Table of Media Outlets that have suppressed, censored or shunned Calzonegate

40  2017-02-02 by 911bodysnatchers322

Calzonegate Friends / Enemies -- Pro/Con List

Disclaimer: Bias is everywhere. Even in this. I believe there is something to calzonegate, simply because I've researched this issue a lot more than most people have, and I know for certain that the media failed in its duty in the 1980s regarding this issue. That's why it's back with 10x the force and outrage it had then, we never dealt with our cultural 'shadow'. That said, I've made a table of which media supports and which denounce calzonegate. It's pretty obvious that most denounce it.

UPDATE: I'll be fixing various issues with this table. Sorry about that. It's inevitable if you look at the horrible markdown.

Information Outlet Exhibits Pro Calzonegate Statements / Behaviors Denounces Calzonegate Entirely
Wikipedia n/a "Debunked Conspiracy Theory"
Snopes n/a Calzonegate: False -- "I really think these people are starting to go crazy!!"
Reddit (communities) /r/conspiracy (Mixed, No Official Support for Calzonegate (thx /u/SovereignMan)), /r/pizzagate(banned), /r/operation_berenstain(banned)[1] /r/politics, automod/bots
Reddit (website) n/a Banned Calzonegate subs[2], shadowbanning voat links[3], CEO of Reddit Editing Users' Posts[ceo]
Voat (communities) v/pizzagate, /v/askpizzagate, /v/pizzagatememes, /v/pizzagatemods similar controlled subs to reddit
Voat (website) no action taken no action taken
Google (Youtube) n/a Demonetizing Channels, Changing drip marketing for alt media (must click 'bell' now), False accusations of Copyright violations as 'a strike' (3 strikes and channel is banned)[4][5][6][7][8][9][10[11][12]
Twitter (website) n/a Twitter Censoring Calzonegate[13][14][15][16][17][18]
Advance Publications Conde Nast (Reddit majority shareholder[apcn] ) n/a GQ / Vogue / Glamour[19][20][21] / Vanity Fair[22][23][24][25]
Google (Search Results) n/a Google protects pedophiles by blocking 'pedo' search term[26][27] -- google has a habit of using search results for political ends[28][29][30]
Disney n/a Pedoproducer, not cover-upper: Countless grown child actor testimonies, Miley Cyrus and other disneychild pop singers's bizarre pizzafetish whistleblowing; various pedophile ring busts at Disney;covert sexualized imagery in cartoons etc[31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38]
Comcast CNBC n/a "Fake Conspiracy", "Fake News Epidemic", "It takes a Lot of Pizza to Cover an Election"[39][40][41][42][43]
Fox (Mixed) "False Flag, but no evidence"[46], PG Censored Twitter users switch to Gab[52] "Fake news Conspiracy Theories","Hoax callers harassing Restaurants", "Gunman refuses to dismiss conspiracy theory claims"[44][45][47][48][49][50][53], NLP Misdirection[51]
Facebook "Look up Calzonegate" -- This article got through ( Censorship[54][55][56][57][58][59]
INFOWARS (Alex Jones) Paraphrasing AJ: "Calzonegate is a diversion, that doesn't mean it's not real, but that our focus should be on other more provable crimes."[60]. He rattles off Finders, MKULTRA, Lolita Express, "we know this stuff is going on...this stuff's real" but the evidence around Alephantis' restaurant has no actionable evidence. Listen for yourself. Alex Jones is NOT against Calzonegate, stop saying that. It's a false statement. There are plenty of videos on youtube that paint AJ as a anti-calzonegate person because someone on his team was fired and a video pulled over PG. If anything, AJ is playing it safe and not making any "conspiracy bait" claims. He's been burned by these people before and knows that the world is finally watching him now. That's what this is really about.
Washington Post (owner Jeff Bezos, directly connected to CIA ad network) n/a Cites Snopes[62], "driven by too much empathy"[63], 'rumor to gunfire'[64], 'pizzagate in trumps america'[65], 'fakenews'[66][67][68][69][70][71][72] -- Washpo said that Satanic Panic of the 1980s was a hoax. We know this not to be true at all. The media lied THEN also.[EIRchives][VerfiedPedoNetworks][73][74][75][AQUINO][Satanic1of2][77]
CBS n/a "fake news conspiracy", shooter[78][79][80][81][82][86][88], "pizzaprovocateurs"[83], "Trump Advisor fired for Calzonegate tweet"[84][85], Reddit CEO Meddling[87], Misguided Liberals pour into 'victimized' pizza places[89] (victimized by fake news...put out by msm)
RT (Russia Today) n/a "after reading fake news stories reporting that Hillary Clinton was involved in a child sex ring being run out of the restaurant – a conspiracy that has been dubbed ‘Calzonegate."[90][91], Trump Advisor fired over fake news[91], Reddit CEO "unfounded fake news claims"[92], Brian Williams crusade against fake reporting (HAhaHA)[93]
News Corp, Wall St. Journal n/a n/a
Mashable n/a "Deranged Conspiracy Theory"[94], PG conflated with White Supremecists[95][104], PG trolls[96][97][104], firing[98], Comet Ping Pong Fundraiser (disgusting)[99], Reddit CEO[100][101][102], FB[103], (NEW!) Trump Supporter Busts into Church Screaming about Calzonegate[105]
Huffington Post n/a Huffington Post Fired PG researcher[107][108][110] David Seaman for questioning Hillary's Health with a 3.5M view Paul Watson upload[106], NY Restaurant threats[107, "conspiracy theorist shaming" for christmas[108], DeBlasio incident[109], Foreign Disinfo[110], "Dangerous Conspiracy Theories"[111], Trump fires Advisor[112]
Time Magazine n/a Shooting--false conspiracy theories[113], "Fake News, Real Consequences"[114], NY Restaurant Targetted[115], Charity, so it must be untrue[116]
CNN n/a "Conspiracy Theory==Fake News"[117][121], Real Consequences[118][enESPANOLtambien], I wuv scayuhd[119], Fake News Incites Violence[120], Trump firing[122]
NY Times n/a Fake News[123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132--disinfo-never-investigated][133]
TechCrunch n/a "a fake news story"[134]
BBC n/a "Fake story"[135][136][137][138][139][140]
Metroweekly n/a James Alefantis puff piece as reputation management[136] (website) N/A This nascent website (ie: created specifically for election/calzonegate) exists solely to list links as 'fake news' run by russian intelligence. Anyone with an IQ over room temperature knows this is patently untrue, to think that a Canadian, alt history buff living in Japan is a Russian agent, or a Canadian antifascism research academic, or an angry blowhard radio host from Austin TX who's never been to Russia...these people think you're brainless and incapable of managing complex thoughts.
Propornot's RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA List (ie: the "ALT.MEDIA" / so-called "ALT RIGHT") Those on this list nearly unanimously agree Calzonegate is a real phenom: Calzonegate being code for Child Sex Trafficking in the US Government, not specifically Alefantis as the MSM wants to portray our view as being about...which is itself a mischaracterization of Pizzagate n/a
Baidu n/a n/a
TheEllen Show n/a n/a

Several simul-narratives have emerged from Calzonegate coverage above:

  • Calzonegate is a stupid conspiracy theory (op-ed, not news)
  • Calzonegate is Fake News (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Calzonegate is Hate Speech (op-ed, not news)
  • We have to stop this epidemic of Fake News (op-ed, not news)
  • Fake News is hurting real people (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Fake News is causing alt-right (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Alt-right are attacking restaurants because of fake news (happened 1 time)
  • Fake News is Russian propaganda (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Fake News is from white supremacists or stirring up white supremacists (ie: so called 'alt right') (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Fake News is from dipshit conspiracy theorists (op-ed, not news)
  • Fake News stems from an overabundance of empathy ("yale researcher", op-ed)
  • Victimized Pizza place gets donations and extra business from liberal justice warriors (actual news, wow!)
  • Trump's Advisor was fired due to Calzonegate Fake News, thus it isn't real, OK? (actual news, unreal!)
  • Calzonegate will cause alt-right shoter copycats (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Calzonegate, just like Satanic Ritual Abuse of the 1980s, isn't real (Disinfo op-ed, mostly from Washpo)
  • If Calzonegate isn't real, then why have Youtube, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and others Banned it? (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • If Calzonegate isn't real, then why has Obama passed a law outlawing Fake News Propaganda? (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Calzonegate is a false flag, a diversion, from real issues (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • Calzonegate was ploy to elect donald Trump by throwing shade on Hillary and John Podesta (MSM's conspiracy theory)
  • "Pizza" -gate was originally Bill DeBLasio eating pizza with a fork in 2014 like the out-of-touch aristocrat he is.

If they censor calzonegate, then there's stromboligate, then pestogate

snatchers think about how much marrow each body holds and it lasts 19 days after death

we are all just pigs to slaughter but sure calzonegate <--what is this the short version pleeze [ty]

from what i can see it means organ trafficking.....usually children.

actully children people bodies of ll shpes and sizes bone marrow is huge market ? who knew who would this?

the chinese were doing this in the 1980's and it spread from there.

i know guys woke up in prison missing shoulders

check out falun dafa prosecution....

link please [ty]

it's on youtube.....i'm a baby boomer and don't know how to link.

oo ok [hey boomer]

i remember the nixon regime.....


from what i can see it means organ trafficking.....usually children.

I think George said something about over 30M dollars per person; so now it makes sense that they'd take out the organs and replace them with drugs. The organs are the thing with value, and the drugs are just worthless mass to make the weight look correct and fill up the space. lol. just kidding. But as a showerthought, it would seem that if you can handle organs in a just-in-time market (ie: North Haiti industrial park), then they greatly outmatch illegal drugs in terms of value, but then again drugs keep for at least 2 yrs

they fancy themselves living forever

they do not beging to understand there is no dying in the first place

how do we rid the lice ?

Piegate, zagate, flatbreadgate, and deepdishgate too

Why not Stromboli? Has the whole Pinocchio angle.

Ben Swann??

i post the harder stuff at r/calzonedoorway.......

Or just call it for what it is....pedophilia [gate].

Good point. In my webbrain (visual collection of links) I call it pedoglobal

link please [ty]