There are a lot of us lurkers still trying to get decent information from this sub. Fuck the shills, fuck ShareBlue, fuck the narrative, fuck fear. Don't let them get you down! You guys are my heroes.

903  2017-01-31 by [deleted]



We need a louder middle-ground in this sub as well. So many CTR/shill accounts, and yet so many lurkers silently disapproving from the shadows. Thanks for speaking up. I hope it inspires others to do the same!

Yeah, not a lot of neutral truth seekers out there. I wish.

I agree. I need to feel comfortable in the middle again.

They are getting away with dividing us, the division is stronger than ever at least in my lifetime.

l had thought there were only 2 or 3 of us here on this sub to actually get information. I count at least seven :)

I'll have to take off my shoes to count all of you pretty soon!

regular here, been here for years, this sub is my front page when I open the internet, am fence walker, question everything, every angle, every move, everybody.

Also, CNN = Crumbling Narrative Network

Seriously, question everything. If nothing else it's a good thought experiment!

You all made me feel not so alone. Great comments. I need to hear your voices!

We're with you.

Lurker here, I typically don't post because what I'll try saying won't come out as well as others.

I don't believe every conspiracy but I think it's important for people to understand and just listen to different perspectives. It's impossible to believe the media and if the conspiracy is well put together and provides valid points then I'm all ears.

This is exactly the reason I'm here. Let's get a hold of as much information as we can, share it, digest it, and try to figure this shit out. Speak up some more, this sub could use more cautious voices.

It's impossible to believe the media and if the conspiracy is well put together and provides valid points then I'm all ears.

You Sir, underestimate the entire social fabric of our society today. It is not whether something or certain facts are undeniably true but whether by social cohesion you can make even the most absurd lie replace the Truth because ost people are incapable of free thought, they are like cattle moving with the herd without an individual thought, period. There is no room for the truth in our society no matter how many facts or evidences you to show people. Exhibit A: 911

911 blew open all conspiracies- it was now evident you could brainwash billions of people, even defy all natural physics and Science. If there is a scientist who believes the 911 official story then by that he/ she just nullified major portions of thermodynamics, physics and chemistry. Yet nobody bats an eye. The whole expensive demolition industry would be dead overnight if you could bring a building down with few gallons of kerosene in just over an hour.

The question becomes what else is a grand fraud? the space program, perhaps??

Thanks for mentioning the info about measles. I hadn't heard about that. Wow.

Aristotle said -It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.

Sadly, most people I encounter today are incapable of this.

If they don't believe even the minutest detail of an idea, they instantly reject the entire thought.

The truth is hardly ever self evident. Arriving at truth often involves entertaining uncomfortable ideas, following threads of suspicion, and untangling webs of deceit.

It's just too much work for most people today.

Sad. Very sad.


I'm still here with you guys 👍👍 we must not give into the divide but must overcome and topple there bullshit games. AT THE END OF THE DAY, WE ARE STILL HERE HAVING INDEPENDENT THOUGHTS. They have lost control and are throwing anything they have to hold onto the little power they have left. Stay strong fam. Speak up, speak your mind. Never stop questioning.

I wonder why you didn't mention the_donald posters...

Because they are honestly not a very big part of my pervue. Along with CTR/shills (a word I truly am tired of seeing and am sorry to use in the post at all), I should have included the plain old ridiculous/inflammatory users who post hatespeech or absurd claims in the absence of any evidence. I'm cool with absurd claims, just back it.

If your intent was to insinuate the donald posters are part of the problem, on the whole I would tend to agree.

I support anyone who posts constructively and uses evidence, regardless of what subs they frequent most.

Total agreement

The problem is that very large userbase ensures that the frontpage of this sub hasn't seen anything critical of the president since he was elected

That certainly didn't happen under Bush or Obama here. This sub is for all conspiracies, not just dem ones

The past few days, I've seen my fair share of posts voicing concern or caution regarding Trump, but you're right. On the whole, this sub seems too supportive.

I'll remain skeptical until things start heading in a more clear direction. It's still sooooo soon to determine his true motives. We're stuck with him whether we like it or not. I'm choosing to wait and see before I start spewing words at the situation.

Agreed. I have seen FAR too many t_d posters circlejerk trump and claim that he is anti-establishment bs.. These guys don't belong on a conspiracy sub when they eat everything he says

I'll take any opinion if they can support it with evidence.

People here love proving others wrong. The more they talk, the more opportunity there is for discourse.

Yeah but they usually never provide evidence and if they do its from fox news.. It is also difficult to engage in discussion when if you post anything against trump you are usually auto downvoted by the tards over at t_d

Fox News is, in and of itself, just another forum to find information derived from elsewhere. They're at best, still one degree of separation away from the story itself. Fox News has sources (most of the time I think! /s) that feed it information.

I'd respectfully request those next time you come across a post like that just to see what happens. You just may help someone realize something they didn't know before or even learn something yourself. Rather than fight, help them address possible biases as well as assumptions stated as facts.

Not insinuating you are confrontational, I didn't look at your post history.

Interesting approach. I have tried this before but usually ends up not working as they don't want to hear anything but what they believe in. You aren't wrong though I certainly have became more and more sick of these ppl ruining this sub and I guess this has manifested itself into a confrontational and dismissive attitude which doesn't help anything or anyone

It takes a little longer, and sure, half the time you'll get fire spit back in your face or receive no reply, but if you get through to one person it makes it worthwhile I feel.

You clearly have more patience and tolerance than me!

Is it really too soon though? With Bannon having the power he does? With everyone who doesn't immediately do as he says being kicked out?

He isn't getting his intel briefings, Bannon is running the show, that man is dangerous and has zero qualifications for anything.

He scares every last drop of the Bejeezus out of me, but still I don't know.

Maybe I'm being naive, maybe too relaxed, or maybe plain old fucking blind. I'll be the first to admit I screwed up if it turns out you're right though.

I agree t_d posters are a problem.

I'm an r/the_donald poster, and I discovered this sub during the election, but I don't think that I'm actively brigading this sub. I just find some interesting stuff here, and try to be more neutral here. I have my doubts whether Trump is actually independent too.

it's not that i think you folks are brigading, but you all vote, and many tell anyone who posts in r/politics that they can't post here and that everyone is CTR (ignoring how absurd it would be to continue funding it after she lost)

Trump cares about corporate profits and power. Bannon is running the show. You got conned as hard as the people who signed up for trump university. The quicker you realize this the quicker we can all work together to stop further damage

Well actually, David Brock is rebranding CTR as "Share Blue", and with $40 million in funding this time, instead of $10 million. You're right, it is absurd. Many Dems are even questioning the effectiveness of Brock's strategies.

And again, we'll see. Trump has followed through on all his promises so far. I'll be quick to jump ship if it becomes apparent he's a sellout neo-con. But the evidence isn't there right now.

He's followed through on all his promises? Where is the wall? Where is everyone-is-insured healthcare? Where is congressional term limits?

Why is being a neo-con the only condition for his failure? What if he's turns out to be a hopelessly-corrupt bloated orange authoritarian puppet/buffoon? Isn't that the more likely failure?

He's been president for what, a week? You're either a shill or a fucking moron. Pick your poison

Nice ad hominem, but you might wanna read the comment I was responding to.

Prime example of a shill and week argument too

MAGA! /s Noone here cares what a Donald stooge says.

He took civilian control away from our military. And, now has a propagandist on his security counsel. He has sold out.

Dude the entire system is corrupt. All the political factions are in cahoots and you think your side is right and the other is wrong is proof of your brainwashing. The real truth is your political system is designed to divide everyone and have them bicker over non issues while the main problem the US and the world faces is massive wealth inequality. Capitalism itself is just an excuse to make that inequality seem fair.

No. You're assuming so much. I do not love the dnc

Ok. But my point remains. There is no side that aligns with the people. Calling trump out for his bs is a non issue as hrc would be pushing the same agenda were she in his shoes.

He's president. She's nobody now

Calling trump out for his bs is a non issue as hrc would be pushing the same agenda were she in his shoes.

That's both a false equivalence and total bullshit.

(1) Utter bollocks, and (2) assumes that hypothetical power is as important as real power

Same here.

I really WANT to believe Trump is the champion of the people against globalist domination. But, this last move, lifting restrictions on banking institutions, doesn't seem to fit that narrative.

Perhaps it's a move that creates an environment for something in the future?

So I'll ask this sub, is there anyway you can see lifting these restrictions as a prelude to ending the FEDERAL RESERVE?

I'm not very financially literate, so I thought I'd ask here.

Thank you.

Middle ground fallacy

You decide your truth in your own no need to sticking to middle ground

I mean middle ground in the emotional sense. Rather than get heated or upset or angry, there are those who calmly search for facts while avoiding the sensationalized material attempting to illicit an emotional response

Prove everyone who questions some of the more insane shit said on this sub is a shill

I never claimed that the more out there posts are done by shills, just that those types of accounts exist; and that I believe there a larger number of more reasonable voices who remain silent.

I can see why you would make that assumption as my post was admittedly a bit ambiguous. If you would like proof of those accounts existence, look no further than the awarding of gold on this sub in the posts that were brigaded into the frontpage. There were also a few (somewhat sophisticated) bots that made a few posts during the height of the election fanfare.

I normally don't post a lot but recently I've been posting and commenting more just because I'm so tired of the narrative that is being pushed by certain dubious sources. This is bringing me flashbacks to the DNC primaries and it's an affront to my intelligence. I was more active in r/politics before they ruined it and I couldn't stand if they ruined this sub too!

There's been enough people sitting idly by or creating an account to make a complaint post and falling silent. Good, keep speaking. If your voice is reasonable, let it be heard! Rather than having individuals complaining, let's mobilize and take the sub back.

So many CTR/shill accounts,

well we could go back to conspiracies that dont center around politics pretty sure CTR/shill accounts would dry up

I truly miss the UFO/ breakaway civilization/ V2K/ MK ULTRA posts of yesteryear. We'll get there eventually. Even one step a day is progress.

srsly. thank you.

I truly miss the UFO/ breakaway civilization/ V2K/ MK ULTRA posts of yesteryear.

What makes you think what we talk about this year has nothing to do with the yesteryear of breakaway civs and mkultra?

We should band together to do this for however long it takes until they leave and forget about us. Maybe we could create some other sub to discuss political conspiracies?

How can you watch thousands of people march in cities across the globe, look at anyone's facebook feed, hell just look at how close the election was, and then say people that hate trump are just ctr? Makes zero sense. Can't even take someone who can't see the hate from the general public for trump seriously.

Where in my post did I equate any protester or naysayer Trump with CTR? That's a jump to a baseless conclusion from two premises that are in no way superlatives.

Why would there EVER be a need to pay people to "shill" against trump? He's one of the most hated people in the world. You think they are sending people to the gd conspiracy sub to try to trick you? It's just the silliest thing I've ever heard.

Whether or not you choose to believe people were paid to post what they did, it was clear that attempts were made to use bots to post stories or comments denouncing Trump. I don't like the man as a person, and I'm waiting to form an opinion on him as a president until after he's done something either truly detestable or praise worthy. Until then I will observe with roaring skepticism.

I don't think they had a batallion of pimplefaces armed with keyboards, but if you've been a part of this sub for a while, you surely would have noticed the change in both quality and quantity of posts made. Whether made by bots/ paid users, or just ill informed people, the tone of this sub changed dramatically.

Maybe no one got paid, but there was a concerted effort to smear both presidential candidates names on here, and this sub is meant to be non-partisan.

I'm seeing your point more now. I think it had a lot to do with what you said, this is supposed to be a more neutral place. You can't question anything on the d without a ban and you just get down voted away in most other places, so places like this just turned into a place you could argue. However I think things got more heated with the pizza gate stuff. It's just a whole hell of a lot to ask for someone in the brightest of spotlights for such a long time with so much to lose with so little real data to be a part of it.

Heyyy you got it! It's amazing how the things that would be so easy to explain in person are so hard to convey through the medium of text, especially in a forum where you would normally expect to catch flack.

Conspiracy theorists (at least the way I see it) should be after the hidden truths, entirely independent of political biases or preconceived notions. Dissenting opinions are just fine in my book. It makes me critically view what I hold to be true and constantly reassess positions held on certain issues. I genuinely love being proved wrong beyond any doubt because at least it means I learned something.

They should have paid more people,because now he have a bafoon for president.

First of all, we know for a fact that people were paid to shill against Trump. This isn't up for debate. The fact that you can't imagine why they would do this has nothing to do with it.

There are Russian shills, Turkish shills, British shills, Israeli shills, American shills, Microsoft shills, Lord and Taylor shills, Dish Network shills....and the list goes on.

I post this here all the time, but it seems like most people decide not to read it. I'll give it another try:

Now that you know for a fact that shills exist and that some of them were paid to be anti-Trump (probably some pro-Trump as well), we can discuss motives and where they might be.

Motive for manipulating Reddit: (more info in the comments as well)

Where will you find shills? They will most likely be in very large threads. On Reddit, they will hang out in /r/all and any posts that they decide are likely to be on /r/all later in the day. It is way easier to control a comments section if you get in there early. Your early comments have a much higher chance of staying on top of the thread than later comments.

This subreddit regularly hits /r/all. Not only that, even if it doesn't hit /r/all, the top post can still be seen by quite a few people. About 45,000 people per day visit this subreddit, the vast majority of them checking out the top post and the comments there. The top post is fed to the front page of every subscriber. I think it would be worth it to pay at least 1 guy 15 bucks an hour to manipulate all of the largest political subreddits, making their way to this subreddit once they have hit the larger ones, such as worldnews, news, politics, etc. These larger subs can receive traffic of about 200-400 thousand unique IP addresses per day.

Another tactic they probably use (besides manually combing through the largest subs) is keyword tracking. There are keyword alert services that anyone can use to receive a notification any time a specific word or phrase is mentioned on Reddit (or other social media). I imagine that there are shills who literally just sit at a computer all day responding to all of the keyword hits they get (and these are probably given to them in order of importance).

Or....maybe governments aren't all that efficient. The above is how I would set up a shill network, but we are talking about government shills here. Perhaps they post here just because they have decided that it's better to go directly after the source--conspiracy theorists. If they can destroy morale here and confuse the subscribers here, maybe we will sit here too busy arguing with shills and spend less time outside of the subreddit. Basically, this place can act as a ghetto.

So, when a person says "I see shills all over Reddit," are they exaggerating? Maybe not. There really aren't that many billboards in the world. They aren't in the woods, your bathroom, the ocean, in small neighborhoods, etc. The billboards are specifically placed where there is high traffic. Although there are a small number of billboards compared to the amount of space where they could potentially be placed, almost everybody sees a few of them per day. In the same way, although the shills can only spend so much time on so many threads, the vast majority of people might read 2 or 3 manipulated threads per day.

That was an amazingly well-thought out and well-researched reply. Thank you so much for taking the time to do that.

I'm going save these points and share them next time another sharia blue shill questions the existence of paid shills. It's funny that it's such an alien concept to them-lol.

There are FAR more shills FOR Trump than against.

Why are some claims attacked and others not? They will leave your baseless, evidence-free comment here alone.

My comment is more backed up than yours. New York Times and other publications have written about the pro-Trump paid shill factories around the world.

I like how you didn't cite anything.

Do you like when everything just comes down to "you're alt-right skin head?" It's the same thing.

It's not just CTR, it's dumb ass trump supporters looking for a safe place.

I address that in one of my comments further down the chain. Good thinking. Don't assume anyone is the good guy

I have yet to see any CTR shill accounts. Where are they?

So many CTR/shill accounts

And what about the T_D accounts?

There's another comment on this chain in which I explain how t_d users fit in. Suffice to say, I don't care what sub you frequent as long as you post with evidence and are generally respectful of others. I appreciate dissenting opinions if they are backed by source material and arguments are formed coherently.

Truth to the OP is like colors of a dress.

Disgusts me out authoritarians have dressed like people singing alms for liberty.

Your words are worthless. They don't change any minds. You're wasting your time, and your life.

I can't wait for the other shoe to drop. No need for apologies, they are already accepted.

You'll never get one. You're trying to kill the search for truth. Do you ever feel guilty when you try to go to sleep?

Please, your "truth" is like a monstrous abomination hidden under a harmless daisy.

I am not killing any search for truth. I don't advocate for using the state to silent dissent unlike you.

lol yeah, I'm totally advocating for state-controlled dissent. I swear, are you just adding things to your posts from a list, or what?

Pick a new strat, this one isn't working.

Pick a new strat, this one isn't working.

Had to check what sub I was in for a minute there.

Strat v strategy.

Mild humor aside; I wish it was a mod that made this thread and an addentum to Rule 10 so we can put the 'this sub is turning into sub xyz' to bed ('posts that attack this sub').

Read this post at own risk and presume this has been modified by Reddit Inc

I don't advocate for using the state to silent dissent unlike you.

Which is exactly what CTR does and the Obama admin w/Loretta Lynch did.

Shills are down-voting you, I see.

This post is right on. There wouldn't be the massive censorship and control on this sub if we aren't on the right path. We should continue pushing Tulsi Gabbard and her fact finding mission. We need to continue supporting Ben Swann (for the time being until we find out exactly what's been happening with him). Continue supporting the fact that the media has been out to get Trump since day one and has proceeds to support half truths to get the liberal left off their ass (doesn't mean he's not controlled opposition but only time will tell). Continue to tell people it's not a Muslim ban and ask people if they think the temporary ban is better recruitment for IS than the thousands of bombs, drones, and other illegal foreign military action the US has taken in the middle east against these same countries.

Concentrate on Dyncorp too. They're the artery of the cabal.

Haven't read or seen too much on this specifically. Would love to get some starting points. Any verifiable modern "conspiracy" is helpful. The problem is whenever you bring it up and show someone the evidence they just sit there not knowing what to think.

Absolutely, look up George Webb on YouTube! His videos are incredibly informative and well-researched. I think he's up to Day 100 of his investigation today.

I agree. I recommend you search dyncorp on the voat pizzagate sub. And watch George Webb's videos on youtube.

Thanks for your help guys. It's curious how low this comment got on the thread.

We should continue pushing Tulsi Gabbard and her fact finding mission.

Funded by the Assad.

Man another r/The_Donald poster trying to push more censorship and division under the guise of "the shills are out." dudes people have different opinions, we can't all live in our bubbles.

This is really looking like a concentrated effort to push a narrative to push people that don't think like OP out, sorry man conspiracies are apolitical and should continue to be so, but pushing out the counter-points to your point just ruins the sub completely and will turn this sub into a confirmation bias click farm.

That's a lie and you know it! EVERY conspiracy theory leads right up to the Democratic Party. Coincidence?

LOL, seriously how are we seeing this but they can't, I mean everything is probably dark when your own head is up your ass but seriously "critical thinking" is supposed to be part of the narrative of this sub yet sometimes it's completely devoid of it as so many here just want their biases confirmed.

You're either misled, or a shill, as well. Hopefully the former, but I think I can help with that. You said that there's "a concentrated effort to push a narrative." You're exactly right, and it's anyone affiliated with David Brock and his ShareBlue program.

They are the ones pushing the narrative. Look it up, read the leaked donor document, educate yourself! You can see that there's some sort of organized resistance going on, and all you need now is to level your sights at the right target!

They are the ones pushing the narrative

So says the guy who is posting the same kind of posts that have been upvoted all morning.

educate yourself!

I'm educated pretty well actually, but thanks for your concern, seriously man this is pretty transparent, when you say "educate yourself" you only mean buy into your bullshit and share the same bubble I live in. Sorry man I won't there is more information out there that indicates that both Right and Left are both doing the same but you and those echoing the same point all only point to the left side of the equation, I wonder why? I'm a moderate, I like the middle road and fuck anyone who is going to try to dislodge me from this ground in favor of their own beliefs.

and all you need now is to level your sights at the right target!

This screams of "my biases are confirmed and you need to follow my lead" no man I don't and I won't. You're not thinking critically you're just parroting bullshit and reacting.

You need to understand that not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill, that's censorship, that is a low info non-critical way of thinking and you need to gain some perspective. At this point your side, the Right, because face it you have chosen a side and thus have lost objectivity, has made Brock as much of a boogeyman as Soros. I can agree with you here, fuck Shareblue/CTR/whatever else but also fuck Cambridge Analytica, the company the Right wing uses for the same things, fuck fake news peddlers, and fuck the influx of astroturfing bots and trolls who are doing their best to confuse those who aren't choosing to broaden their horizons and using perspective to realize that they need to look and triangulate verification of each and every source.

Critical thinking is needed stop trying to push the shill narrative, we need inclusivity not exclusivity, the shill narrative is just another form of censorship and is a push to turn this sub into a safespace.

Except that organizations like ctr actually exist, actually shill, and have actually brigaded this sub before.

Honestly, we should just ban the topic of Trump here. Most of this is not conspiracy related anyway I.e. His cabinet picks.

Except that organizations like ctr actually exist, actually shill, and have actually brigaded this sub before.

I want to say "nobody questions that" but I'm not so sure that's true, there has to be some of us that do. Once the CTR news broke it seemed to confirm so many of people's biases that so many other users on this sub just started calling anyone with different opinions than they shills or CTR, it like exploded over night, I can't even count how many times I was on the receiving end of that shit just because I lean left in many different ways. So CTR didn't even really have to even come into our sub to do anything to screw things up, instead the news of them even existing and being hired by Hillary was enough for some of us to turn on each other and the cry of shill went from being something that we only used on each other when we suspected someone of being a government agent on here to anyone that did not agree with them. Also at this point many of us simply stopped using our critical thinking in order to take the easy path, call someone a shill and get out of the debate, rather than sticking with it and debating with the person and seeing if you can teach them something or if you can learn something from them. Overall I think CTR focused on r/politics and similar subs mostly, r/PoliticalDiscussion was heavily Hillary leaning, r/politics at one point was mocking it saying it's r/hillaryclinton-lite, but as for us, just their existence was enough to get us to turn on one another.

Additionally I love how in every single one of these CTR discussions nobody ever brings up Cambridge Analytica and the similar stuff they do and have been doing for the Republican party for a while now.

Honestly, we should just ban the topic of Trump here. Most of this is not conspiracy related anyway I.e. His cabinet picks.

No because that's censorship, and Trump is some tasty conspiracy bait, especially all of the stuff surrounding his cabinet picks, the only way a Trump ban would work and be fair is if we banned the Hillary stuff as well, but either way that would ruin the sub because that specifically is censorship. These topics need to be debated and discussed, we need to look at Rex Tillerson's connections to Russia, and Trump's just as much as we need to look at anything to do with Hillary. the conspiracy world should be apolitical, but it often winds up leaning Right to Far/Alt-Right, and so much of that has to do with the sheer amount of propaganda that is pushed by the Right wing, Russia, and the various Right wing conspiracy blogs that just echo what comes from Russia or the Right wing in general. We need to move back to center, because conspiracies come from whomever holds power and right now the Right wing holds the power.

Regardless of leanings or whatever we need to push people to stop self-censoring and crying shill to get out of debating or confirming their biases, we need to encourage critical thinking, debating, and inclusivity.

Yeah no one talks about the right wing shills because this sub hasn't been brigaded from them before. Ctr has definitely brigaded this sub recently so while you can say "whelp shills gonna shill" every regular here is gonna be suspect of others copy pasta comments and arguments.

Thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling for awhile. I am disheartened that this sub calls out CTR but does not do the same for Cambridge Analytica. They are both pushing a narrative and we should all look at what they are trying to accomplish. They are different sides of the same coin.

Thanks for the appreciation, like I said we need to come back to the middle ground and seeing what is actually two sides of the same coin but without resorting to "whataboutisms" and other similar crap that turns the debates into fights. Overall stuff like CTR and CA disgusts me because what they are doing is not only pushing a propaganda filled narrative but it's also brainwashing and conditioning, we need to fight it and fight it hard.

Additionally I love how in every single one of these CTR discussions nobody ever brings up Cambridge Analytica and the similar stuff they do and have been doing for the Republican party for a while now.

Nobody ever brings up Revolution Messaging (Sanders campaign, WAY more money than CTR and was openly involved in s4p) either.

Revolution Messaging

Well probably because they were unsuccessful, however I've looked into them and they weren't doing the same things that CTR and CA were doing, I think they mostly just redesigned his site and a couple of other things but they never hired actual shills to shill for Bernie. If you have a good source that says otherwise please post it.

Hahaha! The red scare!!! Let me guess, you voted for Hillary?

You are the one pushing a narrative. These circle jerk Donald posts are posted multiple times everyday and if certain mods are around it will be stickied.

the pathetic attempt to paint this sub as td2.0 is not very effective.

Just pointing out facts. Got an argument? Or are you just mad I badmouthed your false prophet and his cult of cucks? If you have an argument, bring it. If not go back to being a trump stooge, posting in ThrDonald and Ourpresident...

Just saying that your agenda to discredit r/conspiracy is not very effective.

From the shilling handbook: "Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads", to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff"

I too am paid by media matters and suck David brocks cock on the daily. Hillary Clinton is great. Trump is a fascist. Women should have the right to abortions. State and church should stay separate. Betsy Devos is a fucking moron.


I'm glad they changed their name from ctr. They really fit their nickname "sharia blue" now. It's so appropriate with their "truth squads." Kek

You saying I'm a shill? Go message the mods and see if I'm a shill.

There is no organization necessary when it comes to someone so easy to dislike. This whole argument today is hilarious. EVERY TIME someone disagrees, they are a shill. I'm sure you're about to call me one when I'm just a regular dude on the internet. How can you watch thousands of people across the globe get out and march against the guy and think it's some grand conspiracy. Fuck dude, just being a reality tv actor is enough to get you hated, let alone one who defrauded people with a fake school.

Why would anyone pay money to change your mind? Why would they give a fuck about you

Spot on. ^

From the shilling handbook: Media Matters and its affiliate Shareblue plan to become the reference point for liberal news media, especially online In particular, they plan to provide their own "research" to friendly media outlets to push liberal narratives At the same time, they will try to censor non-aligned outlets, including by having Facebook, Google and Twitter penalize them They will also heavily push the "fake news" and "Russian propaganda" angles to discredit non-aligned outlets They intend to deploy social media analytics to catch developing stories as they emerge and direct their shill armies, called "truth squads", to shape the narrative; this will be done via their proprietary tools and communications network, so it will appear to the outside world as if a genuine grassroots movement is happening their 2017 budget is $13.4 million, with 81 staff

Everything is an evil libruhl conspiracy when you're a right-wing bootlicker.

Just posting a snippet from the recently leaked shilling handbook.

Deflect all you want, what I said is true. Looking at your comment history, your turnip bonus will be excellent this month, no doubt.

Dude when the Russian news outlets report directly to Moscow you have to wonder at least something, I mean you're in r/conspiracy after all, you can't be this blind in your biases. Even if you are of the belief that our news orgs do the same at least you have to recognize that the game is being played and there are two, or three if you count China, major players playing the game.

However as you are an r/The_Donald poster you could just be concern trolling to keep the narratives focused away from Trump's missteps and the various conspiracies surrounding him and his cabinet appointees, so you can call me a shill all you want but I can shout it right back.

Oh man another r/Politics poster trying to push more division.

Oh look another r/The_Donald poster concern trolling.

I've posted the same amount of times to r/The_Donald as you have r/EnoughTrumpSpam. One time.

So why are you busting my balls about having discussions in other subs then? I'm just going tit for tat. r/politics at this point is just r/conspiracy but I don't get called a shill every time I decide to post because my perspective is left leaning. I'm pointing out a trend on the sub and you want to bury your head because it affects your Pro-Trump bias.

Man another r/The_Donald poster trying to push more censorship and division under the guise of "the shills are out."

You started this whole thing.

r/politics at this point is just r/conspiracy

Are we looking at the same r/politics? I don't see anything but Anti-Trump, in your second highest that hasn't hit r/all yet. Might as well be called r/Democrats, I don't see anything but an echo chamber.

When something does hit all, you get number one comments like this. With the post being at 57% upvoted.

"This sub has completely lost their minds upvoting complete nonsense like this. Holy shit." - #1 comment in r/Politics highest upvoted post.

but I don't get called a shill every time I decide to post because my perspective is left leaning. I'm pointing out a trend on the sub and you want to bury your head because it affects your Pro-Trump bias.

You called out the OP for being a shill.

I don't see anything but Anti-Trump

And I don't see anything anti-Trump in this sub either everything is still about Hillary or the shills.

I don't see anything but an echo chamber.

I never said it wasn't that was one of the reasons why I think it's the same as this sub, which takes on an echochamber vibe of it's own.

You called out the OP for being a shill.

At the time I posted there were a dozen posts basically saying the same thing with all of the posters having previously being r/The_Donald posters, sorry man that's a trend, if your head wasn't up your ass with your biases you would be calling them out for pushing a narrative or concern trolling.

Is the sub the new AltLeft?

There is no alt-left, that's just a reactionary made up thing to the Orwellian Double-Speak that is "Alt-Right" lets call it what it is, Far Right and Far Left.

As for r/politics I don't care what's on there, I probably spend as much time on this sub as that, both are echochambers but this sub is the only one that bitches about the other, and mostly because we're beneath their notice here. Also I never touted r/politics as anything but the mirror image of r/conspiracy or an r/conspiracy for the left at this point. The sub I go on when I want to be serious is r/Political_Revolution or one of the news subs.

And I don't see anything anti-Trump in this sub either everything is still about Hillary or the shills.

#14 for the Month, Anti-Trump. I only see "Pro-Trump" when he does good things. IE TPP. How is talking about Hillary's email server a Pro-Trump thing?

At the time I posted there were a dozen posts basically saying the same thing with all of the posters having previously being r/The_Donald posters, sorry man that's a trend, if your head wasn't up your ass with your biases you would be calling them out for pushing a narrative or concern trolling.

You were the first one! Maybe if you weren't insane you would see your bias. I am calling out YOU for pushing YOUR narrative. Then after you posted... ANOTHER r/Politics poster came and pushed the r/The_Donald narrative.. Oh look 254 posts to r/Politics.

Oh look an ETS poster!

Oh look an r/The_Donald poster!

Talk about censorship and division. You guys are so pathetic.

Yes because calling people shills rather than debating them isn't self-censorship at all./s

You guys are inorganic and cannot even come up with your own anything. You basically just copy everything TD does and put an opposite twist on it. It is easy to call people shills when Media Matter and other political groups openly admit to posts on here.

Here is a screenshot of one of the many bots spamming the same exact post over and over again on here.

It's so easy to call someone out as a shill yet I post mostly in this sub and fuck I'm at work right now and it has nothing to do with CTR or whatever the fuck they're called now, just face facts man sometimes people don't agree with what you believe, that's life, time to get over it and put on your big boy pants and actually discuss things rather than just "shill" your woes away anytime you're confronted with something that is off your own "script."

ust face facts man sometimes people don't agree with what you believe, that's life, time to get over it

I Do understand that and most rational people, especially the hardcore anti-Trumpers I know in real life are not this insane.

I would love to discuss things but there is nowhere left on me for reddit to go because ANY dissenting opinion is met with enough downvotes to get you the 10 minute between posts timer and ZERO replies. That is what I like about subs like this and undelete because both sides can actually get together to discuss things. Otherwise, we both live in separate echo chambers. Your side is just as guilty if not worse.

are not this insane.

What the hell am I saying that is insane? What is wrong with you man lol. Wow.

Your side is just as guilty if not worse.

Also I have no side, I'm never claimed to have a side, I'm a middle of the road kind of guy, and dude seriously the only person pigeon holing me is you.

Like I said I lean left but I'm always willing to hear things out and give my take on what's said, hell that's what I was doing by even responding to OP's post, and I even tried to engage OP but they didn't bother with a follow up, however in another thread, with basically the same title, I spoke to that OP and we came to an agreement that we both wanted to see the same things in this sub, a move back towards the middle.

Seriously man you're just assuming I'm the enemy because I happen to also comment in r/politics, that's a little asinine because plenty of other users here do the same, also I've pushed for the same in r/politics, on this account or my main account, whenever I see a reasonable Trump supporter posting in there and everyone jumping all over them. I firmly believe you don't change someones mind unless you engage them, and that's my whole problem with the shill thing is it pushes off any engagement, now that engagement doesn't have to be nice either, but people need to be confronted on their beliefs and challenged and if possible educated, and you can learn something from them in the process, or at least I usually believe I can.

What the hell am I saying that is insane? What is wrong with you man lol. Wow.

I never said you were insane or anything you said was insane. I am talking about the amount of disinformation and fear that is being propagated on this website. For fucks sake stop pretending I am attacking you here. You want a discussion or do you want to be combative?>

Again, I never said you were the enemy. I am just saying that your side of the spectrum are acting a bit crazy imo.

I firmly believe you don't change someones mind unless you engage them, and that's my whole problem with the shill thing is it pushes off any engagement, now that engagement doesn't have to be nice either, but people need to be confronted on their beliefs and challenged and if possible educated, and you can learn something from them in the process, or at least I usually believe I can.

I am willing and do engage in actual discussion when I can find it on here as well. Unfortunately, the reddit mods and admins are doing everything they can to prevent that discussion.

Sorry, obviously I thought you were talking about something anti-Trump that sounded insane, and believe me you haven't even seen me be combative, but I'm sure you could find examples in my post history, like I said my intentions are to be reasonable.

Again, I never said you were the enemy. I am just saying that your side of the spectrum are acting a bit crazy imo.

But you have to understand a lot of us who lean left or even sit in the middle of the road think that a lot of what the Right, and especially Pro-Trumpers, are the ones that are being insane, so I guess this is kind of subjective to who is deciding who or what is insane.

Me personally I think the unflinching desire to confirm biases, and jump through all kinds of mental gymnastics to push off dissenting opinion or counter the negatives of the Right or Trump in general is insane. I am not saying you have indicated you are one of those or anything like that, that's just how I feel about things I've seen from a broad perspective of things.

Additionally like I noted the Boy who Cried Shill has also played into a lot of this.

Unfortunately, the reddit mods and admins are doing everything they can to prevent that discussion.

I'll start with the admins, the funniest thing about this statement is outside of dumbass changing comments I have not heard a peep from the admins, yet those users that support the Trump narratives constantly rail about how terrible they've been, which to me just makes them look like they have a victim complex. Now there have been subs that have been eliminated, but so many of those that were either were extremely racist or whatever else along those lines, I mean c'mon one of the was r/greatapes (or something like that) which is nothing but making fun of blacks and comparing them to chimps and apes, that shit is terrible in my eyes and I am by far not a SJW. The other one was FPH, and that sub was banned because they were brigading constantly and being dicks in general.

Additionally I know from the other side of things there has been calls for banning r/The_Donald too for the same reasons FPH was banned, yet the admins have shown that they will not, which they shouldn't, because they'll just be a cancer somewhere else on the site, at least they have their safespace and can get banned when they're dicks elsewhere, which kind of isn't fair since they ban the shit out of any dissenting opinions, hence the safespace moniker, and they can't be brigaded in retaliation.

Now the mods are another story, some suck some don't, and some of the ones that suck are legit shills, and there are no two ways about that, even some mods on r/The_Donald have been caught as being shills and selling accounts and what not, I'm pretty sure plenty of other subs are having the same issues, especially the politically connected ones.

But you have to understand a lot of us who lean left or even sit in the middle of the road think that a lot of what the Right, and especially Pro-Trumpers, are the ones that are being insane, so I guess this is kind of subjective to who is deciding who or what is insane.

Sure, except, history eludes them and they think that all this stuff that is happening is brand new and hasn't been done before. When you show them their precious Bill Clinton or Obama and now (somehow) George Bush doing the same things, they stick their heads back in the sand. There is no reasoning with them.

Me personally I think the unflinching desire to confirm biases, and jump through all kinds of mental gymnastics to push off dissenting opinion or counter the negatives of the Right or Trump in general is insane. I am not saying you have indicated you are one of those or anything like that, that's just how I feel about things I've seen from a broad perspective of things.

I can easily say the same thing about the opposing side. In fact, I guess it is what I just said above in this comment.

I'll start with the admins, the funniest thing about this statement is outside of dumbass changing comments I have not heard a peep from the admins, yet those users that support the Trump narratives constantly rail about how terrible they've been, which to me just makes them look like they have a victim complex.

Dude, they had a whole blog post the other day where they condemned Trump because of his immigration ban. Many of the well known admins participated in it. They are just as grossly misinformed as the rest of the left. Spez, the CEO of the entire company has a disdain for TD so much so that he has edited peoples reddit comments from the backend. That is on top of changing the fundemental algorithm of the website to keep pro Trump posts off the front page. That is a very dangerous precedent. It is their website though so they can do whatever they want.

. Now there have been subs that have been eliminated, but so many of those that were either were extremely racist or whatever else along those lines, I mean c'mon one of the was r/greatapes (or something like that) which is nothing but making fun of blacks and comparing them to chimps and apes, that shit is terrible in my eyes and I am by far not a SJW. The other one was FPH, and that sub was banned because they were brigading constantly and being dicks in general.

Sure, like I said it is their website and the corporation who owns it wants the website to appreciate in value. I would ban those subreddits too.

Additionally I know from the other side of things there has been calls for banning r/The_Donald too for the same reasons FPH was banned, yet the admins have shown that they will not, which they shouldn't, because they'll just be a cancer somewhere else on the site, at least they have their safespace and can get banned when they're dicks elsewhere, which kind of isn't fair since they ban the shit out of any dissenting opinions, hence the safespace moniker, and they can't be brigaded in retaliation.

There is no reason to ban TD. We are not a hateful subreddit believe it or not. Anytime people call us racists and sexists or hateful, I challenge them to find me one upvoted comment or post from today that falls into those categories. It is the 2nd most active subreddit. If they banned us, it would be FPH all over again times 100. Reddit would become unusable.

Secondly, we ban dissenting opinions because:

A: It is a dedicated Trump subreddit. It is a 24/7 Trump rally. If you showed up to a rally in protest with a sign, you would be removed from the rally. Same thing goes for Bernie and Hillary subreddits. They are specifically for support. This is the same reason you can't go into Iphone and argue why Androids are better or into PCmasterrace and argue that consoles are better.

B. So many redditors or paid shills have such a disdain for TD that they actually do try and sabotage us. They come and post racist stuff and expect to get upvotes so they can look like they proves something. Nope, we do not accept intolerance so one of our mods will ban them immediately. Not worth the time to vet every single nay sayer.

The entire reason TD exists is because you couldn't be a Trump supporter anywhere else on this website. We were all literally banned and shunned from the rest of the website so we had to make our own community. I can only post in /r/politics once every ten minutes. My main account is banned from there. If we cannot come to their side to chat then why the fuck should they be able to come to our shitpost circlejerk forum and voice their concerns? That's out man. They made the bed and we are all sleeping in it.

Now the mods are another story, some suck some don't, and some of the ones that suck are legit shills, and there are no two ways about that, even some mods on r/The_Donald have been caught as being shills and selling accounts and what not, I'm pretty sure plenty of other subs are having the same issues, especially the politically connected ones.

Yea like the entire mod team in /r/politics being replaced right before the election. There was even an ETS mod who also modded /r/politics. It is a joke.

When you show them their precious Bill Clinton or Obama and now (somehow) George Bush doing the same things, they stick their heads back in the sand. There is no reasoning with them.

I think you don't give people enough credit with this statement, there are many people on the left critical of all of them, especially me, don't get me wrong, I like Obama, but there has been a whole shit load of shadiness that went down all throughout his presidency, especially his last nod to the snooper's charter where he's allowing the NSA to share their data with the other agencies and police. I'm an IT professional with a degree in Information Systems Security, privacy is a huge deal to me.

I guess it is what I just said above in this comment.

Believe me I agree, confirming biases is not a one sided thing, everyone from any group or fanhood does it, I'm not going to devolve this into "your side does it more" or anything like that so I'll just stop at acknowledgement that any group does it and you have to force yourself to separate yourself from it and confirm and verify sources and like my dad likes to use "triangulate your news" basically seeking out three sources from separate sides of the spectrum that confirm the facts in the article.

That is a very dangerous precedent. It is their website though so they can do whatever they want.

I agree to an extent but they could have outright banned r/The_Donald by now and they haven't and they won't most likely, the algorithm tweaks are mostly to combat the vote manipulation that r/The_Donald engages in to stay on the front page, me I just filter the crap out and don't even worry about it, except for when it creeps into the subs I actually enjoy being on, like this one.

Sure, like I said it is their website and the corporation who owns it wants the website to appreciate in value. I would ban those subreddits too.

Exactly, I agree.

If they banned us, it would be FPH all over again times 100. Reddit would become unusable.

Like I said before in my previous post I agree.

Secondly, we ban dissenting opinions because:

I was banned from r/t_d for asking about something that was a current headline and that was before the sidebar rules were changed. I get that it's a fan sub, or at least it is now.

So many redditors or paid shills have such a disdain for TD that they actually do try and sabotage us

Well with all of the brigading and other bullshit from r/t_d can you possibly understand why? I mean seriously I'm not sure how much you participated but they took over every Bernie sub post primary loss, they brigaded and attacked r/politics, they brigade anything that is talking shit about them or Trump, that's shitty and that's why we hate that sub, and as for shills, like I said not everyone is a shill some people just really fucking hate that sub, or Trump in general, and I said some but more like a lot of people.

Regardless it's a safespace for the people who bitch the loudest about safespaces, and that's why that sub is the bane of Reddit while simultaneously being one of the biggest jokes of Reddit.

Yea like the entire mod team in /r/politics being replaced right before the election. There was even an ETS mod who also modded /r/politics. It is a joke.

But you also neglect to point out that there is an r/The_Donald contributor that is the mod of r/politics too. r/politics has always leaned heavily left, as has the majority of Reddit, are you really that surprised?

Yea like the entire mod team in /r/politics being replaced right before the election

Also source on this one please, because I know a few people left or were replaced but other than that the mod team stayed fairly intact, but then again I don't pay attention to the mods all too much anyway, additionally I've been banned from r/politics twice myself on my main account, and my previous account before that one.

I will try to reply to this later on. Have a nice day

Thanks man you too, I probably won't respond until tomorrow but looking forward to it.

Meanwhile we have a President who appears to a fascist, is purging the state dept of anyone suspect of not being loyal, and has a white nationalist/supremacist who has openly stated he wanted to dismantle our government as his chief adviser and nobody cares at all in here.

I care, hence why I've been making similar, although less in your face points about it, Donald Trump's presidency and cabinet so far are a conspiracy goldmine yet there are no miners to mine it in here save for you and I and a handful of others or visitors from r/all.

I still have no idea what a fucking shill is. Is it Reddit currency or something??

A shill is someone paid to spread disinformation or to sell an idea. Look at the new ShareBlue manual for what we're talking about. I'm sure it's on the front page!

Ah ok, I've always considered this a possibility over the past few years, never knew the whole concept had a name lol.

It's like Tony Blair showing up and telling us some random desert country has weapons of mass destruction when all it has is oil and some gold....

... and there are tons of "hobby shills" that are willing to wade into a discussion and mutilate what they know to be true, to further their own personal agenda or whatever. A shill is sort of like a professional troll, but instead of just messing with folks, they try to alter people's beliefs by deceptive comments.

Reddit has really showed me some unpleasant realities about my fellow humans.

There isn't any fellow humans. All of reddit is just AI. The secret is out. You're the only human here.

Unless... You too are AI?

I've been accused of being a shill so many times yet Ive never been paid a dime.

You know how a snake-oil salesman will pick a "random" person he's never met from the audience who will tell everyone how wonderful his life has been since he started drinking the stuff? That's a shill.


A shill is a paid review. Note, the review can be good or bad depending on who is paying

Yeah it makes sense now, cheers

I think it's the guys trying to suppress the Trump/Putin conspiracy. They are well organised and they seem to be doing a good job. For now anyway. Eventually the truth has got to come out.

Probably more likely that it's Trump that's friends with all of Putin's friends and not him directly, or vice versa. If that was the absolute truth, people would still try and argue and draw their own lines.

I love a good conspiracy and stuff, but sometimes it just makes me feel so fucking numb.





  1. an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. verb

1.act or work as a shill.

How it is used at times in this sub though is "anyone that disagrees with me" be aware that this term can also be used to self-censor.

Thanks Karen for taking the time for a good explanation... But I sort of feel you're just telling me this so I follow your description of the word.. may e it means something else but you're pushing your agenda on me...

Dude I'm just trying to get you to see both sides of things that's all, so many in here like to shout shill like people say triggered and that's all I'm trying to say. If you want me to I can just paste The Boy who Cried Wolf it makes the same point for me.

A shill is supposed to be an online astroturfer, but with the impulse of some of the regulars around here to call anyone with a different opinion a shill you'd be forgiven for thinking it's just a meaningless buzzword.

Lets get it boys.

9/11, ufo's, oligarchies, im for it.

Fuck this faux-civil war, elite squabble bs.

Trevor Moore's Time for Guillotines, very very apropos.

I'm just here for the illuminati, freemasons, lizard people, hidden pyramids and ancient aliens. I don't know why this left vs right schoolyard fight has to be a part of my conspiratorial narrative these days.

It doesn't. It's the_donald doing that shit. I don't remember left wing idiots brigading this sub ever since the election ended. The Trump cheerleaders need to leave as well.

BTW I voted Trump but the blind cocksucking is pissing me the fuck off. He's the spokesperson for the establishment now let's have a little fucking accountability and intellectual honesty for gods sake.

Lets get it boys and girls.

Don't forget about us lady conspirators!

Oh how could we ever forget! We come in all shapes, size and flavors. The more the merrier :)

Tally Hoo!

Fear is the mind killer!

The Spice must flow!

I agree OP. The real enemy here is libruls and hillary clinton. Anyone who is concerned about trump or is immaculate administration is either a shill or a troll and should be banned immediately. I'm tired of this "Trump isn't doing the right thing" narrative being pushed by shills! It's just an attempt to distract from the real villains: Hillary and libruls!

I agree OP. Anyone who is concerned about trump or is immaculate administration is either a shill or a troll and should be banned immediately. I'm tired of this "Trump isn't doing the right thing" narrative being pushed by shills! It's just an attempt to distract from the real villains: Hillary and libruls!

not clever, not funny

i'm all for satire, but it needs to be well-executed

makes the point tho, its coming from all angles now. you cant cry about one side then ignore the other just because it aligns with your views.

I think to find the truth we must resort to other means of obtaining info. Reddit is far too public of a place and has already been compromised. If you want real news your best bet is to VPN up and learn to trek the dark side of the web.

Fuck the shills, they've turned this sub into pure shit.

Shill is this subs equivalent of SJW's calling someone racist, mysogynist or alike. While it might be true in some cases - the vast majority of the time it's aimed to silence people with a difference of opinion, by invalidating their it without having to present a proper argument.

when the entire landscape of a subreddit changes dramaticaly exactly after a "shilling company" is outed (because they started acting) dont you think its the perfect time to actually see shills in action.

Of course. But I still believe the amount of actual shills is far, far lower than the amount of people being labeled as such.

You mean when the goverment of the most powerful country in the world changes hands and people who were on the inside are now on the outside. You probably weren't here 8 years ago, but when Bush was president this was a VERY left leaning sub, with posts calling for Bush/ Cheney to be charged with warcrimes pretty much every day. When the left took power it gradually shifted to more right leaning.

And now that the party in power changed, it's safe to assume that it will probably head back to more left leaning. People hear about Trump- Russia connections and they assume this would be the sub for it, because you know, it's a conspiracy theory. Then when they get here you call them shills and accuse them of being paid...

I want to hear more about the red scare! Msm hasn't covered it enough!!

The 'shills' don't present arguments. They say things like 'enough of this pedo bullshit' 'what is this the_donald' etc

All the best stuff is in the "controversial" tab

"You shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

Didn't they kill the guy who said that?

If they mock or insult you, they are not real. Conspiracy has an organic respect for all who comment constructively.

I agree. Some might say I'm being too aggressive, but I'm tired of giving these detractors the benefit of the doubt. We need to call them out and report. I remember this sub last spring. Now it's getting as bad as the news, worldnews, and politics subs. We know real money gets paid these people, so they have the time to attack us. Let's call them out and take the sub back.

If they ain't respectful they ain't about being peaceful. I'm trying to create a Johnny Cockran like saying. "If the glove don't fit, then you must acquit"

Middle ground noise. Fuck trump & ctr. Fuck the fed, the left and the right. Fuck the MIIC, fuck the pedos, the Vatican and all means of subjugation and control. Fuck israel, fuck Saudi Arabia, fuck china, Russia and yes fuck America too. Fuck the hoarders, the greedy, selfish, material posessors, fuck anyone that tells you not to think, read, learn, question and resist. Fuck the mindlessly obedient, sycophantic slaves. Fuck the boomers, millenials, any separation that fits the narrative of control. Fuck the lawyers, soldiers, bankers and human parasites. The war is here, folks, it is time to CRUSH THE LIES.

What are you for?

He's saying fuck soldiers then saying the war is here idk thats just ironic i guess. Hopefully humanity can prosper greatly one day.

Who/what do you support or stand for then?

Here here. I second this. I very much value the information and users on this sub. Please don't let the political machine drown you out.

i love my fellow conspiracy theorists hell this sub alone has lead me down even farther in the rabbit hole

I notice we have a lot more people talking about shills during work days. Makes me think it's a false flag.

PSA: People who disagree with you are not shills by default.

If any lurkers want actual information ie; the reason they rape children, why they lie to you about everything, message me and I can do my best to point you to some good sources.

The problem i see is that people play connect the dots with out really vetting most of their claims or present the facts in such a way to kinda sorta fit the story but whoch are taken out of context. Im not saying nothing is true, but these days the truth seems to be what ever you want it to be.

Long time lurker. Several time username changer.

Long time lurker. Several time username changer.

Why can't both sides be called out? My favorite moment ever on this sub was when a Conspiracy was marked as "Unsupported claims" and more neutral thinking theorists on here were ripping the The_Donald brigade a new ass hole for essentially doing the same thing they accused Hillary of doing. There's a pretty obvious difference between now and before the election. While I do agree there might be CTR members on here, the biases for both sides show pretty darn clearly when you disagree with their view point. Moron/cuck/idiot etc comes out first and foremost as an indicator that you're not dealing with someone who is open to actual discussion and investigation. As another lurker, fuck "ShareBlue" and the_Donald. Both of yall can eat a fat dick. The research and discussion itself I believe should be non partisan 😊

Which turned out to be false

fuck the Israelis and the antisemitism. Jews run the world/s


Lurker here, i do copy links from here and voat and post them on my twitter account, keep doing what you do guys!

The mods may and probably are compromised as well. So much cuckoldry is apparent here.

Lurker here, I get annoyed when I post stuff that talks about how people are trying to divide this sub or how there is always a third option to stuff and that we should critically analyze everything...

Then I receive massive downvotes across all my comments from brigading.

ty dont lurk participate

remember the fcc publishes all their names


Amen, been lurking here for years. It now feels totally different, not fringe, but focused on.

This was my favorite sub for years, but now the trump people have flooded the sub with their rhetoric.

Don't help the shills push that narrative.

It isn't narrative pushing, its the truth.

It's obvious to me who is a shill. The people seeking truth are generally not hateful. The people with an agenda are complete dickholes.

It's become quite amusing to watch the OG's of this sub and the others who do not frequent this sub. I've said it before that it's painfully obvious who's who in this sub. Mostly, the trump circle jerk is people posting crap about the immigration ban asking why this sub isn't talking about it. Because it's not a conspiracy. As soon as anyone mentions the conspiracies that shroud around Clinton or Obama- it's immediately shifted to "this sub is pro trump" thus the circle jerk begins again. This is one of the benefits of being a long time lurker here. I love the OG's here, they have produced some amazing content and wonderful insights to crazy ass conspiracies that have been proven (JFK), and the wild unknown (Aliens).


The only bit of solace i can give those seeking knowledge is that if you stay here long enough you will learn to know what shills looks like

It's okay... people will weather the storm and find the safe ports of harbor... once ya get used to spotting the shills it is extremely obvious a lot of the time... I think they have taken to sending private messages too, so that they can try to derail you in a less-public venue so they are less likely to get spotted.

Sad... they shouldn't be paid for this... it's shoddy and obvious.

if someone dropped a truthbomb it would get downvoted into obscurity. funny thing though is that imagine that would take a lot of work and they couldn't handle too many at once. so keep dropping the truthbombs. and maybe we should synchronise when we drop them.....

FFS! can we get more conspiracies up on this sub please, are we just running out of juicy content or something? Every fucking day I see this "I'm a lurker, sub is dead", "Sub is alive", "I love this sub", "I stroke you, you stroke me" bullshit.

FFS stop voting this stuff up people, this thread has no conspiracy and this isn't the r/Carebears/

Stay Focused.

Thanks. Late I know. lol

Your words are worthless. They don't change any minds. You're wasting your time, and your life.

I can't wait for the other shoe to drop. No need for apologies, they are already accepted.

lol yeah, I'm totally advocating for state-controlled dissent. I swear, are you just adding things to your posts from a list, or what?

Pick a new strat, this one isn't working.

I don't advocate for using the state to silent dissent unlike you.

Which is exactly what CTR does and the Obama admin w/Loretta Lynch did.

He's saying fuck soldiers then saying the war is here idk thats just ironic i guess. Hopefully humanity can prosper greatly one day.

Shills are down-voting you, I see.

MAGA! /s Noone here cares what a Donald stooge says.