Why are the ties between Russia and Trump not talked about in this sub?

0  2017-02-02 by [deleted]

It seems like a pretty legit conspiracy with severe consequences. The Rosneft sale of 19.5% of their shares seems suspiciously close to the value cited in the Steele dossier.

Why is this not a bigger story here?


Methinks this sub has just become an extension of the_donald.

Your list of talking points and concern trolls has grown stale. Haven't you got your updated memo, yet?

Look at this shit. You guys aren't even hiding your bias. A real conspiracy comes along and you guys ignore it. You guys really are useful idiots around here. Congrats.

Why didn't you just say this from the beginning and get it over with? Glad you were able to get it out. Now, fuck off. Thanks, Nana

Calling you guys useful idiots from the beginning? Sure, I could have lead with that, but it was pretty obvious when the first big Russia-Trump connection post here got removed by the mods. Really tipping your hand here.

You poor thing. I wish you luck. You will need it, hon.

real conspiracy

You wouldn't know a real conspiracy if it abducted you, erased your memories, and brainwashed you into being an Islamic terrorist.

You only believe the "real conspiracies" that your propaganda network allows you to believe. Otherwise, you wouldn't blend in with the rest of your flock! Now move along little sheepie.

Why did the mods remove the thread here when it made it to the front page? You guys are puppets.

Because it was brigaded to all by shills, and then further brigaded by all the weaponized sheep who read it. They then bled into every other post here with nonstop trolling.

The more you know...

Oh right, because you get to call anything that goes against the mainstream thinking here the work of shills. What a great tool for avoiding competing viewpoints.

Came to this post after searching "Rosneft sale" in this sub. Two fucking posts, both downvoted to hell. Un-fucking believable. This sub is literally horse shit at this point. The amount of disinformation and distraction the_d worshippers spread is totally see through. Unfortunately I feel like anyone that gave a shit about this sub left when pizzagate started spamming here...

Sure thing 2month old user.

That's because you are just used to ETS and r/politics

Do I have a single post/comment in my history from ETS?

Genuinely mean this... at this point, what's the difference.

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Good legwork, gumshoe.

We are on to idiots like you. You can try to continue but we see right through everything.

Yes, clearly I am a top contributor to ETS, as that post shows. Nothing gets by you. Stay vigilant!


Because there is less credibility to the story than the idea of brain washing chemtrails implemented by Antarctican middle earthers

I think it has about as much credibility as pizzagate, and that was all the buzz around here (and kinda still is).

What part exactly is more credible than what part of pizzagate?

What about pizzagate is more credible than the Steele dossier?

You are the one who insinuated it had more credibility than pizzagate. So, by all means, enlighten me. What parts of this dossier have more cred than what parts of pizzagate?

The parts about the sale of Rosneft have more credibility than the facts about Comet Ping Pong having a basement.

Well, probably accurate. It's been established the basement belongs to a different building. Still owned by the same guy. I find pizza gate has a lot of course material. It's crazy how more believable something is when you have the source. Like my math teacher used to say, you have to show your work. I don't wanna see the answer. I need to see how you got there. Pizza gate is far above in providing the clear path of understanding that they are definitely using codes and it's about something bad, all since they only seemed to show interest in sex, morbid art, and kids... then all their connections have involvement in stuff having to do with kida, but have gotten in trouble for missing doings.... pertaining to kids.... I mean, my math teacher wouldn't complain about showing my work. I may have a decimal error, but the average of the result is on track.

Disprove it then.

Trumps government Russian ties are indisputable. In fact, it's not even a conspiracy even more.

Really? Show me proof

Show me proof that Comet Ping Pong has a basement.

Why would you deflect to that when it was a discussion about what you wanted to discuss.

Why post here.

Because I was pointing out the absurdity of them asking for proof when there are hundreds of discussions that go on here without any requirement of proof. A lot of discussion here relies on intuition and putting together pieces of a puzzle. That is not proof by any means, yet it still happens here.

Why not give proof. There must be something worthwhile on r/politics that is legit.

I saw one of the top posts today. Apparently celebrity George tekai has confirmed the president is a terrorist.

I just think he's bitter that he lost the apprentice.

Because if there were proof it wouldn't be just a theory. Last time I checked, conspiracy theories were allowed here as well, right? Is part of the appeal of this sub the fact that people can collaborate and try to make the pieces of a puzzle fit?

Making someone come out of the gate with hard proof seems defeating in that regard.

If anything the only standard here should be that it's plausible until there is hard proof to the contrary.

Maybe it's a case of the boy who cried wolf? That's certainly a growing problem for the left. One I'm certainly worried about.

But search... it has been discussed here.

This is the most objective subreddit you'll find, but the regulars will call your shit fast if you are disingenuous

The biggest thread concerning it was flaired "Unverified Report", which to my knowledge had never been done before, and then eventually removed.

I am unfortunately having trouble finding a link to, but I'm still googling for it.

But it's interesting to note how popular this post got.


Some of the major players, actually named, in the piss gate dossier have been found dead (of a heart attack in the back seat of his own Lexus!) or been arrested for treason.

The dossier suggested that 19% of oil company Rosneft would be a bribe for dropping sanctions on Russia. After the election, by some bizarre coincidence, 19% of the oil company was sold. Part of the deal was to an untraceable company in the Cayman Islands.

Many of Trump's team have direct ties to Russia, having worked for the Russian government, in Russia. Others have worked for Russia Today, the official propaganda arm of the Russian government.

Surely that's enough to at least cause people to think there might be more.

The very resistance to this idea, on /r/conspiracy of all places, is itself curious.

And there are many more connections, but those are just what came to mind immediately.

I've never claimed that pizzagate is undisputable.

I wasn't suggesting you were. I was merely suggesting that proof should not be a requirement for this sub to discuss hypotheticals or to try to put together pieces of the puzzle, as was evidenced by the pizzagate investigations.

Do quick to jump onto the offensive, no one mentioned comet ping pong, very incriminating.

This point has already been hashed in my other replies. Your homework is to go read them before wasting my time.

You're sexy when you're mad

I sure am, but in this case I'm not mad, just not wanting to go over a bunch of arguments (which, frankly, I felt were just dishonest attempts to delegitimize my point) that I already made in other threads.

But now I'm starting to feel bad for being a dick, so my apologies.

Actually alefantis himself.... in an article from like 2009 talks about the tomato sauce they make in the basement. I guess the owner's words from a time when a basement wouldn't have been a big deal isn't evidence.

It's funny because it's true.

Bullshit, especially with all the shit in the dossier coming true lately

Short answer? This sub has never trusted the MSM/establishment and the way the Trump-Russia connection was presented by the MSM/establishment was a complete joke and seemed like desperation. The whole Buzzfeed shenanigans with pissgate felt like a forced conspiracy and discredited the rest of the dossier.

Could there be something to the Trump-Russia connection? I'm game to talk about it but is there anything else than the dossier and Manafort?

Regarding the sale, I found the Glencore and Qatar connection interesting... I know Clinton had ties to both. Did the Trump conspiracy structure it this way to make it look like Clinton? Or was the dossier put out in advance by the establishment to make it look like Trump when it happened later? Or is this all an independent Russian disinfo campaign to just cause confusion between everyone else?

First off, thank you for the civil reply. I really do appreciate that.

To address your point. I think one of the major advantages of this sub is that hypotheticals can be put forward and seen to their logical conclusions in a collaborative environment. It seems that this sub is pathologically avoidant to even considering that the Steele dossier could be true.

Obviously, if it's left up to one person to investigate, they aren't going to find all the connections that a whole sub would, if they were engaged to the level that, say, they were with respect to pizzagate.

I just find it utterly astounding that people in a conspiracy sub would find such a conspiracy theory not even worth considering.

Have you tried searching the sub? Or are you saying it has never been discussed here?

Just did a search and found some good posts I had previously missed. Will save for later - gotta try and get some real work done today.

We see the same post, same sources, every day for weeks. The conversation has been had. Bring new data for a new conversation.

What? The mods literally removed the only thread that made it to the front page of this sub. They killed the discussion on it. There's no way it's been talked about enough here.

Try searching or paying more attention. So much astroturfing in here you aren't going to see any topic anywhere for too long. I stand by my original comment; every single day, almost the identical post, same sources.

Alright. Fair enough. I found this one.


That doesn't seem to be deleted, but the mods did mark it "Misleading".

I hear you. The thing is, nobody has put any effort into digging into any connections further than what has been presented to us. So it feels forced.

I think there is a misconception as to why this sub is perceived to be more interested in Pizzagate than Trump scandals. For the most part, it's not partisanship. It was participation. I forget where the genesis was (here, t_d, 4chan) but a handful of people started making connections during the one of the WL releases. Not the MSM, not Brietbart, not any media but conspiracy theorists. And these were verified emails with some really strange language. Every day we were waiting for more releases, making connections. Media silent. It felt like we were actually doing something rather than sharing some GLP LARP links. Regardless of political beliefs, a lot of people were excited to see Trump win because all the effort may actually mean something. Did we get played and are we distracted from what Trump is actually doing? Played, doubtful. Distracted, maybe. These were real emails.

So when the MSM screams "Russian Conspiracy" it doesn't really resonate with us because it feels like we are being spoonfed a conspiracy rather than making connections on our own. Does that mean something isn't going on behind the scenes with Trump? Not at all. It just means it's hard to get traction when it's a synthetic rather than organic conspiracy.

Alright. That's a fair point. If understand you correctly, you are suggesting that there aren't enough breadcrumbs here for people to put together to make it worthwhile?

Though I'm not so sure I agree with you on the role of partisanship. Now, I'm going to make a statement that may betray some bigotry on my part, so I fully admit I could be biased and wrong in this assessment, but I find that conspiracies have typically been a right-dominated hobby. I think there is an a priori correlation between this sub and Trump support that existed even without pizzagate.

Yes and no. Obviously I can't speak for everyone.

I think if someone presented a well-sourced post with new info that didn't feel like it was forced, it could gain traction. I'd be happy to look into it. The challenges are 1) what I said above about the hope team Trump pursues Pizzagate may cause some people to look the other way for now and 2) with the recent re-funding of CTR, the way /politics looks right now, and the MSM, people are skeptical that it feels forced. Any post would have to be high-effort.

Regarding right v left wing conspiracies, I think your somewhat half-right. Think about the roots of the ideologies. The right usually favors less government, so a lot of right-wingers will parrot the corrupt government conspiracies (tyranny). The left usually favors egalitarianism, so a lot of left-wingers will parrot the corrupt big business / social prejudice conspiracies (exploitation).

The problem is is that the left is now in bed with big business. So all they have is to call Trump and everyone around him a racist bigot. Which is a much more subjective thing to prove than 9/11 was an inside job.

This sub is not short of Bush/Cheney conspiracies.

Good answer. We never even broke the skin of all the Clinton stuff and the Trump/Russia thing was so very obviously spun out of that. Even if there is something in dossier that you mentioned, it still doesn't mean that the Russians 'hacked the election', which is the connection we're supposed to make.

Honestly? There is a lot of cross-over in users between this sub and other conservative subs. This sub isn't partisan but some of its users clearly are. Maybe its shills. Not only the left wing idiots are capable of manipulating discussion and paying for support. Trump-critical posts are often played off as shilling her,e but in a subreddit about conspiracy theories it is suspiciously light on upvoted discussion about the President of the United States.

Genuinely mean this... at this point, what's the difference.