. It's a weird thing but you can see the people who can't digest each as their own and instead just prop Trump up. It's very similar to CTR. Just pointing out shillyness going on on all sides.

Calling Manning a traitor is unfair and I hope Trump changes his stance on that. He was mistaken there. I will admit that but some of the Trump supporters are mistakenly agreeing with anything and everything he does. That is an error no matter who the president is but they are emotionally very invested and very desperate for change.

It's a big mess especially when people who don't agree with Trump are being mixed up with the real CTR slaves of Soros.

Indeed. I think any president, whether you like or dislike them, should be given 100 days to make the job his own. A week in and I am impressed.

Search for Project Alamo.

I thought JTRIG was the govt shill program. They have a new boss now.

cambridge analytica


"In 2016, after Cruz's campaign had faltered, Cambridge Analytica started to work for Donald Trump's presidential campaign"

"known for involvement "in military disinformation campaigns to social media branding and voter targeting""

"has been primarily in the developing world where it has been used by the military and politicians to study and manipulate public opinion and political will. SCL claims to have been successful to help foment coups."

Nice find. I just think all things need to be suggested right and this sub is getting brigaded by Trump can do no wrong people. I am not anti Trump and it's not enough, just want people to know that this exists.

yeah i agree, with all the calls of CTR and such, people should know the other side does the same as well. Not enough critical thinking and forming own opinions this election.

I am in on Trump for the moment, but feel much more aligned with people on this sub and the pursuit of truth than any politician. This was a great topic, and I am glad we got an answer.

Interesting stuff. I knew Trump had a CTR equivalent, didn't know what it was called though.

So it looks like this group focuses on data collection, analytics and modeling. Basically intelligence. I'm not defending it because obviously it's fucked up that they have access to so much of our data, but I don't see how this compares to CTR, which is a massive brigade of paid shills spreading bullshit all over the internet.

look at the digital marketing section from their website


they state how they mine data find the groups that work best and use targeted messages.

Funny that the Hillary supporters ignore the verified proof of CTR's existence, but can't provide any such proof of the supposedly ubiquitous "Trump/Russian (depending on the day, they switch nationality) 'shills'".

not russian but trump certainly has online shills


"I notice the honeymoon stage is dying ..."

You're joking, right? Trump didn't get a honeymoon stage. He was savagely attacked, and calls went out to impeach him, before he was even sworn into office.

well, isn't it his fault when his voters turned against him?

liberals attacked him and will attack him understandably as he has a r by his name but what if he does something that it's legit to criticize on like saying manning is a traitor.

Trump is going to demoralizes these people so much, they are just going to roll over in 4 years.

probably uses Israel's folks

I was reading a JDF blog post saying they have about 10,000 internet soldiers. That's enough to front page a post.

yeah I mean they admit it, no controversy there it's a conspiracy proven fact.

it is weird how it's called "the" Donald

kind of unprofessional and makes me feel like they're trollin legit trump fans