Blizzard releasing Overwatch holiday events to increase profits...

0  2017-01-31 by RaakamB

This is just a theory... but i think blizzard is aware of the holidays coming up and they want the skins drop rate to be super low so people will be more inclined to BUY the boxes, Rather than just play for them.

there is no evidence for this yet just my theory.


My friend played for like 3 hours and got 2 legendary skins.

Maybe you're just a little mad RNG isn't working out in your favor ;)

No, i got my skins but im just saying... Its a little odd that not even a whole 3 weeks later we already have a new holiday event. Also it would be really weird for them to miss out on valentine's day... Then there is a month long drought of holidays.

Okay okay I see where you're coming from now.

But picture it like this; the event was already running 3 weeks. If they made it last any longer, everyone would have it and it wouldn't be worth anything. Multiple short events are good for a games economy, especially with things like skins.

I am not suggesting that they make the even last longer but the ration of Holiday skin to everything else that can drop is simply ridiculous and i think it is a way for blizzard to cash in on the cosmetic market. I mean they won't release the number of boxes purchased per holiday event. don't you think that's strange?

I guess im just not seeing the conspiracy here.

These types of games have been doing the same thing for

but the events happening is such a quick time frame. Knowing that people would buy the winter skins and not have enough coins to get the Chinese new year skins.

Conspiracy: Blizzard is aware that they are releasing events really close together deliberately to drive loot box sales and to keep the overwatch coin market low.

Conspiracy: micro transaction games try to make you buy stuff from them

Literally every game with premium options tries to get you to buy their shit. It's not new lol.

But those microtransactions aren't dependent on RNG!


Most games give you the option of working really hard for the premium stuff. And it's no secret they tend to make it almost impossible to earn without buying it.

So yea. Point still stands.

But time dependant RNG means you can work hard and still not get the desired reward.

Yeah. That's the point. Every game does that on purpose so you feel the only way is to just swipe your card.


But they also released a game that is constantly being updated with new game modes, new characters, updates, competitive seasons, etc.

Wouldn't it be stupid of them NOT to release Holiday Skins and allow for people to buy the boxes? It's supplemental income that goes to development to help keep the game alive, while bringing in new players, and keeping the old players around..

No i understand that. What im getting at is for each holiday skin there are 6-13 victory poses, 9-32 sprays, 6-13 voicelines which makes the chance of getting the skins super low. An im thinking blizzard did this on purpose knowing it would cause the skin rate to drop.

Of course they did, not really sure what the conspiracy is behind that?

They're looking to make supplemental revenue on low chance, legendary tiered skins that are available during limited times. It pressures the person into buying the boxes during the Holiday events in order to gain the skins.

It's smart, really.

But why? Why not just release the skins as real microtransactions. Why the gamble feature.

RNG is a core feature of most of their product line: Diablo, WoW, and now Overwatch. It's like a staple of Blizzard.

My guess is that the numbers would show that RNG and the "Gambling" feature ends up returning more profits over time. When you have someone who wants that ONE ROADHOG SKIN but has to buy 50+ boxes or achieve enough coins to purchase it outright. Don't forget that coin feature exists to allow for those who have gone through the RNG boxes to be able to buy that one skin they yearn for.

I've found the best way to handle this is simple: Complete your arcade dailies. Hold off on buying skins until the last day of the holiday. Hold on to your coin for those skins you really want. (I straight up bought the new Roadhog skin, since I main him.) Yet I'm still sitting at 12k coins for the next skin that really catches my eye.

That is one way to go about it. But they are also creating a false market for all skins account. An overwatch account with all skins and sprays will be able to go for pretty penny in awhile. similar to how Geared wow accounts went for alot back in the day.

I'm not sure that an Overwatch account with a bunch of skins and sprays is comparable to a Geared WoW Account.

This is coming from a person who had one of those WoW accounts that could have easily sold for 800-1200 dollars on the MMO market.

The WoW Accounts, we're talking about years of investment, hours and hours into the game and the character just to make it better, bigger, stronger, etc. Especially when you consider that most of the PvE gear back in the day was achieved through countless raids and winning loot over many other people in 40 man raids.

I really doubt there's much of a market for an Overwatch account with skins that are nothing more than vanity items. Even if there is, it's niche, and the price wouldn't go to high.

Actually on The accounts actually go from 500 - 800 with alot of skins or coins.

You are implying that they actually sell.

Either way, this is now off topic from your og post.

They must have sold for the market to set the price. and yeah it did...

If I enter a new market with a new product, I can set the market price at whatever I damn well please. No, the price being what it is is not contingent upon actual sales.

I think the price of this particular product is set to the boosting services which are are also in the market.

I dont think the accounts themselves are worth alot but more so the time for the skins, coins, level, and SR make the accounts more valuable. As the price for ELO and SR boosting continues to move up and gain traction so will the price of accounts.

Maybe they did it knowing no one can get them all, so it ends up cool to see the diversity in the game. I don't know.

But making the skins a "Catch them all" type commodity will just increase 3rd party account sales. because if i spend 150$ and a few hours to get all the skins in the game im sure someone would buy that account just for novelty at a premium

You might be right. I didn't know overwatch accounts were selling so well. Maybe it is for the novelty of getting expired skins that came out before you started playing the game. I could see doing that if I was wealthy and wanted to start the game with extra old school skins.

The only way i could see them stopping this market is by re-releasing skins But even so, certain events like the summer games can't be replicated.

Yep. And Chinese New Year. This is the year of the cock (rooster). Next year will be something else. The game is good, I see playing it in a year.

It should be dog so that will be weird

I main Zarya and am disappointed in the number of seasonal skins for her :(

I have no opinion on your post.

Is there a russian holiday coming up?



This is a bad thread. Blizzard has a popular game so they are selling addons that you don't need, and some buy, some earn them. I play, I bought some loot boxes at Christmas event because I had some spare cash. I like supporting Blizzard as they put out amazing stuff.

If the legend skins were easy to get, everyone would have them all, and then they wouldn't be special.

But the number of holidays in such a short span. you don't find it alarming or concerning? What are they funding? Who is Laos? Alex Malaos was credited as the voice of Greek and now its gone off of the imdb page. What is blizzard trying to hid, to distract us from? Why do they need our money

It is the holiday season. Halloween, thanksgiving, Christmas, Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day. You know you do NOT need to buy extra loot boxes, right?

They need our money because they make insanely good games and that costs money. The servers they operate on are amazing performers, those cost money as do the huge Internet pipes.

This is a wild thread. it is like a conspiracy for 14 year olds. :)

Btw, what level are you and what is your main?

I know i dont need to buy the boxes what i was trying to say was
"Conspiracy: Blizzard is aware that they are releasing events really close together deliberately to drive loot box sales and to keep the overwatch coin market low."

It is a juvenile theory but a theory nonetheless!


Raakam#11115 I play the tank role (DVA, rien, road, winston, which ever is need in the situation) im level 112 i think my rank should be down to 800 or so...

I was a jerk above. Sorry. This sub has been seeing some crazy threads posted pro or against trump and I kind of reacted to you like that.

I'll tell you this: among all the software developers in the world over time, Blizzard has survived and thrived where others have failed. They make insanely good shit, have been for ages. I can't think of one crappy release.

That ability is grandmaster level game programming. Awesome games that have amazing playability for months or years and reasonably priced. Instead of charging everyone $100 for the game, they charge less and instead let some people pay more by buying loot boxes. I've paid $80 to get 100 a few weeks ago. Didn't get enough legends but I am okay with it. Not going to buy more for a while.

Peace brother. Sorry again.

All good bro!

Blizzard does make a good products, And microtransactions are a thing. but $80 for 100, when it should have just been 2.99 per legendary skin. It just is odd to me they are using a lottery (RNG) for paid content which sometimes can yield all duplicate sprays, rather than a normal pay for this market.

Once again your cool with me bro. also look up "The Death and Return of superman" and "Justice league Task force" Blizzard has some blemishes

I am a gambler so I am okay with the RNG way but you're right, would be nice to just pay $$ for what I want outright.

But gambling for currency is illegal and if skin begin to be treated as such it could begin to be a mess.

Loot at the CSGO box debacle.

WEAK SAUCE thread. Troll harder next time

What actual discussion the 50 billion trump/CTR threads or the 20 billion pizzagate threads.

Then leave. Don't make this sub worse with pointless shit joke threads. There is actual discussion going on besides all of that crap, but shit like this doesn't help at all. Just filter out and ignore/downvote if you don't like what is being presented. While we're on the topic, the shit you brought up is actually relevant to /r/conspiracy, no matter how annoying it is

Please go back /r/The_Donald/


How was anything I said even close to conveying pro-trump talk? I was referencing there being posts with discussion on this sub not relating to politics, and that somehow means I'm from /r/The_Donald?

Like seriously, what are you smoking? I'm honestly confused at your tactics. You complain about trump/ctr shit, when I tell you there is more stuff to this subreddit than that, you accuse me of the same shit you say you hate.

What is going on lol?

Oh sorry I didnt see all that you typed

I wish we could go back to the old times... before the election happened :(

I like to play Zenyatta but often wind up playing Pharah.

That happens alot. Thats why instead of picking a character i picked a role.