They are trying so hard

28  2017-02-01 by TheRickest_Rick

I think we can all agree that /conspiracy is being ravaged by vote manipulation, censorship and paid narrative control.

And this makes me proud.

I hope they keep trying to sway us. It just adds fuel to the fire in my opinion.

I witness friends and family members waking up to the MSM's constant parroting of one another every day.

So, thanks /conspiracy for being the true enemy of the media.

You are the fly in their ointment. The monkey in the wrench. The pain in their ass.


I dunno about censorship... I think the mods are still staying pretty neutral until the shills finally crack the password for illuminatedwax and then all hell will break loose.

In my opinion, the mods of this sub have remained neutral.

However, other users have talked about possible censorship the past few days.

Not saying you're wrong, just trying to include everyone's concerns

Yeah... these "other users" are prolly trying to push that narrative in the "past few days".

People and the MSM may parrot each other but that doesn't make them wrong.

There is not a single person I know that trusts the media.

If you say so.

I think we can all agree that /conspiracy is being ravaged by vote manipulation, censorship and paid narrative control.


Is the front page not what this sub would upvote?

Post "this sub is dead" had 50% up vots had nothing to do with a conspiracy was calling everyone in this sub an idiot and somehow made it to the front page within minutes... Then the mods started deleting comments pointing out OPs post history was full of anti Trump spam and they had never posted in this sub before...

If they were accusing the user of being a shill then they would get removed... it is against the sub's rules.

Yea but the post itself "this sub is dead" broke the rules wich is very strange...

Yup... that was horseshit...

There are many posts made in this sub by trump supporters that have nothing to do with conspiricies. This post is an example of one.

The exposure is getting very close now you see. The hillary emails that were released and the 650 K emails NOT RELEASED by the NYPD contains so damning information that people will be very shocked about the people who have ruled them.

The NYPD chief says emails contain, child exploitation, sex crimes, perjury, obstruction of justice, money laundering, pay to play...

Demand the immediate release of these emails!!!!

That is sooooo not gonna happen... You are thinking of Wikileaks... not the FBI... there is a big difference in M.O.

No, the NYPD has a lot of emails they do not release.

The NYPD doesn't have those anymore... the FBI does... unless the NYPD kept backups in case the FBI didn't do their jobs.

Oh you bet they have copies, so do the intelligencia of other countries for sure. We will see if McCabe manages to cover this up as well.

I support Trump and also post a lot in r/hunting. Within the last 2 days ive had several people start shilling to me in r/hunting a place they had never posted in before ever do to a post about Trump and federal land. The shills are out in full force and not to mention there comments were getting 5-10 up voted within minutes on a sub that has very few users. Stange as fuckif you ask me

They are everywhere.

But that's the great thing.

They're all so easy to spot when they hang out together.

These bucks don't wander ;P

I think we can all agree that /conspiracy is being ravaged by vote manipulation, censorship and paid narrative contro

Unfortunately this is nothing new. This has been going on for years now, and I can confirm this as being a mod here previously, at a time when certain other subreddits were targeting this sub with brigades on a daily basis.

I witness friends and family members waking up to the MSM's constant parroting of one another every day.

Most people have been conditioned to blindly accept anything they hear or read from the MSM or government without question, and to dismiss anything to the contrary without due consideration. Some do this consciously. Most do not, and can't be blamed for reacting the way they've literally been brainwashed and conditioned to by various societal control mechanisms put in place by TPTB to accomplish just that.

It's better if people stay away from here. Because, instead of seeing actual conspiracy topics, there's just drama. now I understand, some people don't want to remain low-key because then it doesn't spread the message of all the injustice occurring, but then again, this place is attracting too many questionable figures right now, therefore decreasing the potency of the message(s) being sent out. I don't think you understand how strong people who are determined to engineer an area of the internet can be, how strongly they can overwhelm a place to the point that it's a shell of its former state. There must be a strategy in place to offset this, and it involves much more than posting "there are shills all over this board".