Rant: as a gay person, I can't understand why the left don't see the hypocrisy of muslims demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine. When I raise this I'm shouted down. It's like they are brainwashed. What's happening?

5791  2017-01-31 by Fuckyousantorum

I know that not all muslims believe this. Some respect others human rights but surveys show some western muslims (and it's in the 40% range) want to criminalise being gay.

Edit: yikes, front page, this blew up!

Edit 2: I want to stress that I mean no offence to muslims or anyone else. I should have worded the post much better. I know that there are so many good muslims (obviously) and, like most things, it's a tiny and radical minority that cause trouble for the rest. I was just trying to spotlight a concern that some have about the perception of LGBT and how do we move towards a place of mutual understanding, appreciation and respect.


They are!

Never stop thinking for yourself.

This world will continue to be hell if we encourage selfishness instead of selflessness

Thank you. I completely agree. It's insane. Liberals' support of Islam is a slap in the face to LGBT rights and women's rights.

Liberals support Muslims, real life humans, not Islam.

You need to learn what the definition of a moderate muslim is my friend.

I bet you know a lot of muslims. A yuuuge amount!

You played yourself.

Okay, well the real life humans are being oppressed, they are spreading an ideology of hatred, Islam intertwines politic and religion. I mean, what would happen if an man told a feminist woman that she could not wear bikinis. Could only where restrictive clothing. That's how Muslim women are treated. They're treated as inferior to men. And that is only in "progressive" Islam. That's all around us every day. In its more extreme instances Muslim women are lashed to death for being raped. Homosexuality is forbidden, and in certain parts of the world it is punishable by death The same goes for homosexuality.How are liberals okay with that? How are they able to ignore these atrocities? Muslims are the victims of a violently oppressive ideology, and they are unwilling to surrender it. They will die for their religion. That is horrifying. How are liberals able to stand by and support an ideology so viciously anti-liberal, anti-Western thought, anti-feminism, anti-LGBT? I get sick of hearing them make their arguments. None of them makes any sense. And even if the radicals only compose (scroll down to the bit about worldwide support for radical Islam, Pew Research btw) let's say 10%. There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. You do the math.

In Islam's more extreme instances, Muslim women are lashed to death for being raped. Homosexuality is forbidden, and in certain parts of the world it is punishable by death How are liberals okay with that?

They aren't

And that is only in "progressive" Islam

I think you mistaking progressive for conservative.

How are liberals able to stand by and support an ideology so viciously anti-liberal, anti-Western, anti-feminism, anti-LGBT?

Did you even read his comment? Liberals don't support Islam they support peoples right to be a practicing muslim even if they disagree with those views, they support tolerance towards people of different background. I agree with you that a lot muslims hold incredibly dangerous and backwards views that are incompatible with western society. As a liberal myself we feel we have to what we can to help these refuges by making them integrate into western society, pushing them way makes it impossible for them to change their ways and only fuels their cycle of ideology. We feel that we as westerners should ' be the ones show them the light' so to speak. Remember we support the individuals not their religion and ideology as a whole.

I think a big mistake I made in my comments was the haphazard use of the word "liberals." I've noted it in the original comment. You're right about "progressive" v "conservative" in the current usage. What I meant is that even in the less extreme subsets Muslims are practicing something that is anti-liberal. I guess what I meant is, how are the burka and the hijab not a problem? Why are they allowed? I ask that sincerely. And I just feel like it's not possible for them to integrate. From everything I've seen and experienced, Muslims are expected to remain apart from the Western societies they inhabit. Anyway. One thing I think we can all agree on is that it is a weird time to be alive. And I truly believe that, at the heart of it, we all want the same thing: For the world to get better.

What would your metric(s) of integration be?

Great question. I don't think Muslims can integrate into Western society. And I don't understand why they, belonging to the most anti-liberal ideology on earth, keep flooding into Europe and America, the most liberal places on earth.

So no Muslim can ever integrate into Western society?

You may wanna talk to my theatre director about that.

And my ex-girlfriend.

And my old professor from college.

All of whom were first generation Muslims and integrated just fine. And I'm pretty sure they're not the only ones.

Plus, I'm still curious what your metric(s) for integration are for anyone.

There are exceptions, certainly. But they still belong to an ideology that systematically oppresses women and homosexuals. They may be the nicest people ever, but they still belong to an ideology of hate. I'm an immigrant myself. Irish to America, though I have dual citizenship. So I know a thing or two about immigration and assimilation. The Irish were treated awful when they first arrived in America. We're not always great about assimilating, tbh (I'm thinking of NYC), but we're also not a threat to the Western way of life.

SJW's are mentally ill (delusional and borderline psychosis). Glad you have the guts to speak up! I'd stand by your side.

We agree more than we don't.

Aren't you of the opinion that homosexuality is a mental illness?

So why would you dismiss SJW's yet say you'll stand with a homosexual?

Aren't you of the opinion that homosexuality is a mental illness?

No, I said my opinion is, confused. Either way, they are aren't hurting anyone or themselves.. so, what two consenting adults want to do is none of my business. I've always made that quite clear..

No, I said my opinion is, confusion.

Your opinion is confusion? What does that mean?

what two consenting adults want to do is none of my business.

If it's none of your business, why announce they're mentally ill in such a manner as to try to discredit them?

Your opinion is confusion? What does that mean?

My opinion is gay people are confused. Just a personal opinion. Doesn't mean I wouldn't be friends with a gay person or not stand with them. I actually have a few gay friends/associates.

If it's none of your business, why announce they're mentally ill in such a manner as to try to discredit them?

Discredit who? Rocky, have you been hitting the bottle tonight? You should really stick to tea ;)

My opinion is gay people are confused

Yeah maybe

I actually have a few gay friends/associates.

Well then that toooootally nullifies everything you've said against the gays.

Discredit who?

The gays.

Yeah maybe

A fetish?

Well then that toooootally nullifies everything you've said against the gays.

What have I said? I said, imo, they are confused...

The gays.

I never discredited gays.

Wait.. Do I hear a train whistle blowing in the distant? Closer, closer, choo-choo deraaaaaaiiiiil!

Get bent Rocky..

Hahaha. You are full of shit my friend.


Not OP, but I think it's because you think that their being "confused", whatever he fuck that means, is a better explanation than them just having different sexual preferences.

Do they actually have any credibility to take away?

Who, Putin_loves_cats? After that user announced we should take what they say with a grain of salt - Not really.

He is saying gays being gay doesn't hurt anyone. SJWs are there to get in your face to provoke change.

and often act mentally ill.


Mentally ill is not a very precise term. A lot of people acts mentally ill sometimes, that doesn't mean that they are ill, they could just have some kind of annoying personality trait, but that isn't an illness and most people have traits that someone will find annoying.
On the other hand lots of people have mental illnesses but will hide it from others and not really show any outward sign of illness.

So it won't make much sense to call a certain way of acting a mentally ill way of acting, unless you actually specify what you mean by that

so, what two consenting adults want to do is none of my business

But they should still be labeled as mentally ill, if they actually choose freely to demonstrate for vegan muslim safe spaces or genderneutral names for utensils, or whatever thing they're doing this week?

So why would you dismiss SJW's yet say you'll stand with a homosexual?

SJWs shame people who don't PROMOTE homosexuality or ENDORSE it.

I simply CONDONE it.

I don't support homosexuality but I do condone it.


oh the same sjw that made gay marriage legal in the u.s? LOL

What SJW made gay marriage legal?

Sjws didn't make gay marriage legal the court did

I'm sorry, did you think the higher courts suddenly had a change of heart and thought "Hey, I really care about this small minority of the population now, let's stop persecuting them"? They legalized it because regular citizens pushed them too, and it wasn't just gays doing the pushing.

Not saying it was but it wasn't voted into the courts

The court doesn't take normal peoples opinions into account when making a decision. The closest you could come to saying so is who appointed them and who voted for that President.

Gay marriage was voted DOWN over and over and over and over, even in liberal bastion California. I'm sorry, but they ruled based on the constitution.

But then it wasn't cool anymore. So they moved on to other things like transgenders to keep on shaming.

The Supreme Court made gay marriage legal.

The world isn't as enlightened on the subject of LGBT. Europe and us are far but these are countries that were just 20 years ago making gays jump off tall buildings.

A few generations of progressive movement there and you'll be able to hold hands in public there.

But the human right that Muslims there want, is to not be bombed and droned. Don't compare your hurt feelings to their pain.

Don't they already hold hands? Like, not a gay thing just dudes like to hold hands and walk around.?

Good point, you are right. They do show a lot of affection without it being sexual it sounds like. Sounds culturally as if it is friendly. Or maybe I misunderstand it.

It used to be done during Victorian times in Britain until people decided it looked a little mincey.

Homosexuality was decriminalized in the Ottoman Empire before many European states. It was Europeans that, at the time, brought about homophobic laws because they hated gays then.

This thing is not a linear progression.

Thanks for the insight. I didn't know that.


I looked it up based on curiosity. True story:


That said, Erdogan is a piece of shit, and the Armenians suffered greatly.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_history_in_Turkey

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 25572

That is a lie.

They throw gay people off buildings over there and throw rocks at them until they're dead.. don't act like muslims have a monopoly on suffering there.

Lol did you read the article?

It literally states the opposite of what you are saying, some highlights:

"The survey also asked Muslims whether people of other faiths in their country are very free, somewhat free, not too free or not at all free to practice their religion; a follow-up question asked Muslims whether they consider this “a good thing” or “a bad thing.” In 31 of the 38 countries where the question was asked, majorities of Muslims say people of other faiths can practice their religion very freely. (The question was not asked in Afghanistan.) And of those who share this assessment, overwhelming majorities consider it a good thing. This includes median percentages of more than nine-in-ten in South Asia (97%), Southern and Eastern Europe (95%), sub-Saharan Africa (94%), Southeast Asia (93%) and Central Asia (92%). In the Middle East-North Africa region, nearly as many (85%) share this view."

"Muslims who favor making sharia the law of the land generally agree that the requirements of Islam should apply only to Muslims. Across the regions where the question was asked, medians of at least 51% say sharia should apply exclusively to adherents of the Muslim faith. This view is prevalent even in regions such as South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East and North Africa, where there is overwhelming support for enshrining sharia as the official law of the land."

I really don't think LGBT/Human rights is a matter of droning or bombing; it comes from years of oppression and hate. I doubt your idea that a few generations will make it progressive, it's still legal to kill gays by stoning or throwing off buildings. I HIGHLY doughy anyone of us gays will be there holding hands on the streets of Lebanon...

20 years ago? Pretty sure there's a few ISIS productions out there throwing or making gay people jump off of buildings

I was talking about the Iraqi videos of gay jumpers

They're called Hypocrites and yes. Some of them are brain dead.

Homosexuality is forbidden in all Abrahamic religions, and I wouldn't be surprised if polling numbers for Christians were similar. I would expect that as Muslims become more and more exposed to the ideas of same-sex relationships, their views will evolve and become more tolerant. Western Christians went through the same process, it's just that it happened earlier.

As of now though, Muslims are killing gays more often than Christians are.

I completely agree, and the treatment of the LGBT population in ME countries is inexcusable. I probably didn't make myself clear, but I was talking about Muslims living in western countries (in response to OP's question).

Yeah no worries, I understood what you were trying to say and I agree. Over time as they're exposed to gays they'll be more accepting, but for now they're stuck in the past...

PEW polls all show that Muslims fundamentally are incompatible with Western values.

I have some muslim friends, some ME friends who aren't muslim (a really important distinction to make here, not every single ME person is a muslim. Even if they wear the typical clothes, that's part of the culture, not necessarily a part of their religion), and they perfectly life in countries as culturally accepting as Germany and Canada, with zero problems, and we haven't collided even once in opinions, me being a Spanish atheist with pretty liberal thoughts .

Much of the time, it seems like Christians are too.

At least they didn't throw the gays off the roof.

Fall from a roof is better than getting tied to the back of a truck and dragged to death.

No, they just bombed schoolchildren instead.

I'm anti ALL Abrahamic religions - but Christians gave birth to liberal democracy. They had a huge hand in the modern world. This observation is independent to the merit of the religion as a whole.

Lol, wow. Maybe the stupidest comment I've seen in this thread so far.

That explains why majority Christian countries are in shambles and ruled by crazy religious leaders. Oh wait...

Tell that to the libtards who want to flood us with these incompatible people. I have MANY Muslim friends but we still need to see the forest through the trees. 90% of my Muslim friends agree with me.

Well, there is an issue with the simple fact that the refugees from Syria and other middle eastern nations haven't been living in western culture. The Islamic people in Europe haven't been integrating particularly peacefully in many cases either. Allowing this to continue is allowing hardliner right wing brained Islamic people into the nation who, after skin tone ultimately have much more in common with the right than the left as far as values and ideals go.

None of this is to say Muslims are bad people inherently, just that the violence in that part of the world, along with a culture and religion that accepts it has created something that can't be easily integrated into western culture. The US still has a duty to take on refugees, but a bit of a wake up call is needed on the left when this is going on. They need to acknowledge the problems instead of telling everyone that it isn't happening, or calling people racist for saying anything about it.

You know the best way to change that going forward? Have Muslims and gays live in the same communities and interact with each other and learn that we are all humans with human problems. Not everyone will change, but most will. Over generations. Or, we could just stay forever separated and hate each other from afar until it boils over.

Throw the lambs in the Lion's den

Do you think all of our bombs somehow miss the gay ones?

War Killings ≠ Civilian Killings

Not sure which war you're talking about, certainly not any of the ones the US has engaged in recently.

Surely you're not saying there were no gays in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Afghanistan, etc....

Not sure I agree. The religion of peace teaches non believers should be killed. Christianity teaches to love others as yourself. Not that all Christians practice love but I think more are catching on its not their job to judge others. Not so sure the sharia law folks will ever come around on accepting this...

I'm sure that's a fair point - I haven't studied Islamic theology, and despite being raised Christian I'm not religious in any way, so I really can't claim to speak intelligently on the subject!

Then be a good boy and edit your OP

Nah, I'm good.

I haven't studied Islamic theology

You clearly haven't.

I have often wondered why folks on the left have such odd pairings in their coalition

Because the left believes in human rights for all, regardless of what book said people might believe in.

And as long as their own "human rights" surpass everyone else's

And as long as their own "human rights" surpass everyone else's

What does that even mean?

It's literal nonsense.

It means in order to live in the world where everyone has equal rights, the person who creates the baseline for these "rights" inherently has more rights than everyone else. See Stalin, mao, North Korea if you don't believe me

What's a single thing Muslims are asking for that's putting their rights above yours?

Uhhh conversion to Islam or be labeled an infidel? Again, I know that not all muslims take these parts of the Koran and Hadith literally-but some do.

And I wasn't talking about muslims, rather ppl who consider themselves "left wing". I swear these "left wingers" are more annoying than the racist on the far right were when Obama got office

Oh no the Muslims down the street think I'm an infidel and the Catholics down the street think I'm a heretic. What ever will I do /s

And the muslims across the ocean think I'm a heretic infadel who needs to be destroyed and has dropped hundreds of bombs on Muslim ppl

The problem arises when you let people into this country who don't respect or want human rights for all, and that's what the left is doing.

We already have millions who don't believe in human rights for all, what's a few more?

Can you explain what you mean by that?

There are enough white and Christian people who do not respect human right. To disqualify muslims because of that would by hypocritical.

uh, have you looked at religion in the states at all?

Christians who want to ban gay marriage and want to pass legislation to enforce that ban. pretty good start u think don't you?

You're so right. They've just been voting for Hitler for 100 years now.

P.S. you are looking for ghosts where there are none.

The left, much like the right believes in money. Organized politics is a racket for the most part.

Unless you're a straight white male

Because the left believes in human rights for all

Not in the free speech rights of the right wing they don't.

Because the left are cowards

That's not true. Islam doesn't say non believers should be killed, it says non believers who ATTACK Islam and / or an Islamic country should be attacked OR force them to pay an annual sum of money in exchange for peace. And by non-believers Islam, means warriors / soldiers and not elder people, women, and kids. Also, during a war, destroying trees, palms, or animals is forbidden.

Now, whether Muslims or extremists respect these laws is a complete different story.

So if you want to defeat a Muslim army, one should ride in on horses?

No it does not. Please show me proof or a source that proves your assertion that Islam teaches the killing of non-Muslims. Please show proof that the Quran, the Sunnah or Sharia Law actually encourages the killing of non-Muslims. And no, I don't mean some out of context quotes from the Quran that are easily explained, I mean some actual proof of your bold claim. I'll be waiting. If you don't even know the truth, please don't be spreading bullshit. How are we supposed to have a proper discussion on the topic if you are using lies to try and prove your point??

You're linking to thereligionofpeace seriously? That website has so much blatant lies and misinformation on it, how am I supposed to believe anything written on there? If that's where you're getting your information from, no wonder you are so misinformed. Please use an impartial non-biased source if possible.

Also, I read through some of those verses on that disgrace of a site. Did they literally just group together every verse that has the world kill in it to try and prove something? 109 out of context mentions of the word kill. Nice proof.

Can you try and post just ONE verse from the Quran that, when read in the proper context and everything, blatantly and outright gives Muslims divine right to kill non-Muslims. Just one actual in context verse that calls for non-Muslim murder. I'll be waiting.

Can't wait for the incoming cherry picked ayas.

Quran (5:33) - "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"

Quran (2:191-193) - "And kill them wherever you find them, and turn them out from where they have turned you out. And Al-Fitnah [disbelief or unrest] is worse than killing... but if they desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until there is no more Fitnah [disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah] and worship is for Allah alone. But if they cease, let there be no transgression except against Az-Zalimun(the polytheists, and wrong-doers, etc.)" (Translation is from the Noble Quran)

Lol, and so I get a reply of out of context quotes that can easily be explained. Good job proving my point.

You quoted two verses that both pertain to times when Muslims were being attacked, times of war, not general everyday living. The first one, the verse directly before it says that if you kill one person, it is as if you have killed all of mankind. Why didn't you quote that as well? Does it not fit your narrative? It then says the punishment for waging war against God and his prophet for no reason other than their religion, and the punishment for spreading disorder or corruption, should be judged and carried out according to the nature of the transgression. The punishments might sound harsh, but all the verse is saying is there should be punishment for those who wage war or cause disorder. It doesn't give Muslims carte blanche to attack or kill non-Muslims. The next verse then literally starts by saying "Except for those who repent", and that God is all forgiving. Meaning that punish those who attack you for your religion, but if they repent, then show mercy.

The second verse, I don't even know what to say since its clear you didn't even read the verses you are quoting. That is also a bad translation you are using. Again, why didn't you quote the verse just before it that says to fight those that fight you, but not to exceed the bounds set by God. It then goes on saying that IF THEY FIGHT YOU, then kill them because disorder/attacking God is worse than killing. The next verse says if they desist from fighting, then God is all forgiving. But if they continue to fight, then continue to fight against them until there is no more disorder. It then again repeats and says if they desist, then to stop fighting them.

So, both verses are in relation to Muslims being attacked because of their religion, both say to fight those that wage war against you because of your religion, and both say to stop fighting when they stop fighting you. Neither of these verses gives Muslims divine right to kill non-Muslims, not even close. But then you already knew that and quoted out of context verses anyway to try and prove a lie. Well done.

The New Testament teaches that. The bible as a whole has a lot of contradictions about it.

Not that all Christians practice love

And not all muslims practice killing people who are gay.

We support them because it's the right thing to do. The muslims will learn to do the same.

It's seriously disgusting to me to see Christians trying to sit on the tolerance high ground. They burnt gay people at the stake, hung them, dragged them behind their trucks for most of history until the left fucking dragged them by their ears to the point of having baseline respect for the human dignity of gay people.

Extermination of Muslims? You're super dumb, implying that 1.8 billion people are going to be wiped off the earth? How autistic.

implying that 1.8 billion people are going to be wiped off the earth? How autistic.

Sick burn

Yes, but when's the last time Christians publicly did such a thing? I can list examples of muslims doing that in recent times, if you want. Are you gonna bring up the crusades too? Or maybe the old "Hitler was a Christian" special to go with that?

The Crusades were actually very tame compared to the age of colonialism and imperialism, when Europeans committed slavery and genocide on a global scale, with missionaries always being the first ones to step off the boat.

Slavery in the US was a religious as well as ideological institution, with the predominant belief being that the black race was invented by God in order to serve the white one, and its affects last to the present day.

Or maybe the old "Hitler was a Christian" special to go with that?

I don't really care about Hitler, he was a nut into all kinds of dumb occult garbage, it'd be dumb to try to associate him with Christianity. However, the vast, vast majority of Nazi foot soldiers and regular German civilians who actually turned the nuts and bolts of the Holocaust were undoubtably Christians, and explicitly faulted the Jews for killing Christ among their other alleged conspiracies. Concentration camps were run by Christians, Christians ran the trains and operated the gas chambers, Christians tossed cadavers into mass graves and bulldozed over them.

And, for the record, roughly 1/5th of all hate crimes in the US are motivated by homo- or transphobia. These include robberies, assaults, and all sorts of murders.

There's the good old LRA

There's more but that's all I have off the top of my head. It's also worth noting that Christians in America are still fighting every day to restrict the legal and civil rights of gay Americans. They're trying to turn back the clock and you're a rube if you think they have any stopping point in mind.

And, again, it's undoubtably the case that Christians have been less violent in the past 50 years towards homosexuals, but this isn't because of any kind of inherent moral superiority in their religion. It's precisely because leftists dragged their asses out of the dark ages while they whined and protested every inch of the way.

You know, people can be non religious also.

Not to sound edgy, but both Christians and Muslims can go fuck themselves. They follow vile, needless hatred.

I've met enough people of both faiths, and of no faiths, to say with certainty that both belief and non-belief are useless as predictors as to whether someone is a good, kind, compassionate person or a heartless bastard.

We are not talking about the individual, we are talking about groups. Your atheist father beating you isn't relevent to the discussion at what rates different groups systematically execute gays. Which atheists rank well below Muslims and Christians historically.

So you're just gonna ignore the entire first half of the bible

Have you read the Quran?

The religion of peace teaches non believers should be killed

Do you have any objective evidence to support this claim? Because it is false, and is probably a lie you picked up and started reciting from FoxNews or something without every fact checking. Muslim extremists do not follow Islam as it is written

Islam doesn't command such a thing willy nilly. Don't lie. I am a Muslim

I have often wondered why folks on the left have such odd pairings in their coalition.

It's only confusing if you think all Muslims are the same.

Yeaaaah. God is an all knowing god of love. That's why he creates poor blokes knowing they'll burn in hell. For eternity. Couldn't he just send the not so bad people to a middle place? Like Cleveland? And send the hitlers and ted bundys to the fire-y one?

Correct me if i am wrong but dont muslims also molest male kids? I know i remember reading their religion allows sex with boys if they are hairless and girly but i might be wrong.

That's not part of Islam that's part of Afghani culture.

Come one, let's not act like raping children is punished in Islamist countries.

You're actually right, but this subreddit is bursting with liberals post-election

bursting with liberals

Almost like there's some checks being cut er somethin...


It's the changing of the guard. As conservatives take power in the whitehouse, they buy in to the government again and become the bootlickers. The liberals, formerly being the bootlickers, now become disenfranchised and everything the government does is wrong. It's simply the way things go when power transfers from liberals to conservatives and vice versa.

Hmm, it's almost like this thread should be taking place in a conservative political sub instead of /r/conspiracy. If there's a difference anymore.

You're actually right, but this subreddit is bursting with liberals post-election


You must have a very liberal definition of liberal.

to me /r/conspiracy is becoming an extension of /r/T_D.

I honestly think it's both, just one was relevant at the moment. More to the point, a lot of casually political people are making a temporary nest in r/conspiracy right now since American politics has been so...you know...conspiratorial.


That i can agree to, it is both its sad to it go that way, give me back my UFO/ breakaway civilization/ V2K/ MK ULTRA back

It's not really punished in western countries with large Islamic populations:


Real or imagined: Racism 'fear' over Rotherham child abuse :

Councillors and council staff in particular were criticised for "avoiding public discussion"; some through fear of being thought racist, and some through "wholesale denial" of the problem.

So the local town council covered up these child fuckers for fear of being seen as racist. Literally covering up child molestation because racism is worse.

Many here would say it is not punished in the West.

Jesus there is some ignorance happening in this thread. Christians molest people too

It's actually pretty funny how many incidents about christian priests raping (not in the "forcing" side, but more in the "i'm an authority and you are going to obey me") little boys have been in the past, are arising now, and happening in some.

Nobody is defending them, i hope God is real and every one of those molestors burn in hell. At least the Pope publicly condemned child molestation (the Church has been caught defending priest molestors but at least they are publicly against it). You are completly missing my point: child molestation is allowed in middle-east and nobody is speaking against it.

Have you heard of the Catholic church?

At least the Church condemns that behaviour, when did the Muslims condemn it? Yes, there are those who got caught covering for priest pedos, but the Pope did say that those who molest and those who help them hide it are not real christians.

i think you are thinking of the catholic church that also went out of its way to cover it up.

I already wrote a response to the "hurr durr christians are rapist too", read before replying

This is the biggest bunch of bullshit I have ever seen... Are you serious?

When is the last time Christians were throwing gays off roofs? I am not even a Christian and I know that Christians are plenty accepting to the LGBT community. There is absolutely no comparison between Christians and Muslims in regards to this matter.

Christians have not taken their holy book on a word for word basis in a very very long time! The Bible says a multitude of things that Christians do not take literally and they are viewed as analogies. This is the entire problem with the Muslim world right now. They believe the Koran is 100% literal and must be carried out word for word. This is why they kill people on Jihads, treat women as a subservient, kill non-believers, and kill homosexuals. The Muslim religion as a whole does not appear to be taking any steps to move away from this literal interpretation of the Koran like the Christians did HUNDREDS of years ago.

To hear you spew this garbage narrative from the media is absolutely disgusting and shows just how entangled liberals are in this brainwash stupor that is being spread by the MSM.

The US doesn't exactly have a great track record towards the LGBT community. Just because it doesn't get uploaded to liveleak, doesn't mean it doesn't happen here, too.

There are no gays being thrown from buildings in America... Are you crazy?!

They get dragged behind trucks here

This may be hard for you to comprehend, but literally ever single type of person has been murdered at some point in the U.S. whites, blacks, asians, Hawaiians, Hmong, gay, straight, trans, male, female, ugly, pretty etc. whatever box you can put someone in, they've been murdered.

Not only gays have been drug behind trucks here, and it's not sanctioned. It'd be a crime regardless as to who the victim was. If the victim was gay there'd be a hate crime enhancement- this allows for additional punishment, not less.


This may be hard for you to comprehend but you completely missed the point of that post

It's straight up legal and encouraged to murder gays in Islamist countries. If you noticed in that link you just posted every single one of the people who were caught faced consequences. Now does that happen in Syria, SA, Pakistan, Afghanistan, etc? No, it does not.

1) you have no idea whether killing gays is encouraged 2) you have no idea whether they are punished fairly or prosecuted

Dude, it's literally against the (sharia) law to be gay. It is a country ruled by sharia law and sharia law says gays need to be killed...

2) you have no idea whether they are punished fairly or prosecuted

You can't be this ignorant man. Come on.

No it does not. Please show me proof or a source that says gays need to be killed according to Sharia Law. And no, saying "X Muslim country throws gays off buildings" is not proof, please show proof that the Quran, the Sunnah or Sharia Law actually encourage the killing of gays. I'll be waiting. If you don't even know the truth, please don't be spreading bullshit. How are we supposed to have a proper discussion on the topic if you are using lies to try and prove your point??

Downvoted for asking for proof I see. Again, please show me proof that ISLAM ITSELF calls for the arresting of women being raped. Can you not separate the difference between something a country does as part of its laws and something the religion actually asks for? It's no secret that none of the Muslim countries that exist today follow the Shariah as it was outlined or as it was supposed to be followed, so I don't exactly know what your point is.

Also, please stop referring to Muslims as "they". There are over 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, the majority of which have no link or relation to the Middle East besides the religion itself. Muslims are not some monolithic entity, so stop treating them like one.

Sharia Law calls for 100 lashes for anyone that commits Zina (not death). Zina includes homosexuality and any form of pre-marital sex (including being raped). I'm not sure if 100 lashes is better or worse than being arrested. I guess it depends on how long a prison sentence would be.

Side note, I'm not going to buy into your PC bullshit. I can't believe the word "they" offends people now.

Do you know nothing? Have you ever tried to objectively look at information and make an opinion? Are you capable of that?

Have you ever tried to objectively look at information and make an opinion?

Making or having an opinion won't change whether or not the information is factual to start with. Having another opinion about the information still won't make non-factual things true or change the facts stated in the information

That you compare the two (presumably) in ernest means you're either an idiot or you're brainwashed.

It is a, if not the, world leader in human rights for the LGBT community. Everyone can improve, but to pretend that there is something better is completely false.

You may be a christian, but that does not mean that you can speak for all christians. I have met christians of all different interpretations, including literal.

Sure, christians, in general, have gotten less literal, but they've also had some 600 more years to do so.

Some examples of christian beliefs on homosexuality: Major Ron Paul Supporter Favors Death Penalty for Gays. Who’s Helping Finance Uganda’s ‘Kill the Gays’ Bill? You Are. "Much of Africa’s anti-homosexuality movement is supported by American evangelicals". Christian Pastor Celebrates Nightclub Massacre: “There’s 50 Less Pedophiles in This World”. (UK)Christian lawyer proposes bill which makes it legal to murder gay people. Ted Cruz and the Anti-Gay Pastor. Man, 70, Stoned to Death for Being Gay. Anti-Gay Hate Crimes. LGBT people are 2.4 times (or more) more likely to suffer a violent hate crime attack than any other group in the U.S.

It seems like the real reason that the U.S. doesn't have such an extreme problem as majority Muslim countries is that the former has a secular government, which has let other voices in and pushing christians, in general, to be more accepting.

So now you are saying the only reason Christians are not violent is because of our Government? How about the societal and cultural norms that have grown through the years and the fact remains Christians do not carry out the literal word of the Bible. Your anecdotal evidence of a fraction minority does not discredit this fact. However Islam has consistently carried out the literal word of the Koran through terrorist killings and daily cultural practices. This is the problem.

And if these people are 600 years behind in societal and cultural development as you say, then why would we even think of bringing them into our society? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that is not going to work. You need to drop the narrative and explore facts using your own critical thinking and judgement. FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS!!

So now

Did we talk about this before or are you categorizing me in some out-group that you disagree with?

you are saying the only reason Christians are not violent is because of our Government?

No, no, no, not because of the government per se, but because people in the U.S. kept the government secular rather than letting christianity control the government and the narrative. Though, I would say that there are probably some out there that think again because of the legal consequences.

Christians do not carry out the literal word of the Bible

If you make a broad statement like that, then a fraction minority does discredit that claim because it shows that there are those that try to (by actually stoning a homosexual to death, for example) and those that talk and push for the literal word of the bible to be carried out, even trying to make it law. You could say most instead of leaving it a blanket statement, but then I could equally say most Muslims...and we can go back and forth because making general statements about groups of people, especially ones that number over a billion people, is ridiculous.

a fraction minority does not discredit this fact

so people that preach at mega churches and get the ears of republican presidential candidates don't show that there are definitely a portion of christians that support such thinking?

most muslims are not terrorists. a fraction minority does not discredit this fact.

why would we even think of bringing them into our society?

Well, because I care about people no matter their religious beliefs. Let's leave out all males 10 years or older, you are still saying "Fuck off" to women and children. It's called integration, maybe it was left out of your text books. These people need help, not to be tossed aside. Also, there's this awesome thing where people can learn, develop and, though you may want to crucify me for saying this, evolve.

How about getting off your high horse, take off your blinders and take a look at the world. All religions have been and still are being violent in different areas of the world, including christianity.

What narrative? I don't watch mass media, is this something you picked up from watching that shit. I actually do use critical thinking to form my own opinions with facts and evidence, always questioning, maybe you should try the same.

So now you are saying the only reason Christians are not violent is because of our Government? How about the societal and cultural norms that have grown through the years and the fact remains Christians do not carry out the literal word of the Bible.

So, I wouldn't presume to speak for someone else, but I can certainly see this being the case.

For example, Mormons changed much of their doctrine based on what the government dictated, and also to conform to social norms. For example, the only reason that Mormons gave up on polygamy was because the government was going to place financial sanctions on them if they didn't. Same with accepting blacks.

So now you are saying the only reason Christians are not violent is because of our Government? How about the societal and cultural norms that have grown through the years and the fact remains Christians do not carry out the literal word of the Bible.

So, I wouldn't presume to speak for someone else, but I can certainly see this being the case.

For example, Mormons changed much of their doctrine based on what the government dictated, and also to conform to social norms. For example, the only reason that Mormons gave up on polygamy was because the government was going to place financial sanctions on them if they didn't. Same with accepting blacks.

600 more years to do so

Are....are you 13? You do realize Islam is much older than Christianity..right?

Judaism is older than both. Them christianity,islam is the youngest. It was founded in roughly the 7th century. Soooooo who's 13?

Are....are you 13? You do realize Islam is much older than Christianity..right?

No, but even a 13 yo will see that once you do 30 seconds of research, you'll see that you are wrong and probably want to delete this comment so you don't look bad.

I'll make it even faster: Here

No...no its not

Oh wow lol. This is exhibit A of why you should Google before posting something you're unsure about. Especially if you're going to be so smug about it.

When is the last time Christians were throwing gays off roofs?

In America it was pretty common to burn them at the stake...then later to lynch them...and then by the late 20th century the most popular method was street violence or dragging them behind trucks. Gay people still suffer a disproportionate number of hate crimes and it's not Muslim-Americans doing most of them, not even close.

I am not even a Christian and I know that Christians are plenty accepting to the LGBT community.

I'm an ex-Christian and I know that this is true or false depending on exactly which Christians you're talking to, how many beers they've had, and whether or not you think they'll agree with them.

[All Muslims are the same, all Muslims are fanatics, all Muslims are pure literalists, more Islamophobic garbage]

If the left had bought into this kind of thinking 50 years ago then there'd have been a concerted campaign to wipe Christians off the Earth. Luckily, most leftists realized that not all Christians are the same, not all are irredeemable, they are all human beings, and so even though Christians resisted the entire time, the left managed to drag them to a state of basic tolerance of gay people.

All those hate crimes are punishable by law, not enforced by it. Sit down, clown.

No, the polling numbers are not similar at all. Christians in America are way more tolerant toward gays in all Muslim countries.

http://www.pewforum.org/files/2013/04/worlds-muslims-religion-politics-society-full-report.pdf (p. 81) http://prri.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Support-for-SSM-by-Religious-Affiliation-copy1.jpg

I think I addressed this in another comment, but I was referring to Muslims living in western countries (in response to OP's question).

Muslims in western countries don't poll much better, the majority still believe gay people should be imprisoned

According to this, a greater % of white evangelical protestant, black protestant, latino protestant, mormon, and JW's in the US are opposed to same-sex marriage than muslims.

that means that approximately 1,400,000 muslims (300m pop x 0.9% muslim x 51% of muslims against) in the US are opposed to gay marriage.

vs approximately 61,000,000 non-muslims (300m pop x 34.3% of pop in those groups x 60% avg against). I know the math is wrong on this, but it still gives you a general idea.


Dude if you want to mention muslims in the western countries, you should clearly say that. It's a big difference. Many SJW regressive libtards in the west only know assimilated, western muslims, but they naively comprehend that as the behavior of all muslim. Try Pakistan for 2 months.

Well in that case, we should compare Christians in Uganda to Muslims in those countries. I'm sure there's not life imprisonment for having gay sex.

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Uganda

HelperBot v1.1 /r/HelperBot_ I am a bot. Please message /u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 25638

Uganda meanwhile is also a member of OIC. Well, there are also Carribean nations that ban homosexuality, and there are 'family rights' groups in Mexico and France. But at least there are also many Christians who don't subscribe to violence, and the best thing is they're campaigning that, like the Christians in the west, or my local example from Communion of Churches in Indonesia in their recent statement that the churches should open their doors to all people. It's a shame that around the same time, the national Islamic clergy assembly (MUI) called for a ban of LGBT "activities". So if western muslims don't want to be bashed by right-wing extremist, they better start to preach to chunks of their community about respect.

I know that there are moderate, peaceful muslims. I know personally some of them, and they are good people. While many others are reactionary bigots, imagine a redneck saying takbeer, and I personally know some of them. They believe deeply in the bloody verses of the koran as deep as you believe in human rights. They don't wanna hear whatever you say. Millions of moderate and peaceful muslims are irrelevant if they don't start teach the same values to these part of the muslim community since they don't wanna listen to outside sources. It's only them who can start doing something.

I would be really glad if the migration to the west can make more openness in Islam. Seriously. Because then, I can mention it as an example to my next-door local muslim here. I detest Trump's executive order since it's actually putting LGBT people from ME at risk, but many other people from the area are not so different than I described. Just stop welcoming them with regression to defend their outdated values.

That wasn't like that 40 years ago.

Didn't know Western Christians were shoving gays off of buildings 40 years ago.

no no, they tried shock therapy and let them to die from AIDS.

Not directly evil as throwing them off buildings but not a shining example of western morals.

There aren't all that many Western Muslims shoving gays off of buildings either

There aren't all that many Western Muslims shoving gays off of buildings either

Because they would be arrested?

Because they would be arrested?

And how many Western Muslims have been arrested for shoving people off of buildings?

Muslims play the PR game just like anyone else.

PEW polls showed something like 80% of BRITISH Muslims think the Danish cartoonist should have been prosecuted. Think about that.

So, I've have though about - if everyone plays the PR game, i guess it's assumed that the PEW polls does too?

You didn't answer my question about how many westerners had been arrested for shoving people off of buildings, or how the law was supposed to keep them from doing so?

So, I've have though about it - if everyone plays the PR game, i guess it's assumed that the PEW polls does too? /s

Sure doesn't sound to good if it's true, but what is meant by prosecuted? I guess there's still a difference from getting fined to getting whipped

Plenty shooting nightclubs though.

So many even that the nightclubs they're shooting aren't even gay.

I don't really see what that has to do with people shoving other people from tall buildings, but it is an example of how having a law won't keep people from doing it though

TIL "plenty" = 1

Haha. You ever hear of Alan Turing?

Yeah, he was tried and sentenced to castration. He wasn't tossed off a building.

Not sure which one I'd pick if I was given a choice? Also not sure if you meant to put a /s

That's because the left dragged Christians kicking, spitting, and screaming to where they are now. Now Christians try to take credit for it and look down on Muslims for being exactly where they were a few decades, it's so fucking slimy.

And how do you think Christians living in Tanzania feel about gay folks?

Christians in America are way more tolerant toward gays

Ignorant of their own religion.

All Muslims read or memorize Quran, you can't do basic acts of worship without doing so. Christians don't really study the bible much.

You know who was progressive in that way about 6 years ago???... Syria.

Islam is by design not reformable.

Most christians have been forced to change their views due to exposure. Ignorance is the root of most of this hate, people grow up and have no contact with gays, are told they're evil and wrong, so that's how they view them. Later in life they learn one of their friends or a relative is gay, and they have to stop and think "hmm, maybe they're just normal people too and we can co-exist."

On the other hand in Islam they take the gay friend or relative, throw him off a roof then cave his head in with stones, never come to that realization, and the cycle continues. Difference between a free society and one controlled by an extreme religion.

For muslims to 'evolve' as western society did they would need to have a similar mindset, which they don't.

I once came across the following article: Muslims and Westerners: The Psychological Differences by Nicolai Sennels.

It really opened my eyes on how different the world view of muslims is.

pasting the most relevant part below:

Locus of control

There is another strong difference between the people of Western and Muslim cultures; their locus of control. Locus of control is a psychological term describing whether people experience their life influenced mainly, by internal or external factors. It is clear from a psychological point of view that Westerners feel that their lives are mainly influenced by inner forces – ourselves. This is reflected in our points of view, our ways of handling our emotions, our ways of thinking, our ways of relating to people around us, our motivation, our surplus, and our way of communicating. These internal factors are what guide our lives and determine if we feel good and self confident or not. Every Western library has several meters of self help books. Every kiosk has dozens of magazines for both women and men that tell us how to create happier and more successful lives for ourselves. Our phone books have columns of addresses for psychologists, coaches and therapists. All these things are aimed at helping us to help ourselves create the life that we want. Some might argue that all this introspectiveness is too much and that just doing what is useful for oneself and others here-and-now would be more constructive, but this is how our culture is.

All these things do not exist in Muslim culture and countries. The very little psychiatry and psychology that is taught, in only a few universities in the Muslim world, is imported from the West. It is mostly taught by teachers educated at Western universities and does not have roots in the Muslim culture.

But Muslims have something else. They have strict external rules, traditions and laws for human behavior. They have a God that decides their life's course. "Inshallah" follows every statement about future plans; if God wants it to happen. They have powerful Muslim clerics who set the directions for their community every Friday. These clerics dictate political views, child rearing behavior, and how or whether to integrate in Western societies.

The locus of control is central to our understanding of problems and their solutions. If we are raised in a culture where we learn that "…I am the master of my fate: I am the captain of my soul," as William Ernest Henley wrote in his famous poem Invictus in 1875; we will, in case of personal problems, look at ourselves and ask: "…What did I do wrong?" and "…What can I do to change the situation?" People who have been taught throughout their entire lives that outer rules and traditions are more important than individual freedom and self reflection, will ask: "Who did this to me?" and "Who has to do something for me?"

Thus, the locus of control is central to the individual's understanding of freedom and responsibility. Even though our Christian based societies may, in certain situations, give too much emphasis on feelings of guilt; it also strengthens the individual's sense of being able to take responsibility for, and change one's own life. In societies shaped under Islamic and Qu’ranic influence there may be fewer feelings of guilt and thus, more freedom to demand the surroundings to adapt to one's own wishes and desires. This may include demands to wear Islamic costumes which can result in more Muslim demands for Islamization of our Western societies, but it is also a powerful source of victim mentality and leads to endless demands on one's surroundings. In a very concrete way this cultural tendency, shows itself in therapy, as a lack of remorse. The standard answer from violent Muslims was always: "…It is his own fault that I beat him up. He provoked me." Such excuses show that people experience their own reactions as caused by external factors and not by their own emotions, motivation and free will. Even though one's own feelings, when experiencing an insult, can be moderated by one's own point of view, this kind of self reflection does not happen to the same degree among Muslims as it does among Westerners. It only takes one person to beat up another: the guy who is doing the hitting. It also only takes one person to feel insulted. Being beaten and feeling insulted are thus strictly different social events. The latter depends on ones self, while the former is solely caused by outer circumstances. Unfortunately, this fact is not considered in Muslim culture and apparently also not by the supporters of laws on hate speech, racism and defamation.

The difference in mentality is clearly stated by the old Indian proverb:

You can walk around softly everywhere by putting on a pair of shoes, or you can demand that the whole Earth becomes covered by soft leather.

It is a question of locus of control.

Gay men and women were not allowed to marry until very recently, and I'm pretty sure that the current administration is aiming to roll those rights back. Western Christianity still has a way to go.

They're all the same.

Christians believe that a man laying with a man is a sin. Sharia law calls for their death. You tell me the difference.

Western Christians went through the same process, it's just that it happened earlier.

The Renaissance happened 500 years ago. Muslims never had anything like that. Are we supposed to wait around 500 years for them? Are we supposed to change their culture like GWB did? Force feed them democracy? When are just going to leave them alone.

Christian's won't bake a cake for a gay marriage. Muslims throw you off buildings

It's all virtue signal

Look! My virtue-cock is bigger than yours. I care about more obscure stuff than you do.

Or maybe they actually care about other people's right to religious freedom? Just because ""(((the left))))""" is tolerant of Muslim people doesn't mean they agree with all their beliefs.

Also, why do you assume that just because someone is vocal about their convictions that they are just faking it to appeal to a certain group? I think that says a lot about you as a person if you think most people act that way.

I guess it's because they don't give a shit sometimes about some injustice, that are less publicized, but then they go crazy over perceived injustice that are poplar to go crazy over.

Hah, you globalist piece of shit. I'd take a proud American nationalist that loves this country and loves the American people over some shit-show 3rd world immigrant with 14th century world views, that tolerate throwing gays off building, killing rape victims, raping young boys, marrying 12 year old girls off to 80 year old men, and who treat women like property. So get fucked.

Is that like when people drone on and on about Western Civilization and how degenerates and Muslims and Kikes (((the media))) is destroying it?

Rule 1, first warning.

In America, you have the right to be gay and they have the right to be Muslim. Is that so fucking hard to understand?

Gays don't persecute Muslims. Muslims persecute gays. Is that so fucking hard to understand?

Muslims persecute gays

Not in America

Especially in America.


umm.. at orlando night clubs?



wasn't it basically proven that the FBI played a part in that?

One lunatic commiting an act of terror does not mean that Muslims systemically persecute gays in the United States. That's not what that word means.


that's a hard XD

It's crazy man. This whole thread is fucking nuts.

But that never stopped your side from demonizing ALL Trump supports as being Nazis/fascists/racists/xenophobes/etc.

Then the shooting in Quebec is proof that all right-wingers persecute (and murder) Muslims.

Nah, you snuck the word "all" in there

That was a closet gay guy shooting other gay people

Surpressed and then misdirected sexual energy is the cause of nearly all violence.
And the seed of nearly all religious fervor and extremism.

lmfao. Do people really have the cognitive dissonance to forget about this shit? Fucking Christ.

Meanwhile, in Washington DC....

You're in /r/conspiracy , most people here think that was a staged event.

Open your eyes.

Really dude? You that fucking stupid?

There was that one mass shooting in Orlando... Biggest mass shooting we've ever had the USA...

gays don't persecute Muslims

In a thread about how Muslims overwhelming hate and want to criminalize gays with absolutely 0 evidence or sources

Guarantee American Christians have done more harm to gays in America than Muslims ever have. Don't see threads about that

Here again some Leftist tool is defending the barbarisms of modern Islam because Christians did some stuff too.

How about we judge shit on its own fucking merit without comparing atrocities to see who measures higher on the evil meter?

I critizes individuals, not their religion.

Show me a instance of Muslims persecuting gays in America

I criticizes individuals, not their religion.

Why not? If their religion tells them to commit atrocities against infidels in Allah's name, why do you refuse to criticize the religion?

I do criticize the religion, what I don't do is judge people based on their religion without first knowing them.

Im a gay man. I live acorss the hall from a Syrian family, very observant Muslim. I live with my boyfriend. I like baking, whenever I bake I bring some over for their children. They have NEVER TRIED TO THROW ME OFF THE ROOF BUILDING.

Yes, some parts of Islam is horrible, I'll be the first to admit that, but it's not like every Muslim believes every part of Islam, or follows the law exactly. Unless a muslim person personally demonstrates to me their bigotry I don't give a fuck what their religion tells them to believe

N=1 and confirmation bias are remarkable here.

Ah yes, and the guy saying we should judge a billion people based on a passage in a 2000 year old book isnt a demonstration of bias at all

It is valuable if you believe your sample size of 1 is indicative of the tolerances held by a religious entity. Knowing your personal biases is half the battle of achieving enlightenment.

And, both of you are exceptionally wrong, actually. But, that's not what I came here to point out.

Again, thanks for your valuable input. Amazing. Outstanding

I don't understand why you're so salty. I'm just "challenging your opinion", am I not?

No you aren't, you are attacking the way we are arguing, not the argument ourselves.

Did you just use 'salty' to describe a person being angry or upset??! Wow! Such an original insult! Where did you come up with that??!!


Attacking the evidence is a form of attacking the argument. Your evidence is n=1 and isn't a representative sample size of virtually... anything. Your "argument" is invalid because it's non sequitur. Pointing out cognitive biases is useful in helping people deal with their own self-delusions.

I'm going to disengage now. I did appreciate your feedback, though. This was fun for me. Take care, son.

You are not attacking our "evidence", considering we are not providing any evidence. We are challenging opinion, not debating fact, opinion is derived partly from personal experience

You are such a joke. Again, either chime in and lets hear your opinion on the subject or get the fuck out

Do you understand how argument crafting works?

And, listen. You can get all bent out of shape all you want. I simply wanted to call out your personal narrative that's based upon a familial experience with foreign neighbors.

If that's all you wish to base your worldview on, well... I wish you the best of luck out there, son.

Not basing my entire world view on it, it's just one experience I used as an example to make a point. Jesus man, get over yourself. You are a joke

I don't see why you feel the need to keep attacking me personally.

And, I'm glad you admitted to it being a single experience. But, is it really representative of anything?

No? I never said it was.

Again. Read my words, it was just an example from my personal experience.

Jesus man, just give it a fucking break

Like, how can we both be 'exceptionally wrong'. We are challenging eachothers opinions, not arguing fact.

And of course my bias is going to show, since again, we are arguing OPINION and not fact. Opinions are always biased.

I don't get what you are saying. You come in here with no argument and act like we are having an argument bases on facts. We aren't. This is pure opinion.

So either hop in, let's hear your opinion, or BTFO

But your opinions should be based upon facts instead of biases and anecdotes. That's how you're wrong.

I certainly criticize the extremist elements of Islam -- of which there are many -- however so long as the ones coming here do not practice that same sort of extremism, then, like you, I'm totally fine with them!

I just need to be sure that the people we're letting into the country to be your neighbor don't cause you harm. That's not happening in our America. We're better than that, and we need to hold people accountable and not make excuses for them. If you're here, you're American, and you understood what that meant upon coming into this country.

I get what you are saying, I just don't agree with it.

So you'd rather let them in and then just roll the dice, ya?

Nope. I just don't see immigration as the #1 source of Islamic extremism in America. The majority of Islamic terrorists are self radicalized Americans, not immigrants or refugees. Same with in Europe. Those are the real threat, not immigration. Making all these strict immigration laws is just a) making then hate us more (I agree this is a bad argument and we shouldn't base our immigration policy on whether or not people will hate us, but it is true) and b) ignoring the real threat

I agree that it might make them "hate us" but these are people who hate us anyways. The reasonable ones among them understand that we're trying to keep our country safe. And I'd hope they aren't buying into the this Leftist line about how it's anti-Islam. It isn't. It's a ban on countries that do not provide sufficient documentation for our vetting process. That's why Saudi isn't on the list -- even though they've been linked to supporting terrorism. It's about verification. But I realize that isn't as flammable as "Ban on Muslims!" is, so thats why the Left runs with that headline.

And while I think I can agree that immigration given proper vetting isn't our #1 threat, it still can be a major threat if proper vetting isn't done. The Boston Bombers were both in this country after their father was approved asylum. So vetting is far from perfect, which is why we need to ensure the countries we're allowing people in from provide us all the documents we need. And while you disagree, this is why I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Stop immigration from countries that don't provide the needed paperwork so we can keep immigration safe for all parties involved.

As for home grown terrorism, I don't know how to handle that short of going full out totalitarian and cracking down on people's access to the Internet and freedom of expression and thought, black helicopters and kidnapping subversives in the middle of the night, etc. All we can do is show that this isn't about Muslims.

Obama banned all Iraqis from coming into the US for 6 months. No one batted an eye. So the hypocrisy is just a bit rich for my taste as of late.

The take away here is that people are only scared of Muslims because of what the Media has shown us over, and over, and over, and over again. Our government and their lap dog media made us fearful of Muslims in hopes we'd be OK with the war in the Middle East. WMDs! Osama! AlQueda! ISIS! ISIL! Etc. So now that we're scared, now we're being told we're Islamaphobes? LOL. This fucking two-faced bipolar media of ours needs to get it together. If they don't want people to fear Muslims then stop bombarding people with Muslim terrorism and fanning the fires.

I agree that it might make them "hate us" but these are people who hate us anyways. The reasonable ones among them understand that we're trying to keep our country safe. And I'd hope they aren't buying into the this Leftist line about how it's anti-Islam. It isn't. It's a ban on countries that do not provide sufficient documentation for our vetting process. That's why Saudi isn't on the list -- even though they've been linked to supporting terrorism. It's about verification. But I realize that isn't as flammable as "Ban on Muslims!" is, so thats why the Left runs with that headline.

This is entirely reasonable. I just hope you aren't implying I am calling the immigration ban a "ban on Muslims". I've never said that, nor do I believe that, even though I tend to sway to the left on most issues.

And while I think I can agree that immigration given proper vetting isn't our #1 threat, it still can be a major threat if proper vetting isn't done. The Boston Bombers were both in this country after their father was approved asylum. So vetting is far from perfect, which is why we need to ensure the countries we're allowing people in from provide us all the documents we need. And while you disagree, this is why I think it's better to be safe than sorry. Stop immigration from countries that don't provide the needed paperwork so we can keep immigration safe for all parties involved.

Again, reasonable. I would just like to point out that the bombers themselves were the terrorists, not the dudes father. And IIRC they were radicalized long after coming into the states. They lived for years as good ol' American boys before deciding to kill innocent people. I don't think improper vetting of the father was the cause. Do you know what I mean?

As for home grown terrorism, I don't know how to handle that short of going full out totalitarian and cracking down on people's access to the Internet and freedom of expression and thought, black helicopters and kidnapping subversives in the middle of the night, etc. All we can do is show that this isn't about Muslims or hating Islam and hope they come to their senses? I don't know.

Agree 100%. I don't have the answers either. Thankfully us two arent the ones making policy decisions lol

I do find it odd that Obama banned all Iraqis from coming into the US for 6 months. No one batted an eye. But Trump does it, his reasoning is the same as Obama's, but the Obstructionist Left falls over themselves in being offended. The hypocrisy is just a bit rich for my taste as of late.

I can speak to this a bit. Obamas ban was a direct reaction to a specific threat. A dozen or so Iraqi insurgents infiltrated the refugee system, some even got as far as Kentucky before getting caught, so Obama proposed a ban until the security breach could be investigated, identified and rectified (the proposal was also devoted in Congress, IIRC). Furthermore, the ban was only on new refugee applications, not existing ones, and it didn't cover green card holders and other people who were already here legally. So if an Iraqi citizen had a student visa during that time and happened to be outside of the country, that person was still allowed in. Trump's ban is much different, it's not addressing a specific threat, it's addressing a potential one, and it's hurting a hell of alot more innocent people than Obama did. I agree there's some hypocrisy, especially in the overreaction of the left, but I do not think the two situations are that comparable.

Really I think the take away here is that people are only scared of Muslims because of what the Media has shown us over, and over, and over, and over again. Our government and their lap dog media made us fearful of Muslims in hopes we'd be OK with the war in the Middle East. WMDs! Osama! AlQueda! ISIS! ISIL! Etc. So now that we're scared, now we're being told we're Islamaphobes? LOL. This fucking two-faced bipolar media of ours needs to get it together. If they don't want people to fear Muslims then stop bombarding people with Muslim terrorism and fanning the fires. But it sells. So they run it.

Time will tell. :)


Hey, thanks for the conversation. It's a rare thing that two people from opposite sides of the debate are able to have a discussion without resorting to petty argument tecniques and personal attacks. It gives me hope in a world where hope is lacking

Can I ask you what you thought when Trump called for a ban on muslims?

At first I thought that it wouldn't stand up in court. A ban on Islam is against the law and its just not American.

So I opened up the text of the EO. (It's not very long.)[https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/01/27/executive-order-protecting-nation-foreign-terrorist-entry-united-states]

Basically it references some very serious issues that occur within the culture of the countries targeted. It isn't Islam specific, though those nations are majority Muslim.

So once I understand that he was making the ban more about the area these people are coming from and not Islam itself, I understood it a bit better.

Really, the ban is a 90 day hold. That's it. It gives the Trump team enough time to figure out how they want to proceed.

I also think it's disgusting that a lot on the Left are saying this will only push more towards terrorism against the US. It's a disgusting thought because it implies that Muslims and those from the Middle East are so easily manipulated and weak that something like this could push them into violent acts of terrorism. Frankly every Muslim should be offended at this insinuation.

If a Muslim is wanting to come to America and is currently blocked, I'd hope that they realize that this is just America trying to be safe rather than sorry. And I'd hope they are patient with us as we change Presidents. I also hope that after the ban is lifted they have the opportunity to come to America and prove that they are just as hard working and dedicated to America as the white guy or black woman that lives next door to them.

I'm talking about when he called for a ban on Muslims while running for president.

Ah. Honestly I just thought it was hyperbole. I really didn't pay attention to him because I didn't think he was going to win.

Surely it's not a coincidence Trump calls for a ban on muslims then signs this EO?

I wouldn't think so, no.

You find it disgusting because it implies people from already a religion already widely linked to terrorism and a region you just said yourself has problems with terrorism may be pushed towards terrorism?

Like you said

Why don't we judge things on its own fucking merit

Yes, let's do that. Except we are talking about people here, and a holy book a person adherez to is not a good demonstration of one's merit. A persons actions demonstrate merit, so let's judge that.

Too bad we're talking about Muslims not from america and bringing the over; otherwise you may have a point.

No one even mentioned that? I assume OP was talking about American Muslims

Ah but in America it's old white people who persecute gays. Not muslims.

Not just white -- the black community is VERY homophobic, almost more so than the white community.

Yeah but for the most part, people of color are not the ones making laws. It's generally always been white Christian males. And the one black president we had, made more strides towards equality for gays than any other president before. So the record tends to show the opposite of the point you're trying to make.

This is true. I was just speaking as a gay person who has interacted with both the black and white communities. But you're right that old white people are generally the ones with law-making power.

I agree, that is def a fair point for you to make.

Most old white people are gay.

Christians persecute gays.

Show me some footage of Christians throwing gays off a building or chopping their heads off. I can show you videos on how Muslims treat gays if you want.

How about if we treat all people with respect and empathy.

“As a young person, I feel it necessary to show the great nation that we live in that there doesn't need to be this kind of violence and hatred in our world. And that loving one another doesn't mean that we have to compromise our beliefs; it simply means that we choose to be compassionate and respectful of others.” ― Judy Shepard

I'm all for it. Just convince ISIS and we'll be good.

Ok I'll convince them you convince the christian right and the white nationalists. We will meet back here and discuss steps forward.

The funny thing is I can go talk to who you mentioned and not get decapitated and when you go to talk to ISIS you will get decapitated.

The funny thing is I would have to take a plane and several other vehicles to get there and you could complete your task in your own home town. Assuming you live in the US. The other funny thing about that quote from Judy Sheppard is she is the mother of Matthew Sheppard he was killed for being gay in America.

They'll ignore you when they can't defend against your point.

Or when it doesn't appear talking to you is doing anything.

Maybe if they brought up some new facts that'd be one thing, but when Leftists bring up the same old tired arguments that we already know to be wrong, ya, no on listens. Nor should they.

That's rich

Then you haven't been paying attention. Sounds like a personal problem and not mine to fix.

Gays don't persecute Muslims.

You seem to forget that the US military has been accepting gay people for decades now.

Muslims persecute gays.

Not all of them, nope. And plenty of Christians persecute gays, but not all of them.

Is that so fucking hard to understand?

What's hard to understand about judging people on an individual basis, not their religious identity?

The conversation isn't about the ones in America. Nobody is trying to infringe upon their rights. The debate is whether we should import foreign nationals with regressive and dangerous ideology into our country.

That debate is only done amongst domestic nationalists with regressive and dangerous ideologies in our country. Handful of which have terrorized other innocent americans in sickening acts of violence.

Handful of which have terrorized other innocent americans in sickening acts of violence.

Any debate necessarily has two sides. I'm not even sure what you're trying to say to be honest.

Not a nationalists here. Fuck America and white ppl, see?

But even I see the clear and evident danger of bringing in refugees. Where are all the refugees in Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan, Iran, or (gasp) Israel?

Why would you fly these people halfway around the world from their homes?

Not to mention Obama has had jsoc units body snatching these people's family members for the last 8 years, while trump wants to "bomb the shit" out of them.

Yeah, let's give a group of people a VERY righteous reason to hate our guts, and then let's invite them into our home.

I know all muslims obviously aren't bad. But if just 1 or 2 refugees attempts a mass killing, it would trigger a stage of events that would probably end up with Muslim ppl being put in camps circa WW2 Japanese ppl. That wouldn't be fair to the muslims who have made the west their home.

At least if America takes in refugees they will be more likely to adopt American values.

Not taking them in isn't going to make them change the way they think. If anything, it's just going to be another reason to resent the United States.

I agree. I just worry that they don't need any more reasons not to like us. If I grew up in Baghdad I would probably hate America as well

That debate is only done amongst domestic nationalists with regressive and dangerous ideologies in our country.

Hah, you globalist piece of shit. I'd take a proud American nationalist that loves this country and loves the American people over some shit-show 3rd world immigrant with 14th century world views, that tolerate throwing gays off building, killing rape victims, raping young boys, marrying 12 year old girls off to 80 year old men, and who treat women like property.

So get fucked.

Rule 10, final warning.

That debate is only done amongst domestic nationalists with regressive and dangerous ideologies

That's a bold faced lie, and it is cowardly for you to result to those tactics to prove your case.

The debate is whether we should import foreign nationals with regressive and dangerous ideology into our country.

The debate is whether you can judge a person based solely on their national origin and/or religion. Right wing hateful identity politics say yes, the left says no.

Just like any other ideology you can judge the adherents to said ideology. Nobody would argue that adherents of National Socialism were good. Even if the individual nazi party member didn't herd people onto cattle cars and send them off to prison camps they're still complicit in the atrocities of the ideology as a whole by giving support and credibility to it.

Skin color and gender are things we can't control, but we can control what ideology we subscribe to. We can certainly judge choices.

Yeah they don't get it. Don't bother. I've had more intelligent conversations with my Tomato plants

Hah, you globalist piece of shit. I'd take a proud American nationalist that loves this country and loves the American people over some shit-show 3rd world immigrant with 14th century world views, that tolerate throwing gays off building, killing rape victims, raping young boys, marrying 12 year old girls off to 80 year old men, and who treat women like property. So get fucked.

So we are only thinking about America? I thought there were, like, no borders you bigot!

Is that so fucking hard to understand?

You're cute when you're naive.

I was a lifelong Democrat but Trump has always supported gay rights and didn't just switch sides when it became politically convenient like Obama and Clinton. I seriously don't know what happened to the Democrat party. They've gone full retard. Why would they want to import a bunch of gay hating women oppressing religious fanatics?

...because they're being literally slaughtered. No one opposes rural food or business aid programs because they're a bunch of gay hating women oppressing religious fanatics in those areas.

...because they're being literally slaughtered

Who is killing them?

The actual violent extremists.

Supplied by whom?

Well depends on your choice of extremist. Though Russia, America, China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran among others are active in the region.

The important one in that list is America. So we drop thousands of bombs on their countries and kill their families and neighbors. We also supply the "rebels" that are actively wrecking their country on the ground. The only reason they don't have a working country is because of American influence. Is it unreasonable they might be holding a grudge?

The whole idea is akin to taking in German refugees during WWII.

If the left really cared about these people they would have been in the streets five years ago when we systematically began making their country unlivable.

Well they're all important. Though I think we're going to diverge on the sequence of events that got us here and who's "wrecking the country". Though only one side in the conflict has air power.

If the left really cared about these people they would have been in the streets five years ago when we systematically began making their country unlivable.

Sorry, I'm not sure I'm getting this logic, are you saying they forfeited the ability to care about people? Like "Argh I knew I should have protested before Assad started dropping chemical weapons... oh well, guess I can't care about the issue now."

No I'm saying they don't care at all. I'm saying they're only using the opportunity to protest Trump.

Oh my mistake, but you're pretty wrong on that assumption. A lot of SocJus types feel very strongly about the refugee situation, though making it a muslim ban probably helped drive a lot more people into the streets.

The fact that Trump did it and not Obama is the only real factor. You're giving people too much credit. They're conditioned to be outraged by Trump so they're outraged. They're conditioned to give Obama the benefit of the doubt so he got it.

They're conditioned not to be outraged at all. The fact that Americans get off their couch for something other than their local sports team is surprising. I don't doubt Obama probably got a more benefit, and honestly probably deserved it. But still he didn't attempt anything like this (I know, i know, "IRAQ WAIVER PROGRAM!" - not even close).

If you want to see a more partisan outcry, civilian casualties is back on the menu.

Even in your mind killing people is less outrageous than banning them from the country. I guess you know what I'm talking about.

Even in your mind killing people is less outrageous than banning them from the country

I didn't really come close to saying that. No need to put words in my mouth or make things up when I'm being pretty open and frank.


I don't doubt Obama probably got a more benefit, and honestly probably deserved it.

I applaud your open mindedness. And I also agree, democrats seem to have lost their heart, as if they were trying to compete with Republicans at being republican. So odd.

It's not odd when you see the money and power afforded to the GOP in the Nixon and Reagan era. That's why Clinton and their ilk of Republican-Democrats gained power and took over the Dems - they won - didn't matter if it was a horrid GOP plan - they won.

Indeed. They sought power and wealth over the agenda of caring for people.


If you are even involved in politics you are part of the problem. This isnt going to be solved on a polical level. it needs to be solved on a person to person level.

Trump has always supported gay rights

Pence not so much tho

How much is Trump's life insurance policy?

One Pence.

the VP is powerless tho

He's Trump's advisor...

And? Trump is not one to seek consultation before taking action, CLEARLY.

This is the Clinton's claim to fame. Triangulation. Take positions that are closer to Republican ones to disarm their opposition and pull some of their supporters.

People actually believe Trump wants to deport gays. People are damn stupid


"I just don't feel good about it," Trump said. "I don't feel right about it. I'm against it, and I take a lot of heat because I come from New York. You know, for New York it's like, how can you be against gay marriage? But I'm opposed to gay marriage."

How is that not considered changing his views?

They've gone full retard. Why would they want to import a bunch of gay hating women oppressing religious fanatics?

The thing is that they don't want to judge someone based solely on their religion. That's the kind of identity politics the right engages in but doesn't realize it.

I thought the ban was based on country of origin.

They've gone full retard. Why would they want to import a bunch of gay hating women oppressing religious fanatics?

I got whiplash from reading this.

Don't worry, you have the right to care about gay rights and will do a terrific job using you as a prop.

Liberals don't want to let muslims reduce your rights, we want to boost everyone's rights. Muslims won't get to infringe your rights just like you don't get to infringe theirs. It's really quite simple.

Bro we can't be taking in people from war torn countries. we need to help them in there own country. the whole migration thing is to destabilize the country. same thing is happening in europe right now.

No, bra. There's plenty of room. Plenty of people. They aren't going to be changing your breakfast cereal. You'll still get to own your car and get around. Life as you know it will not change one iota. None of the countries have produced a single terrorist on American soil since 9/11. You are afraid for nothing. The current admin wants you afraid because it empowers them. They are using you guys to stuff money in their pockets. Ya'll were so afraid of the government stealing your stuff that you put thieves in the government with all your keys.

I have no fucking idea what you are are talking about. Im not some cookie cutter person that the media is selling you. Im not afraid of any of that shit because it doesnt effect me. You really need to stop watching the news my friend. And fast.

Im looking at the whole picture. Its got nothing to do with room. It has to do with our country destabilizing their country by though the funding of war for the sole purpose to destabilize western civilization in order to push an agenda. Further control over everyone's lives. You are falling right into the trap. You think that immigration protest thing was grass roots? its nothing of the sort. this is problem, reaction solution. They created this situation to further this agenda.

This is part whats called eugenics, pushed by evil people to try and diminished the freedoms of all peoples in all countries and bring about a one world government.

Ah, hah. Sorry my friend, I forgot what subreddit I was in.

You're a loon.

Hey, you can call me whatever you want. Just look into it yourself. The sign of intelligence is when you can not attack someone so that your belief system isnt threatend, it's easy to dismiss people because its very hard to to accept viewpoints that run counter to what you believe. its called Cognitive Dissonance. Look that up as well.

Im not trying to be condescending, I know what its like to be threatened by ideas that run counter to my own.

It's like you learned all the words and the themes, but don't put them together into coherence. It's amazing really.

Yeah, im not so good with that. Sorry. Its a flaw I have very similar to dyslexia.

The guys big idea is to stick his head in the sand lol fuck him.

Shit. Alright, that's real. I like real.

Patterns are really important, I agree. But maybe we're really good at seeing patterns that aren't really there. Maybe the world is much more concrete than we give it credit for.

Thats possible. I guess it's up each of us to determine if we are seeing things that are not there. Thats why I just want people to look into things so we can work to find the truth.

Ok yeah you're right , nothing will happen. Everything will be juuust fine.

you realize that 30% of Americans think you should be in a mental institution for being gay? Also, it isn't hypocrisy because Muslims aren't asking shit, it is the liberals who are protesting. lol

More than 55% of Americans will make up a statistic when arguing a point.

Sources for your stat?

Well it isn't normal. Being gay is a mental disorder and should be treated as such not normalized.

Exactly that. Brainwashed by MSM

Why? look at South Korea, they were the petri dish for the plan rolled out to the rest of the Western world.

Republicans don't respect yours either. Shut the fuck up, are you serious

Not all Republicans hold the Bible high and rant about gays being evil and deny women's rights.

The problem is that we're not as loud as those embarrassments.

Removed, violation of rule 10, repeated violations will result in a ban from /r/conspiracy.

SJWs mask selfishness as collective concern by buddying up with other 'victims' to virtue signal. You were a prop for feminazis and other SJW's. They never cared about you. You were a shiny attachment to add positive emotion to their bullshit causes. Now that a new shiny prop has come about, you were tossed aside. Gay people are virtue-signaling fads. It's all about the muslims and trannies now.

For you to try to point out this hypocrisy is to ruin their chance to virtue-signal, to curate their image as a benevolent being. The image is all they care about. Their goal was never to bring attention to the gay community, it was to bring attention to themselves by association.

But what if they did care? What would they do differently?

No idea. But a good signal to a gay person on how people view you...Are you a friend...or a "gay best friend"? If the latter you're a prop to gain points.

Fuck you, stop spreading hate.

What about pointing out hate where it already exists?

I had a friend in college who was always trying to seek out gay guys to find a "gay bestie". Never happened, thankfully. I'm hopeful they saw right through it and just noped out of that "friendship".

Okay, but not many people are doing the latter. They are doing the former. You just chose to harp on those that seem to do the latter.

Reject institutional discrimination (i.e. collectivism) in all its forms, and be intellectually independent.

A free-minded individual doesn't live in the eyes of others, he prefers living in conscience and truth than to be liked.

So, what they would do differently is they would advocate liberty, rather than identify with a group and regurgitate what everyone inside that group agrees makes you look intelligent/virtuous.

I ultimately agree with this. It's a false notion to fight over 'who has it worse'. None have a say in the outcome. There may be 6 different classes of slaves, but none make the rule.

In a 'free' society government cannot impede upon your individual, as an individual without government is natural, and the joining a collective is voluntary. In today's world, governments will imprison you for all sorts of behaviors that offer little detriment.

The ones in charge aren't bound by these laws. If those bound were in charge, they wouldn't make such laws. These 'laws' which serve the unjust are just manifestations of enslavement.

In so much as the disguise works and the many don't practice self-rule, it's fine. Time is short, and if you waste your life on a 'protest' which does not simultaneously outright reject and propose an alternative, you've already lost.

There is a big bicycle powered bus driving off a cliff. You can't stop pedaling but you can elect a new driver. However the driver says that it's the brown, gay, yellow, pedalers that are the Real issue.

And in so much as groups of people are stupid enough to believe that, groups of them have agreed to kill gays in reply. Can u participate in a free society with such insignificant mental capacity?

I would suggest not. If you are so easily turned into a beast, you'd have no place in a modern world. The rule of beasts is fundamentally different from the rule of equals. Sometimes you got to put in place laws they don't understand to limit their populations.

Sometimes you got to put in place laws they don't understand to limit their populations.

Laws that who doesn't understand? And limit whom's population? That sounds totalitarian.

Sir, you are a wise man

  • You are spot on but I don't think that is what u/dr_warlock had in mind.

Advocate Liberty!

A free-minded individual doesn't live in the eyes of others, he prefers living in conscience and truth than to be liked.

I would have to disagree. A free-mind, and a wise person, will be able to see the issues from many different eyes, and come up with a solution. If I refuse to see the pain and suffering through the eyes of those I am going to harm, then I lack empathy. I would be a tyrant.


They wouldn't support Sharia law for a start

No one supports Sharia law in the US. No one. If you think there's actually a groundswell of support around Sharia law, you're absolutely mental.

Lol you serious? We have plenty of Muslims in America. Go to a Somalian neighborhood and ask them if they support sharia law and most will probably say yes. Shit forcing women to wear hijabs is like sharia law lite. Non Muslims might not support it, but they enable it by not denouncing it.

and most will probably say yes

What scientific rigidity, surely everyone will be convinced by your well-thought out and tested hypothesis.

Are you sure about that? Seems the leader of the Women's march on Washington says otherwise. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/orgs-leaders-show-support-women-s-march-co-organizer-imarchwithlinda-n712286


She clearly thinks Sharia law is something different than you or I do, something very benign. Further, that's just one person among millions, and she seems to be very lonely in her support for it among even her most devoted fans.

I'm not even sure how to take this seriously, if you really think there's widespread support for Sharia law. More likely you're just being dishonest, a way to win points in some argument.

Go ahead and check it out for yourself. I have no desire to argue, win points or whatever you are claiming. I am not being dishonest. You stated no one supports Sharia law, I was pointing out that is not true.

Pedantic at best. You are lying to yourself as much as me.

She's lying about it for support not misunderstanding it.

Stop inviting and enabling people who want to throw you off tall buildings.

What does a person do when they care about a 'victim class'? They show common courtesy like they do to anyone else and walk away like nothing happened.

But that's glamorous is it? No 'good person' points for you.

If that was the way then segregation, hell slavery would still be the norm in the US. People care about other people, happens all the time.

Nah, that's fucked up. The "SJWs" that are like that are very few, but very loud. The majority of people can see that people should have equal rights no matter what their sexuality, that people should have rights no matter their religion AND that religion can't be used a shield for shitty views.

Rather than painting "the left" as all one shitty way, how about look at what they actually say. Most liberals are willing to call out Muslim terrorism, and call out Muslim beliefs.

Level-headed comment. All ppl should have equal rights, period. This is not mutually exclusive to stopping those who want to exterminate ppl.

Can you give me a quote where Hillary uttered "radical Islamic terror" or an equivalent term in the last election campaign?

Can you point to a single stance Hillary took that was actually Liberal?

Minimum wage increase, expanding Obamacare, raising infrastructure spending. There's 3 off the top of my head.

She was forced into all of it, and, so far as I could tell, had no intention of keeping any promise or attempting to get it passed.

Now, she did vote for A Wall between Mexico and us while she was a Senator, so I guess that could be considered infrastucture spending.

8 years ago she said gay marriage should be illegal.

Yep. The second that the polling said 51% of Americans were cool with it. ;P

Interesting story (to me.) There was a little kerfluffle about HRC saying that Nancy Reagan was a friend to teh gays and was amazing at all the political capital she gave to Aids Rsearch - at Nancy's funeral.

So, I went and looked to see what Bernie was doing during the Reagan years. Turns out, he was a mayor of Burlington, and during the same time period that Ryan White was getting firebombed out of his house, Bernie was making it illegal to discriminate against sexual orientation for housing. Not much was written on it, but as far as I could tell, it was Burlington and San Francisco that did that. That's it.

And the Clinton's? They were selling tainted blood to Canada, since the US said they didn't want to use HiV+ blood anymore. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/09/04/arkansas-bloodsuckers-the-clintons-prisoners-and-the-blood-trade/

God damn what a reputable source. Can you find a link to the Probasco report that the article cites? I looked around a little bit and could not find it. The only thing that ties Clinton to anything is that report. I found a lot of links to the same story, but none of them cited the source, itself, said where they obtained it or linked to it. Would like to see it.

Are you trying to imply to the reading audience that it never happened? For shame! Any google search will do ya!

But here is a wikipedia link. With a lot of sources! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factor_8:_The_Arkansas_Prison_Blood_Scandal

I was very clear. I wanted to see the primary source about the investigation to see if it was just the one guy saying Bill was the financial arm of it, if the cop wrote anything about whether he believed it, etc. His reference was a random blogger quoting the report, quoting someone untrustworthy.

You know, there is a difference between something being illegal and something not having a legal framework. Being gay and married was not illegal, no one was being arrested or jailed for gay marriage, there was just nothing in the legal definition of marriage that included same sex marriage. It was wrong, but it's a bit disingenuous to suggest she wanted gay marriage to be illegal.

I believe her exact words were marriage is between a man and a woman.

Right, so not "illegal" then. If something is illegal, it caries penalties for performing or partaking, which gay marriage did not. In fact, her previous support for labeling marriage as between a man and a woman carried a caveat that she believed in same-sex unions, while keeping the term marriage as between to only refer to opposite-sex couples. This was for sure a calculated move, but demonstrates at least her desire to see same-sex couples afforded the typical rights of married couples (visitation, financial support, etc) while appeasing the religious crowd by keeping the "institution" of marriage technically opposite-sex, something the religious community considered important.

Don't remember a caveat with that particular statement but if it makes you feel better....

Perhaps not that particular statement, but it wasn't the only time she spoke on the subject. Take from it what you will. It's no comfort for me, I don't particularly give a shit about Clinton, though she's have made a better president than the wannabe king.

Better infrastructure is what every politician claims they want but never do anything about.

And as far as Obamacare goes, since when is funneling money into the insurance industry a "liberal" thing?

Obamacare was one of the most ridiculously NON-LIBERAL things we've ever done. Maybe it was liberal in the neoliberal sense?

She was for $12 before she was for $15 and only changed because Sanders made her look bad

No I can't. I'm not sure why that matters. I don't follow her, or support her. I found her to be the ultimate in political expedience. She only does what gets votes, or what appeases those she needs to appease.

Her stance on not calling out Islamism was entirely to do with her need to appease those Muslim countries she wanted to work with. She may be right that not saying it would have been better for those relationships and might have even reduced terror, I don't know. But it sure as fuck destroyed her presidential campaign.

Obviously many disagreed with her and still voted for her anyway. But let's not kid ourselves. There were no good options.

Yeah the majority of people in general are normal, but the people making all the noise now are either crazy themselves or severely influenced by the crazies - and they are louder and way more aggressive than normal people so it's a lopsided narrative at this time.

I think his point is that for so very long we have listened to these people talk about how important gay rights and women's rights are-- any gay right and women's right they can imagine-- and then almost overnight, they decide that's it's really important that a very particular group of Muslims who despise those things should be celebrated and put on a pedestal of protection and support. It's extreme dissonance-- something you would expect from a sci-fi mind control device used on a population for experimentation. It makes no sense at all.

It wasn't "over night", it happened right about the time that Trump began saying we should crack down on illegal immigrants/refugees. From what I can tell, Trump is totally cool with gay rights and has no plans to revoke them - so the SJW shifted gears.

The fuck are you talking about? Putting Muslims on a pedestal of protection and support? Is that really what it's about? Or is it more about due process and the rule of law? Are people celebrating Islam or simply trying to be fair to people? Putting someone on a pedestal means putting them above everyone else. Yeah, really put them on a pedestal by honoring their visas and our own laws and values.

Nope. Utter bullshit. There's nothing that hurts gay rights or women's rights by letting more Muslims into the US. When muslims in the US are accepted, they become much more moderate or liberal themselves. And again, letting them in does not have any impact on rights of gays or women. Right wing policies do, though. Nothing about asking for the constitution to be upheld puts Muslims above anyone else, as you imply. Supporting one group does not logically follow that you're supporting their religion.

You want real hypocrisy? There's a giant movement to outlaw abortion from Christians. None of them give a fuck about the death penalty.

Call me crazy, but Islam has a really bad track record of being open minded and liberal when they are the majority. If you can name three countries where the majority of the population Muslim where homosexuality isn't illegal and women have equal rights I'll change my mind entirely about this matter.

Please don't respond with some wild deflection that ignores my challenge unless you think I am already correct.

Albania is really the only one. There are others with legal homosexuality, but they all treat women like shit. Do you think we'll be a majority muslim country overnight if we allow immigration as we have for the last 20 years? How is this relevant to immigration?

The only reason the west isn't like that is due to the Enlightenment and a push back against the church. For most of history, Christians treated homosexuality and women the same way as Muslims. IIRC, the law against buggery in Pakistan that stands to this day was implemented by the British.

I wrote an entire 72,000 word novel about a sci-fi mind control device used on a population for experimentation, and nothing in my book is as crazy as a person who is pro-Islam and pro-feminist at the same time.

Would a SJW be ready to advocate the de-institutionalization of marriage? I understand the argument they put forward on gay marriage, i.e. it's unfair heterosexuals get to do it and we don't. Because when you're married the government makes it easier for a great deal of things (fiscality being one). That's fair enough in my mind.

But rather than imposing a "new" definition of marriage and family, why wouldn't the government stop advocating any? As in, it doesn't care/register if you're married or with whom. All it knows it that consenting adults may establish a private contract (like a shareholders' agreement) and be asked to enforce it if there's ever a disagreement.

Churches would be free to organize whatever celebration/ritual they'd like. They'd have no legal value however and "civil wedding" wouldn't exist anymore.

Would gays or SJWs be ok with that? To conservatives reading this, would you too? That's the liberty approach. And the reason governments institutionalized marriage in the 1st place (protect women) has become obsolete.

Mormons or Muslims could have polygamy, feminists could have polyandry, gays could marry each other, and Christians could retain their traditions/values. Wouldn't that be great?

The only argument against this is that there is "good" in having a mechanism whereby the government can provide a bundle of recognized rights and responsibilities on a couple. I.e., if you commit to supporting each other we will allow things like visitation rights, tax simplifications, etc... instantly and for free. Acquiring these things would take time and money normally.

If you don't feel there is "good" in having more stabilized relationships then this isn't needed. I tend to think having privileges for couples that legally to commit to supporting each other is good, but I can understand and appreciate the other side.

I agree with you, and I do think it's good and virtuous to have stablilized relationships. I just don't think government is the right institution to promote this (case in point, is doing the exact opposite).

Couples could privately commit to supporting each other in a contract. You can give that contract the name of "wedding contract", but don't need to, and it needs be given no particular significance a priori by the State.

Shareholders' agreement are a very good example of such contracts. They are very similar to wedding contracts actually. The only big difference being children (who are not assets but have freedoms in their own right). But yet again I think, even for the protection of children, that it would be better to take the .gov out of the equation rather than giving it yet more prerogatives.

This is truly the way we need to go to be free.

As a loud and proud "SJW" I would absolutely wholeheartedly support the deinstitutionalisation of marriage. There is absolutely no modern reason the state should have anything to do with peoples personal relationships or how they are defined. Yes if straight people can get married than gay people should too, as well as polygamists. But it would be much better to get rid of the institution all together.

Spoken like a true sjw who has no property, investments, children, intellectual property, and doesn't own any businesses and who hasn't considered end of life issues.

Wow you sure got me pinned guess I'll go spend the rest of my life working towards your definition of success now.

Those things don't necessarily mean anything in terms of success.

Seems like I shouldn't have opinions unless I have them, though.

I'm all for it. There's no reason it's a legal issue, it should be a private issue.

ive had this thought for a while now. government has no business defining marriage anyway. as far as i was raised to understand, marriage was a public commitment made in front of your peers and (in the case of the religious) in the eyes of your god to be committed adn faithful to the person you are marrying. im pretty sure the idea was to place great importance on your commitment in that your peers, your community, or your church would all know you made such commitments and support you, or you would face the shame in all your neighbors knowing you are a liar and a cheat.
the way i see it is the govt should get out of the marriage business altogether. some major corporations have already address the "family" aspect of this by allowing you to designate anyone as your financial and insurance beneficiary regardless of relationship status. why couldnt it just work like this in regards to any government benefits related to having a family? if your church marries same sex couples, or does not marry same sex couples depending on your belief, pick another church. or dont have a marriage in a church at all.
maybe im old school or small minded, but i thought that was the way things were supposed to be in the usa. live according to your faith whatever it is, dont worry about people who dont agree, and dont feel the need to call for a law every time someone does something that bothers you. that is the mindset i just dont understand at all.

I'd be really interested in knowing who on the left is honest enough to talk about this as I could bring them up in conversation. The closest Hillary has done, I think, is support stuff like gay rights (fantastic) rather than explicitly have a broader tougher discussion on conflicting values

Are you asking which well known people on the left support gay rights and see Islamism as an issue that conflicts? Well first I'd have to nail down what you mean. For example a massive amount of Christians are anti gay rights.. so there are lots of people that call out ALL Abrahamic religion. Sam Harris is one that comes to mind. Bill Maher is another.

If you mean politicians then I am not sure. I don't follow them all that much.

Sorry if this sounds muddled I'm on my phone and half asleep.

I wish that were true. You have many feminists on the left saying Sharia isn't that bad and they are walking around in headscarfs that women in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere have no other option but to wear because they could face physical punishment otherwise. It honestly is something out of science fiction. It's impossible to believe, but it is quite mainstream at the moment.

One women said at the protest had a sign that said sharia=feminism. They are clueless

There are "many"? Please, share with the class the many.

Where are these l8berals defending Sharia? I'm surrounded by ardent liberals but have yet to see anything close to that lunacy.

I remember some stuff from that recent women's march that sent shivers up my spine:

picture 1

picture 2

picture 3

No. First of all a hijab is a fairly innocuous piece of clothing. Non Muslims have worn head scarfs in the past. What they are saying is "Muslims are Americans too", no more. They are not normalizing Sharia or scarves. And most American Muslims don't want to institute Sharia in the US.

Being FORCED to wear clothing is bad but for many it is a choice. Where it is NOT a choice, I disagree and fight it.

And those defending Sharia are in the minority. It is a very small subset. Obviously they exist, and it sucks, but look at the Alt Right. Just one peek at their subreddit and you'll see that Christianity has many of its own fuckwits. Not a large amount but very vocal. And just like Islam, MANY who won't admit the shitty things they believe in public.

If you feel like Googling it you can find a lot of literature written by Western leftists implying that elements of Sharia, if not Sharia itself, are laudable and fully compatible with Western society.

I honestly don't think you're going to convince Americans to tolerate, much less welcome in, that cult. It is dangerous and, while I know that people can be browbeaten into almost any opinion, there is going to be sufficient resistance that your efforts will have minimal impact. People know what Islam is about.

My point was that it was a small number of people, not that it was non existent. And yes, it is too many people.

By your logic the swastika and KKK attire would be significantly more innocuous given those ideas have led to far fewer problems for a far shorter length of time.

This would be like tons of black women marching around wearing Klan hats on behalf of Black Lives Matter in the year 3250. And it would only be similar if slavery was still going, having never been abolished, with no Reformation or civil war, and the Klan ran governments totalling more than a billion people where everyone was forced to be racist and would be killed if they were not.

The swastika and the "ghost suit" were only used by groups that tortured and killed, right? We're there moderate nazis and clansmen?

Many moderate Muslims wear the hijab and are otherwise identical to the average person. I would say the burqa is much more like a swastika because they are almost entirely used by the harmful strains of Islam that get involved in torture and stoning gays.

Rightly or wrongly the hijab wearing is solidarity with moderate Muslims, not ISIS or those commuting honor killings, etc. you may not see a distinction but the protesters do.

That's got nothing to do with Sharia law, silly. It's a scarf.

Thank you. This thread is dominated by alt-right propaganda. Thanks for being a voice of reason.

There was a post on reddit a day or two ago about someone inside of the SJW/Feminist/progressive movement about this very subject. The entire thing was a circle of increasing extremism where anyone who disagreed with the new "extreme" opinion got shouted down by the "extreme" members of the pack, and then everyone else.

I know it seems like it's just the extremes but the people going along with it are just as bad.

Obama refused to even label it as Islamic terrorism while he was droning and bombing innocent women and children in Muslim countries.

I am aware of this. His reasoning was that by doing so it would ease tensions. I really doubt that is true and strongly disagreed with him on that, as did many liberals. Most liberal organizations were very critical of Obama in many ways, but people either didn't see it because they only go to right wing sites OR they forgot it because towards the end of his presidency Obama started to look pretty good next to Trump and Clinton and the criticism stopped.

Well put!

Man, you're absolutely stuck in a bubble. Go outside. Get off tumblr.

Would you care to elaborate? I'd enjoy reading your views.

I mean in reading his comment. It's full of buzzwords and labels and generalisations cherry picked directly from the most extreme groups that are engaged politically. Sure, these groups (feminazis/SJWs) are annoyingly present in social media, and whatnot. But they don't represent the silent majorities or the people who show up at the airports angry about injustice. And in my experience, if you spend your days searching the internet for these sorts of extreme points of view, it will only reinforce your own views that they represent the greater whole or that their over-the-top way of thinking about society is some sort of widespread phenomenon; when really, it's only a loud minority being giant, unintelligent babies.

He's absolutely 1000% not wrong. SJWs as an entire movement are completely egocentric. It is all about the image.

It is all about the image.

So, again, what would these groups do differently to advocate, if they really held these views?

Cool, thanks. I agree that if the propaganda / current hegelian dialectic caricatures conservatives, libertarians and "conspiracy theorists", it is also safe to assume their caricature SJWs. Their goal being to convince everyone that those outside their identity group is are morons/bigots. Divide and conquer.

Personally I loved Michael Moore during the Bush years, although I didn't agree with him on economic policy issues. He rightfully denounced the neocons and war criminals. That is, before he turned around and started supporting the new war criminal in town.

Wtf!? You use of words is quite striking, but redundant in complexity. The point you make about the safe assumption of SJW caricutures goes against your earlier point of critical thought. To practice thought as you detailed shows that it as selective not critical. Don't get too drunk off the narrative you create.

I'm saying that the "common knowledge" about so-called "social justice warriors" is likely wrong (even on r/conspiracy). First-off that label is fake, just like the label "conspiracy theorist" is phony. Second I surmise most "leftists who care" are not bathroom militants, and don't believe a hairy guy is a woman if he says so.

The silent majority have jobs and better things to do than be angry at an airport.

The silent majority must be illegal mexicans because they're the only ones who have jobs anymore, remember?

Wasn't it on a weekend though? All the real Americans work 24/7.

Did you not see the women's March? It was not only organized by a Sharia loving Muslim, but they even had people put on burkas as a sign of solidarity....

I doubt that most people complaining about SJW's even run into them directly someplace like Tumblr. Usually they're getting cherry-picked examples of dumbasses (or trolls...) shown to them by places like TiA or 4chan.

It seems silly that a lot of folks' political beliefs are heavily reinforced by "look at these dumbass 19 year olds that hold an opposing belief system". College aged kids are fucking dumb, it's nothing new. What seems new is the conservative movement to put these dumb people front and center so they represent the other side. Suddenly "everyone on the left" is an SJW idiot and you don't have to argue against adults with well thought out positions.

It should raise a red flag when the other side is hand picking the representatives of a group. Folks arguing against these SJW's should try to imagine liberals disregarding their opinions completely by instead cherry picking the facebook page of some 19 year old coal-rolling racist dumbass from Appalachia and using the stupid political posts therein as a strawman for all opposing beliefs.

Truly a beautiful post. Thank you.

I'd give you gold if it didn't cost anything or take any effort

Look at this cucks post history, who else smells CTR?!?

So do not support any minority group or we might label you a left SJW too.

Seriously though, the way you write "virtue signal" it reminds of "SJWs" in the 60's getting called "nigger lover"

Reminds me more of the ones who called themselves "nigger lovers", completely missing the irony.

Ooh is that worse?

It's not better.

And here lies the disgusting motivation behind all of this.

Yeah, claiming internet comments are the "motivation behind all this" is definitely part of the problem.

Replacing "nigger lover" with "virtue signal" is definitely a problem.

Seriously though, the way you write "virtue signal" it reminds me of so called SJWs in the 60's getting called "nigger lover".

Oh I should have said n-word?

Say what ever you want, I don't listen to hypocrites.

Nor explain yourself apparently.

You use smart-sounding words to mask an incredibly stupid hypothesis. My gay friends are not "props", stop dehumanizing them.

Dude, unplug from Reddit. You've gone off the deep end.

Milo said that gay white men will be the first liberal self social sacrifice

What is that supposed to mean?

Plus he's a professional troll. Pretty much a political comedian. He doesn't have a special insight into the left. The right, maybe, but not the left.

Meaning that the left will ( as they already have) sacrifice (socially & politically) gay white males. They were a stepping stone in the Orthodox Lefts (alt-left) agenda. I don't have a problem with Trolls, the argument that because they're annoying never meant that their logic isn't sound. How does he not have insight into the left? That seems mostly untrue from what I've observed. He's the product of the left, their monster, flaming gay white man that loves black men ( but it's just to get back at mommy). He's the lefts greatest creation.

Meaning that the left will ( as they already have) sacrifice (socially & politically) gay white males. They were a stepping stone in the Orthodox Lefts (alt-left) agenda.

What's the evidence for any of this? What agenda? And how is it worse than the active opposition to LGBT rights from the right?

I don't have a problem with Trolls, the argument that because they're annoying never meant that their logic isn't sound.

That seems fair, but we have to remember that trolls intentionally exaggerate and sensationalize to cause outrage. Doesn't mean they're always completely wrong, but we have to take them with a grain of salt.

How does he not have insight into the left? That seems mostly untrue from what I've observed. He's the product of the left, their monster, flaming gay white man that loves black men ( but it's just to get back at mommy). He's the lefts greatest creation.

Haha what the fuck, dude? You just dove way off the deep end. Because he's gay and willing to date black guys he's a "creation" of the left and "their monster"? Your extreme bias is showing here.

I'm on mobile so I can't cite the exact source on that bit about backstabbing gay white men, but it was originally Milo on the JRE. I see it in media but it's not in full swing yet. How is a queer, interracial cock sucking Brit not the high priestess of the Left?! I have no bias, my post hx clearly shows that. I would encourage you to cite my bias pls

Here's my citation for your bias:

How is a queer, interracial cock sucking Brit not the high priestess of the Left?!

None of that has anything to do with left-leaning politics. The left spends more time and energy fighting for civil rights than the right, sure, but that doesn't make being gay or dating other races a "left" thing.

Okay let me respond to you when I'm off mobile, because you have a few points & I don't want to rush through them and have only half a conversation with you

As far as the media backstabbing gay men, Milo cites it in his JRE appearance. Its worth the listen so I encourage you to give it a shot. If anyone else has a time stamp for those comments pls post. Yes the UK has long been associated with more left leaning liberal politics and society. Clearly they valued left leaning policies towards women and property while occupying India that helped to reshape the caste system and its modern incarnation. I'm not in the mood to debate the liberal blessing the UK has given the world so if that citation isn't good enough you'll have to accept it at moot.

And what is it you see in media where gay men are being back stabbed? I don't understand what you're talking about, or why you think the left would do it. What does it accomplish?

The post modern led Left label white men as either sub or evil, there isn't much leeway. You can't have white men allowed a position of authority/social influence, be they gay or otherwise. I'm sure you can conclude what that accomplished for the left. I think this is the bit about gay white males being censored but maybe not...life is mysterious like that


I've done a 180 on my thoughts about identity politics, and it happened in an instant (like an aha moment).

I used to think that only the Left was engaged in identity politics. They seem obsessed with genders, gays, trannies, blacks, immigrants...any minority group. I was actually pissed because I attributed identity politics to why the Democrats lost (which I still in part believe).

But here is the piece of the puzzle I was missing: The Right is every bit as obsessed with identity politics as the Left. Maybe even more so. But it is in the form of being racist, or sexist, or hating gays, immigrants, and people that aren't from their religion. These are people that would never give Obama a chance simply because he is black.

That's .. ER.. pretty succinct

You know so much about how 'they' think. Please tell me more...

Their goal was never to bring attention to the gay community, it was to bring attention to themselves by association.

And evidence for this can be found in the Women's March mission statement. It starts with acknowledging problems affecting peoples of diverse backgrounds, but ends with demanding mostly women's rights.

Yes, the entire culture of liberals and tolerance is actually just the kids on tumblr. I'm a huge asshole, die-hard liberal, and borderline misanthrope. But I'm not religious so I treat gay people like they're people. I hate religion, but not equally. Islam is patently worse for women and gays. It's worth noting that making suicide against the religion is the only thing keeping Christians from being suicide bombers or engaging in mass suicides to get to heaven faster.

The only people who think the way you do spend too much time on tumblr, have never interacted with gay people and think that feminism is solely the 4th wave shit pushed by teenagers online. Surprised you didn't mention anything about how the gay agenda is really just to legalize pedophilia.

The shallowness of it all really points out the feminity of the SJWs. Women, biologically speaking, do not hold as much reverence as men to the dominant power structure a.k.a. main-stream culture. They imitate, but do not have a real clue. "equality", "normal","violence" etc. are all terms that the vacuous SJW are throwing around. Scientific words for very specific use get de-valued, hollowed out. Anyone can play the victim. Stay positive, I say.

Eh, as a gay feminist and "SJW" I disagree.

If you use a loaded label like "SJW", you should at least be required to precisely define it. Who exactly are these "SJW"s I hear so much about?

You are onto something, very well explained.

I feel like the 48 genders phenomenon blew up after gay marriage was passed for this very reason.

They can only go by the narrative that has been fed to them by the TV.

I would like to see a gay militant group that sexualy assaults Muslim men for their crimes against gaylord lord of gays, tho i think many Muslims are in the closet of denial that is why they hate homosexuality so much.

For some reason I imagine Gaylord, Lord of the Gays would look like Idris Elba dressed as Jon Snow. That seems like the fitting image for a man on a peaceful quest, but is clearly able to best you in both verbal and physical combat.

tho i think many Muslims are in the closet of denial that is why they hate homosexuality so much.

500% no doubt here. They practice the raping of young boys. Yea. They're in the closet as fuck.

I don't think you'll find anyone on the left supporting the government of Saudi Arabia, for example. They support Muslim people's rights to believe what they want and not be persecuted for it. Believe it or not, the majority of Muslims don't want to throw gay people from the tops of buildings or set them on fire. I've met gay Saudi Muslims and Muslim women from Iran who don't want to wear a hijab. Their governments persecute them, and every American (liberal, conservative, muslim, atheist, etc) I've ever talked to on this will condemn those governments' actions. I know an openly gay man who lives in Dearborn (the largest % Muslim/Arab populations in the US) and has never had an issue.

Of course certain cultures within Muslim communities around the world have varying attitudes towards this - but they are changing, as are their attitudes towards gay people in general.

I think many on the left are a little more sensitive towards criticizing Muslim communities because they're so often unfairly criticized. Assuming someone who is Muslim (especially in a Western country) automatically hates gays is often unreasonable. Be critical of the actual people/societies/governments that spew hatred, not of just "Muslims"

Dude, have you never been to the south? There's black and white people who don't accept people being gay. Like 50% of them.

The world doesn't make any fucking sense bro. Do what you've got to do to get by. Try and hate the least you can, but defend yourself if you need to. Be level headed and logical, you don't need people's permission to decide what you're for and what you're against, just do your thing. If you're wrong, then learn from mistakes and improve. That's all anyone can do.

The regressive left hates the South. They don't think it's cultural since they live in the same country. The need to read some books about rednecks like cracker culture or black red necks and white liberals.

But the bigger issue for SJWs and the South is that its just a lot of white males. And we know how they feel about respecting them.

And religion that's Christian based.

Ever see that these globalist scumbags will break their backs to defend Islam's atrocities, and will justify the violence of those extremists by trying to attach it to something Christians did?

Well sure Muslims might throw gay people off buildings, but Christians believe in gay conversion therapy! So that's like, the same... and so we should give Islam a pass!

The corrupt Leftist thinking goes that if they didn't personally see people criticizing those Christians, then we're not allowed to criticize Muslims. Because gay conversion therapy is as bad as throwing gays off a building, and you should criticize them both equally or you're an Islamaphobe and your opinion is invalid anyway. See how that sort of thinking always leads to the Leftist being the one on the moral high ground?

Yea I've noticed. But when I took a women studies class the professor pointed it out. She talked about how (at the time 2007ish) white women had taken over the roll of saving the world. Excusing the crazy ways people behave by saying they're not educated enough so it's not their fault.

Now she didn't agree with them, it's how she saw what they were doing. Even by being "good" they were still being condescending and making it so only they could enlighten people basically. SJW types, the regressive left, whatever does the same thing.

"Blacks, gays, Muslims, whatever don't know that racism is still here because they can't see it anymore since it's so hidden and subtle, they don't realize they're being treated differently they're too dumb, etc" is basically what they're saying. I'm not saying that there isn't inherent racsim in some things (most of us have seen studies showing a name can prevent you from getting interviews, and I'm sure other studies somehow refute this) but people have pointed out when a lot of the complaints are super petty or not even real then you've basically beaten it. There will be isolated incidents as well, but that's not a reflection of society as a whole.

Absolutely! SJWs are the most racist, sexist, bigoted creatures on this Earth. They are completely intolerant to any idea other than their own, and would prefer martial law over Democracy.

Oh those poor black people. We must help them, because they can't help themselves. What have they done these past 200 years without our help? Poor people! SJWs to the rescue!

Note, Black people did not ask for help. Black people do not want this help. But the SJWs are going to give it to them anyway.

It's just virtue signalling. They don't give a shit about Black people or the plight of Black people. They care about looking cool in front of their friends and patting themselves on the back when they're drinking wine after the rally. They're mostly middle class white women who've never suffered anything more than a lewd stare or passing grope. They know nothing about real hardship -- thanks to the men they claim to hate.

Lol. True. We'll see probably.

"Blacks, gays, Muslims, whatever don't know that racism is still here because they can't see it anymore since it's so hidden and subtle, they don't realize they're being treated differently they're too dumb, etc"

Which itself, ironically, is extremely racist because it assumes those people are idiots

Disagreeing with someone and keeping that opinion to yourself is different than disagreeing with someone and throwing them off the roof of a building. It's the difference between civilisation and barbarism.

Yeah, I take it you haven't been to the south. I know people who were disowned by their parents over it

Once again; disowned by parents = different than being thrown off the roof of a building.

gays get murdered in the US and they get disowned by islamic parents too, it's not all so black and white

They are literally brainwashed and are bigots to the extreme, while simultaneously calling you a bigot or any slew of other names they have for anyone that disagrees with them

The political atmosphere is so polarized you can only be on one side or the other. Can't even have an intelligent conversation anymore. Goes straight to identity politics.

You mean the left goes straight to identity politics. Ive yet to see that really happen on the donald. If you go there with honest questions and reasonable courtesy (or the ask the donald sub in the sidebar) people there are happy to talk without attacking you


You can't be serious. Dissent = banning in T_D, and that's after they've called you a cuck.

Or were you missing a /s tag (I don't even know what's real anymore)

Sounds like something a cuck would say...

Takes one to know one, cuck.

Cuck-a-doodle-do mothercucker

May the cuck be with you.

Why did it have to be cucks, I hate cucks.

Go post a dissenting statement on the Donald just for shits and giggles. Come back and let us know when you get banned. It's a pretty easy experiment.

I am so glad you posted this! Pushing against Islam isn't against religion because it in itself is both a cultural and political movement. They want to dictate law which involves anti gay actions and oppressing women. It makes me angry when people defend it claiming they have rights. Why would a "religion" who's beliefs directly oppose our constitutional rights be allowed here? They are taking advantage of suckers and SJWs who are too blind to see that they are somehow fighting for their own rights to be taken one day.

Good for you OP.

And doesn't even see the irony...

the right is devouring its tail.

They want to dictate law which involves anti gay actions and oppressing women.

Why would a "religion" who's beliefs directly oppose our constitutional rights be allowed here?

This could also easily apply to the Christian fundamentalist or the Republican policy makers who claim to be one. (I say this as a non-partisan)

The reason is simple. What's the point of freedom of speech or religion if you only allow the speech or religion that you agree with.

That means allowing the KKK to march the street. That means allowing anarchist protests.

Freedom isn't easy. It involves having your ideals and philosophies challenged.

Normally I would agree with you here but islam is a whole other beast. It's tied to a religious government as a requirement for all Muslims to wage jihad to make that happen and to kill all infidels or convert them by the sword.

Jesus Christ told us to love one another and have compassion and bring his words to all who want to listen. I am no expert and don't claim to be but I am unaware of any Christian movement that requires conquest and conversion by force. Many may like the idea of Christian government but most I've attended from various Protestant branches to my husband's Catholic church it's preaching peace and love and individual repentance and sin.... Judge not others etc. Love the sinner and hate the sin. (We all need to work on this and quit making moral issues laws like prostitution, drugs and gambling etc).

islam has no get along to get along. It mandates conquest and blood and an Islamic state. Anything less means you are not a good muslim.

There were crusades and missionaries sent to africa to convert people but islam is a whole other level

Honestly tho, cause someone else brought up the crusades to me the other day...a thousand fucking years ago. Quite literally get over it

Not to mention The Crusades were the backlash against the Muslim foray into the Roman Empire. This Islamic assault upon the West (or what would largely become "The West"") was initiated by peaceful Muhammad himself, who was slaughtering Christians along the path to conquering Europe.

The Crusades began as a sortie that essentially turned into the rebalancing and reclamation of the Roman/Byzantine lands that were originally attacked and conquered by Muslims.

Exactly. A thousand years ago, shit be fuk'd. How about today?

I mean, with Christianity or Islam? Because with the mass influx of refugees into Europe and the violence and chaos that has accompanied that, it kinda feels like echoes of the Muslim Conquest. Obviously it's not nearly as dangerous... yet. I'm sure the Islamic invasion of the Byzantines was seen as just some isolated raids at first too. I dunno, I don't want to speculate too much, but if Islam is still seeking to invade, the situation right now looks a lot like a Trojan horse. Anyway that's not to mention the daily conflicts and killings between Shi'ites and Sunnis scattered throughout the ME.

Christianity hasn't done much violence in recent times (abortion clinic bombings are about the only thing I can think of, and that is not fresh in most memories), so I would say of the two religions, Christianity tends to be more peaceful. Not Hindu or Taoist peaceful, but still more chill than Islam.

Your point's valid with the Crusades not being a relevant example of modern Christianity; I was just pointing out that they're not even a good example of aggressive violence in Christianity (as so many like to paint it) considering that they were initiated as what was effectively self-defense. I was commenting with intent to dispel some of that ignorance.

Lords Christian Army, not to mention the religiously motivated fuckery in the middle east and unquestionable support for Israel.

Israel = Jewish. Hell Israel is more Muslim than Christian; I'm not really sure what your point is there.

Kony has an isolated cult that claims to be Christian, but follows none of the tenants. Not really the same or even comparable to Shia-Sunni Muslims (which are neither isolated nor unorthodox).

Unquestioning support for israel is a tenant of radical christianity because the jews must be attacked in order to start Armageddon, and they must be attacked there specifically.

I do think that extremist in Christianity will eventually buddy up with extremists within Islam. American domestic religious based terrorism is going to be a crazy thing. Sprinkle in some pure Americana fringe cults & religions & it's going to be a spectacle

I do think that extremist in Christianity will eventually buddy up with extremists within Islam

If history is any judge, this will probably literally never happen. Islamic extremists have been known to wage war against other sects of Islam for not being "Islamic enough." You think they'd really tolerate an entirely different religion enough to "team up?"

American domestic religious based terrorism is going to be a crazy thing

Have we not already seen that in Orlando and San Bernardino? Or are you referring to primarily Christian-based domestic terrorism (like bombing abortion clinics, though I think that's in the past)? The way things look, politically-based domestic terrorism seems to be the greater immediate concern.

America is all about homogeneous culture, in this instance I mean radical terrorists doing the same work from different perspectives, not as a unit.

Orlando etc isn't what I mean. I mean more organized terrorists, whomever Trump sets the dogs against and legitimizes. There's already crazy culture supporting violence etc. left wing extremist Christian trans-fox kind terrorists with a number one hit song and their own superhero-persona on twitter, that's the coming American domestic terrorist

left wing extremist Christian trans-fox

One of these things is not like the other...

I have yet to meet or even hear of a left-wing extremist Christian, let alone one that is a trans-species or whatever. Not saying they don't exist, but it just doesn't seem to fit the Western Christian paradigm.

Other than that yea, I think the growing extremism we're seeing from the left is going to lead to more than firebombing a RNC headquarters or rioting and blocking hospital traffic.

Transhumanism fits perfectly into Christianity but sadly most humans don't understand Christianity. It's all about transforming etc

Really ? Are you that fucking mind deaf ? You are literally putting words refugees and MUSLIM CONQUEST together without a sense of irony ? Refugees from what ? Refugees from WHAT ? CONQUEST ? Oh, please, tell me more ?

And cue the rants.

Well, since no one commented with any rational conversation, I might as well.

We have to remember that religious affiliation is at an all time low in Western society, and that during the crusades the 'Holy Roman Empire' and 'Western Society' were one in the same.

It's the same battle, although only one side is still basing it in religion, scary enough as it is.

It's not racist to say that there are a large number of people from the Middle East who want to replace our culture with theirs.

It's not racist to say that there are a large number of people from the Middle East who want to replace our culture with theirs.

I whole-heartedly agree. But I'm also certain that there is a large portion of the US population that disagrees with that statement entirely (i.e. "no, they just want to peacefully adopt our values and seamlessly integrate , and it's racist to presume otherwise").

Though it is kind of funny that it really is the same war. The West has been fighting the ME almost continuously in some form for like 1000 years... that didn't really occur to me until you said it.

The Crusades happened before the printing press, when the Roman Catholic church controlled the scriptures (keeping them in Latin) so the common person couldn't know what they said. The Crusades happened before some translators fought to have the Bible in the common language. The Crusades aren't the evidence of a violent faith, but rather the fault of a corrupt political elite that manipulated the people. Who was calling for war? Political and church leaders based on greed.

You're a fucking star! Well said. I always make a point to distinguish Christianity & corporate Christianity

Exactly what the leaders of radical Islam are doing now. There are peaceful Muslims and then there are other Muslims who are willing to manipulate believers into waging war in order to gain power.

Agreed. It's quite a bit more difficult in modern times to find Christians who are killing people that aren't converting. I'm not saying they don't exist, but it's not common.

You could make the same argument for slavery in the US. The time passed compared to the atrocities that occurred are subjective and even more so in the middle east. Yeah it happened a thousand years ago, but the influence and power the Christians gained still affects people today.

True, so it should serve as a cautionary tale not a point of policy. ALL feminists enjoy the creature comforts of modern western sic, Christian culture. If anyone is being oppressed by Christianity they have recourse to protect themselves with Law.

The influence and power the Christians gained? The Crusades were largely unsuccessful. All of Byzantium and the Levant were be controlled by Muslims for hundreds of years. Christendom had to fight to survive. It did not secure power from Muslims that continues to present. The opposite is true.

The Crusades were the answer to and backlash against the Muslim invasion of Rome/Byzantine the was initiated by Mr. Religion of Peace himself - Muhammad.

Last I checked, no Christian missionaries were converting people at gunpoint.

The 4th crusades were perpetrated against the other Orthodox Christian Churches.

Just like the Islamic conquest began as Muhammad's war against other Muslims.

I wasn't advocating for violence on either side; I'm just saying that it's not like the Christians in Rome just up and decided to go kill some Muslims and invade Persia one day.

The Fourth Crusade was not about the Church of Rome against the Eastern. It just ended up with the sacking of Constantinople after the prince they went to support was murdered and they didn't get the money they were promised.

That's an interesting point about the crusades. I didn't know that

You're not alone. Many people cite the Crusades as an example of the shame of Christianity's violence, and there's some merit to it (the Crusades were carried way too far IMO), but they began as an effort to drive back the invading Muslim forces that were off on their own tear of conversion - which effectively began with Muhammad conquering his former tribe in Mecca hundreds of years earlier.

Last I checked, no Christian missionaries were converting people at gunpoint.

Only because they can't.

But they want to:

We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.


And then there is this:


What? Have you heard of "Uphold the Ch'ing Dynasty"? It was the Chinese response to the Christian invasion of China that started around 1858, and climaxed in 1901 with foreign Christian governments taking military control of Beijing.

"'It is worth any cost in money, worth any cost in bloodshed,' argued one bishop, 'if we can make millions of Chinese true and intelligent Christians.'" - Understanding the American Promise, James L. Roark and company.

Also, two quotes from Christian history:

"I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord." - Mein Kampf

"My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people." - Adolf Hilter, 1922.

Stop with your bullshit history. It's not just Islam. All religions are a drain to society.

Wasn't itAmerican evangelicals in countries like Uganda that convinced the government to make homosexual acts a capital offense?

Now go, attack the Amalekites and utterly destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.

That's a reference from the Torah, or as Christians call it, the Old Testament. The Torah is the basis of the Jewish faith. The post you're responding to referenced Jesus Christ, who's teachings are in the New Testament. Just to help you out, there isn't a teaching of Jesus that calls for or condones violence.

Yes, I know that, I am from a Jewish family :p

But lets face it, Bible Thumpers will take anything out of any part of a book to suit themselves.

You mean, like you just did?

Yeah, its really easy to do.

"And Balaam rose up in the morning, and saddled his ass"


Which is why it's a very good warning.

First of all, the new testament is quite explicit about upholding the old testament (the law)

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Furthermore, let's just accept that christianity is this peace loving religion. You said the old testament is just for the Jewish faith. So the Jewish faith is a violent religion and should be banned just like Muslims?

They certainly should not be tied into government, and while i am not OP, i would certainly call out anyone advocating for jewish law to be installed, or claimingthey are a religion based on peace.

Ultimately, from what I understand of the torah, it is not preaching gor jewish people to wage holy war, and many of their values are acceptable in our society... so i have no beef.

So what we are coming to understand is that you haven't done enough research to justify your positions?

I don't feel strongly enough on Jewish faith... as there hasn't been any large movement or social push to warrant me spending more time on them. I'm open minded enough to certainly change my view, if presented with credible information though, so hit me up if you feel strongly about it.

Their faith certainly should not be tied into government, and while i am not OP, i would certainly call out anyone advocating for jewish law to be installed, or claimingthey are a religion based on peace.

So how exactly is respecting the Muslim faith with liberals, tantamount to allowing Sharia law in the US? Especially when evvvvvviiiiillll liberals are the only people pushing for LGBT rights in government, and the only people who give a shit are the evangelical Christians?

They weren't just respecting it (which I find repulsive due to its fundamental incompatibility with society, especially the rights of women and gays), many in the march were advocating for it to be instated here... I shit you not.

If you see the hypocrisy in that, then you are now on the same page as OP and others that have been calling out those shenanigans.

To call for an instatement of sharia law is bullshit no matter who calls for it. But being muslim is not the same as wanting sharia law.

Take for example the Muslim mayor of rotterdam who tells fellow muslims to fuck off and leave if they don't like the western values of the country to which they chose to come. ( http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2907941/Moroccan-born-mayor-Rotterdam-tells-fellow-Muslims-not-appreciate-freedoms-living-West-pack-bags-f-live-TV.html )

I agree that there is a significant and vocal portion of muslim immigrants who think that their holy book (or more precisely, their interpretation) should be more binding for everyone and hold views on many issues which are fundamentally incompatible with western civilization and feel backed up by their religious teachings.

But the consequence of that is not to conclude that Islam or muslims are incompatible with western civilization.

I shit you not.

Yes, you are shitting, because the only example you are going to give is Linda Sarsour and only then by misrepresenting her points of view.

No, I didn't narrow it down to anyone in specific. There were many wearing veils holding signs to the effect of supporting Sharia Law. If you didn't see any of that, then you clearly did not look at any of it.

Read the Talmud.

i would certainly call out anyone advocating for jewish law to be installed

This would never happen. You aren't in their club and converting is a long, challenging process to keep it that way. The burden of maintaining God's laws is what sets them apart.

i would certainly call out anyone advocating for jewish law to be installed

This would never happen. You aren't in their club and converting is a long, challenging process to keep it that way. The burden of maintaining God's laws is what sets them apart.

I suggest reading this short commentary, or at least the last two paragraphs. https://www.compellingtruth.org/Christian-OT-law.html

Just ignore the part where Jesus tells his followers to uphold a law that advocates putting homosexuals to death.

Where exactly did that happen? Jesus never mentioned homosexuality in any way.

Source or didn't happen.

"...Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them. For I tell you truly, until heaven and earth pass away, not a single jot, not a stroke of a pen, will disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. So then, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do likewise will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.…"

Jesus never said a thing about homosexuality. The furthest thing the new testiment even says about homosexuality is that the act of homosexual sex is immoral.

Sorry, but I'm pretty sure it's the cheesemakers who will inherit the earth.

I'm actually a cheesemaker irl :o

"The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:31

This is the intro to the Parable of the Good Samaritan (paraphrasing here... "Rabbi.... then who is my neighbor?").

For reference, Israelites and Samaritans HATED each other and committed vile acts against each other. Or so I've heard. I'm Catholic. It's not like I've actually read the Bible.

There are quite a few interpretations of this parable. The one I subscribe to follows the thought that even though this gravely injured Israelite is this dude's nemesis, the dude stops anyway and ensures the guy recovers. This after the Israelite's fellow countrymen abandoned him (*).

To summarize, our neighbors include those not on our respective teams. It is just as much of our duty to care for our enemies that it is to care for our family.

  • - I've heard a few sermons that note that the folks who refuse to help they guy are not to be viewed as bad people but rather an example of letting fear getting in the way of the above duty. The injured guy could have been a decoy. The robbers who fucked him could be waiting for someone to help and jump them. Shoot, the dude might be in on it and not injured at all. The point is that there are very valid reasons why someone won't risk helping. But we gotta try and get over that fear.

That also means the refugees.

I totally agree, although I still believe there should be some level of vetting with refugees.

Eye for and eye leaves the whole world blind. Maybe we should disappear the Jews... Oh wait....

"I come not to bring peace, but a sword" is at least controversial.

Yeah if you actually look at the context of that he is talking about how people's lives will be uprooted by joining the Christian faith not that they need to fight people.

Context ? In the thread where 40 people upvoted comment that billion of muslims singlemindedly want to kill all infidels bla bla bla But context, sure. If you actually look at the fucking context

Ok so what is the context to those parts of the Quran? I'm not saying your wrong but I would like to know because I see them repeated quite often.

So, looking at the context of religious quotes is a thing now? Because most of the arguments against the Qu'ran fly out the window when you actually look at the context. Just sayin'...

Haha, no doubt. Such hate mongering hypocrites.

So what is the context of the commonly used quotes? I've seen them talked about often but never seen anyone try to put them in context.

They usually refer to times of war, when Muslims had to fight for their lives, or they use imagery, like the Jesus quote from above.

Not an expert but you can try googling the quotes

it is controversial and worth more study. The time a sword was brought out in Jesus presence, someone got hurt in His name, Jesus healed the guy and chastised the disciple that used violence.

I'm so glad I've never heard Christian fundamentalist using the Old Testament. Like say, stone a man who lays with another man or suchlike. Or to defend slavery. Or anything.

The difference that OP is trying to make is that the left will gladly criticize this type of thinking while tolerating muslim intolerance.

I've never personally encountered this, but this is the type of thing people bring up when they discuss the "war against Christianity."

I'd imagine this is partly due to gays and women focusing on the religion that is currently oppressing you in your own country, as opposed to the one that could be oppressing you?

On paper, both Islam and Christianity have pretty bad thoughts about women and gays, thoughts that in the modern era we have grown out of. In practice, those bad ideas still emerge, specifically in underdeveloped areas where each respective religion can feed upon xenophobia, hatred, and other unhealthy impulses. The Middle East has a LOT more of the social conditions for this sort of "lowest common denominator" religiosity to form. Fixing those social and economic issues-- in most historical cases-- tends to eliminate the sort of religious fundamentalism that allows one to pretend that some religions are inherently more violent than others.

Pretend.. Lol ok. Some religions are clearly more inherently violent than others.

If you're comparing Christianity and Islam, it's a tie.

But-but-but beheadings, right? Christians would never do that.

Got any proof?

Its pretty self evident. There is a religion in India where they sweep the path in front of them so they don't accidentally step in bugs. There is another religion where they kill people who renounce their faith.

Um... so christians never killed in the name of god? I cannot see how your comparison is self evident

Plenty of people criticize that on the left though.

I know. But OP's post is how that does not seem to be the case. My point was simply that saying "Christian doctrine is bad too!" is separate and apart from what OP is trying to discuss.

The left will criticize instances of Muslim intolerance. The same way they do for Christianity or Catholicism. That doesn't mean they won't be allowed in our country. Hell, the left is all in favor of South American immigrants who are hugely religous, and they are not Muslim.

I generally agree with you. I'm only pointing out that the point of this entire thread is that OP feels exactly the opposite the way you do (that is-- that the left gives Muslim intolerance a pass). And a proper response to that position isn't "but Christianity is bad too."

Personally, I am happy to criticize both Islam and Christianity alike for this type of dangerous zealotry.

So is any sane person. The only surprising thing is that there appear to be so damn few of us.

Maybe they don't tolerate muslim intolerance, they just don't paint billions of people and hundreds of sects with the same intolerance of the extremist minority.

Reality is never simple, it doesn't fall into simple narrative on either. side.

The show me a "moderate leaning" mosque that clearly supports LGBT rights, including marriage. I'm not holding my breath.

Drop in the bucket. Thanks for trying, though.

The[n] show me a "moderate leaning" mosque

Drop in the bucket.

Do you even logic.

lol he just showed you what you asked for, like real proof that shit is more complex than your simple narrative.

But let me guess, nothing is gonna change your mind is it.

Ignorance exists.

Yeah it's only the common interpretations of Jesus that condone violence.

Go to the New Testament and read the red words. It's a lot more direct approach. The other books can be helpful, but I find reading the red words cuts out a lot of unnecessary stuff.

Most Christians believe God was the author and inspiration of the entire book, making it all "red letters." Also, red letters were an invention of man, to make the text more readable.

Jesus strongly approves of the law and the prophets. He hasn’t the slightest objection to the cruelties of the Old Testament. “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. Amen, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest part or the smallest part of a letter will pass from the law, until all things have taken place.” (Matthew 5:17 NAB)

Jesus approved of the law, and was the only one to fulfill all the requirements.

So theological question then - when was the law accomplished? When did Jesus fulfill it? Because most scholars would say upon his ascension. Jews don't believe it's fulfilled, and they are still bound to it (with changes of course, over time). Christians see it as fulfilled and much of the NT is how people should live our their faith in light of it's fulfillment. The book of Hebrews pivots the conversation from OT to NT.

Just to help you out, there isn't a teaching of Jesus that calls for or condones violence.


Matthew 5:17

This is the passage in which Jesus specifically instructs his followers to uphold Old Testament law, including the parts where it talks about putting homosexuals to death.

They were descendants of the Nephilim and their genetics had been tampered with. It's different.

Um, that was the Jews, not the Christians. The Old Testament is included in the Bible as an example of how things were run before Jesus changed the rules for salvation, not as an example to be strictly followed.

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

So Big Jay-Cee came to expand the laws? He was a big government man >_>

That's kinda off-topic, and not really a counter-point at all. His death and sacrifice filled fulfilled the requirements for sin sacrifices for everyone. Rather than just abolishing the need for sin offerings, He paid the price himself.

That doesn't really have any bearing on the previous conversation though. And wiping out the tribes in that area was never part of the law to the Jews either, it was direct and specific instructions from God (to try and keep the Israelites from getting distracted by the other religions in the area).

And this is where christianity breaks down. If the doctrine of the trinity is true makes jesus a loving god willing to pay the price, yahweh a god who hates those who practice different religions and the holy spirit a comforter(whatever that means). I'm not gonna worship a deity who's not only schizophrenic but harbors a murderous personality. The hebrews killing every other group they stumble across, the inquisition, the crusades, today's xtians who claim to be building the army of god. Nah. No thanks man.

Wait, are you trying to tell me you've never met anyone that's just, merciful, and compassionate in various ways? It's not that absurd a concept, especially if you look at as a whole instead of cherry-picking extreme examples and ignoring the rest.

Sure I have. Christians, Atheists, Pagans. Muslims. My point is If I were predisposed to believing in a deity I wouldn't worship a murderous one with MPD

I might accept that if I didn't still see Christians regularly cherry pick things out of the Old Testament to selectively enforce.

/Also, it doesn't make the OT God any less immoral, but that's a whole different topic.

So, if the OT really has no bearing on the NT for Christians, why does they come as a packaged set? Seems like the NT followers would be better off sticking to the Jefferson Bible, which is Jesus and only Jesus.

It does have bearing, it provides a bunch of context and framework for the religion (and that context is the reason why Jesus' sacrifice was needed, which is the core of Christianity). But just because God told the Israelites to do something specific 3000 years ago doesn't mean Christians today are commanded to do the exact same thing.

The Old Testament sets the stage for the New testament and explains why it was needed. Jesus is fulfilling the Old Testament's laws and prophecies, not throwing it out and starting from scratch. It's not that there's no relevance, it's just that there's a difference between historical record (God telling the Israelites to wipe out specific neighboring bad influences) and ongoing commands for day-to-day life.

And what does that mean? I'll let the Bible speak for itself:

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. 2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh, 4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. "

-Romans 8

From Catholic gradeschool I thought I remember this being said as he is not here to get rid of the law but his fulfillment of the law will not need it to be followed as there would be new rules. Take it for what you will but for some reason it's stuck in my head that the abrahamic laws were invalidated (probably not the right word) once Jesus came along.

The laws of the Old Testament point towards Christ's fulfillment of them. For example, Cattle were sacrificed at the temple looking towards Christ's eventual sacrifice, and once that was fulfilled, there was no need for animal sacrifice. There is much that Christ fulfilled, and therefore the old way of doing things was either unnecessary, or more elaborate depending on the situation.

There is a lot of logic behind the Laws of the Old testament, and the teachings of Christ. In the OT, the Hebrews were a new band of people united under a new religion. If you look at the laws in Exodus you can see that they are laws meant to preserve these people and to weed out those who would cause them harm. Kosher dietary laws existed because eating certain things could spread disease back then. In the New Testament, that law was updated because it was much safer to eat those foods and the Kosher law was therefore unnecessary. So, rather than "Don't eat this!" the rule became "You can eat this, but don't eat too much because that's dangerous, too." In the same way, the Hebrews established and protected themselves through war to get rid of the people around them who were a danger to them, as has pretty much every civilization throughout history. As the nation grew more and more stable, that became unnecessary as well, so the peace Jesus preached was because the violence of the OT had been fulfilled and the establishment of a nation through violence was unnecessary. The harsh death sentences of the OT were replaced by more civilized ways of dealing with people.

The laws of the OT were appropriate and useful, and many of them became unnecessary by the time Jesus was on Earth. However, much of Christ's teaching actually expanded upon many of the old laws. You can see this most easily in the verses where He says something like, "You have heard it said that ____, but I say to you ___." He's usually quoting an old law and then saying how it should have been interpretted, or should be interpreted going forward.

A good example of this is in the same passage that the verse you quoted is from.

Matthew 5:21-22 21“You have heard that it was said to your ancestors, ‘You shall not kill; and whoever kills will be liable to judgment.’
22 But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment, and whoever says to his brother, ‘Raqa,’ will be answerable to the Sanhedrin, and whoever says, ‘You fool,’ will be liable to fiery Gehenna.

So, in this instance, he is not saying this law is unnecessary, but that it is in fact more serious than they had thought. Not only should you not kill someone, but holding anger against them is also sinful. This follows the logic I spoke of before. It's unhealthy for humans to harbor hate or anger for others, and it's a good example to show that most sins are similar to a parent telling a child not to run out into the street or touch a hot stove.

TL;DR - Some Old Testament laws became unnecessary over time and were updated, but some needed more clarification.

So did God tell the jews to holocaust the Amalekites?

This was a commandment for the Israelites to go to war that one specific time, not permission for them to just go ahead and go to war with whoever they wants.

Do we have a big problem with christians murdering others in the name of Christ? ill be waiting for your in-depth response.

Christians kill people all the time

when have you ever heard a christian take the old testament torah(specific to israelites) and murder someone in cold blood? Radical islam takes the koran, and teaches children to hate, persecute women, kill gays/lesbians, and control societies. how in the F can you defend this? Ill be waiting

How the fuck can I defend this? I'm not defending anything, mate. Just posted a bit of the bible that I like.

Crusades, Inquisition...

of course. the old crusades that every "christian" hater loves to refer to. yes, the crusades were bad. however if you do your research, you will learn that the majority of the crusades were due to muslims trying to take over the world. christians(so called) started an army and and it was bloody. Im referring to worldwide terror in which radical islam is 99% responsible for. Do you disagree with this?

To answer that I have to ask if you consider war to be terrorism.

war is not terrorism. there are rules of war. sometimes these rules are broken, however most countries try to abide by the rules of war. terrorism targets innocent civilians/children/women to cause fear and create control.

In that case yes there is a lot of Islamic terrorism in the world. However here in the US our terrorism has been mostly domestic. We also have to consider that the US has sponsored terrorism around the world for decades as well as training several ruthless dictators.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_and_state-sponsored_terrorism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation

The deadliest domestic terror incident prior to the OKC bombing was done by a Mormon militia. It's a big complicated issue, but read up on the war between Mormons and other Christians (protestants?) in the late 1800's. That's only a 1 sentence summary, but I think that any fearful, hateful group can cherry pick any scripture to justify their acts.

im talking about worldwide, not in an OK suberb. radical islam is responsible for 99% of all terrorism in the world. Its not getting better. It will only get worse. its a freaking problem and its not racist to state the facts. The sooner we state the facts, we can start trying to cure the root cause of all this shit.

OK, facts then. You initially asked for examples for Christians murdering people. Setting aside the fact that the Mormon War was hardly an OK suburb (particularly because it was concentrated in the Missouri area)... Let's discuss global terrorism.

radical islam is responsible for 99% of all terrorism in the world.

Fact: Nope! True, religious extremism has seen an uptick in recent years, but the most recent data shows ~60% of terrorism occurs from the 4 main groups right now (ISIS, Boko Haram and the Taliban). 80% of the deaths occured in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria.

Its not getting better. It will only get worse.

Fact: Nope! It's literally getting better. Terrorism spiked in 2006, and while last year saw more attacks than the prior year, the trend is in decline. Terrorism will always exist. This is just the latest trend. Before that there was the IRA, Chechan Rebels, Pipeline bombings in Columbia, Kurdistan Workers Party....

The sooner we state the facts, we can start trying to cure the root cause of all this shit.

Fact: Yup! So, do some research, study up on global history, and start stating facts!

Sources: RAND database of Worldwide Terrorism Incidents: http://www.rand.org/nsrd/projects/terrorism-incidents/download.html

Global Terrorism Database: http://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/

Global Terrorism Index 2015: http://economicsandpeace.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Global-Terrorism-Index-2015.pdf

thanks for the response!

You are missing a HUGE fundamental to the understanding of what was going on there. Research Genesis 6, the Book of Enoch, and Nephilim. Those were not "people" they were hybrids, offsprings of demons copulating with human women. It's where the line of giants and mighty men of old come from.

Doesn't really matter, its all a moot point. None of it actually happened.

we can cherry pick lines of scripture from any book all day. What is important is reality. The reality is that most fundamentalism is dying except for Islamic, in which ~15% of muslims already living in western countries support or condone terrorism in the name of religion. In non-western countries that percentage is much higher.

(source; biased but the page is just links to unbiased research): http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/articles/opinion-polls.aspx

I wasn't defending Islam or the Koran.

And this folks, is ignorance based commenting.

Or blatant sarcasm we all missed. I beg its the latter as no one should be that fucking ignorant of the facts.

I think it's somewhere between wishful thinking and general racism

Agreed. And sprinkle on top a lack of knowledge of historical facts of religion up until very recent history.

It's just alternative facts. The same kind that Dylan Roof read up on before shooting up the Charleston Church. But it's hypothetical Muslims that are the violent ones

Comment history full of telling people how old and wise you are and how stupid and foolish they are. If only everyone could have the breadth of wisdom that you do then this world would be different...

Or perhaps not as this story has been replaying the same episode for the past 1400 centuries. If you're worried about the shade of skin color of the people that want you dead, I think I'm going to pass on that 'wisdom'.

Im flattered you went through my history. And nitpicked one or 2 conversations ive had with some small minded and scared folks(add this one to the list)

But, Yes. Because all muslims want me dead. /s thats just fucking stupid fear mongering. See, im a grown ass man that doesnt fear anyone based on religion, ideogy, or skin color. But no problem buddy, embrace your ignorance. Its on display for all to see.

At least you're consistent.

When you talk to children, stupid folks, and immature individuals, you have a right to call them children, stupid, and immature. If folks dont wanna hear it, they shouldnt act like it. But again, im flattered that you know my whole history, kiddo.

At least you're consistent.

I will never understand how people manage to pass judgment on literally millions of other people, most of them decent folk, without meeting a single one of them.

Looks like he was critiquing Islam and facets of the religion , not individual Muslims.

He apparently is calling Muslims who aren't bloodthirsty and powerthirsty bad Muslims. Kind of a lose lose. "If you're not a bad person you're a bad Muslim!" No, you don't understand how the religion works in progress. If you took only the Bible and tried to understand Christianity you would end up with something completely different than the practice as well, though arguably likely in the opposite direction, where reality is worse than the book instead of vice versa.

Do you understand sharia law, and what it entails? That alone is incompatible with our society. It comes from their religious texts, and many polls have found majority support for it, strictly those that practice the religion.

Do you understand sharia law, and what it entails?

Most muslims do not, so you definitely don't.

An your evidence for this statement is what?

I'm a muslim. I don't know what sharia exactly entails, neither does most other muslims I know. Doing a google search for 'sharia bad' and reading a biased page does not make you an expert on sharia.

So, you make an assumption that it's not possible to find things out about Sharia for one, and assume that because you are a secular Muslim that never paid much attention to religion that a non-Muslim couldn't possibly understand what you don't even though you've never bothered to inform yourself about it. Just saying, I'm a Muslim doesn't work.

I know plenty of devout muslims. They all argue over what is or isn't sharia as well. What's your point anyway?

This even Muslims can't agree what is Sharia and what isn't; therefore, it's immune to criticism angle is silly and doesn't follow logically is my point.

But you are not critiquing sharia at all. You're just making knee jerk reactions and hate based on what you have heard from others on what sharia entails.

Do you understand sharia law and what it entails? It's a lot like our common law in practice, where interpretation is left up to your local jurisdiction and the judges therein. Think of the punishments outlined in the Quran as legal maximums according to our law, because the judges are supposed to be merciful, as Allah is merciful, and attempt to bend the sentences as much in the defendant's favor as much as reasonably possible. It's not good optics to actually stone everyone. It's great optics to say "well, I'm supposed to have you stoned, but I won't." Any truly tyrannical government either has popular support due to external factors, or is so unstable as to not be able to last more than a couple human lifetimes. And the caliphates almost all lasted longer than that. They weren't tyrants, they were relatively reasonable (for the time), if warmongering, governments. The Arabs have had tons of innovations in government, all homegrown, which modern Western culture seems to completely ignore in favor of the mental image of the hordes burning the Library of Alexandria or some shit. Yes, that happened, but we wrecked and looted shit in the Crusades as well.

Now, where is this implementation of sharia law today? Well...we kinda blew it up. We've wrecked so many governments in the last hundred years or so that there's no continuity left, no common law precedent left to build upon, no wise judges to implement sharia law sanely. Do I want sharia law, as it would likely be implemented now? Hell fucking no. But as many Muslims think of it being, in living memory, back before we started really wrecking shit, and of course through a healthy layer of nostalgia? It's really not a unreasonable thing for them to miss. The sharia people knew how to keep order. That's seductive when your entire region has gone to shit. And it also means, definitively, self-rule. No colonialism, no Western approval necessary. Sharia means that Arabs get to judge the Arabs, in a distinctly Arabic way.

Please get some context for things, okay? Ask what you think when you think of a term, and what they think when they think of a term. Though the word may have the same dictionary definition for both of you, for them it feels like home, while for you it feels alien and horrifying. And that's okay. We just have to know how to come to understandings. We need to have dialogue. As I've said tons of times in this thread, I just simply don't understand how you can pass judgment on literally millions of people without ever talking to them, discovering what they are really like, what actually matters to them. Books are books, people are people. Don't judge people based on books, or books like they're people.

This is an awesome post.

Spot on post. I would also add that people who want to see Sharia Law in their governance typically want to see aspects of it mixed in with western democracy. They don't necessarily want to go back to an antiquated time where women are silenced and hands cut off for thievery - which is what most people assume is meant by having Sharia Law. Some Muslim countries even have a greater number of women with Master's Degrees than their men. People in the West have a tendency to think when Muslims call for Sharia they mean that old-school barbaric crap, but that's only because the loudest voices have tended to be terrorist's. Try talking to real Muslims. Having known a fair share of Muslims myself, I'd say that even the more conservative folk among them don't want to go back to that world either.

Living memory

past 100 years

Pick one

Most of the last hundred years is in living memory. I only stretched it that far back because I wanted to include the Ottomans specifically, but it's not like all the governments ended exactly a hundred years ago, some ended just a few decades ago. It's nice of you to try and delegitimize me with pedantics instead of trying to integrate new info into your worldview, though. You're really transparent.

As such, I don't really feel like trying to lay out the rest of this beyond that level of pedantry. It's not like I'm a personal expert on all of this. And I don't think you'd appreciate the effort anyway.

I do often hear this use of "sharia law" when trying to denounce Islam as a whole as violent. Then when I tell my real life experience in Islam they say "well those arnt real muslims". People want to attack this religion as a whole instead of focusing on the groups that are violent so bad... the people that practice Islam and fit into modern society are not "offshoots" they are the norm. Muslim Americans fit in just fine.

I'd like to point out that we shouldn't generalise people because of the ideology they choose to follow (unless they are possibly right wing).

You should look up some info about the crusades and the inquisition...all religions are fucked up and have done horrible things in the name of virtue

Agnostic here. I'm not sure how pointing to examples from 1000 years ago counts when referring to what the other person said. I haven't seen any current videos of Christians decapitating ppl, burning them alive, throwing them off of rooftops for being gay, or executing them with an AA gun.

Basically by even bringing up the crusades, you're conceding that "Islamic extremists" are living 1000 years in the past, and the culture is even less compatible than previously thought. Crusades/Christians in general vs. Islam today is a fairly weak comparison b/c you'd have to say Christians are no different than they were 1000 years ago.

Because christians kill people with drones and F-35s.

Ok, THAT is a good way to tear down the other guy's argument. That's all I wanted :) I have a tendency to play devil's advocate. Whether I agree with the original point or not, I can't help but point it out of the points being made are nonsense.

So my goal is achieved. Proceed to dismantle the original comment with the idea that drones are essentially Christian-operated rather than Christians in the crusades.

The way our gov't wages war has nothing to do with Christianity.

I mean, no....

Read up on Blackwater, I mean, shit, the CEO published a book that was very explicitly about conducting a religious war against Islam. I have no doubt that much of the reason we're so active in the middle east is because we're primarily a Christian nation and they're primarily Muslim nations, not to mention the prophecy contained in Revelations that a world war must be sparked in the Middle East in order for Christ to return and take all the good Christians home.

I wouldn't argue that there are those fundamentalist Christians that might have been lured into these misadventures based on such belies, but they are a minority in Christianity and the members of the Cabal or whatever (this is r/conspiracy, right?) certainly give no fucks about Christianity vs Islam except where they can use this to further their aims.

How do you respond to those who say "The way ISIS wages war has nothing to do with Islam?"

I would say that the Quran says different.

The way our gov't wages war has nothing to do with Christianity.

I would say the bible says differently

Are you saying US drone strikes against terrorists are the same as throwing gay people off roofs?

Are you saying US drone strikes against terrorists

Question begging.

What's your point? The topic at hand is about current day Islamic Fundamentalists killing gays....not some thing that happened 700 to 1000 years ago.

Brutal ignorance right here folks. This is a person who has never met a Muslim. Or maybe they have but since they looked like normal people they didn't notice.

Brutal ignorance you say, yet you have decided you can read this person's mind and know who they have met and what they know.

If they had met a Muslim they would know that everything they just said is bullshit. I'm not reading minds just making educated guesses. They, in the other hand, are presenting bullshit is facts. Pretending to know the minds of billions of people.

Yeah? Have you seen pictures of women whose faces have been disfigured by acid? Widespread female genital mutilation? Homosexuality being illegal? There are a people that have fled fundamentalism in the past, but the Wahabis control most of the mosques in the US. They have the backing of Saudi Arabia, the "center of the Islamic world," where people are still beheaded. Have you not seen the polling of Muslim immigrants to the UK and Europe? Seen the Muslim scholars that tour Europe talking about cutting off the heads of homosexuals? This is a myth that all Muslims are peaceful moderates. The ones you are probably talking about are secular Muslims. According to the reformists themselves, they are fighting a battle for the soul of Islam against these Wahabis and their ilk. One can argue that the fundamentalists or whatever you want to call them misinterpret the scripture, but it is a historical fact that Muhammad himself waged war. This is in stark contrast to Christianity, so it is not brutal ignorance or bullshit.

Western Islam. I was born a Muslim. I no longer practice. I am not ignoring that there are obvious Islamic but jobs all over the world (mostly in one area). That is absolute horseshit about the wahabi controlling most of the mosques in the US backing beheadings. If you have ever gone to one and seen the people you would know that. That is the essence of ignorance. Christianity is not in "stark contrast" in the US because more Christian fundamentalists kill here than Islamic ones.

I can't remember/find where I read that, and probably should have looked for a corroborative source, so I will concede that, but you are wrong about fundamentalist Christians killing here. Also, you don't address the cultural differences I mentioned. Nowhere are Christians throwing acid in girls faces or throwing homosexuals off of buildings. Do you not agree that more recent waves of immigration are of a different character which could explain the opinions polled of Muslims living in the West that aren't exactly compatible with Western culture which you likely have more in common with than these people? I never said all Islam was a problem, but you cannot deny the differences between Christian and Islamic scripture and the historical fact that the prophet waged war himself.

This is the problem. My friends and family and the hundreds or maybe thousands of Muslim people I've met are innocent and blanketed in with psychotics on the other side of the globe. People bounce around in this anti Islam echo chamber finding piece after piece of confirmation bias. Twisting information to fit their narrative. They are being cowards and giving the terrorists everything they want. Do you know how I know you are also part of the problem? You say the prophet waged war himself. Growing up it was always taught (not just in my area) that we were never sure if the prophet waged war or if war was first waged against him. Now every talking head not citing their history speaks as if it is FACT that he waged it despite no new historical information coming to light.

There are hundreds of millions that are not so innocent. Who is the one living in an echo chamber? A little criticism of Islam is met with defensiveness. Islam needs to be open to honest criticism if it is to reform. It's true that people are lumping Islamism with all Islam, but people that are just trying to make sense of all this are less to blame than the Islamists themselves and liberal politicians and pundits who have misinformed and apologized. It doesn't matter whether the prophet waged war defensively or aggressively. There is enough evidence that it was aggressive to keep it uncertain, yes? Even if defensive, good or bad, this is a militancy that is completely absent in the NT gospels. Do you not agree that this is ripe for twisting by those that wish to? I'm sure Sharia was in some ways a brilliant system in medieval times, but it's time to update.

Those comments were not criticisms. They were blanket statements. Huge difference. People, you included, seem to think that Islam is one way. You say "it's time to update" Islam like any other religion HAS updated. It has moved with the times for the vast majority of this planet. (I spend a lot of time in Indonesia where I have family it is similar to western Islam here as well) This is why I started off calling this whole thing ignorance. If you or the OP had spent time in a western Islamic community you would have a full understanding of that. But you don't. People are not being critical of Islam hey are dismissing it or attacking it and it's causing oppositional violence toward people I care about. From my point of view the liberal politicians are not apologizing for Islam. They are avoiding putting too much emphasis on Islam as a whole as the enemy so that innocent people are not hurt. Judaism has violent text and you do not criticize them. How about instead you go after the 7 or 8 countries that have used religion in their government to push hostility in Islam. Islam in countries without government religion intervention are all doing just fine with it.

Blanket statements? How do you figure? It was a legitimate question. There are going to be crazy people that decide to take matter into their own hands and do something stupid. That's kind of beside the point. We should be able to ask simple questions like the OP. Why is the Left so bent on apologizing for Islamists who have obvious issues with respecting others' way of life. Being anti-homosexual is not some isolated thing practiced by some small insignificant minority. It's still a crime in like 11 countries to be homosexual, so how can you so easily dismiss such a backward thing? You say Islam has been updated, but reveal that you haven't really experienced life in the heart of Islam. If it has, then why are the reformers in Europe fighting "for the soul of Islam?" The countries whose laws and customs they wish to reform are in the ME and not places like Indonesia. It seems you have this bias you have developed because you have been insulated from the problems that people are rightfully critical of. I can't really trust that your picture of Islam as a whole is entirely accurate because you don't seem to have any experience outside of the secular westernized world.

Holy shit. You're impossible. I've said my point a half dozen times and you havnt even tried to refute it you just keep going "blah blah but OTHER muslims" and trying to act as if it's a religion that doesn't have different factions. You talk about it like it's unified. It is not. That was my point. My point still stands. I really don't care to talk about whatever goal post moving you wish to discuss.

Where did the OP say "all Muslims?" Nowhere is the obvious answer, so what is your point again? You have ignored everything I've said and just come back with reiterating your false premise. You decide a question is a blanket statement, yet you call me impossible. Sorry, but that doesn't make sense.

Like I said. My point stands. You have nothing to refute it.

I'm the OP? How do you figure? I can't seem to find the post that started this back and forth, but if I remember correctly, instead of answering his question, you attacked him basically by calling the post dangerously ignorant or something like that. I responded to this original attack that seemed to dismiss off-handedly the real and justified concern of homosexuals after fifty of them were slaughtered in the US. He never made any blanket statement. He never said all Muslims and even edited to make that clear. You seem to be saying that this question is dangerous and will lead to violence against innocent Muslims by promulgating this notion that Islam is monolithic which he never did. You went on to say how Muslims are totally peaceful we don't know what we're talking about because you're a Muslim and know better. I suggested otherwise. I don't see the disconnect, or why you can't seem to follow the discussion. Meanwhile more people have died, been injured, raped, assaulted, robbed, in Europe, and people continue to be attacked for daring to suggest that Islam has problems. Indonesia is no exception it turns out. They may be a minority sect there too, but it is far more widespread than you seem to want to acknowledge. Actually can you name a country that has a significant Muslim population that hasn't had problems with Muslims getting along with others? Anyone that attacks someone that asks a relevant and legit question like the OP instead of having a polite discussion about it especially when people in the OP's group have recently been massacred just looks like an asshole imo. Islam has a big problem, and you seem to want to downplay it which doesn't help anyone except maybe the Islamists.

Have any Muslims tried to kill you recently?

This is identity politics at best. Bigotry and misinformation at worst. Stop playing this game.

The taking of native american land is underpinned by a papal bull known as terra nullius. It basically meant that if the indigenous people weren't Christians then the land was considered unoccupied. That was followed by genocide of the native americans.

umm quite frankly you dont have a clue what you are talking about.

No faggot, we gotta get Muslims out, then you and your fucktarf boyfriend are next, then the Catholics and jews.

Removed: R1 and Warning.

In all religions god bleeds for his people. In Islam the people bleed for god.

Im just frightened by the fact this hateful ideology is recognised as a religion. And i think you have every right to discriminate against religion. Religion is a free and personal choice, i am allowed to judge people on their choices. I am allowed to discriminate against them because of it.

But the law of the land rules. Not the laws of god. I condemn muslims that dont shake a womans hand just as much as i condemn a christian for not serving gay-couples. Because thats simply breaking the law, by discriminating people on things they can not change.

Theres the difference. Homosexuality is a sin to some, they have every right to think that. The difference lies in how they act with reality. And im not seeing good things in the future.

I personally don't have a problem with what other people think or believe, and I prefer not to judge anyone for their ideas even if their fucked up, there are always reasons unknown to be considered. It's when they act on those beliefs is where I have an issue. I'm sure I've encountered plenty of people who would like to do me harm, I'm sure someone has probably walked past my home and considered robbing it.

I do however strongly believe in severe and immediate retaliation against the actions of those who attempt to harm myself, my family or my property. I will give you the shirt off my back, but if you attempt to take my shirt by force, I will do my best to make you regret ever trying.

Thank you. There is a pretty big fucking difference between not wanting to bake a wedding cake and systematically oppressing and killing an entire group of people.

If I can't assume things because of someone's religion, then if I'm a proclaimed Nazi you can't make assumptions.

I'd just like to chime in that, no islam does not mandate conquest and blood and an islamic state, however fighting back(with force if necessary) is allowed only when you are opressed, which is pretty much what the west does as well.

P.S I'm a pakistani muslim who has and still does live in pakistan, and a large majority of the people around me are of the same view as mine.

Nice place to live I hear.

Lol thanks, I still wouldn't want to go anywhere else. Not that I haven't had the chance to.

You do realize that Christianity is a HUGE weapon used by people in politics, right?

Even if it isn't written into the doctrine as explicitly as Islam, Christianity is already extremely invasive in our government. I don't see how Islam is a whole different beast when all these politicians refer to their faith in god in every speech.

Normally I would agree with you here but islam is a whole other beast. It's tied to a religious government as a requirement for all Muslims to wage jihad to make that happen and to kill all infidels or convert them by the sword.

Jesus Christ told us to love one another and have compassion and bring his words to all who want to listen. I am no expert and don't claim to be but I am unaware of any Christian movement that requires conquest and conversion by force.

Quite a lot of Christians were responsible for quite a lot of violence back in the middle ages. The Crusades were a pretty bloody set of wars.

I'm guessing you're not familiar with either the Old Testament or the Koran.

It's not all violence. There is violence in the Bible as well. I think most modern day Muslims, like Christians, see that more as pertaining to the past and not the future. There are groups in the middle East who want power and control so of course they preach the violent and oppressive (controlling) parts

Every morning I drive by a church billboard that says that it is their mission "to send as many people to heaven as possible before they die."

All religions are scary as fuck, but most of the people in it don't see the scary part.

Great post.

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Jesus from matthew 10:34...it's all about perspective and from the outside , all 3 abrahamic faiths just look like a death cult.

It also costs a $1.05

That's a hefty fuckin fee.

For folks like you and me.

Yeah... all religions are just ideas. We can criticize, challenge, and mock any idea. Not skin colour, but ideas for sure. Sharia law definitely.

I agree with you that freedom of speech is not always pretty. However it is disappointing that every time this is brought up I always see"but Christians". Sure there are fanatic Christians, but they do not make up the majority or anything close to one. Islam has large numbers of adherents that are anti western values.

Equating Christian beliefs to Sharia is ridiculous. I'm an atheist but those two religions are on TOTALLY different levels of fucked-up.

Tell me where I made an equation.

I'll say it. All religion is bad. All of it. Now if that religion is peaceful then we can tolerate it. Islam is not peaceful. The first amendment was penned when the fights were over specific denominations of Christianity. Christianity has left behind its roots of justice by stoning and crusade and burning witches. So must Islam abandon its roots of Sharia law and jihad if it wants to be tolerated.

Quick, someone give Islam a call, he needs to hear this offer you're making.

Wish I could upvote this more.

Ah but you can't riot. Anarchists riot. Not protest.

the pushing against Islam is infact pushing against barbarism. There is over a billion muslims and the ban is against 20% of the countries that are predominantly muslim. Funny how Bahrain, UAE & Qatar ban muslim immigration from other countries and no one says a thing

That's because those countries are effectively gated communities granted sovereignty. Poor people can't get into those in the US without damn good reason either.

Sounds like making excuses.

Sounds like a mindless reply.

People who are putting their identity politics ahead of the realities of a million Muslims murdered by the US since 9/11 probably voted for Hillary. And would probably take Trump over Jill Stein.

How anyone feels about anything is not going to count for shit. Its going to come down to food and water before its over.

This sounds like Mike Pence, he thinks a woman should be at home barefoot and pregnant and thinks that conversion therapy can fix gay people.

Pence has never explicitly stated that he believes in "conversion therapy." That was something Gavin Newsom inferred from something Pence said, so this idea that Pence is a raging homophobe is unfounded, as usual.

Secular law is the only law!

I agree with you and OP. Unfortunately it is on both sides of the aisle, tho. There are hardline Christian Republicans who would Federally ban all abortions and want to wage holy war in the name of Zionism and Armageddon/end time predictions.

There is not a lot of middle ground due to both political parties courting extremism, imo.

So well said. Conceptually allowing Christian business owners to discriminate who they serve based on their "beliefs" is in the same line.

Not the same at all. Refusing to bake a cake for someone doesn't harm anyone; whereas, throwing someone off a building tends to result in the death of that person. Demanding someone do something they don't feel comfortable doing is closer to what the Muslim prescription for dealing with homosexuals is, an infringement on another's will.

True. One is far more harmful than the other. Still not ok with any religion obstructing a persons way of life so long as that way of life doesn't hurt anyone...if that makes sense.

I agree with that statement, but don't see it relating directly.
No one is obstructing another living the way they want by not wanting to bake them a cake. That is someone's private business; whereas, if someone comes into that business and demands/legally arm-twists that person into making a cake for them that IS obstructing another person's choice to live a certain way.

Those suckers are AKA "useful idiots"

I totally agree with you, but I have to play the devils advocate. The whole reason the religion is allowed here is because of the constitution, specifically the first amendment. It's a sort of catch 22; if you allow it, their beliefs go against the constitution, and if you don't allow it, oppressing them goes against the constitution. It is such a nightmare of a grey area that there really is no concrete solution.

And you cannot even talk about problems when ultra Orthodox Jews destroy a school district - without being called anti semitic and literally the same as Nazis. Check out the situation in East Ramapo NY.

Or when they say America oppresses gays and women too, like, yeah some things could be better but it's not even remotely similar situation.

Lots of groups have beliefs (among many other beliefs) that are opposite to certain american values. Many christians don't believe in the separation of church and state. That doesn't mean we shouldn't support their human rights. Zionism supports a right to return which racist at its core- and yet US policy explicitly supports zionism as a political ideology.

As a country, we are the number one state supporter of terrorism in the world, and yet we constantly condemn other countries and movements as terrorist. That doesn't mean Americans aren't deserving of human rights.

Shit- gay marriage JUST became a thing. Don't act like we have some moral highground on the gay issue. We still oppress people. Addicts get jailed every day for their illness.

Are you someone who cheered "USA! USA!" when democrats and republicans voted to bomb iraq, while passing the "Patriot" Act to let undereducated, underpaid, underscreaned government employees touch your child's dick when he goes to the airport?

They are taking advantage of suckers and Trump supporters who are too blind to see that they are somehow fighting for their own rights to be taken one day.

You're bringing valid points but in a way, this is gas lighting because this thread is on one topic and you're throwing at least three other huge things in the pool.

I don't appreciate assumptive references to what I "shouted" or supported. You have no reason to try and criminalize me by projecting things on me.

In short, pointing at other people or events outside the scope of the topic does not provide a valid counter statement to what OP said. Sorry.

OP accused "Muslims" (a term which includes 1.6 billion people) of refusing to respect his human rights.

Your response was "good for you, OP". Was OP "gaslighting" muslims?

I DID make an assumption about your value system and political ideology based on your generalization about muslims and "sjws". And I asked you whether or not my assumption was correct. For many on here, that assumption IS correct. If it's true about you, maybe it highlights the flipside of your argument and points out your own hypocrisy. If it's not true about you, maybe it highlights something for you about others who share just a part of your opinion.

Sorry this is just noise. Large populations of which the radical form of (aka minority) don't follow Sharia law and there's zero ability to tell the difference.

You're far too confrontational for a real conversation unfortunately. Challenge that Muslim populations are not a social threat to gays or women with cited sources and then you get to make a point.

Confrontational? Don't get on the internet claiming that 1.6 billion people don't have a right to demand human rights, and call other people confrontational for arguing against that narrative.

Challenge that Westernized Republican/ Democrat/ Secular/ Jewish/ Christian (take your pick) populations are not a physical (violent) and economic threat to millions (perhaps BILLIONS) of MEN, women and children around the world

fixed that for you. take some responsibility for yourself.

Yeah you're not a constructive solution person. So you deserve to be ignored just for putting words into misinterpretations and spewing hate.

you haven't offered any constructive solutions- just complained about my dialectic style.

again- let's not worry about muslims. fix your glass house and stop throwing stones.

They want to dictate law which involves anti gay actions and oppressing women.

And freedom of speech. That is equally as important. Do not accept that showing Muhammad is wrong, its not and Islam and the West needs to push for that. Freedom of speech is at risk here.

Pushing against Islam

They want to dictate law

Islam isn't a person, who is "they?" If "they" are Muslims, then your anger is misdirected. Be mad at the corrupt governments, not Muslims.

Because they don't exersize any of the things that "directly oppose the constitution" maybe?

People could have a religion which wants to shove 20 dildos up my arse and even though I would think that's wrong, as long as they don't do it they aren't breaking any laws.

See, my issue with this post is the use of "they." Certainly, there are Muslims around the world who feel this way and their faith revolves around a very strict interpretation of these beliefs. But not every one of the millions of Muslims in the world is the same as the ones you are describing. It is wrong to throw a blanket over all of these millions of people because they might have extremist views. At the same time, we should not support the persecution of LGBT people in the name of religion, whether that religion is Christianity, Islam, or any other.

It's so hard to not group people because it's extremely difficult to vet out those with harmful intentions versus those that do not wish harm. The ones that want to have cultural take over even if that means violence will only lie to immigration. So how do you spot that?

Like others have cited and commented on here, people are watching European countries that have led the refugee asylum efforts now struggling with crimes against women which are skyrocketing.

Being kind and assuming any Muslim should be a safe Muslim is almost impossible at this point. I don't think anyone seeking asylum should be blocked, but at this point, current events surrounding Muslims have put people in a very tough decision point.

It's kind of like you know that 1 person out of 10 that had their house burn down and need a place to live is a blatant robber. You have no way of knowing which of the 10 are a robber, but you want to help the other 9 that are not robbers because they don't have a home. Do you let all 10 into your home, knowing that the one will rob you? Or do you apologize and not let any in?

Here's a quote from Mohammed Ali along the same lines though he's talking about his fear of white people:

"There are many white people who mean right and in their hearts wanna do right. If 10,000 snakes were coming down that aisle now, and I had a door that I could shut, and in that 10,000, 1,000 meant right, 1,000 rattlesnakes didn’t want to bite me, I knew they were good... Should I let all these rattlesnakes come down, hoping that that thousand get together and form a shield? Or should I just close the door and stay safe?"

Don't know if that makes any sense at all...I tried.

Your reply definitely makes sense. I don't know if the USA is doing something differently when it comes to vetting, and I know that compared to Europe our refugee numbers are much lower, but there haven't been any acts of terror committed by a refugee since before 9/11 (maybe never?), so something must be working on that front. We've had far more incidents of mass shootings by white dudes in movie theaters/schools/churches than by Muslims. It's a hard discussion to have and I think it can (and should) make people on both sides uncomfortable to talk about. There's no denying that Europe has been negatively affected in some ways as a result of their refugee policies, but they have also helped a great number of people escape death and destruction. I'd love to hear the perspective of a an actual refugee on their experience in all of this.

Why would a "religion" who's beliefs directly oppose our constitutional rights be allowed here?

You can't legislate thought.

Why would a "religion" who's beliefs directly oppose our constitutional rights be allowed here?

Because it has been there from the very beginning?

Oh wait... you weren't talking about Christianity?

LOL Not disagreeing with what you're saying here. But just because Christianity partakes in some challenges to civil rights, doesn't make it any clearer about what to do with Muslims coming into the country. Sounds like they would just compound an already existing issue.

So do a massive amounts for Evangelicals in the US, tho.

I'm 100% pro civil liberties like crazy, and the threat of losing those rights comes largely from the Christian right in this country.

If there's ever a Muslim influence in American law, I'll eat my hat. Honestly, the defense of gay rights doesn't come from the rejection of Islam, it comes from stronger civil defense.

Muslims didn't pass Prop 8, and haven't led any charge against gay rights in the Modern American political landscape, that's been the Christian fundamentalists, and they are still pissed that they're losing.

They are referred to as useful idiots, the same useful idiots who were in the women's March, or who shout down speakers at universities. Easily manipulated kids on the left who have never had a struggle or a challenge and think they are revolutionaries.

You can disagree with a movement while at the same time not wanting to strip its members and countrymen of their basic human rights.

They do have rights. What they don't tell you is that them having rights doesn't automatically invalidate what you're saying. Guilt trips are a common tactic among the left. If you understand Islam enough to have an informed opinion, you shouldn't be afraid to say it. opposing any minority group will get you called racist. That doesn't make it so. And being your beef is with their politics, and not their skin tone, you're not saying anything racist. Anything you say is likely to offend somebody in this new era of trigger warnings and temper tantrums.

Freedom of religion is non-negotiable.

If you want to live somewhere without religious liberty, move to Saudi Arabia.

We loyal Americans don't want your traitorous ass here.

Troll is what troll does.

The "grey" area others have already mentioned is that Islam blurs the line between religion, culture and politics. It's not just a belief system.

So does Judaism. Should we not allow them either?

Actually, don't answer that, I suspect your answer may be rather disturbing.


Valid point, but what religions aren't pretty much cultural movements? Even newer ones like Scientology and The Mormons are the worst at this.

OP 10000% agree with you as a woman and a mom. These muslim apologists haven't read the koran or the "supporting books". Haven't seen the rantings of a madman who believed at first he was possessed of a demon and so terrified he tried to kill himself.

The religion is like the bizzaro world. They command the opposite of the Ten Commandments in almost every line. Only honor thy father is there. Sort of. As long as he isn't gay, didn't try to leave islam and convert to something else etc.

No real feminist with a brain can support this theocracy of madness. No true American Constitutionist should be able to dismiss the incompatibility of islam and the Constitution especially the Bill of Rights and freedom of religion.

They still practice slavery. Evil evil slavery that my poor indentured servant ancestors get blamed for in America still but they are doing it today!! The religion does more than condone slavery. It demands it. Along with conquest and conversion by the sword. Lying and deceit and theft. And sexual abuse of women and children too complete with pedophilia poetry.

I don't think enough muslims even understand the rotten core. Or are on denial. Like so many Americans about our govt and 9/11.

Love this! Cults!!!

Hierarchical identity politics. The more oppressed the more they love them. Gay is below Islamist and trans so they have fallen out of their favor. When you are the party of outrage you always have to find something to be offended by. Calm and order is the enemy of the left.

Oh, thats called the progressive stack, its a fundamental component of the oppression olympics.

Or maybe because they're a diverse demographic that doesn't all share the same views and behavior? The same way not all gay people are flamboyant sex fiends

Yes, and since the leaders of the left set the policy of fact and also dictate what is to be believed, followed, worshiped, protested and hated, they are in control of a large "mind share" of the left.

If you want to "fit in" you better shut your mouth and do what the leaders say and think what they think or you'll be outcast and "shunned" and called horrible names.

Nobody wants to be embarrassed in front of their friends and family.

Here's a good place to start to understand what's really going on:

Saul Alinsky Rules for Radicals

It's hilarious when the right starts saying the exact same thing the left says about the right in terms of media influence and groupthink.

I hate all of this crap from both sides so much I can't do anything but laugh about it.

This sub used to be a refuge from that.

Believe it or not, he's right

This and only this. No use even talking about it anymore.

Hooray for the 2 party system.

I'm more Agnostic I guess than anything, but I come off Atheist to those who just can't fathom not supporting Christianity. At least, that's what I always get.

Anyways, one day I was having a polite conversation with a co-worker, and we were just exchanging stories, and beliefs, and she asked me, to paraphrase "why do you want the Muslims to take over?"

I was pretty confused, and asked her what she was talking about and why she thought that's what I wanted. Her basic implication was that if I wasn't 100% fighting a war for Christ, than I was actively working to help Islam take control.

It never even occurred to her that I was vehemently against both. But that's what you can expect from a person who wants the rapture to happen in their lifetime. Seriously. She believes the rapture will happen in her lifetime and is excited for it. But anyways, that's a whole other thing.

Actually, it's only the left that's about identity politics. Most people on the right are more concerned with policy and governance.

It's because the left is emotion-driven by deeply and willfully ignorant people. If they don't feel it then it must not be true, even if there's a stat sheet right in front of their face.

Kind of cute that the identity politics being bitched about around here is the same identity politics that started this thread. I like how this sort of cognitive dissonance works on both sides.

This will get ripped apart, but it's the same with vaccinations. You can't be at all critical of any of them. Either all vaccinations are uneqivocally good or you are anti-science. You can't even point out systematic malpractice, woeful effectiveness of unnecessary shots like the flu one, or the massive incentive to either be the supplier or turn profits by cutting corners or deliberatly making people sick.

I pointed out that this kind of discussion was unhealthy back then, and I repeat the sentiments this time too. All arguments should be logical and debate allowed. Bad arguments or reasoning should always fail in open debate, but only if you allow such debate.

Oh yeah, I completely agree.

You can't even point out systematic malpractice, woeful effectiveness of unnecessary shots like the flu one, or the massive incentive to either be the supplier or turn profits by cutting corners or deliberately making people sick.

Hi! I don't mind you discussing such things, IF...you can give good evidence for their existence and IF... you are fairly presenting the science.

woeful effectiveness of unnecessary shots like the flu one

That doesn't really mean anything from a safety, epidemiology, or public health standpoint. I see two points here: its ineffective and we shouldn't administer them (unnecessary doesn't mean anything useful here. Is any health care necessary?).

Here is the effectiveness.

A 2014 study* showed that flu vaccine reduced children’s risk of flu-related pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admission by 74% during flu seasons from 2010-2012. Another study published in the summer of 2016 showed that people 50 years and older who got a flu vaccine reduced their risk of getting hospitalized from flu by 57%.

That's not all of it. That's just a couple of studies. But I think the bulk of the evidence says that it saves a lot of lives, reduces a lot of symptoms, prevents a lot of contractions of flu, and saves a whole bunch of labor productivity. So from many different perspectives, its extremely effective.

Now is it a good idea? Its hard to imagine a cost benefit analysis based on science where it isn't a good idea.

All arguments should be logical and debate allowed. Bad arguments or reasoning should always fail in open debate, but only if you allow such debate.

This isn't a debate or forensics. That's actually a terrible way to decide policy. This is a weighing of evidence. Those are different processes. Now as long as we approach this in a scientific way and not a debate class way, it can be productive. Otherwise its just cable tv in print form.

I'm rather passionate about this issue. I am immuno-compromised. So unless you are a scientists that's well-versed in this and qualified to go against scientific consensus, do those of us that are immuno-compromised and much more likely to face complications and death a favor and get the damn shot. Thanks.

Excellent comment. Really looking forward to the reasoned and thought out response....with links to natural news and above top secret

Millions of adults haven't had booster shots in years or decades (baby boomers for instance). Vaccine protection only lasts anywhere from 2 to 10 years. If you're concerned about that, feel free to be a shut in and get your groceries delivered. Not my problem.

Someone just backed up the dumbtruck and dumped a load. Thanks! I award you no points.

You should at least link to their listing of what they consider acceptable studies of effectiveness.


In the last six years, only one season has had a shot with an effectiveness higher than 50%. Look at some of those earlier effectivenesses too. They have confidence bounds approaching -50%!

I'm immuno-impaired, but any discussion in the public realm was so toxic that even being immuno-compromised was not a good enough reason not to get every shot, including the flu one. I saw entire comment threads calling for people that dare to question any particular shot as deserving of the death penalty and for their kids to be taken away by the state.

I said nothing about how policy should be decided. I was talking about the public realm of discussion.

In the last six years, only one season has had a shot with an effectiveness higher than 50%.

For what risk? You didn't address that at all. So either you don't know that's relevant or you are being disingenuous. Has it occurred to you that imperfect vaccines might have tremendous knockon effects?

I notice you didn't even address the general thrust of my comment though, which was that not all vaccinations are created equally and deserve to be forced onto everyone.

It isn't even clear what that means. Again, it comes down to a cost benefit analysis. You can't reason from cost nor benefits alone. That's basic risk management. You haven't seen fit to present both costs and benefits. So either you don't know that's relevant or you are being disingenuous.

This is why you don't get the deference you feel you deserve. You are clearly ignorant of basic facts.

If you stand in the middle like me, you just receive attacks from both sides. I have no idea how anyone could agree with either party. Sounds extremist to be completely honest.

Same here

to my parents I'm a liberal who believes the world should hand me everything. To my outer group of friends i'm a conservative whose moral compass is broken. Gotta love being the thing everyone hates!

This is exactly what I am to my family and friends as well.

I grew up in Indiana and now live in SoCal. I went from being viewed as a lazy pothead to being viewed as Mitt Romney by changing my zip code.

Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

Agreed. This is my life. I can't even get on Facebook anymore without perma-eyerolling.

Haha, same. I see some of my conservative friends posts and think "wow, do you really believe that garbage?" Then I see a liberal friend post and think the same thing.

This is exactly what I do every single time I look at Facebook these days

Step 1: follow meme pages

Step 2: unfollow all non-meme pages

kek will embrace you, son.

Why would you be on facebook at all? Serious question.

I've been seriously debating deleting my account. Having been on since the one of the first big expansions in 2005, it's one of the longest memberships I've ever had, and it's a lot harder to make the choice to bail than I'm proud of. It just isn't a source of connection like it used to be, and I'm sick and damn tired of all the dumb shit I see on there. I've unfollowed basically everyone I know, including family, and it's getting annoying hearing, "didn't you see that thing I posted?" every time I'm with people.

I can tell you with a whole heart: for about a week it's weird, cause it's something you're so used to checking. But that in itself makes you realize that you needed to do it. After that one week (or maybe 2-3?), it's like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, and you won't be able to understand why the fuck anyone is still on it. And then, maybe, just maybe you'll look at everyone who still is in a different light. One thing I can guarantee: you WILL be much more healthy mentally.

I can corroborate this with my own experience. Now I see in bold how much time and energy my wife puts into it. It can't be healthy for us humans.

Primarily for the instant messenger to keep in touch with friends and family, but also for other business-related things. But I now have a third reason -- to read all the stupid things "smart" people say!

Muslim condemnations of homosexuality, like those in Christianity, are based mainly on the story about God’s punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah which is recounted in the Qur’an as well as the Old Testament. In essence, the biblical and Qur’anic versions are very similar. Source: https://www.google.de/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/21/gay-lgbt-muslim-countries-middle-east

I'm guessing you meant to respond to a different comment? For the record I'm not religious.

The huge difference being that Christians aren't throwing gays off buildings in 2017. Muslims are.

I think it was a general bad idea, trade deals should be done with the two parties trading and the deal made specific to their situations. If we do multiple parties with one trade deal each nation has to accept each of the other nations stipulations.

Yeah I'm more a centrist but depending on when you catch me I'll swing a little to the left or right. More and more I can't have any political discussions with most people I know because they're getting closer to closer to an extreme, either side, as time passes.

It's fucking infuriating.

Here I am....

To be fair, one side seems to defend while the other attacks even if unprovoked.

I am in middle ground too. I agree with some of Trump's actions and decisions, but also disagree. I hate that everyone has to be on one side or the other, and sadly it's usually the most extreme right and left voices that get heard most.

I can see why people would hate both Republicans and Democrats if all we hear is the most extreme right and left.

I with there were more influential and loud voices that were moderate, logical and reasonable.

Everyone hates a centrist in practice. They stand in the middle trying to angle for moral superiority over both sides while not accomplishing anything.

Lol... I just look at myself as seeing both sides and trying to engage in constructive dialogue, trying to find a compromise...

I do agree with your analysis too. I think there are many types of centrist or moderate right/left. We all have different motivations. I, personally, don't claim to have a moral high ground. Another goal of mine is just to help extreme people from either side to recognise and understand the other side's argument based on their perceptions. I also try to make people aware of their bias or the bias of their source of information.

In many cases the truth lies somewhere in the middle of the extremes.

TFW Rand Paul will never be president.

Feels bad man.

A house divided cannot stand. Those running things want to quash political discussion and divide people against each other so the ruling class can stay the ruling class, the rich can keep most of the power and money, and continue to destroy the middle class while we peasents squabble amongst ourselves, never strong enough to stand up against the plutocrats.

The first time I was ever called a socialist was when I told someone that I didn't care for Trump. Little did they know, I despise Hillary and Bernie equally as much.

yap, people have become very defensive. Everyone just want to WIN. To be the RIGHT one. Instead of figuring out what actually is RIGHT. lol :(

Well to be fair you don't have to like Bernie or Hillary to be a socialist :D

And you don't have to like Trump to be a conservative.

It's ok I'm a half Asian trump supporter, but after I disclose that I become just another racist white guy. All my Mexican Republican relatives are now racist white guys too, it's the whitest any of us have been. But hey at least now I get called racist instead of gook so I guess that's better.

Now you are on the winning side...LOL shit really has gotten fucked up

lol racist gook

I believe MOST people are somewhere near the middle, nowadays. The media just blows the extremist drama up and it's all you see so it feels like the whole country is divided. The loudest from both sides finds every chance available to be loud so you also hear from those folks on social media. The loud mouth assholes poorly represent the rest of their party but it's always their views that we are forced to read/see, unfortunately. My beliefs are libertarian, but not even libertarians had a good nominee to vote for this time around.

It's bittersweet to see I'm not the only one. Bitter to know others are in the same boat Sweet to know that I'm not alone

This. When in discussion with Democrats I'm a right wing authoritarian, when around Republicans I'm a bleeding heart liberal.

To me this means I'm doing something right. 98% of the voting public are insane for supporting either party. It is completely and utterly indefensible.

If both sides are attacking you, keep it up, you are probably right.

I'm standing right in the middle just watching both sides bicker. So tiring.

The amount of hypocrisy on the left is astounding though.

Yeah, its mind blowing.

I always find myself kinda conflicted, like I really do despise just about everything the far-right stands for, but I also respect their conviction and ability to get shit done. Just look at the clusterfuck that was the "Women's March":

  • It wasn't actually a women's march, multiple genders were represented
  • Most protesters showed up to demonstrate but a small group of radicals decided to get violent and effectively bait the police
  • They turned away people who were pro-life even though they wanted to protest against the same guy
  • And yeah, they want to unilaterally defend a religion that, much like their homegrown far-right enemies, fucking detests the idea of a woman making a decision. Islam is a religion of peace -- a peace which is maintained by women's uninterrupted silence.

small group of radicals decided to get violent and effectively bait the police

You talking inauguration or womens march?

Oh that is right, there were no arrests during their march, they attacked Starbucks on Friday. Starbucks, a company who gave my close friend a $2K hardship grant when he got buried in debt after a cat accident...good pick assholes

Islam is a religion of peace -- a peace which is maintained by women's uninterrupted silence.


Only two genders there bud. I'm right wing. Women have rights and I'm totally fine with them making decisions. Kelly Anne Conway helped make a trump presidency.

You can fuck right off with your two gender bullshit, it might play well on other parts of this sub but seriously. Fuck off and take it somewhere else, capisce?

"And here we see the delusional tumblrina in its natural habitat, trying to push its more than two genders bullshit mental disorder upon the sane peoples of the world."

Scientifically there are only two genders along with the extremely rare anomoly i.e. abnormality. It's an idea supported by science while yours is not. Why isn't he/she allowed to have this opinion?

There is research supporting a distinct difference between biological sex and gender identity, suggesting the gender is a component of the psyche. This Nat Geo article is a great overview and does a good job using a real human lens to explain it.

Here is an study concluding that around 2% of children are born outside of the clear male/female designation, so I wouldn't really call that a supreme rarity. The link will not properly embed so here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/(SICI)1520-6300(200003/04)12:2%3C151::AID-AJHB1%3E3.0.CO;2-F/abstract

The reason it's shitty that these opinions still exist is because you won't pay attention to the science so that you can continue to discriminate against people who are different. The reason it's shitty is because you're not going to read what I linked before telling me that I am wrong again, and even if you did read it you'd just cherry-pick anyway. For a sub that is supposed to be open-minded and reject many forms of social conditioning, you all seem perfectly content with the forces that condition us into assuming one of two social identities.

I didn't say he wasn't "allowed" to have the opinion, but that is immediately where you guys always take it. Is it supposed to make your argument stronger by making it seem like you are...I don't know...oppressed?

He is allowed to say whatever scientifically-unfounded, hateful things that he wants -- I just thought this sub would be better than to let itself be spoon-fed the same repressive narrative that helped form the Cold War generation, especially considering the way that our understanding of biology and psychology has completely exploded in the past 50 years. There is plenty of information, but time and time again you'll go out of your way to defend opinions that do hurt real people and are not based on real, current science. I don't understand that in general, let alone on a sub that is based on skepticism and critical thinking.

Edit: another thing I have been noticing with many forms of hate like this is that the person reaching out to be hateful typically has nothing to actually gain from it. What do you gain from supporting a narrative that tells other people the way their brain is organized is unacceptable? Anything you do stand to gain is dwarfed by what others lose in freedom of expression. For example, I understand why middle-class white voters were strongly compelled to vote for Trump, they've been a neglected socioeconomic class for generations and saw a clear advocate for their cause. But I don't see anything parallel to that when discussing gender identities, since straight/cis people have literally always been the "default".

I voted Trump, but i dont agree with all of his policies. But the more conversations that i have with people on the left, the further right i seem to be leaning, even though im fairly centered in my political alignment.

You should have slapped an ITT on your comment.

Goes straight to identity politics.

Did you just assume my sexual orientation?

IMO, asleep people are the polarized ones.

Muslims are in the water drowning. LGTBQ folks are in the water drowning. The poor are in the water drowning. Women are in the water drowning.

White, wealthy, heterosexual men are in the yacht watching.

Muslims pushing down on LGBTQ folks won't get them out of the water. LGBTQ folks pushing down on Muslims won't get them out of the water.

There is no good sense in trying to drown second.

identity politics.

This, sadly.

Someone told me that if we band together we can solve everyone's problems and I'm a racist somehow for not seeing women's issues and black/brown issues as completely separate things. I apparently did a crappy job of trying to explain why we should join together as people rather than in our individual interest groups.

Still better than voting for the party that wants to take those things away.

I voted my conscience, did you? Anyone who voted their conscience - however their conscience told them to vote, and for whatever reasons - voted the right way.

If Hillary had been elected everyone would assume they were safe and no one would be paying attention, even when our rights were further stripped from us and the status quo was strengthened. Trump being elected is good in the sense that everyone's paying attention - now maybe people will learn who benefits from the status quo (after all the new bonfires he lights get put out).

It is possible that bad things are simply bad and there is no silver lining. I'm not sure this isn't one of those times. We have some nihilistic psychopaths running things that want to burn it all down.

Which nihilistic psychopaths are you talking about?

I'm talking about the ones on Wall Street and in the medical/insurance/pharmaceutical industries, et al.

I don't vote for those people. I don't see the relevance to this discussion.

Those people are the ones who have access to and a great amount of influence upon the people we do elect. IOW, the donors. You could also call them the oligarchs.

Point being that Trump is not the only nihilistic psychopath running the country.

All billionaires aren't evil oligarchs. Some are trying to end poverty and disease.

Yes, that's true.

But the ones who are doing good are doing good. The ones who are buying influence of our politicians are the other ones.

But muh diversity means putting everyone into a separate folder on my laptop and keeping them there while basing the entirety of my judgements upon exactly that which I continuously rail against.

It's because they are addicted to their outrage and virtue signaling. Most people (should) know objectively you can only make change by coming to an agreement and not just shoving your opinion down other people's throats.

They did think we should come together, but only in our interest groups for some reason.

So judging people by their faith isn't identity politics all of a sudden?

I agree that this is regrettable, but OP implies that people who don't recognize others rights don't deserve to have their rights recognized. What about people who commit crimes? Do they forfeit their rights? I can't imagine that reasonable people would condone killing someone's children without a trial just because they hold problematic views

The strange thing is.... this comment is still top comment. But id it's content was completely true it wouldnt be here, does it?

I think it's not that bad... it's just very... complicated to have a normal conversation about this topics...

I'm in academia, I know how hard it is to have a real conversation about trump. Nope, doesn't happen. I can't even bring up the topic without people starting it off with "fuck trump".

So what? Doesn't stop an intelligent discussion. Hehe... maybe even starts one. No, but if you think that it is impossible to have a normal discussion, because you opponent said "fuck Trump" it's more your fault that you get emotional as well, since there are MANY good reasons to say fuck Trump and still be intelligent. If you want to defend Trump, I think you should do the argumantative approach, because no, sane person would see how someone could actually defend Trump.

See my original comment.

But now you are just refusing to do any kind of conversation. It's not always the fault of the people who have another opinion.

No, I'm just pointing out that this person believes anyone who likes trump is insane.

No, you did that now. And you still owe me at least some kind of proof, that it isnt the case. Of course, plain clinical insanity would be wrong, but you should know, that I dont mean that kind of lack of intelligence in discussions nowadays and so do you mean not that kind of insanity, I guess. It's about the plain old why the heck did you do that? Because there are obviously a lot of people who dont understand, but you just say "I cant talk about that", you really dont see the circle? You havent even tried to talk about that, at least here with me.

But most people who voted for Trump do exactly that! Don't you see that this "not explainations" are just as worse as saying: "I voted for him cuz I hate dem foreigners." I doubt, yet, that you did because of that, but if you dont say anything, that's the thing most Trump supporters, that talk, say, why they voted for him, thus I just have to conclude, that statistically most, possibly you too, voted him because of that, until I hear something else.

The second most heard reason was: "I hate dem Clintons." Which I think would fit you more. But what is it finally?

I don't owe you shit. Let's be clear on that. You are making a lot of assumptions about someone on the internet. People voted for Trump for different reasons. I'm not going to sit here and explain why every person voted for him. Let's look at the rust belt, most of those states were blue last time. Maybe they liked his economic plans. Maybe people voted for him for his plan on congressional term limits or ban on foreign lobbying. Maybe the media propaganda against Muslims for the last 16 years has done its job and made people worried about American safety. Maybe people are tired of identity politics, maybe they're tired of people calling them insane. Maybe people really do believe abortion is murder. Maybe people believe the government needs to be smaller and that there should be less restrictions. Maybe people voted for him because the Democratic party pushed them away rigging the primaries. Maybe people read the Podesta emails and couldnt vote for clinton.

You just lump trump supporters as one monolith like they all voted for him for the same reasons. If you read his platform maybe you could see why people would have voted for him. Go to the Donald and ask your questions, I am sure they will tell you why they voted for him if don't go in there acting like you're better than them.

Dont lose your ballsack dude. I dont want to here from why anyone voted for him, but why did you. Gee. Furthermore, I explained why someone, me, who wants to understand the political mess, has to generalize, when no one explains shit. Additionally, I will not go to his plattform. I dont believe propaganda from anyone and if you think that he of all people, doesnt do propaganda, than you are naive. And lastly, yes, I am making a lot of assumptions. What you gonna do? Forbid it? Is that the "less restriction" part Trump supporters stand for? Or the restriction on decisions made for them? I mean, they want to restrict the freedom of a woman who wants to make an abortion, after all. And they really think this cell cluster is life? But they have no moral problem with eating meat or plants? That's the part which is insane! And it is just that. saying: I love life! So I am gonna destroy the life of some stranger, by forcing them to get the baby she cannot care for, so it may be starve to death painfully, but goddamnit better this way than killing this poor thing when it doesnt feel anything. Gimme my brutally murderes cow sandwich. You dont see the insanity, right? The other things are pretty reasonable. A little naive again, but reasonable.

You really are missing my point and I'm done talking to you. Get your head out of your ass. That fact you won't even go look at his platform says it all. Reading his platform isn't going to give you a disease. A well educated person gets the facts themself and doesn't depend on other people to summarize information for them. You can sit here and argue with some random person online because it makes you feel better. It's not me especially since you can't do your own research. I'm done replying to you.

Dude! I just wanted to talk, I didnt even called you insane, I never even said insane. I talked bad about an abstract group and you go full emotional. So "Get your head out of your ass" this is something you should go by. "That fact you won't even go look at his platform says it all. Reading his platform isn't going to give you a disease. A well educated person gets the facts themself and doesn't depend on other people to summarize information for them." Now you just stopped thinking for moment, this platform of greatness by him is even that: By him. Meaning I am still dependend on a person with my information. And everybody knows that, if you want information about person it is quite stupid to ask the person himself, he lies about himself, everybody does. If you want to know a person you have to talk to his friends aka. his supporters. And yes, it makes me feel better, to know the far world beyond my own horizon, if you are happy in your little world, so be it. But when this narrow perspective gets into politic people like me want to know why, how and if it nessecary. You know... that is research. I just use better sources. More believable ones. And those sources draw a clear picture. You fit right in it. You wont believe that, because you are SOO different from the others, right? Those liberals? Those special snowflakes? Those who neglect the reality?

This is a problem and you've fallen into it too. Rephrase it - the media is unable to present a nuanced argument but we as individuals should still be able to hold a relatively complex opinion.

Therefore, it's possible to both be against homophobia and islamophobia at the same time, recognising the Venn diagrams of oppression involved. We need to move away from reinforcing blind dualistic thought IMO.

Goes straight to identity politics.

I don't disagree with what you said but isn't that basically exactly what this post is? As X, I'm more oppressed that Y. etc

Yeah that's exactly it. So many people are only able to see issues as black and white, when in most cases there are so many subtle tones of grey in between that are ignored. Compromise, civil discussion, empathy, these things don't exist on either the far left or the far right.

It is so polarized because of rampant censorship and of course the extreme bias of liberal media...

Ever listen to NPR? The entire morning they were pushing anti-trump propaganda like they normally do...

If everyone had a say, the polarization would end. But people use the excuse of "hate" to silence the opposition. And so bubbles/safe spaces/etc get formed...

That's the liberal excuse. We aren't against discussion or speech, we are against "hate".

If muslims refugees demand that lgbt groups be shut down because lgbt is hateful to them and their religion, I wonder if their tiny liberal brains would explode.

It's funny how reddit liberal trash says they are against "hate" speech. But depending on who the mods are, hate is allowed. For example, by atheists against christians. Democrats against republicans. Liberals against conservatives. Liberals against whites. Liberals against traditionalists. So on and so forth...

These people are going to be in for a shock when the tide changes and the censorship powers that they fought so hard for is used against them...

I stopped listening to NPR during the primary season because they were so clearly biased towards Clinton.

This morning, they did a segment on internet privacy ( facebook, etc ) and protecting yourself in a world where Trump is in charge. Don't remember them warning me about obama.

Then they did a report on how trump is a sociopath businessman because he is a billionaire while juxtaposing trump with warren buffet - a generous billionaire who doesn't care about money. They did 10 minutes where his daughter was saying how buffet doesn't care about money.

And then some bullshit with a NY attorney general who was shitting on trump relentlessly and claiming that 16 state attorney generals supported sally yates while conveniently ignoring that 34 state attorney generals didn't.

It is the worst kind of pathetic liberal circlejerk around.

It's federal funding needs to be pulled and it needs to be put out of business. It is pure propaganda.

It's like everyone discredits RT news because it's supported by the state, but NPR has been pumping out propaganda nonstop.

It's the other guys who push propaganda. Our guys spread "news".

It's an age old propaganda tactics. We speak the truth. They lie.

But it's all propaganda.

extreme bias of liberal media

Lol are you really gonna act like right wing media is perfectly objective? Try comparing the journalistic integrity of NPR with Fox News, Breitbart, or InfoWars. Though I wouldn't expect someone who uses the term "liberal trash" to be capable of much coherent analysis.

If muslims refugees demand that lgbt groups be shut down because lgbt is hateful to them and their religion, I wonder if their tiny liberal brains would explode.

Tiny liberal brains? Check the stats. http://www.politicususa.com/2015/11/17/red-state-stupidity-confirmed-9-10-education-states-america-vote-republican.html

Furthermore, your hypothetical is absurd, mainly because sexuality is real and observable whereas religion is mythological.

Lol are you really gonna act like right wing media is perfectly objective?

No. Right wing media is garbage propaganda too. Foxnews is crap just like the nytimes, npr, latimes, chicagotribune, washingtonpost, cnbc, bloomberg, the list goes on...

The difference is that the right wing media is tiny and a reaction to the liberal domination of media. Foxnews was created just 20 years ago precisely because of the one-sided nature of "media/propaganda".

Try comparing the journalistic integrity of NPR with Fox News, Breitbart, or InfoWars.

I do. They are all garbage propaganda.

Though I wouldn't expect someone who uses the term "liberal trash" to be capable of much coherent analysis.

I can. Because I'm not an agenda driven liberal trash like you.

Tiny liberal brains? Check the stats. http://www.politicususa.com/2015/11/17/red-state-stupidity-confirmed-9-10-education-states-america-vote-republican.html

Lots of liberals in red states and lots of conservatives in blue states... I'm from a blue state BTW...

I hate trash equally.

The self-loathing must fit nicely with the cognitive dissonance of believing in souls and living forever after you're dead.

I'm atheist retard...

Oh god what a deranged liberal cockroach.

Ah, the famed right-wing class and brilliance on display once again.

I'm not right-wing. I despise them as much as I despise deranged left-wingers like you.

I'm independent.

I was gonna hop in and suggest that you're probably a


but I'll hang back and eat popcorn.

I identify is a martian. Don't put labels on me you bigot.

Regardless of your political affiliations, you've displayed a maturity level fit for the_donald, so it really shouldn't be surprising that your repeated accusations of derangement come off as simple childish projection.

Regardless of your political affiliations, you've displayed a maturity level fit for the_donald

Thank you. I'll try harder and bring myself down to a level where I'd be accepted in /r/politics.

so it really shouldn't be surprising that your repeated accusations of derangement come off as simple childish projection.

That must be it.

I see that you are getting a bit upset. Can I suggest you go hide in your safe space?

I'm up in this cesspool of a sub rebutting your circle-jerk disparagement of liberals, and you resort to a safe-space talking point? Are you oblivious to the irony of the vast majority of whining about safe spaces coming from echo chambers that ban dissenting commenters?

Have you run to your safe space yet?

I'd ask you to figure that one out for yourself, but that's probably too tall a task.

It's a mountain too high to climb...

Liberal this, liberal that, liberal trash, liberal media, meanwhile Fox news is a beacon of truth right?

Nope. Foxnews is rightist propaganda.

Thank you. As long as we can be consistent

Where was I inconsistent?

I wasn't being sarcastic, even though I disagree with your original post at least you can admit Fox is propoganda

Almost all media has become propaganda at this point. 5 companies own 90% of all TV, movies, radio and news and they are all owned and run by the 1% and nearly every one of them has a bias and agenda.

wow, nice edit, way to take it straight to douchetown

You need directions to your safe space?

No, but you're already there even though you're surely in denial about it. Enjoy your t_d echo box and it's recent spillover into r/conspiracy. Your original post was just such typical bullshit it wasn't even worth arguing with. So I make an easy quip and even give you credit for not falling into the trap, and you edit your posts to add insults after the fact. Grow up dude

I'll send you directions to your safe space.

Sounds like this special snowflake needs their safespace. Sorry, bad Joke but this is a serious response you get so often on reddit for bringing up cogent points as a way of mocking and distracting from the relevant issues they bring up. The mindlessness and shills on reddit have robbed the site of it's enjoyment to a large extent and the constant anti Trump propaganda you see on subs like r/pics is almost sickening. Sadly a lot of low information people fall for it and it works on the young and naive.

This applies exactly to the OP as well. Pushing against the banning of Muslims isn't an endorsement of their policies and culture.

the hypocrisy of muslims demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine.

You can believe whatever you want, but nothing gives you a unilateral right to act on whatever it is you believe in. We can protect against action (i.e. preventing persecution through violence, harassment etc), but we can't protect you from other's beliefs. Nor does anyone or any entity have a right to forcibly police other's beliefs. That's why you shouldn't go ban Muslims because of their beliefs about homosexuality. That would be policing their beliefs and an act of persecution.

Likewise, we can do everything we can to prevent persecution of homosexuals. We can't protect you from belief systems and other people's thoughts. We can protect you from actual acts; practical manifestations of those beliefs. But we can't protect you from the mere existence of a contrarian belief system. We can protect from making it able to criminalize homosexuality (an act of persecutuion), but we can't protect you from the existence of their belief that it should be.

Culturally, you can educate, inform, advocate and pressure them to change their belief system. Make your voice heard. Just don't cross the line into harassment and persecution of them.

The prevailing US view about Muslims in the Middle East is perhaps demonstrative of how effective our media is at creating scapegoats, while ignoring the history of US intervention in the region over decades.

  • Installing brutal, repressive dictators in countries like Syria, Libya, and Iraq.

  • Providing those dictators the weapons and support they'd need to put down resistance.

  • 1953 coup in Iran over control/ownership of oil resources - which crushed the first democratic government in the country.

  • Leveraging the 911 inside job to make Islam/Muslims the face of terror

  • Lying about WMD's and Al Qaeda ties to launch a $2 trillion dollar war in Iraq to topple the man we installed in first place.

  • Destabilizing the entire region and creating the situation that's exploded in the region and created the very refugees we're turning away.

  • Droning peoples' moms, dads, kids and grandparents

  • All of this only serves to create the terrorists of tomorrow.

If we really care about innocents who are killed in cold blood by a bunch of misguided fanatics, we might do well to weigh the millions we've killed in the middle east over years - all in the name of peace and democracy.

Leveraging the 911 inside job to make Islam/Muslims the face of terror

Wait... wut?

it would appear from our wholesale bombing of innocents in the region till our hearts' content, that the normalization of murdering little boys on a grand scale might be right up their with other normalized atrocities.

Yes, whatever we need to make it whities fault.

I feel like we need to evolve the conversation beyond the visceral and reactive blaming of individuals and/or ethnic groups to seeking out and addressing root causes, two of which are readily visible in this context: the corrosive effects of greed and power.

Or we could just detain legal permanent residents of the USA at gunpoint for 17 hours, all because they committed the horrendous crime of being born on the wrong patch of dirt.

I think 17 hours is worth a life or fifty.

Some old dusty piece of paper called the Constitution disagrees.

But isn't that exactly what OP is doing? He is saying he supports gay rights so he can't support Muslim rights (since many are anti-gay). The more consistent position would be to support everyone's rights.

You are so racist for this post gawd!

So true, if I am for X but against Y the second I say I'm for X no one will ever believe I'm against Y.

That's the liberal lefs fault. Not conservative side.

Divide and rule.

Thank you for saying this. I tried asking a question the other day on r/politics and got my shit jumped and accused of wanting to love under authoritarian rule. It's like the movie Ghostbusters. If you didn't supported it you were against women.

I hate not being able to have open discussions.

As a woman, that movie was eh, wasn't bad, but it def wasn't great.

Yeah, I often ask people, during these discussions about muslims, if they have gay friends and if so, what do they think the majority of Muslims believe. They don't want to believe that most have extreme views on homosexuality. Do they not care about the rights of their gay friends or family? I work with a lot of Muslims and best you can get out of some is that "you have to respect the laws of this country". Most flat out say homosexuality is wrong and should be illegal. Some say they should be murdered. Some think they "eat the poo poo". I'm not joking. This is a mix of older immigrants and first gen younger ones, male and female. The kids do not have more solid "western" values for the most part. Of the Muslims I know, most will, if given the chance, vote to take away rights of the lgbt community.

this is what happens when you find children at the center of political discourse... and that's essentially what these college-age liberals are, diaper babies.

polarized you can only be on one side or the other. Can't even have an intelligent conversation anymore. Goes straight to identity politics.

Its really harsh right now. We had this really strong left wave with the PC craze and a lot of failed politics, and naturally every strong movement has its counter movement, so we see a right uprising to counter that, which then hopefully/should neutralize themselves

It's really sad. I've been banned from quite a few political subs for "concern-trolling" and "sea-lioning"... Whatever the fuck those mean. Apparently trying to have an open discussion or pointing out flaws in logic is 'trolling' and a bannable offense now. If you don't subscribe the the mod-approved group think you need to be silenced. God forbid people think or speak for themselves anymore.

This is by design. It creates a situation where no real debate can take place, while repeatedly dividing and segmenting the population then pitting them against each other.

Divide and conquer.

It's absolute insanity all throughout.

Oddly, the only violence I'm seeing is being carried out and condoned by people who are anti-trump, not the other way around.

As an independent, this has really got me down today. It's so frustrating. I can't say that I agree with the anti-trump protests, for example, while also saying I'm concerned that Soros is funding the organizing behind them.

Identity politics has been pushed for so long and hard by the media that many people don't want to believe the party they identify with so strongly and is almost a part of who they are has lied, used and betrayed them. They close their eyes to their party's corruption and only blame the other side, never questioning their leaders and that is how they like it (both parties are guilty of this). Considering 90% of our media is owned by 5 companies (article is out of date due to recent merger) including all TV, movies, radio and news, most of which have a bias and agenda this is a big problem and they are all owned and run by the 1%. Obama contributed significantly to this by allowing these mergers to occur and by repealing laws that prevented fake news and government propaganda. It amazes me how so much of the pubic just falls into line without even questioning who is pulling the strings. This deepening divide keeps people distracted from looking at the real problems of big business and the oligarchy who keep oppressing the public and taking away our rights and our money.

Maybe it's because there aren't a lot of intelligent conversations to be had.

This is exactly what I mean.

No. I mean polarized individuals who refuse participate in open discourse lack the intellectual capacity necessary to understand facts, logic, and reason.

I'll agree to that.

Muslims that moved to Holland demanded freedoms, but go on a gay on women with skirts hunting rampage. Indeed the OP has a point.

You answered your question: they're brainwashed.

Yes. Why must we tolerate their intolerance.

Gay here.. Lived in muslim country for 3 years (malaysia). When people found out I was gay, the amount of sexual advances from married people I got was huge. I don't think that muslim people actually understand sexuality as sexuality in general to them is not taught but instinctively learned. I think that evolution of thought could happen, but not until the extremism attached to islam ends. Islam from my experience is a be all end all. People will proudly go to jail for islam, proudly die for islam, and proudly set fire to their friends for islam. I don't recall a time in history where any other religion was so defiant to social behaviour like islam. Christianity may have been barbaric, but there was a human conscience attached to it for a very long period of time that allowed it to evolve. I don't see that conscience attached to islam.

This !!

Christianity got hijacked by dying rome and then Charlemagne. They hid some of the gospels from us and twisted some things like the church being between us and God. Jesus said where ever we come together is our church even under the shade of a tree.

And yes many people used Christianity for their barbaric and despotic ends. But they had to twist it to make it apply. Love thy neighbor and the message of peace didn't fit their agenda so it was forgotten or added on stipulations.

Islam at its core is vile. It's really the anti Christian belief system. Killing and lying, slavery and rape are all encouraged. Also pedophilia.

From what my research has shown me its not homosexuality to have sex in the giving end with young men or boys especially ones easy to dress up as feminine. There is even poetry... sick poetry and I know soldiers who are haunted by the boys they saw turned into sex slaves. Even stories about them . being brought into the military encampments as rewards for their muslim guides and a see no evil, hear no evil etc policy too.

But any same sex couple in love and exclusive or devoted to one another is a death sentence.

KABUL, Afghanistan — In his last phone call home, Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr. told his father what was troubling him: From his bunk in southern Afghanistan, he could hear Afghan police officers sexually abusing boys they had brought to the base.

“At night we can hear them screaming, but we’re not allowed to do anything about it,” the Marine’s father, Gregory Buckley Sr., recalled his son telling him before he was shot to death at the base in 2012. He urged his son to tell his superiors. “My son said that his officers told him to look the other way because it’s their culture.”

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies

And yes many people used Christianity for their barbaric and despotic ends. But they had to twist it to make it apply.

Really? ...

I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent. (1 Timothy 2:12)

You may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way. (Leviticus 25:44-46 )

If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he die. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

If a man has sex with an animal, he must be put to death, and the animal must be killed. (Leviticus 20:15)

No one whose testicles are crushed or whose penis is cut off shall be admitted to the assembly of the LORD. (Deuteronomy 23:1)

Whosoever … hath any blemish, let him not approach to offer the bread of his God. For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded, Or crookback, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken … He shall not go in unto the vail, nor come nigh unto the altar, because he hath a blemish; that he profane not my sanctuaries. (Leviticus 21:17-23)

I'm no christian scholar, but let's not pretend Christianity is the all daises and lollipops.

Christ overturned the Old Testament. You're not a scholar, but that's common knowledge.

Then why do prominent Christians cite the Old Testament for their beliefs on sexuality, marriage, and gender roles?

They're idiots.

"They're idiots" because you know God's true intent. You're a heretic because they know God's true intent. Why is it so hard to see theism itself as The Problem?

I think it's one way for arriving at a functional society based on shared values. Just because religion has problems, doesn't mean it is "The Problem". It solves many other problems.

Is it true? Does God actually demonstrably exist in reality? If not, then religion is a lie. No matter how "useful" it is, there is no excuse for controlling humans by lying to them.

How is it a lie..? Amongst many other things, religion establishes a code of conduct that people agree on in unity, and that's far from fake.

Also, I'm going to guess you're too atheist to believe me or whatever, but a decent of Christian's actively recognize, including me, that god isn't really there. I'll grant that it isn't an easy thing to gauge, as saying "so you get that god isn't there, right" can potentially be pretty insensitive... but anecdotally, I haven't met any that actually thinks that way. A fine amount non denominational Christianity (which is the best I can speak to) has a degree of subjectivity. I can say I saw God, which in my eyes I have, and that sounds insane, right? It would be, if God didn't represent something else for me. To me, god is the essence of love and community coming together. I leave God responsible for the greatest achievements in my life- meaning, the love and support of a like minded community. Not some interdimenional omnipowerful universe creator or something.

It's not a lie, it's a thought box. Theres a reason bible study exists- for explaining every sentence and how it's a symbolic representation of something else. You make of it what you will. The disgusting aspect arrives when people manipulate foolish, malleable souls into believing they are solely controlled by some mad god, and the only way to please it and not burn eternally is to be a racist, hateful, usually anti-gay cunt. Whenever you have something lovely available to an insane amount of people, there are always some fuckers that will abuse it and bastardize it. Few are proud of that.

OK. THIS is the problem. "God isn't really there" means (by definition) you are no longer a theist. I can ask 100 "Christians" what they believe and get 100 different answers. But of course YOU are the enlightened one with all the answers. YOU (and your self-selected echo chamber) know HOW to read the magic book of riddles. But GOD FORBID someone else looks at the same book and -after CENTURIES of study by rabbis and priests and clerics- comes to a different conclusion; those fuckers just abused and bastardised YOUR holy book. Everyone else are uneducated fools that don't know better - but not you and yours.

THIS is how and why religion separates us. YOU have the right to claim some kind of higher knowledge - "because God". And then you have this whacky, ill-defined, nebulous, impossible to nail down definition of "God that is a symbol". If you're a Humanist (you sound like one), just say THAT. You're not a good person because of a carefully-studied reading of the Bible- you're a good person because that's the fucking obvious way to be a civilized human.

Why choose the Bible if it's (by your admission) not the inspired word of God? Why not the Eddas? Or Gilgamesh? Or Harry fucking Potter? I can "study" The Lord of the Rings and come to all kinds of conclusions about deeper meaning in the world. The fact is you decided the conclusion first and then justified it by "studying" a collection of bronze-age myths that was mangled by several editings. Next time you "look deeper" in your "study", ask yourself: "if this book didn't exist, how would I live my life?".

... uh huh. Loving all the CAPS LOCK and quotation marks.

Did that not prove my point? That it's subjective, and you make of it what you will? You said it perfectly- you'll get 100 different answers. Being real here, I can't say mine is the best answer, but what I said what I did based on your statement "Does God demonstrably exist in reality? If not, then religion is a lie." That makes absolutely no sense. That is such a trademark argument for someone who thinks Yep, religion is merely a tool for control and everyone who follows it is a monkey. Hoped I could relate to you in some way by saying otherwise, but hey, not everything works out.

Besides, I pointed out that he is there and isn't. Is depending on how you perceive what God is or may be, God is there. Existent. But, it's easy to recognize that with no feasible evidence for this current physical form existing, so that much can be pointed out.

The only people I said were bad or uneducated were people who use it to hurt others. It's wrong because it's fundamentally against the modern teachings of the religion anyhow, and severely against the way our culture is moving. I might call that generally incorrect. Not sure i'm the only one who feels this way either? maybe it's just my church and priest or something...

Also only said I could speak to non denominationals, that's where all my experience is. You can believe whatever you want- you're not necessarily stupid for thinking there is a real, physical god- maybe somehow there is? But scientists haven't found anything conclusive yet, so it's pretty easily accepted to be that way, from those who are educated. So yeah, I guess you could say I am one of those godlike enlightened beings far above humanity for going to school and learning some simple science. If there's mounds of evidence that the world is billions of years old, there's no point in fighting that.

And uhh... That's a weird question for choosing the bible. Christianity had a lot of political roots in its founding, and there was probably a reason for having a unified text. Harry Potter wasn't around by then, and religious texts happened to be produced in a simple and easy to read manner for the general public. They weren't for a time, which i'm sure was politically based. Easy to divide people when the uneducated populace of the streets couldn't compare to the holy educated priests who could read god's word, right? If you want to study LotR for deeper meaning, that's a pretty cool project. I get what you're saying, you know, but you can do that with anything. The bible is thankfully so rich in content and interpretive that it happens to be better for this than other texts, if anything.

It's an enjoyment to study and think about, for some, and for others, more. Some people think the bible is the way you should live word for word, others not... Which is again, where it gets confusing, but whatever.

Personally, if the book didn't exist, I wouldn't live any differently. I don't even go to bible study man, I sat in on some once and did some reading on specific texts. Through this, I can recognize why such a thing as bible study is important- it's fucking hard to understand at face value. It's taken a lot of people a lot of time to decipher what they find as symbolic, and it often makes lots of sense. I work and sleep, and help my comrades when I can I guess? It's always cool to get different perspectives and learn new things, especially from such complicated text. There's a lot of shit goin on in there.

Oh and uhh, as far as how it separates us, I already mentioned it's not worth going and telling others to disavow their beliefs, it's highly insensitive.

I'm not sure this is worth my time.

I value truth. But do not assume the same of others. You make the assumption that every person's thoughts are situated based on a search for truth. Each of us are one in 7.5 billion people on this planet, and many people have problems that go way beyond them having the time to pursue truth to the degree that you do. Most of those people don't have the time or desire to come to a place like /r/conspiracy.

If it was beneficial to us from evolutionary standpoint for our brains to seek truth over our other needs, then wouldn't that be the case?

Your definition of "controlling humans" seems pretty broad as well. Wouldn't it be controlling people to make them not to adhere to their religion through governmental force? How do you think that stopping people from lying, as you would believe it, would be helpful for the people who use religion to guide their lives or give themselves greater purpose or meaning? (Or even just a more intuitive understanding of the world that allows them to live their lives more easily.) How is potential for adverting human suffering not an excuse? What will you replace it with?

You declare religion as "a way for arriving at a functional society based on shared values". My question is, is this "way" built on actual reality - or a series of bronze-age myths with the same credibility as Zeus throwing lightning? Why not choose a "way" based on demonstrable facts and human compassion rather than "This is bad because man in the sky says it is bad".

Further, I see it is a BAD way at arriving at a functional society because now you claim you work God's will, and He may not be gainsaid. And the next town over has a different view of God's will. This "functional society" you propose inevitably has lead to violent "us-vs-them" conflicts for literally all of recorded history. Religion is a way of BREAKING society into fragments that then have more to fight about than agree upon.

So, Christians who misinterpret their religion are idiots, but when Muslims do it, they're evil?

Where did I say anything about Islam? Anyone who uses ancient texts to incite violence is an idiot.

You're right. Sorry. You didn't mention it, but other commenters seem to be. My bad.

No, Islam is very, very straight forward about killing innocents and molesting children. It is very different than ANY "hypocritical" Christian biblical law you can find in the Bible. There is no -interpretation-, that is where people in the West get confused. Island and Christianity are very different.

So You're saying that every single Muslim believes in this strict interpretation? Cuz I work with both Muslims and gay people, and to date we have had zero gay people thrown off our building. Our current vetting system is more than adequate to weed out the few bad apples. Banning all Muslims, including legal residents, from certain countries is disgraceful.

Yes, Islam is Islam, there is no "interpretation" it is a cultural thing. Ask any soldier who actually has experience. Watch some of this woman's videos and stop believing what the people you work with tell you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pSbxTOimTk&t=3s

So I should believe you instead of actual practicing muslims who do not rape and/or kill people? I'm not disagreeing that Islam says those things, but that doesn't mean that everyone who identifies as Muslim follow those rules. Being high and using the internet at my job is forbidden, yet here I am high and arguing on Reddit. You're generalizing billions of people because you're scared.

Huh? I'm not scared. I live in the best country in the world with the best military. But, yeah, I'm not going to argue with some stoner who can't do research.

It must suck to realize that a stoner is much smarter than you and way less paranoid.

It must suck to have such a shitty job you have to get stoned and act like a little bitch on Reddit.

Actually, having a low stress job that I am able to do while slightly intoxicated is pretty fantastic. You should give it a try.

Those Christians don't fully understand Christianity.

Because Christ didn't actually overturn the Old Testament.

Did he? Then why do modern Christians still read it? Why is it even still in the Bible if it was made irrelevant 2000 years ago?

Because you don't just erase history when things change....

We had slavery. Now we don't. So burn anything that talks about slavery?!

Geez dude. That was an easy one.

I see your point, but maybe at least think about separating the book of absolute truths from the book of absolute truths that turned out to be made up? Unless we're just waiting to find out that the New Testament is all bullshit too so we can remove everything in one shot.

Made up? Christians believed that it was made obsolete. Not that it wasn't true at its time of use.

Just like how you have a single history book in high school that contains things that happened in the past that are no longer relevant...

It kinda just sounds like you hate Christianity, that's fine. But you should do your research first, and at least understand what you are hating.

So it was true, and then it suddenly wasn't? Btw, you're very right. I have too much stored up vitriol to engage in a real conversation about this so it's probably best if I just excuse myself.

How can the infallible word of god be obsolete?

If his word is infallible... like you said. Then for sure he can say what is obsolete or not.

Set yourself up for that one :)

But if what he says is obsolete, then he's not infallible.

Wait are you serious? Because things change. People change. Overall climate changes.

According to Christianity, God said it was time to do away with old laws, and define new laws. That speaks nothing of fallibility. No mistakes, no errors.

Old laws for pre-Christ times. New laws for post Christ. In Christianity, Christ played a significant role for the "rules" on earth. So when Christ came to earth, and atoned for the sins of man, then died, it was time for new laws.

Obsolete does not mean erroneous or with mistake. Just out of date.

So the infallible, all knowing god forgot to factor in the prophesied return of his son when making the rules for the world he created and controls? He didn't see that one coming?
Sounds to me like god realized he fucked up with all that fire and brimstone stuff, and sent his kid down to fix his mistakes. You can't just change your mind and still call yourself infallible.

Lol. Oh ok. Dunno why I wasted my time trying to explain. Your hate is overflowing buddy, might wanna patch that up a bit.

Religious tradition. It's still considered "Divinely-inspired," even if considered outdated and barbaric by the average modern Christian.

Modern Christians read it as historical and are thankful for what Christ did so we DON'T have to follow the laws of the Old Testament.

The entire Old Testament is really a big arrow pointing to Christ. Many of the stories are analogies of what Jesus was coming to do. For example, Abraham and Isaac in the book of Genesis (he is told to offer up his only son), Jonah (in the belly of the whale for 3 days, Jesus compares himself to Jonah in Matthew 14) and even the first Passover when they were told to put blood of a lamb on their doorpost and along the top of the door. It all points to Jesus. Bringing up random verses from Leviticus tend to void a lot of arguments because obviously we don't believe in stoning disrespectful sons.

As for the Timothy verse about women being quiet in the church, that is interpreted as women should not speak (as in teach) to a group of men. Basically a women shouldn't be a pastor. Some churches follow this, some do not.

It's the prequel to the bible

Timothy is new testament.

Christ overturned the Old Testament

Probably, although he did "say" this:

“Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. (NIV, Matthew 5:17–18)

Also, [this](http://www.loonwatch.com/2011/04/jesus-loves-his-enemies-and-then-kills-them-all/0

There is much debate about what "I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them" means.

Matthew 5:17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Why are Christians still so obsessed with the Ten Commandments, then? Why do they care about gays? This is a large chunk of Christians that you're dismissing as "idiots."

Also, pace someone above, are you claiming that Jews follow these rules, and therefore that Judaism is on a similar level with Islam? Or don't you have a defense for the laws themselves, besides, "One contradictory bit of the New Testament says we don't gotta follow those laws anymore!"

I'm not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim, but anyone who follows the Old Testament to the dot is probably a horrible person, whether Christian or Jew. Very few Jews take the Torah literally; they take their scripture much less literally than Christian's, generally.

One in 10 Jews in America are Orthodox Jews. Twenty-eight percent of Americans believe the Bible is the actual word of God and should be "taken literally, word for word," as the Gallup poll put it.

Sounds about right. There's a huge orthodox neighborhood in Brooklyn. They live very insularly.

When you fulfill an agreement, afterwards it. I longer holds power over you. I.e., as a contract worker, once you fulfill the terms of the contract you are no longer bound by it. That's always been how I see it, anyway.

The NT condemns homosexuality too, so they don't have to rely on the OT. The NT openly erases a lot of OT rules though, like how some foods were banned in the OT but Paul says all food is fine

Yet the Old Testament is used by (some) Christians to condemn homosexuality. Can't just say "but it's the Old Testament" for only the bad stuff nobody likes.

The NT list homosexuality as a sin too, right with adultery, drunkeness, lying, greed, and all the other well known sins. Read romans 1 as an example

A passage which is believed by many scholars to be an interpolation and even if it's not, the meaning is still debated. Many of the passages are I suppose, and you could therefore make many different contradictory arguments about the Bible.

It doesn't matter if he "overturned" it. The God of the Old Testament asked his people to kill babies. There is no coming back from that. I used to be Christian until I read the Old Testament. That God is evil. You can't be a moral person and worship a God who asked people to murder babies.

So why keep it in the Bible if Christ overturned it?

Jesus did not overturn the old testament. He actually instructs we should still follow the old laws. He did abolish sacrifices though because his sacrifice was greater than man could ever give. He sacrificed for our sins so we do not have to. That is the only old testament law that was abolished.

That's all old law. It's Judaism. A lot of Christians believe that the new testament, the gospels of Jesus and his disciples, are the only rules that apply. In the old testament purl and shellfish are forbidden too but how many Christians do you know that will turn down bacon wrapped shrimp. Seventh day adventist churches still look at the old testament as law but most protestant Christians do not and are not bound by it.

oh you mean that different groups within a religion can have differing views? what a concept.


Seventh day adventist churches still look at the old testament as law

More like guidelines to live a better life. Not equivocal to the commandments though.

They also believe in freedom of choice and generally do not support morality laws.

I grew up in a seventh day adventist community and some group still follow levitical law as law.

as did i, and some do not, just like with every other group there are all kinds that make up the whole.

Agreed. I went trying to make any point or anything, just providing more information to the discussion

A common misconception with a lot of those passages in the Old Testament is that those are relevant scripture when it's not. The Old Testament is more of the historical section of the bible, the laws of Moses were "washed away" through the death of Christ and his gospel is what is used as the new template for teachings in the church. Sure, an Old Testament story or passage is used occasionally in churches to teach a lesson, but it's mostly used as an historical account and absolutely does not represent what modern Christianity is, braised maybe some crazy southern baptists.

Also used by politicians to push anti-gay, abortions and whatnot, agendas. as such it is believed by a lot of americans.

And a whole lot of politicians, as well as a whole lot of regular Americans, don't know what the hell they're talking about.

Can't disagree with that but notheless, policy makers and their voting base belive it. So while they might not know what they speak on, they will try to enact policies, denigrate and generally try to oppress based on what they dont know.

Matthew 5:18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth shall pass away, not even one iota, nor ... pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. .... The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever. That's a quote from the lips of Jesus. The christians who believe the law is null now are in apostasy.


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I'm not sure what you're trying to say

I'm saying Jesus didn't say the law is gone. He said "one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. .... " The idea that he said nobody has to follow the law is totally wrong.

That's not what I was saying at all, the laws of MOSES (Ten Commandments, all the shit that says you can't mix fibers in clothing, blah blah) are no longer law, not to disobey laws of this country.

That's not what Jesus said. He said not one jot nor tiddle shall pass away. If you take the red print in the NT to be direct quotes of jesus then you still live under OT law. The doctrine that the law is no longer valid is a doctrine of convenience that allows catholics and protestants to live as they wish.

Timothy I is always quoted by the Christianity haters, but it is not even canon! All the other passages are from the OT. How those rules got to be a part of Judaism is a whole nother story that has more to do with how the Roman church created a bunch of rules that strayed from the core message for social/political reasons than the religion itself being bad.

It really bums me out when people defend Islam by quoting the Old Testament and talking about fundamentalist Christians. It is a very small portion of Christians. It is NOT a very small portion of Muslims. I am atheist so I do see the danger in all religions but these are not the same beasts.

Ok. I am also an atheist and my comment had nothing to do with Islam.

Ok, I recognize you didn't specifically defend Islam but the argument you used is the same argument I keep seeing. That Christianity has similar violence and bigotry in their religious texts. As I see it, it's not about what the books say but how the majority act and what they believe.. And I have personally seen 2 or 3 polls that suggest about 30%-40% of the Muslims responders support the killing of homosexuals

Those quotes are actually from the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch (minus Timothy) or.. otherwise known as THE TORAH. Those are actually Jewish beliefs, systems and laws that were incorporated into the Christian Bible. They are hardly acknowledged for more than historical uses and known to be barbaric and just a fading trait of an older, obsolete religion to Christians. It's also another reason why most Jews were kicked out of numerous countries through out time; those books detail how they (the Jews) believe they are superior and can treat non-believers as cattle (can rape, enslave, murder, cheat, lie, steal etc Goyim).

Those quotes, from those specific books of the Bible, are more of a reference of where Christians were, and where they have come to (New Testament) instead of actual rules they follow (minus the 10 Commandments).

Stop quoting Timothy! It's not canon!

Wow, I went to the comments section of that article and the most popular comment back when this article was written would have been downvoted in most political subreddits today for being insensitive:

"Cultural relativity is completely bogus. Some things are just wrong--and some cultures are just inferior. (For example, cultures that allow "honor killings" of girls and women for sexual transgressions: those cultures are inferior, stupid, barbaric, and just bad. So are cultures that allow rape of little boys.) Why are we so afraid of saying so? I am so tired of hearing, for instance, about the abuse of women in countries like Saudi Arabia and of hearing that "that's their culture." Abuse of Jews in Germany in the 1930s was part of the culture there, as was the abuse of blacks in South Africa in the era of apartheid. For some reason we are and were okay with saying those were human rights abuses. But when it comes to sexual crimes against women and children and the oppression of women, well, "that's their culture."

Let's ALWAYS speak out against abuse--the abuse of anyone. These are our values. And cultures that value human dignity, personal choice, bodily integrity, women's (and men's, and children's) rights are just better than those that don't. Period."



Those are *your values. Not OURS. Not everyone shares the same values and opinions. You were raised in an environment that taught you that these cultures were bad, barbaric, inferior, etc. Those raised in that environment have been taught otherwise and believe their moral values are equal to or better than yours. What makes your moral values better than theirs on how to treat women and children? I understand where you're coming from and why you're pointing this out, but you wind up sounding just as bad as a dictator that censors out differing viewpoints. Not only that but to also instill what you believe to be morally good values on people that don't share the same values as you do.

Ok so you think that it is ok to rape and humiliate an other human being, just because you label it as a cultural difference. Please feel free to go to an abused child whose life is completely and irreversibly broken and tell him that this just the result of other cultural morals. This thought process of yours is just disgusting.

Well that's literally what a difference in values are. If someone can justify these actions socially and is for the most part accepted by their peers and community its considered to be acceptable, the act itself my be to put it nicely unpleasant for the victim but life isn't fair and until the majority of the community change their mind and start to frown/disown said practices there's not much you could do besides trying to completely wipe out their previous culture (which if you are tolerant is not an acceptable practice).

Exactly, the only issue for some is, "What do you do? Do you let them do acts that are against your values? Or do you use force to change them?" Both have their own negative consequences, I agree with that, but now it's which side will you defend. I'm personally in agreement with the views of Durkheim (structural functionalism; even if there are some aspects morally wrong, as long as it promotes stability within society) and Voltaire ("I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say It")

When did I say I'm fine with rape? I'm saying there are differences in moral values and imposing American values onto countries that are the OPPOSITE of these values is just as morally wrong as a dictator doing the same thing on his country's people.

The point is that there are moral absolutes that are universal; therefore, they are not "american" values. Yes, you should stop boys from being gang-raped. No, we don't need to be in those countries' business. I agree you can't force spiritual evolution. Each individual has to freely make the choice to change.

Exactly, you've basically summarized Kant's Universal Law. Which is good! It was what I was trying to get at. And you're right, there are absolutes or in Kant's terms "categorical imperatives" that people must follow.

Also, if I came across as saying that American values are the way to go, that's my bad. That wasn't what I was trying to promote.

People just don't grasp what is really happening. The reason why liberals want to take in Muslim refugees, is because what else can we do to save the people in Muslim countries that are being oppressed? There is this divide between liberals and conservatives about how to stop the abuses of People in Muslim countries. We can start at world war, it doesn't work. We have tried it before, and it's not worth it. And those Muslim countries are too rich and too powerful. So we are doing the best we can. By taking in refugees and trying to integrate them into western society so they can have a chance to open their eyes to what freedom provides. It may seem like liberals are turning a blind eye to the abuses and oppression in Muslim countries, and in fact they realistically are and it would be akin to turning a blind eye to abuses in Germany or South Africa just like you said. But what else can we do? We aren't saying it's okay, but we also just don't want to start a world war. Liberals are doing what they see is the best option. Conservatives think we should either just bomb them to hell or close our boarders, remove our military and let them just look after themselves. Now who is turning a blind eye to oppression?

But the Catholic Church does the same thing. And one can interpret the Bible to do some of those things to the non-chosen people (both Old and New Testament).

The bottom line is that secular law is the pillar of Western society. Any religion that tries to overtake the secular laws is a threat.

And they want to bring these animals here?


After all these years and all that I've read about the war this is the first I've read about this. what the fuck...

boy you are ignorant

you are right, the 31st chapter of the quran is all about having sex with small boys.

It's a cult not a religion, and the people who follow the extreme ends of it are brainwashed. We should be telling more Muslim (and Christian and Jewish) people that God doesn't exist, and they should be atheist anyways.

That would solve a lot of strife.

We should be telling more Muslim (and Christian and Jewish) people that God doesn't exist, and they should be atheist anyways.

That would solve a lot of strife.

How can you possibly think telling someone everything they believe is wrong will in any way limit strife? Actually persuading them to reflect upon the consequences of their dogma might, but telling them only increases strife and hostility.

I'd do both. There's no such thing as god, it's an illusion/cult and they fell for it. Instead of bombs we should be dropping atheist/science books on the Middle East.

Personally, I'd love to debate a Muslim (and Christian and Jew) in a video for YouTube about the existence of god. I haven't seen that before.

Look up Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitches, Daniel Dannett for atheists arguing against the existence of god.

Meh, it'd be better if it was normal people arguing. Like an ongoing YouTube series with an atheist host and different people every week. And it'd only be good if the host was good enough to actually get people to renounce their religion.

That never happens. People when pushed to the limits of their belief systems will cling tighter and become more defensive. You are really naive.

So what's your solution? War?

Idk it's not easy. We can't dehumanized people because of their belief systems or ideas. We have to try to understand each other more. We need to break this cycle.

Uh... They are normal people? They are highly intelligent, highly educated people. You want average people arguing at each other? That's what Reddit is for.

If someone like Stephen Hawking can't convince a person to become atheist, what makes you think that a "normal" person can? You can't reason a person out of a belief that didn't reason themselves into.

You're mistaken. Unfortunately I'm on mobile. Links maybe later. But there was unprecedented freedom during Islam's golden age if you will. That's about the same age as the medieval times in Europe. Now that wasn't exactly fun living was it. Most Greek philosophies survived because of Muslim translations. Islam nowadays is backward because of some lame decision back in the 19th century if I remember correctly. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can chip in here. Oh, I'm Muslim with gay friends. Everybody should really watch the movie Pride, about the miner's strike in the UK. There are similarities in the struggles of minorities. Be it gays, Muslims or whatever. We really can understand each other better.

You're right~ish. Islam was much more tolerant of homosexuality even a hundred years ago. Much of early Islam was shepherded by the Turks, whose upper class enjoyed a cultural bisexuality and defined beauty as being genderless. There are some remnants of that around still, the dancing boys of Afghanistan, etc.

Muslim Society was seen as barbaric by European society because homosexuality was so tolerated.

However, some of the founders of radical Wahabism were actually students here in the US in the early 50's and 60's. At least one saw the burgeoning homosexual rights movement(that's right, that shit was around in the 50's) in our urban areas as well as our preoccupation with maintaining perfect lawns(seriously) as evidence that American indulgence culture was the work of the devil.

After being a student in the US, he went back to Egypt where he tried to start a cultural revolution, he was imprisoned and tortured, and eventually died in prison(I think), but his message had already found fertile ground to blossom in the ears of the disenfranchised underclass of Egypt.

People were hoping Arab Spring would be the beginning of the Muslim Enlightenment. Turns out it was just the start of a destabilizing proxi-war.

it would have been if there wasnt an iraq war/creation of isis. ISIS hijacked these revolutions.

I don't recall a time in history where any other religion was so defiant to social behaviour like islam.


I also think LDS, they have the highest disownment of children per capita in the states, almost entirely of gay children.

There is also the Amish, once you leave, you are to never return.

Disownment? While shitty, a far cry from being a criminal act punishable by death in nasty ways like being burned alive or beheaded.

Dude, seriously, go to Indonesia and you'll find folks are much more chill about your sexuality. Please don't define a billion plus people based on your personal experience of some uptight Malaysian weirdos.

but there was a human conscience attached to it for a very long period of time that allowed it to evolve. I don't see that conscience attached to islam.

Imagine you were living in the dark ages of Christianity, rampant with murder and violence: do you think you would be able to see the "conscience" that you see now? You only see that conscience which is relative to history. You cannot see it because you are witnessing evils in Islam today.

Can you elaborate on the people who approached you sexually? Honestly asking

I don't recall a time in history where any other religion was so defiant to social behaviour like islam. Christianity may have been barbaric, but there was a human conscience attached to it for a very long period of time that allowed it to evolve. I don't see that conscience attached to islam.

Christianity was barbaric. Overtime, they evolved, and became what we know today.

Islam hasn't had as much time to evolve, and it's evolving under some very different circumstances. It's much harder to be a dick to your neighbor once you learn that, just for example, he's gay after ten years of him being "normal" to you. You have to look at the reality that if a gay person can seem just like you for 10 years, then maybe, maybe he's really not all that different. Maybe he's a perfectly nice guy, just like anyone else. Maybe his selection of dicking partner doesn't really mean anything, in the long run.

But today, anyone who questions their faith, or the teachings of it can quickly retreat to an echo-chamber of people who insist that the faith is right, and that the gay man is evil, no matter how nice he seems. Facebook keeps all your old, prejudiced relatives in your ear all the time, and all the fundamental members of your church.

The moderates exist, and it's still possible to think that maybe we don't have to be an ass to everyone all the time, but the Social Observation is always there, always "helping" you back into the nest. You have to make a deliberate effort to find the contradictory information, while also hiding it from those who would denounce you for doing so.

Who needs Big Brother? I've got a big brother, and an uncle, and a grandmother all keeping an eye on me.

waiting for all libs to lecture you about how peaceful islam is.

People will proudly go to jail for islam, proudly die for islam, and proudly set fire to their friends for islam. I don't recall a time in history where any other religion was so defiant to social behaviour like islam.

That is because in all other religions its followers know that deep down its fake and man made.

Islam is the truth and when its followers realize that, they defend it regardless of the cost.

I don't see that conscience attached to islam.

That is because Islam is static and never changes. Any changes are seen as deviations.

Erm...which subreddit is this again? I agree and all but this seems like wrong venue perhaps.

SJWs don't know shit if they bent over picked it up and put it in their mouth. We got your back bro. I'm not infavor of supporting a religion where they don't mind tossing anyone off buildings....especially gays.

Them LIBRULS IS all dumb! if THEY luv QUEER-MO-SEXUALS so dang MUCH, than why they ALWAYS tryin' a make it LEGAL fer MOO-SLIMS to cum over n' hunt em' fer SPORT?!?!

Wrong sub bud. Take this to /r/politics.

OP...by the powers invested in me by SJWs everywhere I have deemed you Islamophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic (I know your gay but don't question me on this).

How dare you think it is ridiculous for a liberal to stick up for homophobic Muslims. I bet you also think it's hypocritical for feminists to stick up for a hijab..the nerve of some people!!!


Dude I feel you. People seriously want them to come in. All you have to do is look at Europe and see what is happening there and any normal person would shun it. But I guess our librards are a special breed of stupid today.

I think that most people of any faith don't care one way or another what you do with your body.

For reasons I can't see; people care more about religion than sexuality... simple as that really

Did you skip the day in kindergarten where they taught everyone that "two wrongs don't make a right"?

You should respect everyone's human rights. Whether or not they feel the same way doesn't matter when it comes to the way you respect others' human rights.

It is not hypocrisy to say that you should do the right thing even if everyone else doesn't.

You're literally arguing that we should not respect people's basic human rights as an act of revenge, OP. Listen to yourself for a second.

Where are the numbers you reference? You've only spouted rhetoric, and nothing to back up anything you say.

It's unfortunate that a subreddit ostensibly known for diligent truthseeking has wound up yet another bastion of right-wing bigotry. It's bad enough dealing with the corporate fake left shit all over the rest of reddit that drives you wingnuts, and while the discussions here are never entirely free from a political bent one way or another, this is pure propagandizing of a notorious historical variety.

Am I in /r/conspiracy right now? These types of posts are ridiculous and don't belong here.

Thank you, wtf is this shit show. I'm unsubscribing. .

I'm unsubscribing.

Bye Felicia.

NOOOO! If you unsub there are even less of us to fight this off-topic drivel!

A political opinion doesn't belong here? I appreciate the perspective.

Can people really not handle hearing other perspectives?

Conspiracies don't only have to be about ufos and shit.

There is definitely something up with women supporting women's rights but contradictory supporting a religion that denies women's rights. I am a woman by the way.

You can twist that picture anyway you want, but here we have a unique perceptive I hasn't thought of as a woman.

Wanna discuss pilutics go to a political sub or start your own. Both the Left and the Right have sponsored groups that have murdered gay people and have been oppressive to women. This is just another divide and conquer technique used on this sub.

Haha, I'm sorry but have you not seen every other sub on Reddit. Every single sub has a complete liberal agenda. I'd say Reddit itself does.

This is the only sub where I have seen an alternative perspective. The only hope I have is one person might linger here and see not everybody on Reddit is completely liberal on all issues.

By the way, the labels aren't even that important. This is a gay man speaking, and I don't think it really matters how he identifies politically. He just finds something strange.

I don't know what we can do about divide and conquer, but I do think we should continue to search for the truth and question the agendas of large political forces.

Whether we like it or not, from this point on, I don't think we are going to be able to escape political discussions.

This isn't the sub for political posts tho. This sub is to inform us and others about the conspiracies that groups, be they political, religious, shoot even extraterrestrial, have/are/will bring against us.

Uh, I'm sorry but I don't know what you're arguing?

Yes, political groups can affect political conspiracies. There are many political conspiracies.

If anything, you're dividing this sub.

So instead of actually posting about the original post, we're talking about this? Who cares?!??!?!

Then stop replying.

Uh, I'm sorry but I don't know what you're arguing?

Yes, political groups can affect political conspiracies. There are many political conspiracies.

If anything, you're dividing this sub.

So instead of actually posting about the original post, we're talking about this? Who cares?!??!?!

So you bash people for not being able to handle different views in your first post but now need a safe space from liberals?

No I read liberal views constantly.

I can imagine you literally shaking with rage as you read about people wanting basic human rights for people that are victims of war-torn countries.


OP seems to think that human rights for Muslims is a conspiracy, which is kind of stupid.

I go to other subs for "gay man rants."

I come here to research and trade ideas on matters that are actually conspiracy related.

No it absolutely does not. This isn't a political sub. This sub shouldn't have any political bias.

Bias is nearly impossible to avoid.

There is definitely a conspiracy at work here to foment a clash of civilizations and disrupt Western countries. This way they won't have to plan and execute false flags, although they may still be doing it, because they have facilitated the flood of Islamists into the West. They had a hand in creating Islamism in the first place, no doubt, and in destabilizing the M.E.. All is going according to plan (PNAC), or would be if it wasn't for those meddling alternative media sites and the spread of populism (i.e. the awakening of the People).

This is actually pretty interesting; different perspective from another minority.

If i wanted a safe space echo chamber, id go to r/politics. please stop crying about taboo topics; i'd like to not stay in a bubble.

I think his point was that there is no conspiracy involved in the post.

There is no conspiracy in the narrative changing, witha whole political spectrum shifting to support avowed enemies of the rights they just were (and continue) to vow to protect. There is either mind-boggling hypocracy / groupthink here, or someone is changing the narrative here, while we watch society collapse.

Okay, standing up for the rights of bigots (in this case Islamic homophobics) does not necessitate any hypocrisy on the part of the people making a stance. Yes, Muslims chanting for their rights while denouncing the rights of people in the lgbtq community is hypocritical. But hypocrisy is rampant throughout society, and this case isn't that interesting. People on the left (or any political affiliation) objecting to oppression is not necessarily hypocritical for those people. For instance, I don't think either groups' rights should be overlooked, and I condemn the generic Muslim stance on homosexuality (but my opinion is jack shit in the global scheme of things so w.e.).

Are there those on the left who overlook Islamic intolerance of homosexuality? Yes. Are there those on the right who protect the rights of corporations but ignore the same corporations attacking worker's rights ? Yes. Does either case require a conspiracy? No. It's just the result of a highly polarized partisan system that plays on people's basic tribal instincts. What you said does not require any conspiracy to be explained. However, there is an interesting conspiratorial thought to the fact that some groups or individuals are actually using these basic tribal instincts to obscure the discussion, resulting in bickering on forums and pissing contests. But in this case it's not the vague "those on the left" that is the culprit.

Further, my original point is that OP's post is not about a conspiracy, and they don't even make a weak attempt to show there is one. I thank you for at least trying to give the original post relevance to this subreddit but I stand by my original comment. (Also, I am aware that I am not a regular poster or subscriber to this subreddit. But I do enjoy reading conspiracies from time to time. Hence, my frustration with this low energy post).

The question was why is this going on? I think the answer does have something to do with conspiracy. Order out of chaos. Destabilizing the M.E was one step. Letting in a flood of Salafi Muslims into Europe the next step. Controlling/steering culture to accept all this even against their own best interests is another part of the plan. People may have responded with political rants, unwilling to take to a conspiritorial level, but that doesn't have anything to do with the OP. At the heart of this is conspiracy.

So far this is the most level head political discussion I've seen on reddit. Mostly reasonable back and forth exchange of ideas. There are a couple of angry posters but mostly people are just stating their thoughts either way and not circlejerking.

I'm gay too. If he wants to talk about that he can go to any LGBT sub.

This sub has been co opted and is somehow even more of a joke than it used to be

These shill comment trees are so transparent. You're really going to have to evolve.

Who put you in charge of other people's questions?

/r/conspiracy is being turned into a safe place. CTR has spoken

Andrew Breitbart called it 'liberal orthodoxy'. You have to adhere to their ideology 110% without questioning it or you're a bad person. After they've conditioned you to self censor and not raise these kinds of questions they slowly move the goal posts of what's 'liberal', moving society in a pathway that gives them total power over you and the people, and of you dare speak up then you're a racist sexist homophobe.

Yeah, no. Respecting the human rights of people who don't respect human rights is perfectly logical and consistent. But that's irrelevant because being allowed into a country is a privilege, not a human right.

Mate, this is like saying Christians should be devoid of human rights because Trump's government is full of radicals wanting to oppress gays. Like, if your morals are based on whether or not other people share those morals with you, you're building the foundation of your principles on a house of cards.

I agree with you but this is on some level very frightening. We're letting people in who, in extreme cases, want me dead and in other cases will not defend my human rights yet they expect me to defend theirs. Fundamentally that's hypocritical. I think we should only allow people in who agree to accept our values and the rights we have enshrined in law and the constitution.

Stop using extreme examples to justify a narrow minded opinion. Do you not realize that there are millions of decent, hard working muslim families that have progressive views on modern society? You are doing the same thing as equating every Christian to the Westboro Baptist Church. This post is fucked

Just look at Europe. There's your case studies. Seems like those things there are going from rare to recurrent. Why let them in just to prove it will happen here?

Yep, as a dane I have seen many cases were muslims have shouted to change our laws to some of their religion laws. I dont mind those muslims with a more modern view and those who want to give something to society (work, help etc.).

And here in the US, we have a Constitution that is supposed to keep religion from government. We don't have a State Church, a State Religion, or any of that, on principal. And there are a lot of people who fight to keep it that, against Christians who fight to break that wall. So far, we've held that. When Islamic groups come in to try to put their religious views into law, those will be fought with the same vigor and more importantly with the same exact methods.

And as another dane.

Those are the clear minority. And they have been completely shut down.

The biggest religious-nono going on, is circumcision of Muslim and Jewish boys, and hopefully in a few years that will be gone too.

Extreme regions people in Denmark have close to no say in anything going on.

Maybe because we don't just let them in? We have a very long and thorough process compared to most European counties.

Drive to the East coast and then look at Europe. Now drive to the West cost and then look at Europe.

You'll notice that you're surrounded by a very large body of water called "the ocean".

This ocean works as a natural barrier, to help prevent physical things like human beings from getting into the country. Because of this you can easily control the number of people entering your society, and you can employ sensible and reasonable limitations as to avoid clashes in culture, and allow new arrivals time to adjust to their new home's way of life.

They don't adjust, though. They wait until their population concentration in an area reaches 5% or so, then they begin influencing local politics and bringing in more Muslim fundamentalists. Once they hit 10% of the population, they begin making more and more demands and once they hit 20% they form small enclaves where Sharia law is enforced and local police won't even bother patrolling.

Want proof? Look at Europe.

Here are some numbers FYI.

The current percentage of Muslims in the EU is just under 4% of the EU pop. If all of the Syrian refugees who requested asylum in Europe (1 million) were allowed in, the percentage wouldn't even increase by 1%.

Current projections estimate the total European population of Muslims to grow to around 8% in 2030. And this is including Muslim majority countries outside of the EU.

The idea that Islamic culture could take over European culture in Europe at this rate is laughable.

I'm not talking about the entire country. If 3% of that population is centralized in one area, they could easily meet the 5-10% of the local population and begin influencing their local politics.

OK I'll concede I missed that distinction. Where are these local enclaves where sharia law is enforced in Europe?

I did a quick search and found this cited article although I didn't read through the whole thing and it's not the original article that I got my facts from.

Although Snopes (a partisan, private entity) ruled this as false, I have also read first-hand accounts of people visiting France specifically that found themselves in areas that they suddenly did not recognize and felt immediately unwelcome/threatened.

One of the first things your article links to is a Bloomberg article in which the person who seemingly originated the "no-go zones" claim more than 10 years ago says that it's not accurate and he shouldn't have called them that...

It's interesting that you would classify Snopes as partisan and thus dismiss them but link to an article published by Gatestone which is clearly just as partisan an organisation.

This is an excerpt describing the founder of Gatestone, "Rosenwald, whom journalist Max Blumenthal describes as the “sugar mama of anti-Muslim hate”. A report by the Center for American Progress found that through a philanthropic foundation, Rosenwald and her family have donated more than $2.8 million since 2000 to “organisations that fan the flames of Islamophobia”. Examples of fascists she has funded include: Brigitte Gabriel, who in 2006 declared that Muslims “have no souls - they are dead set on killing and destruction”; former Pentagon official Frank Gaffney’s neocon Center for Security Policy (CSP), which has published conspiratorial pamphlets warning that American Muslims are engaged in a “stealth jihad” to install "Shariah Law" in the country; and most prominently, Middle East Forum founding director Daniel Pipes, who once described Muslims in the Netherlands as “brown-skinned peoples cooking strange foods and not exactly maintaining Germanic standards of hygiene." http://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/white-supremacists-heart-whitehall-789183852

I wouldn't take Gatestone's opinion on anything Muslim related.

Also nearly every country has ghettos and areas that are unsafe to visit. Can you prove that sharia law is being enforced over the actual rule of law in these areas? That's the claim that I find hard to believe.

people visiting France specifically that found themselves in areas that they suddenly did not recognize and felt immediately unwelcome/threatened.

I bet these same rubes would feel unwelcome visiting China Town. Christ, chill out.

Have you been to Europe?

Could you link to specific examples in Europe? I am an American and I'm not regularly exposed to your news.

And when they hit 30%... spits onto ground stares off into distance Well, that's when the Boogeyman took over

I looked. Didn't see any proof.

What case studies? What things? You scaremongering tool


maybe I overlooked it, but i didn't see the spot where they report the increase. can you help?

"Speaking at a press conference, police said they had never experienced crime of this nature in the small city of Östersund, which has a population of just 44,000."

The entire article has quote showing the change in safety and security of their women

Police quote - "On Monday, police in the Swedish city of Östersund advised women not to go outdoors alone following a string of public assaults and sex attacks in the past three weeks. "

"According to the survey, 46 per cent of women aged over 16 felt either “very” or “somewhat” unsafe when they are alone in the dark, compared with 20 per cent of men.

Almost one third said if they were caught by sunset, that they would rather stay at a friend’s house than try to get home alone."

"“I would never go running by myself on a Friday or a Saturday night,” she told the paper. Another said she would never go out alone after 7pm."

"“Loads of women here say they have been touched. We are tired of men thinking they can come to Sweden and molest women. We want to teach these boys how to behave and be left in peace to swim without being felt up."

"National broadcaster SVT reports what police area manager Stephen Jerand described as a “worrying trend” of unprovoked violence on women in public places."

Thanks. Half of those quotes don't state an increase and the others don't report the actual increase either though.

Over the past three weeks

Nice try. Thanks for playing

Over the past three weeks..

Nice try. Thanks for playing


That does not scream "credible source" to me.

You also could be nicer. Don't need to be a dick. The biggest problem we have today I think is everyone getting frustrated at each other and not respecting each other in the way we speak.

How does YOUR suggestion solve any problem?

Not sure what you mean. My suggestion to be less hostile of course isn't a solution to anything but it helps keep everyone level headed and understanding of each other.

You are correct. It's easy to get hot headed in threads like this. I've been seeing a lot of anti-muslim posting around here and its frustrating to me. People have a tough time wrapping their heads around intersectionality- I don't like seeing the actions of a very vocal and violent minority defining the identity of a massive population of decent fellow humans.

How do you know they are all decent human beings? That's a generalization you aren't qualified to make.

What generalization? I'm talking about the decent people of a larger group.

Stop using extreme examples to justify a narrow minded opinion.

Do you not realize that there are millions of decent, hard working muslim families that have progressive views on modern society?


Stop using extreme examples to justify a narrow minded opinion. Do you not realize that there are millions of decent, hard working muslim families that have progressive views on modern society?

How date he use statistics:



I mean for fucks sake, Russia is more accepting of Homosexuality than any Muslim country sampled.

The westboro baptist church represents less than 1/10th of 1 percent of Christians. A recent CNN poll of Muslims Living in Great Brittan show's that over 50% want to criminalize homosexuality. If over 50% is an extreme example then that is crazy. It is the MAJORITY not an extremist sub section.

Westboro Baptist Church also doesn't cut off heads or throw gay people off roofs last time I checked

Neither do Muslims in the US

Good, let's keep it that way by not letting in the ones who do(Also, Omar Mateen, I'm sure there's loads more like him)

After seeing the numbers of weekly mass shootings in the US, seems like he was just blending in with the culture

No, they just show up at the funeral to make sure the family suffers even more.

They're lawyers. They're not stupid enough to break the law. Certainly not stupid enough to kill people.

Killing people is obviously worse.

Obviously. And torturing someone until their heart stops is worse than just putting a bullet in their head, but both are indefensible.

Are you implying that the Westboro Baptist Church is torturing people until they die?

No, I'm saying that bad things don't become less bad just because something worse exists.

WBC being bigoted cunts is insufferable, yes. ISIS beheading people is also insufferable. ISIS beheading people is obviously worse

No replies to you because the Islam apologists have no answer to actual facts.

You know pretty much all the rabid evangelicals out there also wouldn't mind criminalizing homosexuality, right?

I met an evangelical christian street preacher in my own town who thought gay people should be imprisoned and put to death. It's not an uncommon idea among the very devoutly religious that the things they don't like should be made a crime.

The only difference between an extremist and moderate occurs when one allows secular humanist views to replace the political ideological elements of their religion.

Many sects of Islam (and other ideologies) do not have this fortunate distinction. Which is why we need to be wary of Wahhabiist and Salafi sects, which add up to almost 50 million and wield signifant political and economic control over portions of the MENA.

We can't simply bury our heads in the sand and pretend that all of religion is a protected class and thus would never count as a political ideology.

I have no problem with equating every Christian to the Westboro Baptist Church, these extremes are the logical conclusion to accommodating fairy tales for adults and in fact letting them dictate entire societies. No matter how moderate you think your religion is someone will take it too far, it's a lot like guns in this country.

None of this has anything to do with my opinion of the immigration halt, which I think is stupid.

Yes, there are millions of decent, hard-working Muslim families. But I would contest that, taken as a whole, beliefs based on Islam are more violent than beliefs held by most secular Westerners.


I extracted a cross-sample:

  • ICM Poll (2016): 23% of British Muslim support the introduction of Sharia in the UK "instead of British Law"

  • Wenzel Strategies (2012): 58% of Muslim-Americans believe criticism of Islam or Muhammad is not protected free speech under the First Amendment. and 45% believe mockers of Islam should face criminal charges (38% said they should not).

  • Anti-Defamation League (2015): 55% of Muslims in Europe are anti-Semitic - approximately three times higher than Europeans in general.

  • University of Munster Study (2016): 23% of Turks living in Germany say that a Muslim should not shake the hand of the opposite sex. 33% say that a woman should wear the veil. 73% say that books and movies which offend religion should be banned.

  • MacDonald Laurier Institute: 35% of Canadian Muslims would not repudiate al-Qaeda

it's almost as if growing up in an oppressive society led by ideologues shrouded in religion and proclaiming themselves to be the "chosen people", who execute citizens for violations of the religious tenets, leads to the population having a hard time letting go of those views.

who'd a thunk it

thank you

According to pew research on islamic people: Majority think wife should always obey husband, majority think sharia should be law. Over 1/3 think adulterers should be stoned to death, about 1/3 think suicide bombings are justifiable. Not all islamic people are terrorists, but very large swaths support terrorism, barbaric and cruel punishment, and extremely conservative lifestyles.

This is the most rational comment I have seen on /r/conspiracy in a long time.

Fundamentally that's hypocritical.

It isn't hypocritical. you've oversimplified a situation to demonize a group and victimize yourself.

human rights are human rights. EVERYONE is entitled to them.

EVERYONE is entitled to them.

Exactly. but that doesn't give you the right to pick and choose which human rights you live by. either you follow all of them, or go to a place like saudi-arabia where human rights are basically non-existant.

what do you mean you "follow human rights"? who in the US isn't "following human rights"? Governments are the ones who oppress human rights, not individuals (unless we're talking about criminals or those "following orders").

Can't speak for the US, but in europe there are plenty of muslims, demanding segregation between men and women in swimming pools, demand food to be halal (meaning animal cruelty) and feel it's justified to beat their wives. I doubt the US has the same issues since they have a much lower muslim % but still

Orthodox Jews in America demand sex segregation and complain when it's not enacted. They also demand food be kosher (meaning animal cruelty). Do you want to ban Jews from America, or does that vaguely trigger your "some people in history did this and it didn't turn out well" sense?

p.s. If anyone beats their wives that's already illegal and they can be prosecuted. If they're immigrants, crimes can lead to deportation.

I'm not saying all Jews or all Muslims should be kept outside but selective immigration is never a bad thing. And about deportation, you still need cooperation from the government you send them back to and you still risk them getting back into the country because there is little to no filtering. Also, terrorist caught and stopped in the act get around 7 years of prison while a domestic dispute that got out of hand often gets up to 30 years

Great! Selective immigration is what all Western nations employ. America has an exhaustive filtering process that takes years for people from problem countries. Well, at least before Trump, in a stunning ignorance of law, put a blanket ban on people from certain countries, including all legal residents (green-card holders), dual citizens, etc.

I don't have any context or citation for your claim about prison sentences. I'm not sure how it's relevant.

I CAN speak for the US, and there are plenty of:

  • Jews who would be happy with segregation in swimming pools.

Orthodox Jewish beliefs demand modesty in dress, and a strict separation of the sexes, and those are the beliefs to which the taxpayer-owned-and-operated Metropolitan Recreation Center will yield.


  • farmers and agricultural corporations who abuse animals (and YOU probably still buy their products)

nearly 280 million laying hens in the United States are confined in barren wire battery cages so restrictive the birds can't even spread their wings.


  • cops who feel its justified to beat their wives.

women suffer domestic abuse in at least 40 percent of police officer families. For American women overall, the figure is 25 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.


so what's your point? you find this shit anywhere. the people i listed are all americans- and a large part of American culture. does that mean we shouldn't respect the human rights of Americans? Does that mean it's hypocritical of Americans to demand human rights?

Obviously murder is unacceptable, but what human rights have Muslims tried to overturn in the west?

rights of women and LGBTs are often not followed. Edit: I'm not saying all muslims violate these or that it's only muslims that do. I just have to agree with OP that it's hypocritical to fall under freedom of religion if said religions fundamentally violates human rights and constitutional law of some countries

human rights are human rights. EVERYONE is entitled to them.

This statement conflicts pretty strongly with the teachings of Islam.

I don't know that, and I doubt you do either. Islam has absolutely zero impact on american culture. But there are enough issues with our own cultural values and hypocrisies to go blaming others who are not affecting us.

But meanwhile, we ARE affecting the muslim societies you're referring to, as we systematically destroy the middle east and certain parts of africa.

We're letting people in

It's not a human rights issue. There is no "you can enter United States" human right.

Will said. It's s privileged not a right.

So not allow in Catholics or anyone else who doesn't believe in divorce? Where does it stop? What's the cutoff point?

Terrible argument. How about it ends with people that believe in killing gays, women that were raped, and those that don't follow their religion. but seriously omg then do we ban people who don't believe in divorce? So scary

A terrible argument is "Some Whoosits in Whoositland do bad things, so we should treat Whoosits when they are in Whatsitland reciprocally badly."

Which values are those, though? There are plenty of Americans who don't believe in gay rights, who believe that the laws of their religion should apply to everyone, etc.

Which values are those, though?

The bill of rights and the constitution obviously.

I'm gay as well and I am most definitely "anti-Islam." However, I don't see how I would ever expect a Muslim to see the common humanity I share with him/her unless they have the opportunity to be in a more open culture like this. You can't expect ideas to change unless you give them the space to change. Will that be uncomfortable at times? Definitely. But the net result is positive.

Bro, I'm a Muslim and I fought for your rights. I protested in front of the Supreme Court before Obergefell and celebrated afterwards. Progressive is progressive. I personally represent homo- and transexual asylum seekers fleeing Central America (because the Church is too powerful).

You can say "Muslims want me dead," and I can say "Gays want me out of this country." Or we can all understand that we're fighting the same fight. But seriously, reading your comments is heartbreaking. I'm not asking you to fight for me the way I fight for you--I'm just asking you to not be fighting on the other side.

100% this all day long. Thank you.

Allowing for immigration greatly reduces radical belief of Muslims.Research shows, while only 4% of Muslims worldwide view homosexuality as "morally acceptable" - in the US 45% of Muslims do - the vast majority of whom are only first or second generation immigrants. While you may think 45% is low - only 54% of American Christians view homosexuality as morally acceptable (up from 44% in 2007) - and these are people who have largely lived here for generations.



those are the only people we are letting in, fucktard.

just because they come here, doesn't make us an islamic nation.

you can't just rant against one religion when all of them hate you in reality

Many Christians hate you equally as some Muslims. Do you want to take their rights away too?

Just curious. Why did you post this in this sub? How is this a conspiracy?

We're letting people in who, in extreme cases, want me dead and in other cases will not defend my human rights yet they expect me to defend theirs.

In extreme cases there are plenty of natural born americans who feel that way too.

Noone expects you to forfeit your human rights. Refugees are expected to respect your rights just as you are expected to respect theirs. Your argument is a strawman. Where did you hear otherwise?

The Vice President of the United States thinks you would stop getting turned on by boys if we strapped you to a table and shocked you enough.

What the hell are our shared values? And why aren't we discussing this in political sub?

Do you know how many religious conservatives, who are citizens, hate you also and want your rights taken away? This is such a cherry picked argument, but you found your audience to agree with you.

You do know Trump is the first US president to be pro-LGBT from the start right? Perfect example of one of the MSM brainwashed zombies

I don't care what Trump says he is, I care who he surrounds himself with.

He's said he had worked with many gay people in the entertainment industry. He doesn't give a shit, as long as they are competent. Look up his interview from 20 years ago

Or wait until he announces his Supreme Court pick today. Then you'll see how much his administration cares about gay rights.

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The announcement is this afternoon, genius, and we won't need a month to see the nominees position on gay rights.

No need to be a cunt :)

So, have we seen how much his administration cares yet? As far as I know gays have not lost any rights.

Yes, he is so LGBT friendly that he has Mike Pence as his VP.

Well if you're going to play by those rules.


Your statement is stupid.

Bloody hell! I didn't realise that Trumps government collapsed in the last 10 minutes and had been replaced with Clintons!

If youre going to judge someone by their peers, then Hillary is a racist pedo

Sure, snowflake.

And who has Trump surrounded himself with? He could be a racist paedo. Well, lets face it, he probably is.

Let's focus on Pizzagate and ignore Trump-Epstein

Trump-Epstein sounds like a disease

Lol, borrowing insults now. Good one, kiddo

You don't deny it. Interesting.

Lol what no he's not

Well at least christians dont rape children. Wait a minute...

Judging by your "mate", I'm going to assume you don't live in America and you get all your news of how the country is from the Internet. Let me be clear, out of all the Trump supporters I know, none of them are against gays or support oppressing gays. In fact, the only group SJW's rally around that I see Trump supporters make blanket statements about are those who support and push extreme Islamic beliefs. (Which is also wrong to do)

Of course we all have different experiences, and people have strawman argument, and maybe you are from America, I'm just judging off of your comment. But like I said, don't believe the hype from the far left fear mongers

Christians should be devoid of human rights

No it's not. Nowhere did he imply that they shouldn't have rights. It's no one's right to enter anyone else's country. That's a privilege.

Like, if your morals are based on whether or not other people share those morals with you

That's perfectly reasonable. Im not going to share a community or relationship with people that think it's ok to beat their wives and honor kill their daughters. Your conception of morals "Everyone is right and everyone is good and let's let them in so we can all be happy together" is naive and retarded.

You have the same moral conception as Sweden and Germany. Let's see what happens to those countries in the next 10 years. They will be unrecognizable. Protecting your culture and values from others that don't share your culture and values is perfectly reasonable.

Who does Trump think shouldn't have human rights?

Religion as an institution is not brought to task, the scriptures are allowed to remain full of hate and illegal material as protected status, so by definition, the institution hates you, which indeed sucks.

On the other hand, you can't assume that any given follower is "with that" until proven to be, and even then, that is not against the law.

So its like corporations, religions get away with all kinds of messed up ethics. Probably going to eventually have to impose sanctions on corporations and religions who sponsor outcomes the society does not want. "There should be a rule against that". But humans, on a case by case basis are probably going to be allowed to hold opinions and values that suck as long as they do not violate specific statutes that are targeted at humans.

I could see why a community would not want to be over run with outsiders. I could see why a community would want to retain its own character. I could see that a nation would want to have a policy that honored what its citizens preferred.

On the other hand, Americans are going along with the slaughter of millions overseas. They deserve to die in the same way, and suffer in the same way, and have their country ravaged in the same way they have tolerated happening to those their nation attacked. This country is in for hell.

Your point always stands out to me in my mind. The left fight tooth and nail to sympathize with Sharia law more and more as time passes, while at the same time fighting tooth and nail for homosexuality, transgender, etc rights while sharia law clearly states death to anyone not heterosexual.

It's an offshoot of manifest destiny. Only the white woman can help and understand these savages. Look at helping Africa or women that go to Iran to prove their nice and end up raped and dead. They think Muslims will be different once they've been enlightened by Western thinking and women being able to do what men can do.

Islam isn't very incompatible with western values. As an atheist i'm no fan of any religion, but it's very clear which one is responsible for most terror attacks in modern times, so they're right to want to vet people from that region before letting them in our country.

Islam isn't, but Muslims integrate well into Western society as they are free to practice their religion in any way that does not harm others. This isn't the first time Muslims immigrated into the US, either.

Islam in its core actually condemns hurting innocent people.

I think you are right but doesn't Islam have an extreme viewpoint by Western standards that makes many guilty? Being gay or and infidel as two examples that are not acceptable?

You know, Islam, similar to Christianity, has many different sects. And just like in Christianity, these sects don't all have the exact same beliefs.

Buddy, the people currently in the white house don't give a shit about your rights either, just watch. At least the left has been fighting for you for the past half century.

The past 10 years tops, more than half of dem senators voted for the DOMA.

Actual progressive leftists have always supported gay rights. Anyone who doesn't isn't progressive or left.

Actual progressive leftists are an endangered species, as are true conservatives.

due to getting brainwashed by media for years

Real ideologist only flourish when conditions are shitty, when people are comfortable they are more complacent.

true they got a bit greedy with the 2008 depression and some woke up

Trump is pro LGBT. how many retards do I have to tell this to till it sinks in?

Repeating it over and over again doesn't make it true. The Trump administration is against protecting LGBTQ rights.

took gay rights stuff off whitehouse website

As is standard protocol


Look it up, fool. Same thing happens every time. Existing WH site gets archived.

Mike Pence isn't.

Wasn't Tim Kaine pro-life? I don't remember that being touted as proof that Hillary was as well, or that abortion rights were being threatened due to his personal beliefs.

Just watch homie. Just watch.

Advocates said on Tuesday they were bracing for a Trump administration rollback of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights, despite a White House statement vowing to uphold protection for LGBT people in the workplace.U.S. President Donald Trump will continue to enforce a 2014 executive order by his Democratic predecessor, Barack Obama, barring discrimination against LGBT people working for federal contractors, the White House said.


Everyone is scared because the MSM and Media Matters/ShareBlue are creating hysteria by spreading misinformation on social media. Their goal is to prevent the normalization/humanization of Trump. That's in their leaked playbook. So many are being fooled

LOL, what else did you expect?

Doing a social experiment on those monkeys right now.


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The bible also calls for killing gays.

it does not. One of the commandments is thou shall not kill

Thou shall not kill is a mistranslation, it would be better written "you shall not murder" death by stoning was the penalty for many, many sins including homosexuality and adultery.

Leviticus 20:13   
Deuteronomy 22:22 

I was raised in a fundamentalist christian church and have read the bible front to back at least 3 times in my life, if you have any questions I would be happy to answer.

what did Jesus say we are to do? Do not mislead people that Christians are told to murder anyone...that is not true.

You may not take the old testament literally, but plenty of people do. I grew up in such a church, and you can see them all over america.

Christians are not killing gays. Muslims are.

In africa, christians kill gays, a few in russia, and quite a bit in america as well. If you like I can source this info for you.

Yes, please share your sources of Christians killing gays in America recently.

Its the same hypocrisy as the left see in the right claiming to care about stopping Muslim extremists from removing our freedoms and making us a less tolerant society whilst simultaneously removing our freedoms and making us a less tolerant society.

This is not conspiracy, this is a political discussion.

The right doesn't take away your rights? So the Bush II presidency didn't happen? They equally take away our rights. Do be fooled thinking the two parties are any different.

I am unsure if you read my comment correctly.

They are Yuri Bezmenov's "Useful Idiots." People who are completely incapable of critical thinking or logic. The sheep.

Their diet is emotion-based.

Yes! More people are waking up looking for answers! It's a cruel cruel world we live in.

Actually it's the majority, OP. Also, watch Ben Shapiro's video about "is radical Islam the minority?".

Haha, feminists defending Islam is even funnier.

I don't have to agree with someone to defend them.

I think the differences are a bit more than a "disagreement"...This is more akin to Jews defending the Nazis during the Holocaust.

I don't have to agree with someone to defend them.

If you really are a feminist and you aren't joking...Islam oppresses women. This is literally antithetical to "feminism," why would you defend them? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

I'm sure there are (unfortunately) lots of group that don't respect gay rights, but we don't treat them like we do Muslims.

Lots of people don't like you why do you think Muslims gave to be singled out

Welcome to the intentional division of media/politics/educational.

Division, the hardest thing to understand until they started adding letters to math.

(But not really - (simple) they keep us hating one another - just watch the MSM news.)

Doesn't mean I wouldn't be fair to the south?

If you want to know why left brainwashed muppets ignore all the facts and vehemently oppose even hearing out any of them, then here is a great short interview from around 30 years ago with a Russian defector, who explains it https://youtu.be/bX3EZCVj2XA

Hopefully one of this flags will fall on his head

I never was a patriot or maybe not even now am very much one but I just notice clear results of their "game" and for us the consequences look really grim BUT for them from their gated and guarded by a garrison of mercenaries with machine guns point of view, it's just an exciting lethal for us game. If they "loose" nothing will happen to them, at most they'll loose some of their vast amounts of money, BUT for us this will mean living the consequences in a wrecked communities without any security were law is helping the villain and thus punishes the victim.

Guy who was helped into the country by the CIA. Surely there's no bias there?

This is not the matter of belief, he spoken this 31 years ago and if you look around today you will clearly see (if you are not one of the indoctrinated people) that the fruits of this ideological subversion are in full fruition now at this very present day. There is a full interview on YT and he says a lot more about different things which are clearly and evidently visible happening nowadays.

This happen over quarter of the century ago he has no gain in anything, it is his statement which can simply be corroborated now.

Lol the CIA wasn't interested in crushing leftists movements in the early 80s?

CIA KGB tools in different hands

I see no bias here... You do realize that the left says the same thing about the right, correct? "Ignoring all the facts" has nothing to do with your political leaning and it has everything to do with being an ignorant wank, so people need to stop thinking that every single person in a group is the exact same person and vilifying them all.

If you think only the people of the right can pay attention to facts, then how would you explain people who used to be part of the left becoming part of the right? They just suddenly began paying attention to facts? The same goes for people who think only the left pay attention to facts.

Your line of thought is dangerous and only causes more hate between people.

You do realize that the left says the same thing about the right, correct? I'm absolutely sure of that, it's clearly visible. Problem is their reaction when approached with some factual evidence like for example a video recording of some sort which is threatening their current mindset, which is totally illogical and in most situations boils down to over-shouting a person as a "racist","hater","nazi" and all kind of "phobe ending" words, all given to them by their opinion creators like media and all sorts of people in power positions.

Please watch the full video. It can't possibly threaten the present time considering it was recorded so long ago, can it? it's from the different - cold war era you don't have to be worried about bias whatsoever because Bezmenov is not talking about Trump or the right wing of today whatsoever, he simply talks about the mechanisms Soviet Union used to undermine societies in another countries.

The eerie part is, how much of what he said over 30 years ago is true today, the fruits of the communist soviet subversion are clearly visible everywhere around us in the US and especially in the EU. I can't tell you the whole interview it is just too much to talk about.

Your line of thought is dangerous and only causes more hate between people. Since when truth and facts became hate?

It's not "truth and facts" that generate hate. It is the thought process that every one of the ""LEFT" brainwashed muppets ignore all of the facts." All I am pointing out is that there are people on both sides that ignore facts, and there are people on both sides that don't. There are also people on both sides that share the ignorant belief that their beliefs are the only justified ones, and there are ones who don't.

Just don't group everyone together is what I'm saying. Just because they share similar political beliefs does not mean that everyone that leans a certain way politically, acts in the exact same ways.

Sure I agree that of course there are radicals on both ends of "the stick". I'm not really looking at it from political point of view. I myself agree with some of the ideas from both the left and the right side.

I'm trying to point out the shockingly similar symptoms of the far left to what Yuri was saying. Putting aside Obama, Trump and all that recent politics and instead just by focusing on their behavior leaves no doubt whatsoever that we are witnessing the results of the same ideological subversion as he called it in full bloom. It's seen even more in many other countries than US.

Bill Maher kind of encompassed what I'm talking about here, the idiocy of PC and to what extreme it is now implemented. Have a look, it's short

social justice is just another platform for non-marginalized / white people to feel even better about themselves

I don't see the hypocrisy.

If the "left" is saying we should respect ALL law abiding citizens equally, where's the problem? Are you saying we should stoop to the same level as barbaric countries with outdated beliefs and single out specific demographics for rough treatment just because they do? If so, at best, that's woefully petty.

What about the Christian fundamentalists of America who ALSO believe that homosexuality is an abomination and that same-sex marriage should be banned, etc? Should we not respect their human rights too?

This is what it means to live in a civilised society.

Not only did you miss what OP was getting at, but you also managed to sling mud at Christians in the process.

+10 points for Slythern.

Tell me what point I missed.

OP referenced the inhumane treatment of homosexuals in Muslim countries and the opinions of homosexuality within the American Muslim community.

I pointed out that

A - Our morality is based on what WE think is right, not by what other people think is wrong.

and B - It's an undeniable fact that the opinions of Christian FUNDAMENTALISTS is strikingly similar to those of some Muslims. Something something "GOD HATES FAGS!"

The hypocrisy is that so called progressives defend Islam which preaches that homosexuality is a punishable offense (in some cases by death), while at the same time saying that they support defending gay rights. This is the hypocrisy.

Last I checked Christians as a general trend were not so fond of gays either. Maybe not on the level of stone to death, bit certainly many wound put them in jail and ban them if they could.

Last I checked Christians as a general trend were not so fond of gays either.

Last I checked SJWs weren't bending over backwards to support Fundamenalist Christians. Instead they are doing so to support the ones who actually do stone them to death.

Who is bending backwards to support extremists? That is a dumb ass statement. You are lumping the entire population, some of which are but many who are not extremist into one group. Since 9/11, no one has been killed in this country in a terrorist attack by anyone who emigrated from any of the seven countries banned. Lets put terrorism in perspective: Roughly 123 people have been killed from terrorism in the United States since 9/11. In that same period, over 240,000 from murders.

Perhaps that's because the rights of Christian fundamentalists aren't under threat?

Except for those living in around 46 Muslim nations, sure.

We're going round in circles now.

Why should the lack of morals in other countries affect the moral standards in ours?

The answer is: they don't. We have higher moral standards, we claim the moral high ground. Our morality isn't based on some playground standard of "they do it so why can't we?", it's based on what we as a society deem acceptable and one of the central tenets of that is that ALL law abiding citizens should enjoy the same basic human rights.

If you want to live somewhere where the government cherry-picks who does and who doesn't qualify for these kinds of rights, move to North Korea or one of the Islamic countries we're referencing.

defend Islam... in the US, and support gay rights... in the US.

There's nothing hypocritical about defending the human rights of all people in your own country. What WOULD be hypocritical would be if you decided that one group of law abiding people didn't deserve those human rights... oh, wait!

The lack of human rights of other places is irrelevant. What about China and it's questionable human rights record? Should we ignore the human rights of Chinese people within the US to match China's?

Liberals protect the right of people to practice Islam. What is wrong with that? Sounds like a good thing to me. You can defend religious freedom and sexual orientation freedom. These are not mutually exclusive goals. If it were, we would have to deport tons of fundamentalist Christians.

If the "left" is saying we should respect ALL law abiding citizens equally, where's the problem?

Except that's not at all what's happening. The left is trying to protect those who stand against what the left believes, namely treating all human beings with respect. There's a huge difference between respecting differing views, and protecting bigotry. The left's promotion/protection of Islam is the latter when it comes to how Women and Homosexuals are treated by Muslims.

The left is not protecting bigotry. They are protecting a people, many of which many are considered bigots by the standards of the last decade. By those same standards, everyone who lived 40 years ago was also a bigot. But these people, even bigoted people, are still people with human rights.

And when they come here, they continue to have the right to hate homosexuals, much like many Christians(including our political leaders). And despite this hate that some of them have, they can only express their hate in certain ways once in the US. They will not be allowed to throw homosexuals out windows or otherwise extrajudicially punish them.

This is not hypocrisy. It's completely consistent. Human rights for everyone whatever their religious beliefs. Should we not allow Orthodox Jews in the country because of their extreme anti-homosexual views? How about fundamentalist Christians who advocate gay conversion therapy?

The left values groups over individuals. And they value victimhood most of all.

They're not 'the left'.
They're just MSM brainwashed retards.
And if you had to place them on the political spectrum, they typically fall somewhere between centrist, neolib and new-age fascist.

They're just MSM brainwashed retards.

The liberal (left) media?

And if you had to place them on the political spectrum, they typically fall somewhere between centrist, neolib and new-age fascist.

So the left?

They don't care about gays and never did. Gays were a tool. Muslims are a more useful tool now.

What is the tool for though?

I def don't think most dems are as passionate about gays as they like to portray but is it really only about how good it makes them? A very brainwashed group

It's not something I understand fully, but it may involve opposing Christians.

Leftists are racists. This is why they consider Islam a race - because there's a lot of non-whiteys. Leftists don't really know where exactly Muslims they see are from, they just see they are a non-white race on the whole. White Muslims tend to blend in better, so lefties don't see them. Whites are irrelevant remember, unless they are to be blamed for something.

On the SJW concern scale, a gay white man is below a brown person from the Muslim "race", and a gay non-white person is below a Muslim person who wears Islamic identifying attire. It's much easier to virtue signal to other self loathing middle class white 20 somethings if their cause is a person who is both brown and easily identifiable as a religion other than Christianity.

Sorry. Your cause just isn't visible enough any more.

You do realise there's a strong Christian movement that believes gays can be "fixed" or should be punished. How about you than the left for the socks stuffed in their collective mouths you ungrateful cunt.

This isn't new.

But that movement is dying. A new gen of Christians have a more realistic view of the bible. You can't hate everyone not like you; the rest outnumber you greatly.

Good, good, defend Islam's widely practiced barbarisms by comparing it to a small fringe of extremist Christians. Surely as long as there is a single rotten Christian in the world people like you will dismiss all the atrocities of Islam because "some Christians are just as bad." Totally the same. Good job.

Where did I defend Islam? FFS, it's so hypocritical to call out one religion but ignore the evil shit other Abrahamic religions do and have done.

All Judaic religion is rotten.

Wow, you can go fuck right off

Really contributing to he conversation pal, well done!

If that's what you call conversation...

In keeping with your informed aspects of this debate. Suck it.

Ok child

Don't worry, you have the right believes in human rights for the LGBT community.

muslims, being a very distinct "other", are the current preferred tool for attacking western civilization by leftists. it helps that they were historically at war with europe for so long, enslaving europeans in raids and subjugating some southern european nations

the main concern is not for human rights, it's for demolishing western civilization by forcing it to accept various "others". destroying the nuclear family is also a stated goal of many self-described communists employed at western universities

It is definitely hypocrisy. But you cannot change the Muslims. You can only change yourself and make yourself as unlike them as possible.

Dude. Most religions hate homosexuality. Some disguise their hate better than others. It's a paradigm that you basically have to ignore. Theres no middle ground to reach. If it makes you feel better, my solace is that religious influence worldwide is dropping not growing. Overall we're getting closer and closer to wiping it out. I don't know if we ever will but at least it's a step in the right direction.

Because you know that showing at least the bare minimum of respect to other people is what separates you from them. You also see the slippery slope in allowing society to pick and choose which groups are tolerable today.

It just seems like to me the Democrats are just after votes / support. Remember in Orlando when a muslim killed 50 gay people. Democrats defended islam rather than stick up for gays. Well for them muslims and refugees could get them much more support / votes. They're just trying to get as many 'groups' on their side as possible. They started identity politics with the SJW movement do divide people even more.

[Rants about Muslims and how they're evil]

[Then, rants about identity politics and how evil they are]

This will never go way with this current generation.

Your hope, Fuckyousantorum is with the ones who come next.

In the same way nobody give a crap about white and black couples. Two gens ago that would've been insane. It's normal now.

Muslims, need to drop the old school convictions or they will never be welcome in the 21st century.

Err same with a lot of religions. Even those who follow the Christian faith. Homophobia isn't exclusive to one single religion. You know that.

If you think the right cares about gay rights more than the left you're in for a really rude awakening here in the coming months.

Is that why Trump was the first president ever to hold up a lgbt flag at a rally and there was no outrage from his supporters?

Is that why he has a vehemently anti-gay Vice President?

Assassination protection. You kill Trump and you get someone that will actually do all the shit the left is bitching at right now.

We'll see what President Pence decides. It's like the Cheney Bush thing.

Trump is pro-LGBT, and was before he decided to run for president. You know nothing

Trump isn't the entire right.

The_Donald majority is openly supportive of gays. Maybe if you visited once in a while you'd see that. I'm there daily.

If they are genuinely pro gay rights, they really got duped into supporting the wrong candidate. The Trump administration has already shown real hostility to gay people in their policies.

Jacking off over a year-old article while ignoring everything the Trump administration is doing right now. Great.

Boy. I'd hate to be you right now. Is each day getting harder and harder?

Yeah, it's a difficult time for every American with the emotion known as empathy.

Who gives a shit about a bunch of redditors lol. Conservative policy makers are overwhelmingly anti lgbt.

So, a minority of western muslims want to criminalize being gay and you wonder why people shout down at you? Do you want to criminalize being Muslim? Like what solution are you looking for here?

You do understand left supports gay rights and the right don't? And it is probably because of left your country has allowed gay marriage.

You are free to voice your opinions about Muslim countries not allowing gay marriage, if a left has told you that you are not allowed to voice your opinions about it then you didn't meet a left or you are just straight up bullshitting.

Once again, another typical "black or white opinion" instead of recognizing the world as shades of gray. ONLY the left supports gay rights and the right NEVER does. Simply not true. There are many shades of tolerance and in fact some on the left are the most intolerant human beings I have ever come across.

What are some things left are intolerant about? I mean as a principle not individual.

Actually, I was speaking of the individuals and not the whole left or right ideologies. What I'm seeing is a lot of people that believe in an all or nothing mindset and they don't realize how much that turned off voters in the first place. Some of these people have an attitude like "You must believe every single thing I believe or you are the ENEMY". That has never worked out in politics, ever.

Right don't????

Trump is pro LGBT. Look it up

Gay marriage is state by state, not country.

I'm from Australia and even I know more than you. Sad!

Get educated

Look at all these triggered uneducated righties lol

Gay marriage is state by state, not country.

In the U.S., the federal government guarantees all people the right to get married.

Trump wants to undo this ruling so red states can strip marriage rights from gay people.

This is not a pro-LGBTQ position. It's the exact opposite. Taking away marriage rights is bad for gay people.

Trump does not want to undo this, that's a blatant lie. He hasn't supported it in any way, but he clearly stated he will not in any way.

As seen in this 15 hour old article, with a slightly misleading title, has changed his promise do undo all of Obama's executive orders, by not undoing the one that granted homosexuals the right of marriage.

Also, Here's him saying he accepts the judgement of the supreme court and does not intend to undo it.

He's not a supporter, far from it, but he also isn't the anti-gay tyrant you make him out to be. He will not strip away the right to marry.

I'm Dutch, being right has nothing to do with allowing gay marriage. Our most "extremist right" party, PVV, states "the safety of LGBT individuals" as one of their reasons the spread of Islam should be stopped in the Netherlands. They are predicted to become the largest party, and are very conservative, relatively speaking.

It's the religious parties that are anti-gay. I'm not sure about the Dutch CDA and ChristenUnie, two centrist Christian parties, but the only truly conservative, right wing Christian party, SGP, is against Gay Marriage. They get around 3 seats in the 120 seat counting Tweede Kamer every election because of the Dutch Bible belt.

TL;DR: Rightism, and conservatism to a lesser extend, don't influence LGBT rights. It's religion.

Because respecting people's rights shouldn't be mutually exclusive.

Just as we expect people to respect their rights, we expect them to respect your rights as well. Mistreating people is wrong and saying that the other guys do bad stuff too isn't a valid excuse.

It's simple, the Left is retarded. And by retarded I mean, their brains are not as functional as those leaning right.

But to get more in depth, I too have often wondered about why the left would be so anxious to help muslims, when muslims despise everything the left is about, to the degree of wanting to kill them for it (throwing gays off rooftops, setting them on fire, putting women in beekeeper suits, mangling women's sexy parts, stoning women to death after they get raped, etc. Oh yea, they're a bunch of fucking animals for sure.).

I have thought a lot about this, and I think that those on the left are missing a key part of their brain responsible for forward thinking and logic. They are able to see what is right in front of them, and make a half-way decent judgement as to the good or bad of it at that very point in time, but when it comes to projecting that judgement out over a time horizon, they are missing that part of their brain responsible for looking forward, and they literally cannot see the long term repercussions of the thing, especially negative repercussions, empirically speaking.

For example, the left wants to let this poor innocent persecuted refugee into their country so they can help them, but they don't think long and hard enough about the fact that this person has been ingrained since birth to hate and kill them, and one day, will try just that.

The left wants to let the person into the country, but they don't think about the fact that that person or their spawn could end up in a judge's seat, making laws in the country that would affect their children very negatively.

The left wants to let gay kids and adults into the boy scouts, but they don't think about the fact that having a gay kid in a tent with a straight boy is like having a girl in a tent with a scout, sexually. This is obviously against the BSA rules, but that doesn't matter to the left.

The left wants to get rid of guns because maybe they know someone who got shot once, etc, but they don't think about the fact that if we don't have guns, any crazy dictator that the people are dumb enough to elect to power, like obama, can then do anything they want to the people so long as they can get them to turn in all their guns.

The left wants gay rights, which may or may not have been so bad, but they don't think about what comes next. But the right sees the horizon. First the gays want rights, then the trannies want rights, then the pedophiles want rights... it's just a slippery slope right into the toilet. I'm not bashing gays, just telling you what has happened. But I put the gay/tranny/pedo thing on a different level, it's just a social thing we have to work out. However, the muslim thing, that's a huge world-wide terrorist organization that wants to exterminate all the infidel non-believers, that is truly a big fucking problem. We're not going to see huge masses of GLBTP fuckers trying to kill everyone who's not gay, etc. But you easily could see a massive number of muzzies try to kill off everyone in an area or even the world eventually. That''s why it has to be stopped fucking cold right now. Trump's doing the right thing locking them out.

You can go on and on with these analogies. It just proves my point that they can only see happy things in the present, they can't see the future negative consequences of present actions.

It's funny because you actually sound retarded.



Maybe because you want a right to fuck men while they want a right to fucking survive?

You figured it out. It's a conspiracy. Leftist people are brainwashed weekly. Glad your brought this to the proper sub.


You know what I don't understand? How can gay men and feminist lesbians even be in the same camp?

They're both pushing against the socially-ingrained idea that you have to be in a straight relationship to be accepted in society?

So, now, I guess you reap what you sow.

Not sure what you're trying to say?

Simply, their movements were hijacked by the left. The libs say "heteros are the oppressive majority, you (non-heteros) are the oppressed minority.

Its called "Cultural Marxism", everything from skin color (Caucasians vs non Caucasians), to religion (theists vs atheists), and even food (vegs vs omnivores) gets transformed in a political banner.

Once they established the sides of this purposed struggle, social divide and polarization ensues.

Once you voice your opinion against the machine, you are now on the enemies side. Regardless of how long you were on the other side, you are now tainted.

The Right can be like this too, especially with the religious nuts and simple minded.

Are you expecting more sympathy and understanding from the GOP and religious right?

Respect Muslims, just not the shitty ones. Respect Christians, just not the shitty ones.

Respect people, just not the shitty ones. How hard is that?

So do the Christians in this country. As a Liberal i want everyone to have equal human rights and the respect that they deserve. If any one group wants to persecute another then that is a problem that needs to be solved.... also is this a conspiracy?

Lol what? The Vice President supported gay conversion therapy programs and laws jailing gays. The right has viciously opposed your equal rights while the left has been pushing like hell for them.

muslims want to criminalise being gay.

Literally the Vice President signed a law to this effect.

Christians also don't respect your rights, should the left not support theirs?

Also this isn't conspiracy, take this shit to pol.

christians aren't shooting up gay clubs or throwing gays off buildings

"the hypocrisy of Muslims demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine."

But are you really arguing Christians haven't been killing gays for centuries? Lol.

no? i'm saying they don't anymore. muslims still do in 2017

Weird, Christianity still spreads gay hate.

Another example.

There's plenty of incidents of Christians killing gays throughout history and recently.

nowhere near as many https://www.outrightinternational.org/content/timeline-publicized-executions-alleged-sodomy-islamic-state-militias and then there is honour killings, killing for adultery, jailing people for drinking alcohol, killing for apostasy, gang rapes all over europe, the general dehumanisation of women as second class citizens so they can't drive, can't leave the house without their hijab.. islam is fucking stone age cancer, stop pretending it isn't

Of course it is, I never said it wasn't. It's also a thousand years older than Islam. Where was Christianity a thousand years ago? Ohhhhh, like Islam is today. Don't confuse criticism of Christianity as defense of Islam. Christianity is just as bad though.

I can't understand why the left don't see the hypocrisy of muslims demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine

Because two wrongs don't make a right?

I can't speak for all people on the left, but it seems to me like I can reasonably expect gays and muslims to have their human rights respected, all while working to correct misguided beliefs which people of all faiths and ignorances hold and perpetuate (racism, sexism, bigotries, nationalism, etc).

The Christian bible doesn't do a lot to defend homosexuality either. Plenty of Christians still use that fact to justify their bigotry against gays. But many others have evolved past that. Muslims are no different.

Its simple. Leftist drones are programmed to react, and get triggered instead of analizing the facts.

So, rather than look at the facts and say "look, they are whiping , hanging and throwing gay people from the top of buildings, we don't want this"

They simply go: "What are you saying of the muslim? Its the religion of love you xenophobic, white nationalist, bible thumping biggot"

The left hates the western civillization with passion. So do the muslims, who see the US and Israel as the source of evil in the world. An alliance is natural.

They (the left) are using the muslins as proxies, to do his dirty work. That's why the left doesnt want you to speak of them. They need the muslims.

But the useful idiots fail to realize that islam also has its own global domination scheme.

In time, AFAIK, there are 3 known big schemes, sometimes collaborating, sometimes competing with each other: The western globalists (Soros and his pals), the eurasian (Russia and China) and the Islamic (mostly from the islamic brotherhood).

Every single one of your points are so so so wrong. I don't hate western civ, because I live in it. I don't hate muslims because I actually know muslims. I don't think anyone is a white nationalist xenophobic bigot, unless of course you say some dumbass white nationalist xenophobic bigoted shit. It's not hard to figure this out man.

What I do hate is idiotic generalists. People like you who want to make sweeping generalizations of large groups of people based on YOUR fear of other things. I'm not afraid of anyone or any group. If they want to destroy the US then fine. Let's take them on, but last I checked, I personally know more racist white people in my area than I do America hating muslims. So get your shit straight cause you sir, are wrong as fuck.

it's like they're brainwashed

Well that's what happens when you don't fix one problem and try to tackle an even bigger one. There's people still without drinking water in Michigan but people are worried about bringing over refugees...the fuck

What if I told you you can be concerned about both. People were outraged by flint and now half a dozen people have criminal charges.

Sorry, I can only hold one thought or concern in my head at a time. That way it's not a logical phallacy.

I'm all for helping people, but why not start with people that need help in America? We have so many more pertinent problems within our own country that deserve priority over aiding refugees.

Millions of children in America go to bed hungry every night.

Households with children reported food insecurity at a significantly higher rate than those without children, 17 percent compared to 11 percent.[1]

Over 94 million people in America are jobless.

When President Obama took office in January 2009, 80,529,000 Americans were not participating in the labor force; since then, 14,179,000 Americans have left the workforce -- some of them retiring and some just quitting because they can't find work.[2]

Even if you're lucky enough to have a job with benefits, the insurance is not enough to cover proper medical care.

A report released this week by the Commonwealth Fund, a private foundation that conducts independent research on health and social issues, finds that even though more Americans now have health insurance, many still avoid seeing doctors because of high out-of-pocket expenses.

Millions of Americans are jobless, starving, and perpetually sick. Refugees from foreign countries will only exacerbate this issue. You can be outraged about many issues, but you can only fix one at a time. It's not always so black and white, there are many angles to the issue of allowing refugees into America.

Also don't forget the many homeless we have here in our country that seem to be overlooked in favor of sheltering refugees.

Do you personally work with the homeless?

Obama explained the ideas of foreign aid and assistance as preventative.

The way you avoid massive, expensive conflicts is by preemptively having smaller, controlled conflicts where the need arises before they get out of hand.

The way you prevent even these smaller conflicts is by giving people aid.

$10 of aid today saves $100 of small conflict expenses tomorrow and $10,000 of large conflict expenses next year.

It's an investment.

People like yourself think we should prioritize domestic problems, which can be understandable. However rather than voting for politicians that have plans to solve domestic problems, people vote for politicians that ban the refugees, while those same politicians won't solve the domestic problems. Additionally, the resources taken up by taking in refugees, if used on domestic problems, won't be anywhere near enough to solve them.

To put this into preservative, The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) costs about $3 billion a year. [1]

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) which helps feed low income families costs $75 billion. [2]

You could shut down the refugee program and still not expand SNAP to cover the millions of hungry children.

Do you personally work with the homeless or volunteer to help Americans who are out of the labor force?

We can be concerned about both, but what about funding? Michigan's water fix isn't getting funding so how can we afford to bring in refugees?

If you can find a way to pay 20 billions for a useless wall, I think you can think of a way to find the money

WERE outraged, it was a hot issue then the media moved on to something else before the problem was fixed. My comment is so academic and people still can't understand it. Unreal

So we can only deal with and care about one thing at a time? Fuck off.

That's the point I'm making we don't care about the other thing

Maybe you don't, I and a shitton of other people sure do. I don't know about you but I'm capable of caring about more than one issue at a time.

I mean the people in power and the majority of people not just me and you. If I could provide people with clean water I would, stop fantasizing

I don't think there wouldn't be protests if this was exclusively about refugees. The blanket nature of the ban is what has people so upset I think. There is tons of middle ground between being cautious about admitting refugees and banning everyone from certain countries. Especially since countries like Iran are stable and aren't even producing refugees.

Plus it's the first week of the administration. It's blasting out of the gate with a heavyhanded and overbearing response that shows little interest in pursuing legal, measured, and consensus action.

I think the fact that this is Trump's "compromise" policy when he really wanted an all-out ban on Muslims didn't help. He said it himself.

I think the issue where we've caused an entire part of the world to be literally bombed into the fucking stone age is a bit more important than some people with bad drinking water. Maybe it's even part of the same problem. Too much money spent murdering people on the other side of the planet. Not enough attention spent on the effect our industry has on the environment.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of people in the part of the world where these immigrants are coming from that haven't had clean water or a steady supply of food for years. Our foreign policy has been a direct cause of the destruction of a vast amount of the Middle Eastern infrastructure.

We are pretty much responsible for all terrorism.

"I say to you, God knows that it had never occurred to us to strike the towers. But after it became unbearable and we witnessed the oppression and tyranny of the American/Israeli coalition against our people in Palestine and Lebanon, it came to my mind. The events that affected my soul in a direct way started in 1982 when America permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon and the American Sixth Fleet helped them in that. This bombardment began and many were killed and injured and others were terrorised and displaced. I couldn't forget those moving scenes, blood and severed limbs, women and children sprawled everywhere. Houses destroyed along with their occupants and high rises demolished over their residents, rockets raining down on our home without mercy. The situation was like a crocodile meeting a helpless child, powerless except for his screams. Does the crocodile understand a conversation that doesn't include a weapon? And the whole world saw and heard but it didn't respond. In those difficult moments many hard-to-describe ideas bubbled in my soul, but in the end they produced an intense feeling of rejection of tyranny, and gave birth to a strong resolve to punish the oppressors. And as I looked at those demolished towers in Lebanon, it entered my mind that we should punish the oppressor in kind and that we should destroy towers in America in order that they taste some of what we tasted and so that they be deterred from killing our women and children. And that day, it was confirmed to me that oppression and the intentional killing of innocent women and children is a deliberate American policy. Destruction is freedom and democracy, while resistance is terrorism and intolerance." - Osama Bin Laden.

That's America, that's how they see us. We have a responsibility as Americans to support these people. It's our military, and our leaders that have caused their entire world to be literally destroyed.

Comparing the issues in Flint to what's happening in the Middle East shows a decided lack of perspective. It's like saying your broken septic tank is worse than your homeless dying neighbors that are being murdered by insane members of their own family after you burned their house down and killed their Wife, son, brother, and uncle Habib. You then tell them it's their fault you blew their house up and killed their family and deny them shelter. You then tell them that it's better if we just set up an area in their yard to keep them 'safe', oh and that area will be staffed and ran by the same people that radicalized their crazy family members that are currently killing and raping them.

They just wanted to be left alone, but the West feared a united Middle East. So now all of their cities are smoking ruins. Go buy some bottled water you pussies.

Ok, but a majority of Christians don't want to recognize your rights either...so should we ban all of Catholic europe too?

The Republicans and Christians have done so much more to hurt gay rights in America. The Muslims have done pretty much nothing. They are free to have their beliefs if they don't infringe those beliefs on others. Just like Christians and free to hate gays, but it's their influence on laws that crosses the line.

Not in America though

I guess it's time for another round of "conspiracy or t_d propaganda."

I've noticed that most people don't really have sentience anymore, they're just fed thoughts which they repeat. It's kind of unnerving.

It feels like we're in the matrix and everyone is being manipulated into believing things that are factually incorrect.

yesss. In my social media people just PARROT media talking points. So unnerving-- its like critical thinking and logic just dont exist.


More than 25% of Americans believe that homosexual relationships should be criminalized as of 2016. Although it is part of a downward trend, it is the most "progressive" number compared to the question of permittance of marriage, access to healthcare, and so forth.

Although there is no study I can find specifically targeting actively religious Christians within the United States, I would make the modest suggestion that considering two additional points of data - namely that 47% responded to Religion/the Bible says it's wrong, followed by 20% Marriage Should Be Between a Man and a Woman, - if an analysis was conducted on religiously fervent American Christians, say evangelicals, those numbers would skewer upwards. Bearing this in mind, it is my projection to say that it is insular religion which leads one to want the criminalization of homosexuality.

Here's my idea as to why, though, Americans are downwardly trending, unlike say people from Saudi Arabia - it's because our "free and fair democracy" has allowed homosexuality a degree of public normalcy and a degree of free speech. This has slowly targeted the religious communities of the United States, leaving only the more insular and withdrawn (and conservative and antisecular, antidemocratic) elements to remain so bigoted.

So, it is not that the "left" does not see the hypocrisy to demand human rights for Muslims when Muslims do not demand them for gays, it is that they are demanding human rights for their fellow man - no differently than they have been for you or I as queer people. There is no vast number of people, despite neo-fascist rhetoric, that espouse the idea that Muslims are permitted to be bigoted towards homosexuality any more than Evangelicals are - it is a distasteful, aggressive and [in my opinion thoroughly intertwined] aspect of their religious identity, only treatable through integration into communities, dialogue and free democracy.

sources: gallup. am pansexual. am a leftist that talks to a lot of leftists and conservatives in a coalition movement.

This thread is such a mess. Gay people who really think the vast majority of fanatic Christians wouldn't have them locked up if they could are delusional.

Source: Am gay. Still get those emails from church members of my youth.

yeah, fully anecdotal but some of the shit ive heard my old coworkers in car sales say about gay people is absurd. these people would call themselves good christians but wouldnt have an issue locking someone up for being gay.

I never came out to my family, nor will I probably ever. Not because I don't think they'd come around, I just hate discussing my relationships with them, period. But some of them say the most disparaging stuff. I just try to work with them every time it happens, but I wonder, if it were sixty years ago and we weren't blood, would I be strange fruit?

Basically. The struggle lgbtq face against religious adversity is co-opted by shitty people the world over, but most notably and vocally by these fucking neo-fascista who would still be lyinching us if given a chance

Criminalizing gays is way too much. As a roman catholic(german tho, not us), Idc if youre gay, but I'm against gay having the same benefits as a nuclear family, since a nuclear family should always be the most attractive choice, because of reproduction, etc.

Which benefits do you think gay couples shouldn't have?

Why is ability to reproduced (which isn't limited to "nuclear" families, and can also not be attained by some "nuclear" families) a basis by which to determine benefits? This is arbitrary. Also, you say choice. We do not choose to be gay. It is much easier not to be.

I can kind of see this line of thought, having grown up in the Church until I came to the age of reason. I still vastly prefer the Church to Evangelicals, because they're less oppressive by far and easier to discuss stuff like this exact thing with.

Love how in a thread about Muslims discriminating against gay people we have real catholics doing it. beautiful.

Gays aren't refusing to create nuclear families. They're gay.

And besides plenty of gay married couples are willing to adopt, plenty of people freak out at the notion.

I'm reading this thread and I'm a Muslim. I can't understand the mental gymnastics, nor can I understand how many people hate me/put words in my mouth without having ever met me.

Hey brother, I love you with the fullness of my heart if you ain't my oppressor or oppressor of my brothers and sisters.

These fucking fascists act like Muslims are "barbaric" because they "didn't have a reformation" as if all the fucking scholars of the Golden Age didn't come and go and fuckin' write about the fallacies of man. Anything to disparage those outside of their group, to preserve their monolithic narratives - you'd think they'd get along with the ISIL filth with their hate of man and love of lies.

Because they (Christians) took a philosophy based on love and turned it into a religion based on hate.

This sub went full the_donald that's all. it's just the same shitposters from there concern trolling and using their shit "logic" to get points with their buddies who also don't understand locial thoughts

Every abrahamic religion preaches hatred and oppression of women and gays. Anyone who thinks I am going to hell because I like to bone dudes is someone I dislike. Not every Muslim wants to stone gays, nor does every Christian, but fundamentalists who can't understand and filter out the hatred and bigotry in their religious texts are my enemy.

This is what happens when you try to learn about the other side only through what your friends tell you. Let's not make this same mistake ourselves

I'm not gay and have had many (mostly religious) friends tell me their true feelings about gays. Hell, my church I attended, the pastor didn't care. He openly preached about how gays were ruining society and we need to stop them. That they need to be locked up in mental wards.

Everyone in that church, including the pastor, were the nicely people you could meet. Offer to help you with anything. But man did they hate gays.

Why can't people be critical of Islam without it being tied to hating ALL MUSLIMS? Criticising Islam =/= criticising Muslims.

Yeah and as the post two posts before yours states, given the chance fanatical Christians would be doing the exact same thing. But we don't go railing at all of Christianity for it.

Well, actually I suppose you could, as long as you were being very consistent one way or the other.

All I can say is that the people who have actually met Muslims such as yourself are the people who respect Muslim culture and don't see anything wrong with it. You want a high quality of life for you and your family just like anyone else.

It's the people who don't meet or befriend minorities who are scared of minorities. It's absolutely pathetic.

Why not just block their emails?

I have not heard one Christian say or display anything related to a desire to incarcerate someone for being homosexual. And I am a "fanatic Christian" and have gotten to know several large Christian communities from all over America.

I'd have to say by your name, you run in relatively liberal Christian circles. Like others have mentioned, you also have to take into account that culture has pushed people left on the issue. The Bible is pretty clear about homosexuality. I heard many, many times growing up that gays should be executed under a theocracy. You can pretend it's a fringe belief all you want, but look back at what James Dobson and other lunatics had to say on the subject before they were hushed up by cultural changes.

I've met plenty of Muslims who didn't have any problem with gay people. Plenty of Christians as well. The point people are trying to make is that it's not what the religion says that has caused them to ease up on gay rights. It's a cultural shift.

I dont really care enough to address all of your ignorances.

Yet enough to snark back and reply in the first place. LOL. I was a fanatic Christian once, you know. The only ignorant one is you.

You seem very upset and like you have a lot to prove to someone

TL;DR -- if your name is "putadickinit" you are not a fanatic Christian. That shit would not fly with the people I'm referencing.

Not to mention that the 25% number is relatively recent. Anybody can check the Gallup poll you linked to see that it's only been since about 2007 that that number has started to go down from the 40% range.

40% disapproval rating down to 25% in a decade is HUGE. We have ~319m people right now. That's almost 48m people who have changed their mind on the issue.

Meanwhile, in the Muslim world being gay is a crime punishable by death. Afghanistan, Brunei, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, United Arab Emirates and Yemen all give you the death penalty for being gay. Yet Americans are expected to adapt to their culture rather than have them assimilate into ours. Not every culture is equal

Yes, that is huge. Now, how do you think that happened?

Probably people coming out of the closet, and others realizing that this dehumanized group were already a part of their coworkers, their family members, and their friends.

And why would people start coming out of the closet? I mean, it's not like LGBT people just started to exist in 2007.

Because people only started encouraging them too recently, there were a lot of campaigns to bring people out of the closet around that time.

Exactly. Which is to say that people's minds can be changed. So, denying somebody their civil rights on the basis of their beliefs when we already know that those beliefs can change and have changed is ... an interesting stance to take, to say the least.

Yeah I agree

Sorry but we just recently had someone post about "moderate muslims" in the west and they were proudly posting about how only 46% of moderate US Muslims believed homosexuality was a sin against god, compared to over 80% in the rest of the world.

You're attempt at showing "others discriminate too" with a claim of 25% falls a bit flat when people have some numbers to compare it to.

Even at the peak of publicly accepted bigotry towards LGBT people in the West, I do not think there are accurate parallels between the treatment in the Muslim world in the modern era. Gay sex is uniquely villified in the most conservative Muslim nations in a way that I can not see in Western history beyond the 1700s. Moreover, when this topic is addressed, a favorite argument is that these countries inherited extreme attitudes towards gay people when colonists changed their laws. Except, I fail to see how retaining that prejudice far beyond the imposed laws and the unchanging disgust at the idea of gay sex that goes beyond secret bath houses to actual loving relationships proves the influence of the West. But that's just a detour here.

Look no further than Maajid Nawaz to see how your binary view doesn't hold up. A Muslim man, who is outspoken against both conservative Islam and the oppression of Muslims by western military powers, he has been labeled as an anti-Muslim extremist by the Southern Poverty Law Center and he barely registers as an important voice among most leftists. Surely there is a point where stopping American bigotry becomes most pressing, but could you ever imagine prominent Western leftists lampooning Muslim conservatives with the ferocity which is directed towards Trump supporters etc? Oh, there were some, and despite "Je Suis Charlie," the serious leftists I know basically spun into "blame the victim" after the attacks in yet another common instance of leftists projecting their own cognitive prejudices onto the opposition.

But again, I digress. I actually agree with much of what you say here- but I am stuck on the part where you reference free and fair democracy as a changing agent for people losing their prejudice. Now, I'll put aside the amount of people who no longer respect my opinion after the primaries because I said that Trump supporters should be understood in their access to the norms of the contemporary leftist bourgeoisie and not villified for electing our current mess. No, a deeper issue here is how you address that this element of exposure and free ideas is a factor in changing minds, and yet (though this is not targeted exactly at your post) sooooo many leftists and particularly feminists would never ever ever want to say that free trade and neoliberal society has allowed them the kind of freedoms they organize for or that such systems might be more beneficial to outside oppressed groups than their small pockets of activist influence.

Overall, I agree that men like Trump coopt this dialogue. However, leaving out nuanced details and immediately going to words like fascist, in my opinion, does nothing to address legitimate cognitive dissonances that critics on Reddit notice among leftists. And you're right, most liberals are not jumping up in support of the views Muslims have towards LGBT people- they are, however, just as prideful and unwilling to concede ground to their demonized enemy ideology of blanket fascism as conservatives are known to be towards women and poc.

But I guess what really matters in the end is "who has power and who is the oppressed minority" because moral truth has finally broken postmodernism and once again there is a Grand Theory that explains everything in the world and that is intersectionality.

I get what you're saying and agree to some degrees, but you're barking up the wrong tree, man. I'm a ML. I have a tremendous gripe with the way leftist institutions function in the united states, how they relate with postmodern throught, the eradication of absolute truth. I answered in a normie way bc this is conspiracy and figured this was a loaded question and I figured what I said was the most approachable way to attract people to the info w/o alienating them with convoluted explanation about the american left, the appropriation by bourgeois "intellectuals" and their shitty, unanalytical system of evidence and belief.

When i say fascists and evil men, I don't really ascribe that to the everyday conservative American, not even really these young adults who populated places like t_d. I disagree that neoliberalism bequeathed the freedoms modern liberals and feminists enjoy in their isolated bubbles, it has been the result of the battle between colonialism and the rise of the economic-racial consciousness within the united states to reconnect with the prevailing Leveler ideology which was spun into the dna, set in the foundation of the culture and government.

I have fucking broken up seven different fights between antitrump concerned, but misinformed people in my city and one (or two) trump supporters in the last week. It is exhausting and it is, imo on anecdotal firsthand experience, primal tribalism run amok and really confined to people who have never been involved in protest, nor considered their place in the world economically or have any real grasp of the justice movements in this country outside of a vague knowledge of MLK. Most real organizers / organizations at the grassroots level kind if get it.

I agree w you about the fucking victim mentality shit but I write it off (and most likely wrongly) as an enshrined philosophy of the fragile intelligentsia that dominates the "left" media and halls of power and not something real working class, unified laborers would endorse - though I do think it's important to protect individuals from all right-directed criticism, even if their position is fucking insufferable, because I'd rather work togethee to dismantle than continue to see tribalism, neofascism and neoliberalism divide people.

On mobile and really unhappy w how i wrote this out, but I love your response

Same polling that claimed hillary was a shoe-in...lol, fake polling is on par with fake news. Garbage in, garbage out.

I know you measure your cock wrong to give yourself that little extra inch, baby, but I'll gobble it anyway, no matter how small. ;)

Garbage in, garbage out.

Great post, a really succint and positive retort

I don't understand where you get it is just Muslims that don't want you to have gay rights. Some republicans don't, some democrats don't, some christians don't, some people in general don't.
A lot of people don't care. If they do care however they have the right to live heir life as much as you do. Once we all figure that out we can ignore all the minor differences we share and just hate each other in the open. Thus having a shared value, our hate for one and other.

There's a pretty polarizing difference between not wanting gay marriage (which is accepted for the majority in politics now) and wanting to criminalize being gay. Please tell me you see the difference.

It is not widely accepted in politics. Several states are fighting it and want to overturn it. Also there are some current senate members that in fact want to criminalize it. Please tell me you see that.

Please list the senators that want to criminalize being gay, in honestly curious not hating.

Sorry I miss spoke and I apologize to you and one else that read this with bad information. I was thinking of the judge Trump has on his list for SCOTUS. Although one could argue any alt right representative that receives cash from the ADF or NFC. Could be tied to making sodomy illegal.

Many Christian politicians in the United States would love to criminalize being gay.

Criminalizing and killing are different. I have yet to hear a Republican that wants to kill gay people. Islam kills gay people.

I hear you. That's why I say I don't mean to equate them exactly. I think, on a whole, Islam is more anti-gay.

However, let's not forget countries like Uganda, who in 2013, came very close to passing a law which called for the death penalty for gays. The law was ultimately passed, but substituted life in prison for the death penalty.

Uganda is an overwhelmingly Christian country and this law was supported by many Christians in other countries.

Uganda is exception, not the norm.

Christians in Africa are not big fans of gays, not in the least.

You bluntly ignoring the context of the discussion.

there were multiple states who had sodomy laws on the books until 2003.

Not all Muslims want to criminalize being gay.

Not all Christians simply "don't want gay marriage."

Christians were happy criminalizing it a generation ago and had to be dragged kicking and screaming toward basic tolerance. Now those same Christians are the ones trying to paint Muslims are universally and irredeemably bigoted. Don't buy their bullshit. Most of them don't give a shit about gays they just want an excuse to bash Muslims and call the left hypocrites.

A judge on trump's scotus shortlist wants to criminalize being gay.

I've never seen anyone else in modern times advocate for the criminalization of being gay. It's one thing to say they dont believe in gay marriage, it's another to make it a crime.

Judge William Pryor.

Islam kills gay people. Dead. There's no gay marriage discussion, no gay cake baking laws, nothing. They kill gay people. That's it.

I believe there has been hate crimes acted out against gays that were executed by non Muslims because of a certain held belief.

I don't understand where you get it is just Muslims that don't want you to have gay rights.

Also that there aren't many progressive Muslims who do want gay rights.

I don't know, there are Muslim nations where being gay is legal.

In my opinion we are all falling into this trap of blanketing certain people with having certain viewpoints (stereotyping). This is detrimental that is what I am saying.

Yup. Isn't it funny that the people accused of "identity politics" are the ones who fight stereotyping and blanket generalizations?

You said what is happening.... they are brainwashed.

We feel you over at /r/RightwingLGBT, fam

Share this as widely as you can in left circles.

Islamists harbor ideas on homosexuality, thought crime, sexuality, sexual equality that will make your head explode. Why are they going crazy OP? personally I think it has to do with the modern ideas of racism on the left: every 'other race' needs respecting and protection from the harmful whites. It is such a toxic, internally contradictory condition that I worry that's a Hutu-tutsi moment is coming.


You are supposed to unite against the real enemy: white people!

Because it's fine to believe whatever the fuck you want in your own head. Being tolerant of Muslims is not synonymous with tolerating discrimination against gays. Some Muslims do want to take away your right to sexual freedom, but so do a hell of a lot of Christians. Just because we crazy lefties think Muslims shouldn't be discriminated against doesn't mean we agree with all of their views. No lefty is saying we should let Muslim beliefs become law, we're saying that those beliefs should be protected by law. Just like anyone else's belief systems. Because when you start outlawing belief systems just because you disagree with them, that's how you end up with fascism.

This post is such a joke. It reads to me like this:

"hi I'm from a severely marginalized group in the United States. I've spent most of my life being ridiculed, and had to spend most of my life fighting to even simply obtain equal rights as my other fellow citizens do. Now those same people that were fighting against me, also don't like muslims. They've been telling me about them a lot.

They say that apparently a small limited group of extremist muslims hate gays too, but EVEN MORE than the small limited group of extremist christians that hate gays here that would only love to send me to conversion therapy if able to. So naturally I'm going to trust them and use that same hate that they used on me, and turn it towards another group of people that I'm mostly generalizing as extremists, mostly the same way gays were here in the United States.

I mean I don't really know any muslims, sorta like how most people who hated gays didn't really know anyone who is gay. Go Trump!"

Grow up. This is all so ironic because in the past I've had to explain to people that just because someone is gay doesn't mean they're a horny pedophile child loving sex fiend. And now I'm having to convince a gay person that not all muslims are radical jihadists that want to stone you and throw you off a building. It's just stupid. Don't be like the people who spent so much time trying to make you go away, by trying to make another group of people you don't like go away.

Well, it's pretty simple. One group of people wants to respect human rights. Other groups of people - apparently including you - don't want to respect human rights for particular groups of people you don't like.

But the thing with human rights is that they accrue by virtue of being human. You don't have to be a good human, you don't have to be a moral human, you just have to be human.

Wait, is this a civil discussion about politics?!?!

What conspiracy is this...

So do Christians in your country. That is all.

At the same time how many good "christians" in the south believe the same thing. Fundamentalism is the problem not a relook or a group of people. When you are ignorant of facts, a changing world, and reality it is a recipe for disaster. All I'm saying is why can't we respect Muslim people and gay people. I don't think that should be too hard.

but muh brown people

Because people trust MSM too much

It's a fair point. Similar to how blacks in America hate racist discrimination but many are very homophobic.


It's so much simpler than you think. They're brainwashed. The left appeals to every single minority group, saying they'll get you better rights. You now see that's not necessarily the game plan. Your ideologies are so different, with a small minority of Islamists actually conceding the whole gay thing. But when it comes to immigration of people who would cheer if a burlap sack were put over your head and you were thrown off a tall building, the left invites them. How can people not see this? Your talking about the same people who trusted the MSM when we were told Iraq and Iran needed to be invaded. The MSM told them the free Syrian army was the good team, and neglected to report on their use of mustard gas, and evidence of citizen torture, or their links to ISIS. They literally are brainwashed.

Well, I'm sorry if you can't get an actual discussion on this. My view is:

There's a difference between political action and religious belief, and that difference is I think the best place to draw the line. So, religiously a lot of evangelical Christians don't believe homosexuality is not a sin. They'd say they respect you, but not the choices you make, whatever. Religiously, this is absolutely 100% fine. Politically, we've decided that gay marriage is legal in this country. We've decided (except for Pence) that you can't be discriminated against because someone has the wrong religious idea, and we've decided that people have no right to put negative beliefs from their religion into practice.

Islam right now has a huge number of followers who believe homosexuality is a criminal act. In fact, your statistic is as good as it gets; in many middle eastern countries I don't think it's a stretch to say that 40% stat would be more like 90%. But again, the same rules apply. We've decided that American citizens who are Muslim can believe literally anything. But they don't have any right to put their negative beliefs into political action.

We're going to toe this line whether or not we shut down our borders. We've had this come up with Indiana, we've had this come up with Kim Davis; we will have this come up with Islam. Our response should continue to be the same, that America will respect your religion and your beliefs, but in practicality you have to follow the rule of law.

? So do christians

I'm not religious in any way that does not happen to the proper sub.

YES THANK YOU! I've had the same problem!

i am a Muslim and don't understand either but hey, at least it helps us in our conquest for jihad. (/s)

"It's like they're brainwashed"

HERE IS YOUR ANSWER (not kidding)

I think our political climate can be summed up in this headline.

"Liberal Activists criticize Liberal Activists for critizing Liberal Activist who punched a Nazi in the face c

Serious question: Why are so many people in the US supporting the intake of refugees? Where are they supposed to go? Jobs, housing, quality of life, etc? There's 1.5 million homeless in the US. If we can't take care of our own, then what makes us able to take care of all the refugees?

It seems similar to the pro life crowd. Determined to make people have the babies, but don't give a shit as soon as they are born. So let the refugees in, but they can't stay at my house?

Have you ever bothered to read anything about refugee programs? It's not like you're the first person to think of these challenges. A lot of people volunteer to host them, sometimes an entire church will work together to offer assistance to a family.

Furthermore, there's a huge difference between a homeless person in one of the richest countries on earth and someone ripped out of a war zone.

There are many countries surrounding the war zone that are economically blessed, have the resources to house the refugees and already have a system of governance in line with their religious and political beliefs. Would it not be better for a Syrian to go to Saudi Arabia where Islam is the rule of law? Is it better to send them to Sweden where they will self segregate and demand the host country bend to their religious and political beliefs? This whole thing is much more black and white than people are making it out to be. It's just common sense.

This is one of my major complaints about the political debate these days. People don't do research, and somehow believe that they have found the obvious logical explanation that turns the whole thing on it's side that somehow others can't see. This is what happens when you vilify intelligence.

sometimes an entire church will work together to offer assistance to a family.

And that Church receives tons of federal tax dollars to do it. Have YOU ever looked into the refugee programs? You realize they are tax payer funded right?

When nasty regimes killed millions of people during WWII we shut our doors to many refugees fleeing the violence and death. That's why international agreements to support and house refugees were made. That original callousness is something that haunts us to this day. But why should we be determined to avoid the mistakes of the past?

hat original callousness is something that haunts us to this day.

Bullshit. We helped save the fucking world in WWII. We have absolutely nothing to feel sorry for or to feel "haunted by". Get out of here with this white guilt bullshit.

You're thinking about your own life before (or instead of) thinking about theirs.

Of course. That's perfectly reasonable. I pay taxes to the American government so I expect them to take care of me and my family first.

You need to go back to the death-zones because my quality of life will be affected by you moving in." I know that's extreme, but is that what you want?

Obama CREATED the death zone. Let's help Assad stabilize the country and let them stay there. Let's force Saudi Arabia to take them in so they can easily walk back over the border to their homes when Obama's war is over.

So they CAN stay at my house.

Can or do? Mind posting a picture of one of the immigrants that stays at your place for free. That eats your food and uses your electricity for free. He doesn't exist does he, liar?

You seem angry.

We helped save their country so we have no obligation to them: that's some interesting logic. The fact that we were one of the victors of the war has no bearing on our failure of responsibility in refusing refugees that were later killed in European death camps. Germany, at least, has taken its responsibilities to heart.

You didn't answer my question: If it were the choice between sending a refugee back to a war-torn country, or the reduced quality of life you believe you and your family will receive from that person living in the country, would you allow them in or send them back?

Selfishness is "perfectly reasonable," after all.

Instead, you're flat-out saying: I don't want war refugees here even if they were created by our last President, and also the solution is to "force" other countries to take refugees. That is truly an amazing position - callous, selfish, and hypocritical.

I didn't say refugees would be staying for free. Where did you get that idea? The refugee services would pitch in for the first month or two then the refugee would have to pay their own rent with a job the service would help them get. We don't currently have any refugees. Our state government has done everything in their power, and some things that aren't, to keep refugees out.

We have so many homeless vets, we have so many unemployed black kids, and we have so many people in need. We shouldn't be the worlds police and we sure as hell shouldn't be the worlds welfare office. Look what's happening to Germany. Look what's happening to Sweden. I don't want that to happen to America.

Of course is sucks that Obama destabilized their country and created this mess. So we do owe them something in that regard. But what we owe them is to stop arming terrorists, to stop trying to overthrow Assad and to stop funding Isis. Because at the end of the day, if the wars don't need stop, the flow of refugees won't stop and the terrorist attack an social instability will continue to grow.

Trump has to cut off the downward spiral and he cut it off at the refugee flow first. The next step is to cut off the flow of weapons and ammo to that region. Take fucking Xanax and lay down in the backseat, adults are driving now.

Yes, Trump is pretending to address a symptom of war, which is refugees. He also plans on getting a plan from the generals to "destroy" ISIS, and nominated for Sec. of Defense a psychopath who is a hardliner on Iran and was head of US Central Command from 2010-2013, during all those terrorist armings we both decry. So don't think Trump is going to be your magical peacenik isolationist daddy. The fact that he implements populist executive orders without consultation that ignore the rule of law does not make him an adult; it makes him a threat to the republic.

Apparently you haven't heard tulsi gabbard talk about her experience in Syria and what she plans on doing about it. You are ill informed and the left uses your naive compassion to send you up and down on the emotional roller coaster they use to brain wash you.

Stop and take a few breaths. Try and take a birds eye view of the situation. It's only been 1 week and you're an emotional wreck from the tone of your comments. Take a break from the Internet for a few days. The war in Syria is going to stabilize and these people will be able to return safely home. Obamas mess will be over and we can move on with life. Isn't that the bet outcome for the situation?

Please, tell me how I'm misinformed and brainwashed in r/conspiracy. But back up your claims. Anything specific?

I had not heard about Tulsi Gabbard meeting with a notorious Middle Eastern dictator who has bombed and gassed his own people. She called his opposition terrorists and possibly violated the Logan Act. This changes my opinion why?

I already agree with you and her that we should stop arming terrorists in the area. I don't agree that we should ignore international law and block refugee applications. Gabbard calling for both convinces me of nothing.

I don't agree with your naive faith in Trump's ability to accomplish your policy goals.

I don't agree with your naive faith in trumps abilities to accomplish your goals

Well, it's literally been ONE WEEK and he has come through 100% on almost every single campaign promise. I voted Obama and was stabbed in the back by that limp dick coward who didn't fulfill any of the things he said he would.

The left is freaking the fuck out bc trump is accomplishing all their goals that they say they will accomplish (but never do). Be careful bro! All trump has to do is convince 30% of the black vote that they are better off voting republican and there will never be another democratic president again.

You guys are playing your shitty cards way too hard. No one believes your fake tears or fake hollow outrage anymore. You are being gaslight red by the media and reddit in the same way the polls had you thinking Hillary was a sure thing. The silent majority is growing as you alienate us more and more.

So... absolutely nothing specific.

You're brainwashed because you are crying about not accepting refugees. The president made the decision and that's that. It's nonviolent, it's not a big deal but people like you are flipping out. But you didn't flip out when Obama killed the same people.

Again, take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard spaz. Your own compassion is being used against you. They know what button to press to send you off into an emotional tail spin. They show you a pic of a dead kid, then they show you a pic of trump screaming, they show you a vid of a Syrian girl crying then they show American soldiers firing into the dostance. It's all tailor made to fool knuckle draggers into committing suicide. Just as what's happening in Germany and sweden. Specific enough?

The president "made the decision" to even temporarily bar and deport legal residents and green card holders, and block all refugee applications from some countries. It is not just a pointless and terribly written political gesture: it violates both domestic and international law. The rule of law should apply, not one man's ruling. "Non-violently" and unconstitutionally deporting people is not acceptable.

You have no idea how I reacted to Obama's extrajudicial drone strikes and killings, which habit Trump has already picked up. You really want to ascribe all sorts of positions and emotions to me that aren't there.

Compassion for the victims of war is part of the conspiracy, got it. Any recommendations for media that doesn't include the conspiracy-supporting "compassion is a virtue" fallacy?

any recommendations for the media

Hang it up. No one believes a word you are saying. All credibility lost, every word hollow from here on out. There is nothing the media can do to redeem themselves at this point.

I wish that I could up vote this comment to infinity.

There's 1.5 million homeless in the US. If we can't take care of our own, then what makes us able to take care of all the refugees?

Because solving those problems means abolishing Capitalism and most liberals aren't willing to go that far.

Capitalism is the only reason we have iPhones and cars and air travel. And morons want to tear it down? For..... communism? What a bunch of fucking idiots.

I don't get it. If all these commies thought their ideas could work, why don't they form communes that show us what a micro-version of their ideal society looks like? Oh yea, they do. And it always ends with everyone broke and one religious leader type guy fucking everyone's wife. Go start your commune douche and prove your ideas in practice.

my theory is that the capitalist oligarchy is seeking a new class of low-wage exploited workers--- the refugees. More controllable than immigrants and you can pay them cheaper through extension.

Well the US is directly responsible for the refugee crisis, it's unsurprising that we're expected to shoulder some of the burden.

The reason we don't help the homeless is the republicans feel they are homeless by choice. Refugees are not by choice.

You can't help someone who doesn't want help. And many homeless do not want the help.

the refugees and immigrants the united states brings in are usually very highly skilled and intelligent. they are quite capable of taking care of themselves and it shows. the homeless in america are usually mental incapacitated or addicted to drugs and its hard to help those kinds of people without legalizing drugs and totally revamping mental health care

So let the refugees in, but they can't stay at my house?

Remember: a Syrian is for life, not just for Christmas

Refugees from Arab nations have more family values than Americans. In those countries you are encouraged to become something and raise a family ASAP. In America you are encouraged to get wasted and have and autistic child at 30.

Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (and women) are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

It doesn't matter what they (Muslims or Atheist, Blacks or Latinos, Bigoted or Gay) believe, everyone gets these rights. This is what sets us apart as the United States. It's about principle, every person gets the same rights. I will fight just as hard for you as I will for them, you both deserve it.

However, you better believe I'm not going to let them do anything to enact sharia law or any other bs like that. I'm pretty far on the left side of politics but I get to enjoy the 2nd Amendment just like anyone else and I will exercise that right should the need arise.

On gay rights, you should be much more afraid of the 75% of America that is Christian than the <1% that is Muslim.


To me: It doesn't matter what color skin you have, what sexual preference you are, what religion you follow, gender, creed, etc..

If you're not a dick, then you're a-okay by me.

The problem in today's society is that people are hellbent on thinking "different" is bad. Be it religion, sexual preference, gender identity.. anything that's different is taboo or walked away from.

It's time we talk about these things, because, let's all be honest, shit's about to get real.

This isn't a conspiracy. This is a r/The_Donald post.

Nor do I understand many of the "left" ignoring the human rights issue in Islam and embracing it. The Christian religions have been shamed, and many time rightfully so, on their stances but Islam gets a pass. Why is this?

Since this is /r/Conspiracy, let me give you an actual conspiracy theory rather than the political reasoning you're seeing here:

They are brainwashed. At least more so than the others, and for a variety of reasons.

Look at the ages of the most heavily-brainwashed citizens. Ages 20-30. Now look at the timeline:

  • Starting in 1986, the vaccine game got seriously out of control -- especially with the mercury / Thimerosal / aluminum.

  • This is when processed food really began to take hold. It's right around the time the obesity charts started to inflect upward.

  • Similarly, breastfeeding rates dipped around that time (although not all-time lows)

  • They entered their politically-aged lives during the Obama administration with a severely biased and unbalanced media

  • They don't know adult life without social media, and social media is controlled by the elites.

But it's really the first bullet point I'm starting to consider is the strongest. I mean, these people seem mentally damaged. Why is that? Is it possibly because we've been injecting serious amounts of known mentally-damaging neurotoxins in them???

I don't think it's about logic, Rick. I-I think that [Social Justice] has just become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that feel like they're doing the right thing

Edgar Hoover

I don't think there is a failure necessarily to see the hypocrisy, but what sort of actions would you suggest be taken against it? It is possible to both simultaneously condemn someone's regressive opinions on human rights while also believing in theirs. It's not like they're going to successfully convince the left that gays should be jailed, when it is the left that has been the champion for gay rights in the first place.

I wonder how many Muslims in Congress voted to enact DOMA. And who can forget when noted Muslim, GW Bush vowed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage?

Fun times!

Reddit has been 1000% shill mode the past few hours.

R/news is full blown r/politics right now and they were pretty neutral/positive on trump. Now their thread is full tilt refugee pandering.

"You gays for your rights from obama, now fuck off and get in line for the next oppressed victim of the month."

They are brainwashed. :D

To respect someone else's human rights doesn't mean they have to respect yours first. Hostility breeds hostility, and yes, over time respect will bring respect. Respect everyone's human rights, including people who disagree, or even hate you, that is the true test of whether you really believe in universal human rights

they are brainwashed weaklings that dont realize their own hypocrisy. You are correct. Stick with it!

brainwashed and scrubbed

Progressive democrat here. You are 100% in the right here and I expect that most progressive democrats would agree. To the extent that there is push back, I think it has a lot to do with the atmosphere of Islamaphobia in the country right now, and that people have their guards up against any anti-Muslim sentiment.

So, you are saying that we should ignore the human rights of an entire religious group because some of them disagree with your lifestyle? This is a similar argument used against homosexuals. Some say they don't mind homosexuals, just not the ones who get all upity and want "special rights" you know equal rights. When has a Muslim directed homophobic policy your way in this country? Never. When has a old white man, many many times. This sounds a lot like one of those "as a black man" bullshit excuses to push an agenda using homosexuality as cover.

Hey, when 19 gays crash a plane into some huge building, wait to see the sympathy you get then!

Good thing Trump banned all travel from Saudi Arabia!

Oh, wait...

You must be beter than those 40%. As a musilm, I believe that you have the complete right to be different. And it is between you and God, I have no say in your life. Believe me if I say that those 40% don't know better, there are victims of the brainwash.

Bi guy here. Yep, they are blindly following what their masters told them to think. Can never see the bigger picture, those rad leftists. At least the right is starting to realize that befriending the gays/trans ect, is in their best interest if they want to continue building a real base again.

Gays in the US have more to fear from their Christian neighbors than Muslim refugees.

40% want to criminalize being gay? It's nice to know who the left really cares about here.

So I don't consider myself a liberal but on a lot of social issues I do tend to lean that way on social issues but I just figured I'd post my oppinion on the matter as I suspect it's a fairly common feeling...

First I wouldn't say I don't see hypocrisy in it (and I know it's not all Muslims etc) although I'm not sure I would call it hypocritical exactly because to their point of view the 2 aren't equivalent they would still respect people's rights they just don't see being actively gay as a right. I disagree and would even go so far as to say the are wrong morally(a position I could defend but it would triple the length of this post and I'm assuming we all agree that being gay is normal and fine so I won't go into it) but in that way I would say it's not hypocrisy just incorrect-ness which is most likely a result of life experience and what are to them cultural norms.

So on to the defense of their rights, we'll honestly I would defend nearly anyone's rights and that nearly anyone should be treated with some amount of human dignity. I fully believe that people have more so than any other right the right to free thought by which I mean the right to think believe, or "be" anything they want. I may often not agree with people but as long as they don't act in a way that is significantly harmful to people I don't have a problem with them thinking something (though I do prefer people have an open mind and be open to discussion and evidence but even that is just my preference in people). So I will defend their rights to be treated fairly and if they were to try to pass laws or create an environment that harmed the rights of gay people (or really anyone else) I would defend those rights also.

TLDR: I support the rights of people, their beliefs don't really effect their rights to me and if they tried to take away someone else's rights I would fight them in defense of that other persons rights as well

Everyone is brainwashed.

Globalism = Slavery of the masses

The establishment wants us divided so they can control us.

I think religious persecution is just a lot more distasteful to a lot of people than ideological persecution. That, and they are brainwashed.

That statistic is probably the same for the United States.

I once came across the following article Muslims and economically the ultra rich and the constitution.

I wemt to school in NYC, met lots of Muslims there. They were all super cool and have no problem with equal rights for gays. You could say the same things about Christians, my parents were e very anti gay, until I came out.

You don't fight hate with hate.

You absolutely do. The Nazis were not stopped by a bunch of hipsters with safe spaces.

You just lost the argument. Godwins Law. Peace out.

Feel free to change "Nazis" for Bastille, Khmer Rouge, Mohammed Aidid or any other ditatorial regime you know, although i figured out you wouldn't, since you were making that statement.

They are coded to fear being called the words "racist, bigot, sexist". Which means they will end up killing themselves if they would be caught in an inescapable situation.

Media Matters....

What the fuck are you talking about? The "left" completely respects your rights? Have you even seen any of the protests? The alt-right doesn't respect you. Every single freaking sign during the protest was about how all genders, all sexual orientations need to be respected.

What left group (democrats) think gay people shouldn't have rights? Seriously. I 100% doubt this is real gay person and not a troll.

There are plenty of good Muslims out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good white people out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good black people out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good feminists out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good MRAs out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good politicians out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good "rights" out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

There are plenty of good "lefts" out there who get a bad wrap because of a few bad ones.

Why is this a conspiracy

My thoughts exactly. Can't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone saying it.

Apparently conspiracy is now just conservative

This is not conspiracy related, it belongs elsewhere. Why bring up conservatives?

It's the Hegelian dialectic in action. Things were bound to swing the other way in order for society to progress and reach homeostasis; as a result, the truthtellers appear to be Right.

gays are reptilians and muslims are a secret military force run by the Rothschilds

Both owned by the Bogdanoffs, of course.

Anyone in need of a quick rundown?

Well fuhhh

Oh fugg

Bc of the way tptb dictate what is rational thought in the face of absurdity. How?

Lefties might be actually brainwashed.

It's one of the only places on Reddit where you can ask a controversial question without getting completely torn apart by the Reddit hive-mind

Exactly this! Anywhere else on reddit you would get absolutely torn to shreds for being an islamophobic self-hating brainwashed bigot for even as much as posing a question similar to this.

K why not just make a sub for that

It will get invaded, I would assume.

So this is a safe space now?

That's because it's been asked and answered.

I 100% agree.

R/conspiracy is the last place on Reddit you can voice a political view on a topic (be it extreme or moderate) and have a discussion about it without fear of it getting deleted by mods, or downvoted to oblivion in the the new feed.

I dunno, this thread just feels like a different type of hive mind. As long as you can downvote opinions you don't like there's never gonna be a real discussion on Reddit

But...you guys have your own hivemind here, you understand that, right?

I feel that it's conspiratorial in nature because the people who fight for islam in the western world are the people who claim to also fight for womens' rights and gay rights. The fact that they have been told over and over that islam is peaceful and that they don't want to take over other countries, when they most certainly do, source feels like someone with a lot of power in this world wants to see us all roll over and watch western freedoms die out and for all of us to become slaves to this ideology.

Like, they are brainwashed by chemtrails? I'm failing to see the conspiracy, just perceived hypocrisy. Here's a sub for that /r/hypocrites

No, they are brainwashed by the lies muslims tell to make their religion seem accepting. It's an actual practice called taqiyya

Someone has brainwashed the left into thinking they should support a openly bigoted group. It's easily a conspiracy.

Ok but what is the conspiracy? This isn't "/r/post a subject that may or may not be a conspiracy"

Because the media, reddit, and liberal people in general are creating a false and hypocritical narrative. That is subversive and conspiratorial.

I'm pretty sure the media, reddit, and conservative people in general are also creating false and hypocritical narratives that a re subversive and conspiratorial. It is called party politics.

What's the conspiracy, that people, along with the media feel a certain way? That's not a conspiracy. Is the media trying to brainwash liberals? Are they suppressing large amounts of operators in their organization?

The only person creating a false hypocritical narrative is "as a gay man" /u/Fuckyousantorum .

The people on the right believe the globalists want to break down western societies by importing Muslim refugees en masse, OP is referring to what he perceives and media and cultural brainwashing in order for people to normalise a culture that has fundamentally different values to most modern western societies and that is almost impossible to integrate (at least in the foreseeable future) and will predictably lead to conflicts.

Alex Jones talks about this but I understand people here probably hate him now since he supports trump.

So a difference of opinion is a conspiracy? Doesn't old up.... Alex Jones has some legitimate conspiracies, even if you don't agree with him.

No, but the brainwashing/conditioning part is. I was just putting it into context. Ever heard the quote "whoever controls the media controls the mind"? OP was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of the masses in regards to human rights as a product of establishment media indoctrination. I myself don't necessarily disagree with Alex Jones, just saying people here probably don't worship him like they used to because of his political views.

This sub is largely right wing, I've noticed.

You've lost the oppression olympics. It sucks, I know.

I believe in the USA. I believe we are a nation of immigrants. And I believe that a person's religion should not define the person's worthiness to enter and follow their pursuit of life, liberty, and prosperity.

The way I see it, Muslims are allowed to hate us as long as they don't act on it in any way, shape, or form. There are no laws saying you can't an asshole. That's part of the freedom of being an American. Likewise, we have the freedom to criticize people who act like assholes.

But if someone hates me for no legitimate reason, I'll hate them right back. Disrespect me, and I lose respect for you.

You said it yourself. Some respect you and some don't respect you. It's the same thing with just about any other group of people.

I found it hilarious that there were gay pride flags at airport protests.

In US they are respecting you guys what do you want more? in muslims land you mean? even there they don't respect muslims rights this why leaving their countries.

This is the crazy thing about the left... all that other stuff they 'fight' for, women's rights, LGBT rights, 'diversity' etc... Islamic culture flies in the face of it all. It should be the last culture in the world that the left defends, but all that matters to them is 'minority' status.

Go post this in /r/liberal. I want to see if they actually shout you down.

As a muslim i say everybody should watch the movie Pride.

As a Muslim in Amerikkka... I love you and think everyone deserves human rights... Hate does not represent "god" in any way... Islam is reforming and its a brutal transition (just like it was for christianity).. Peace and one love

What you've got there is what's known as a "PC Pretzel". Nasty little things.

Don't panic! I too was once worried about the Shairalaw-pacolypse. The truth is that billions of people still don't have access to high speed internet and science will continue to make discoveries that give people a clearer picture of reality. Do you think that with an increasing number of people becoming educated, there are going to be more religious fanatics or less religious fanatics? Things are going to be fine, but it will take some time.

AHAHA wait, am I reading this right? A gay thinks that lefts are brainwashed?! I've been saying they're brainwashed about whole tolerance/acceptance thing (yes, including your kind) for years. And now even those whom they're usually so furiously protecting are noticing same thing. Amazing.

There's no tolerance. It's an illusion. People hate everyone who's not like them, that means black (whites hate blacks, blacks hate whites), any kind of lgbtbbq (everyone hates those), muslim. It's natural and it won't be ever changed. The stupid masses are just brainwashed as fuck and they're rolling from one thing to another, whatever media puts in their empty heads, a flavor of the month, so to speak. Welcome to real world.

Are you speaking on behalf of all gays while speaking on behalf of all muslims? Generalities get you not where, and on /r/conspiracy....

I think a lot of Christians would support criminalization of homosexuality as well. You can believe what you want, as long as you respect the laws of the country you are in...

Because everyone has human rights, even if we disagree with them. What they don't have the right to is to deny you your rights. Just like we did with those of other religions in this country (and no religion) who didn't want gays to have human rights, we'll demonstrate how wrong they are, pass laws protecting you where we can, and slowly change the paradigm, or they'll die sad and disappointed.

That being said, there are far left idiots and radicals just as there are on the right, and you just can't really communicate with those people.

I recommend this reading. tl;dr: Gays and Muslims are allies of convenience for the left. If you're not an ally, you're part of the enemy tribe.

Religions can have both good and bad aspects in them, like most things. This is not a problem just for Islam. If you search real hard, you could probably find some Christians who want criminalize/kill all gay people. So, the religions are complex and the believers have a range of beliefs.

That said, we know that these thought systems are 1000s of years old and basically they contain some truths (thou shall not kill!) and lots of bs. ("You must not wear clothing made of wool and linen woven together.) They are basically prescientific thought. I do not know much about gays but it seems that gayness is not something that you have any control over (you are just born that way), so you can see that it should not be a basis for discrimination in the same manner as skin color (we have not yet solved this one either, but closer). So basically religion is screwy and science is more correct. i.e. your claim to rights is as strong or stronger than theirs. (But history and stupidity stand in our way)

I'm confused. I though the left was for LBGT rights.

Why is this in r/conspiracy?

I feel for you for the issues impacting the gay community but this isn't a Muslim issue, it's a global issue, Europe (including Iceland) and North America are the only places where gays are accepted or even close to accepted openly.

You can bitch about the noise on the immigration ban and how you feel like you're group is getting lost in the noise but you have to understand that both are important, human rights are human rights regardless of race, creed, or sexuality, you as a homosexual should know and understand this far better than any of us white straight people here. You need to embrace this, fight alongside them and then when everything settles down then say "hey I sided with you, now it's your turn to side with me."

Also you're sentiment is probably such a small minority in the LBGT world, I'm sure many of your peers are on the front lines of these protests in NYC as well as all of the other locations, this type of ban effects us all negatively, it's a test for other bannings if it stands, which could eventually come to banning gays themselves.

Lastly this is r/conspiracy none of this post has anything to do with a conspiracy, next time take this shit to r/rant or one of the other similar subreddits for outrage or one of the many for LBGT issues.

Your user name, is he a liberal? Really this is garbage. As a lefty myself, I can say it is ok for people to have intolerant attitudes as long as that intolerance is only a thought or words. If you actually try to oppress people then fuck off, that I will not tolerate. Its not that we are brainwashed, its that you have not really thought this through. Or you read to much Milo.

Gay people and women (and foreign policy) are what made my vote go where it went. If I have a choice between one party completely refusing to acknowledge the savagery of Islam and its lack of place in western society, or a party who's got tons of Christians (most of which no longer believe gays shouldn't marry), I think I have a moral responsibility to vote for the party opposing the blood thirsty gay killing woman acid slinging cave people.

That's just me. But more importantly, a propaganda campaign has been launched to equate a savage religion with a color of people and those who push it are convinced they are the good side in a black and white good v evil battle.

If you can convince people to think in absolutes (i.e. If you hate Islam you hate Muslims if you hate Muslims you hate liberals if you hate liberals you hate gays) then they will get angry.

Sadly they succeeded in dividing the country and I hope they don't do anything else, but I worry.

How is this a conspiracy? I'm pretty sure most of the left just believes that religious beliefs have no place when it comes to government policy. But to favor or discriminate based on faith would go against that.

separation of the species is the goal of the day. and that we've always had an abundance of slaves and we've always been at war...

The left occupies the intellectual high ground in a lot of ways, but they will ultimately alienate the LGBT crowd by loudly proclaiming that all cultures deserve to be treated as equally respectable.

It's garbage. Many cultures (including ours) include elements that oppress minorities. THAT is what must be resisted and rejected.

Don't stand up for LGBT rights, or women's rights, or men's rights. Stand up for human rights. Make freedom and equality FOR EVERYONE the ultimate value we believe in.

This place has become a The_Donald echo chamber. What the fuck does this have to do with a conspiracy and how has this not been removed.

Most muslims who've never met a gay person will want it criminalized. Because they don't understand homosexuality. Please remember it took a long time for western culture to accept LGBTQ rights.

It's not even perfect yet, we're still fighting over toilets, which is ridiculous. Could we please have public toilets for all humans similar to our homes. It'll cover all humans and we don't have to be curious about what's in their underwear.

The world is changing, and Muslims will eventually fight for your rights once they get to meet and realize that gay people are people and they have no control over who they fall in love with or find attractive similar to straight people.

It took a long time for men to treat women as equal partners. It'll take just as long for everything else. Stay strong. And support equal rights for all humans. Good luck!!

It really isn't about tolerance of one group over another. It is entierly about which group can bring about the global anarchy which will allow the Globalists to realize their dream of power over all people regardless of nation. Once they have control then they will decide what is to be tolerated and what won't. George Soros and his globalists buddies will tell you what you can do, believe, eat, drink, where you can travel and what you are allowed to think.

As a straight male, I didn't realize this. You're absolutely right. Thanks for helping me see this hypocrisy.

What? It goes way beyond this.

How do you think the women of some, not all, but some of these Muslim nations feel? Could you imagine if we had a morality police in this country roaming around, telling you what you should and should not do?

There's two ways to approach this:

One, you can take the risk and welcome those who strongly disagree with you. This takes courage in your part but if you are strong you can show them a new world where we can all live as neighbors and work together towards common goals. It might take a generation or two but it's totally possible.

Two, you can shut these people out. Bomb them and try to violently force them to understand that because they have a culture of hate and intolerance they will be excluded and punished. This takes no courage on your part and might never work.

Three: Stop bombing the middle east for dominance and let them stay there.

One, you can take the risk and welcome those who strongly disagree with you. This takes courage in your part but if you are strong you can show them a new world where we can all live as neighbors and work together towards common goals. It might take a generation or two but it's totally possible.

Centuries ago they tried this in Egypt. It failed. The Muslims gradually gained the upper hand and became the majority. The Christians who are the actual native Egyptians have been fighting for survival while being persecuted in every way imaginable. Do you have any Coptic Christian friends? I do. The reason they came here is because they used to have ideas of tolerance like you do. They paid for it when they lost control of their country.

Iran was gradually taken over by Muslims.

Lebanon used to be a Christian nation. Go talk to them about how tolerance worked out. They lost their country to Muslims.

You just don't get it.

Kind of cute that the identity politics being bitched about around here is the same identity politics that started this thread. I like how this sort of cognitive dissonance works on both sides.

Agree in full. The left is anti religion until they get to Islam. It's very inconsistent with nearly all of their claimed values.

Honestly, I think they support Islam out of hatred for Christianity. The old "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" thing. But they'd never admit it. Hell they may not even be aware of their bias.

Regardless, doesn't seem like much of a conspiracy though ;)

It's about protecting civil rights of everyone. Right now Christians are the biggest threat to LGBT civil rights in the United States, but the left would fight just as hard against any theocracy that ya to establish itself on American soil. I understand that almost all major religions in their non-westernized version (that is yeilding to the inalienable rights) hate gays, but we have the religious right who is trying to establish a Christian theocracy, and Muslims are a victim of that (regardless of their misogynistic in anti-lgbt beliefs)

Conservatives feel the same way about gay people. The people on the left recognize that the separation of church and state is the thing that can prevent our country from becoming like a lot of muslim countries. If the religious right had their way, being gay would be illegal here.

I think the argument against gay marriage is one of the most ridiculous arguments ever. The whole "sanctity of marriage" thing is nuts. Not only do a wild number of straight marriages end in divorce, there are shows like The Bachelor where marriage is so trivialized that a dude group dates thots and eliminates them game show style until he declares his love for one of the two remaining ladies. It's fucking deplorable and it spits in the face of traditional marriage. I think it's on its 20th season. Middle America loves it.

If your prophet married and raped a child...you might want to find a new religion.

Man politics has nothing to do with intelligence, it's tribal.

We aren't exactly sure if it was "natural" as many say. We, including me, believe that there are MANY factors that makes someone gay. But since it's an EXTREMELY sensitive topic, and no one is really looking for help or something, we just treat it like if it was something YOU want to do.

Btw, gay sex is a horrible sin in islam. Is there a 'cure'? I... think so. :/

Please don't throw me rocks, this is really what we think.

gay sex is a horrible sin in islam.

Somehow they don't consider butt sex with little boys to be gay sex. It's only gay if you are a man and let someone do it to you.

Who told you that? That's even worse than normal gay sex.

Oh my god, this is dumb(the Bacha Bazi). This is not Islamic, this is just bizzare culture activities, and has nothing to do with Islam.

رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن

Mohammed sucked little boy cocks. Yes he did. It's right in the Hadith. Islam is a disgusting cult.

Muhammad himself had killed men, women, and children when he raided villages and towns, mostly those whom he regarded as unfit for slavery, ill, elderly, disabled, etc.

He murdered men and male children as he considered them a future threat to him and his growing cult. Of male children, he murdered adolescents but spared only the younger boys, all those who hadn’t yet attained puberty. According to Hadiths, Muhammed had really ordered the killings of all adolescent boys and men from the raided villages and towns. None of the murdered males was ever given any chance to convert to Islam – the so-called religion of peace.

Furthermore, Muhammad held innumerable families as hostages and demanded ransoms for some of them. He split many families asunder when he murdered their menfolks and enslaved womenfolks and elderly people. He forced women and young girls into sex slavery – in other words, into forced prostitution. He forced the elderly people into dire labour; they toiled on until they dropped dead from exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. Muhammad’s crimes against humanity are all recorded in the Hadiths.

Muhammad did not act as any exemplary Muslim in his own time. He was self-serving, greedy, power-hungry, lascivious, narcissistic, unprincipled, etc.

Because, unfortunately, there is a hierarchy of which minorities human rights the left prioritise. At the bottom of that list are women, they like advicating for women's rights but not as much a lgbt rights. Then comes latino(a) minorities, then black minorities and at the top of the hierarchy is Muslim minorities. So if you're a black muslim Latino woman, you basically can't do any wrong in the eyes of the left. Unfortunately for gays/lesbians, Muslim minorities trump (soz) you in the minority ladder.

The left lost their place. I'm more conservative, but I'm not super religious and I've always admired the left's ability to stand up to religion in the past. However, identity politics has perverted the left and made them unable to function.

In short, the left can no longer fulfill their place as a stop gap to religion concerning Islam, because a majority of Muslims are brown.

Lib here: The modern left (corporate democrats) has ran out of voter base. Gives a new wave of finger pointing from the left, pulling more people to their party. They demonize those who hate Islam so people conform to corporate democratic ideals to stop feeling guilty. This is just my theory though

While we are on this, can we talk about the hypocrisy of Christians wanting us to respect their human rights while they refuse to respect yours?

I mean, A similar percentage (38%) of white mainline Protestants think we should criminalize being gay.

It is simply that. People actually believe that if they don't defend Muslims they are betraying all human rights, which is THE MOST ironic thing I could imagine. It's the same thing with defending illegals. They simply don't care about the effects. Just the feel-good bullshit. IMO we need to reduce the leftist population to zero.

I'm up to discuss anything the left wants without name calling, which is what they jump to. Or just weird shit that makes no sense. They're just fed talking points and think Obama was somehow a good president.

I support religious rights to call you a heathen. I support your rights to call them bigots.

That's where the buck stops. Everybody gets equal privelege under the law. They break the law by assaulting a gay? They get legal charges. People ban Muslims from entering a country because of their religion? The courts will strike down as illegal.

Not everybody in an open democracy has to be friendly with each other. There are going to be disagreements on what is wrong and right. The law, however, should be impartial and fair.

They are here to divide and conquer and you are crying like a baby in their lap

I had no idea muslims had so much government power compared to let's say Christians or Jews.

I rank left and far left on most social and economic issues, and I agree with you, and find it sickening.

The best way I've found to make sense of it is that the mainstream left seems to follow a sort of hierarchy of privilege. Gay people went from Mathew Shepard and gay bashing to Will and Grace and Queer Eye and gay marriage, so, sorry, you've got privilege now, you're mainstream, you're no longer as oppressed as you were 30 years ago.

But Muslims are! So they get whitewashed and details glossed over. I am still absolutely disgusted at how the left tried to literally cover up the German NYE sexual assaults. But Western women are less oppressed than Muslim refugees, so here we are.

It's repulsive. So one day when we have Muslim reality shows they'll be some other group that's being oppressed that hates Muslims, and we'll gloss over their hate in order to do our perverse virtue signalling for the new underdog.

So one day when we have Muslim reality shows

I was pretty much thinking the thousands of videos of people getting their heads cut off, burned alive, drowned in cages, shot in the head, tortured, beaten, and mutilated while screaming in agony WAS the Islamic version of a reality show. I was actually getting used to that reality.

And this is the other half of the problem. The left acts like Muslims are all perfect little angels through and through, and the right acts like Muslims are all murderous, rapacious bogeymen.

There are some countries with disturbing views on a lot of issues, as per the often cited Pew polls that you can find at your convenience. But blanket condemnation only invites blanket absolution. Acting like all 1.6 billion Muslims on earth are out for blood makes you look like a bigot, just like acting like all 1.6 billion Muslims on earth are innocent angels makes you look like a naive imbecile.

The Trump administration has already granted over 800 waivers to the ban. It's written right into the order. Obama had a SIX month ban. Trump's ban way shorter and he at least has a valid reason. He's putting into place a vetting system that's more in depth. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not even most. That doesn't matter when you let in thousands and thousands. It's not the moderates that are the problem. It's the ones who have no problem killing "infidels". How can you tell them apart? Oh, right. I know, the ones with the special symbol on their forehead. Right? There's no reason we should take a risk on some person's life. When Islamic nations are as tolerant as they want Christian nations to be then and only then should they be treated equally.

Did you reply to the wrong comment or something? I said nothing about the Trump EO.

I think you're viewing this with a lot of hate. If you judge all of them on the actions of some you're just racist. Imagine if everyone judged all of us on the actions of trump?

Imagine if everyone thought all Americans were slave owners and valued life so little because of the skin color.

So am I to think every man is gay and all chick's have dicks because some do?

There's a lot of good people living in horrible places and in horrible conditions, and for those who are lucky enough to find a way out, there should be somewhere they could go. This country was founded on the idea that we'd be that place to everyone.

Unfortunately we're not there yet, far from it. But making up our minds about an entire race and blaming them for our personal problems isn't going to get us there any quicker. You can't think that way and hope for a positive change

And let's just open up our borders to any one and let everyone come here and be a part of America. That's what we are about. Tear down that wall. Yeeeahhh!

I don't believe that either. This country is being sucked dry by people who come here and do nothing. I believe there should be a better system in place that forces people to contribute. The way we are going we are going to break from within because there's just too many of us and a lot of us are just sucking up resources and giving nothing back.

We need a better way to address this need though. Supporting racism and ignoring people's rights isn't one of them.

No one has a right to come to a country and demand anything. If they come here it should be to contribute. Not suck up tax dollars. If that's what they want then they should go back. It's time to end the social welfare system. It's done enough damage.

I think the left generally demands everyone respects everyone else's human rights while in this country. If a Muslim in this country was disrespecting gay rights, I would expect that they would be called out on this as unacceptable. Right now they have virtually zero political power in the United States so focus is more on people who HAVE political power and are disrespecting gay rights.

I'm under no impression that many of these Muslim countries are good places for civil rights.

I'm also confused by the alternative to your argument. You shouldn't be "shouted down" of course, but in general, are you saying that because some more fundamentalist Muslims don't respect gay rights that we shouldn't respect their rights? This would imply that we couldn't respect Christian rights since a large portion of fundamentalist Christians don't respect gay rights either. Etc etc.

No, I'd say lets get everyone's rights respected, at least by law. We can worry about changing everyone's hearts and minds as time goes on...

Protecting Muslim rights is protecting all American's rights. If any group is singled out, it's just the first domino to fall. And I don't agree with Muslim intolerances either. But if you are trying to protect your rights then you can't exclude groups. Tolerance goes both ways. They tolerate me, I tolerate them.

Terrorist Muslims must be tolerated. Let them in.

Who said that? Oh yeah, you.

Can you tell the difference? I can't. That's why there is a temporary ban until a vetting system is in place.

People on the left generally believe you should respect everyone's human rights. Muslims are humans that deserve our basic rights and protections. Gays are humans that deserve our basic rights and protections. Westboro Baptist Church is comprised of humans that deserve our basic rights and protections. This doesn't mean we agree that Muslims, gays or WBC is right about everything they think. It's that American laws, rights and protections belong to all of them, even if their ideas suck.

It's that American laws, rights and protections belong to all of them, even if their ideas suck.

Blowing people up is an idea that we should protect too. Got it.

Nope. Never said that. I said that they deserve American laws, rights and protections. I NEVER said or implied that their ideas should be protected.

Wait, you are saying that non citizens have rights and deserve our protection? They have a RIGHT to come here? No matter what they believe? Their ideas to rape boys, beat women, kill Christians should be protected? Their idea to take over USA and install Sharia courts should be protected? Like they have in EU now? No go zones for muslims? That's just wrong.

You're conflating two issues. The OP is talking about human rights. All humans deserve human rights. I extended this to Americans deserving American rights because I associate "the left" with the U.S. (even though I know we all have leftist parties).

You're outraged over absolutely nothing. I think that all humans deserve human rights. I think all Americans deserve American rights.

No, their ideas shouldn't be protected. See my previous TWO responses. But their basic human/American rights should be. OP implies Muslims don't deserve human rights because (some) won't respect his. It's not an either/or. You can respect BOTH sets of people's human rights.

This is seriously the stupidest thing I've seen on /r/conspiracy in months.

Tell me this, why is the liberal left so hateful and dishonest about Christianity while constantly defending Islam and Muslims? If I went to Italy and tried to start a synagogue nothing would happen to me. Same if I went to Catholic dominated Mexico. Well, at least the Catholics wouldn't bother me. If I try that in a Muslim majority country I would be lucky to be allowed to live. Maybe live in a jail or be beat up or killed. I've never advocated for killing Muslims or denying them their human rights. But Muslims constantly do this to other faiths. And yet, the liberal left defends them and wants unfettered immigration into the USA from these hell hole nations. It's insane.

1) Most people on the left are Christian (57%)

2) Those who are non-religious (me, for instance) are skeptical of all religions. But we recognize the first amendment allows us all to worship (or not worship) as we deem fit.

3) What the governments of Muslim-majority countries is not a concern to me, as an American, except to help those that want to escape it. Extremist Muslims hate moderate, peaceful Muslims more than they hate you or I. The ones that want to escape and live a life under a non-extremist government sometimes look to come to the United States.

4) No one is asking for unfettered immigration into the USA. Our vetting process takes 2 years and is more thorough than if you were getting a top secret clearance. On the other hand, the most effective thing for fixing xenophobia and fear of others is actually meeting and knowing those others. We know that people who have a gay family member are much more likely to approve of marriage equality. Those who know someone who's needed an abortion are more likely to be pro-choice. And people who have a Muslim neighbor or co-worker and can see that they are normal and maybe even boring people just trying to get through their lives are less likely to hate/fear Muslims.

OP isn't even referring to a conspiracy, so I'm not sure why this thread is even allowed. But I can't help to answer after seeing the hysterical top-level answers. The fact that the left supports human rights for both gays and Muslims isn't hypocritical. It's consistent.

Muhammad himself had killed men, women, and children when he raided villages and towns, mostly those whom he regarded as unfit for slavery, ill, elderly, disabled, etc.

He murdered men and male children as he considered them a future threat to him and his growing cult. Of male children, he murdered adolescents but spared only the younger boys, all those who hadn’t yet attained puberty. According to Hadiths, Muhammed had really ordered the killings of all adolescent boys and men from the raided villages and towns. None of the murdered males was ever given any chance to convert to Islam – the so-called religion of peace.

Furthermore, Muhammad held innumerable families as hostages and demanded ransoms for some of them. He split many families asunder when he murdered their menfolks and enslaved womenfolks and elderly people. He forced women and young girls into sex slavery – in other words, into forced prostitution. He forced the elderly people into dire labour; they toiled on until they dropped dead from exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. Muhammad’s crimes against humanity are all recorded in the Hadiths.

Muhammad did not act as any exemplary Muslim in his own time. He was self-serving, greedy, power-hungry, lascivious, narcissistic, unprincipled, etc.

And that's why I'm not a Muslim. I think the whole religion makes zero sense. Incidentally, that's how I feel about Christianity.

That doesn't mean his followers don't deserve basic human or American (if they're citizens) rights.

Christianity has been a blessing to the western world. Sure, Catholicism is just hybridized extension of pagan idolatry but in many ways Christianity led the way in human rights. So feeling the same way about Christianity and Islam also makes no sense at all. And no one is talking about taking away the human rights of Muslims. The problem is, Islam is AGAINST basic human rights. Muslims have it in their law to throw gays from the highest points they can find. Find one Christian nation that does this. And what of all the Islamic countries that deny people with an Israeli passport? We should deny all those countries access to USA in a show of solidarity with Israel. BTW, I'm not Christian. Just so we don't need to go down that road.

Christianity is a religion that also makes zero sense. It also is responsible for a ton of genocide and atrocities across the world. But, like Islam, I think its followers deserve basic human rights.

And as to one Christian nation that have it in its laws to kill gay people? How about Uganda? They did eventually drop the death penalty, and now it's just life in prison but there are plenty of other examples of major Christian spokespeople saying gay people should be put to death, both in the United States and around the world. I can certainly compile a list if you don't believe me but I'd rather pivot back to the point at hand: What does it matter what other countries do to violate human rights? Why should that have any affect on what the West does on human rights? Are you saying we should be as bad as those you would vilify? Or should we be better - a shining city on a hill as Reagan put it?

(And I would never attack you for your faith, so no need for a caveat).

Christianity is a religion that also makes zero sense.

Let's start with that. So, Christianity takes it's doctrines from the bible. Right? Let's be real first. The bible is a chronological history of the experience of the Israelite people and the writings of it's prophets and kings. So let's not use random excerpts as doctrine but rather focus on what the bible defines as right and wrong.

The Ten Commandments is a good start. Never mind the 600 other statutes and precepts that also have validity but are basic extensions of those ten core principles. And for brevity and argument's sake, lets leave off the first one which is to love God with all your heart and soul.

The next is to love your fellow man just like you do your own self. You have a problem with that? That makes no sense at all?

We'll leave off the Sabbath law because Christians can never get this right anyways. It's a long boring discussion and basically a waste of effort to discuss with most non Jewish people.

How about "Thou shalt not steal". That makes no sense? Don't take things that belong to other people? Or that other people have worked for and sweated over and now consider theirs? Or taking someone's money at gun point? That makes no sense? To me it's the foundation of personal rights.

Thou shalt not murder: I know, Christians get this wrong too because they don't do Hebrew and they think it means "thou shalt not kill". It doesn't. And they demonstrate this by executing murderers and going to war with a gun. But that's another topic as to whether a war is unjust or not. So, the question is, are you ok with Murder. I bet you are not. So you don't think this is unreasonable and makes no sense.

How bout, "thou shalt not covet". Covet means to want for yourself what your neighbor has rightfully worked to create. A house, a home, a boat, things he uses to live. His wife. etc. You are prohibited from allowing yourself to want what is his and more specifically, if you curtail your thoughts in that direction you will not be scheming to take it away. That goes right back to the law about loving your neighbor as yourself. You don't want someone scheming to take what you have. Do you?

Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor: Are you ok with people going to court and lying to a judge about you? Creating false charges? Does that not make sense to you?

It also is responsible for a ton of genocide and atrocities across the world. But, like Islam, I think its followers deserve basic human rights.

And as to one Christian nation that have it in its laws to kill gay people? How about Uganda? They did eventually drop the death penalty, and now it's just life in prison but there are plenty of other examples of major Christian spokespeople saying gay people should be put to death, both in the United States and around the world.

Muslims have been killing gays by the thousands. How many Christian nations have killed gays recently?

I'm not gay but if I was, I would prefer to live in a Christian nation rather than a Muslim one. There's way more Christian nations that tolerate gays if not embrace them than there are Muslim nations. So your objection is spurious at best.

What does it matter what other countries do to violate human rights? Why should that have any effect on what the West does on human rights?

No one's human rights are being violated. You can't name one western country that has executed a gay. But you had to cite Uganda to support your assertions. And then you pivot right back to the Western world. You're all over the place.

Are you saying we should be as bad as those you would vilify? Or should we be better - a shining city on a hill as Reagan put it?

Tilting at windmills and making up things doesn't win an argument or prove a point. Show me where I said we should be as bad as Islamic countries? No.

(And I would never attack you for your faith, so no need for a caveat)

I've been attacked by my entire family for my faith. Lost jobs just for being Jewish. And yet, I still defend Christianity over Islam any day.

You left out the most questionable of the 10 commandments and you know it. 1) I am the Lord your God. 2) No false idols 3) Do not take the Lords name in vain 4) Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy. Additionally, if you're going to limit Christianity's tenets to 6 lines in the Bible and disregard the crazy stuff, why are you picking the crazy stuff from Islam? (The five pillars of Islam, by the way, sound pretty tame: recognizing Gods oneness, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage).

I was raised in a Christian home and was a trained Christian apologist. I studied comparative religions in college. I am all too familiar with the crazy in Christianity.

But that's not the point. The point is that people who practice Islam are people. They deserve basic human rights. You're arguing that they don't. That's what this boils down to. Take a step back and really consider your position. You think there are people in this world that don't deserve basic human rights.

If that is really your position, then you're too crazy to continue a discussion with. That is truly psychopathic.

You left out the most questionable of the 10 commandments and you know it.

No. I left out the most controversial ones because you obviously were raised a "Christian" and have been taught many things that just are not true and are basically illiterate on the topic and I don't want to spend all day educating you.

But, since you insist, here goes:

1) I am the Lord your God.

That's not even a commandment but a statement and that's not even close to the original statement.

Shemot 20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

20 Then Elohim spoke all these words, saying, 2 I am Hashem Eloheicha, Who brought thee out of Eretz Mitzrayim, out of the bais avadim (house of slaves).

And, right out of the gate you get it wrong since you took your talking points right out of Wikipedia rather than thinking and learning for yourself and looking up the original or as close to it as possible.

That opening verse and statement is an introduction when he tells the people who he is and that they are the ones he saved from slavery. So, if not for him they would still be back in Egypt under slavery and bondage.


Just like when you are approached by anyone claiming authority they should explain who they are and why they are there. So it is here. So there goes your first commandment. It's not even what you think it is.

2) No false idols 3)

That's not all of it and it's poorly translated as well.

3 Thou shalt have no elohim acherim in My presence.

In other words, they were commanded to never bring false gods into his presence. It doesn't say false idols. That would be redundant. .

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any pesel, or any temunah of any thing that is in Shomayim above, or that is in ha’aretz beneath, or that is in the mayim under ha’aretz. 5 Thou shalt not tishtacheveh to them, nor serve them;

So, we are still in the first commandment and it's being expanded to forbid the creation of physical gods and forbid the worship or adoration of them.

for I Hashem Eloheicha am an El kanna, visiting the avon Avot upon the Banim unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate Me;

And then he restates who he is and his basis for authority and punishment of visiting the sins on those that disobey. So the punishment of disregarding this command is to live under the results. Not much of a punishment if idols were actually a real thing. In other words, for those that want idols, don't ask for help from the living God. Go back to your idols. You earned it, you made it, so ask them for help.

6 But showing chesed unto thousands of them that love Me, and are shomer over My mitzvot.

And for those who listen and obey, mercy and kindness.

I don't see anything crazy at all about that. You want his blessings, listen and obey. Disregard, and you are on your own and can not expect to be protected from the results of your own actions.

Do not take the Lords name in vain

So, another misconception by both Jews, Christians and secular people.

In all fairness though, it's easy to misunderstand. It's basically saying to not use His Name for something that is not true. Like pretending to have a message from Him or lying about what God said or instructed. Using his name falsely.

4) Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.

The only way I think you could see this as being unreasonable is if you don't understand the word Shabbat or Kadosh. Kadosh means to single something out for a specific reason or purpose relating to spiritual matters. Shabbat is basically a day of rest. I don't know about you but I personally like the idea of a God that likes me enough to say, "Hey, take a break. Do it every week. And then he reminds them that he brought them out of slavery and so they now belong to him and to give him back one day out of seven for a day of rest and reflection.

Additionally, if you're going to limit Christianity's tenets to 6 lines in the Bible and disregard the crazy stuff,

Sure. Seems like you learned plenty of crazy stuff from going to church. You learned nothing but a bunch of watered down messed up preaching that taught you nothing. Sorry bout that. Not my fault. Those are the issues with Christianity. Most of the stupid stuff is not even in scriptures. It's mostly in your head. BTW, why not pick a crazy thing to argue about rather than make lame vague general accusations.

why are you picking the crazy stuff from Islam?

You mean like Mohammed starting out as a refugee to Medina, the Jews tolerated him and let him stay and treated him kindly. IN five years he had butchered, killed, raped robbed and driven them out. Some refugee. Right? I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't do that. His followers took his gospel all over the world. Got into Pagan idol worshiping slaughtering Rome and the Romans said to themselves, wouldn't it be nice if we could hybridize this crazy new peaceful religion and use it to increase our power? And the Holy Roman Catholic pagan inspired church was born. It took centuries of bloodshed and persecution before Martin Luther came along and pinned his refutation to the church doors for all to read. Those that could read that is.

Under Catholicism the people were forbidden to read a bible, owning one was cause for execution. It was after the reformation that the Protestants printed up millions of bibles and it became common knowledge. After that, sciences flourished. But you wouldn't know about that because you're so caught up with your left wing atheistic viewpoint you wish to sugar coat Islamic barbarism and demonize Christianity. You forget, the reason the Catholics forbid bible reading by the masses is that it would destroy their faked up religion and reveal it as a mass of lies and superstition. You really should read some books.

(The five pillars of Islam, by the way, sound pretty tame: recognizing Gods oneness, prayer, fasting, charity and pilgrimage).

It's a farce. They sound nice and pretty but those aren't commandments. Try reading and listening to what they actually teach rather than the propaganda they put out to ignorant westerners.

I was raised in a Christian home and was a trained Christian apologist. I studied comparative religions in college. I am all too familiar with the crazy in Christianity.

Oh right. You're the expert. You learned nothing. You didn't even get the scriptures right but copy pasted your bit from wikipedia. You got brainwashed. If you are going off what you were taught then you are no brighter than a muslim dupe. Might as well sign up to be a Mormon or a Four Square nut.

But that's not the point. The point is that people who practice Islam are people. They deserve basic human rights.

Then let them petition their government to get it. Not come to Western nations and demand to open the borders to unlimited immigration. They have all the rights they can ever want in their own country. It's their government. Let them change it.

You're arguing that they don't.

And you are a damn liar. You have not quoted one right that I have endorsed being taken away from a Muslim. It's Muslims that argue for taking away basic human rights.

That's what this boils down to. Take a step back and really consider your position. You think there are people in this world that don't deserve basic human rights.

You are soo full of self righteous bullshit you can't even see it. Islam is all about denying basic human rights.

If that is really your position, then you're too crazy to continue a discussion with. That is truly psychopathic.

And you are mentally ill. So we are done. Thanks for playing.

I'm mentally ill? You're absolutely ridiculous. You are literally arguing that there are some humans that don't deserve human rights. That is stunning. And you keep trying to bring up distractions (this Christianity vs Islam one sure was a good one but it is just a distraction tactic) but you have spent all day telling me that I'm wrong because I believe all people deserve basic human rights.

Holy shit dude. We are done. Thanks for playing and I hope you are never in a position of power!

Muslims (whatever nationality) can reproduce and indoctrinate their children. Homosexuals (whatever nationality) can't produce their own children without science's (funded by the rich or Governments) help. Adoption is just re-appropriating children to different parents. Governments are always in need of new people to control.

The way I see it (as a heterosexual, non religious person so consider that huge grain of salt), Muslims aren't demanding respect so much as trying to separate/distinguish themselves from the radicals, and many people are rightly jumping up to defend the group from fear based legislation/action just as many do for the LGBT community. I would also add we see the same sort of judgement from some Christian groups. It is important, that as Americans, as human beings, we continue to push toward a future of understanding and equal rights for all.

Great. Now start with the Islamic countries. When they are tolerant toward Christians, Jews, and other religions and give them equal rights then, and only then should we allow them equal access to our nation. When the threat of terrorism from Muslim fundamentalists is ended then we can open the gates to allow them unfettered association with the free world. Until then, Trump is right.

But he has blocked countries from which we have had no prior attacks on our soil and left out the countries from which we have. The fact that he has business in most of those countries is suspicious at best. And the fact that our country's wars in the former has caused some of need for refugees in the first place puts responsibility on our shoulder.

What's more worrisome is that you believe everything you see or hear. Obama made up that list. He enforced a ban on Christian refugees from Iraq for six months while they were being slaughtered.

I believe what I have researched from multiple sources and you know, history. This was in response to a specific event from Iraq with a specific plan to address the issue. You may argue its success or effectiveness but not the reason. Trump is clearly banning on a platform of fear and not reason. While also ensuring his business deal with foreign nations are protected.

Funny how he cribbed Obama's EO to do this.

Oh surprise! The Trumps plagiarized?! But still, you're missing the why and how which are very important.

We respect your right to love whoever you want and we respect a Muslim's freedom of religion and speech to rally against you. It doesn't mean we agree with them. We just believe that the 1st Amendment is sacred.

That being said Muslims are not the only religious group that would like to take away your rights. In fact Christians have been trying to do this for decades.

"It's like they are brainwashed"

Ding ding ding

It's like they are brainwashed. What's happening?

Yep. He has the answer already. The liberal left is mostly made up of people with closed minds. It's become a religion based on irrational ideology. They chant slogans like the Soviets and Chinese without giving thought. Nazis chanted slogans. Strange thing is, this time around they are more indoctrinated and thoughtless than ever before. They've become the mindless hive mind. Their leaders tell them what to think and they all follow like lemmings.

extreme christians hate gays just as much as muslims

I dislike all region but I've never seen Christians throwing them of of roofs

Didn't know throwing someone off a roof is the worst thing ever. Besides only ISIS actually does that.

Damn, I hear you. This point is so black and white, yet people for some reason don't want to think about it that way. It's like people think if they have any negative opinions towards the Muslim religion, that means they hate them as a whole, and so they just ignore the terrible bits so they don't get labeled a bigot. This mindset seems to be prevalent throughout society on many issues.

The purpose is to keep us occupied and at opposition to each other. While we plebs bicker and fight amongst ourselves for perceived slights, the Establishment works behind the scene and behind closed doors to gain ever more and more power.

If we are busy fighting each other we can't get together to fight them.

we don't respect the human rights of muslims because they demand that we do.

We respect the human rights of muslims and all other human groups because that is what we believe in.

But to answer your question, it IS hypocritical to demand something you don't offer in return. But we (the 'left,' if you want, or just western people in general, imo) do not consider even major hypocrisy reason enough to deny someone their human rights.

For those Muslims who say : " Oh no thats not true islam ; you are welcome to be whatever you want. We are the true religion of peace"

Check this out :

Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)"

Quran (4:16) - "If two men among you are guilty of lewdness, punish them both. If they repent and amend, Leave them alone"

Quran (7:81) - "Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?" This verse is part of the previous text and it establishes that homosexuality as different from (and much worse than) adultery or other sexual sin. According to the Arabic grammar, homosexuality is called the worst sin, while references elsewhere describe other forms of non-marital sex as being "among great sins."

Abu Dawud (4462) - The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, "Whoever you find doing the action of the people of Loot, execute the one who does it and the one to whom it is done.".

al-Tirmidhi, Sunan 1:152 - [Muhammad said] "Whoever is found conducting himself in the manner of the people of Lot, kill the doer and the receiver."

<3 Religion of peace.

Islam, Christianity, and Catholicism are so similar and they all despise homosexuality and find it a sin. As a leftie, I just want everyone to love everyone else and then there wouldn't be any hate or even a reason to hate anyone :(


Is this a conspiracy?

Why do people always post this as if it's all or nothing. I don't think that Muslims should be persecuted for the mere fact that they are Muslim, but I also don't think gay people should be persecuted simply for being gay.

When Prop 8 was passed, over 70% of black voters voted yes while it was passed with only 52% of the over all vote. Black people voter disproportionately in favor of suppressing gay rights. Now does that mean that we can't support gay rights and black rights? Of course not!

Gay jew here.

I refuse to tolerate a culture/religion which in its core is extremly fascist, homophobic and in general against human rights!!

Rant: as a gay person, I can't understand why the alt-right don't see the hypocrisy of Russi demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine. When I raise this I'm shouted down. It's like they are brainwashed. What's happening?

Who is Russi? I have to send that person a nasty email.

Oh wait, are you talking about Russia? Do you know anything about Russia? There are many gay people there who have perfectly intact heads. There are even gay bands that make fun of Putin and their heads are on still also. Can't say the same for all muslim extremist areas!

Im from Canada and I can't have a fuckin' conversation about politics that won't turn into "you're so racist" or "I can't believe you"... I throw the best fucking arguments but I'm still wrong.. Damn liberals.

Well shit. There goes my escape hatch. It just goes to show you that hell is other people and they have infected everyplace with their bullshit. I can't wait to see their forthcoming epic meltdown when they learn the truth of the world

I know some christians that hate gay people too

you "can't understand" and you think they're "brainwashed" because you can't see your own bias and refuse to admit your prejudice/racist.

so your brain will make up any possible solution to why people are acting different. it can't be you, it must be them.

seek help.

Leftists rank people by identity and right now, Islam is number one.

Is anyone on the left really refusing to respect gay rights? What rights exactly?

Did you read the question?

My bad, misread the question.

It is possible to have a personal belief system, but not want that belief system to dictate government policy. We desperately need this principle in American politics.

I despise Islam, and every other organized religion, as tools of control, oppression and division. I, however, don't want to see people hurt for their personal choices. So, yes we should respect the rights of Muslims to believe Gays are criminals. We should, however, not pass laws that criminalize personal behavior, and we should treat people as equals, under the law, and protect them, even if they like things we don't like.

I don't care about identity politics, but I want a freer and more open society and you don't get that by translating opinion, '40% of western Muslims think homosexuality is immoral and should be criminalized' to support for that opinion by people who don't want to see Muslims treated poorly.

It is possible to respect your right to be gay, and respect the right of Muslims to not like you at the same time. It is possible to support Muslims and Gays at the same time even if they hate each other.

Human rights, above all, even the right to be a bigot, or fuck dudes.

There's definitely hypocrisy there. I think most liberals would agree with you but social justice warriors are a different breed entirely. It really is like they don't live on this planet sometimes.

But you can't slag off an enormous group of people and just discount their culture because it doesn't conform to your own. You can (rightfully) opine anything you wish, but you've gotta take things on a case-by-case basis and not generalize - at least not in practice. I don't know. It's a ridiculous world we live in where even the people who claim to stand up for the underprivileged are intolerant shits. Welcome to the Cognitive Dissonance Disco.

I'm with you. The extreme left aren't different from the extreme right: they both want to destroy the US but for different reasons.

Immigrants are usually pretty conservative, and the only reason the vote for Democrats is because the left is pro immigration. The right is anti immigration, yet they love the cheap labor.

If you want to protect gays and women, filling the country with immigrants won't help

The right is only anti ILLIGAL immigration big difference.

Yet this story is about blocking a citizen...

I'm a queer woman, this is my observation: They are brainwashed.

I get that it is never clean or simple.

In our own American country we have Christians who don't support your legal protection rights, and I would hope there would be a similar collective protest if a political leader illegally singled them out as well.

tl;dr confirmation bias. unfortunately most religions and much of the world (geographically at least) are not quite as progressive in many social areas compared to the west. it's not exclusive to muslims or the middle east (ie russia etc)

Actually I never thought of it this way. You make a great point.

Join us at the Donald . We fucking agree

religion is a brainwash and the level of brainwashing is depending if you are catholic, protestant, christian, muslim or even atheist. Science also plays a brainwashing role because people accept "facts and studies" presented as science no matter if they are fake or not exact. Ciulture is made to hate people who thinks different to us and if we want to fit in the society we have to be another sheep in the herd.

or even atheist

So because I don't believe in religion, you think religion is still brainwashing me? Lol

Some respect others human rights but surveys show many western muslims (and it's in the 40% range) want to criminalise being gay.

Yeah, fabricated surveys.


In short, you were lied to OP. As a Muslim I'm as outraged as you should be.

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Us Donald supporters who happen to be against both democrats and republicans and the establishment agree with you 100%.

And we support you 100%.

Human rights aren't something you can lose based on your beliefs. That's why they're called human rights.

Hypocrisy isn't important here, because there is no expectation of reciprocity. If you want to give human rights to Muslims, that's not contingent on anything, including them changing their minds on homosexuality.

this will explain

Because the dems lost the election and now are looking for any reason the bitch.

Chuck Schumer lookin a lot like Mitch McConnell did before. The roles switch, but never change.

Speaking for myself, I think they have a right to life but must conform to the society they live in. They can have their views and traditions, but shouldn't force their views on others or campaign against the society which has given them shelter.

They are brainwashed!

Most likely can't even name the seven counties currently banned.

They are really bordering on anarchy since they have ZERO respect for the rule of law, which translates into zero respect for the RIGHTS of other CITIZENS.

Some realize this, and that Barry actually did the same and originally named these countries.

The need a refresher in civics and to stay abreast of global news, which most don't do.

Vent your bigotry somewhere else, this isn't a conspiracy, just your fucking opinion.

The ones that are tolerant are not "good muslims". They shirk the teachings of the koran in order to stay moral, but their conviction could change at any time. If only they would do some reflection on islam as a whole, but alas they may be killed for it. It's a tough spot.

Had a discussion with a user yesterday who said he's Muslim. He fully supported child marriages and said that Mohammed marrying a 6 year old and having sex with her when she was 9 was acceptable and encouraged because it "created a strong bond between families". He also said that Islam gives women more rights. There's a serious lack of thinking going on in our world

"the muslims" aren't demanding it....the rest of us are. Just as the rest of us are demanding your rights as a minority are respected too.

When you say Muslims are you referring to all of them, or just the extremist? There are 1 billion Muslims who are able to live and pray peacefully. Now the 0.01% of Muslims who don't want peaceful lives and who oppresse women and people who are apart of the LGBTQ community. So when Muslims are being defended by the left or whoever, you must realize they're defending the majority of peacful Muslims not the radical minority.

It's anymore than that percentage though. Like half of Muslims believe you should be killed for leaving the region. 80 percent think stoning women for adultery is justified.

Most of the people distinguish the difference between religion, politics and their moral code. I feel like Islam covers it all. That's how this culture works. Some people comply with a part of it, the others with the whole. It doesn't matter if it's Islam or not as long as you can tell when you are wrong with your views. Some people choose to not to think. Why? Social pressure, loyalty, culture, national identity, ignorance and many many more.

I feel the same way being of African desent! They still treat our refugees like dirt.

I feel the same way being of African desent! They still treat our refugees like dirt.

I feel the same way being of African desent! They still treat our refugees like dirt.

It's simple.... They are braonwashed

I think that happens for the same reason it's annoying when people go, "how can you be focused on that, we have troops dying over seas!"

The world is complicated and multiple agendas can exist at one time. Judging any group of people by their hard right or left makes no sense.

If we judged every group of people based on the assholes, none of us would talk to our families.

Let's answer the question regarding the left first. The left is for equality. When Christians stand up and say, "these are our rights for religious freedom", the left says "awesome, now all religions get those freedoms." Laws put in place restrict what that religion can do to others, so we don't worry about what they think within their religion. Regarding the right, they want to criminalize aspects of being gay. Here's the fun that Pence has been up to in his political endeavors: http://www.lgbtqnation.com/2016/07/mike-pences-top-seven-homophobic-moments-many/. The left would say, "equality for all, regardless of their sexual orientation is what's important". I think that focusing on the fact that muslims believe that being gay should result in criminal charges is like focusing on the KKK for wanting non-whites to go away (and by go away, I mean that they want them dead). However, law prevents that from happening, so the KKK just talks a lot about it. The same thing happens to muslims in America. They don't like gays, but all they can do is talk about. The left wants that equality to exist. The right would rather have things be unequal for whatever doesn't fit their religious narrative.

As far as I know many religions can be interpreted as being against homosexuality. All religion is, in my mind, an ancient archaic practice that has no place in modern society. I don't have the right to tell people not to be religious, though. No one does.

Christians, Catholics, mormons, scientologist, all have their own brand of oppression and misogyny that I would love to see banned. In fact, as a left wing liberal that believes in rights for all humans, to me religion has brought more harm than good. I see hypocrisy in all of human religions. Just some are willing to disguise or control it better than others. Muslims seem to be 1,000 years behind the rest of religions, this means they need to be reformed. In no way shape or form are liberals in favor of seeding way to someone's beliefs over someone else's rights and freedoms. You are making a false argument leading to a conclusion you accepted as fact before you did some real introspection. How you would want to be treated if you were of Muslim faith and that is how you grew up and all that you have ever known. Reform is needed. Not a nuclear war to wipe the Middle East which is the preferred solution of the current White House.

I agree with you about religion, I think the left is missing what is happening and what it's about. It's not about religion. It seems that way but it's not. It's about a corporate coup d'etat and using people as weapons. Using culture as weaponry to divide people and to manufacture a false cause for police-state buildup through right-wing terror, which I define as corporate terror against civilian populations emanating from the military-intelligence arm of the State. (if left-wing terrorism is primarily anti-business and what is called 'eco terror' but isn't (it's actually anti-ecoterrorism, like for example monkeywrenching/sabotaging equipment for mining operations))

Anyway, if you are interested, please search this forum for 'Cliff notes' and sort by newest. YOu'll see my notes on George Webb's series about DynCorp. Start at the number 1 and you'll see a story that will astonish you. It's at least 95% true / provable. He speculates but he's been right 80+% of the time. This is a person who is being fed sources from notable journalists, open source investigators and insiders, who have been partially/soft verified as true insiders. He did say one thing that is unverifiable and it's that trump had the fbi seize cdc research. We can't properly verify or properly discredit this particular news story. It's a living mystery.

btw when i say provable, i mean it's mainstream news sources, academic sources, pulitzer prize winning authors, wikipedia (which is what they (establishment/cia) admit to), known relationships from correlated data in news stories and financial reportage, etc

Gay dude here, too. I tried to have this discussion, I shared Pew research data and all kinds of stuff and was only met with the "not all Muslims." That, coming by the way, from people who say "Trump supporters are violent racists. I don't hate Muslims, but I know a good amount of them think who I am should be punished somehow. It is worth pointing out.

Because apologists!

one faction of the new world order monkeys has chosen to align with opec nations. To please the islamopetrol overlords they have to assist in jihad. You don't matter.

"Oppression Olympics."

Right now, the Muslims get more oppression points than you, so you're wrong, and they are right.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for cultural relativism, and letting people from other cultures do what they think is best, but there are limits.

You can dislike muslims just like muslims dislike gay people, but the government can't. They are supposed to be the neutral non discriminating party who keep shit in order and unite people. The government makes sure that even though Muslims might dislike gay people, they aren't allowed to discriminate against gay people. Hell, a lot of Christians seem to far more discriminating against gays than Muslims as far as US news goes.

Some Muslims are anti-gay, some Christians are anti-gay, people are going to be anti-gay regardless of their religion, but the religion legitimizes it, which is the key. As a woman, I understand the contentions with the Muslim faith and those most passionate about it, but the Christians can be the same way about telling a woman where her place is (from first hand experience) and can be oppressive as well...again, religion makes it worse, but I don't think it causes the small minded thinking. Religion is like a gun...are you going to use it to protect people or attack people? Anyways, I'm rambling, back to my point, yes, Muslim countries would oppress us, but the people who come to this country probably aren't here to...they're working, going to school, and (as a person who has lived abroad) are probably open to the culture they're visiting. What if other countries blocked us from visiting because we're ruled by oppressive fundamentalist Christians? I'm not defending the Muslim faith, or any faith for that matter; I see homophobia as one of the more troubling issues our society faces, but blocking entry to our country without notice to people entering our country legally is wrong.

Because you know that Christians are plenty accepting to the same with their disposition towards violence and intolerance.

When was the last time a Christian shot up a night club full of gays?

I can't understand why Gays dont see the hypocrisy of supporting a party dominated by the christian right who historically have been anti gay rights

I think both sides certainly have faults, but where one side won't bake you a cake for your wedding, the other side has a much higher chance of blindfolding you and tossing you off the roof.

Its very dishonest to imply the Christian rights biggest injustice toward gays is not wanting to bake a cake.

What you did is take an extreme example from one side and the most minor from the other.

Will the christian right in this country throw gays off a building at the same rate as muslims from another country? no. Do both actively discriminate and have hateful ideology toward gays? yes.

Because there shouldn't be a thought police, if someone does something law breaking then fine, arrest them, but thinking evil shit shouldn't be illegal.

If something they do isn’t illegal but should be then that's the problem.

You should respect all humans' rights, even those who don't respect others', eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind and all that.

And yes I acknowledge that many Muslims have gotten away with things they shouldn't have because of PC police, denying employment based off sexuality etc, that is a problem, but just blanket dismissing all Muslims isn't the correct reaction to that.

actually i do not care,i just see man and woman but mentally "do wherever you want but don't splash me"yep hangover

Joe Rogan Experience #877 - Jordan Peterson

Super long interview but you can skip around a bit. Professor Jordan Peterson explains in great detail what is going on with Social Justice Warriors, and politically correct behavior.

I think I can explain this one.

I'm (Western) European, we've seen and felt the presence of Islamic migration very clearly and they've protruded every aspect of our society, on a political and religious level (which is one and the same for them), within our city streets (shops and eatery's, never supplying Western products, always drapes for women and Kebab-like food), and on a cultural level (markets, religious holidays etc.) Now you'd think them being present within a country on these levels sounds good, they must assimilate quite rapidly...Except they're not. Not at all. Not even a little. Their markets are by and for their own, their cafes are more like local hangout places for the cultural homogenous (aka muslims), their holiday celebrations are not inclusive, they don't socialize with people with other cultural backgrounds and If they do, they'll only do so within their paradigm (you better not be gay, against religion, against open borders, feminist etc.), their political agenda is solely based on defending their in-group preferences (Open borders, anti-Jew, mandatory Halal food in schools and business etc.) Besides all these things, they're, on average, pretty low IQ people, which combining with their terrible religious moral compass, results in ignorant and aggressive behavior. The US doesn't experience these problems on this scale. You've only felt the presence of Christian religious fanaticism, let me tell you, there's no comparison. A fundamental, deeply religious Christian is the equivalent of a normal, "moderate" muslim. A fundamental Muslim is just a straight up psychopath to Western standards.

So why did modern feminism side with Islam, especially in the US? So, like I said, the first reason is these feminists have no actual idea how Islamic culture manifests Itself within society. Just like how leftist politicians in favor of non-Western migration in my country, never actually lived in the impoverished neighborhoods where the muslims wreak havoc. They're only propagating a gratuitous moral high ground based on utopian ideas. And the actual people suffer.

Second It's the visceral need for the "us versus them" sentiment. In the US "Them" is the Right wing. The same right wing who has protested Islam the loudest the past couple decades. The biggest "Fuck You" they can throw at the Right is embracing what they hate most. "Look at how liberal we are, we even embrace what you hate, and what hates us as women and feminists". It's a moral arms race, they don't care about actual morality, truth, realism or context. They've totally lost themselves in their pathetic little race of who can be the most liberal. It's like driving as fast as you can on a highway and missing your actual exit. I've seen this behavior in myself actually. I wasn't for Trump, but very much against Hillary, I hated everything she stands for, I hated the way she used identity politics and sexism in her favor, the way she presented herself as a caring woman while actually being one of the coldest, opportunistic and most calculated career politicians in recent history. I hated everything about her, and It was the first time I didn't side with a Democrat, although I was pretty much indifferent towards Obama, for the same way he used Identity politics to sway the US. Throughout the campaigns I started to be more and more in favor of Trump, which would've never happened If there was any other candidate running against him. I started to hope he'd win, although I deeply dislike religion (Pence and his other backers). I rooted for someone I would've never rooted for in any other situation but this. I think this Is what happened to modern feminists in the US, they're so full of hatred they're willing to accept a Trojan Horse as their ally. because If you're against them, then you're with me.

Well said! Too bad this post blew up and you're getting buried.

100% agree with the whole last paragraph. Because I lack the same experiences as you with muslims, I have to ask: Is the problem that they don't assimilate completely, or is it really that their lifestyle is that incompatible with Western culture?

For example, in America there are many cities that have China town, or a portion of town that is highly concentrated with one ethnic group, and it hasn't seemed to cause too many problems. My experience is with mini Mexican/Spanish speaking communities. They all speak very little english, have their own shops that sell tortillas & tacos, mostly keeping to their selves. Doesn't bother me even a little and their generally very friendly despite the language barrier. This is America to me. The blending of all the cultures of the world within the western framework of constitutional democracy. Is it so bad that an outside culture needs some time to find their place? I know if I went to China or even England I would seek out the American bars and locations because it's what I know.

That being said, do you feel this way about all cultures that don't fully assimilate, or are Muslim communities really that much different?

Great points and questions, thank you.

Let me clarify some things and give a little context. (Sorry, long text incoming, it's an important subject so I wanted to be thorough)

First, (Western) Europe doesn't have the same historical context the US does, we're not (mostly) built from diversity and are historically pretty ethnically homogenous. The American 'Melting Pot' is not an actual thing here, we did however, starting from the 50's and 60's, invite guest workers from North Africa and Turkey which was a catalyst for what we call 'multiculturalism'.

The first problem is the false premise upon which these workers came here. In my country we invited about 20,000 workers, the thought was these workers would stay here for some years, maybe even decades, making more than they could ever make in their homeland, and eventually go back to enjoy the fruits of their labor. Except, they never went back. Due to our careless lack of political preparations, we never adjusted our policies, resulting in a climate where people could come here, stay here, bring their families and use our social benefits. 20,000 quickly became 40,000, 40,000 quickly became 100,000 and 20 years later we were at almost a million. Problem is, we never wanted 40,000 let alone a million. Crippled by leftist policies originating from post WW2, we couldn't do anything about this influx of guest 'workers', except they weren't workers. The first 20,000 were workers, the rest of these immigrants got the news that our country was giving away free money, free healthcare, free social benefits, personal freedom and freedom of religion (aka no need to adjust or conform to local culture). The problem here is incentive. American Mexicans go to America because there's more opportunity for them to work, Muslim immigrants came here because there's more opportunity to not work.

Second, speaking for my own country but It applies to lots of European countries, the segregated cultural silo-effect is somewhat present here, but don't have a similar effect because our countries and cities are a lot smaller. We do have neighborhoods that are predominantly muslim, although not nearly as dense and homogenous as US Chinatowns and little Italys, but because it's all so close to each other here, there's no actual isolation. They go to our schools (although the past years there's more of a trend amongst muslims to send their children to Islamic-centred schools, facilitating a bigger gap in language and culture), walk around our neighborhoods, go out in our clubs etc. Their Mosques are scattered throughout our cities, and there's Kebab places everywhere. This Isn't necessarily a bad thing, wasn't it that they cause a lot of annoyance. They use/deal drugs, are aggressive towards people (you can't look them in the eyes without being scoffed at), leave a mess everywhere they go and drive like our city streets are Nascar tracks making It impossible for kids to play on the streets like i used to when I was a child.

Regarding your last question, the problem with muslims in particular is the incentive on which they came here. The incentive was clearly money and It shows through their actions. They don't like It here, they don't like us and they don't like our value system. And that's causing a lot of friction. Their children embrace these sentiments from their parents resulting in generations with a disdain for this country and It's citizens, the only thing they care about is getting rich. But because they generally score low in education, there's a problem where their culture requires respect quantified by income and no intellectual means to acquire this money legally. resulting in lots of crime. 2.5 percent of muslims are responsible for 40 percent of our crime rate.

The religious aspect is a big one, even our smartest members of the non-Western community remain muslim (which I find baffling), and they refuse to live by, or even try to understand the values of a secular enlightened society. I'm pretty well versed (pun) in Islam and It encourages a very sneaky and hypocritical behavior very typical of muslims, it's all incredibly shallow and morally vapid. Actual moral and intellectual inquiry just Isn't a thing within their culture. Plus, probably because of an inferiority complex combined with a religious paradigm, they evolved a kind of God-complex where they think they're better than us, with better morals (funny, because of their crime rates) and a more meaningful understanding of life.

A great example of this hypocrisy is what I experienced with a muslim friend in my teens (I used to hang out a lot with Arabic and Turkish people back then, giving me lots of insight on the way they think and act). He was from Lebanon. Always bragging about It being the best place, with the best universities of the world. best food, best culture etc. (It's a thing all Muslims here do regarding their home country). One day he said to me us Westerners are cheap and greedy and If you stay with his family you can always stay for dinner, something that allegedly doesn't happen in Western culture because we're selfish and frugal. later on I found out he was receiving a scholarship he didn't earn (you get money from the government when you're studying and not living with your parents) because he pretended to live with his brother while living at home and his parents both received medical benefits that they shouldn’t have gotten for over 20 years. They lived off our benefits without actually being sick or not fit to work. It's easy to feed guests with money our society gives you for free. And I've got tons of stories like this one.

I don't feel this way about every culture at all, It's just the toxic combination of wrong incentives and religious and cultural friction with the host country that makes this a particularly bad situation. I don’t share your sentiment where you would pick out American bars when living abroad. if I would migrate to America, my children would get American names, American schooling, American values. It’s the best thing for them, to not cripple them within the society I brought them to (whereas muslims always give their children a muslim name, mohamed Is one of the most frequently given names in my country by national statistics). Why would I visit European bars? I left for a reason. Maybe a couple times a year for special occasions or the European/WorldCup, but not solely like European muslims do. I just don’t understand why they want to mimic the grave environment they left in the first place.

I welcome everyone that actually wants to be here with open arms, people that come here, not because of benefits, but because It's a beautiful place with opportunities and freedom. Not just to abuse and stretch our freedoms to Its breaking point.

It sounds like your personal experiences have your shaped your core opinions of all Muslims. There are plenty of Muslims who've assimilated into western society, who don't have a "low IQ", "God-complex" or any other negative label you've branded them with. Granted that they're mostly second/third generation Muslims, but they're definitely there - and I've personally met numerous first generation immigrants who are fantastic human beings first and foremost, ones who are involved in charity work to be precise. And I've also seen ignorant imbeciles and benefit fraudsters from all walks of life, why do you seem so insistent that this is a Muslim only problem? I really think your own negative experiences have made you bitter and prejudiced.

Thanks for your thoughts. Like I've said above, I knew lots of muslims, from the whole spectrum and all walks of life. From only culturally muslim to fundamentalists. My experiences with muslims are completely in tandem with the statistics, and the statistics are absolutely abhorrent. Remember, I'm talking about specifics here, I'm not saying muslims worldwide are low IQ, violent or bad people at all (kind of low hanging fruit to be pointing that out tbh) . What I am saying is the muslims that came to my country are disproportionately violent, criminal, badly assimilated and have low educational levels. Those are facts and backed by our independent national statistics bureaus. Besides the statistics, I've experienced this behavior very, very closely, so I can also confirm this on a personal level (not the other way around). I've seen a huge amount commit fraud, I knew muslims working in our police force that tipped off drug cartels, I've been to their homes and met their families, I know about their culture, how status and shame are interwoven within their culture and thus their actions. And these were not your typical thuggish, low level dudes. These were generally decently raised low-middle class second and third generation kids. Another fact is we have a lot of immigrants from Berber (a Moroccan region), Morocco has an average IQ of 84 and Berbers score even lower. My country has an average IQ of 100. Now, telling me you've met a muslim with a high IQ and therefore my arguments are invalid is misleading at best. I'm not talking about muslims, I'm talking about a very large part (again, not all, but a disproportinately large amount) of the Muslims that came to my country, generally with the wrong incentives and from specific areas. The religious aspect Is just another variable that further complicates the problems of how they manifest within our society and, but this is somewhat of an assumption, is one of the main reasons they have a hard time connecting with the country and Its customs even throughout multiple generations.

I've met great, smart and generous muslims, really nice people. From first to third generation. But even then, I'm always surprised to hear their view on democracy, secularism and equality. I can count the muslims I've talked to that really, really embrace our value system on one hand and I would still have fingers left to pick up a drink. Which is expected because you can't be muslim and feel democracy is the best solution to govern, or think being gay is admirable. It’s just not part of the set of ideas they adhere to.

I think you’re conflating hurtful facts with being bitter. But let me assure you, I’m very much aware of my confirmation bias and I try to see the good, It’s just not happening an awful lot.

Thanks for the honest responses. I'm sure other people would see this and just call "racist" like the first response was kind of alluding to. But this is a different case, it involves a set of cultural values that can be vastly different at times, and I guess you answered my question here, values that directly conflict with the ideals of your home country. I do think it's fair to say that what you're talking about is the type of people that sought to migrate to your country, and what their motivations were. Open borders and generous social benefits tend to encourage these behaviors which is certainly the reason people reject it as policy. Being a white American, I try to resist painting people with a broad brush, but it doesn't invalidate your experience at all. It's just hard to say on the one hand, "America accepts all ways of life", and on the other hand, "except this one". Another issue for America is that most of the people seeking to immigrate are doing it for two reasons: increased opportunities to study or gain skills, or because we just bombed the piss out of their country that is now in shambles. It is very difficult to reconcile American values of personal liberty, inclusion, and self-determination while simultaneously maintaining the most aggressive foreign policy in modern history. Definitely something worth deeper consideration here, and you definitely had one of the most honest accounts I've seen. Interesting times.

Lol. I don't think he/she has met many Muslims. Out of 1.6 billion: a few sketchy Muslims don't represent us as a whole. I'm a first generation American. Most people don't even know that I'm Muslim unless if I tell them. I've never cheated the system. My parents are educated and have never lived off the government. I worked all throughout undergrad. I'm currently in med school. I've never been the one to just stick to my own. I have a diverse set of friends. I respect everyone as we are all human first. I don't believe I am an "exception" to any stereotype/personal bias either.

So either you clearly didn't read what I wrote, or you got instantly triggered by the word 'muslim' and got in defence mode, because your reaction Isn't relevant to what I said even in the slightest.

First of, I clearly stated I met lots and lots of muslims, and not on a superficial level either.

Second, because you didn't actually read what I said, you completely missed the context of my message. I'm not talking about muslims in America or even worldwide, I'm talking about the specific muslims that migrated to my country based on dishonest incentives from specific regions. And yes, the religious element is undeniably a large part of their inability to integrate. And yes, It’s more than “a few sketchy muslims” as per our statistics.

Third, the muslims that migrated to America are, just like the muslims who migrated to Western Europe, not exactly a representable average of the entire muslim population. They're both on opposite sides of the spectrum. There's lots of data to back that claim up.

Lastly, I don't understand why muslims keep telling people to not generalize them as muslims. Islam is a fixed set of ideas, in my opinion, horrible ideas. Of course I'm going to generalize people that adhere to the same set of bad ideas, just like I'm going to generalize every person who thinks raping children is fine, or murder should be legalized. Then you throw the 1.6 Billion number out there as an argument, except, It's not an argument. because bad ideas don't become good ideas the more people adhere to them. At one point almost everyone believed the earth was flat and dancing could evoke rain. Besides that, the European numbers on Islamic fundamentalism are shocking with more than half stating that being gay should be illegal and Sharia should be our system of law. That's not "a few sketchy muslims". And even so, 5-7 percent of all muslims worldwide are actively participating in some form of Jihad, that's somewhere between 75 and 100 Million muslims. Not "a few" either.

Congrats on being a great, smart and valuable asset to your society, but that doesn’t illegitimate the reality of my statements.

You are entitled to your own opinion but doesn't make them facts. If I didn't have a lot to study right now, I would be more engaging. I didn't get triggered for reading the word "Muslim." My point is that not everyone is the same, so stop trying to generalize all of us. I'm not the one on Reddit trying to cause division amongst other human beings. I couldn't picture myself belittling others for their religion or lack of belief. Maybe you are the one getting defensive because I don't find under this scenario you have created in your mind. Anyway, have a good one. ✌🏻

What he writes is painfully accurate. You're not from western Europe, are you? A friend of mine teaches latin on one of the best schools in the country. There are Muslim kids as well who are the intellectual forefront as it is one of the best schools. He had to be invited to history lessons because the kids would deny everything about Israel, Holocaust and at the same time only accepted Islam doctrine. He was invited to teach how ancient texts are being passed on and do not form a reliable single truth. I should ask him if it had effect. I hoped the kids learned some critical thinking.

I too have met friendly Muslims and worked with them. The amount of people that are completely insane is just to damm big. But it's not a surprise. Western Europe imported people who where antisocial in their own country and allowed them to form a layer of population in the lowest regions. Don't know the proper English words for that.

Thank you for you sane commentary. Should've gotten way more upvotes.

great post!

That sounds about right, well written.

You can fight more than one battle at a time. Try not to conflate two different issues, it isn't helpful and only serves to distract idiots. Of course we want everyone to accept LGBT folks life any other; however, a lack of that compassion is not a reason to support them on being treated fairly.

Finally someone with common sense!

And yes, they are exactly that. Brainwashed!

We can't be thought police. People are allowed to believe what they will in a free society. 40% of western muslims may believe being gay should be criminalized, but that doesn't necessarily mean that 40% of western muslims would resort to violence (or even political activism) to achieve this goal. If western muslims actively try to limit human rights to the LGBT community, I will stand against them just like I stand against western christians who try to do the same.

Also, beliefs change over time. If we allow people to come to our nations and let them experience for themselves that gay people are just people like everyone else, then we can change minds. Banning people from entering our societies because of what they already believe is counter productive to globally improving human rights for everyone.

How can you argue against a cause that is essentially fighting for completely open borders... I don't support the ban for people on student visas and things but 100 percent any illegal should be deported, there's no middle ground. They are taking a spot of someone trying to go through legal channels to immigrate and I have 0 sympathy. We should be taking in 0 refugees, especially Muslims. There has been nothing but negatives from accepting refugees in any country that they have and it's the same thing I argue with people who want open borders. We don't have an obligation to take in refugees and should not be, they will not accept how we treat women and other groups fairly. That's not some guess, look at all the countries taking on refugees. Constant issues of gang rapes and murders and it just creates slums. Everyone doesn't have some universal right to be propped up for their entire life. I feel lucky to be born in the US and sure I have empathy for those people who weren't but also they need to realize if you are being taken in by another country you need to accept their norms and people. Muslim refugees have overwhelmingly proved to be the opposite of that, ask Sweden how they are doing with refugees. Honestly I find it ironic that there are any women protesting this Muslim ban at all... you can directly tie rises in rape statistics to refugees... Agree or don't, I couldn't care less. You can care about people and not be blind to the ramifications of actually helping those that don't want to be helped.

Your rights as a person far outweigh the doctrine of a religion.

Fact: You're gay

Fact: Religion is not fact

They are brainwashed. Also, they are literally working for ISIS now but have not realized it just yet.

I consider myself very right leaning, but not so far as to want to deny one's rights to their sexuality or religion. Even if you don't like me, I still support your rights.

Sort of like as a mechanic I deal with many rude people, but I'll still make sure your brakes are fixed properly.

Disagreement with your choice and supporting your right to it are not mutually exclusive.



What, and where is the conspiracy?

The fuck? Why do you think this is a conspiracy?

I'm not saying I am pro or against any of the following arguments, but here are some that I can think of that people may be thinking in some combination or other:

  • Even if they show prejudice, us being prejudice against them isn't right. The reality is that most Muslims are born into and conditioned into their beliefs. Demonizing their entire culture doesn't solve a thing. There are over a billion of them and they are increasing (compared to other populations). They aren't going anywhere. Engaging your opposition is the only way.

  • Allowing any room for prejudice is a slippery slope. MLK said it his way. We have all pretty much heard the "they came for...and there was no one left" quote from the 1930s (I'm too lazy to look it up). Even if Muslim beliefs are determined to be wrong, we know that the majority of people that hate Muslims are doing it out of prejudice.

  • A very large percentage of non-Muslims still don't respect gay rights. I also believe a very large number on non-Black Americans are prejudice against African Americans. I see it around me every single day. The difference is that American culture is primarily pro-business and we have learned to be more careful about how we reveal our personal opinions to others. I see bigots around me daily. I am a minority, but due to chance, I look pretty white bread and have zero accent. It is amazing the things people will say and do around me before they figure out my name is not English. So, the point here is that I believe we are close to being just as bad here in the USA, but we simply hide it better. That means the difference is just presentation. Muslims are simply more frank about their prejudices. Perhaps then singling them out as particularly anti-gay is not beneficial to us because it may be simply be a case of us trying to make ourselves feel better about ourselves.

  • Despite all the things that Muslims do and say that is wrong, if we were honest about it, we know that the majority of people in the USA that have a problem with Muslims are bigots. Many people that don't want Muslim culture to become part of the USA are not bigots. But the reality is that most of the anti-Muslim talk comes from bigots. These same bigots are easily bigots against other groups at different times under different situations. We really don't want to align ourselves with or give any strength or validity to these bigots. There is a quote whose source I don't know, but it says something like "the best lies are 90% true". A bigot may say something that looks like truth at a particular time and place. But allowing the bigot's statement to stand give legitimacy to the bigot, which then will turn around and their future or other bigotry.

I used have this same belief. Now I've changed. You don't have to agree with me, but here's what changed my mind.

There's a difference between having a belief and being able to enact that belief as a matter of public policy. Similarly, there's a difference between discouraging a belief as a culture, and enacting laws and policies to hurt people who have a belief.

No one in America with any political clout is advocating allowing for Islamic religious beliefs about homosexuality to be imposed on American citizens. However, there are people in America calling for us to not allow people with Islamic beliefs to escape physical danger and persecution by entering our country as refugees.

I will protest and vehemently oppose any new law that hurts gay people because of any religious belief. Similarly, I am against laws and policies that put muslim people in danger because our society doesn't agree with their beliefs. American culture is so perfectly designed to allow for diversity of belief and assimilation (I'm not sure that Europe shares this trait, so if you're European, my opinions on Islamic immigration are slightly different). For example, in the last poll I've seen, muslims in the US are more likely than Evangelicals to support gay marriage being legal.

I believe that we should accept Muslims into our country as we would any other migrant or refugee. This is an entirely different thing from changing our laws and culture to be more like Islamic culture, which I would oppose as loudly as anyone.

I feel you, im gay too. ive come to realize the left only cares about human rights when its politically convenient for them. They only want the moral high ground that comes with that stance, they don't actually care.

The cameras are always there for them too and then we see it on tv.... non... stop

very much agree. the media panders to the left constantly. Its good to see the decline of mainstream media and rise of independent sources.

I'm seeing gay people criticize the left and actually believe that the right is on their side. I've officially seen everything.

That 30% trump approval rating goes hand-in-hand with the percentage of Americans who think you are a sinner who should be criminally punished because of the chemical make-up of your brain.

didnt say the right was any better, im pretty much a libertarian

they don't actually care

Pretty much applies to anyone who only cares enough to "whine" on internet without doing anything of substance irl.

So when the White House was lit up with the colors of the rainbow, that was just the left fucking with you huh

when we send tons of money and weapons to saudi arabia, yes

i should say they

All you should be worried about is that EVERY race, religion, sexual orientation, blah, blah has the freedom to be who they are, so long as they don't infringe on the rights of others. We should stand up for Muslims. If they come to America they can practice their religion within the confines of our laws. Fuck SJW rhetoric, fuck the Conservatard hate speech.

It's like they are brainwashed

Welcome to decades and decades of state propaganda. It's amazing how effective it's been. It'a always identity politics, always Us vs Them. Even now you won't find many progressive liberals wiling to admit that trump is taking advantage of the very thing the democrats have been pushing for. As always the insidiousness of the state knows no bounds. Someday hopefully they will realize that the state cannot be trusted, and to put their faith and trust in themselves, their families, and their communities. Somehow I doubt it though.

It's pretty ironical ain't it?

because it's whataboutism. gay rights are under more threat from conservative policymaking in america than muslims. if you were in syria, i'd agree.

Two wrongs don't make a right. I'll fight with Muslims for their human rights and against them for mine (I'm gay). It seems strange that because some Muslims are against gay rights, you think you shouldn't support their rights.

The idea is that everyone has a right to their opinion. If we accept Muslim refugees into the US, whatever percentage of them don't support gay rights aren't simply going to compel our existing nation of hundreds of millions of people to oppose them. The vast majority of Americans support gay rights, and that's not going to change.

I support equal rights for people who are Muslim. I do not "support Islam," I think it's a hideous belief system; I will challenge it, but I won't assert that those who adhere to it are made subhuman by doing so.

I know that not all muslims believe this.

That's the key to it. The left, despite everyone claiming they're obsessed with identity politics, judges people as individuals. They're not willing to hate an entire religious comprising 1/6th of the world's population because 40% of them according to one poll want to criminalize being gay. I can guarantee you that 50 years ago the number of Christians supporting that would be much higher than that, and the left with the help of some Christians dragged the shitty ones kicking and screaming to basic tolerance.

You have to ask yourself how to ease homophobia out of the Muslim community. Either:

A) You follow the model the left did to get regressive Christians to do the same. Fight regressive Christianity while doing your best not to alienate progressive Christians.

B) You commit to the idea that all Muslims are irredeemable because of that 40% and marginalize/oppress/exterminate them

What sounds better to you?

Because plenty of Muslims, just like plenty of Christians, support gay rights.

firstly: you are making one of the most fundamental errors that everyone who is not familiar with islam makes. there are no moderate muslims because islam cannot be practiced in moderation. muslims do not have a choice as to what parts of their religion they can follow and what they can ignore. muslims must follow 100% of islam. the muslims who don't are doing so not because they are moderate but because they need to establish themselves. they have an exception in the koran called taqiyaa which allows them to lie about their beliefs.

secondly: you have to understand that the leftists/feminists are mere fronts for islam now. they are tasked with creating maximum unrest, dissent and disruptions. you can see that not a single one of these feminists is taking up the cause of freedom for muslim women. on the contrary you have muslim women who wear hijab and support sharia now leading most of these womens movements. the left does not care about equality or workers anymore. their only job is to weaken law and order and increase immigration as much as possible so that muslims can be moved into electoral districts and start voting for muslims.

finally: the right wing is the place to be. ask milo. he knows what he is talking about.

Why can't we just respect all human rights?

Don't worry, they will use you when the time is right for them to capitalize off of you.

Don't know if I'll get downvoted to oblivion or not noticed at all. I don't want any misconceptions spreading so..

If you think Saudi Arabia or Iran follows the correct Sharia, you're certainly wrong. Both of them using religion as to control middle east and mainly for political reasons.

In Islam, a person being gay isn't a Sin and isn't punishable at all. In fact, homosexuality is considered to be a test by God and one who controls his desires will be successful. As you might know, adultery is punishable in Islam and only applies to Muslims, not non Muslims who don't follow Islam. According to Islamic traditions, gay marriage isn't possible therefore homosexual sex is punishable for Adultery(lashes) and applies only to Muslims and to non Muslims if they do it publicly. I think that'll explanation the polls.

This is by definition not a conspiracy.

I think there are many people high up in political organizing that conspire to do this. Like with Occupy wall street falling apart because higher ups attempted to inject identity issues in an economic protest. Like how higher ups were distributing hijabs at a women's protest just last week.

This sub lately has just turned from pointing out political conspiracies, to just saying things about politics and people get upvotes for it just because the majority of people here share political opinions. This isn't what this sub is for, it's so annoying.

You aren't wrong.

But the thing is, we don't deny human rights to people even if those people deny human rights to others.

What does the left have to do with that? Replace Muslim with Christian and you could say the same thing about the right.

I haven't heard one single person make the argument that they support muslim countries treatment of gays. Supporting their basic human rights does not mean that anyone condones any of those countries' views on homosexuality and it's idiotic to even make that assumption.

To be fair, our Vice President thinks being gay should be criminalized too. While it's shitty that people have this close minded and outdated belief, it doesn't not justify others trying to dehumanized their whole religion. We can't fight hate with hate, it accomplishes nothing.

What? Lol the left obviously respect your right to be gay, man. Stop trying to create attention from this shit sub-reddit, this makes no sense.

As a lender I see the first hand the way Muslim clients treat their wives. The women rarely work or go on the title of the property. They are never really mentioned and until I ask if they're married. The less rights the women have the less likely they will leave or talk back. It's really sad and I wish more people would take notice.

The left is retarded and the right is retarded.

Fuck them

yea, unfortunately identity politics has blown up all independent thinking and common sense. I dont care if we allow in +1 Million muslims who need protection. My ONLY criteria is that we ask them if they: 1. support genital mutilation for women (+75% of muslim countries support this practice) 2. Believe that gays/lesbians should be imprisoned or killed 3. Believe sharia law is a good thing Non-assimilation into the greatest country in the history of the world is not something we can take for granted. If we let you in, and pay your healthcare/rent/etc, you need to respect the values that we have had since our inception. Libs: Is this too much to ask for? Is this racist?

"+75% of muslim countries support the practice" I have never seen a statistic like that please show us the source. Also sharia isnt at all a bad thing, and i doubt you know much about apart from some Saudi interpretation like women are worth a sixteenth of a man or some crazy shit. Muslims in the US are pretty well assimilated into society, if you want an example of non-assimilation go to your nearest Chinatown.

As a fellow gay person, how can you not see that the Right doesn't respect your rights either? It's like you're brainwashed.

How is this even relevant conspiracy-wise? I agree with you but wow, this place really is just the_donald lite now.

Islam in and of itself is anti-American... If your religion requires that I abide by its precepts, then you don't have freedom of religion.

To me, all religion is stupid. Equally.

Agreed. I'm all for tolerance and acceptance (being bisexual), but I'm just anti-muslim because they honestly believe you are evil/a criminal when you're not straight.

What about Christians? Don't many of them hate Gay people? Look closer to home as well as away from it.

Right on bro these "refugees" give 0 fucks about gay people and would rather throw them off a building than see them together in public.

Im gay too. But we don't push against Islam itself, because a lot of muslims have proven Islam can coexist with homosexuality. We push against homophobia as a whole and against the politics of governments that criminalise it

Watch this and you'll understand. It basically is brainwashing.


It's really simple. We are all people, and we should all be treated as such. What people choose to do with their body and which religion people choose to practice is their own choice, so long as it's not violating the sovereignty of others.

Progress is not a straight line.

Don't say yikes, say hell yeah! :)

Isnt gay rights a recent thing?. To my knowledge majority of world don't have gay rights including non muslim countries. I believe Muslims living in US would have a view similar to Christians living in US. In India where i live, the educated mass supports rights to gay people irrespective of religion (homosexuality is banned here ).

Personally, I think it's about Infringement. Think what you like, even, for the most part, say what you like.

Do not do as you like. Respect everyone. Let them be who they are.

Don't like "gays"? Fine. Hurt the LBGT communtiy or enact laws against them, hell, be mean to a person because they're gay? Fuck you.

Don't like reproductive rights? That's for you to feel. Enact laws stopping other people from making their own choices? Get the fuck out of here.

I think the idea is that everyone's human rights are to be respected, regardless of anyone's personal beliefs. It is possible to repect everyone's basic human rights without condoning everyone's beliefs.

gee, maybe because you're a giant hypocrite the moment that you see something that you disagree with and then start doing that thing yourself. you want to take away the rights of people... because they want to take away peoples' rights. how the fuck do you not see how hypocritical this is? you immediately justify their bullshit when you start flinging the same bullshit back at them.

So we must tolerate their intolerance?

of course.

That's a good point, I as a woman have the same problem with regards to women's rights and their standing in society. I especially have issues with the sexualization of little girls making them cover up from head to toe even in elementary school.

You say this like homosexuality has been respected and accepted for the the last 200+ years in the US. Homosexuality is barely a newly accepted norm in THE US. Why should we expect it to be accepted by everyone else as soon as we do?

Society doesn't move at the speed of light. Societal norms don't change over night. There are generations of people that need to change(or die) in order for a group opinion to change. Lets not be naive.

And just because someone supports freedom of religion doesn't mean they support the religion itself.

It's called the far left. They want to to be heard and want rights for everyone even if it's radical muslims which will kill them. They are sick in the mind and don't have any foundation. At all I'm reason Adnan logic. Not a single message they stand for was how the United States has ever ran. They are so far away from reality that I truly belive what should be done is not ban people from them here radical Islamic nations but let them stay and live with these radical crazy far letters or truly as treason in which it is they support to send them as traitors to them here hose 7 radicalized nations.. they wouldn't even last a week there.

Yeah great post but I don't know why is it on /r/conspiracy

I don't get it why the fuck does race religion sexual orientation or gender even matter like what the fuck we're all just a system of organs that react to stimulus let's just all be friends

They are so fucking brainwashed it's scaring me. I have friends of 20 years that call me a "Nazi" now and think Im racist. 20 Fucking years and if I had ever done ANYTHING close to racist they would have defriended me. But all it took was a vote for Trump.... It's unbelievable really.

The brain damaging comments in here is quickly wanting me to unsubscribe from r/conspiracy. Too many trump clowns in here, fucking ruined the place.

Should ask George Soros about this topic. You might get your answer there.

Plenty of Islam a phobia Hatred of gays is not unique to Islam. Isn't this more a problem of fundamentalist religion?

The fact that /r/conspiracy is filled with altright just shows how fucking dumb this sub is. It's always someone else's fault, why should I think about other people and not just myself!? You want a reason for this? FUCKING RELIGION. religion is behind everything bad in the world, while providing a bit of good on the other hand, it's still behind almost every bad thing happening. So fuck off with you "I'm gay Muslims hate me" crap.

Because it's only cool to be accepting of other people's beliefs not ones they don't share either. I say fuck em as it really doesn't matter who you like to love or diddle in your free time It's all about who what you put into this world. Most of the left say they're for compassion and acceptance but they are hypocrites and full of hatred and unacceptable. As master yoda once said. Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.

This place is such a retarded echo chamber, thank you for reminding me how ridiculous some people can be.

We have to be better, it sucks on the high road, but leading by example is what we have been charged with as Americans. We have to get rid of religion but it is a waiting game where secular society will win if we have patience and tolerance.

Yet they view Christians as the biggest threat ever

They view Christianity the way Islam actually is

I say this as an atheist

It's annoying.

Why do you keep posting all these things in /r/conspiracy ?

Can you at least hint at what you think the conspiracy is here?

It's the individuals, not their nationalities or religion. Do you feel the same about southern baptists? They are just as bigoted, so why choose the Muslim faith. Or why not attack Asians as well? Or Africans? Or South Americans? All very unfriendly to LGBT. Buddhist monks in Thailand lead that oppression and yet you choose to only mention Muslims.

Because Muslims actually do kill gay people. The southern Baptists will hold up signs.

You know what's funny, it's only the Bible that ever mentions killing gays, not the Qur'an.

The left only knows how to worship themselves. They are so self absorbed the only way they know how to "be the good guy" is to pretend they give a shit about some people they have no clue about. "omg but America was immigrants so clearly they also come in peace" A major difference however is Brittan sent over folks as Brittan's who then decided they wanted independence. Now today we have refugees which are fleeing instead of fighting for there own land. It's a excuse to push eastern society onto the west.

Immigrants and refugees are not the same.

Which of your human rights are being violated?

Eh, I don't see any Muslims on street corners holding signs saying you're going to he'll for being a sinner. Christians on the other hand....

Christians say mean words. Muslims kill you. I wonder which is worse.

The Muslims that kill you are the very people that the refugees are trying to escape. And I recall a Christian who shot up an abortion clinic fairly recently too. So you can't say there aren't extremists on both sides. If you're actually afraid of all Muslims then it doesn't really matter any more, the terrorists already beat you.

Theists on conspiracy more and more, or maybe just more vocal about it. Religion is THE #1 worldwide conspiracy with more hands in jars than any other uniting claims.

Fuck theists. You want to have faith , fine. Make it your own, NO ONE KNOWS the answers, and if they claim they do, they lie. They might believe it, but it's lies. Be good, be good to others. If beliving in maytrs makes you happy, go for it.

We don't need outdated philosophers making our laws, no matter what sect they maintained.

Most of the comments IN this thread are related to religion , sorry to hijack.

Most people are brainwashed, including The_Donald and the Left

Do you remember back when germany opened its borders to muslims and they started raping hundreds of women?

Do you remember what what the feminists response was when questions by police?

It was "I cant identify my rapist because that would make me racist."

Now keep in mind the definition of feminism.

(fem·i·nism/ˈfeməˌnizəm/ noun

the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.)

You either keep your cake or eat it. Never both.

If you are gay/femenist/pro human rights you are either inherently anti muslim or intellectually dishonest and preforming mental gymnastics.

The two are intrinsically in direct opposition of each other.

It was "I cant identify my rapist because that would make me racist."

Kinda puts the lie to the claim that rape is 'worse than murder' or whatever outrageous things they're saying, no?

Exactly. These SJW/gay/feminist/pro human rights advocates are so goddamn dumb. The very people they are defending believe in a religion that advocates their own oppression/murder. They're fucking retarded!

Thank you for making this post OP.

I suspect the rise of SJWs and their "believe what you're told without questioning", "words are violence" etc ideology might be part of an attempt to make the population more easily manipulable and make dissent easier to suppress.

It's just a gut feeling though; I got no insider knowledge.

This one reason why I have to tune out and ignore the bs.

Yes they are brainwashed! I can't even have a conversation with my leftist sister because it ends up with her shouting at me and saying I'm wrong. I blame colleges.

When people get the right confused with the left. Post is obsolete

You are confused.

He's painting leftists as advocates for unequal human rights. Saying they're "unsympathetic". When has that ever been the case? Can he even name one documented instance? I've seen more of this kind of bs on Fox News, which is far right. I'll just sit here and wait for an example of a leftist person or group who has specifically enabled the trampling of this OP's human rights. Otherwise this post is just trolling and typecasting the left unfairly.

The KKK.

Come on man... The KKK are extremists. You're not referring to the same left that I'm referring to. I'm talking about the reasonable left here. You're in a completely different range that has nothing to do with what we're doing talking about. Extremism is a completely different topic of conversation.

To sum it up, you are exactly right. Religion interferes. People are brainwashed because of this. I dont hate on anybody especially for religious reasons. I, myself, am not religious but when you start to hate a group of poeple because it said to in a book thats when we have a problem. People are brainwashed. They dont realize how old that book is and if you think about it, it was written more as to be seen figuritively. People pick and choose things they want from the bible without analyzing the big picture. Its mostly the older generation. Us, as the new generation, will get over racism and gender soon enough and focus on advancing as the human race. At least I hope this can be started. This is just my opinion.

Because not all Muslims are the same. And it sounds like you're arguing that we shouldn't respect their rights. And it seems like classic whataboutism when people bring arguments like this up.

You're welcome to rail against the religion all you want, but when you bring it up in this context it's not clear what your goals are.

(Meanwhile the Vice President advocates for gay conversion therapy.)

Why is this on a conspiracy sub?

I don't know about other liberals, but I am not pro Islam, I think it is a horrible religion. I also think Christianity can be equally horrid. You can debate which one is worse all day long, but what it comes down to is everyone should be able to worship however they want, they just shouldn't be able to tell me how to worship. At this moment in America there is only one religious group trying to tell others how to live their life, I do not want Christian law in America anymore than I want sharia law anywhere including here.

If you're looking for your views to be reinforced look up Milo Yianopoullis. Pretty sure he talks about this stuff.

The left only see what they want to see and only listen to people who think like them. Just listen to a CNN interview and you will get a sample.

As a general rule, I don't think it's the left that is denying your human rights, I'm prettttttty sure that's the right.


This right here is my problem with citizens aligning their political affiliation with their religious views. In my humble opinion, it's why I feel the GOP is REALLY irresponsible for building their platform on pro-life, prayer in school, anti-homosexual, etc values. When I ask someone why they vote Republican, and they say one of those values, and I inquire as to why, and they say because those things are against their religion, it frustrates me. I try reasoning with them and saying that there should be a separation of church and state, civil rights shouldn't involve religion beliefs but nothing makes sense to them. I've even tried saying things like, "Let's pretend this country was founded by Muslims, or the majority of the country was homosexual, would you feel ok being straight or a Christian and being chastised for it? Not only chastised, but treated like a lesser human being?" To which their only reply is, "Well, it's not like that". What the fuck? How is that an argument? The BEST thing the GOP ever did for themselves is tricking the masses that they somehow give a flying fuck about their religious values. This behavior and thought process has really affected my own personal views as a Christian and even swayed me from once being a fiscally conservative person to a very liberal minded individual. I just can't look past the ignorance. I still consider myself a Christian, but not at the detriment to another person's civil rights.

I'm glad someone is saying something. I find it ironic that these American SJW and feminists and shit are supporting muslims, but the very religion that they believe is anti-woman and anti-gay, I mean Jesus fucking Christ, this religion is fucking barbaric. And yes, Christianity is anti-gay too, while there are pro-gay Christians, except even that defies the laws of the Bible. This is why all religions are fucking stupid. You can't pick and choose what you want to believe. The Quran literally says that non-believers should be killed. Sorry for the rant. I believe everyone should have equal rights, and I believe in freedom of religion, but fuck off with barbaric murderous religion at the same time.

Historically there has been a lot of homophobia in the black community, for instance, but this is becoming much significant now as black people are becoming more educated and gaining better access to information, and our more inclusive society is becoming more open towards black and gay people. I think it would have been unfortunate if not morally wrong to attack black people in general for being homophobic or to say it's hypocritical to defend black human rights when so many of them are homophobic.

I think that unless we have an inclusive society and don't target people or discriminate against them based on their beliefs, then we can't expect them to change or listen to us. If we're attacking Islam and treating them as dangerous then we can't have an open and productive dialogue; we're enemies, and people don't listen to their enemies or people they feel threatened by.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Ah but in America hate racist discrimination but many are very similar to wedding contracts actually.

There's nothing to do with any religion. It's all about the people under its wing who are brought up in a way that they won't listen to reason and try to think about humanity for a second and terrorize in the name of justice ( they think they're right up to they're religion , though it's inhuman). It's not their fault , it's the fault of their upbringing. No one can blame them , but they're hostile to other humans. So it's bad for some people. After all , we all are bounded by a society that's created by man itself and each has their own rules and regulations , rights and wrongs . Let the next generation be good.

You have the right to be considered as ill and as a sinner. Take steps to try to heal.

Not to mention all the LGBT supporting Hillary, who was getting regular bribe payments from countries where they execute a bunch of gay people every day.

If you point this out you are anti-gay, though. But supporting people who murder gays? Not anti-gay. At least not when Hillary does it.

My good friend is gay.We have talked so much about this,he just does not see it or refuses to.

the fuck?

some muslim people are shitty

just like many christians want to do exactly the same things the muslims you're talking about

Stop being dense

I get where you are coming from, but I think allot of their resentment comes from them feeling like they are being judged unfairly. According to pew the various american Christian denominations go as low as 36% for answering "homosexuals should be accepted by society". What makes Muslims so much worse?

More importantly in that pew article there is clear proof that all us denominations have become more accepting of homosexuality, which fits in with nationwide trends. I don't think Muslims are so special that they won't also grow more tolerant on average on living here.

I don't think it's about protecting ones rights to be hateful. Actually it's about the opposite. It's saying if we want the right to have someone stand up for the respect of our lives, we better be ready to do that for other citizens.

More importantly, it's about not causing race wars and creating a panic and phobia towards an entire group of people.

The Christian religion also disapproves lgbt and we have Pence as prime example of a dangerous threat. But we protect Christians right to religion and don't place a religious ban on them in a country where we practice freedom of religion. We have the ability to say, there are some toxic Christians but many want to live their lives like you or me.

The fact is most people these days, regardless of their religion, are not dangerously anti gay, and when they are, we speak out. We fight for our freedom and we tell people we are not here to cause harm, and we won't stand for bull shit either. Not here.

WTF.... the left is the entire reason LGBTQ Americans have rights and aren't actively discriminated against and persecuted.

"The left" is a very strange way to misspell "the right".

If not for the left, the right would have your ass in conversion or jail or, at the very least, homeless because it'd be at to penalty discriminate against gays in the job market.

You don't know wtf you're talking about. When gays had injustice thrust upon them the left stood up for you and now midline are having injustice thrust upon them so the left is standing up for them.

Just because the left is busy at the moment helping muslims doesn't mean they stopped help you, don't be so damn selfish, you prissy little queen

The left is standing up for a belief system which, when used as the basis for a country's laws, punishes gays by death, and strips women of almost all of their rights. You can be a muslim and not be a piece of shit, but that doesn't change the fact that Islam as a system of belief is nothing but a stain on the society liberals want.

Not all muslims are radicals. There's over a billion of them and 99% don't give two shits how people live their lives.

you can be a Muslim without being a piece of shit

Regardless, the original point is that no one o the left has stopped standing up for OP so I don't know WTF he's crying about or why he's bashing those who have helped him instead of the right who have constantly and repeatedly attempted to oppress him at every opportunity.

OP is whining because the same people fighting for him also appear to him to be fighting for people that want him jailed/dead. Like you said 99% of those people dont give a shit, but they come from a place where the political and religious leaders are unwaveringly violent about the issue, and i think thats a valid cause for his concern.

And like I told, none of the people the left is fighting for want OP dead.

End of discussion

Here is the long and short of it:

Everyone wants the best advantages, and is using victimhood and moral rationalization to try and ensure they have the upper hand at all times.

I feel like most* of the Muslims who WANT to come to America are those who seek liberty and freedom, just like all of us, and see people's sexual life under that dominion

i work in one of the most diverse schools in the country. everyone, gay (lgbt), muslim, christians, etc. seem to find common ground and not turn into stereotypical (bad) versions of themselves.

as far as your survey goes. you'd probably get the same result if you polled far right christians as well. im not a fan of religion in general myself, especially exposing children to them. it's so easy to be blinded by rage, bias, etc.

muslims have lived peacefully in this country for many, many, years. they have flaws as any other religious group that's out there. i think with social media giving us direct access to many many viewpoints we're just starting to see people not like us as humans too.

What the hell, man? Respecting their human rights doesn't mean condoning every single aspect of their culture. It never has. It means respecting their human rights. How did you get so deluded?

Keep doing your thing. The ones who are like this aren't worth your time.

As a conservative leaning libertarian, I support gay rights and think that what you do is nobody's business but your own. I will vote in favor of gay rights every time. One disagreement I have, and it doesn't even really relate to homosexuality, is the gender/sex not being the same thing. I believe there are only two of each. Male or Female. These are just my beliefs. I'm no scientist so I could also be wrong.

You may feel alone because of your homosexual stature, but I can assure you that a lot of individuals including myself wouldn't let the homosexual community be persecuted. Your rights are just as valid as anyone else's.

Because of the golden rule. If you wish for them to respect you and treat you as equal, you should do the same.

This has nothing to do with conspiracies. Make me a mod of this shit hole and I will bring this sub back to proper form.

What's up dude? Is this just internet strangers or someone(s) in your life being asshats?

"As a gay person" you should hit closer home with your friendly republican Christians doing anything they can to criminalize being gay.
Then, you can worry about what the hey they want somewhere else.

While I agree the left is often pretty tone-deaf when it comes to the issue, it should be noted that the muslims in the US asking for respect of their human rights usually also support yours. Not all Muslims are speaking with the same voice.

The gays had their time and now it's time for Islam to be the next fad. Sharia law for the infidel guy coming this fall to Bravo

Dyu ever consider you're brainwashed? The issue of homosexuality for many is a moral issue. Many people like myself think that this practice is morally wrong. This however doesn't mean I wish harm or would in any way want to harm someone who practices this. I'm sure plenty of Muslims are the same. People in the west are brainwashed into thinking all Muslims are extreme about everything and they are a constant threat. Of course they're not.

check out milo lol

This has nothing to do with a 'conspiracy' and is further proof that this is sub is now the_donald jr.

Socialist/liberal/progressives want to use your brand to further their cause but don't give two shits about you. Case closed. They do the same thing with black people and women.

The flavor of the week for SJWs.

Religion is a tool of control and homosexuals often don't conform to the usefulness of said tool. The left are full of contradictions but they will deny them all

They are brainwashed. Today´s society is a Verga novel actualized. Everything abhorrent and hideously shameful is accepted and tolerated in honour of ´diversity´, and all that should be common sense is frowned upon, often criminalized. Welcome to the New World Order.

Everyone is so divided right now thanks to the pure stupidity of both political parties mixed with the constant propaganda brought to you from David Brock. Everyone thinks that everyone else is a brainwashed idiot and it's gotten to the point where you can't have any political discussion with someone that doesn't agree with you because the amount of lies and "fake news" they will throw at you.

Honestly surprising to see a more intellectual conversation about politics here than on politics

The mass medias fault..I hate them so much

I wonder how the children that are raped and forced to marry their child rapist Muslim slave owner feel about it. It's perfectly on the Imam said Mohammad did it.

which muslims?

It's pretty simple. The left is against banning homosexuality and against banning Islam. Some Muslims, like some Jews, Christians, or even Atheists, are for banning homosexuality. The Liberal point of view is that the answer to "is X allowed?" should always be "yes", unless there's a very good reason not to allow it, and as long as you're not restricting other people by allowing X. So according to the left, people should be free to practice Islam or homosexuality or whatever else they want.

Muslims who want to ban homosexuality should be dealt with by the same way Christians who want to ban homosexuality should be dealt with - ignored, unless they're violent, and then jailed. Democracy is about having different populations with conflicting views living together successfully.

My view is that trying to solve the problem of one in a million being violent by treating all Muslims as potential terrorists can only worsen the situation. Not only will it will create most extremism with Muslim society, it will also make the country less free and open-minded, inhibiting the gradual process of moderation throughout society, Muslim or otherwise. The Western society has come a long way with its views towards gay people, and it wasn't done by counting on a very anti-gay vice president to select who's allowed in and who isn't, but instead by working on acceptance as a value in society - which most Trump supporters see as a negative thing.

I'm sorry you're being shouted down. On the Internet, usually the person with the most radical opinions will be heard the loudest. I wish the left would be able to acknowledge in a more pronounced way where the right-wing opinion is not wrong, and that mostly the left is trying to solve the same problems in different ways.

In my opinion, they are. And there are two main components of it in my mind.

  1. Multiculturalism is inherently postmodernist. By saying that every thought and belief has the same value, we're also saying that they have no value. This is a dangerous belief because there are cultures where child rape or genital mutilation are okay. Those aren't okay to me and most people would agree. People seem to have forgotten that your rights end where mine begin and that applies to everything.

  2. Identity politics and the pity party. You are a marginalized person, being gay. But a Muslim person just had his house blown up. They're going through a harder time so their culture is given a lot more free passes than you. Even if that includes hate crimes against gay people or women or whatever.

Where we once had a country of people mixing cultures, we now have barriers around cultures. Until gay people are higher on the pity scale, society will say it's okay for Muslims to hate them.

Are you white?

Yeah that's the problem.

You answered your own question. they're brainwashed.

they are leftist, you can't reason with them.

While I do think you have a valid point, I do not think that we should ban/limit entry to our country by a specific group due to views they share that are different from our own.

Especially when that view is dwindling in their culture.

There are plenty of christians who refuse to acknowledge your rights as a homosexual, but they can come and go as they please. Why should it be different for Muslims?

I don't know! I'm in the same boat. Its pretty scary. I don't understand why the most conservative culture in the world is being imported

There's definitely hypocrisy there, but hypocrites deserve human rights the same as anybody else does. Human rights are not zero-sum. We can and should live in a world where your rights are respected just as much as those of the people who hate you. It is sad that certain groups get overlooked in this matter and other groups get away with a lot of shit, but that doesn't change my ideals.

Your varying stance does not support theirs, therefore you are Literally Hitler™.

Do you have oil reserves? yes / no

Will the establishment respect your rights, even nominally? See above

The point is, in order to be a good person you have to respect everyone's human rights. Even bad people's human rights. Even people who don't respect other's rights. That's what makes them a bad person. We all have human rights whether we deserve them or not.

When is the enemy of the world's population because 40% of them don't support gay rights and the left with the Muslim world right now.

You want to understand? Go talk to the people you're trying to understand, instead of conversing in an echochamber. Of course you're never gonna get why the other side is doing something when you only ask your friends why

In 2009 40% of Americans thought gay relationships should be illegal. And I'm sure the amount of Christian Americans who still want to criminalize homosexuality today is the very close to the statistic you've posted. I support human rights for people regardless of religion, sexual orientation, etc. but also adamantly oppose religious interference in government. I don't think religious principles have any place in our laws, and that includes Islamic ones.

Don't become what you hate. Its a slippery slope, down.

I assume there is a decent cross section of liberals who feel the same as you do. That being said, there's the belief that they can't do anything wrong since they represent a minority and are therefore discriminated against. It's stupid, but it's just the political reality we're dealing with here

The democrats believe the best way to build acceptance is through integration. As mentioned earlier, when another commenter who visited Malaysia was outed, the muslims in the area saw that gays were not the devils they were told to fear and accepted him. It's easy to be told by IS that gays are the bane of existence and they should all die. But once you live with them and have a couple as friends, they see you as just another person and you see them as just another person.

As for the fear element, there hasn't been a single hate crime committed by a refugee in America by a Muslim refugee. There have been dozens of anti gay hate crimes committed by citizens. Why would people who risked their lives (and their family's livres) to flee religious oppression throw that all away in the name of religious oppression?

Don't let the alt right scare you. All those things they say about the Muslims they say about you. The refugees are just as human as you are.

What you just described is called integration. We are for that. An alarming amount of Muslim immigrants are not. This is why we want to vet people coming in. To make sure they are enthusiastic about American integration. This is for the benefit of conservatives but especially for liberals.

Your group is no longer a politically useful tool. Simple as that.

Gay marriage was illegal in the US until a couple of years ago. Not even ten. I find it funny how people right away turned towards other countries to insult them, flaunting their progressive values of acceptance. It's like if we're doing it, it's okay, but if we're not than you're a barbarian stuck in the past for doing something we don't. Not saying I agree with it-- I certainly don't. But this has less to do with standing up for values than it does ostrasizing people who are different. America is still full of people against gay marriage, in fact there are rumors the current administration is about to roll out some anti-lgbt legislation and here we are talking about a hypothetical Muslim these based on polls. When it comes to the election, the polls were all wrong, but when it comes to Muslims clearly the polls are 100% accurate and representative of reality

It doesn't matter what they want, it's not going to happen.

What is going to happen by demonising Islam is an idea of the clash of civilizations... or rather a continuation of this idea - as it began with the Bush administration's neo-conservative, neo-straussian idealism.

In brief the idea that in order to create a cohesive society, you need an outside enemy to fight.

They are setting up Islam as that enemy, and the victims of this policy are reacting in kind, because who wouldn't.

What you are saying, may or may not be true - that 40% wants to criminalize homosexuality, but it doesn't matter because it will NEVER happen in the west. It may happen in their home countries, but fuck them, who cares what happens in their home countries at their own hand, as long as we aren't responsible they can suffer for their own idiocy.

There's nothing you can do about people's opinions here, be they religious or secular, other than to use the tools provided in this free nation, freedom of speech. Anything else is an a front to their religious freedom. You can turn around and say "They are infringing my freedom to be gay!" but quite frankly they aren't. They have opinions, but they are opinions that will NEVER be implemented in this society because its an anathema to what we stand for. It isn't illegal to want homosexuality to be illegal. It isn't illegal to hate homosexuals, homosexuality or religion or religious people. It is illegal to act in a violent manner on that hatred and you can use whatever influence you have to try and make those things legal... but its never going to happen - because it runs contrary to the very foundations of what this nation stands for.

There is the increasing dangerous trend in the conspiracy community of anti-islamism. Falling right into the hands of the very plans those we deem "the powers that be" wanted us to act on 15 years ago.

It's all fear. Its all hyperboly. You wanna know why there is a global jihad? You wanna know why there is an Islamic threat where there wasnt before?

Its our actions.

Go look at a list of terror attacks in Wikipedia and see the frequency spike to ludicrous levels AFTER our occupation of Iraq began. Look at testimony from top intelligence members in the UK and US including members of parliament in the UK - Al-Qaeda didn't exist. It was a phantom created out of thin air for us to fight and we actually created an enemy with the terrible things we've done in the name of fighting this phantom. Torture, holding people without trial, mass murder, indiscriminate killings, funding lunatics, sparking sectarian conflict.

Its no different than every time I hear someone talk about the dangers of Sharia law in the west. THERE IS NO FUCKING DANGER. The only real danger is the panic fomented by hyperbolic morons who I honestly believe want to see a conflict.

You are gay. You are free to be gay and people are free to hate your homosexuality and free to hate you for it. As long as they don't threaten you or hurt you physically - its all gravy. It may not be the best tasting gravy, but its edible and we all get to eat it.

You wanna change their minds? Use the tools this nation provides you to change their minds.

From my understanding there are a lot of bisexual men over there. I was told by someone who spent years in Iraq and Afghanistan that they learned that men only have sex with women to procreate but if it's for pleasure men have sex with other men.

That sounds pretty gay.

That's what i was thinking.

muslims have more oppression points therefore defending them give you more virtue points

Gay people are lucky they get to fuck butts. No one ever talks about that. Q Do you know how hard it is to fuck a girls ass? A pretty hard.

Straight lives matter.

Lol. Quality response.

Because you're attributing a characteristic from some people (muslims who demand their rights), applying it to all (all muslims), and then mixing in different ones (call them more extreme muslims) but still attributing them all to be the same.

Put differently: the ones demanding basic human rights are not likely the same ones demanding fewer rights for gays. There might be some overlap but I think these are a very small minority (but also the most discussed because we love to point out hypocrites and make an example).

Put yet another way: they don't all think the same anymore than you think the same as Joe-Bob in Alabama or Tim from the accounting department.


High time for the gays to stand up for themselves, stop expecting everyone to care about you problems. We have our own shit to deal with without having to hear the queers crying about their shit all day.

The hypocracy of politics buddy

We've entered strange times. The name of the game is guilt and temper tantrums. Honestly in this situation you could use Muslim interchangeably with any minority group, and the narrative stays the same. I'm gonna throw a tantrum because you won't respect me, and because you don't agree, your opinion isn't valid. I don't know that the way we're treating the Muslims is really OK, either, but I'm fundamentally unable to understand racism. It really doesn't make sense to me. I feel the same about all isms, really. This is just the current hot button. Also, fearing the I influx of refugees doesn't make you racist. It's human nature to be afraid of what we don't know. Im just afraid we're going to have another manzanar if we don't pump the breaks a bit. That can't happen. That would effectively make us the modern equivalent of nazi Germany. But the fear is what keeps us docile.

I appreciate that you mentioned being gay. I feel like the gay community is under fire from almost every direction right now . This rise in trans activism is, somewhat surprisingly, rather exclusive of the gay community. It's as if it's no longer in Vogue to know yourself. I especially feel for the lesbian community. Where I'm from, there's no such thing as a lesbian with a penis. Yet the charge is being led by an xy "lesbian" with a penis. We have so many distractions right now, and I feel as though that is being leveraged by anybody with the presence of mind to notice.

Somewhere we started worrying less about the greater good, and more about the feelings of individuals. Again, use Muslim interchangeably with any minority group and the it's the same story. I fear we've fallen into a state where standing up for yourself isn't accepted. We need to be able to voice our opinions. I don't agree with intellectual "safe spaces" either. Burying our heads in the sand is how we got here. Everything is starting to feel a little too Orwellian to me. Less trigger warnings and more speaking out seems in order.

I have a feeling some people aren't going to appreciate my opinion. If it gets your gears turning, good. I'm not trying to make friends. I'm done worrying about offending the intersectionals. I really feel like oppression can't be how we deal with oppression, and by invalidating the opinions of other groups, that's pretty much what's up. I'm a pro lgbt heterosexual cisgender male. That pretty much makes me the enemy, and I understand that. I'm also an American citizen with a first amendment right. The left doesn't see the hypocrisy because everything about the left is hypocritical. Definitions get bent to better serve their narrative. They've legitimately vilified the white American male ad nauseam. Look at people like gazi (or black hitler as he's more commonly known). There is absolutely no reason we should be celebrating people like him. He's peddling hate, and somehow gathered a large audience. We need to stop living in fear. If you feel a certain way about something, but choose not to act, you're not really advancing your struggle. I'm not going to go so far as to say you're hurting it. That would be fear mongering.

Yeah, this is unfortunate. :( But perhaps this is an opportunity to change their perception?

Because the left never cared about you. You were a means to an end, to virtue signal.

There's the truth of it.

The same reason Scientologists think they are the only good people in the world while watching their leaders beat someone for looking at them the wrong way

Since when is the left anti-gay?

Here is Peter Tatchell, longtime and well-known British gay rights campaigner now affiliated with the Green Party, previously with Labour, doing exactly that... http://www.petertatchell.net/religion/qaradawi.htm

Trump hates gays because he wants to kick out people who want to throw their gay cousins from rooftops to their death and castrate and behead them!!

Many Christian westerners, especially in the US, wouldn't mind criminalizing being gay, or having gay sex. They certainly don't want gays to have equal rights. I'd say there are far more white christians in the US that feel that way than there are Muslims in the US that feel that way. So where's the outrage make the most sense?

You know how the far right hate people for no reason? This is like that, except you arbitrarily respect people despite their hateful views.

The left only cares about gays when it's election year. Same with blacks. Muslims are now at the top of the progressive stack. They matter more than gays now. Remember Orlando? They chose Muslims over gays. Never forget that.

Why is this on /r/conspiracy?

Too much fluoride in the water.

Until we attack all religions - no matter what flavor or schism - people are going to be able to hide behind religious bullshit.

I wish, the media in Quebec where I'm from shares the same headlines as CNN pretty much. Can't wait for people to realise all the bullshit..

This is perfect. Apparently if you like freedom with very specific exceptions your wrong to both sides. I never understood how a political belief became an insult. If your not a conservative they try to insult you and call you a liberal, and vice versa. Totally a mind fuck to me. Smh it's almost disgraceful to be American anymore. Not even Americans have respect for other americans

Just want to point out here that there are plenty of Christians in the United States and abroad that also want to criminalize homosexuality. Same for some orthodox jewish groups. Shoot, there was that one orthodox dude who committed a knife attack at a Pride Parade in Israel.

That's not to excuse muslim homophobic minds, but this is NOT islam exclusive.

as a heterosexual guy, i still understand what you're going through. Yes, they are brainwashed - or more like, they've been conditioned to think in a certain way a priori, which makes them very exclusive and limited, even if they have a potential to see/understand more.

You should watch videos of Milo yiannopoulos, he addresses these very issues and paradoxes. On youtube, look up Milo and islam.

Yes, this calls to mind what Zizek had to say about the situation in Europe (around the 21min mark in this interview http://zero-books.net/blogs/zero/zero-squared-95-zizek-and-the-double-blackmail/) about what he calls the level of madness out of the extreme right, that there really is no difference between the Muslims and Jews, that there really is a Zionist conspiracy behind it all (headed by Soros to name but one scapegoat) to polarize the people; so that a surveillance mega-state can be justified. Just like how America's interventionism overseas has generated sectarian conflicts (with ISIL, watch this https://vimeo.com/26718047) to spike proxy wars, and buff their corporate cronies in the Military Industrial Complex. I am not at all surprised that these psychotic tactics are now being used more openly at home to spark even more civil unrest, that could lead to an even bigger Hitler than Trump, whenever "they" (I'm not American, nor follow any specific conspiracy theory, just see it as an inevitable/central truth, or in more Hegelian terms; the synthesis to the whole left vs right dialectic) decide to take him out.

These same people shout down Christians because it's trendy to hate Christians in liberal America, but not yet trendy to hate on Muslims because they aren't part of the dominant power structure.

In a true leftist resistance, organized religion of all kinds would be supported and opposed on its merits, regardless of what it is called, who practices it, etc. Unfortunately, there is no real left in the United States, and the gap is mostly inhabited by special-interest-lead social movements that have no real end goal outside of fundraising.

Generalizations are tough because I know a Muslim Palestinian family with a gay son. He's a cool guy. Pretty sure he's still Muslim but I don't know how much he practices.

Religion poisons everything.

Liberals are some of the most hypocritical, self-righteous, angry and incorrigible people you'll find.

I always laugh at one of the meme's about them that goes:

Liberals: "You can't have an opinion about this without a vagina" Also liberals: "You can be a woman without a vagina"

Why do you assume that everyone on the left thinks this way?

In my (left) openion, no one should be persecuted based solely on what they think or believe, but on the actions they take. They may not like that your gay, they may actually hate you for it, but so long as they know that they can't act on their feelings or personal beliefs in any way that infringes on your rights then it's all good.

Should they hate you? No. Absolutely not, but regardless of that people hate people, and some do it for a lot of really stupid reasons that don't make sense to anyone else.

Citizenship classes should address this, immaginants form to this country for a number of reasons, but something they have to learn and accept that we as Americans are made up of every type of person imaginable, and we pride ourselves on a person's freedom to pursue whatever kind of life that makes them the most happy. The cost of that idea is that we each must make the small sacrifice of understanding that how we choose to live our lives is not how others chose to live theirs.

The fundamentalist Muslim has many beliefs I do not support, but as long as it is not in violation of any laws (why anti descrimination laws are very important) then they can live life however they see fit

Because they want us all to die

But what if you want to die?

I'm a Muslim and in my faith, homosexuality is forbidden... FOR MUSLIMS!!! Another person has no right to tell you who or who not to be attracted to. I might believe homosexuality is forbidden but that does not give me the right to go around and tell homosexuals not to be homosexual. I honestly have no issue against gay people because at the end of the day, your life is just that... Yours.

What the hell is happening to this sub? Real nice conspiracy you have dude.

Why the fuck is this in r/conspiracy?

I won't pretend to represent left or right, but I want to try to represent me fairly, so you might see there are people like me.

I want to respect the rights of gay people, as well as a variety of other lifestyles that are different than mine and are clearly not harmful. That is important to me because I have family that has a variety of lifestyles whom I love and want to protect, and I am not someone who feels only one lifestyle is correct.

I also was married to someone who has Muslims in their family, and I met a lot of very good people that I still love and want to protect. I don't know how many Muslims you have met, but they are quite the varied crowd. In Turkey, some of this extended family were a part of the Women's Rights movement of the 70's (when American women were fighting for the ERA - late second wave feminism). Others from Lebanon ran nightclubs where many lifestyles were welcomed.

Turkey had Ataturk, though, and many of their people were quite socially liberal before the regional disruptions. Lebanon had been a very international city before the bombings. Iran... you know, they still have a pretty active punk scene. I met in college a doctor from Iran who loved rock and roll and felt she had to leave because of the fundamentalisation that had been reaching even into the cities.

So I've seen a lot of Muslim people in my life. And loved ones have travelled and worked around the world and shared their own. I think some of the ideas about how "all of them" are - I think they're often overgeneralizations.

Sure, like with white Americans, the further you get from a Metropolitan area, the more regressive their ideas can be. But there are many Muslims who are progressing with the rest of humanity in tolerance - many who specifically come to America because that is the place that best represents their thoughts.

If you go into making change having an honest view, and you seek out the rural areas and look to teach tolerance and acceptance, I doubt anyone would have any problems outside the residents themselves. That is a good effort, and I certainly support it. But if you come into an interaction abusing a Muslim for the sins of their fellow Muslims, if you fail to recognise the spectrum of thought, if you are abusive for something they never did, or you generalize your abuse to the innocent, then you are wrong. And I will stand up and defend against that bigotry.

So I guess it's how you use your voice.

Cause the left is centrist and the right is facist.

Both sides are guilty of this. There is no room for middle of the road people. you either tow the party lie all the way or you're a cuck or Nazi.

What's happening?

It's like they're brainwashed

You answered your own question.

Liberals, hippies, progressives are angry silly people. Anytime I mention that muslim countries do not tolerate homeosexuals whatsoever, I am called a bigot. I'm not sure why liberals even think importing hundreds of thousands of muslims is a good idea, it's not. Muslims invade countries and destroy them, history doesn't lie.

Same with women. Do they seriously not know how women are treated in a lot of these countries?? It truly baffles me. Hey, at least we get to watch the show.

Islam is the Perfect Trojan horse for an authoritarian take over.

Submit to your inevitable fate

"the religion of peace" awaits infidels

Would you like to know why? Religion. Plain and simple. Religion and religious beliefs are a very dangerous form of cancer. The ONLY reason people on this earth fight, is religion. Fuck them, if they dont accept you then tell them to go fuck themselves. God is not real. There are No gods. The sooner people "get" that. The sooner people will finally say "hey, icwas wrong, live life the way you want to".

Seriously though, you are the only one in your head. You put yourself to sleep at night. You and only you. Do what makes you happy. Don't lie, don't cheat and don't screw anyone over.

One of the most liberal Muslim countries in the world has not allowed a new Christian Church to be built there in over 100 years. One was approved a few years ago, but that has been stopped in its tracks.

In many Muslim countries, Women's testimony in court is discounted by 50%. In many they cannot drive. When visitors come over, the women often enter the house through the back door, men through the front. Women and men seldom if ever socialize in the same room. Gays are killed or driven out of the country. Need I go on.

In the left, victimhood has become currency. It doesn't matter if the victims also create other victims. A gay or Trans Muslim would be a God to the left.

They are brainwashed.

It's not hypocrisy to want to do the right thing even when others don't. And calling people "brainwashed" because they do not agree with you is extremely insulting.

It's the cult of Globalism. All things American are bad (people, ideas, economy), and all things overseas are good. We have people in Michigan without clean water to drink, but CA sold 27,000,000 gallons of water to Nestle for 527 dollars (all the while CA was suffering from drought). The left (and the democratic party) was ONCE about the sanctity of human rights, but now they support those who believe in honor killings and turn their back on the LGBT community at home. What is so alarming is that they have YET to take responsibility for their political (and popular) fall from grace, and are doubling down on their crazy. What does it say when the REPUBLICAN party is the SANER of the two parties in this country.

It isn't xenophobic, in today's world, to want to look to America First, especially when you look at how the rest of the world looks at Americans (especially our women and LGBT community).

Muslims don't believe in human rights. The ones I know in Canada who are tolerant are the ones who are non practicing. The practicing ones would rather murder their children than have them live a happy life with Nonmuslim spouse. They would rather judge a man to death for homosexuality or apostacy than let life be. a great number of muslims and Jews are cruel people and the reason is their doctrines of life are barbaric and evil. Saudi arabia is the nation living by full muslim law is the sickest place on earth.

It's the regressive left, who are currently the loudest progressives (and the most incoherent). Many of the left can be objective and agree with you. They are not the majority. Islam and all religions should be criticized when they try to force their beliefs on others and if they try to proselytize their beliefs to others. Islam and Christianity being the most inflammatory in this respect. If you are unfamiliar with Sam Harris' podcast waking up, I'd recommend it you'll find many a progressive but objective friend there. R/samharris

Two things:

One, Muslims are not a monolithic group. Just like Christians, there are liberal, moderate, and fundamentalist Muslims. And, just like Christians, it seems like the loudest and most heard voices are the ones spewing the most hateful and repugnant shit.

Two, human rights are NOT a tit-for-tat situation. We aren't children shouting "but THEY STARTED IT." No. If you believe in human rights, then you belive it is a standard which everyone is entitled to. Even prisoners, even your enemies on the battlefield, even people who don't share your opinion on humans having human rights. Human rights are not a reward for good behavior. They are basic minimum moral standard. Either they apply to all humans or they aren't human rights. Yes, it's hard to restrain yourself in dealing respectfully with those who would not respect you. It feels unfair. But right and fair aren't the same.

They are like children throwing tantrums and the left are the horrible parents that enable that kind of behavior for the sake of not being called a racist.

Redditors are generally morons with a herd mentality, they go in the same direction the herd goes.

Hate how this sub is turning into /politics. There are plenty of subs for this stuff. I like to come here for conspiracies! Imagine that....

Not everything needs to be politics people.

Rant: as a gay person, I can't understand why the left don't see the hypocrisy of muslims demanding we respect their human rights but they refuse to respect mine. When I raise this I'm shouted down. It's like they are brainwashed. What's happening?

Because, like any other value, there is no sense for a principle/ethic value which only holds up if others believe the same. Either you accept and uphold the principle of basic human rights or you don't - regardless of other peoples beliefs.

they are brainwashed

Ego defense. The emotions are high, too much ego is at stake.

Every time somebody shouts you down, it means the thought triggers the pain circuits in their brain. They can't stand hearing the hurtful idea.

There's a difference between wanting and advocating for something and actually effecting that change.

They don't rely on base principles so they apply different rules to different people. Moral relativism. They have no integrity.

Most of America is sadly not aware that there exist liberal and conservative versions of Islam analogous to versions of Christianity and any other faith while we're at it. Far right Muslims don't want to come to the US, the furthest right ones want to destroy it-- hence our predicament.

Reddit tribalism

Because it seems that an extreme minority of people on the planet abide by "live and let live", and allowing people to believe and do whatever the hell they want as long as it doesn't harm others.

It's a tough road. I'm a leftist that doesn't follow the chosen narratives. I'm not naive about the threat of radical Islam and I do believe it's a global problem that needs to be solved.

Just be careful not to paint people with too broad a brush. There are many leftists that feel the same way we do. Seeing people in terms of black and white, instead of the myriad shades of gray is exactly what TPTB want. They can paint every single Trump supporter as a xenophobe or everyone that supported Clinton or Sanders as radical Islam apologists. These broad strokes are not only incorrect, they're diminishing actual discourse and education.

Everybody knows "not all Muslims" and that crap is getting tiresome. The problem is there is a tipping point, when a population reaches it, the culture changes, the politics change, the laws change, the schools change, the stores change — and there is very little chance of going back.

And the number is not very large at all. Cities in the UK with just 8% Muslim look like downtown Mecca. And their jails and prisons are overwhelmingly Muslim.

Muslims have a history of complaining they are oppressed when they are the minority, then overtaking the country to the exclusion of (nearly) all others when they are the majority. And look at how countries devolve when that happens. Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iran, and so on.

Just listen to them. They are very clear in their intention to take over Western culture, to convert or kill the infidels, and have little regard for our ways except to exploit them. We The left are the ones making excuses as if they are only reacting to the oppression we impose. Everywhere in the world? Even in Muslim countries there is sky-high crime and religious strife. Why aren't they resettling there? Why must they come here? If they are such a positive influence on the economy, we should encourage them to go to those countries who need that most, no?

So when people whine that the Muslim they know is a good person who just wants a better life, they should remember the tipping point.

Did you mean to respond to me? I'm not sure how what you said pertains to what I posted.

not to paint people with too broad a brush

Yes, statements like that, variations of "not all X"

Of course they are individuals. Pretty simplistic thinking. However, we're not talking about importing one guy who smiles a lot and seems pretty nice. We're talking about hundreds of thousands or more. Well beyond the tipping point. Think in terms of that.

I'm not naïve about radical Islam and I didn't even mention that. I'm talking about thinking that everyone on the left is a Muslim apologist and everyone on the right are racist xenophobes. That's a carefully scripted narrative that prevents discourse in tackling this real issue.

I think this Is what happened to the Cognitive Dissonance Disco.

Muslims are mostly pro life but the Republicans haven't really picked up on that.

If you believe in human rights, then you also believe that they should never be denied to a person. And this includes not denying the human rights of others because of their beliefs. Human rights are not granted to those of a particular ideology, they are granted to humans because they are humans.

Applied to another topic: I can't understand why the left don't see the hypocrisy of refusing to torturing terrorists when they don't respect our right to not be tortured?

In your case: if you think you have the right to deny some one else's rights, then you must not think those very rights you are upset about are truly inalienable. And at that point, why do you have a right to them at all?

Not deny them rights but equally not advocate for them if they don't advocate for mine. Think that's fair. Also, Muslim immigrants should be required to sign up to the bill of rights. Just like westerners have to abide by Saudi law if we live in Saudi Arabia.

The left? Really?

This is called cognitive dissonance, they try to hold two conflicting "truths" in their mind which causes subconscious stress which manifest themselves into anger towards you because you bring it to their conscious.

No they're not brainwashed they're just muslim.

The zionist agenda wants muslims as radicalized as possible. It suits the zionists to have islam as the enemy of the west. Muslims rightfully take issue with israel. Since "the enemy of my enemy is my friend", zionism needs the west to be at war with islam, so we'll back their racist little project. As long as this continues muslims will tend to hate gays. Just be aware this is the reason for the current situation.


Maybe this is a stupid question, but, wouldn't homosexual behavior be selected against, given Darwinian objectives of propagating one's genes? I'm guessing I misunderstand the science, but that's something that always seemed to jump out at me.

Not sure how that has to do with human rights but you are correct, it takes straight people to makes gay people.

I brought this up the other day. Same thing for women. In many middle eastern cultures, women have zero rights, are blamed if they get raped...but I should respect them?

its alright, as soon as i legalize psychedelics their brains will be washed from the dirt of their cultures. and that goes for all of them, christians, jews, muslims, mormons, alt right, regressive left

Honestly though you're free to be gay, but it doesn't mean every body has to like it. If someone doesn't like gay people, then don't associate with them. We should all respect each other the same regardless of what groups or ideologies we adhere to. If a Muslim doesn't like gay people, respect that and move on with your life. As long as they are not impeding on your right to be happy there is no problem. Fortunately for the gays this country was established on the premise that religious creed will never dictate the law. Again this is a non issue. Everyone is free to establish their own beliefs and opinions. I'm pretty sure most religions do not condone homosexuality, not just Muslims. You kind of sound like a drama queen making an issue out of nothing for attention. Oh look at me I'm so oppressed because a religion doesn't accept my lifestyle. Malarkey I tell you.

I'm from the uk. In Manchester we have Muslim immigrants assaulting British women for not wearing the hijab, attacking gay people as they leave clubs and declaring Shariah law zones . They tend not to mix but balkanise. It's not made up. It's happening now. All for respect but it has to be mutual.

The problem with liberalism is the respect is only paid from the actual victim to the perpetrator.

They believe that they are right and you are wrong.

It's the old joke about a man saying that gays should be punished, and women should keep their mouths shut and stay in the kitchen. A woman replies that what he said is disgusting, and he must be a Republican. The man says "no, I am a Muslim and these are my religious beliefs". She then says "Oh, I'm so sorry, I certainly respect your religious beliefs. I hope you don't think I'm an Islamophobe. Welcome to America."

Is this an old joke from 2015?

thanks I needed someone to say this

The left respects LGBT rights. There is no denying that.

There are over a billion muslims and maybe 211 million gay people.

The loudest voices will always shout down the minority.


That's why we have the Bill of Rights and the Constitution.

Why can't we respect the rights of Muslims and LGBT people. Why does it have to be one or the other? You said not all Muslims hate gay people yet you are claiming if we respect their rights it's not possible to respect your rights.

You want the real blunt honest non-PC truth?

Because the LBGT community is a very very very small percentage of the population and has worn out it's use to the DNC. They got your vote already.

Muslims on the other hand are a much bigger voting block and after losing their asses in the last election the DNC needs to sucker in a whole new bigger group of minorities to use.

nailed it

Where's the conspiracy???

How do you think the gay Muslims think?!

Simply the disease called cognitive dissonance. It always strikes no matter if your liberal or conservative when it threatens their ideology.

I don't personally hear many Muslims demanding their human rights be respected. I hear that from western friends.

Hiding behind religious freedom.

My theory is toxoplasma gondii.

There were not this many mentally ill people when I was young.

I pay attention, and always have.

I blame toxoplasma gondii, and cat memes. There. I said it.

this did NOT get 5500 upvotes organically...

I was as surprised as you are.

It's not just a minority of radicals when 77 countries ban homosexuality is illegal, most of which are Muslim. The religion is an intolerant and oppressive political movement and it's ok to say so.

Is it a tiny radical minority? There's over a billion Muslims in the wold today. It is estimated that roughly 10-15 percent of them are radical. Hell, we can go even lower and set the percentage at 5 percent. Do the fucking math.

I'm feeling bad. I didn't expect this post to blow up. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.

The concerning part is, based on surveys, it's not a tiny minority, it's halfish, give or take.

I know that not all muslims believe this. Some respect others human rights but surveys show some western muslims (and it's in the 40% range) want to criminalise being gay.

We are not criminalizing being gay. We criminalize act's of homosexuality.

Just like its illegal to kill people but its not illegal to have feelings of killing people.

Relating homosexuality to murder is nonsensical. You think that it's passable because religion tells you that all sin is equal. So let's look past all of the gay people that live in peace with their neighbors and their consenting adult partners whilst causing no harm to anyone because a book tells you buttsex is against God.

Well they are both crimes in most religions so you can compare them from that perspective.

Without religion there really is no right and wrong so that would make homosexuality and murder even more similar because without religion the argument that makes homosexuality ok is the same argument that could be used to make murder ok.

"Without religion there really is no right or wrong"

Incorrect, and there's no debate to be had if you aren't willing to understand that. It's a small-minded way of thinking. Broaden your perspective if you want to have serious discussions.

You deal with a lot of Muslims treating you like shit for being gay? Or you just angry?

The conspiracy movement was supposed to be a neutral political movement, or that's how you right wingers pretended to be during the Bush years, when your side was being vastly worst than Obama.

You don't own empiricism or critical thinking. In fact with all your alliances with evangelical Christians and the KKK, I don't see a hell of a lot of critical thinking on your side.

So suck it up. Your side has been given the reigns, and Trump is the best you can do. So the conspiracy movement will now skew left.

Just a heads up, our side fights with empiricism and reality, not fake outrages, so you're about to get hit political with some heavy weight punches. It's not right wing kindergarden slap fights anymore people.

To me, it's about showing that we're the better people here. If you're for gay rights, awesome. If not, we'll accept you anyway. Eventually, their toxic ideals will die out when the new generation understands that we all want the same things, for people to respect us regardless of religion, gender, sexual orientation, or race.

Also, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with Islam as a religion, the toxicity I referred to was specifically about their attitudes towards gay people and women.

This continues to be somewhat of an issue within the gay community with people who only consider their identity through their sexuality "As a gay person". It's rather self centred.

If I were honest (I imagine a lot would be inclined to agree) religion (regardless of Christianity or Islam etc) has no place in my personal life and organised religion should not be state affiliated in this time of flourishing secularisation. However, I understand that everyone is entitled to their own free thinking as long as this does not impede on another or society in general.

Regardless of religious belief (therefore behaviour) or sexuality (therefore behaviour) a person remains human (this also extends to criminals) because the most important fact (FACT) is that we are all human.

So no, its totally understandable that you fail to understand as a "gay person" the same as it's understandable that a person may fail to understand human rights as a "religious person" because you should be trying to understand another human because you are human.

There exists no hypocrisy in this instance.


All of my Muslim friends are pro-LGBT. I've only ever experienced homophobia at the hands of Christians.

I consider myself to be a liberal, but this is a mystery to me too. Why have we chosen religion to be the most important human right/ freedom? Equality (not discriminating based on gender or sexual orientation) is much more important and should be protected.

Basically the "Anglo-Saxon " foundation and the French Revolution the Enlightenment has left our western culture enlightened to the point now we can be overrun by "Sharia " law and because we are so PC we just let it happen. The Muslims will breed more. Europe will get taken over. I guess the answer is the religious right competing.

Go to some middle Eastern/North African country and you'll see a lot homosexual influences even though they don't mention that word.

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT.

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT.

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT. Hi iií7

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf do888es that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT. Hi iií7

Funny, a friend had a Muslim room mate- "cool dude", had tats, drank, hang out with women. Once he was drunk and a convo of Sharia laws came up. The muslim said that he wished all gays were killed cause they are the bane on humanity. So yeah...about moderate muslims...

idk how brain dead you are but i know "moderate" doesnt refer to practicing or not, right? Him having tattoos or drinking say nothing abiut him being moderate or radical.

Don't feel bad, I'm an atheist woman and have met liberals who are also atheists. They are the first to knock Christianity, make fun of religious Christians, etc. Yet they defend bringing tons of religious Muslims to Western countries, they oppose people criticizing Islam, deeming everyone who does it to be "racist". Hypocrites much?

No, not even remotely hypocritical. Its actually the most elementary moral principle.
You are responsible for what you have influence over, thats the only moral thing which counts. Whats truly shocking is how utterly unfamiliar you are with moral principles

Whining about the religion of the victims of your terror, massacre and subjugation, not being progressive enough on a random issue you pulled out of your ass has ZERO moral value whatsoever.

Can you articulate the logic behind your comment? You believe that being progressive means after you slaughter and pillage entire regions, the progressive thing to do is to mock and criticize the least powerful and most victimized, everytime you criticize the most powerful and privileged?

yeah, you are just a bigot and u know it.

Well when 18%-25% is radical. The peaceful majority is irrelevant.

What...? Do u even know what the word radical means? Theyre not mutually exclusive. 99% Of RADICALS ARE PEACEFUL. God damn you scared bigots are retarded beyond belief.

You are so blindingly dull I wouldn't expect you to blame a Muslim for an act of terror if one shot you in your unsensical brain. Islam is currently the issue the world faces.

Riight...yet your retarded ass cant use words correctly and now ur too cowardly to even address it lmao. You right wing bigots are adorable

I agree. Islam is your biggest problem because we are the only men of honor left who resist your criminal, weak, cowardly, terrified ptsd army.

Thank you for insulting our veterans who give you the right to have your shitty anti American life. As a future marine close to going to boot camp it's for assholes like you I want to be a marine.

Okay little buddy, whatever helps u pretend ur a big strong man when ur shaking in ur boots from isis. Little weak retarded pussies like you are why millions of young Muslims, even western muslims are willing to commit suicide just to keep fighting you forever.

You are welcome. Your veterans are criminals and evil creatures who raped and murdered little kids and laughed about it. They can suck my dick while crying about PTSD.

Bahahaha soldiers gave me my rights to be anti American? You fucking braindead American retard, most of the world is anti American. Read a book u knucklehead.

Take a dose of .223 faggot

Man.. all this rage and insecurities because i told you, You're not using using words correctly... Just tell us whats wrong... Is everything okay?

So using your exact same logic, why should muslims respect human rights of cross worshippers, fags, secularists, etc. Since you don't respect our human rights? EITHER YOU BELIEVE IN HUMAN RIGHTS OR YOU DO NOT.

You support the slaughter of millions of my people, You think muslim deaths are so meaningless, we should simply get over millions of innocent victims and instead spend our time worrying about you feeling more comfortable behaving like a deviant, sick, subhuman in your sex life?

Our children and women are being massacred, gassed, rapes tortureD, STARVED TO DEATH AND VICTIMIZED BY CHEMICAL WARFARE BY YOUR COUNTRIES. Yet you think your sex life is more important? GOOD JOB. Keep making it obvious how little muslim life means to you liberal animals

Honestly. I want you liberal filth to not respect our hunan rights. I want you to be openly cruel and animalistic towards muslims en masse for the "crimes" of a few muslims, because it makes my job way easier. Convincing westernized muslims theyre delusional and pretending you liberals actually care even remotely about our children being murdered en masse

Well, you stay in your beautiful part of the world that you made your home and I'll stay in mine. I'd be happy with that.

And which part of the world is that, genius?

Should African Americans also leave "your" country? Since theyre generally unsupportive of your mental illness?

When your government gets the fuck out of our countries, our brethren would gladly leave your cesspool.

African Americans respect western culture. They have shaped it and joined it. The west isn't a geography it's a culture; an acceptance of democracy and human right. Some, not all, muslims want to impose their medieval archaic 'religion' on others. They can change or leave.

So your culture is democracy & Human rights, but if i disagree with aspects of your culture, i must either be quiet, submit to your demands or else have my entire life destroyed for not being obedient enough in your "culture of democracy and human rights"?
.....How can you not see the lack of logic & absurdity of that?

2) Also about your "culture of democracy and human rights"... Constantly implementing policies your populations overwhelmingly despise, culture of democracy includes consistently, violently suppressing pro democracy movements in latin America, middle east and east asia, including a campaign of terror, assassination and torture of Catholic priests who represented south American peasantry? Slaughtering millions of people through social cleansing in order to prevent them from following policies inconvenient to you. Openly declaring your exemption to international lawn. Waging w vicious terror campaign on your tiny defensless neighor including training, arming narco terrorists tp overthrow governments which follow the will of their people

And human rights includes, for example, using gas chambers for execution, mass slaughter of civilians, committing aggression against nations who dont harm you, president approving murder without trial of your own citizens if they become troublesome without any legal processN ordering murders of 16 year old children who are western citizen without trial and defending it by blaming the childs father for making the president angry, having secret black sites with secret prisons for torture, using chemical and radiological warfare on people u consider inferior, refusing certain segments lf your population full righrs due to them being of inferior human stock in court proceedings, force feeding prisoners through their anus as punishment for protest, using the police to impose dress codes of through force and coercion by physically removing womens clothing and forcing her to show parts of her body the gov. Wants to see, systematically & openly discriminating against entire ethnic and religious groups, etc etc.... etc...etc....etc.....

1) So your culture is democracy &amp; Human rights, but if i disagree with aspects of your culture, i must either be quiet, submit to your demands or else have my entire life destroyed for not being obedient enough in your "culture of democracy and human rights"?

yes that's right. Because unless you and your ancestors been here hundreds of years, you are a guest. A visitor. An immigrant. You have to change, to adapt to the culture you have chosen to make your home. If you don't want to, don't come here. I'm sick of human rights as being interpreted as respecting inhuman behaviour. It's not. It's about protecting freedom. Protecting our way of life, which immigrants have chosen to live in. Just like I wouldn't expect to live with my husband in Saudi Arabia. You shouldn't expect to move here and impose your dictatorship on others. It won't be allowed. It shouldn't be allowed.

.....How can you not see the lack of logic &amp; absurdity of that?

no illogicality there.

2) Also about your "culture of democracy and human rights"... Constantly implementing policies your populations overwhelmingly despise,


culture of democracy includes consistently, violently suppressing pro democracy movements in latin America, middle east and east asia, including a campaign of terror, assassination and torture of Catholic priests who represented south American peasantry?

foreign policy. We can agree an expansionist foreign policy is wrong. We should only use violence against another country when it threats us or our allies.

Slaughtering millions of people through social cleansing in order to prevent them from following policies inconvenient to you. Openly declaring your exemption to international lawn. Waging w vicious terror campaign on your tiny defensless neighor including training, arming narco terrorists tp overthrow governments which follow the will of their people

agreed. American governments have done some horrendous things. But some (not all) Muslim majority countries lock up women, kill gays, marry children and are rife with corruption. You are not talking from a position of strength.

3) And human rights includes, for example, using gas chambers for execution, mass slaughter of civilians, committing aggression against nations who dont harm you, president approving murder without trial of your own citizens if they become troublesome without any legal processN ordering murders of 16 year old children who are western citizen without trial and defending it by blaming the childs father for making the president angry, having secret black sites with secret prisons for torture, using chemical and radiological warfare on people u consider inferior, refusing certain segments lf your population full righrs due to them being of inferior human stock in court proceedings, force feeding prisoners through their anus as punishment for protest, using the police to impose dress codes of through force and coercion by physically removing womens clothing and forcing her to show parts of her body the gov. Wants to see, systematically &amp; openly discriminating against entire ethnic and religious groups, giving police free reign to terrorize, abuse, rob and constantly murder the weakest in societu etc etc.... etc...etc....etc.....

well, lets see some Muslim countries lead by example shall we. Can you point to any who could be judged as a modern 21st century democracy that respects all human rights? I won't hold my breath.

4) African Americans respect western culture? The culture ehich abuses and harasses and humiliated them daily? U dont have a diverse group of friends i can tell lmao

you sound a little unhinged. Barack Obama ring any bells?

1) well actually right off the bat you are clearly mistaken and delusional nowhere does it require anyone to change or integrate or adopt your shitty culture in order to be a guest or visitor to your land. Thats just a figmant of your bigoted imagination

But no one's talking about a visitor we are talking about Muslim in the West who voice disagreements and rejection of certain aspects of Western culture, and they tend to be overwhelmingly citizens of whichever particular Western Country they are criticizing because first generation immigrants almost never voiced public criticism for obvious reasons because of lunatics like yourself. But according to all statistics it's overwhelmingly second generation who were either born in the West or almost certainly grew up there from a very early age and they're the ones who tend to openly criticize the West and or become more religious and islamist and ideology than their parents. It just shows your bigotry that you believe most Muslims in the west are recent immigrants which is absolutely untrue

So you believe that criticizing Western culture and policies is in human behavior? On which principal did you decide what is and is not human or in human behavior? Because that seems to me to be quite literally almost the epitome civilized human behavior but of course in your insecure bigoted mind you believe 25% of humanity are less human then everyone else totally regardless of their behavior or specific criticism because remember neither one of us clarified any particular criticism but you simply believe any criticism Muslims have is by definition illegitimate and even inhuman.

And as for protecting freedom from super secret Muslim plan to implement a totalitarian Theocratic government in Western, this is quite honestly one of the most hilarious and absurd things you've said and I assure you that's saying a lot. Can you give me any particular example of the Western Muslims attempting to impose a dictatorship? This is pure and utter delusion and fantasy even in the few handful of countries which had a tiny percentage of openly radical and revolutionary islamists and jihadists there is nothing to suggest that there is a significant possibility of Zen imposing anything on a western governments unless you believe that the three guys putting on a yellow jackets and yelling at drunk people once a month is a serious threat to Western democracies which would really only show how pathetic and utterly useless your system is

So in order to protect your freedom you need to take away the freedom of dissent and to disagree and criticize? You need to take the way the freedom to practice whichever form of religion you desire? You need to take away the freedom from government discrimination? You need to take away the freedom to voice minority opinions and opinions which many people might vehemently disagree with? That is so pathetic beyond belief

And what freedoms are you protecting in particular? Which freedoms are you so close to losing is that you find it necessary two deny these fundamental and basic Western rights two a particular religious and a handful of ethnic groups?

Well if you're to intellectually bankrupt and dishonest to see the lack of logic and contradiction then let me explain it to you.
You are claiming that you need to protect your freedom from a non-existent imaginary threat which doesn't exist and the only way to protect these Freedom's is to take away the most fundamental and Elementary Human Rights and Freedoms from a chunk of your population in fellow Countryman

And yes there are plenty of examples of laws and post upon Western populations which are hated by the population such as the majority of right wing economic policies like free trade treaty with Latin America or loosening of Financial and banking regulations or tax policies which benefit the rich and screw the working class or the privatization of services relied upon by the working class or the cruel austerity policies or the welfare and they last for billionaires and bankers or the invasion of Europe or the spying on every citizen online Behavior and I could keep going for a very long time

So How does Barack Obama being president refute my arguments the vast majority of working-class black people have serious grievances with you're Western culture?

First off. Let's be civilised here and try and avoid personal insults. I don't care what views people born in the west have. They are entitled to hold whatever views they like and, equally, others are free to disagree. However, I do have a real problem, personally, with anyone - be they Muslim, Christian, atheist or a giraffe - who seek to impose their views on others. Aka, anti-LGBT views that seek to limit the life choices of LGBT people. But equally anti-religious views that seek to limit the life choices of religious people. The state should treat everyone equally and not be a tool for religious zealots or anti-religious zealots. But the state should also protect the rights of people and that means, for example, protecting women who are discriminated against by their religion or are subject to female genital mutilation and the state should also stop anti-religious zealots seeking to impose their world view on others. Human rights must be protected and defended. That is a fundamentally western tradition. A gay couple should be able to adopt and walk arm on arm down any street in the west and equally a Muslim couple should be able to do the same and the state should prevent anyone who tries to make either group from living their own life.

The same rule that protects your freedoms, also protects the freedoms of those you disagree with. If you seek to remove their freedoms, then your freedoms should also be removed.

Right, because doubting the humanity of muslims, if they voiced criticism isnt insulting to...u know...Muslims.... But sure, fine with me. i prefer dialogue without degrading the other.

Okay, to clarify, do you mean citizens or only specifically citizens born in the west? So if my sister came to U.S as a 4 year old and became a citizen at 15 and grew up westernized, clarify for me where she stands in your view. And if i may ask, why do u only have this distinction between citizens and non citizens? These seem pretty elementary principles of democracy, why is it necessary for non citizens to hide their views and beliefs? Does this include european immigrant or mexican?

And okay, i think we agree the government should protect your right to be gay and protect my rights to be a religious muslim and an Islamist politically. But since we are being intellectually honest, tell me who you think is more terrified & fearful of state sanctioned violence, is it western gays at the hands of Salafi Jihadi Muslims? OR is it western muslims at the hand of extreme xenophobic nationalists (supported by many liberals)?

I agree actually that western government's should stop anyone,Even Muslims from imposing their morality by force, however my issue is, seems to me, many liberals are focusing on a totally hypothetical threat, while ignoring the MUCH MORE real threat of right wing bigots & secular liberals imposing their views on muslims.

can u see why many muslims might be a bit doubtful about your intentions and claims of protecting 'freedom'? To us it can also means 'Our freedom to impose our beliefs, traditions, culture & dress code on you muslims.'

Again i think we agree on stopping things such as genital mutilation, which isnt really a muslim issue to begin with but mostly an African issue but yeah, regardless All government should stop this, whether western or islamic.

But when u say "women oppressed by their religion" that's a very vague statement and could mean many things to many people. Again, try to comprehend how that might worry muslims in the current climate of demonizing muslims and pretending Muslim women are all begging to throw off their hijab and become bikini models if only the progressive rich westerners would fulfill their white mans burden. Maybe ur not intending it that way but u have comprehend when a specific community is constantly demonized and put under extreme pressure. They become paranoid, feeling under siege & will resist almost anything from people they fear.

and finally, if you "seek" to take away others freedoms? So do u think this applies to me for example saying, "I believe, under islamic sharia, womens dress codes should be imposed by law"? I dont ever try to implement it myself nor do i call upon others in the west to do it its purely an issue of belief & ideology. Not an actual plan to do so.

Jesus man, a wall of text? I'm starting to regret you have freedom of speech /s

K. Dont reply. I enjoy political and social analysis & having discussions about it. Reading isnt that painful for me.

Lmao. Responding twice to the same post after whining about most recent one

I responded because I wanted to reach out to you. To try and connect to you. That was clearly a mistake.

1) well actually right off the bat you are clearly mistaken and delusional nowhere does it require anyone to change or integrate or adopt your shitty culture in order to be a guest or visitor to your land. Thats just a figmant of your bigoted imagination.

This is factually inaccurate. There are fundamentally two different approaches to western civilisation. The first is the American model of a melting pot. The second is EU's multi-culturalism. You are describing the EU approach which has experienced a few problems recently.

Secondly, you're wrong because the west is governed by laws. The laws apply to everyone. It is illegal to discriminate. It is illegal to impose your will on someone else. You will be punished if you break these laws.

But no one's talking about a visitor we are talking about Muslim in the West who voice disagreements and rejection of certain aspects of Western culture, and they tend to be overwhelmingly citizens of whichever particular Western Country they are criticizing because first generation immigrants almost never voiced public criticism for obvious reasons because of lunatics like yourself. But according to all statistics it's overwhelmingly second generation who were either born in the West or almost certainly grew up there from a very early age and they're the ones who tend to openly criticize the West and or become more religious and islamist and ideology than their parents. It just shows your bigotry that you believe most Muslims in the west are recent immigrants which is absolutely untrue

Well. Doesn't make them right. The minorities they attack are protected by the same rules that govern these second generation muslims. Just because you want something changed doesn't mean it happens.

So you believe that criticizing Western culture and policies is in human behavior? On which principal did you decide what is and is not human or in human behavior? Because that seems to me to be quite literally almost the epitome civilized human behavior but of course in your insecure bigoted mind you believe 25% of humanity are less human then everyone else totally regardless of their behavior or specific criticism because remember neither one of us clarified any particular criticism but you simply believe any criticism Muslims have is by definition illegitimate and even inhuman.

People are free to protest. They just can't create sharia law zones and confront western women about their dress.

And as for protecting freedom from super secret Muslim plan to implement a totalitarian Theocratic government in Western, this is quite honestly one of the most hilarious and absurd things you've said and I assure you that's saying a lot. Can you give me any particular example of the Western Muslims attempting to impose a dictatorship? This is pure and utter delusion and fantasy even in the few handful of countries which had a tiny percentage of openly radical and revolutionary islamists and jihadists there is nothing to suggest that there is a significant possibility of Zen imposing anything on a western governments unless you believe that the three guys putting on a yellow jackets and yelling at drunk people once a month is a serious threat to Western democracies which would really only show how pathetic and utterly useless your system is







So in order to protect your freedom you need to take away the freedom of dissent and to disagree and criticize? You need to take the way the freedom to practice whichever form of religion you desire? You need to take away the freedom from government discrimination? You need to take away the freedom to voice minority opinions and opinions which many people might vehemently disagree with? That is so pathetic beyond belief

No not at all. But freedoms for both sides must be protected.

And what freedoms are you protecting in particular? Which freedoms are you so close to losing is that you find it necessary two deny these fundamental and basic Western rights two a particular religious and a handful of ethnic groups?

I'm not denying any rights to muslims except those extremists (of any religion or none) who wish to conduct acts of violence.

Well if you're to intellectually bankrupt and dishonest to see the lack of logic and contradiction then let me explain it to you.
You are claiming that you need to protect your freedom from a non-existent imaginary threat which doesn't exist and the only way to protect these Freedom's is to take away the most fundamental and Elementary Human Rights and Freedoms from a chunk of your population in fellow Countryman

No im not saying any of this. Reread my last reply. You're arguing with a ghost.

And yes there are plenty of examples of laws and post upon Western populations which are hated by the population such as the majority of right wing economic policies like free trade treaty with Latin America or loosening of Financial and banking regulations or tax policies which benefit the rich and screw the working class or the privatization of services relied upon by the working class or the cruel austerity policies or the welfare and they last for billionaires and bankers or the invasion of Europe or the spying on every citizen online Behavior and I could keep going for a very long time

Yes but it went through the legal, political and democratic processes. If sufficient people support its reform, that will happen.

So How does Barack Obama being president refute my arguments the vast majority of working-class black people have serious grievances with you're Western culture?

I'd like to see proof of this but also what you think the alternative to western culture is. Reform yes. Sharia law? No.

What....? Did u just seriously whine about my most recent response and then go back and respond to the wrong one? Lmao.

As a gay immigrant from Iraq, I can empathize. But the truth is, you're talking about such a small number of people that fall into the behavior you're describing. Most Arabs and even Muslims could care less about your or my sexual orientation. Of course you have your fanatics. Doesn't every community and religion?

Salam Founder/Designer KARMALAB


Nah, I'm good.

umm.. at orlando night clubs?

Oh my mistake, but you're pretty wrong on that assumption. A lot of SocJus types feel very strongly about the refugee situation, though making it a muslim ban probably helped drive a lot more people into the streets.

Actual progressive leftists are an endangered species, as are true conservatives.

Not sure what you're trying to say?

Open your eyes.

Trump isn't the entire right.

At least if America takes in refugees they will be more likely to adopt American values.

Not taking them in isn't going to make them change the way they think. If anything, it's just going to be another reason to resent the United States.

EVERYONE is entitled to them.

Exactly. but that doesn't give you the right to pick and choose which human rights you live by. either you follow all of them, or go to a place like saudi-arabia where human rights are basically non-existant.

It wasn't "over night", it happened right about the time that Trump began saying we should crack down on illegal immigrants/refugees. From what I can tell, Trump is totally cool with gay rights and has no plans to revoke them - so the SJW shifted gears.

OK I'll concede I missed that distinction. Where are these local enclaves where sharia law is enforced in Europe?

Meh, it'd be better if it was normal people arguing. Like an ongoing YouTube series with an atheist host and different people every week. And it'd only be good if the host was good enough to actually get people to renounce their religion.

Christ overturned the Old Testament. You're not a scholar, but that's common knowledge.

That's all old law. It's Judaism. A lot of Christians believe that the new testament, the gospels of Jesus and his disciples, are the only rules that apply. In the old testament purl and shellfish are forbidden too but how many Christians do you know that will turn down bacon wrapped shrimp. Seventh day adventist churches still look at the old testament as law but most protestant Christians do not and are not bound by it.

A common misconception with a lot of those passages in the Old Testament is that those are relevant scripture when it's not. The Old Testament is more of the historical section of the bible, the laws of Moses were "washed away" through the death of Christ and his gospel is what is used as the new template for teachings in the church. Sure, an Old Testament story or passage is used occasionally in churches to teach a lesson, but it's mostly used as an historical account and absolutely does not represent what modern Christianity is, braised maybe some crazy southern baptists.

Where did I say anything about Islam? Anyone who uses ancient texts to incite violence is an idiot.

No, Islam is very, very straight forward about killing innocents and molesting children. It is very different than ANY "hypocritical" Christian biblical law you can find in the Bible. There is no -interpretation-, that is where people in the West get confused. Island and Christianity are very different.

Throw the lambs in the Lion's den

Oh, thats called the progressive stack, its a fundamental component of the oppression olympics.

The fuck are you talking about? Putting Muslims on a pedestal of protection and support? Is that really what it's about? Or is it more about due process and the rule of law? Are people celebrating Islam or simply trying to be fair to people? Putting someone on a pedestal means putting them above everyone else. Yeah, really put them on a pedestal by honoring their visas and our own laws and values.

Nope. Utter bullshit. There's nothing that hurts gay rights or women's rights by letting more Muslims into the US. When muslims in the US are accepted, they become much more moderate or liberal themselves. And again, letting them in does not have any impact on rights of gays or women. Right wing policies do, though. Nothing about asking for the constitution to be upheld puts Muslims above anyone else, as you imply. Supporting one group does not logically follow that you're supporting their religion.

You want real hypocrisy? There's a giant movement to outlaw abortion from Christians. None of them give a fuck about the death penalty.

God damn what a reputable source. Can you find a link to the Probasco report that the article cites? I looked around a little bit and could not find it. The only thing that ties Clinton to anything is that report. I found a lot of links to the same story, but none of them cited the source, itself, said where they obtained it or linked to it. Would like to see it.

human rights are human rights. EVERYONE is entitled to them.

This statement conflicts pretty strongly with the teachings of Islam.

It's anymore than that percentage though. Like half of Muslims believe you should be killed for leaving the region. 80 percent think stoning women for adultery is justified.

Timothy I is always quoted by the Christianity haters, but it is not even canon! All the other passages are from the OT. How those rules got to be a part of Judaism is a whole nother story that has more to do with how the Roman church created a bunch of rules that strayed from the core message for social/political reasons than the religion itself being bad.

Apparently conspiracy is now just conservative

Rule 1, first warning.

I don't know, there are Muslim nations where being gay is legal.

In my opinion we are all falling into this trap of blanketing certain people with having certain viewpoints (stereotyping). This is detrimental that is what I am saying.

oh you mean that different groups within a religion can have differing views? what a concept.

Which benefits do you think gay couples shouldn't have?

Why is ability to reproduced (which isn't limited to "nuclear" families, and can also not be attained by some "nuclear" families) a basis by which to determine benefits? This is arbitrary. Also, you say choice. We do not choose to be gay. It is much easier not to be.

The cameras are always there for them too and then we see it on tv.... non... stop

I can kind of see this line of thought, having grown up in the Church until I came to the age of reason. I still vastly prefer the Church to Evangelicals, because they're less oppressive by far and easier to discuss stuff like this exact thing with.

Love how in a thread about Muslims discriminating against gay people we have real catholics doing it. beautiful.

Or maybe because they're a diverse demographic that doesn't all share the same views and behavior? The same way not all gay people are flamboyant sex fiends

It really bums me out when people defend Islam by quoting the Old Testament and talking about fundamentalist Christians. It is a very small portion of Christians. It is NOT a very small portion of Muslims. I am atheist so I do see the danger in all religions but these are not the same beasts.

It was "I cant identify my rapist because that would make me racist."

Kinda puts the lie to the claim that rape is 'worse than murder' or whatever outrageous things they're saying, no?

Lol, and so I get a reply of out of context quotes that can easily be explained. Good job proving my point.

You quoted two verses that both pertain to times when Muslims were being attacked, times of war, not general everyday living. The first one, the verse directly before it says that if you kill one person, it is as if you have killed all of mankind. Why didn't you quote that as well? Does it not fit your narrative? It then says the punishment for waging war against God and his prophet for no reason other than their religion, and the punishment for spreading disorder or corruption, should be judged and carried out according to the nature of the transgression. The punishments might sound harsh, but all the verse is saying is there should be punishment for those who wage war or cause disorder. It doesn't give Muslims carte blanche to attack or kill non-Muslims. The next verse then literally starts by saying "Except for those who repent", and that God is all forgiving. Meaning that punish those who attack you for your religion, but if they repent, then show mercy.

The second verse, I don't even know what to say since its clear you didn't even read the verses you are quoting. That is also a bad translation you are using. Again, why didn't you quote the verse just before it that says to fight those that fight you, but not to exceed the bounds set by God. It then goes on saying that IF THEY FIGHT YOU, then kill them because disorder/attacking God is worse than killing. The next verse says if they desist from fighting, then God is all forgiving. But if they continue to fight, then continue to fight against them until there is no more disorder. It then again repeats and says if they desist, then to stop fighting them.

So, both verses are in relation to Muslims being attacked because of their religion, both say to fight those that wage war against you because of your religion, and both say to stop fighting when they stop fighting you. Neither of these verses gives Muslims divine right to kill non-Muslims, not even close. But then you already knew that and quoted out of context verses anyway to try and prove a lie. Well done.

Exactly. These SJW/gay/feminist/pro human rights advocates are so goddamn dumb. The very people they are defending believe in a religion that advocates their own oppression/murder. They're fucking retarded!

Yes, that is huge. Now, how do you think that happened?

Those quotes are actually from the first five books of the Bible, the Pentateuch (minus Timothy) or.. otherwise known as THE TORAH. Those are actually Jewish beliefs, systems and laws that were incorporated into the Christian Bible. They are hardly acknowledged for more than historical uses and known to be barbaric and just a fading trait of an older, obsolete religion to Christians. It's also another reason why most Jews were kicked out of numerous countries through out time; those books detail how they (the Jews) believe they are superior and can treat non-believers as cattle (can rape, enslave, murder, cheat, lie, steal etc Goyim).

Those quotes, from those specific books of the Bible, are more of a reference of where Christians were, and where they have come to (New Testament) instead of actual rules they follow (minus the 10 Commandments).

Seventh day adventist churches still look at the old testament as law

More like guidelines to live a better life. Not equivocal to the commandments though.

They also believe in freedom of choice and generally do not support morality laws.

any recommendations for the media

Hang it up. No one believes a word you are saying. All credibility lost, every word hollow from here on out. There is nothing the media can do to redeem themselves at this point.

Quick, someone give Islam a call, he needs to hear this offer you're making.

Troll is what troll does.

The "grey" area others have already mentioned is that Islam blurs the line between religion, culture and politics. It's not just a belief system.

I was very clear. I wanted to see the primary source about the investigation to see if it was just the one guy saying Bill was the financial arm of it, if the cop wrote anything about whether he believed it, etc. His reference was a random blogger quoting the report, quoting someone untrustworthy.

it would appear from our wholesale bombing of innocents in the region till our hearts' content, that the normalization of murdering little boys on a grand scale might be right up their with other normalized atrocities.

That's not what Jesus said. He said not one jot nor tiddle shall pass away. If you take the red print in the NT to be direct quotes of jesus then you still live under OT law. The doctrine that the law is no longer valid is a doctrine of convenience that allows catholics and protestants to live as they wish.

I'm seeing gay people criticize the left and actually believe that the right is on their side. I've officially seen everything.

That 30% trump approval rating goes hand-in-hand with the percentage of Americans who think you are a sinner who should be criminally punished because of the chemical make-up of your brain.

I don't understand why you're so salty. I'm just "challenging your opinion", am I not?

they don't actually care

Pretty much applies to anyone who only cares enough to "whine" on internet without doing anything of substance irl.

So when the White House was lit up with the colors of the rainbow, that was just the left fucking with you huh

I am aware of this. His reasoning was that by doing so it would ease tensions. I really doubt that is true and strongly disagreed with him on that, as did many liberals. Most liberal organizations were very critical of Obama in many ways, but people either didn't see it because they only go to right wing sites OR they forgot it because towards the end of his presidency Obama started to look pretty good next to Trump and Clinton and the criticism stopped.

I wrote an entire 72,000 word novel about a sci-fi mind control device used on a population for experimentation, and nothing in my book is as crazy as a person who is pro-Islam and pro-feminist at the same time.

This is exactly what I mean.

Gays aren't refusing to create nuclear families. They're gay.

And besides plenty of gay married couples are willing to adopt, plenty of people freak out at the notion.

Really contributing to he conversation pal, well done!

If that's what you call conversation...

In keeping with your informed aspects of this debate. Suck it.

I can tell you with a whole heart: for about a week it's weird, cause it's something you're so used to checking. But that in itself makes you realize that you needed to do it. After that one week (or maybe 2-3?), it's like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders, and you won't be able to understand why the fuck anyone is still on it. And then, maybe, just maybe you'll look at everyone who still is in a different light. One thing I can guarantee: you WILL be much more healthy mentally.

Thanks for the honest responses. I'm sure other people would see this and just call "racist" like the first response was kind of alluding to. But this is a different case, it involves a set of cultural values that can be vastly different at times, and I guess you answered my question here, values that directly conflict with the ideals of your home country. I do think it's fair to say that what you're talking about is the type of people that sought to migrate to your country, and what their motivations were. Open borders and generous social benefits tend to encourage these behaviors which is certainly the reason people reject it as policy. Being a white American, I try to resist painting people with a broad brush, but it doesn't invalidate your experience at all. It's just hard to say on the one hand, "America accepts all ways of life", and on the other hand, "except this one". Another issue for America is that most of the people seeking to immigrate are doing it for two reasons: increased opportunities to study or gain skills, or because we just bombed the piss out of their country that is now in shambles. It is very difficult to reconcile American values of personal liberty, inclusion, and self-determination while simultaneously maintaining the most aggressive foreign policy in modern history. Definitely something worth deeper consideration here, and you definitely had one of the most honest accounts I've seen. Interesting times.

Dont lose your ballsack dude. I dont want to here from why anyone voted for him, but why did you. Gee. Furthermore, I explained why someone, me, who wants to understand the political mess, has to generalize, when no one explains shit. Additionally, I will not go to his plattform. I dont believe propaganda from anyone and if you think that he of all people, doesnt do propaganda, than you are naive. And lastly, yes, I am making a lot of assumptions. What you gonna do? Forbid it? Is that the "less restriction" part Trump supporters stand for? Or the restriction on decisions made for them? I mean, they want to restrict the freedom of a woman who wants to make an abortion, after all. And they really think this cell cluster is life? But they have no moral problem with eating meat or plants? That's the part which is insane! And it is just that. saying: I love life! So I am gonna destroy the life of some stranger, by forcing them to get the baby she cannot care for, so it may be starve to death painfully, but goddamnit better this way than killing this poor thing when it doesnt feel anything. Gimme my brutally murderes cow sandwich. You dont see the insanity, right? The other things are pretty reasonable. A little naive again, but reasonable.

There are hundreds of millions that are not so innocent. Who is the one living in an echo chamber? A little criticism of Islam is met with defensiveness. Islam needs to be open to honest criticism if it is to reform. It's true that people are lumping Islamism with all Islam, but people that are just trying to make sense of all this are less to blame than the Islamists themselves and liberal politicians and pundits who have misinformed and apologized. It doesn't matter whether the prophet waged war defensively or aggressively. There is enough evidence that it was aggressive to keep it uncertain, yes? Even if defensive, good or bad, this is a militancy that is completely absent in the NT gospels. Do you not agree that this is ripe for twisting by those that wish to? I'm sure Sharia was in some ways a brilliant system in medieval times, but it's time to update.

Like I said. My point stands. You have nothing to refute it.

Stop quoting Timothy! It's not canon!

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT.

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT.

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf does that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT. Hi iií7

What? Homosexual influence? Wtf do888es that even mean? STOP BEING A PATHETIC WANNABE WHITE BOY YOU COCONUT. Hi iií7

What....? Did u just seriously whine about my most recent response and then go back and respond to the wrong one? Lmao.