We've got twice as many people on this sub than usual - use critical thinking on whatever is getting up voted

111  2017-01-30 by LucyLucero11

Unless there's some huge conspiracy news I don't know about, we're probably being brigaded the likes of "pissgate" bs.


Use critical thinking on everything.

Correct. Shills on both sides can be correct, although you probably can't change their mind.

except on this sub?

I'm always wary of posts that get gold on this sub.

If you've been keeping tabs, it usually happens as follows:

1) non-subbed user discredits the sub for being pro-Trump

2) non-subbed user discredits the sub for being a shell of itself

3) non-subbed user discredits pizzagate and wonders why the sub doesn't care about the "real" conspiracies about Trump.

The only organic ways I've seen gold exchanged on this sub is in random comment threads where a user goes out of their way to provide sourced information -- and that doesn't happen often.

Just something to point out, not everyone that comes here is subbed. I like conspiracies, but I don't really care to see the same pizza gate stories popping up three times a page on my feed. I am also not a shill even though I generally have a liberal and devils advocate approach to things.

Yup! I un-subbed multiple times and re-sub when whatever I don't agree with stops spamming my personal frontpage.

Seeing CTR SHILLS! and Pizzagate every two threads isn't for me. Same for the 'Sandy Hook Era'.

Also, before I get called a shill fuck Hillary Clinton, I hope she gets a rusty dildo up her ass in prison.

It's almost like there's a ton of pro-trump shills. How can you believe a man with so much money and power can not be corrupt?

Nice troll, it is his money and success that is the reason you can trust him. He has given up everything he has ever worked for and his families safety to help save America and the world from the globalist that you are working for.

it's his money and wealth for why we should trust him

So we should trust all those corporations too?

Lol great sarcasm. Almost like something someone here would really say.

That was sarcasm, right?

Uhhh he literally hasn't given up his money or anything he's worked for and outright refused to do so.

He is the only good Billionaire! All the other ones are terrible people but Trump is the exception. /s

Usually I notice a huge increase here after a major terror attack or world event happens. I don't know of any such events transpiring today, but there's now 4600 people here, 4 times as many as usual. Wonder what they're all doing here.

You really didn't hear about the terror attack in Quebec?

No, I did. I just wouldn't expect that event, with a relatively small number of casualties, to draw 4 times the normal amount of people here. Not trying to take anything away from the people who died, but compared to other attacks, the death toll was small.

It was still an attack, and could explain a lot of the people.

/r/conspiracy hit the front page of all. People came in to mock that post and are now popping around looking at the posts.

They're here to push these narratives:

  • Trump is a Russian collaborator
  • Trump is involved in Pizzagate
  • (Except Pizzagate probably isn't real)
  • Pizzagate is overblown/fake
  • Global Warming is anthropogenic

That last one seems pretty reasonable to me. Clinton is irrelevant now. Trump is President.

They're here to push these narratives:

  • Anti-trump conspiracies are all false


  • OBEY

We've been living in Orwell's 1984 pretty much since 1984, the world's elite with the help of the CIA and the elite owned media (News and entertainment) has brainwashed everyone into railing against their own interests. Have you ever seen the media fight so hard for one side, an honest politician like Bernie couldn't get a fair chance. Now the left elite are trying to convince everyone that Trump is ushering in the Orwellian era while we've been living in it most of our lives.

This is true. Bernie was treated extremely unfairly and lost the primaries because it was stolen (literally voter fraud/election fraud).

If Bernie had won, I wonder what we'd be seeing, probably the same treatment as Trump, but different words.

I imagine Bernie would have been ridiculed and sabotaged behind his back by the CIA (like Carter was).

Please explain to me how you see it that way.

Did you even read your own post? That's how

So you're accusing me as a shill?

I'm here saying Global Warming is a scam. 9/11 was an inside job. ISIS was created by the U.S. intentionally. GWB was a pedophile. Pizzagate is real (and harkenes back to the GWB days). The major profit center for the CIA is the American drug market. Afgainstan was conquered for the poppies.

Happy now?

No? Because you're saying anyone against our shadowy as fuck leader is a HRC CRT shill

I never said that. I simply listed the narratives that keep popping up. The shills post essentially the same thing, worded slightly differently.

I'm all for finding out about Trump, but when shills keep coming and saying "let's investigate him, he's probably a pedo (but Pizzagate isn't real), also he's a Russian agent, and this sub has become T_D," it's obvious.

The issue isn't the topic of the post, it's the frequency.

Trump is a Russian collaborator Well, he's certainly sympathetic and an admirer. Either of these qualities would be grounds for heavy suspicion for any American only a decade or so ago. Personally, I'm okay with improving relations. I think a lot of our hatred of each other was based in misunderstanding.

Trump is involved in Petezagate F... Petezagate

Global Warming is anthropogenic Even human activity is only a percentage of the problem shouldn't we try to do something about it? If the rest is beyond our control we should at least try to minimize whatever we can to keep it from getting any worse than it has to.

This sub is T_D and too political Politics, especially at the national level, probably have some lots of links to conspiracies.

Clinton is corrupt but we need to focus on Trump

Clinton is almost certainly done with politics. At least on the national level. If NY wants her back it's up to them. Trump on the other hand is a very hot topic. He usually can only make it 8 hours or so without saying or doing something weird that can be discussed. Seems like the only time it's quiet is when he's asleep.

He is using twitter to talk to you because the media lies and spins everything against him. There is no Muslim ban, he is doing extreme vetting on the 7 nations Obama listed as threats to America in 2015. Wake up and think about what is going on.

Hard to combat an enemy that can edit live video to show empty bleachers and streets along the way where Trump walked for the Presidential Inauguration. It sure added credibility when one of the medias undercover operatives Tweeted an altered photo of the crop using the Parks Service's account.


F... Petezagate

So you don't think that it's worth looking into, huh?

Even if human activity is only a percentage of the problem shouldn't we try to do something about it? If the rest is beyond our control we should at least try to minimize whatever we can to keep it from getting any worse than it has to.

Not when the propaganda is lies.

Try this out and see if you agree: "Even if the 9/11 attacks were co-opted by elements in the U.S. Government, if terrorists were in someway responsible, don't you think we should bomb Afganistan and plunge the world into a decade of war?"

Politics, especially at the national level, probably have some lots of links to conspiracies.

That's not the point of the narrative push. They push a narrative to cause division within the user base and to bury real information.

Clinton is almost certainly done with politics. At least on the national level.

That's not the issue. The issue is she needs to be held accountable (as do the rest of her company).

Trump on the other hand is a very hot topic. He usually can only make it 8 hours or so without saying or doing something weird.

Who says it's weird? The media? I don't think he's done anything "weird."

"Even if the 9/11 attacks were co-opted by elements in the U.S. Government, if terrorists were in some way responsible, don't you think we should bomb Afganistan and plunge the world into a decade of war?"

Only if we can restart the Afghanistan heroin flow and maintain it at an extremely high level. The livelihood of the Afghani farmers is more important than the lives of American addicts.


Can confirm. I have been graphing data on this sub for a while now. These spikes in logged on users usual correspond with waves of shitty polarized political arguments in comments and unusual surges of upvotes and/or downvotes for certain topics.

I can't wait for this sub to get back to normal, I miss it :-(


These spikes in logged on users usual correspond with waves of shitty polarized political arguments in comments and unusual surges of upvotes and/or downvotes for certain topics.

Could you share your graphs showing those correlations?

its because it was mentioned in a popular thread (on politics or news, can't remember which one). it was discussed how this has plainly been overrun by Trump supporters, which I wholeheartedly agree with. that comment brought people like me - who used to come to this sub to read about those preventing a free America/world.

put your efforts towards things like exposing child trafficking or the American people being subjected to a puppet government.

this sub wastes so much time up its own fucking ass its relentless. wanna stop CTR/T_D/Soros/Koch/Voldemoort, deal with the issues they create and don't allow yourselves to get distracted.

Trump image management. This is one of the few pro-Trump subs and they're guarding it to try and keep it that way

Did you even read your own post? That's how

No? Because you're saying anyone against our shadowy as fuck leader is a HRC CRT shill