The New 911 Disinfo Narrative, Brought to You By Redditors on this subreddit - Controlled Demolitions were Placed in All 3 Skyscrapers, "Just in Case..."

0  2017-01-31 by [deleted]



I don't quite understand.

ask user /u/know_comment, they are working to incorporate this new narrative into the public's conscious

OP has been trolling me all morning because I gave a personal theory that it's possible WTC7 and (other high value target buildings) were potentially rigged with explosives in the event of a crisis/ attack as part of a civil defense/ COG strategy.

So because my opinion doesn't necessarily fit exactly into whatever his own esoteric theory on 9/11 is, I am obviously a government shill bent on destroying the 9/11 truth movement from the inside by coopting it and planting disinformation to divide and conquer.

This is not a new conspiracy angle at all, I heard this being discussed here years ago.

Ok, maybe. I wasn't presenting it as novel. I've never heard anyone else present this other than myself- it's a conclusion i thought was kindof intuitive, though- and would, at the very least be a plausible backstory to tell people on intelligence committees.

Hypothetically- and I'm not a physicist here, but have seen enough videos of controlled demolitions going bad... What would the fallout have been if the towers had toppled rather than falling into their footprints? Isn't it intuitively obvious that a safeguard like this would offer a contingency to potentially mitigate loss of life in a catastrophic event? And isn't it also intuitive that for myriad reasons, "the government" might not tell the truth to the population if they were actually responsible for "pulling" these buildings?

I'm not justifying it or rationalizing it, but I suspect that our "philosopher kings" WOULD justify/rationalize it- and so I see it as a likely possibility of a certain layer of the 9/11 that would coincide with a potential interception of the "lets roll" flight which crashed in shenksville.

And these theories ONLY contradict the official narrative. They don't contradict the idea that it was an "inside job", and they also don't do any disservice to "conspiracy theories" in general the way an overthetop or illogical theory would- so I'm not sure what OP's major malfunction is.

we are winning.

Nope. I recall a real build up of anger just before the 15 year anniversary, that went out the window as soon as Clinton had her collapse at ground zero. How easily manipulated we all are.

slow clap

you managed to find a way to ruin a 911 post with politics hogwash. that takes talent

Have any of the Bush administration been thrown in prison awaiting trial? It's very sad that americans are too stupid to hold those accountable for what they've done, but it's a fact. "We" are not winning. Those responsible will die of old age in their mansions, on silk pillows. You can be as dramatic as you want in your posts, but as I said, there was a real buildup of 9/11 anger just before the last anniversary, and it collapsed just like HRC did at ground zero. The american public is easily controlled, and those responsible for 9/11 have gotten away with their crimes. I'd love to be wrong though.

you managed to find a way to ruin a 911 post with politics hogwash.

Also, what kind of crap is this? You cannot subtract 9/11 from politics. It was all about politics, and still is.

You cannot subtract 9/11 from politics.

I can most certainly decipher an evil lady falling in 2016 from the controlled demolitions of Sept. 11, 2001.

Address the OP or find a different conspiracy post to jam more /r/politics narratives down the public's collective throat.

Wow, you're nuts.

i'm talking about controlled demolitions and disinformation campaigns associated with the controlled demolitions.

you're talking about a politician who fell.

No. You said, "We are winning!", and I told you that we are far from winning. There is no win in 9/11, and never will be. Obama, Holder and Pelosi let those responsible off scott free. Stop deluding yourself.

i'm talking about controlled demolitions and disinformation campaigns associated with the controlled demolitions.

you're *still** talking about a politician who fell*.

You made several points, didn't you? My god you're an ass.

why are you associating thermite with flat earth lizards if you are against disinformation?

each disinformation campaign should be viewed on it's own merit.

i've made no distinction, yet you have projected one. no need for that kind of projection on this thread, unless you are purposely trying to miss the point

association = things in the same post are associated by virtue of being in the same post...

why even mention flat earth lol??

The problem with 9/11 conspiracy theories is that it goes against the Mulsim hate narrative being heavily pushed here to paint their leader in a good light.

If you believe the 9/11 conspiracies you believe that it was not carried out by radical Islam but used as a tool to create the new boogeyman of the 21st century. I'd argue no terrorist plot carried out on western soil in the last 20 years was done by a Muslim. The refugee crisis was created by the same globalists that have been running the show. They knew what sending refugees to europe would do; bolster the international hate for muslims. It's pounded into our heads almost daily. Those of us still able to be critical and objective of the farce are able to see behind the curtains.

whewwww. you better educate them.

Yes, BUT (since OP offered me a cordial invitation to this thread as a resident "disinfo" shill)...

If you believe the 9/11 conspiracies you believe that it was not carried out by radical Islam but used as a tool to create the new boogeyman of the 21st century.

why can't it be both?

What is the relationship of radical islam and the "NWO"/ deep state/ CIA/ Church/ The Crown/ Israel etc?

Does the relationship of agents of these cabals with the House of Saud/ wahaabist sunni salafiism only revolve around their access to oil, or is there more to it? And how far back does it go?

I think this is a curious piece of "disinfo"- a political treatise of sorts which dates back to at least 1868- published as The Memoirs of Mr. Hempher (a British Spy to the Middle East)

In the book, a British spy named Hempher, working in the early 1700s, tells of disguising himself as a Muslim and infiltrating the Ottoman Empire with the goal of weakening it to destroy Islam once and for all. He tells his readers: "when the unity of Muslims is broken and the common sympathy among them is impaired, their forces will be dissolved and thus we shall easily destroy them... We, the English people, have to make mischief and arouse schism in all our colonies in order that we may live in welfare and luxury."[4]

Hempher intends ultimately to weaken Muslim morals by promoting "alcohol and fornication," but his first step is to promote innovation and disorder in Islam by creating Wahhabism, which is to gain credibility by being on the surface morally strict. For this purpose, he enlists "a gullible, hotheaded young Iraqi in Basra named Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab".[3] Hempher corrupts and flatters Wahhab until the man is willing to found his own sect. According to Hempher, he is one of 5,000 British agents with the assignment of weakening Muslims, which the British government plans to increase to 100,000 by the end of the 18th century. Hempher writes, "when we reach this number we shall have brought all Muslims under our sway" and Islam will be rendered "into a miserable state from which it will never recover again."[4],_The_British_Spy_to_the_Middle_East

This was a "conspiracy theory" being promoted by Ottoman Turks 150 years ago! Even if the document itself is a "hoax", as claimed- it's existence is very real in historical context. The belief was that the British (Crown) was installing the House of Saud as a fundamentalist government to schism and destroy the Islamic Empire. A theory with some significant basis in plausibility.

And I'm not even getting into the real meat and potatoes here.

I'm not even getting into the real meat and potatoes here.

Correct, you've ignored OP's post and copy-pasta'd information having nothing to do with 9.11 or the above-mentioned disinfo campaigns. guess i should have included 'forum sliding' to my list!

Well first off, we've established that I think OP is off his meds today and that this particular sock of his is probably not intended to last a full month on this sub. But I wasn't responding to OP, I was responding to /u/honkimon.

We're talking about the roll of radical islam in 9/11. I was adding some historical context on radical islam.

Let's bring this back to OP, shall we? please provide any pertinent information on your new 'pet theory' with those pre-planted explosives in the World Trade Centers???

FWIW the middle east has always been a flaming cauldron of hot oil that needed help to stay upright less it spilled over catching everything around it on fire. Our invasion, occupation, and destabilization would not have been possible without the blind nationalism our country displayed after 9/11. TPTB needed to maintain the villainy of said boogeyman and whether it had to do with central banking, Israel needing more land, or whatever, the refugee 'crisis' was our fault plain and simple. When you en masse force a population of people that have lived a certain way for thousands of years and have been insulated from western culture (whether it from sanctions or religious beliefs) you will, with 100% certainty, have the situation you have today with the refugees in Europe. Again, our fault, I will take the blame too because I pay taxes.

This train of thought doesn't necessarily apply to Afghanistan or Iran as their leadership/cultures were pretty progressive until we permitted them both to take the turns they did. I see it all as calculated and as a long term globalist game.

yeah, i'm not disagreeing with anything you've said here. Just adding the concept that radical islam was created and fostered to divide and conquer the middle east. and that that division in the middle east was created to divide and conquer East and West.

I think where this becomes obvious is when, during the bush administration, the media/ government was telling us that they had to go into Iraq to fight al quaeda- even though Al Quaeda wasn't even in Iraq. And they continue to use sunni extremism to overthrow shiite governments. Just look at the "7 countries" on the ban list.

I'm glad you see that it isn't as simple as: "But it says this in the Quran."

I suspect that the Koran, like any religious text, relies heavily on interpretation. As informed as I pride myself on being, I admit that I know very little about islamic culture and the religion. But I do know that post-Ottoman Empire, the islamic world has had very little global power outside of OPEC, so I put very little stock in any argument that blames Islam for the problems which face the US and the international community.

And I do have some personal context to know that agents of the Church and a certain intelligence agency have very very close ties with the fundamentalists who run the country we're referring to.

Thank you for this. I remember the days you're talking about, back when most of us could agree that islamic terrorism was a largely a boogeyman. Sadly, nowadays many members have been blinded by the constant anti-Islam rhetoric. It's kind of surreal to see so many people on a conspiracy forum arguing that 9/11 wasn't a controlled demolition.

So tower 7 blew itself up?

each disinformation campaign should be viewed on it's own merit.

i've made no distinction, yet you have projected one. no need for that kind of projection on this thread, unless you are purposely trying to miss the point