In case you Elites are too stupid to understand what's happening, George Webb's open investigation is fingering new persons of interest every day, tightening the viceclamps of unpunished justice until social pressure is so severe, costly you MUST cut your losses and Give Her Up.

77  2017-01-29 by 911bodysnatchers322

Every day tighten tigthen, python 'round your neck

When you gonna realize it's give up time

Cut your losses 'cause you're in check

How many people have to go down with her ship?

Was she a Captain worth protecting?



When you believe in a higher power, it believes in you.

In my stutter step search to support and follow the work of George Webb:

Mz SilsZby married the head honcho of the Idaho/Montana Red x and then I went back to check where he was at with her and seems he's kinda writing her off as just an accidental bleeding heart from a fanatical religious affiliation.

So, I'm confused. Can you spare the time to clarify if I've misunderstood some aspect?

Webb may not realize it, but that dude is seriously doing God's work. I sincerely hope and pray for his safety at this point because he is like a fucking pit bull.

I think he's going from hotel room to hotel room using friend's laptops and a slideshare thing that he's got stashed online that he's using through something like tails or tor and that's why he's filming his hands pointing to the screen too. It's not like online videocasting, it's offline and upload, and not even using the same equipment to film, so that there can't be any kind of 'identifying exif type data' from the laptop

It's really smart.

I think George is aware of how much danger he is in and I think he's taking very good precautions

Thank you for sharing that insight. I'm really not too tech savvy (hacking, hiding my trail etc) so I wasn't sure how he could go about doing this safely.

What is Webb doing? Why is his work so respected?

Just watch the vids! I personally know you would like them even if the facts don't end up being 100%

It paints a very big and clear pictures of our "conspiracies" and how many of them are linked.

Hmm I'll try it thanks.

Read my cliff notes if you don't have time to watch all his videos...if you had to pick one, iirc day 60 is excellent

Nice any link?

He's a deep sea diver uncovering the giant octopus that has many tentacles on the society we are built on.

I love that he realizes it's so big it cannot all be brought down without destroying the fabric of society.

Makes me curious and more interested than any "media" put out lately. I wanna see how it all falls apart. Someone has to officially pull this thread.

I mean we all go to stores and buy products that come from these shops. These shops put people in high interest loans that force them into organ selling and prostitution. Families sell off or lose their children. We just keep buying this shit. It comes back here and it's all a part of a big scam.

We are compartmentalized into supporting terrorists and all of the sins of the world through our money. Thanks Satan. /s not /s

I love you 911bodysnatchers322.

I love you too!