The Bill Of Rights has been officially shredded. The U.S. has the right to imprison you indefinitely for whatever reason they want.

76  2017-02-02 by no1113

Habeas Corpus prevents you from being illegally imprisoned for no reason by the state or any entity thereof. It turns out that it’s one of the greatest foundations upon which the United States’ edicts of liberty rest upon. Without it, you pretty much have no rights in America. The entire Bill Of Rights save one inconsequential provision is entirely nullified if you allow the state to imprison you without just legal cause.

And oh yeah. By the way, that's exactly what's happened.

Habeas Corpus has been entirely destroyed. Watch the video here.


This article is from 2006.

OP just woke up from a coma.

No. Not that. There's just simply a lot of stuff I'm not aware of. This was one of them. I've heard words like the OP title spoken before, but didn't investigate it more deeply until recently.

Well welcome to the world of the real.

Don't think for even half a second that just because this is the first time I came across this particular article that I haven't already been steeped heavily into quite a shit ton of other deep state-related issues for quite a few years now. It's, as a matter of fact, the very reason why I hadn't before even investigated this particular topic - I was too busy w/all the other ones.

There are only so many hours in the day to research things, however.

I was about to say... this happened in 2001 :P

For many of us, the suspension of the Bill of Rights was the red pill itself.

For many of us, the suspension of the Bill of Rights was the red pill itself.

Fair enough. My red pill was realizing a few years ago that I may have had ET contact experiences when I was younger - and coming to the topic of "conspiracies" from that particular angle - so quite a FAR different red pill altogether. I was never eeevver politically oriented or ever interested in politics my entire life. Still stray pretty far away from a lot of it actually, so there's a lot I simply don't focus on.

I'm a lot more politically conscious now, but it actually doesn't have anything to do with any direct interest in the political machinations of TPTB as much as it has to do with an investigation into how and why they suppress their knowledge of the existence of ETs in the cosmos, this galaxy, this solar system, and on this very planet from the human beings on Earth.

My understanding of it is from 2017.

updated 10/11/2006 1:35:00 PM ET

I read it.

Today. In 2017.

Hence my new understanding of it.

You're not alone. I had a vague understanding, but this cements it. The fact that there aren't riots in the street about this speaks volumes.

Glad somebody gets it. Thanks for commenting.

Yeah. The fact we haven't rioted all come together and marched/mobilized against the corporate government speaks volumes indeed.

Can't march on an empty stomach. I think that's where we're at right now. No actionable plan and solution as I've said before. But I think some others have kinda realized this as well, or at least I hope.

I don't disagree, but we do have to be willing and ready to sacrifice a lot of our first world luxuries and not be spoiled lap dogs if we have any hopes of being willing and able to actually fight against the manipulation we're under.

Definitely. From personal experience most people are not ready to give up luxury or work towards change until they're forced to at the end of their rope. How many people actually are is something I'm not sure of, maybe something the size of occupy wallstreet could be pulled off again if we planned it out thoroughly, with vast opposition in mind.

most people are not ready to give up luxury or work towards change until they're forced to at the end of their rope.

Wish I could disagree, but that definitely seems correct, unfortunately.

maybe something the size of occupy wallstreet could be pulled off again if we planned it out thoroughly, with vast opposition in mind.

I’ll be front and center if that were to happen just like I was when the initial OWS and MAM (March Against Monsanto) demonstrations took place.

And an excellent reminder to us all, except the Trumpkins.

Kind of weird. I don't understand why it's such a point of contention for some people that I've only just now become aware of this. *shrug. Oh well.

And weren't we all impressed at how fast that massive invasive Patriot Act was passed after 9/11.

they had it all ready to go as nyc smoldered downtown

and hillary worried [not] about chelsea

I remember thinking this exact thought back when the PATRIOT Act was passed "If someone like Donald Trump ends up as President someday, God help us all".

Well...if you're up there, we might need some help.

The neoconservative had that shit all planned out before 911 even happened.

Yes we were over as a democratic republic when the 2000 election was stolen.

So when are people going to stop believing the MSM is liberal when this allegedly liberal press not only supported that coup, they are 100% supporting this much more final one of 2016.

"The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it" That "may require it" will get you every time. So the Constitution remains intact, but you're fucked.

the Constitution remains intact

Seems a lot of corporacrats have deemed that there have been circumstances that "may require it" and have, thereby, done away w/the right of H.C. entirely, so I don't know if the constitution really is intact anymore on that end really.

Also note that it says "privilege", not "right"

Good point. However, you would think not being detained without just cause is, in fact, a right - not a privilege.

Still a great article.

well obama went and signed the ndaa indefinite detention [ i could not vote for president in 2012 because of this]

...You couldn't vote for the president in 2012 because of indefinite detention?...Maybe I'm reading this comment wrong. Were you detained in 2012, chicky?

no because of his signing of the NDAA

sully i have never been in jail [yet] i dont think i would last five minutes

So you couldn't vote for the president because of the signing of the NDAA?

yes indefinite detention without legal access <--this from a CONSTITUTIONAL lawyer

i just stayed home...


he is speaking with oliver stone 's people today!

You can also be killed as a US citizen without ever getting a trial... sooooo, yeah... what rights.

smh. That's so fucked up.

ya its called the patriot act homie

Are there any cool lawyers these days?

No, I do not want any rights taken away, even if I don't relate. Not fond of guns, but believe people should be allowed to own them.

Many people want to drop off from the internet. I've been a silent Hermit for years, and feel that it is important to speak truth, now.

Not fond of guns, but believe people should be allowed to own them.

I've never had or even shot a gun in my life, yet I'm a huge 2nd Amendment supporter.

I've been a silent Hermit for years, and feel that it is important to speak truth, now.

I support that, and commend you for doing it.

It's good to know another human knows where I'm coming from.

Yep, and with Rule 41, now mass, warrantless remote search and seizure is legal as well.

We lost habeas corpus on Dubya's watch.

Nope. We lost it on our watch.

We've lost a shit ton on our watch...and continue to.

...cuz our eyes aren't open - at least not sufficiently so. We haven't been looking.

We've been sleeping at the wheel as a citizenry. Somebody else is driving the car the we should be driving.

No, we "elected" them. Which, given election hacking, seems debatable.

My point still stands, however. They keep doing what they're doing because we keep letting them.

I'm not arguing with you.

Good. I don't like arguing.


With all due respect, friend, you're the one who didn't realize this had happened until almost 20 years later.

Yeah? And? How does this in any way undermine the point I made?

So like I said. We lost it on our watch. There's stuff that you and me and all of us are ignorant of that TPTB use against us.

I never said it was too away from your point. You're telling people their eyes aren't open while you're eyes have apparently just been open themselves. You don't make any reference in your initial statement about this being an article from 2006 and you're coming across more self-important than informative. I call my senators. I vote. I am aware of these terrible atrocities. But much like so many other issues on this board, civilians have the power to only do so much right now.

You're telling people their eyes aren't open while you're eyes have apparently just been open themselves.

Depending on the subject, my eyes are anywhere from “very much open” to “still closed”. That’s the case with everyone. Anyone who thinks differently, simply isn’t thinking. So (again) what’s your point?

I vote.

Good boy!! You’re doing it right!


much like so many other issues on this board, civilians have the power to only do so much right now.

And we should come together and increase the ability we have to make change.

See, why are you coming off that way? I agree with your end statement but I'm interested to see you plans as far as getting there. Remember for a second we're all in this together and getting defensive and condescending is useless.

Remember for a second we're all in this together and getting defensive and condescending is useless.

I completely agree, but you made this statement:

You're telling people their eyes aren't open while you're eyes have apparently just been open themselves.

and the total inconsequentiality of it seemed to indicate to me that you came here only to make empty, uselessly argumentative points.

You initiated a completely unsolicitedly comment from the very beginning when you first said:

you're the one who didn't realize this had happened until almost 20 years later.

That sounds pretty damn aggressive and unnecessarily argumentative to me. So that's why you got the previous "Good boy" response.

If you really are interested in coming on here and being on the same team and working together, then I certainly am too - but it seems you have to give a bit more thought to how your own comments are coming across.

You cut out the part that started with "With all due respect, friend".

It's the internet. It's Reddit. We're using textual communication where inflection and intention are often extremely difficult if not impossible to properly discern. You've never responded to any post of mine before as far as I can tell. People often use the word "friend" in a sarcastic manner under these circumstances.

Given this context, it is absolutely not unreasonable that this first statement on your part was discerned as initial snarky sarcasm preceding an attempt at a snide comment.

It seems apparent that there has been ample amounts of misinterpretation that has taken place on both of our parts. I was wrong, you were wrong.

So now. I'm okay and ready to get past this misunderstanding and moving on to something more constructive at this point if you are.

Why are you letting this happen? If this was in Romania!?

We have been put to sleep and eviscerated by tptb in this country. We're waking up...but very slowly - perhaps too slowly.

Um thats been around since the patriot act 2001

OP, I get you're upset about the Bill of Rights, but it gets worse. Research the continuity of government plan.

Activated by 9/11 and renewed annually by EO by Bush and Obama every year.

I wouldn't necessarily say I'm "upset". It definitely is fucked up though.

Lots of very fucked up shit's been going on on this planet for a long time.

Ya, it's called the Patriot Act. It's been used against Patriots under George W Bush & Barack Obama.

Brought to us courtest of Bush, and Obama never even tried to undo it.

Can't march on an empty stomach. I think that's where we're at right now. No actionable plan and solution as I've said before. But I think some others have kinda realized this as well, or at least I hope.

Yes we were over as a democratic republic when the 2000 election was stolen.

So when are people going to stop believing the MSM is liberal when this allegedly liberal press not only supported that coup, they are 100% supporting this much more final one of 2016.

he is speaking with oliver stone 's people today!