Ben Swann completely scrubbed from the internet, and this is supposedly a good or planned thing by him?

431  2017-02-01 by Orangutan

What's the motive if he is alive and well for doing this?

Facebook page gone: can't link to Facebook pages on this subreddit for some reason

YouTube gone:

CBS video gone:

Twitter gone:

Website gone:

Instagram still up:

I think a major move is going on. My facebook post where I shared his facebook video also disappeared along with the comments under it. Sessions approval is held up? Anyone have any other news or speculation as to what is going on regarding this?

** Edit ** Video from CBS 46 confirming Ben Swann is back on the air. This at least confirms Ben is back on the air as he announced would happen. So it looks like he's alive, at least as of a few hours ago.


He's prolly doing a little showmanship to keep people thinking of him while he is under NDA... Once DOJ is clean and FBI is ready to move he will be back with an exclusive on what has been going on... well not exactly exclusive... I think Milo and Alex Jones will have the same inside track.

I don't have a link to the post here, but some other users were speculating that this was all to promote a documentary he has been working on. Furthermore, this documentary was the project that was supposedly cancelled after 5 years of work. The pizzagate coverage was simply to get traction on his channel before he released the trailer. The reason all of his SM outlets went black is due to the potential conflict of interest. Ben Swann, employee of CBS, uses CBS news time and viewers to gain traction for his documentary. And if there was an NDA clause in his contract....he has to keep his mouth shut.

Though I am skeptical of this theory because he already had almost 500k followers on his FB which is now gone. I don't know why you would risk throwing that away to promote a movie that is already going to get pretty good exposure to his fan base.

Ben Swann is somebody that put his neck on the line to do his truther series and that pizza gate thing that got shat on by virtually everyone in the MSM.

He cancelled his project and refunded everyone their money. I doubt he has any nefarious plans going on in his head.

Not sure what the hell he's thinking erasing himself from the net like that, I hope he's fine and will return soon.

Yeah I really want to agree with that and I almost do, but the whole NDA clause possibility with him going black on SM convinces me otherwise.

Isn't it entirely possible that someone said "we'll pay you some huge amount of money to completely disappear and tell your followers to trust you. If you refuse, watch out." ?

I don't see how it's a good thing for him to disappear and delete all of his content including videos going way back exposing the scandals of Iraq etc.

It's quite possible actually.

The documentary has been cancelled and all donations have been refunded.

Unless he simply secured full private funding?

or realized there was a much bigger story in the works...

There could be more than one documentary

Could be, if so, it hasn't been announced.

He said Feb 1st no?


WTF this makes NO SENSE. It looks suspicious as fuck that he does a pizzagate video and then just blacks himself out of existence...

Bad hombres silencing? Such a heatscore...Good guys setting a trap? How does this even help?

Anyone notice he says Tuesday Feb 1st but that's a Monday? And someone said the original tweet spelled Tuesday wrong. Tzu which has advice to go dark and come down on enemies like a thunderstorm or something to that effect.

Praying for him. I have been an admirer for years and I am sick with worry for him. I watched him get canned once before for reporting on Ron Paul 2012 campaign and outing the RNC fraud and I knew he took a huge huge risk with his brilliant PG report.

Real journalists like him are going extinct.

Praying? because praying really helps people, right?

It can't hurt, you asshole.

It apparently helped the Native Americans stop DAPL for a month, if you ask them.

Praying is essentially manifestation. Manifestation requires belief, unshakeable faith in your intent. For believers I think praying/manifestation does work and could only become more powerful when like-minded people come and "pray" together. For non-believers, their own prayers will not work unless they have a true believer praying along side them. Negativity consumes and often prevails, but it will one day stop winning the battle.

Bugger off, m8.

Dude, the powers that be cannot be any more clear.

Shit the fuck up about them fucking your children or they will snub you out of existence.

You have a short life. Enjoy it.

Tzuday, Feb 1, to be exact lol

Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Is there some correlation between his announcement and that Sun Tzu quote in particular? I've heard this referenced a couple times, not sure what the connection is.

Use your noggin.

His question is, why this passage in particular. There are plenty of quotes that could apply equally.


"Sun Tzu"

Wow...I'm always baffled how I miss such obvious things.

I took that as Sunday.

Well, this is an interesting turn of events.

He probably just ran into some Wet Works at a Pool Party on a ranch somewhere...

Thought he was looking for his pizza hankerchief to find out if there will be kids for his entertainment

or maybe, just maybe he is enjoying some walnut sauce at his hot dog stand in Hawaii

You think he'd domino better on pizza or pasta?

He should sacrifice a chicken in the backyard to Moloch.

For art amirite

"The Bohemian Grove, which I attend from time to time . . . It is the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine" - Richard Nixon

RIP Scalia

Contact Swan and ask him for a quote. Best option would be to call him at his news desk. Call the main number at his Atlanta station and ask for him. If he's unavailable, ask to speak with with the news department. Be polite. Formally request a quote. If they refuse one, take down what they did say.

Keep detailed notes.

Would you be able to do this and post the response?

he asked you first

I would be happy to do this but, I'm outside the US :-(

phones work all over the world

Big if true

As I speculated in another thread:

Probably either: holding out to hype up his own sudden increase in popularity, working on another project, or given an ultimatum by a proxy for TPTB to keep quiet and not discuss certain sensitive issues publicly.

Either way, the deletion of his social media accounts and websites doesn't look good for Ben, unfortunately. Hope he's alright, and still has a career after this.

I'd say the scales are more tipped to him 'reevaluating' his stance on #PG if the blackout actually has anything to do with it. I'm sure even Mr. Swann isn't immune to weightlifting accidents or suicide my shooting oneself in the back of the head, twice.

I hope he stays away from gyms


"benswann_Hey guys, everyone is asking if things are OK. They are. I will be heading back to CBS46 on Monday but there are going to be some changes. The biggest one will be that this social page will go dark f/n on Tuesday, Feb 1. We've been building this project for 6 years and those who have come to know me.. i hope you have also come to trust me."

Originally it said Tzuday, and even had something along the lines of "the Sun will shine again" with the word Sun being capitalized. Must have been too obvious, because he has edited it since.

I don't get the relevance to Sun Tzu

It was something about going dark before striking your enemies for full surprise or something like that.

Sorry, this page isn't available.

He took it down last. Sorry, I should have archived it. It was a picture with him and the caption "going dark Feb 1st", and something along the lines of, "trust me".

What's the motive if he is alive and well for doing this?

Seriously, didn't you guys embarrass yourselves enough after the WhereIsAssange spectacle?

This sub thrives on hoaxes.

waitin on that proof of life

Bro, that film was like totally CGI or somethin'.

Thanks, sis!

lol did you just come into a sub for conspiracy theories and complain about conspiracy theories?

lol did you just come into a sub for conspiracy theories and complain about hoaxes?


Nice edit up there. I'm responding.

Explain how the Assange thing was a hoax, not just a theory?

It's a conspiracy sub...

No excuse to spread hoaxes.

So everyone has to believe in every conspiracy theory now?

No, I'm saying complaining about hoaxes and craziness in a conspiracy sub would be like going to /r/The_Donald and complaining about all the Trump supporters. You don't have to agree with it, just know where you are.

I don't think anyone felt embarrassed about the Assange thing.

Their delusion caused them to brush off the fact that they believed a hoax. Must be a sexual thing.

Paging Freud....


enjoyed down voting you off the page. :-)

Haha, the hoax-believing reactionaries who constantly whine about CTR/BlueShare and whatever, are now getting masterbating to downvoting people.

How delusional. :)

are now getting masterbating to downvoting people.

You're a bot, aren't you? Or not an American? Your use of the English language is suspect. I'm glad no one is reading the propaganda you're spewing. :-)

Yes, I am a bot, because of a typo in which I included an extra word (getting).

You open-minded, critically thinking geniuses sure are smart.

No wonder you believe in #TortelliniGate.

You open-minded, critically thinking geniuses sure are smart.

Not only that, we've got "people" like "you" on the run! Got you pushed right off this page. Nobody's reading this but you and I, which is why I'm getting such a kick about pushing you around, bot.

nice try at discrediting, didn't work very well did it

another bullshit sensationalized post. his wikipedia and CBS profile are still active and he's been bouncing around from RT to CBS and probably plans to create a new social media presence with a new job. i can't stand the drama queens in this sub who always assume the worst and throw a hissy fit about nothing

he got assange'd

nevermind, he was at fox

Russia Today as well, oddly enough.

Nothing odd about it. Only so many jobs out there. Take what you can get.

That's from 2014 or so:

In my honest opinion, I feel that after he ran his PG story he felt a lot of pressure on both sides. While facing mostly silence, I feel he stumbled on, or was led to something big. Something that will happen to break the case, or that something big is happening behind the scenes and he is just waiting to attack.

I am basing this off of his "tzuday" comment in reference to Art of War and the imagery in the post relating to star wars. I think he is planning something, or at worst, covering his ass before they pull a career/total assassination on him.

Who does his disappearance help?

If it leads us to think "oh he's got it under control, he's going to reveal something big, we can relax" then we're playing right into their hands.

There is nothing good about him disappearing.

That's a good question and I can't give you a 100% answer on it. If he is doing this on his own will, my theory is that he has something big up his sleeve. Whether it be a check mate in this case or him moving onto something bigger like another news organization or project. I don't know.

To preemptively start scrubbing his accounts/internet presence would lead me to believe that:

A) He has a truth bomb somewhere that he's waiting to drop. Something he knows is going to cause people to try to tear him down at any level and he is trying to prevent a character assassination before he can be publicly discredited.

B) The character assassination has already started and he's being threatened into silence or given a gag order.

C) He isn't in control any longer

How does deleting all of his true and damning critiques of TPTB help prevent a character assassination against him?

I see what you're saying, and I would love it if it's true, but I can't buy it. :)

Keep strong.

Okay. Well, if I was some big money billionaires that loved raping children, what I would do is have him replaced by a double. It may or may not be easy to silence all the people in his life, but if they had to take a couple of weeks to replace...say with a body double, in order to get all the mannerisms right. Get all the personal information mined, I could probably do it.

Be easier maybe to brainwash him with substantially large amounts of drugs and treatment measures. That would require a couple of weeks off. Zoolander makes fun of that shit, but subtle suggestion is pretty easy.

The dude went from obscurity to celebrity. Time to rebrand and renegotiate is all...the pizzagate story most likely garnered enough attention for him to be gobbled up and contracted into slavery. Smart move on his part.

Is there any way of sending him a message?

Things are starting to kind of point to an official investigation being done but for some reason i can not shed my sceptisism of the agencies that would be involved. I seriously hope they don't throw a few little guys under the bus and call it good. The big people need to fall and the whole world needs to know these things happened.

Between, Ben doing this, David Seaman saying there is an official investigation and everything we see being submitted for another year weiner and epstein in feels like something might actually be under way. If there is even a smidgen of truth to these investigations, it needs to come out

It would sure help if the demoncrats would approve Trump's cabinet so we can get this show on the road

Dems are doing everything they possibly can to block Trump's nominees because they know damn well what comes next: the total destruction and implosion of the democratic party! "Irony" is the understatement of the year when it comes to the fact that the liberal media did its absolute damnedest to finagle things such that Trump would be the eventual Republican nominee, foolishly believing that Hillary ought to at least be able to beat him and win the presidency. The old saying "be careful what you wish for ... " ought to be emblazoned on their tombstones because their "brilliant strategy" turned out to be their own undoing. Their strategy is certainly going to be highlighted in the annals of history as one of THE most bone-headed to ever have been conceived. Did they, per chance, evaluate the IQs of their strategists and go with the ideas proposed by their most idiotic member? It sure seems so. No wonder they align themselves with Islamic terrorists! Such camaraderie between the severely mentally challenged is completely logical, and was entirely predictable, because nowhere else can people feel most at home as they do when associating with like-minded folks.

Ben wear a scarf if you are in deistress!

radiohead did this too kind of an interesting way to promote by not promoting

Has the video been scrubbed from youtube

Hey, thanks for the update with that new CBS video.

His Instagram is down now too

Exposing the cucarachas will never end. PIZZAGATE is priority number one..

Did anyone backup the youtube video?

wow this is insane.

Anyone else get the ad before the video asking for people to send pictures of their baby (under age 2) to win a home security system? Creepy...

That sounds terrifying.

How long was the original documentary? There is a 5:48 minute CBS46 reporting video that is up on YouTube now. I saved the previous YouTube link from a few days or so ago to watch later, then it was gone before I got to see it. I thought I noticed that the original video indicated that it was an hour or so long. Am I incorrect on this? Is the video that is currently back up on YT the same as the previously removed video, or is this current one different and/or heavily edited?

Instagram is gone now.

If he is still alive, then what tends to happen is people strengthen their resolve and redouble their efforts by joining others. They also get gangstalked by JTTF subcontractors, cults, community watchdog groups, infraguard, etc until they go crazy. Unless they know what is going on. If you are candid about these activities in a psych session you are labeled a schizoid, paranoid schizophrenic and they start referring you to med psych and prescribe antipsychotics.

If that happens, get them filled and flush them drown the toilet daily. Because the people who need them most are the local community around you who are given a false revenge motive for harassing g you, and flushed psych meds get into the water supply and groundwater so your helping them actually

Corporate brought the Hammer down. Told him he was bringing bad press to the station and told not to use anymore of their videos on his personal pages.

So, the link you posted goes to a video that has nothing to do with Swann, and his Instagram and the other links are all still down too.

Did I miss something? What happened to him?

Wow, Swann has covered a bunch of conspiracy topics and never been treated like this so far. Really interesting response to PG.

Maybe he has become unpersoned

I was able to view on the 30th as I included it in a screenshot on my blog.

However, yesterday the 31st it began showing a login box. I updated my blog accordingly.

I'm waiting to hear more news about what is going on with Ben.

Sometimes you have to respect that Ben Swann knows what he is doing. It would not benefit anyone for him to draw a line in the sand and lose his powerful voice. He appeared live so he is still gainfully employed. He deserves our support and concern. if he is given the opportunity he will explain himself in time.

TPTB went back in time and merc'd em. Mandella Effect in full effect.

Uh oh. The government realises through their own CTR and the like bots that we are not so stupid after all, and everything we find out must come with a hint of crazy.

Expect to see weird little references likes 1984 in an email list webpage on WikiLeaks or references to Sun Tzu's art of war. There will be more coming to a) psyche you out and confuse you, to question reality, and b) render any argument you make sound crazy.

People don't want to hear that demented psychopaths run the countries.

Honestly, I think he did this himself to drum up interest. I mean, if you're a person who caters to conspiracy theorists, the absolute best way to get attention is to "disappear" for awhile.

If that's the case, than fuck him.

However, the amount of subscribers he had and the backlash he got from pizzagate, makes me believe it wasn't a publicity stunt but blackmail.

Hey guys idk what is going on with Ben but I have uploaded some of his Reality Check videos I had backed up on my computer you can find them here as long as jewtube doesn't take them down:

Instagram deleted

That message he put out about going dark may not have even been written by him. If someone had taken or killed him, there are any number of ways they could get into his account and post that message to keep people from looking for him. Seems a message like that should have been done as a video so we know he is alive and well.

It was something about going dark before striking your enemies for full surprise or something like that.

It would sure help if the demoncrats would approve Trump's cabinet so we can get this show on the road