Top admin u/kn0thing just posted an interesting propaganda piece, err, "blog post". Do redditors still refuse to believe they're not being played by emotional manipulation?

79  2017-01-31 by PM_ME_UR_DOPAMINE

Virtue-signaling, patriotic buzzwords, political agenda-pushing, the whole nine yards. Yuck.


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What specifically about it do you consider to be pushing a political agenda? I thought it was especially light in terms of politics to be quite honest.

Also, what's the conspiracy here?

That its popping up in a default sub, nobody knows about(atleast I havent seen too many posts from blog), that rarely makes the front page. Just so happens to be a top admins, political musings.

It's not really that shocking, the tech community has been pretty vocal in denouncing the ban. /u/kn0thing is just taking part in that decent.


And Sure. Not shocking that some random sub popped up. In order for it to be upvoted, somebody had to be over there looking for it.

Literally 9 fucking people online over there, currently. Blatant manipulation

Well he is probably the most famous user on Reddit, of coarse he is going to get up votes when he posts in Admin mode.

Well, I guess that settles it. Im mistaken.

I'm not saying you are mistaken, as a programmer, I just know how easy it would be. I could fake stuff on the sites I program and no one would be the wiser.

Guy used his admin abilities, to push a political message so everybody would see.

Am i wrong too that I find that manipulative? Hence, a conspiracy? What were his motives behind that message? He felt the need to weigh in that badly? Its been 3 days, lest we forget! As its all we have seen on the site.

Fair enough, I'm just trying to give some additional context, he isn't the only tech leader to put out a message like this.

It's "dissent" actually.

I am not a smart man


It's a site-wide announcement that was just made not too long ago. I'm not sure why the fact an announcement showing up for everyone is part of a conspiracy.

What did you find to be political about the blog post?

The sub has 7000 subscribers. It has 9 currently online. Yet its upvoted to my front page?

The first sentence, Im not sure what country I was coming back too. Surely not a political statement. By then Id read enough.

Fuck his announcement. What authority is he?

Do you expect side-wide announcements to somehow be hidden amongst your pictures of cats? I'm sure that the developers weighted announcements more than normal posts to help it get to the front.

I'm sure that the developers weighted announcements more than normal posts to help it get to the front.

Yet there is no manipulation going on here folks! Move along.

Should announcements not be weighted? Would making it a sticky be any better?

Why not let the hive operate organically? If his message was so moving, then it would have found its way to the top. But instead, he made an announcement.

"Woo everybody look at what I have to say," as if its some new revelation, instead of beating a dead horse.

Redditers tend to use the upvote/downvote buttons as a like/dislike. I remember there being a few announcements made by the previous CEO that had quite a bit of downvotes just because folks didn't like her. If it weren't for the heavy weights I would not have known about the posts.

I believe that the current weighting for announcements on the site is appropriate. There's just a question on whether or not the post in contention should have been made into one since it wasn't directly related to the site.

Lets not ignore that sub has 7000 subscibers, and had 9 people online when I check.

I believe that the current weighting for announcements on the site is appropriate. There's just a question on whether or not the post in contention should have been made into an announcement since it wasn't directly related to the site.

I think you hit the nail on the head. Just saying IMO it was an abuse of power, one of which, I view as manipulation to push a political message.

WAIT. Which subreddit are you referring to that has/had 7,000 subscribers? I'm seeing ~14 million subscribers to /r/blog on my screen.

Funny, when I went there and I wish I screencapped it. It only had several thousand users, and 9 online. For whatever reason.

That's odd. Were you using the mobile site by any chance? It's buggy as hell and I wouldn't put it past it to show weird things like that.

Certainly was odd. No, i was on PC.

Makes me wonder if some trickeration was at hand

It's possible that you could have simply read the wrong numbers and attributed them as the subscribers or were simply reading the text contents of the blogpost on a different sub. I just found out that everyone is subscribed to /r/blog by default so I can't see the numbers being that low.

I doubt there's any real trickery behind the scenes. It's useless info anyway.

Im not sure what happened. But when i unsubscribed it had that many. And 9 people currently online. I was curious if they added that default yesterday. I never really saw it before. I was watching the user count go up, after you asked me! Went up by a couple hundred.

The numbers increased in realtime while you were viewing the page?

Yes, as I was refreshing the page, the number of subscribers was increasing.

It's not manipulation of they label it "ANNOUNCEMENT!" and put it at the top of everybody's front page. They aren't trying to pretend it got there organically, it's an announcement...

Whats the announcement? His political musings. Hardly anything important.

It's important to him, and being that reddit is a tech company in a very immigrant filed tech industry, he probably feels it's important to the company. And being that it's his company, he can make announcements on whatever topic he feels like.

He's railing against an executive order by the president and telling you what to believe on immigration policy. That's politics

The executive order has gone against quite a bit of the nation's founding principles. This is what shocks people the most.

The announcement was telling people what to believe. We make up our own minds.

Saying that an immigration order, within the executives granted power, is against the founders principles is a poor argument. The media has created a firestorm of bs around this because they are committed to seeing Trump fail.

I am not saying this based on what's in the media nor am I using that for any sort of argument. It was just a simple observation that I understand a lot of people follow.

It would be the exact same if this were someone else.

A sub where nobody goes is the perfect place to reach a mass audience.

OP is a T_D shitposter. No conspiracy here, just absolute, pure, LARP shit.

That's weird, I've posted to T_D exactly ZERO times. Check your claims before you assume shit. Better yet, don't; it helps weed out the people worth arguing with.

/u/modern_fears is one of Brock's concern trolls.

I wish! I just like reading the intercept.

I have posted there never, went there a handful of times, and havent been back. Its my favorite sub apparently. Cant these people come up with anything worse than saying you go to the donald?

I've been banned from T_D and i still go there to get the real facts, as well as about 30 other places.

we're informed and ready to move, unlike the psychos that are stirring up shit nowadays.

As a T_D user myself I've got to say being part of T_D doesn't automatically discount opinion. Just as being part of a pro-Bernie sub or the politics sub doesn't discount someone's opinion. Honestly that's just giving into the division that they want from us.

I completely agree, and I hate that they make us play their stupid game. We all need to come together and fight fire with fire; rational and TRUE counterpropaganda. But we lack the funding and dank memes.

Are you just making up bullshit so people will see your comment and dismiss their post? Do you do this and just hope it sticks and no one calls you out for straight up lying?

I'm just sick of shit posts and will fight each shit post I see with a shit comment.

Also, what's the conspiracy here?

lol they're all saying this lately

I guess this is their talking point for now??? Dumb.

Admins should stick to being admins...

One of the reddit admins? You realize the guy who posted this was a co-founder(edit) of reddit? Reddit, which started as and pretty much remains a place where lax immigration policy is easy clickbait. About as easy as nostalgic feel goods. Reddit, which started in the bush era. Speaking of nostalgic feel goods, remember all the conspiracies about Bush and how being liberal was edgy? Reddit, the place that tried to crown Bernie Sanders over Hilary. Seriously, why do you think this is a conspiracy? What is the conspiracy? To preach to the choir? Is being in a minority somewhere that uncomfortable for you?

Yeah he cares so much about american values that's why he enables content manipulation, free speech suppression, blatant political bias and sat by and let "restore the fourth" get subverted and destroyed. Now "MUH EVIL MEAN TRUMP HURT MY FEELINGS" so it's ok

It's amazing the lack of general disrespect so called "liberals" have for the other side. I fucking despise trump policies but the fucking douche bag beat the corrupt establishment whore. The dems had better candidate the American people chose and yet they decided to shove Hillary down our throats... FUCK TRUMP BUT THANK GOD THAT BITCH DIDNT GET IN

Absolutely! Hear Hear!

I stopped reading when I saw "unamerican". We are a nation of immigrants, but sometimes you need to turn off something to fix it to make it better than before.

We'really a nation of immigrants, but thats not going to change just because we alter our immigration policy. And just because we are a nation of immigrants doesn't mean we have to accept people unconditionally. People are just falling victim to emotional propaganda is all.

Exactly, this guy gets it.

Shameless propaganda, nothing of substance.

Ditto. As soon as I saw "unamerican", I instantly thought of mccarthyism, downvoted and backed out of there. Anyone calling anything "unamerican" is probably a huge piece of shit.

I'm not surprised. It's everywhere. I see no reason it wouldn't be on Reddit too.

True, but the issue is you can't filter out these PSYOPS spammy subreddits fast enough. Not to mention so many good/open-minded/previously-politically-neutral-or-apathetic subs have been infiltrated and ruined (r/pics, r/politics, etc.)

the most offensive takeover has been r/bestof.

that sub went from mildly interesting valid points to "look (and upvote) what this guys said about trump-hitler"

CTR has corrupted this website, it's beyond repair at this point.

My biggest loss was /r/oldschoolcool It went from being a place to flex my /r/lewronggeneration nostalgia for times I've never seen.... Now it's candid photos of Democrats in their youth. Yuck.

I'm sorry but that blog and those comments are straight bullshit. I rarely do I see actual trump supporters act like ass clowns BUT the other side has been completely ruthless the whole time. Why the FUCK ARE YOU GETTING MAD AT TRUMP? GET FUCKING PISSED AT THE ASSHOLES WHO SET UP REALITY STAR DOUCHE BAG VS CORRUPT WHORE. Don't let the media and assclowns like Alexis divide eachother more. FUCK THE ESTABLISHMENT. FUCK THE SHILLS, FUCK THE MANUFACTURED DIVISION

Man. All I hear them say is how much hate and violence comes from Trump supporters and their subs. I see so much worse come from the amit Trump side. It's insane.

100% agreed. I haven't seen Trump supporters rioting, setting girls hair on fire, beating up people or even a celebrity that supports Trump assaulting people. But we have seen all that from Trump PROTESTORS.

These idiots refuse to accept the fact that every country on the planet has the right to dictate who may enter and who may not. They can do so for whatever reason they deem appropriate.

As for the nation of immigrants garbage...No. we haven't been a nation of immigrants for a very long time.

That entire post is nothing but emotion based garbage.

It's disgusting.

what bothers me the most about all of this is the exact same people out there calling trump and his policies "racist" (they aren't), are the same who then say because of these "racist" policies it will encourage more terrorism...

ummm... isn't it the fucking left screaming "racist" at everything the ones who are responsible for the anti-american narrative?

these same motherfuckers screaming about how we are a "nation of immigrants" sure as fuck wouldn't leave the door to their house wide open all night... but we should be PC'ed into leaving the doors to our country unlocked and wide open "cause racism"?


they want to shut a bunch of sub down because they don't like their views.

yup, the whole blog post made me vomit. also reddit is a global website and i'm pretty sure a lot of those stories are just bullshit CTR copypasta.

I'm always so surprised when its sooooooo obvious. But people fall for it.


I wish they were a little more subtle when they puff up their karma like that. Too blatant, it's really gross.