Let me get this straight...the US government started a 16+ year multi-part war in the Middle East and is now trying to guilt people into accepting refugees from the same wars they caused instead of fixing the countries they fucked up...?

3956  2017-01-29 by PKMN_Master_Red


Yup..That's it in a nutshell

Gotta have that white guilt goy. Your Zionist government did it, but you got to pay the price cuz of Your skin color.

What's my race?

I don't know. I hope you have love for Your race and your people regardless tho.

You seemed to miss the point of the question.

Human race. Homie sapien. Unless we are creating sub specials of humans that I'm not aware of.

Many religious groups have historically divided humans into subspecies based on color. And since science doesn't matter..

So r/conspiracy isn't allowed to touch on the topic of genetic variation.. wtf?

Depends on how far back you want to go. I have a history of ancestral migration.

You have any migration in your ancestry?

Called you and everyone in USA white. I mean its cultural approp-faggitry. The left now a days is beyond me. And i was a lefty too. Dont accept the refugees and fuck the gov for messing their country up. Solution? Let them figure it out.

Are you actually blaming the left for not accepting refugees right now or is your sentence just really poorly worded? Because it sounds like you're saying something super stupid and I just wanted to be clear

I think he's blaming the left for the neo liberal policies that have got us in this situation

Which doesn't make sense. What is neo liberal policy? Legal gay marriage? Equality? He's doing no good by dancing around the fact the neo conservative policy is why took us into Iraq in the first place. Or is history already being rewritten?

Im not talking about neo liberalism inside the states. US neo liberal foreign policy has been as disastrous to the world in general and the middle East and North Africa in particular over the last twenty five years.

Is that like the fun cowardly way of shifting the mass amount of blame away from the Republicans who started shit wars?

Not at all. But don't get sanctimonious about republican warmongers when democrats from Truman on have all started illegal wars, when Kissinger and his progeny have trampled upon numerous sovereignties, and where your last liberal incumbent has destabilised the Middle East and North Africa in a way that will have ramifications across EMEA for generations.

This is not an argument about whether the left or right should be in charge. It's about what America's impact on the world is.

The rest of us don't vote your leadership in, but we sure feel the brunt of their decisions.

So cut the neo liberalism crap? The biggest mistake liberals have made is moving closer to conservatives, you can talk about what the Obama administration got into but that was all extension of the trillion dollar wars Dick Cheney started which were just more extensions of Daddy Bush and Reagan's wars. And we have the big granddaddy of them all which is Nixon and Kissinger purposefully keeping Vietnam going.

In other words, take it somewhere else, on the arches maybe, with that anti liberal dribble.

Im not American. Liberalism in the world means a very different thing from the word ideology you understand as liberal.

Real liberals don't have segregationist economic systems. Real liberals believe in helping the ill, not charging them more.

Capitalism and neoliberalism and neoconservatism are all sides of the same broken machine. This election has made that now obvious to the whole world.

It's time your people stepped outside the insular bubble that is US media and culture and started to understand how other countries work.

Maybe then you can work out what the hell you're going to do about your current situation.

If those are all the same thing, and right now we have Donald Trump as our president, then why focus on it?

Because that grand and dominant military industrial complex is now operated by a spray-tanned hotelier from liberal New York, who now has the legal and military tools to oppress the whole world with his Arkhamesque Cabinet and Kafkaesque Executive Orders and Tweets.

...and is running his presidency in completely traditional conservative fashion. You're just dropping that word where you choose to insinuate, its disingenuous.

What im just saying is that "conservative" to you as an American is a concept that appears as "stark, raving lunacy" to the rest of the world. Now "liberal" has an equally muddy connotation.

You've basically got "failed state" painted all over you. The fact that your markets are thriving is more evidence of a stacked deck; when leaders in the rest of the world do the things Trump is doing, they are painted as despots, but now that he's the president of the free world your ratings agencies don't reflect the enormous shit pile that is your current situation?

Your capitalism proves this week that when a man like Trump comes in, and your rights are stripped left and right, and your religious freedom is compromised, the markets approve.

There can be no clearer indication for me, and in sure many millions like me, that the is no longer has any moral authority at the head of the table of nations.

We need new leadership. Europe and the us both prove that the system was always going to fail. Alternatives need to take responsibility for their roles, sharing the burden of not having the us and their resources available.

But we can do it. We'll see you guys in four years, when you've picked someone comprehensible, who doesn't have a cameo on WWE Wrestling.

Truman started an illegal war? Really ? Are you really that clueless about world history?

Truman just ended a war by unnecessarily dropping two nuclear devices when the Japanese were ready and willing to surrender.

Ending a war is not the same as starting a war. As a matter of fact,they are complete opposites.

You are correct. But the pattern was established then. With an Illegal military act. Of two nukes.

Nukes werent illegal for a goverment to use back then.

And as much as I hate the things, it was a much better alternative then a full scale invasion by the US and the USSR. If that would have happened, there's no telling how fucked up Japan would still be to this day.

It wasn't illegal because no one has considered that another human would do that before the Truman bombs.

Chemistry and biology in war have been exploited again and again by the US. From Vietnam's soup of toxic battlefield agents, to Iraq and depleted uranium, and all sorts of under documented horrors in the current MENA war.

Liberal ideology isn't what took us to war with Iraq and cost us trillions. Liberal ideology is not what sparked the Islamic revolution and caused this all in the first place. That was neo conservative policies, but don't let the facts get in the way of your feelings.

And you think the military, financial and diplomatic support of Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Qatar over the last eight years, and the destabilisation of whole new swathes of the middle East and North Africa was a great inhibitor to the spread of militant Wahabbism?

I don't understand how you can even BEGIN to argue that Obama's adminstration INCREASED global stability?

We are in this mess purely because your establishment (left and right) behaves in a way totally against your Constitution, and the ethics of your people.

You can't blame left or right anymore. You're delusional if you don't understand them as one entity.

Didn't you just blame the left in your post before this? And now you backpedal to the middle ground and say it left and right who caused this issue? How bold. I can agree to that though, Dems arnt innocent in this, but that's not what you said. You claimed the liberals where the whole reason, which is so laughable false I don't know where to start. Liberals didn't put Saddam in power, they didn't fly the Saudis out of America after 911, they didn't lie about WMDs, they didn't supply Iraq with mustard gas, they didn't open CIA Blacksites to torture people, they didn't arm the mujahideen. Liberals want to be the police men of the middle East, which is dumb, but Republicans have historically wanted to invade and secure the resources for themselves and their corporations. One is much worse than the others.

Lol don't turn this into a partisan issue. Their were many Democrats who voted for that war as well. War is typically bipartisan when it comes down to people believing they have a common enemy.

Neo liberal policy is just neo conservative policy that has been rebranded.

I've seen this bummer sticker

I would remove this but the community here is having too much fun down voting you.

I will remove the next comment that sounds anything like this and ban you with extreme prejudice.

Have a nice day.

You sound like a complete douchebag first of all and second referencing white guilt doesn't break any of your rules.

Do you feel better?

And FWIW - whenever I flair up as a mod I refrain from voting.

So check your privilege if you think you can assume what up vote or down vote train I'm hopping on next time.

Doesn't matter if you up or downvoted if you're posting bad jokes in flair in full view of the /r/consipiratard posse. It is trivially easy to stir this pot and you are obviously doing that.

I disagree. Leaving this comment up to show that the community does not endorse or advocate this type of language is good to remain visible - especially considering what this sub used to look like.

Perhaps instead of kvetching about optics, you could continue on and meaningfully contribute to the sub instead.

Have you ever considered that you, perhaps, are the problem?

this type of language

What type of language? You won't say what you mean in clear terms because you're a tool.

This is r/conspiracy? Wtf is your problem

Would you rather me remove your offensive comment or should you?

Why is talking about Zionism offensive? When did mods change on this sub

Talking about Zionism is not forbidden. But using it and (((other things))) in the context that it was used in will not be tolerated.

Is there anything else I can assist you with?

(((Other things))) like Zionisms control over banking, media and politics. Like zionisms push of cultural Marxism and hating your own people while pushing for closed borders and preservation in Israel? I'm just confused on what part of offended you?

I'm pretty certain that the population of a country is responsible for its government. Either because it's democratic and they have a part in it or they allowed it to wrest control from the population. Either way, having to deal with the damage done by your government is your obligation, yeah.

Yes. And it isn't really a conspiracy, it's just "what happened".

Sorry, not to be pedantic, but we really oughta be more rigorous with our nomenclature in this sub.

The fact that "this is just what happened" serves to disprove the notion it's a theory, not the fact that it is indeed, by definition, a conspiracy.

Powerful, monied interests conspired together to topple regimes, destabilize the region with taxpayer money, and traffic humans/oil/arms/drugs all under the guise of spreading democracy and lending humanitarian aid. It /is/ a conspiracy. It /isn't/ a theory.

I guess he could have said that "that is exactly what happened without looking at all the circumstantial evidence that points to a lot of collusion involved to head towards a pre-determined outcome". But I think he did well.

It also doesn't really seem like a conspiracy. It is just what is happening. We fucked up those could tries and people are in peril now so we are accepting them to our country try to be safe again. I don't think this was some grand plan, it just played out to this situation.

Tommy, oh Sweet little Tommy, bless your heart.

Tool is a good band, but also describes you.

Oohh, burned. This is the sort of high-browed insult we should resort to only when necessary, folks ;)

Damn dude. U owned me.

General Wesley Clark discussing the plan to topple 7 countries in 5 years that Rumsfeld presented him with shortly after 9/11:


Interesting. I'll check the video out tonight, thanks for the link!


Don't forget organ trafficking.

If you don't think over running primarily white countries with middle eastern and african immigrants is a conspiracy, you might want to open your eyes.

Poor white people, they would know nothing about invading primarily countries of color and taking over like locusts

Can't help it if white people have superior intelligence, technology and know how. It's ours for the taking lol.

Too bad in that pile of bullshit you forgot to include inferior genetics that are slowly being fucked out of existence

If they were inferior, the Western European world would never have existed. Your reasoning is a better example of inferior genetics.

Superior resistance to filth and disease due to being dirty, pig fucking not knowing how to cleanse pieces of shit who were taking native dick up the ass until their clean immune system couldn't handle the filth-based diseases that "discovered" the new world with you

But please proceed with your obvious lil dick syndrome projecting on success you personally don't experience

Well that sounds nice until we remember it's simply not true. What colour is the sky in your world faggot?

I live in a world where I feel no need to mask my clear inferiority-complex as superiority, you corny-ass, sad little man.

I'll give you this though, your superior demon-like blood thirst and Bateman like lack of empathy is something to behold. I guess if I hated what I saw in the mirror and died a little inside every time my wife ogles a man of color I might go on the internet to pretend I'm a somebody too


Would not read again, lol.

I wouldn't expect you to ponder the truth for too long you pathetic little man

How's that SJW crusade you're on going? Gettin a lot done here arguing on Reddit are ya? lol. You're so stupid I do believe you're from sub-Saharan Africa.

About as much done as you are in trying to convince anyone you're not a pathetic piece of shit

But I'm glad the internet exists so for precious moments of your life you don't feel like a cuck

Since I clearly don't care what faggot redditors think of me so you aren't getting anything done but virtue signaling a bunch of strangers on the Internet. Talk about pathetic.

Cuck? lol. You speak in cuck language and fight SJW wars on the Internet and I'm a cuck? Bhahahahahahaha.

Removed. Rule 4.

Watching you two idiots argue over which race is honestly entertaining.

I'll be here all week. Don't forget to buy my CD at the end of the show.

Ah...CD's...Definitely solidifies the outdated mindset you're using.

Didn't work.

Racist much? WTF?

This sub's been taken over by the cult of orange, does it really surprise you that open racism would come along with it too?

Aand that's why people think conspiracy forums are full of white nationalists and "altright". Please don't speak to others like you never learned basic etiquette. The USA stands for freedom and equality for all, so speak to others with the respect You would like to be given in return, regardless of race. It's the American way.

Please don't speak to others like you never learned basic etiquette.

Uhm, wotm8?

You're blaming all white people for the crimes of the deep state...

No I'm not, I'm using the same ignorant backwards ass logic that is often presented here where entire groups of people pay for the sins of the few, but the people passing these sweeping indictments are the same ones demanding autonomy from the decisions of people that look like them.

That language like 'not really a conspiracy' is like cancer. Refugees of an illegal war carried out by groups conspiring to install a privately owned central bank ..Yet we shouldn't think of them as victims of a conspiracy, and therefore shouldn't post about it here? What a strange way to twist a topic. Almost too manipulative to believe is possible from a 'free thinking' user of this sort of forum.

because conspiracies don't ever actually happen.


I think it's more that the general population doesn't see it.

So are you saying that the Bush Administration's justification for invading Iraq based on evidence of weapons of mass destruction was not a conspiracy?

That part of it certainly is a conspiracy. But the wider fact of the "ongoing 16+ yr multi-part war" is not. Now that the cat is out of the bag on the conspiracy that started it, the rest is really just a sequence of logical cause-and-effect as far as I can see. There doesn't appear to be any big secret about the motivations of the key players at the moment.

Yes, and this is how a responsible government should behave. Dropping bombs is easy, the hard part comes after that.

It's the US that made life for millions hell, they should be the ones responsible to fix it.

Im pretty sure the US had nothing to do with the radicalization of Muslims. It's their ideology, they would have hated the West regardless of us destroying their families and homes.


Tip: Next time put '/s' at the end to show that 😉

Or they could just express themselves how they prefer...

No, it was not the "US", it was a group of sociopaths who want to see the United States destroyed. I'm sure as shit not going to go along with that.

Pretty sure it's more genocidal than that.

They aren't refugees they're economic migrants

There is a significant amount of people in the country who still have no clue about our involvement in Syria, Libya, Egypt; Yemen. Mostly Hillary people.

+1 on your first sentence but "hilary people" are aware of em, at least in my "bubble".

I don't think the US is trying to guilt anyone into taking the refugees though. I think they don't care and he'll my even encourage other Western countries into not taking them either of given the choice

The US political establishment or the people? The establishment definitely wanted to, just look at Hillary's campaign. I just don't think it's truly because the feel-good reasons they pretended to want to import them over.

Maybe accepting refugees would be a good start to the "fixing"? You know, share the burden.

Maine here. Feel free to ask away.

When a country gets so fucked up like Somali did in the 90s there are people who get driven from their homes by war and have nowhere to go. Maine opened its doors and welcomed a lot of these refuges. Like most refuges they had trouble adapting but now a generation later you go to Portland high school and the Somali kids are just normal high school kids. That's all they know.

If you support your countries military fucking around in other countries then you should be ready to man up and help the people who get displaced by those conflicts.

You're not proving anything. People of every variety do awful things, you need statistics that show they're significantly more likely to do it than their American counterparts. I can link a few stories about white people raping and murdering, that doesn't make white people bad.

So what? A couple of Somalis killed another Somali. It's sucks but really proves nothing at all. Anyone in Maine knows the most violent group by a long shot is young white males.

If you took a bunch of maines poorest white people and sent them to a remote part of the world you can bet money they would be the cause of tons of crime until they learned to fit in and make a living.

Fucking white miles amiright? /s

Only the straight cisgendered ones!

I feel like the problem is most of us don't want our military constantly fucking around where they don't need to but guess that doesn't matter to the government because it doesn't make them richer :/

They can stay at your place

nah man, lock up Hillary, that'll fix it. /s

this sub is horrible

Go back to your echo chamber then.

Why, is he weakening the echo here?

No, but that's what he'd like to think he's doing. Instead, he's strengthening it. Y'all are dumb dumbs.

Ending a stupid war would fix it.

I mean a ban against Muslims is just so fucking evil, it makes me sad

Fuck off

drop in the ocean

something is better than nothing

You could argue it isn't because it's taking funding and energy away from really solving the problem, and comes with it's own set of problems here whilst leaving the people left behind even worse off.

We're taking away the ambitious, daring, and driven people, instead of giving them resources and a means to find a solution in their home country.

Yeah, I guess it would be better if we stopped bombing the middle east and helped them develop their countries and make it all stable. But that's pretty unlikly, Middle East looks like it's going to continue being unsafe.

Stop being logical!

It's a bit staged, but this video gives some perspective on the size of the problem you suggest we take on.

A better solution would be to stop bombing and raiding their infrastructure and resources and let them sort shit out on their own.

I think you're right, but until the root cause is fixed, more and more will be generated

jesus is coming soon

I don't usually like to talk about this in regards to world affairs, but either yes, Jesus is coming and we are in the final chapter.. or whoever is pulling the strings behind the scenes is purposefully acting it out.

Police state made.

Masses brainwashed to the extreme.

Prophecies of biblical proportions ready to happen.

Trump seemingly our side - another reason to assume it's coming.

If it doesn't happen soon

Scary shit.

But hell, I know I am prepared. I have my bowl of popcorn and I am watching the show.

Nothing to fear, you're in the right place. I dunno about the 90% though.

You're right. There really isn't anything to be afraid of. I guess it's more of a feeling of anticipation.

It's kind of surreal isn't it? To be called crazy for so many years.. then to see it play out.. I do kinda feel bad for all those who never paid any attention. Many will get caught in the crossfire.

Look into "Reverse Engineering Revelation"

Ahh, the old /r/conspiracy I knew and loved.

Thanks, that sounds like a topic to read in to.

Not saying I believe everything in there, but theres a blog, Undue Coercion, look up "silence and betrayal, undue coercion blogspot", and within that "reverse engineering revelation." They have a lot of interesting stuff on there... one of them being a big section about how the Demiurge/ hive mind/ powers that be/ etc are reverse engineering revelation. If nothing else, it makes an interesting read...

Almost, minus the people who found this through /r/all and downvote the fringe stuff

pretty sure i won't be raptured, do you have any idea if those of us who stay behind will have to keep paying our student loans? cuz, really..the end of the world seems almost a relief when facing the prospect of still paying on these fuckers when i'm 80....

Yup, it's definitely happening. I honestly think Trump will be one of the 2 witnesses, he's annointed, it's why all this happened and why there are so many strange occurances with him, and I do think we will have a successful 3.5 years because of this hoping he will expose as much as possible.

Wasn't Colin Powell supposed to get them jobs at Pottery Barn?


Joshua Christie that's awful.

Who? I am confused to what you talking about.

probably a joke referring to Jesus Christ

Joshua - Yeshua - Jesus

"Joshua Christie!" = "Jesus Christ!"

As in,

Jesus christ, that's awful.

It's my lame attempt at making fun of shit, I'll see myself out.

You get a lifetime free pass since your user name is after an incredible music group.

And why two people on a discussion forum bonding over music is getting downvoted I'll never know..

Thank you for the kind words my friend.

Hi. Every comment I make on here gets massively downvoted.

The irony of dumb fucks appealing to emotion to make you scared of immigrants in a conspiracy sub is juicier than a fresh steak.

Source? First you talk about Germany then link to an article about Sweden. I'm so confused.

You should read more. Both countries are dealing with the same refugee problems.

But what's the endgame?

Transhumanist paradise

Sign me up

Microchipped population connected to and controlled by a central computer.

So basically the Matrix, except people aren't generating power...so why keep them at all?

People created emotional energy which is absorbed by "The Archons". The Archons are Alien Parasites similar to Demons.

Forgive the US to contributing madness to the ever docile region. Please keep raping your babies, while we spend $ on our borders.

I have pointed this out before to people that are against illegal immigration. The US, through the CIA, has devastated countries throughout the world. The CIA helps steal the natural resources, and makes sure that these countries cannot build an infrastructure like we have in the US. They do not want these countries to consume the natural resources because then US corporations can then make no money. The CIA was created specifically for this reason. Look it up.

It is no surprise that people want to immigrate to the US. They are not allowed to build the life they want in their home countries.

Some people in this world are extremely fucking evil, and a lot of them are American. When do we do something about it?

Going with the notion that the U.S. doesn't want many countries to improve because they'll be able to gather more resources do you think that we would simply run out of resources eventually as a country? If we're now bidding for them among 15-30 top countries vs 2-3? Basically is the development of other countries a threat to our own country in the CIA's eyes?

Yes, you are right. The US does not want them to gather resources and become stronger. Also, the US wants the profits from those resources. Chomsky writes quite a bit on this subject.

It is all spelled out in the historical record. I am not making anything up or guessing. After WW2, this plan was written by certain officials who did not see anything wrong with it at that time. It was perfectly natural for them, so they saw no need to hide it or be discrete.

Yes, the development of other countries is a huge threat, especially if they try to implement Socialist governments. The US will undermine any attempt at Socialism because, if it is successful, then people will want it here. Also, the corporations cannot profit as much from Socialism because there is more money for the people and less money for the corporations.

Socialism is the same as Communism to these people. Also, they are Fascists, and Fascists absolutely despise Communists and Socialists.

Fascists have been in control of the US government for a long time. With Trump as President, it just becomes more apparent. With Obama, it was better hidden.

This is why Trump is President now. Americans got tired of this bullshit too.

Yes, very. The American dream was stolen from us and we need to take it back.

Sources dude

It is all spelled out in the historical record

Yes, Chomsky mentions how he found it in an interview. I will have to see if I can find the video again. He was discussing the Monroe Doctrine after WW2.

Read literally anything by Chomsky.


Killing Hope by William Blum details the history of the CIA's actions since the end of World War 2.

It's too bad we can't even rebuild and replace our own shitty infrastructure here in the US

Pretty much my biggest argument against mass immigration. Also the fact that Islamists are not known to assimilate well within westernized societies.

But the reason we can't is policy set for forth by the same people who don't want immigration.

You must somehow have missed the thousands of Iranian doctors and Pakistani small business owners all over the western world. It's not so much a question of their religion or country of origin but the chances they receive in the places they immigrate to. Put them in camps and keep them in the n poverty and they make problems - like any other group you keep in camps or poverty. Allow them to participate, let them have a decent education, and make it worthwhile to contribute and they'll join like any other person with an enlightened self-interest.

Except that's just not happening in Western European countries. Look at Germanys new year debacle over the North Africans. Those people aren't living in camps, they're regular immigrants who refuse to assimilate into the established culture. France and Belgium have had the same problem hence the advent of the recent increase in terrorism. A lot of Muslim immigrants (not all obviously) move to western countries to take advantage of government benefits but refuse to assimilate making them unemployable leading to groups forming impoverished ghettos where resentment fosters leading to rise in criminal activity from these groups. I'm all for helping refugees but there are Muslim people not willing to meet halfway to make the transition plain and simple.

I don't know where you get your news, but as I not only happen to live in Germany but also work with refugees, I can tell you, that your description is overall pretty false or at least extremely misleading. Is there some welfare abuse? With several thousand people, of course there is. Are there problems with integration or crimes committed by refugees (or immigrants or however you want to classify them)? Again, sure. With several thousand people, of course there is. But for one, investigations show time and again that if anything, the percentage of refugees and immigrants commit ting crimes or abusing the welfare system is less than that of our own population - overall lowering the rate. It is still an increase in absolute numbers of course, but - and again, actual fact-oriented studies and experiences show this consistantly - if you let the refugees/immigrants participate so that they have a stake in their host society AND a sense of future, they contribute to the economic development and social cohesion of society more than they cost. They create small businesses, create jobs, add to the domestic market, and decrease the pressure on health care and retirement funding. However - and that is unfortunately still the case in Germany and many European countries - if you tie them down in red tape, keep them from shaping their own lives and having a stake in the future - you produce more costs and make integration harder.

Thanks for giving a real perspective. There are too many xenophobes on Reddit who believe false news and propaganda about immigrants.

Can we get sources? A reoccurring problem with integration is that refugees are lumped together instead of spread out across the country and embedded with locals. This completely minimalizes the integration problem. There's a reason Canada has had such a successful refugee problem.

You just described normal immigration, not mass immigration.

But the USA allowed 85,000 refugees to enter the country in 2016 (about half of which were Muslims, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of data from the State Department's Refugee Processing Center). At that time the USA had a population of about 320 million people. That makes the immigration through refugees one of less than 0.025 percent. Hardly even in the vicinity of "mass immigration". Also overall immigration (including illegal immigration from Mexico) has been negative in the last years, with more people leaving the country than entering. The numbers simply do not support the "feeling" of being swamped in foreigners. (Also, oddly the feeling of being overwhelmed by immigrants has a negative correlation to the proportion of foreigners actually encountered by people, and that is true on both sides of the Atlantic. In other words, the less foreigners people have around in their communities the higher they estimate the threat from foreigners. No clue why, but it holds true in Germany, the UK, the US, France, etc.)

Germany allowed the 1 million in a country of 80 millions

I am pretty pro-immigration but adding a million people in a year, in a country of 80 million, that is not used to immigrants... too much at once. It has to go at a rate where they can assimilate.

Yes, and the statement is still true in Germany

In other words, the less foreigners people have around in their communities the higher they estimate the threat from foreigners

Some regions in Germany are more exposed to refugees than others, i.e. the more wealthy and densely populated the region the more refugees they get. And you can find the people most vehemently opposed to refugees in regions with by far the fewest refugees

And as you can see, it is still standing. Economy is pretty sound. Crime rate hasn't increased. Not saying there aren't some problems and ways things could be improved, but even with almost a full percent immigration, society isn't crumbling. Makes American whinging about their 40th of a percent sound pretty sad.

Crime hasn't increased? Lie. I also don't remember any rape new years before

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_and_crime_in_Germany

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 25100

Go to Cologne and tell me how many Germans you can count on the main square.

Dude, I'm from the Cologne. Give it a rest. You really have no idea what you're talking about.

It's because when you give regressive liberals an inch they take a mile no matter what. If we increase it at all they will have leverage to say "you increased it from 80 to 160k why not 1million like Germany? "

America already takes in WAY more people than any other country. There is no pressing emergency to need to care about mass immigration. The Europeans went fucking insane.

America already takes in WAY more people than any other country. Hahahahaha... good one >_<

Are you referring to people who immigrate here and don't actively seek citizenship? You say "let them have a decent education".... That phrase bothers me, as it is a struggle now for taxpayers to support the education system. Americans carry a huge burden currently trying to get their kids decently through public school, not to mention college. In what ways do you see being able to fund this " decent education"? I live in a state now where we had to close public parks, art and music is brought into schools on a volunteer basis, and credit is exhausted. The opportunity for scholarship is low. College savings is a great thought to entertain for my kids, but i pay weekly to the school to fundraise for supplies that the school is in desperate need of..I want everyone to have a shot at bettering their lives, please don't get me wrong.... But we cannot provide this until we have determined a solution. Otherwise, it will continue in the downward spiral that has been escalating for years.

I... am really at a loss for words. Your argument seems to me like that of, say, a shipping agent complaining about getting new trucks to deliver his goods because more trucks will cost more fuel. A good carrier should make more money of a delivery than his costs, obviously, but can only do so by making necessary payments. Like gas, or repairs, or wages or whatnot. Education is one of the running costs of an industrialised society, but one that pays for itself. I'm assuming you're american and under the strange delusion that colleges cost money to an economy. As someone from a country where education is paid largely through taxes to get educated citizens who can deliver decent work and pay those taxes, let me assure you, that a good education decreases costs and creates more wealth, than keeping people away from it unless they already got the money to pay for it themselves.

You don't get it dude. If you're fucking broke (the US is) you can't spend more money on your credit card. The government doesn't create wealth and choose where to hand it out to. Total ignorance of economics.

He's saying his taxes pay largely for his college expenses compared to ours going straight to military costs (war).

He's saying his taxes pay largely for his college expenses compared to the U.S. going straight to military costs (war).

many countries with set-ups like that essentially rely on the u.s. to act on their behalf in their national defense; that's certainly the case for most n.a.t.o. member nations

if that's not the case for the country u/Orvil_Pym resides in, that's fantastic and i would love to read more

Frankly, if the US could show a bit more restraint with its military, we wouldn't have to take care of a million refugees.

Frankly, if the US could show a bit more restraint with its military, we wouldn't have to take care of a million refugees.

you changed the subject, but that's a small matter in the grand scheme of things; thank you for confirming that you belong to a n.a.t.o. member state which has not been honoring its obligations

speaking frankly in return, if your country would remedy its abysmal (catastrophic, really) birth rate, it wouldn't need to import 'refugees' to maintain its economy at the cost of ethnic and cultural suicide

Are you sure who changed the subject? As far as "ethnic and cultural suicide" is concerned, maybe you should listen to our historic experience. You might learn something. I have to admit, I never get tired of listening to Americans explaining how they're the solution to the world's problems, while they ignore how they're the cause of most of them.

Are you sure who changed the subject

yes: you?

As far as "ethnic and cultural suicide" is concerned, maybe you should listen to our historic experience.

i study german history, as well as its current events; are you implying that everyone in germany is supportive of frau merkel's decision regarding the 'refugees'/economic migrants?

You might learn something.

doubtlessly, but the converse is also true -- you might learn something from studying our historic experience and listening to our perspectives

I have to admit, I never get tired of listening to Americans explaining how they're the solution to the world's problems

when did i claim that?

while they ignore how they're the cause of most of them

references, please -- what role did i have in precipitating the syrian 'refugee' crisis?

Defense against what?

Defense against what?

in previous years, the soviet union; recently, germany (where i think u/Orvil_Pym resides) and other long-term members of n.a.t.o. seem to be pretty concerned about the russian federation,* hence the near panic regarding president trump's statements about debtor n.a.t.o. member states needing to contribute more to the common defense to make n.a.t.o. worth the time and resources of the u.s.

*whether or not that concern is justifiable is a separate issue; i, for one, think that it's not justifiable on the basis of the currently available evidence

Maybe you do not understand that the US is a colony, i.e. a slave state. It is designed to extract money from the people and resources for the owners, not to make life easy for the people who live here.

There's an abundance of money to pay for proper education. We just choose to spend it bombing brown people instead.

No it's like 15% of the federal budget you don't know what you're talking about.

It takes some cultures several generations to integrate. Some longer, some shorter. Mass exodus of refugees to the U.S. will create problems that someone somewhere will have to deal with, it might not be me or you, but it's not exactly like they just come over here, get some loans, and become Doctors. I'm not against refugees, I'm against allowing men of fighting age over. Women and children should have priority.

You're a xenophobic bigot! /s

Islamists are not known to assimilate well within westernized societies

So you gonna give the Amish the boot too? What about magic Mormon fundamentalists?

Do you know what Islamists even are? It refers to extremists which is what the refugees are fleeing -_- I guess ignorance is bliss though. You should also stop pretending that Canada has had problems assimilating refugees. We haven't had any problems.

I agree. We spent billions in Iraq on infrastructure.


That's why every Latin country is mostly bought and paid for. Destabilization for fear of a better form of life somewhere else than the facade that is the American dream

The US, through the CIA, has devastated countries throughout the world.

And yet you blame the people against the US elite and the CIA for not wanting their country destroyed.

This is "it's okay to be racist against white people/men because mah history"-tier bullshit.

We are against illegal immigration for the same reason legal immigrants are against it. Unchecked mass immigration to a stable country fucks up that country.

It happens in South Africa, it happens in Hungary, it happens in the US.

Your bullshit is globalist "let everyone in cause you should have guilt for things you didn't do by people you oppose" idiocy.

And it's pretty fucking hilarious both you and the OP are pushing globalism.

There is no unchecked mass immigration in Hungary, dude. They barely have a few hundred Syrian refugees there.

Because they built a wall. Get it now?

Unchecked mass immigration is due to the fact that Employers want cheap labor. Start punishing any employer that hires illegals and you cut an immigrants source of income. I always said the problem is with the Employer. They want cheap labor, and if they don't get it from the Mexican, it will be the chinese, or someone else.

Unchecked mass immigration is due to the fact that Employers want cheap labor.

Yes, clearly it's the fault of the population of American citizens who want jobs then.

Who said it's the americans citizens fault? Look at your own quote. Why isn't the Govt doing anything to help it's own citizens by Punishing Employers with Fines, or better yet criminal charges? Maybe it's because they don't want to. Maybe it's because the U.S is addicted to cheap labor.

Legal immigrants like those that have just been detained or turned away at our borders? Right, because it makes so much sense that we've thoroughly vetted these people and they've met the residency requirements for a green card, but "muh terrorism". Fuck that.

Sounds like everything you know about refugees and asylum is legitimate and based on hard facts, zero fear mongering.

Sorry, but I am not a globalist. I am also against the CIA and the global elite. I am not sure why you think otherwise. Check my post history.

What I am saying is that the CIA needs to quite their bullshit in other countries because it causes illegal immigration. I believe the CIA should be dismantled. They were created specifically to steal the natural resources from other countries.

Funny, once they get into the US they will usually fuck it up. There is little to no upside and moving from 0- upper class is really impossible without doing nefarious means within a short time. Esp peeps from middle east countries, they usually dont adapt well and will claim lots of social services, look at that England and see how the immigrants ruined that country.

People said the same about the Irish and the same about the Germans.

Soros is involved in a lot of the immigration from the Middle East. He is purposely doing it to destabilize Europe, and probably the US because Clinton lost.

If we left these people alone and allowed them to have the lives they want, then they would not want to immigrate.

Now when we elect Trump to stop playing these stupid fucking games. Except he'll probably get himself impeached or assassinated before he can stop the fuckery.

I am glad Hillary lost. It would have been more of the same bullshit. There is a chance for change with Trump. He could make it better, or he could cause the US government to fall. I hope he causes it to fall because it does not represent us anymore. It represents corporations instead.

Agree. At least if it falls, it falls now as opposed to 30 years from now. The decline was well under way. Even if Trump is worse in the short-term, he could very well end up being a good thing in the long-term.

I'm just scared the entire Hillary section of the country still doesn't get how flawed our Republic is. I think they honestly might try to run another corporatist war-hawk candidate that plays identity politics to obfuscate the more pressing issues and get votes in 2020.

Yes! My concern is that people will protest now, but they will be protesting for the wrong reason. My impression is that the Hillary supporters still do not understand why she lost. That is very perplexing to me.

I think we owe it to future generations to do something about it sooner rather than later. The baby boomers let us down, even though they had a chance to do something after the JFK assassination and the Vietnam War. They knew they were being lied to, and they protested for a while but then let it go.

Yep! Exactly.

We also had the chance to do something after the Great Recession, but the Obama administration let impossibly large banks and the Fed control the decision making. You redistribute wealth during financial crises. His policies unfortunately led to the opposite.

I believe the President and Congress are under the control of the banks and corporations, so they can only do so much that goes against the interests of these institutions. We need to break this grip.

The US is in the business of prevent development and destroying previous development.

I don't understand why they just tell them all to fuck off. If they (don't) have the conscience to start the war, why not condemn them too?

Sort of. A lot of these folks are from northern Africa.

Yeah this is what I don't get. Why make America afraid of terrorists so they can go to the Middle East guilt free, but then actually turn it around angry that we don't want terrorists ???? I mean obviously if we had Clinton it wouldn't be anger that we won't accept them as they've been trying to slowly change that mindset to accepting them..but why? Why make a resistance towards something that you want others to accept ? I don't get that part either


I sort of talking in a circle there.

I don't understand why make Americans fear terrorists to justify going into a war, only to come back and blame america that they are racist intolerant all this other shit for wanting to be cautious of countries where terrorism is.

Why are they doing that? Make a fear then when people keep seeing instances of terrorism happening and increasing actually turn it around to thinking we are wrong not to allow them.

TPTB aren't just one group. They have different (but similar)goals and very different ways of achieving them.

Example: Soros vs Bush and Soros vs Israel

Yet everyone marched lockstep to the War on Terror.

What if they started these wars to piss off an already fairly angry group of people (due to their religion) so that they would hate basically everyone but them. Then after they ravage their homeland they seek refuge in other countries. Some of these people then commit widespread terrorist attacks, thus triggering a need for the United States to occupy every country bringing about the New World Order.

You are correct. It also creates permanent "Martial Law" in the US. Merkel is paving the way for it Germany and Hillary would have even worse here.

Ding Ding Ding

angry group of people (due to their religion)

I don't think you know Islam at all mate.

Don't get me wrong, i agree with OP, but the basis of your assumption isn't correct.

Not necessarily Islam in general but ISIS's particular brand of Islam. So the statement "due to their religion" would be accurate.

No, still not accurate. If he means that, then it should read as

Due to ISIS


Due to ISIS' portrayal of Islam


"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them"

And where did you get that?

Quran Chapter Al-Anfal(8), VerseNo. (12)

Here is an explanation of that verse. [Read this]http://www.answering-christianity.com/sami_zaatri/surah8_12.htm).

As the author says

"The fact that anti-Islamic’s make such claims shows their lack of knowledge on Islam, and that they should really study Islam with an open heart rather than visit anti-Islamic sites, and read anti-Islamic books and believe everything they tell you."

OK, so every time I quote from the quran you're going to pull out an Islamic scholar to tell me I'm misinterpreting what is pretty plainly written.

Interestingly, I'm guessing every time I quote Islamic scholars you're going to be telling me that they aren't official representatives of the religion.

But don't worry about my opinion, I am lower than the lowest of animals. Your "peaceful" god is ensuring all of my ancestors are suffering for the rest of eternity, and when I die I will suffer the same fate.

Fuck, you seem an expert at guessing and Islam. You apparently know how im going to respond to everything so i guess you are correct about this and you know more about my religion.

Nice way to slip out of a discussion. Goodbye and have a good day.

Ever thought that is because religions in general are not peaceful?

They're not supposed to be peaceful, but rather truthful. God is not all sunshine and rainbows, he has a wrathful side for those who do evil. Do you think George Soros is going to heaven?

Lots of religions were peaceful. They got wiped out by the ones that used violence to convert and conquer.


And how many religions are the basis of groups beheading people today?

It's an explanation of what GOD and Angels are going to do to disbelievers, NOT PEOPLE.

[Remember] when your Lord inspired to the angels, "I am with you, so strengthen those who have believed. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieved, so strike [them] upon the necks and strike from them every fingertip."

There's the concept of punishment for disbelievers and even believers a lot of religions. You are being extremely dishonest. You're doing the same thing as ISIS. You are not better than them.

The problem is that the fundamentalists don't give a shit what the scholars say. They believe the Quran to be the perfect word. They don't need some human to interpret the words for them. The words are what they are. They read the Quran literally and they read the biography of Mohammad and they read the Hadith and they apply it all to their lives literally. That's the problem with religious fundamentalism.. if the fundamentals of your religion are bad then fundamentalism is dangerous. (And that does go for all religions but right now Islam is the only one that is a problem on a widespread scale).

"The fact that anti-Islamic’s make such claims shows their lack of knowledge on Islam, and that they should really study Islam with an open heart rather than visit anti-Islamic sites, and read anti-Islamic books and believe everything they tell you."

Studying Islam "with an open heart" is advice that should be taken by Muslims since half of all British Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal.

Where is that from?

Quran Chapter Al-Anfal(8), VerseNo. (12)

Have you read the quran?

Yes. I am also Muslim.

Did Mohammed really marry a six year old?

Piss off. 1.2 billion Muslims believe in Sharia law governing the state. Fuck off with this "religion of peace" nonsense. They wouldn't know peace if it kicked em in the ass.

If we didn't have these terrorist groups that we single handedly created, what would we be doing with our military right now? The military industrial complex aint gonna perpetuate itself. Trump will go back into Iraq and steal the oil after engineering another attack on US soil and everyone on this sub will continue to lick his balls because they're either too stupid or too cowardly to realize they got Obama'd by this guy.

Due to their religion? So no hate crimes are done in the name of Christ almighty? Sick. I'm not Muslim but I know a lot of people who are and are the most trustworthy I know.

  1. Destabilize seven countries with war.

  2. Start refugee crisis.

  3. Accept mass amounts of refugees into the country for them to take over.

I can't imagine living in your reality. how on earth do you see possibly the people with the least amount of power in the world as a threat. smh


I personally know of a refugee who has lost both his parents in Afghanistan and has a metal plate in his head. I have yet to see a smile on that boy's face. Notice I said 'boy'.

I'm not an angry guy, but boy am I pissed with the morons who say stuff like this.

Maybe he can actually read refugee crime statistics, including the staggering rapes and gang rapes where the rapists thought they did nothing wrong.

...maybe he's aware of what is actually happening to the countries in Europe that open arms to all refugees? Germany alone should explain the threat. Maybe he has an understanding of how oppressive sharia law is, how ISIS was formed, etc. Think Trumps a misogynist? hang out in a country that is governed by sharia law for a month and tell me that with a straight face.

Not all refugees are the problem, but we have to err on the side of caution before we let the US become subway gang rape central. the argument for accepting refugees is: we're going to increase your crime rate substantially and bring a group 170 times more likely to participate in a rape gang, a group that targets gays, and has been responsible for some very public violent crimes against Americans, but we also have some hard working, law abiding citizens. If you think that makes us terrible, live somewhere else.

We didn't destabilize all the countries, and we certainly didn't force sharia law beliefs on them, and we didn't create a rape culture where other muslims do nothing even after knowing the rapes were happening (see U.K.). Eventually metal plate head orphans will get into the US, but it's obvious right now, taking in all refugees is a recipe for disaster.

I have so many people that I truly respect horribly affected by this and no one I know has been negatively affected by Muslims. where are your statistics?

Yes, millions of angry people injected in to a country they don't want to integrate in to. I can't imagine how that might destabilize a country. Nope, not at all. /s

maybe there's an argument there, but this dude said the refugees are going to take over.

seems like a difference in semantics

take over implies the refugees with have control of the country.

by destabilizing the country, the people who created the refugees and moved them around come in to control of the country, so it's essentially the same thing in a way.

Yep. And hollywood and google news and all the obnoxious liberals around us wont stfu and get on with life...

Google had Trump ahead the whole night.


We only want people that will be grateful to be exploited.

El Mexican

They've been catching on for a few decades. We need to find some space people or something.

yes... it's also a very easy way to get millions of people permanently voting for one party (the party that brought them in).

If that was the case, why doesn't Trump be the hero and let them in, it might be his only shot at a 2nd term.

If the DNC decides to shoot themselves in the foot again, he might actually get that second term.

he's fulfilling his promises. he will definitely get a second term if he keeps this up

  1. War is money. A lot of money.
  2. To start a war, you need public acceptance to a certain extent. Not 100%, not even 50%. But you need some public backing.
  3. First you need an enemy; Employing/recruiting highly educated people to recruit and rally the less educated, fueling their religious belief. (ie. al-Baghdadi holds a doctorate in education). Effectively creating an enemy to fear - the terrorists. Because just like when the commies were propagandized - they're posed as the enemy that would kill and harm everyone, not just combatants. Even you.
  4. Empowering the image of the enemy - making them feared; Organize terror-attacks to prove the above statement - enforcing the image of the enemy, fueling the public fear. Because no matter how you twist and turn it - terror works.
  5. You now have the grounds for war - and earning mountains and mountains of money.
  6. Maintaining the war; The war will create refugees - it's only natural. Mostly ordinary people trying to get themselves and their families to safety - and possibly lead a new life.
  7. Overstate the refugee problem in the media - creating a false narrative, exaggerating the problem - and even a narrative of them being protected by liberals - and stories of stories being surpressed.
  8. Rising demand amongst the population to send the refugees home - mostly due to the narratives. Slowly sway the general political orientation of the population to a more nationalistic view, again by media narrative.
  9. The rising demand to send the refugees home, puts a wanted pressure on the government to solve the problem by sending them home. But they can't be sent home to a destabilized region - so we need to stabilize it; more war.

Rinse and repeat. Great post. Worst of all are the child victims who are trafficked and sold to be used as sex slaves and worse.

The Trumpalump says, "Don't forget about Pizzagate!"

Yes I proudly voted for Trump. Doesn't mean I won't hold him accountable for his actions.

Meanwhile you can keep your head in the sand regarding child exploitation and worse. Sorry but it exists on both sides of the government and involves very powerful people who will stop at nothing to keep their crimes hidden.

How did voting trump work out? He is breaking so many laws right now its not funny. He just just hilary 2.0 on a worser scale. He has fucked children and that can be proven. He was friends with epstine. So please tell me more how undirty he is? I would love to hear it.

What laws has he broken? You should inform the DNC because they can't wait to impeach Trump for something. Problem is he hasn't done anything illegal. And if it's provable that Trump is a pedophile, why hasn't that been reported? Or are you one of those morons that believe the media are pro Trump?

A lawsuit was brought against trump accusing him of raping a 15 year old. The story broke in november and you only have you bubble to blame for not knowing it. It's by no means a proven fact though. The lawsuit was dropped supposedly because the plaintiff feared for her life after receiving death threats in response to the suit. The trump-epstein connection is real, but people also lie and make false accusations.

Impeachment has not been seriously discussed because it requires a majority of the house and two thirds of the senate. It can't happen unless some republican legislators decide that the value of law and order is more important to them than their ideologies or whatever personal benefit they hope to derive from a trump presidency. The lack of an attempted impeachment does not correlate with laws being broken.

Where did you hear it was supposedly dropped because of death threats? Sounds like unsubstantiated gossip. Yes people lie and make false accusations.

Trump - Epstein connection... yes they know each other. Anything else to this that does make the Clintons look much worse in comparison? Does Epstein exclusively associate with pedos? I'm not saying I know the full truth, but do think it should be completely aired out and investigated.

Impeachment for what? Pissing off Clinton voters?

Take a look - sources abound

I completely agree that everyone associated with Epstein looks slimy. Believe it or not, I don't see things as Trump vs Clinton. Trump won. All I want to see is an honest investigation as well.

Impeachment for violation of the emoluments clause because of his refusal to divest his assets. Believe it or not, giving it to your sons and just claiming you won't talk to them about it is not divestment. That is the only real reason so far. It's not going anywhere and won't as long as the political situation remains the same. But with a different looking house/senate composition it could.

I'm not here to say he should be impeached, just that the lack of impeachment should not imply innocence.

Barbara Walters, Chris Rock, Kevin Spacey and Elie Wiesel also flew on Epsteins plane. He had dozens upon dozens of Hollywood and well known business contacts in his black book.

Trump knew Epstein through Mar-a-lago and that's it. When he found out what Epstein had done he kicked him out of his club. Trump fully cooperated with all investigations. The Rolling Stone (I think) article where Trump said Epstein was a great guy was given years BEFORE Epstein was arrested.

This whole Epstein smokescreen is simply a deflection from the Clintons extremely close and long standing relationship with Epstein.

Wow. The 'but everybody else is doing it' excuse.

Wasn't that a tactic used by the USSR to downplay their fuck ups?

Everybody else is doing what? The person I replied to insinuated that since Trump was an acquaintance of Epsteins, Trump must be "slimey" too. I simply pointed out that many people were friendly with Epstein which means nothing. They didn't know what Epstein was doing. The ones that did, like the Clintons, are something else.

That same lawsuit was previously thrown out of court at least twice. The person behind it is also an ex-Jerry Springer producer who has filed ridiculous lawsuits in the past. Absolutely zero proof. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/jul/07/donald-trump-sexual-assault-lawsuits-norm-lubow

Hold the fuck up.

I couldn't care less what the laws are. If you have no sense of morality that is separate from what you're told is moral, you are a shitty person. Trump has done unquestionably shitty things and our country is currently facing a crisis because of it. "He hasn't broken any laws" is NOT an excuse.

I would think his flagrant disregard for the 1st Amendments freedom of religion clause with his signing of the Muslim travel ban is an excuse for impeachment.

Protecting and defending The Constitution is his job,after all.

It's not a flagrant disregard for the 1st amendment's freedom of religion clause though...so that's where you're wrong, kiddo. Disagreeable sure, but not an excuse for impeachment. Keep trying though. Maybe one day you'll find something.

I mean does the fact our country was founded on "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness for all" hold no sway for you? The Muslism ban has torn away some legitemently great from this country who barely had connections to their home country at this point, which I think is more than enough to make this law very unethical in the least.

"Torn away" or put a hold on visa travel for 90 days? Green card holders just apply for a waiver to the executive order and get questioned when they land. Many types of visas are also still allowed to travel back to the U.S. during this 90 day ban.

  1. ) There is no "for all"

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ——

  1. ) You are talking about the declaration of independence, which is not valid. The only valid doc is the Constitution of the United States including the Bill of Rights, which are the amendments to the Constitution

  2. ) The Constitution is a public contract, based on popular sovereignty and it defines those in the contract. The Citizenship clause. This does NOT include aliens. Aliens are people who are not citizens.

  3. ) Please fix your ignorance. Your ignorance is hurting america. You are hurting america with your ignorance.

  4. ) I asked you nicely and what i said was complete and factual. Please take my advice and don't be offended if I don't respond further to you.

You are right, It was ignorant of me to assume the quote and not do a cursory check of background of the quote. However, never once did I say it was a legally binding statement that we should be compelled to follow, I just said it was one of the tenets this country was founded on that has over seen past immigration "crisis" from China and Ireland among others, so yes while not legally applicable in any way it is simply an opinion of mine, and opinions are what found discussion.

Your first 2 points are clarifying background information on the quot, and correcting the quote. Your 3rd point is an argument against my quote, in which you extrapolated information I never once said and assumed my stance on an issue which i never once mentioned my stance. I simply asked the poster if It held any weight with him, as this was a belief of our founders, albeit non-legally binding as you did point out.

Furthermore, while you are right It was ignorant of me to not to correctly state the quote, You assumed positions of my post that I had not even stated, and yet called me ignorant? If your posting on this sub I can only assume you are against the modern media heavily, yet you stoop to their level? My plea to you is that you stop reactionary arguments full of personal attacks, it helps no one and only ostracizes valid concerns at best. Not to mention that, again, since you wrongly assumed evidence to make your point while attacking my post you played yourself, and showed your own ignorance.

never once did I say it was a legally binding statement that we should be compelled to follow,

That's what the Constitution is though. But it's not clear if it's in breach or not

Hey listen I'm going to stop you there. I apologize for calling you ignorant. I need to stop that shit. It's abrasive and unkind. Other than that, I'm glad you and I are now critically thinking about each point.

Oops. My bad. It wasn't the First Amendment that trump shit on. It was the due process clause of the 14th Amendments he violated.

Seeing how the Constitution is the law of the land, his breaking of it is a high crime,which makes it an impeachable offense.

The 14th amendment applies to U.S. citizens and naturalized U.S. citizens. Trump's ban doesn't apply to anyone with U.S. citizenship—whether that person is natural-born or naturalized.

If you're taking about impeachable offenses, it probably starts with the Obama + Bush dream team gutting the 4th amendment and habeas corpus.

Try bringing some facts to the argument next time.

Actually, the Constitution says ' the people'. Not 'the citizens'.

At least read the 14th amendment if you're going to talk about it. You're straight up wrong. Are you from America?

Doing something unconstitutional is not impeachable.

Read the document. You can be impeached for "high crimes and misdemeanors".

Taking an unconstitutional action is not a crime or misdemeanor.

Also read the executive order. It does not ban Muslims. It's a temporary ban against one country (Syria) and 6 others previously identified by Homeland Security under Obama as major risks.

And oh, by the way, the immigration statute at issue here specifically permits discrimination of this nature.

Islam isn't a religion-its a death/terror cult.

It definitely has a fucked up side. But no more so then the other two abrahamic religions, judaism and christianity.

What else do you expect from religions started by a bronze age schizophrenic goatherder?

Nice try but no... 300 million christians don't believe in honor killing nor apostate executions.. Check out this quick 15min doc on how fucked Islam is ... its actually done by a Sunni muslim:


It's not a "Muslim" travel ban. Educate yourself.

Are you breaking a story about Trump being a pedophile? Any evidence at all?

What other laws has he broken that make him so much 'worser'?

having his businesses while being in office. He has to sell them off,

Holy shit, Hilary's business IS being in office and you can be sure she was selling that off to the highest bidder. How can they afford to throw a multi-million dollar wedding for their daughter on politician salaries?

They were in massive debt when Bill left office. He did what any pimp would do in that situation and put Hillary on the corner... of government.

The Clinton Foundation slush fund covered her wedding.

He removed himself completely from the Trump corporation which legally he did NOT have to do. His lawyers extensively detailed this in a press confernce he held a few weeks ago.

He is also donating all profits from foreign government his hotels make back to the US treasury.

He isn't taking the $400,000 salary either.

You just said how did voting for Trump work out but I can't reference the only other option, being Clinton? How did voting for Hilldog work out?

The difference between Trump and Hillary is that Hillary didn't fucking get elected.

I'm not expecting you to compare what Trump is doing to what Hillary is doing. I'm expecting you to compare what Trump is doing to what Trump said he would do. If you remember those things. Four legs good, two legs better.

Isn't trump the first elected official to do everything he campaigned for in the first 7 days of being elected? He's hardly a politician.

Lemme google that. Hmm.

So a fun recap: He set in motion plans to repeal obamacare... without a replacement, which he claimed to provide, but republicans have had close to 8 years to come up with one and they don't have JACK SHIT.

He also claimed he'd make Mexico pay for the wall, without for the longest time stating how. Now apparently it's via tariffs on mexican goods... that's right, imported goods, not exported goods. This will naturally drive up the prices, because mexican businesses sure as hell don't want to take the hit. They'll sell less, but for every unit that does sell, it'll be the american people paying the difference. Mexican businesses will suffer a lower number of units sold. Source: Economics 101 (protip: Try to think of why the same isn't being done to american exports. It's because that would hurt american businesses, which are more important than american consumers.)

And lastly, in an blatant and transparent move, Trump blocked off immigration from pretty much the entire middle east... except for countries he does business in. Gotta keep that free good PR, amirite? No conflicts of interest here, no siree! And we can talk at length about the american citizens who are now locked out of the country.

tl;dr Did Trump do things he promised to do during the first week? Yes. Did he do all of the things he promised? NO. Did he do right by the american people? HELL FUCKING NO.

Obamacare has not been fully repealed yet. When it does we can critique his replacement or lack thereof. As it is he has stated he will replace it. Is there any reason not to believe him in this instance? What I read was that DHS is reevaluating all residents and refugees coming from a law Obama passed. Are you saying you disagree with obama's law passed by congress? If so why?

On Mexico. He played the media against Mexico to our ultimate benefit. They cancelled and then he lodged the tariff and then they met and Nieto had to appease Trump. Thats a power play i have no problem with. I think they will end up paying for the wall and the tariff is merely bargaining chip. Ill eat my hat otherwise. This power play sets the stage for all future meetings and likely set the tone for the meetings with Theresa May and Justin Tredeau.

I think you meant greencard holders (not citizens)?being locked out. That is incorrect. That has been fixed. I think DHS was caught unprepared with some folks and fucked up on who was and wasn't allowed in as reflected in the press.

Do you think any of the countries listed for the temporary ban have adequate screening processes in place to prevent violent islamist from migrating and if so which countries?

Interested in your thoughts.

Is there any reason not to believe him in this instance?

As I said, republicans have had so long to come up with a plan and are not handling it well. Even under Obama they could have suggested improvements and really didn't. I am not happy with them risking people's lives just so they can get their own name on their healthcare. Even if the people are not seeing it as that.

Ill eat my hat otherwise.

I hope you have a hat that's good to eat. Mexicans despise Trump, at all levels of the government. At this point I'm even half worried about them dropping trade with the US altogether just to spite Trump. but I'm uninformed. This is merely the way the situation looks to me. (Unrelated but important: The wall will cost shit tons of money and not help. At all. Also fuck up the environment.)

I meant greencard holders and dual citizens. Apparently they are contradicting themselves on that one (And when is Team Trump not contradicting themselves?). Friends have since linked me this video. Still in the process of watching it. I have to take take breaks because listening to him makes me angry.

Do you think any of the countries listed for the temporary ban have adequate screening processes in place to prevent violent islamist from migrating and if so which countries?

I think that has been what Obama's Visa Waiver thing was about. It essentially meant that Visa Waiver was not available for those countries, and that a Visa would have to be acquired, which meant further vetting, including an interview. I'd argue it's largely been successful because immigrants are actually less likely to commit crime than citizens. I think that speaks volumes about the process. It is my personal opinion as a German citizen that america's vetting process is very strict and successful, but that the overall volume of immigrants admitted (perhaps as a result of that vetting?) could be higher.

Thank you for your civility. :)

Thoughts on merkels chance of winning? Do you support her? How much national guilt does your country have for your past and how does that play out politically?

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm a liberal. I had a rather international childhood, have only good experiences with diversity, and hold empathy-lacking conservatives responsible for the bullshit in this world. With that background, you can understand that I take Hitler personally, as a stain in the history of my country. I don't really see myself as a patriot, though, nor was I interested in politics before 2016. At the time it seemed like pure policy, and who does what... kinda like what Republicans have to do with Obamacare right now. But apparently some people see racism, sexism, antifeminism and anti-intellectualism as a viable political platform now, so I realized barriers to entry were pretty much as low as they were going to get... anyway, enough of the rambling.

I'm looking into politics in my own country. I am moderately satisfied with the way the refugee crisis has turned out; I would have liked the influx delayed until more and better facilities were in place, but can understand that refugees can't exactly just hold on a second and wait for us to make their beds. I would vote for Merkel or for a more liberal party, but I will definitely vote: Anything to counter the populist racism that is on the rise again. Everything is starting to look like 1933. Like Animal Farm. Like 1984. Like Brave New World. I don't like it.

As for the rest of my country, I can only offer the following: Nazis were banned, but assholes and neonazis continue to resist. They're called the AfD, and they have a presence, though it's not much. Germany's political party system is quite different from the American one. We don't have a Winner Takes All. We have several parties, and they form coalitions to secure a majority. Seats are given depending on the percentage of votes received, and who has the majority. You can look it up for more (and probably more accurate) details, but what i am essentially trying to convey is that germany won't suddenly "flip". It's more likely to slowly creep, and that people will have a chance to see the effects of that crap before it gets to that. Though America is proving to be a good/bad example, depending on how you look at it.

I can understand where you are coming from and disagree.

If the US ends up like Germanistan i'd leave. To me it looks like the German identity is being wiped out to allow for sharia law. Do you agree?

I have watched many youtube videos of sex attacks for example, cologne new years eve. Those attacks are not shocking to me the response by merkel and sweden are shocking .

Avery bizarre reaction. A extremely PC reaction to the detriment of the EU's native population.

Rape whistles and bracelets..

Things like pool rape lead me to believe islam is not compatible with modern western culture.

Do you believe that sharia law and muslim culture can assimilate into traditional western culture? Also do you believe 3rd wave feminism is about equality or power?

I have watched many youtube videos of sex attacks for example, cologne new years eve. Those attacks are not shocking to me the response by merkel and sweden are shocking .

I think that those men should be punished accordingly. I have negative feelings about the fact that those who cannot conduct themselves properly here cannot be sent back to their own countries, because the rule of law here is clear and, while punishment has been given, they will sit in german prisons if they get a sentence. I believe we should help those deserving of help. The innocent. The refugees. If you spit on our hospitality like this, I do not want you here. Not even in our prisons.

I believe that integration into western culture requires a westernized Islam. For me, that means that the law of the host country stands always above the law of the religion, and that your religion should be practiced within the confines of that law.

I am in general against religion having any place in law -- pro separation of church and state. It's quite obvious that this is where a lot of conflict between Republicans and Muslims comes from: Both want to follow outdated moral and other laws from ancient scriptures that doesn't reflect modern society, and so see themselves in direct opposition. Since I'm against that, my stance is simple.

So to summarize: If you're muslim, you can come to germany. Bring your Islam, your beliefs, the objects of your culture, your principles. Do not bring your laws, your prejudice, and your hate. We've got our own laws here, and if you want to stay, you will have to obey them.

As for your odd unrelated question about feminism: I believe it is about equality, and I support it. Men and women both stand to gain from the discarding of assigned roles and stereotypes about how men and women should look, act, and think in our society.

I believe assimilation is paramount to a cohesive society just like you.

I am very concerned about a 'westernized' islam. Is it possible? I can't say.

All i can do is look at countries that have accepted majority muslim countries to ill effect. There's a point at which their views can become a majority and your views a minority.

I look at London's mayor who normalizes the violence as a part of living in a major metropolitan area.

That's a unsettling thing to accept living there.

I asked about feminism specifically because 3rd wave feminism is a different beast. It isn't about equality. The march on Washington excluded pro life women. They included muslim women speakers that associate with hamas and a women who sodomized a man and killed him. Madonna said the white house should blow up killing Trump. Our Democratic party says white men should shut up and listen to black women.

Isn't that political power they seek?

An oppression olympics if you will.

Its like the tenets of ingsoc: Violence is peace Strength through diversity unless (you are white) Labeling everything hate speech is freedom

Shit is upside down PC culture is stopping any rational discussion of the real problems like we are having.

I believe that integration will be difficult but something we must achieve.

I think this article is good. In essence, abortions aren't fun. No sensible is going to skip using contraceptives just because "we can always abort" because it obviously has an impact on the body and causes unnecessary stress etc. People don't have abortions for fun, or to kill babies. They do it because something went wrong, and they can't or don't want to have the child growing inside them. This can be for any reason. Rape? Deformities or sickness that make the fetus unsuitable for life outside the womb? Is it really any of our business?

You must also make the distinction between the women's march, which aimed to include all women, and feminism, which fights for women's rights. There's nothing stopping women from being against women's rights, but their presence does not somehow invalidate feminism. If an African American a century or two ago was indoctrinated to believe that because of his skin color, he was inferior to white people, and that his people were meant to serve white people, and he went out and said that... would that somehow invalidate the racial equality movement because it doesn't serve the interests of literally all african americans? Doesn't that sound fucking stupid to you?

Our Democratic party says white men should shut up and listen to black women.

Really a conflation of two arguments. One is that white people should shut up and listen to black people, the other is that men should shut up and listen to women. I believe they deserve to be argued separately. "Men should listen to women" because those who make policy (largely men) are a step removed from abortion, because they've never had to (and will never) have to go through one, may not ever have needed one, and don't deal with women's issues. They mean men who speak of women's issues, needs, and desires and speak for them, instead of just, letting them speak. It's not supposed to be an unconditional thing that should be followed at all times. And it especially concerns those men, those moments when someone thinks they know best what women want (despite what they're told) and believe they can just "grab them by the pussy". You know the type. :)

Oh, as for white people shutting up and listening to black people...

I don't care about abortion. Its legal end of story. I do care about my last talking points of the March on Washington being lead by killers and hamas sympathizers and madonna who wants to blow up the white house. Its power not human rights they want as a political voting block.

Did they protest for everything bad about Sharia Law in the streets? Did they write it on their signs? They aren't even representative of feminism, they're organizers of a feminist march.

If by your logic the all feminists are hama and murder sympathizers because of their leaders, then all Trump voters are Nazis because of Stephen Bannon. I don't think that. It's not a reasonable argument.

What? I'm saying the face of the women's march is inconsistent with the values they espouse.

Don't you think the things I mentioned are inexcusable? You know raping and torturing is pretty bas right? Kinda get the impression I'm talking to myself though.

No, I simply have no excuse to offer. If you want to ask her if she regrets it, feel free. I don't support her past actions, and that's all you need to know. You can't demand ideological purity from everyone, and you should definitely criticize those you follow. Feels like people these days find fault with everyone except the ones they follow, though. :/

lol if you're going to make accusations, be sure they didn't come out of your ass.

You're surprised that after years of congress recklessly giving the president tons of power, and the presidents themselves giving themselves more power, that somebody was going to use it in a bad way? And really, despite the media circus and outrage because Trump is so hatable, he hasn't done anything that bad yet.

Trump has been the best President we've ever had in a January after election.

Trump is setting himself up to be remembered like Reagan. Loved by most the country and despised by the extreme left.

This is why I don't let my ass do the talking.

You think hillary would be causing these problems?

She'd be causing much more serious problems. Accepting those refugees. Starting a shooting war with Russia with her demand for a no fly zone over Syria.

"Also the DOW wouldn't be at its world record high."

Wouldn't it though? I guess we will find out in the long run. Who was right? Gore or Bush?

Clinton/Gore knew about the 9/11 threat and did nothing.

What exactly was their responsibility for preventing 9-11? Crime fighting ex president? Republicans always blame someone else. Is Obama responsible for all the terrorist shit that happens under trump?

So Bush isn't responsible for Obama's shitty economy?

And Clinton had many opportunities to cut the head off of Bin Laden's crew back in the 90s... The CIA knew where he was at all times. He should had enough reason to especially after the attack on the USS Cole in 2000.

Trump is moving fast to make sure a terrorist attack like that in Paris(which was masterminded by an Isis cell pretending to be refugees) ... Obama's immigration stance with regards to refugees has been leaky at best. Republicans place blame and so do dems... Regressive leftist are the ones who always claiming victimhood and calling everyone a racist/misogynist/blah blah blah

Bush won the election. I don't know what you mean who was right.

Just wait until tomorrow. These moves are causing destabilization. Don't expect the market to response favorably.

NICE! Big picture thoughts!! It makes me think about the whole Trump thing being in favor of the Elites. I've thought about it now and with Trump in power the Elites can do what they want since the populace is now neutered and passive. Pass a few executive orders and allow some leeway to controlled growth and people will cheer ignoring politics and critical thinking while the Elites continue to make money. Nothing has changed and just LOL at "draining the swamp" come to think of it now. It was all in their court from the beginning.

Dude Trump is an elite. It's moronic that people thought he was for the people when he himself is a 1 percenter

0.1 percenter

Yeah lol real shit if someone's on the Forbes list for billionaires it's the 0.1

the .001 even

It's actually 0.00003% if you want to get really specific.

Please be more specific

i'M DOING IT FOR YOU, AND MY NARCISSISM. and free security for the kids. Do you know how much security is for kids? It's literally the most expensive thing.

I thought people were just happy he'd be doing what "he" thought was right, instead of what big corporations thought was right, which imo is better, but still shit.

You underestimate how far people can delude themselves. Many people dropped support of Trump after he started going against social security.... which he many times said he was going to do.

As someone on twitter put it. Many of the voters just didn't think or care until the impacts started reaching them.

Trump is doing some crazy shot right now, and while I didn't vote for trump, I most certainly wasn't going to support Hillary in any way shape or form. Fuck Hillary. People who supported Hillary are just largely ignorant to how corrupt the clintons truly are.

This is why is 100% support pizzagate - because the CF CGI and other "foundations" are just corrupt horrible horrible ideas.

So, now we have trump fucking shit up big time, and I think it's going to awaken people to all the shit that was already going on behind the closed doors of politics. So, I want him to fail and awaken people such that these practices are fully exposed and can be taken down.

I am amazed how much he has "accomplished" in just a few days to this end.

People need to be pissed at the entire governmental facade and revolt. So for this, I support the absolutely batshit actions of trump if it means people are finally saying "WTF!"

Just be aware that it is very possible that it is possible that he could recieve more MORE support by states where he is exceeding expectations. It just depends which bubble tour living in.

Yeah your last statement is probably the only thing that Trump will incite that America needs to do now

So many ppl keep saying trump being president is going to awaken the people....they elected the fucker! These ppl are not waking up lol, I hope and pray they do, but I just don't see it happening...what's Kevin spacey say in seven?

"Wanting people to listen, you can't just tap them on the shoulder anymore. You have to hit them over the head with a sledgehammer, and then you'll notice you've got thier strict attention."

So many ppl keep saying trump being president is going to awaken the people....they elected the fucker!

They didn't have a real choice with hillary. She is clearly in the pockets of corporate america.

These ppl are not waking up lol, I hope and pray they do, but I just don't see it happening...what's Kevin spacey say in seven?

I actually think they are, and Trump is the sledge hammer you talk about.

What if he abolishes the Federal reserve?

That would be wonderful. The constant of the universe is change. We are overdue for a big dose.

You do realize that if Trump "fails", it means America is impacted across all socioeconomic statuses, right? I'm all for a political awakening or raising corruption awareness, but not to the extent that I want the president to fail at his job of trying to make his country better than the people that have come before him. If anything, people should be hoping that he proves the world wrong, regardless of preconceived notions or ideas, because him doing good and succeeding means America as a country is stronger and better than before. I'm by no means a raging trump supporter, but I'm anti Clinton. He may not be what the popular vote of America wanted, but people wanting him to fail need to remember that him failing impacts all of us.

Wishing failure on our president? Are you fucking stupid?

Wishing to not stand up to global political and financial corruption, what are you?

There are completely different ways to stand up to government corruption, and wishing failure on our president and nation as a result, is the least effective way out of any of them.

I agree there are "alternatives" - I just don't think they have been as effective as they should and I am fed up.

Clearly, we disagree.

The Guy literally backtracked on all the good stuff he was going to do infrastructure, and improving Obama care and totally kept his promises to screw everything.

People are stupid as fuck. I know a lot of old white men are real big into Trump. I can't stand Trump, Hilary, or Obama or the Bushes, as they are all puppets to the elite. Many thought Trump would be different but I highly doubt that. The same ole shit will keep happening, which is the Americans will lose even more rights, we will continue our insane debt and continue to stay at war.

He wants you to think he's a one percenter but he doesn't have anywhere near the money. That's why he won't release his taxes.

He's a passing one percenter. He gets all the influence and comfort without any of the wealth. It's like he took out a giant loan from america and convinced them he doesn't need to pay it back.

Yes I realize that after the fact. I drank the flavor aid for too long.

Yeah it's good to have some self realization. It's unfortunate it happened too late but gotta move forward

Some People just hopedt he was isolated...

Its like the republicans have a playbook for making Rich 1% white men seem relatable or something. . .

Democrats do the same thing. Hillary would talk about her dad being working class, like she remembers at all what it's like to not live in a gated community and have armed guards 24/7.


Why not?

Hillary isn't a billionaire? She's worked for the federal government for 30 years. Trump is a dumb ass. Look at the bullshit he's causing. Nobody wants this. This isn't going in the right direction

Eh, I agree with you about Trump. I didn't vote for the man.

She's still worth $31 million. How do you get much money working in government for 30 years without doing some shady shit? Lol, I guess my main point is that they're all shitbags who are out of touch with the common people, not just the republicans.

31 million is not anywhere close to 4 ish billion

I'm not comparing their money. That's not the point I was trying to make. You read the rest of my comment? I can ramble sometimes. Here, I'll repost it:

<Lol, I guess my main point is that they're all shitbags who are out of touch with the common people, not just the republicans.

You're fooling yourself if you think that one side cares about you more than the other.

I agree with you. I disagree with you on the level of shitbaggedness. Trump is like 4 billion shit bags. Hillary is like 32 million shit bags. It sounds like a lot until you see Mountain!

Obama Care > republicare


He doesn't have to be "for the people" to help the people.

If he's an arrogant fuck that wants to prove he's better than the previous elite running our country for decades, the people might still win. They might lose even harder too, but hey, at least we get to roll a dice instead of slowly march to our demise.

I, for one, am still happy he's in the office over a Clinton or a Bush.

Can't you be "for the people" if you're rich?

Obviously you can but what has Trump done to show he is for the people? Or right banning a bunch of legal green card holders LOL

I am not saying Trump is. Guys a dick. But you were making some bold statements in your comment.

What bold comments? That 1% are just doing shit for themselves and trampling over others for it? Yeah reaaaaal bold

Trump has a heart for the American people and is putting us first. America first strikes fear into the heart of globalists.

Everyone in America is an immigrant traced back far enough. So "America" first? Why has he not banned all Muslim countries like those that terrorists actual come from. Come on you can't have your head that far up your ass

the nations were selected by obama based on threat level

Yeah but the founders of this country didn't have pew research data to tell them that over 300 million muslims support honor killings and apostate executions.

Lol where are you getting that info from haha that sounds ridiculous

We don't even know if he's a 1 percenter.

His private plane is 100 mill. He's a 1%

Yeah but who's paying for it?

No tax returns? We don't know.

Well we know he's definitely tax evading.

Not a politician... define 'elite'

Or should we just group them all together?

Still better than Clinton

Why would all of the elites be supporting Clinton then? They all had a secret meeting to dupe the public but they were really backing Trump all along? GTFO.

How has nothing changed? The political establishment is getting drained. He obviously can't drain every position -- did you think he was going to take Joe Schmo off the street and name him as Secretary of Commerce? It's about the policies as much as it is the people.

And he literally just signed an executive order related to (banning lobbying and limiting the influence of lobbyists.)[http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/amp/trump-sets-5-year-lifetime-lobbying-ban-officials-n713631?client=safari] This is all just an elite conspiracy? Is that really what you're suggesting?

The political establishment is getting drained.

Is that what you call his cabinet picks now? The very influential Goldman sachs people and other businessmen, and people who donated to his campaign?

He's just like the rest. Except he's also a horrible human being.

Clinton would have worked out in their favor but its really odd how they made things seem too obvious with their shilling. There has to be more to this because before Trump the propaganda was kept pretty chill. I don't believe they were set on duping the public with his aid however they didn't become trillionaires by being dumb and I'm sure they had their backup plans just in case he won. As far as the loss goes yea its shitty for her but 1B is a drop in the bucket for her donors. I still believe there has to be more to this and there is NO way the elites would have preferred to have a nationalist nation "just cause". Its always about the big picture but the question is for what in the long term? The whole thing about building up the military sparked off this thought because remember officially we stopped going to war so peacetime military SHOULD be smaller.

As far as the lobbyist thing sure however the Elites are homegrown for the most part so it won't matter. There are still a shitload of dudes in government that know who the real owners are so things will be worked out in the shadow govs favor. All you need is a few populist statements and gritting of teeth to wow the populace (with maybe a few things done afterwards) to keep them off once the 100 days pass.

As far as draining the swamp you do realize he's appointed Goldman Sachs folks to his Cabinet. That name should sound familiar because they also appoint people to the Fed and once they finish their term they go back to Goldman. Auditing the Fed - sure - they'll probably work out something to please the public but no way they'll ruin the good shit they've got going now. Remember that SA is not on the ban list because they are part of the Fed with the petrodollar deal.

Also Kissinger has Trumps ear. Yes. Kissinger the GLOBALIST has his ear lol! Check out Kissinger's vid on here.

I agree with your line of questioning about why SA isn't on the ban list. It's also worth nothing that Israel has been working with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to fund ISIS and Al-Nusra in hopes of overthrowing Assad. Assad's Syria being friendly to Iran serves as Iran's through point to provide logistical support against Israel in Lebanon. So Israel and Saudi Arabia are working together on that front, and getting that pipeline built through Syria would've been a huge blow to Iran as well. I bet Israel had a say in keeping SA off the ban list.

But dude, working at Goldman Sachs at one point doesn't mean you embody Goldman Sachs. Mnunchin's whole deal is he wants to get banks lending again and he's against Dodd-Frank. Being against Dodd-Frank isn't necessarily a bad thing. The problem with Dodd-Frank is it prevents lending. Banks hoarded all that bailout money, and Dodd-Frank is part of the reason why there isn't enough growth investment in the economy right now. It's all going into financial instruments that benefit the wealthy even more.

Dodd-Frank is an example of outsiders fucking up because they don't understand the potentially adverse effects of their policies well enough. You can't have a non-banker try to control commerce / banking. You need a banker that realizes why, where and how banking is fucked up. Trump is also in favor of reinstating Glass-Steagall, which would be an epic swamp drain if he could pull it off.

This is going to be a big one then. I still say this is one of those watch and see because the Elites will not want their dudes out of there.

Oh dude. I'm almost positive they're going to assassinate him. I really think Trump is just crazy enough to think he can bring the shadow government down a few levels. I don't have much faith he'll be successful, but it will certainly be something to watch. And at least he's trying. I really think he is...

That's speculation. Never doubt Trump for a couple of reasons. He really is like us despite the money. And we have more leverage over him than voters did over Hillary. He needs us to like him. It's highly unlikely he will begin to grow on Soros and the others without major risk on his part.

Before sure but after haven't you noticed he's a bit toned down? He's in the big leagues now and in that spiderweb called politics you can't be brash making decisions just cause. Some of the simpler stuff he can get away with but when it comes to more serious things like the Fed he will have to get approval of TPTB. Do check out the history of SA and the petrodollar/fiat currency jig. That is the reason why Muslim bans convieniently avoid that place.

He's compromising where it's not possible to change outright. This is normal, he's luring them into his vision with a series of demands and compromises. It's easier to have war with Russia than with SA, there is a lot of things that need to fall in place first. Like, severing ties between Israel and Saudi. That's an ironclad relationship that US can only break by giving them everything they ever wanted. Another is Russia, Iran and China. Thats another relationship.

No! No one is going to fight SA. Forget it dude.

Oh so he was the first elite, OKAY.

"Taxes are not raised to carry on wars, but that wars are raised to carry on taxes." - Thomas Paine

Most refugees are not coming from Syria.

The "refugee problem" is a manufactured crisis. See: conspiracy/comments/5qrn7z/can_anyone_recommend_a_good_video_or_videos/dd1lm2a/

ah ok, then that single post settles it because one link on theinternet is the answer to all our problems.

Yeah but how about Germany and Sweden? They've done nothing yet are still shown immense disrespect by refugees.

Ask the average American to distinguish between Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. Note their difficulty.

Now imagine a refugee who has likely spent less time in school with less access to information than the average American trying to distinguish between various North American and European nations that followed the US into the wars in the Middle East.

So terrorism is justified because of their ignorance?

Anyways, if that's the way they feel, then it seems to be even more important to bar these people from any western country, let alone America.

You went from immense disrespect to terrorism. Terrorism is immensely disrespectful but so are disparaging comments and petty crimes. If you were talking about terrorism please make it clear from the jump.

That is actually a good point.

The biggest thing with refugees is, they somehgow expect the easy life here. Frau merkel invites them, everybody should come, ect.

Hell, they see nothing else in the news. Plus, their coyotes and such tell them, you make it to germany, you can send some of that money home, and pay me off.

Now, lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I am not against refugees in the slightest. But, instead of making uncalled for advertisements , show the real deal. That germany has problems with the refugees, it's not all, "Frau merkel invites us, you can't do jack shit to us", or something.

Show them, we can offer you a roof over your head, and maybe something to at, and come the end of the syrian war you will go back, or we will make you....

I have not the slightest bit against that. That is what the dedication to human rights demands. That is what you do for a buddy.

Your buddy can allways sleep on the couch, and have some leftover ramen, but it will be a chore.

You don't tell your buddy, come on over, and stay as long as you like, I will pay your rent, I will pay your food, you jst lean back and get on doing nothing.

You tell your buddy, Listen, you can have my couch, but it will be tight. There will allways be some ramen for you, but my situation is not that good, so I hope you get a job instead of freeloadingf and couch surfing, I know, your situation is tight right now, but we are buddies, so you would do the same for me, but if I catch you wanking off in the GF's undies again, not only will you break your hand by accident, don't think you will enter that house again.

The refugees that come back from germany do more to destroy the public image the human trafficers try to create then any publicity campaign. And that is good.

We have gotten rid of the neo nazis, and made our cities safe. we have gotten rid of the people that set refugee camps on fire. We kind of need a deterrent.

And the US? It would be marvellous if we could just write an invoice to the US. US started the war in syria, demands it continues to the point where it is just the way they like it.

Okay. Lets add up everything that the refugees cost, from healthcare to police protection, and lets invoice the US. If they don't pay, Every single corporation that pays taxes in the US gets 10 % war tax on all imports to europe, untill the war in Syria either has stopped, and we can begin to get the refugees back to their country, or untill the US take in syrian refugees by an european average.

OH, and just for kicks, if the US says a peep to this, throw the US out of the UN for crimes against humanity, and put Russia in the UN. Bing a superpower is one thing, lots of people can do that. If you refuse to behave like one, what do we want with your asses?

I wish this could ever be real. But we know it won't.

You might not have to throw the US out of the UN buddy. Trump thinks it's useless, and wants to withdraw funding anyway lol. And I agree with him.

On top of that, there's a lot of money to be made rebuilding the region when a war is over. The entire world gladly provides money to help the region recover, while contracts go out mostly to american companies and their partners.

This is the main reason why the war in Syria can't end as long as Assad is in power, there is no way Assad is going to let US Companies take all the money, and no way the US is going to let anyone else (most likely Russia) take it.

Exactly. Who paid to rebuild Iraq? The US taxpayer, in giveaways to Bush or Blair friendly companies.

The pipeline as well, which was the whole reason to start the "civil war"

This it's always about the oil. And they have to build the infrastructure to support it.

One thing that's standing out like a sore thumb to me is how the left is arguing that the refugees here are just like Jews fleeing the holocaust. If you put today's America in the same context as America before joining the second world war, with radical Islam as the Nazis... Trump has gotten the people who dislike him to build an argument for war.

It's not just the left though...

War is money. A lot of money.

When you realize that money is power, you're on the right track.

And when you realize people's time and effort is what becomes money, then the need to brainwash the public becomes clear...

Ok, so then does the problem boil down to nationalism? I think if the Syrian immigrants were White, they would be accepted easier into the USA. Or if Jesus was depicted with Historical accuracy. A carpenter in the Middle West doesn't even have a tan?

Not everything is about racism ffs. How about Islam does not compute with almost any democratic value?

It's amazing some people are so clueless on that. The Islamic state is a thing. Imagine if there was a Christian military running around killing none believers.

I think it has more to do with ISIS training children to be terrorists than skin color.

America is training children to be "terrorists". GI JOE? Come on. The American government has it coming. American terrorists kill Middle Western people all the time. Murder is murder. It can only be justified in self defense. And those "terrorists" have a self defense claim, the American's self defense claim was 9/11.

Yeah but GI Joe fights for truth and justice... Islamist fight for honor killing and genital mutilation. over 300 million Islamist believe that garbage... This is why we need a ban.

Beautiful post. Let's see how long this lasts on /r/bestof.

Please read the report from iron mountain

this makes 0 sense. if the fabricated narratives create a more nationalistic orientation that that meeans that they loose A LOT OF MONEY in the long run.

NOT ONE of these people has an interreset in nationalistic governments.

George Webb is the best at explaining this process and how the cabal have used it.

Excellent. Thank you. This is a keeper.

It's a 2-fer. We're keeping our Military Industrial Complex and our Hollywood Complex busy.

Nice master plan but that doesn't explain why the media is actually hell bent on NOT sending refugees back or even slowing the flow. In parts of Europe to even suggest it might cost you. Further the media has been caught covering up rapes, and human trafficking by Muslim gangs. They are even downplaying terror attacks now. The Orlando shooting is the deadliest in US history but the story was gone in like 2 weeks. This seems to run contrary to what your saying that they want to intentionally stir up nationalist fervor. In fact they seem to be trying their hardest to suppress it unsuccessfully.

You forgot a step: 10) Mindlessly parroting the globalist terminology of "refugee" when 4 out of 5 of them are neither Syrian nor refugees. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3240010/Number-refugees-arriving-Europe-soars-85-year-just-one-five-war-torn-Syria.html

forever war

Well said!

Thank you.

No, Israel had the US start a 16+ year war to destroy Israel's enemies. Then, George Soros tried to guilt the world into accepting the war's refugees because the refugee flood would allow the elite to consolidate their political control in any country that accepted them.

Ehhhh no... Soros actually HATES Israel and Jews. He funds Palestine.

People like that fund both sides. They are only interested in money and power.

Yes. People need to understand that the profit is in supporting two sides of an engineered problem. Every time there is a WAR ON something, there is a hidden agenda.

So he says.

Soros actually HATES Israel and Jews.

Buahahaha, oh that's rich.

He funds Palestine

Israel has always funded it's enemies. It provides a perpetual enemy to justify it's existence and unite it's people in support of their war crimes and apartheid.

This soros guy seems to be spending alot of money! According to you guys hes got his hands in the pockets of leftist protesters, terrorists, Jews, Palestinians, Politicians... Everyone!

Soros is the visible yet smallest finger of this hand

He has pretty much unlimited money.

Soros bought me a boat.

I was able to by a NYC condo with the money he paid me over this past election

he's worth tens of billions of dollars

The phrase is Economic Terrorist.

Also using the media to destabilize the country and polarize the population

I've seen people use George Soros as a reason we have some REALLY VOCAL leftist.

Knowing that people already think he got stuff in the US and EU, I really hope he is making crazy dough by the minute.

He caused the Ukraine civil war situation

Soros seems to spend money to brew up discord and volatility. Then he makes money off large bets that anticipate discord and volatility.

This is the first time I've heard someone say he's got his hands in Palestinian pockets.

Yeah pretty much.

Exactly, it is unfortunate but support putting the causers of said crisis in Jail starting with the Clintons and Bushes.

Mmm yep. That about sums it up

Also, they are racist intolerant all this happened and why there are so many years.. then to see it play out..

Accepting refugees isn't even a good thing in the first place IMO. You're literally just ripping away that countries work force. Old people don't seek refuge - It's kids and adults. What needs to happen is the country itself needs to be neutralised and establishment of safe zones must became part of the strategy.

Accepting refugees just fucks up too many things for the country they are seeking refuge in and the country they came from.

too much logic bro, thats not how we doing things hurr nahmean?

Yeah because we all should risk being in a barbaric genocide so we can have a good job to "keep our country's workforce strong".

Do you people even hear yourselves? Hey, bud, I'll ask this plainly: why do people seek refugee status? Does it have anything to do with militant Islamic extremists beheading and raping people in the streets? Huh, maybe they should just hide better; I like the civilians who don't get caught by terrorists. Any true patriot who cared about their country would be more worried about the job crisis, am I right.

Which is why I suggested that establishing American, or maybe even joint controlled safe zones be a part of the strategy.

You know what fucks up countries more? Bombing them and trying to overthrow their governments and creating all these refugees in the first place

Yep. But once the problem has started and ISIS now runs half the place, it's time to go in and get rid of them.

Yeah, by ceasing to fund them

Longer than 17 year there, buddy. Look what Bush daddy did. Also, it could be justified to say it started the day Israel was made.

Even longer than that. The Ottoman Empire had been turning that region to shit long before we discovered oil there at the turn of the century.

Nonsense. That was normal imperialistic and barbaric times. What I refer to is not the conquoring of nations by force, but the slow demoralization and enslavement of the masses via self induced imprisonment. The upside to this approach - I mean, if you're them - is that it does not need to consider borders and nations.

So we are normalizing the crimes of one regime and not the other? Seems a bit hypocritical.

Wasn't Colin Powell supposed to get themselves and their families to safety - and stories of stories being surpressed.


"Weapons of mass destruction"

"moderate rebels"

"Refugee" "Crisis"

Why is WMD in quotes?

cuz it was false.

I'm suggesting so-called WMD.

Iraq? Just wasn't sure if there was some other WMD reference going around because everyday people seem to suggest the powder keg is about to blow so idk anymore.

Technically, there really IS a refugee crisis. The USA manufactured too many of them and the refugees are in crisis because of that.

Let me get this straight. A couple of years ago this subreddit was about the government unlawfully expanding its reach in the guise of national security. Now its about pizzagate, and the fact that trump is blocking immigration in the name of national security is being.. celebrated?

Don't forget that if you don't agree with unlimited immigration you are literally Hitler.

No you're Hitler when you want to start a mass deportation campaign of 11 million people, like Hitler did exactly. You might literally be Hitler if you proclaim on Holocaust Remembrance Day that you will not take people fleeing militant fundamentalist Islamists beheading and raping civilians in the street. See the parallels buddy?

You need to learn to read 'pal', I don't give a shit about US politics.

Panache is where its at for bras, swimwear, and sexywear for me.

You know what? Those are not refugees, those are paid mercenaries/thugs/killers waiting for the big purges and witch hunts coming soon. And the new Geneva internet just helps them do so.


How do you suppose we fix Syria? how long will that take? what do ordinary people do in the meantime

Stop trying to topple Assad.

US simply has to stop funding one half of the Syrian civil war

It's almost like we learned "nation building" is a nearly impossible task. It's easy to topple a government but it's nearly impossible to stabilize a vacuum.

So I think the more apt analogy would be a bull in the China shop, break it you buy it.

What a cucked perspective.

"We fucked up your country. Sorry. If you wanna get out of there, you're welcome here."

Seems fine to me.

depleted uranium all around makes them kinda hard to fix

Invade the world/invite the world. It's the globalist plan.

There was an article about how Trump is giving 30 days for the pentagon to sort out the ISIS mob.

Maybe stop funding the cunts and giving them weapons? Job done.

yeah but we keep accidentally air dropping them crates of weapons and supplies. its so confusing over there. so much sand and dust.

Wait what? The Trump administration is trying to guilt people into accepting refugees? Wtf?

The US started the war that has been such a catastrophe for US foreign policy and so great for Russia? I'm not saying US foreign policy didn't play a role in destabilizing the Middle East but assuming what you're saying is just fucking stupid.

WTF didn I even expect from /r/conspiracy? Is Trump a leftist now?

No mention of trump here.

the US government [...] is now trying to guilt people into accepting refugees [...]?

Trump is the US government.


Do you not understand how your own government works? You didn't vote for dictator.

Are you trying to play dumb? The Trump administration is not trying to guilt the population into anything.

How many branches does the government have?

16? And the rest.

the rest doesnt count. uhh...technical difficulties.

People who just might resent us for dropping all those bombs on their kids

Na. We brought them freedom through death.

16,100 times on 2016 alone.

One word solves all this NUKE!

Yea but we aren't just going to nuke ourselves.

Here's the problem, most of those 16 years have been spent trying to fix it. Doesn't take too long to technically win a war with a middle eastern country. The problem is our failure to understand that those places need an extremist type ruler to keep things stable. I have talked to some Iraqis in my neighborhood that say that Sadam was a psychopath, but things were calm, there was a peace and understanding that went along with the iron fist.

I've read similar things about Afghanistan and the Talib and as well. People miss the peace and stability. With us staying over there, we make it worse every time we kill a citizen. Yes most of them are the baddies, but you those baddies are their baddies, and they don't like us dealing with them. So this can never end, we just keep earning more and more resentment.

But yeah, now Europe takes the brunt, but let us not forget our 'Coalition of the Willing' we made sure we got their hands dirty too!

This!!! 🙏🏼 Bunch of redneck hypocrites.

You're obviously not paying attention of you think the government wants to accept refugees right now

This isn't even a conspiracy, this is just how the US has been openly operating since the end of WWII.

It was only 8 years...Obama gets a free pass!

thats right! obama's an angel. the first black president! can't argue with that

If you talk simple you think simple, comprende?


That's some of it but it's so much more. Our responsibility for the current situation goes back quite a bit further. Everything is a result of decades of policy.

But I will give it this one tiny thing: I don't know that it would be better in these places had we not armed people in the way that we did. I don't even know that it would be better for us. We had our reasons, and one just cannot know if our reasons were ultimately justified. We can speculate, we can theorize, but you can never really know what didn't happen.

Either way, we did it. Suck it up, America, the state of the world is on our hands whether or not we created it with good intentions.

fixing the countries they fucked up, hahaha. Just passing time and stealing property until finished in syria and iran so they can build the central bank of greater israel.

Funny how you worded that. I would word it that we spent a 16 year bombing campaign to now turn around and say we won't accept any refugees from the places we personally destroyed

Fuck you We refuse to accept the enemy

Enemy is a relative term

Pro-tip: if you don't want to create enemies don't bomb their men, women and children in the name of empirialism. People tend to stay where they live when they don't live under constant threat of drone strikes. Just an FYI since you seem to have the deductive abilities of a ripe grapefruit

I'm a veteran. These people HATE us.

Of course they hate us. You ain't a veteran of going over there and giving them hugs

They hate all Americans. Not just the ones who stand up to hateful and violent Islam

You sound like you hate them for the actions of a small group of them, to the point you're comfortable calling them your enemies...I'm struggling to see the difference.

I live in New York City. 3 months ago a Syrian attempted to bomb Chelsea, Manhattan.

Fuck off

I lived in Milwaukee WI where a white terrorist went into a Sikh temple and opened fire because he thought they were Muslims

But a single guy in a city with almost 10 million people try to blow up a pressure cooker, better ban them all!

So you wanna ban all whites?

In 2016 20k+ Muslim terrorist acts were committed.

Your turn ISIS sympathizer

You mean the same ISIS that was financed and armed by your mostly white government?

You want to ban entire countries because of a pressure cooker done in the name of a group your government finances, but you're able to see quite clearly how banning all white guys because of the action of one dude is fucked up?


So what's your solution? DO NOTHING?

We can start by calling out the military industrial complex , by calling out occupations in foreign countries where every time we bomb a church or school people who just want to live in peace become radicalized and revenge-driven? Jingoists want to turn the middle East into glass because of Saudi financed terror attack 15 years ago but then we want to play coy when we drone thousands of their people yearly? Maybe we can start by stopping that.

Basically, the US torpedoed their ships, and are now watching them sink and at the same time tossing back the few that manage the swim to the ship.

Who the fuck is "we"? Unless you're with the in crowd at the CIA and on Wallstreet, I and 99% of Americans are not apart of that " we". Go play up that white guilt bullshit somewhere else.

Do you work? Do you pay taxes?

Then you're part of the "We".

Bullshit. Wasn't my decision and wasn't 99.9999% of America's decision. They fucked up, I have no obligation to fix it.

Your money finances those bombs

As unwilling as you are that blood is on all of our hands. You can keep pretending you're not though. Must be nice reaping the fruits of those decisions while claiming non-participation in the fuckery baring the fruit

Lol so? Someone steals from me and uses that money to do something I don't like, and now that's my responsibility? Yea fucking right buddy. You have no coherent argument.

I'd say the guy financing drones and bombs and participating in the system while simultaneously claiming no blood on his hands is the one lacking a coherent argument.

I'd say the guy financing drones and bombs and participating in the system

A) I literally am forced to do both these things. Forced participation by definition is against ones own will.

your money finances those bombs

Against my will.

Must be nice reaping the fruits of those decisions while claiming non-participation in the fuckery baring the fruit

I haven't reaped any benefits from what happened at all and I did not participate at all, unless you call me forced to pay taxes "participation", which I don't, because it's a forced act.

If Russia bombed and killed your friends and family for 16 years straight, would you want to go live in Russia?

If Russia was the leading economy in the world and I had the opportunity idk what I would do. It's easy for me to say I wouldn't when I'm sitting here with a roof over my head and food in my belly and my loved ones around. I see your point though

Yea because there has never been a war in the Middle East before? Americans definitely started it though.


-the Clinton campaign

when did she call Russia sexist?

Stupid US. There was peace in the Middle East before we started meddling.

yeah america is really this idiotic...this country is worthless. americans are pathetic sheep ruled by a wingnut sociopathic elite...

the sad part is really...how idiotic can the average american be???

to be fair the media is nothing but endless propaganda...but still???

These are nazis.. Nazis gonna nazi.


Lol I'm amazed people in this thread think this is something the us did. You arrogant asshats, the elite run the entire world, this is all by design

yeah but conspiracy reddit is part of the "truth movement". they dont know about the ruling class and how they rule the world.

they keep blaming obama and now trump when they dont do anything.

I suppose you're right, especially posts that actually get seen by those who aren't aware. It's just never ceases to amaze me how blind and dense people are to the world we live in

its ridiculous. i half ass on my research and i know more than they do and they bust their ass reseaching all this shit. its like im the world's smartest person. now they think trump is either gonna save us or destory us. he wont do anything. the ruling class will decide if they want trump t obe seen as a hero or not. he too is in the "club"

they dunno just how far the ruling class goes. i dunno if you know this but the reason no one believes in the bible is cuz THEY fucked it up. they have the real version, we can only get the fake one. real story of jesus, including his name, isnt in there.

Americans love to immolate themselves on social media because it's easier than actually participating and they get all the benefits of "doing the right thing"

Yes, the middle east, in the last 16 years, just turned into a shit hole of violence and primitive culture.

That's how they like them. Keep pumping billions into Israel while continually pushing the Arab nations into the dirt (except the most corrupt one). Everything we do benefits Israel.

Yes, you accept them into your country and send them back once you've fixed the countries you destroyed. Otherwise you become the baddies and everyone will see you as that. Which is what's happening right now.

let them in huh? im sure they wont cause any problems here. but those like YOU will be held responsible and if they do anything stupid YOU along with them are accountable. how about that? lets not belike europe and let them do w/e they want and take over differetn parts of a city or town.

there actually is a good way to do this w/o chaos but its only in theory and will never happen. the only way is to let them in and watch them do here what they did in europe. i dunno if you notice, but usa isint doing too well for awhile now.

Why do you feel so high and mighty like all these people are too stupid to be able to tell the difference between right and wrong and you're the only ones who can tell the difference? You do know that you're just as human as they are right?

what is with you guys that wanna let them in? are you guys that dense? does everything need to be explained to you? have you been living under a rock for the past 10-15 years and just found out there's millions of refugees feeling the middle east?

If you don't like letting them in, then leave. Go to Antarctica maybe you'll feel safe there. Go make Antarctica great again!!! High energy or whatever it is you retards say to orgasm.

go make antarctica great again lol you're a dense, obtuse idiot. let these guys in and help push america into martial law. good idea.

are you aware that the ruling class wants them to go to america? they pushed them to europe, i assume you have somewhat of an idea of how that went? same thing will happen here

instead of wasting our time and resources on bullshit, how about we start using it on shit we actually need? you idiots put your morals and feelings ahead of your own well being. as long as you feel good nothing else matters. as i said, hold you guys accountable, and face the women and children that will get raped and you tell them we have to let them in cuz of bla bla bla. im ok with that. have to us eup the fema camps for the new wave of all of you soon to be prisoners

I would put the safety and well being of others ahead of my own. We live for each other in this world. There are a lot of things to fear in life but letting immigrants into the United States is not one of them. When you truly realize that, you'll be taking your first step towards improving as a person and as a human being.

so is that a yes? pple like you will face the families and loved ones that get raped and killed and you'll tell them what you're telling me? among the many other bad stuff that will happen?

i'll take your silence as a yes. also, you'll have to tell any americans to their face that in need, including myself, that we had to put the needs of our own citizens AFTER the needs of refugees who cant be properly screened and are part of the same cut of refugees who helped destabilize europe aka an entire continent

whew, you've got yoru work cut out for you. if i were you i'd seek professional advice on time management. good luck!

That's a very huge what if. You're just assuming these people are inherently bad. You shouldn't be afraid of the what if. The only thing you need to fear is fear itself. You talk about how everybody is blind to the world around them when you don't see the fear that your leaders have put in you. They control your emotions but you don't see it, they control you.

Don't think this is just a 16 year old problem, this goes all the way back to the Cold War when we started overthrowing leaders we didn't like and replacing them with right wing fundamentalists. I mean, we literally armed, trained, and commanded Osama bin Laden and his forces back in the '80s.

The US govt and Israeli govt exacerbated the situation to destabilize countries with leaders they don't like

Actually there's been wars in the Middle East since before the United States was a country.

before jesus was born you mean

There's been wars across the entire world since the dawn of humanity. Its not an excuse to shun people seeking help.

Exactly, no one bothers to even look a couple years before they were born. Even if you only count western intervention, it still goes back past WWI. This whole idea that we specifically are morally obligated to take these refugees because it's our FAULT is just liberal feels. You could argue we have a moral obligation to help refugees because it's our DUTY as a nation that has the capacity to help.

I would also argue that I thought the system of taking refugees was fine the way it was before all of this.

Guilt? This is incredibly stupid.

the US government started a 16+ year multi-part war in the Middle East and is now trying to guilt people into accepting refugees from the same wars they caused instead of fixing the countries they fucked up...?

Another way to put this is that the American people bear responsibility -- either because of what their government did, or what they supported (Iraq was very popular among public when it started, and set most of this recent instability off) and they're attempting to take that responsibility seriously instead of acting like trash human beings who break things and then don't help fix them.

Lmfao at we started the war. These folks have hated each other for ages and have killed each other long before we jumped on that ass

Well, most of the ((two party system)) believe the best way to serve their masters and financial interests is by giving them pricey military contracts and wasteful projects to line their pockets. But honestly would you rather have an Islamic caliphate run your life or a handful of ((big lenders))?

We didn't exactly start it, they've been killing each other for thousands of years.


You mean humans? Don't imply that our Great Western "Civilization" has been totally peaceful or anything. The World Wars were all us, just as a recent example.

Read up on Middle East history. "They" literally have always been killing each other.

Are you actually that ignorant that you think the middle east is the only place in the world that experienced death and hardship?

No. But they have been feuding over land forever. That's why we shouldn't get involved and just let them duke it out until we have some established geopolitical boundaries and governments set up.

If only they could learn from the European settlers who came to steal the land from the natives of North America -- instead of war, we'll just bring them sickness, slavery, rape, destroy their food source, institutionalize their children, and systematically remove their culture from them while killing and incarcerating the rebels. That's the "civilized" way to steal land from people. Right?

Don't be duped into thinking we're any different. Europe tried to colonize the planet on a few occasions. Hitler was just one example of many. Humans are always fighting over land.

History is written by the victors. You have to fight to keep why's yours and that's what Trump is doing.

So... you would applaud if a group of armed Native Americans stormed the white house tomorrow, shot up the place, and occupied it as their own? Because they're fighting for what's theirs?

No because they would all be killed. They should have fought when the white people first took over and they had a chance.

Saying the USA started or caused all the wars in the Middle East is pretty simplistic and probably inaccurate. I mean I hate to state the obvious but, do you remember 9/11? I'm not saying that terrorist attack means the USA should have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, but you also can't just sit here and post "US started a 16 year war in the Middle East"

Hmm. Maybe wars are waged by the deep state globalists in order to destroy all sense nationalism, and create a globalmelting pot which they can uniformly disinform, enslave, and reign over?

What do you know...

Yeah because they manage to bring all those refugees into the US, they can fuck the USA up next.

The reason why these globalist scam artists can keep making all this money with their financial system is because they bulldoze a country with strife/war and then hand out loans to the people afterwards to rebuild.

Slavery man, it's an old trick.

Well the current government is trying to guilt people, but they aren't in power any more.

I believe they are called democrats.

This is a severe oversimplification of everything. Congratulations: you're posting in the right subreddit.

You're talking about 3 different administrations that all behave(d) very differently and face(d) different challenges and made/are making different messes.

My issue is that there is an actual problem with Islamic terrorism and this does NOTHING to address it.

This temporary ban does absolutely NOTHING but push moderate Islamists to more extreme beliefs. The few attacks we've had in the US have been US citizens of middle-eastern descent -- and not including Pakistan and Saudi Arabia on the list makes it a purely symbolic gesture that can only appeal to Trump's dumbest supporters.

We not have a President who is making an enemy with 2 billion people who plasters his name on huge fancy new terrorist targets all the over the world with his hotels and golf courses. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

When will people realize that ISIS is NOT Islamic by any means at all, and that they are merely a tool, a weapon created by Israel and the CIA to make it seem like they are? Instead, trump is playing right into their hands!!!

and is now trying to guilt white people into accepting cultural marxism*

Fixing the countries? What the fuck kind of globalist speak is that? Did someone fix the US after our civil war? This is fucking garbage.

So because no one helped us 150 no steps should be taken to help others?

current year argument

So because no one helped us, no steps should be taken to help others?

Are you happier now? I wasn't saying anything about the current year, I'm just saying the Civil War is a long time ago and the way countries interacted were different back then.

the way countries interacted were different back then.

Still making the current year argument. I'm not saying there is no argument there, I just disagree.

War in Middle East a little older than 16 years.

Sounds about right.

if someone intentionally burned your house down would you trust that same person to build it again? war is the absolute worst thing that can happen to a country.taking in refugees is the LEAST this country can do. war brings out the worst out of not only the invaders, but everyone else. even if the us sincerely wanted to 'fix' back any of the countries it has gone to war with, there's damage that will take generations to get over.

How about first we, you know, stop waging the war that is creating the refugees in the first place

im all for that

The US didn't invade Syria.

omfg this subreddit is so infiltrated and disgustingly owned by Russian propaganda talking points.

We get it, you fucking LOVE trump and Putin and want both their cocks in your mouth simultaneously while also in your butt simultaneously.

Sad ass subreddit conspiracy sad as fuck not even a conspiracy, what is the conspiracy in this headline? Do people not know we started wars for 16+ years? Do people not know most Americans think accepting refugees and immigrants is a foundation of US.? There is literally NOTHING SECRET or conspiracy connected about this headline.

It's straight pathetic how stupid this subreddit has become towards ACTUAL CONSPIRACIES. piece of shits. fucking loser bitch ass Russians with tiny white dicks who are only fucking disgusting Romanian whores in badly lite whore houses. You wish you could be Americans you pathetic vodka drinking skinny disgusting looking fucks controlled by Putin to scared to do anything to make your life better paid by the state to write this bullshit.

3-day old account. Lol

You have to start somewhere. Sorry I didn't want my resistance account that I will use during the civil war to have my twitter feed and gaming profiles connected.

You are full of shit. Keep jerking off to your fantasies of glorious deeds and shadowy uprising.

Im not racist, i think we should have the endgame plan of turning our desert world into a garden

Imported labour meant to make slaves out of us all - these acts are to dry our world up

It makes sense when you remember that the Bushes all supported Hillary who was Obama's pick as well. That's how you can get it all to jive in your head. Everyone is so worked up about Left vs Right that they don't see it's Globalists vs Nationalists.

Once Trumps policies starts effecting people negatively on mass, his supporters are going to look like the biggest idiots in the world, for the rest of there lives.

Yup, we made mistakes and now we're correcting the only one that's correctable. Trump will truly be the greatest president in US history.

Our greatest mistake is to accept refugees?

I have a strange grinding in my shoulder that I've been meaning to go to the doctor for.

Been saying the same thing. The refugees are a symptom of our terrible foreign policy. I hope Trump negotiates that fucking pipeline so everyone can make money off it instead of us trying to force our way in and take over the land under false pretenses.

It's not a conspiracy. It's part of the problem when you don't let leaders of America stay in power for more than 8 years and the party in power has also switched every 8 years going all the way back to Eisenhower I believe.

I TOTALLY agree with you. I think we can and should take all these refugees in with open arms.

However, on the flip side, if these refugees have ANY idea of what really happened (as how you have noted here today) what possible reactions could you assume they would have? I can see many of them feeling lost about where to go but not considering the US (the place that caused the problem) as an option at all. It's not like immigrants here are being treated like royalty at the moment.

I just think that all of this technology that is causing us to be more aware of what our government is doing, is naturally educating the enemies of our government as well. The dynamic is changing between the US and its refugees, and I feel like that's why they're trying to stop them from coming in.

You take in the refugees that believe in Sharia law with open arms. Just do it in another country faggot.

The beautiful thing about this country is that you can believe whatever you want, dipshit.

Sure you can believe anything you want. Like I believe you're a faggot. What you can't do is actively work toward usurping the Constitution. So there you have it faggot.

So cute, a mental midget. Try internalizing your self hatred instead of projecting, cupcake ;)

Yeah I'm such a mental midget with ~1 million in assets. And you use the term cupcake. How much are you making in the SJW army faggot?

You'll die a rich retard, neat! :D

Reddit doesn't have a constitution as a private website, this sub also has a rule against bigoted slurs. I believe you've crossed the Rubycon now.

This post did NOT get 2400 upvotes, there is no way.

Seems to me that we are currently running from our responsibility to the good people of the countries we have "liberated", who are now seeking to escape the nightmare that we caused.

I think deep down inside were all shitty people.

I think the media would like us to think that so war seems more reasonable

  1. Yes


Yup! I'm hoping Trump is trying establish a strong (USA population) support for displaced people from these Countries and will offer money to rebuild the infrastructure the USA destroyed. US based companies can do the work.

The difference between Trump and Hillary is that refugees are not coming from Syria.

Maybe a isolationist USA will do some good for the middle east.

An isolationist America just means that other countries will try to fill in the power void that we leave, so instead of America running the show, it'll be a different country.

I don't see the problem there.


I love how we (Americans) sit back and allow and handful of greedy people to make terrible decisions on our behalf and still have somehow think we live in a democracy. Democracy is the yin to capitalisms yang, the two simply are not meant to coincide

They need to help the people in their own countries.

All of this has happened before, all of this will happen again.

Obama/Clinton started those wars. Do you remember their 'Arab Spring'?

Do you remember Hillary's cackling joke, "We came, we saw, he died."

Are you aware those wars have been ongoing since long before Obama and Clinton?

Obama and Clinton destabilized the entire region through their spooks in the CIA - up to their usual tricks.

Hillary bragged about it, 'We came, we saw, he died! Cackle, cackle.' Surely you have heard her despicable quote about Gadhafi, who kept Libya far safer than Obama/Clinton's version.

Or there's Syria... fine mess Obama/Clinton made there. Syria - Before & After Obama/Clinton

Are you aware that that entire region was destabilized long before either of them were born? Or that the West has long had its fingers in the Middle East? Or that foreign policies under Republican presidents and Cold War containment are more responsible for this than either of these two? I don't think you know anything about anything.

Do you remember shock and awe during the Bush administration. do you remember Reagan helping the rebels against the Soviets in Afghanistan? What year were you born and when did you start reading about the Middle East? Do you type whatever comes into your mind?

Changing the subject, eh?

What about Obama's "Arab Spring"? Bombing nearly a dozen countries after his 'Peace Prize'?

What about Hillary's horrible quip & cackle? Inexcusable.

I am providing a real historical context. Neither Hillary or Obama got us into the original mess

Libya and Syria were fine until Obama/Clinton. They were perfectly safe until they decided to use spooks and insurgents for 'regime change'.

Obama and SOS Clinton are responsible for those messes. Hillary even took credit for Libya and the murder of Gadhafi.

Yes, but the OP's logline said "sixteen years"

Right, the (((US Government)))

Because the middle east totally hasn't been at war with itself for thousands of years, and its nice and easy to "fix" it. Totally.

. . On top of that, there's a lot of these folks are from northern Africa.

It's all one set of voters, backed by oil, israel, christian churches and synogogues, and huge corporations pay for it to stay this way at the end of a gun, for 75% of the people who live here.

These 23 or so percent who voted for trump are the same people who screamed for war, the same people who don't want refugees and the same people who don't realize the united states and israel and turkey and saudi arabia are playing isis/assad/iraq like pawns on a board, and are funding isis whether or not hillary is elected.

Yes and they dont understand how idiotic they look like when blame us germans for taking in refugees, for helping this people who run from bombs, while there own country is the MAIN reason for all this problems.

Please replace 'US' with 'George Soros' and your statement is correct.

Its almost as if white replacement is on the menu.

Starting with Syria, maybe we should identify and prosecute those in the US Government responsible for arming or paying others for arming the terrorist organizations.

What the fuck are you talking about? There's no fucking guilt. Your president is trying to stop ALL brown people, whether or not they're refugees from the countries you're destroying, from entering the US.

What echo chamber are you living in?

The beauty of this plan is that once they have enough of the people they're fighting over there shipped here they can go to war on us. And make us pay for it.


The dictators who are "permitting" these wars are getting concerned that the residents will find them and take off their heads. Of course things would be much easier if the aggressor nations could find a home for some of the more distressed residents.

That war was like 3 Presidents ago and really really started 2 Presidents before that. . . I could go on . .

I want us to accept refugees. But we can't fit them all. We need to cut funding to the groups that we are funding to fight.


competing economies on the other continent are flooded with fugees and gives us leverage to "deal" with them.

Freedom isn't free.

Same people who bitch and then buy their apple laptops made from slave labor.


Ron Paul said it best.

You broke it, you fix it.

Why would we let people we're at war with into our country?

At war with who? Middle eastern civilians? Plus, the 'war' has been over for a while now. If you could even call it a war. More like an occupation.

I agree but I want the one pearl clutching about not letting them in

A little bit more sadistic... we created isis

They would love to fix those countries, but there are those pesky international agreements forbidding WMD...

Accepting refugees is a step towards fixing the problems in these countries. Iraq and Syria don't have the capability to deal with the numbers of refugees created by the conflict. Taking in refugees is a vital step to the rebuilding process.

We had to break it ti fix it. It has already been broken.

Please stop trying to fix countries. Just end it.

I feel like mentioning that the wars they started might have been all just so they can ship refugees over and destabilize countries so they can control them better.

If you have an end game that requires extreme measures, you create a problem by lying, then miraculously, you also have a way to fix this problem. You get what you want.

Yeah. Well this is still all part of a plot to water down every single country to allow an easier path to a one world government.

The old America is pretty much done.

I'm with Trump. He's doing the right thing. Leftist are just triggered morons, don't listen to their lies on the frontpage of this site. Most of the US supports the immigrant ban.

There is another important point here with one number in your title and that is 16+ years of war. In Iraq a alone (I don't have the numbers for other countries at hand) the civiliian body count is nearly 200k by some leading estimates.

Think of how many children lost family and are now in their late teens or are young adults.

You don't think more of them are going to more than a little pissed. Oh yeah.

We have created an entire wave of very angry, poor and hungry people with dead family members and a bombed out country. Couple that with religious fantatism and a history of terrorism and what do we get?

We just created an entire new generation of terrorists and people who want nothing more than to see the destruction of the West.

The civilian death toll in Iraq., as a results of the coalition occupation, was over 1 million IIRC.

I cant believe the anti refugee sentiment in the USA. If you destroy a country or 2 , you will have displaced people. Its the duty of the victor of the war to put an olive branch to the people whos lives were destroyed and to resettle them wherever and whenever.

almost correct but it was the Zionist Jews who run America.


I said this almost word-for-word last night. Preach it, brother!

This may sound ignorant, but if America is the main aggressor and source of unrest in these countries why do the immigrants want to come here? This may come off the wrong way but leaves me scratching my head. Aren't there other countries with a more lax open door policy?

Even non-conspiracy theorists will tell you that governments use situations like 9/11 to justify war whether it was or wasn't planned.

Israel wants that land, dammit!

They are not done destroying the countries.

Anarcho-tyranny 101 with a strong dose of coercive engineered migration.

Yes. You are spot on.

The USA is terrorist nation #1 in the world today.

The level of willful ignorance and shameless apathy is mind-boggling.

Moreover, there is so much misinformation and disinformation put out by the corporate media.

However, in the age of the internet, ignorance is a choice.

"The USA is terrorist nation #1" https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-USA-is-terrorist-nation-1/189645587773074

Ever since at least 1980, We the People of planet Earth have had the capability of providing the highest quality of food, the highest quality of clothing, the highest quality of shelter, the highest quality of healthcare, and the highest quality of education for each and every man, woman and child on the face of the Earth, and to do it in such a way that was in Harmony with Nature.

We already have gazillions of creative practical solutions that have not been implemented yet on a grand scale around the world.

What we don’t have here in the USA is at least 150 million well-informed individuals, free of disinformation and misinformation, who are ready, willing and able to actively participate in the political process to make sure that the Presidency and at least 2/3 of the Congress is made up of the most Loving and the most Wise among us, who would implement those solutions on a grand scale.

Then we would have an environment in which we can more easily transition to a Whole New Way of Living rooted in Love and Wisdom.

i am waking up and mentoring around 10 new uninformed/misinformed individuals every week. It's imperative that each and every one of us, without exception, does so too.

Here is my proposal:

First the cities, then the states, then the nation and then the world.

Creating a Wonderful World. (let's get it done already). https://www.facebook.com/groups/379816208803429

People like that fund both sides. They are only interested in money and power.

So he says.

Soros actually HATES Israel and Jews.

Buahahaha, oh that's rich.

He funds Palestine

Israel has always funded it's enemies. It provides a perpetual enemy to justify it's existence and unite it's people in support of their war crimes and apartheid.

Are you actually blaming the left for not accepting refugees right now or is your sentence just really poorly worded? Because it sounds like you're saying something super stupid and I just wanted to be clear

They're not supposed to be peaceful, but rather truthful. God is not all sunshine and rainbows, he has a wrathful side for those who do evil. Do you think George Soros is going to heaven?

I guess he could have said that "that is exactly what happened without looking at all the circumstantial evidence that points to a lot of collusion involved to head towards a pre-determined outcome". But I think he did well.

Because that grand and dominant military industrial complex is now operated by a spray-tanned hotelier from liberal New York, who now has the legal and military tools to oppress the whole world with his Arkhamesque Cabinet and Kafkaesque Executive Orders and Tweets.

I suppose you're right, especially posts that actually get seen by those who aren't aware. It's just never ceases to amaze me how blind and dense people are to the world we live in

It also doesn't really seem like a conspiracy. It is just what is happening. We fucked up those could tries and people are in peril now so we are accepting them to our country try to be safe again. I don't think this was some grand plan, it just played out to this situation.

Except that's just not happening in Western European countries. Look at Germanys new year debacle over the North Africans. Those people aren't living in camps, they're regular immigrants who refuse to assimilate into the established culture. France and Belgium have had the same problem hence the advent of the recent increase in terrorism. A lot of Muslim immigrants (not all obviously) move to western countries to take advantage of government benefits but refuse to assimilate making them unemployable leading to groups forming impoverished ghettos where resentment fosters leading to rise in criminal activity from these groups. I'm all for helping refugees but there are Muslim people not willing to meet halfway to make the transition plain and simple.


You just described normal immigration, not mass immigration.

Are you referring to people who immigrate here and don't actively seek citizenship? You say "let them have a decent education".... That phrase bothers me, as it is a struggle now for taxpayers to support the education system. Americans carry a huge burden currently trying to get their kids decently through public school, not to mention college. In what ways do you see being able to fund this " decent education"? I live in a state now where we had to close public parks, art and music is brought into schools on a volunteer basis, and credit is exhausted. The opportunity for scholarship is low. College savings is a great thought to entertain for my kids, but i pay weekly to the school to fundraise for supplies that the school is in desperate need of..I want everyone to have a shot at bettering their lives, please don't get me wrong.... But we cannot provide this until we have determined a solution. Otherwise, it will continue in the downward spiral that has been escalating for years.

0.1 percenter

I thought people were just happy he'd be doing what "he" thought was right, instead of what big corporations thought was right, which imo is better, but still shit.

Lots of religions were peaceful. They got wiped out by the ones that used violence to convert and conquer.

He wants you to think he's a one percenter but he doesn't have anywhere near the money. That's why he won't release his taxes.

Yes I realize that after the fact. I drank the flavor aid for too long.

Please don't speak to others like you never learned basic etiquette.

Uhm, wotm8?

Interesting. I'll check the video out tonight, thanks for the link!

Some People just hopedt he was isolated...

Its like the republicans have a playbook for making Rich 1% white men seem relatable or something. . .

I agree with your line of questioning about why SA isn't on the ban list. It's also worth nothing that Israel has been working with Saudi Arabia and Qatar to fund ISIS and Al-Nusra in hopes of overthrowing Assad. Assad's Syria being friendly to Iran serves as Iran's through point to provide logistical support against Israel in Lebanon. So Israel and Saudi Arabia are working together on that front, and getting that pipeline built through Syria would've been a huge blow to Iran as well. I bet Israel had a say in keeping SA off the ban list.

But dude, working at Goldman Sachs at one point doesn't mean you embody Goldman Sachs. Mnunchin's whole deal is he wants to get banks lending again and he's against Dodd-Frank. Being against Dodd-Frank isn't necessarily a bad thing. The problem with Dodd-Frank is it prevents lending. Banks hoarded all that bailout money, and Dodd-Frank is part of the reason why there isn't enough growth investment in the economy right now. It's all going into financial instruments that benefit the wealthy even more.

Dodd-Frank is an example of outsiders fucking up because they don't understand the potentially adverse effects of their policies well enough. You can't have a non-banker try to control commerce / banking. You need a banker that realizes why, where and how banking is fucked up. Trump is also in favor of reinstating Glass-Steagall, which would be an epic swamp drain if he could pull it off.

He doesn't have to be "for the people" to help the people.

If he's an arrogant fuck that wants to prove he's better than the previous elite running our country for decades, the people might still win. They might lose even harder too, but hey, at least we get to roll a dice instead of slowly march to our demise.

I, for one, am still happy he's in the office over a Clinton or a Bush.

this type of language

What type of language? You won't say what you mean in clear terms because you're a tool.

Can't you be "for the people" if you're rich?

Are you aware those wars have been ongoing since long before Obama and Clinton?

Trump has a heart for the American people and is putting us first. America first strikes fear into the heart of globalists.

Obama and Clinton destabilized the entire region through their spooks in the CIA - up to their usual tricks.

Hillary bragged about it, 'We came, we saw, he died! Cackle, cackle.' Surely you have heard her despicable quote about Gadhafi, who kept Libya far safer than Obama/Clinton's version.

Or there's Syria... fine mess Obama/Clinton made there. Syria - Before & After Obama/Clinton

Do you remember shock and awe during the Bush administration. do you remember Reagan helping the rebels against the Soviets in Afghanistan? What year were you born and when did you start reading about the Middle East? Do you type whatever comes into your mind?

We don't even know if he's a 1 percenter.

I lived in Milwaukee WI where a white terrorist went into a Sikh temple and opened fire because he thought they were Muslims

But a single guy in a city with almost 10 million people try to blow up a pressure cooker, better ban them all!

Don't forget organ trafficking.

Not a politician... define 'elite'

Or should we just group them all together?

It takes some cultures several generations to integrate. Some longer, some shorter. Mass exodus of refugees to the U.S. will create problems that someone somewhere will have to deal with, it might not be me or you, but it's not exactly like they just come over here, get some loans, and become Doctors. I'm not against refugees, I'm against allowing men of fighting age over. Women and children should have priority.

Yeah but who's paying for it?

No tax returns? We don't know.

So because no one helped us, no steps should be taken to help others?

Are you happier now? I wasn't saying anything about the current year, I'm just saying the Civil War is a long time ago and the way countries interacted were different back then.


It's actually 0.00003% if you want to get really specific.

Thoughts on merkels chance of winning? Do you support her? How much national guilt does your country have for your past and how does that play out politically?

Still better than Clinton


You mean humans? Don't imply that our Great Western "Civilization" has been totally peaceful or anything. The World Wars were all us, just as a recent example.