How many of you have shifted from looking at things here as negative to necessary to bring about a change of consciousness on the Earth?

54  2017-02-02 by verocorde


it's a tasty title but where's the sauce?

Impressive because of the many possibilities.

that's the "name" of the game

What do you mean?

I don't believe the negative is necessary when it is a thought war and we can win in a positive way.

I don't want a metaphysical discussion I only wanted to tell op why I won't be shifting.

There is no good nor evil, no black, nor white, etc etc

I've stated this myself many times, but the more I hear it, the less sense it makes.

Sure, not everything is dualistically "good" or "bad", but that doesn't mean that nothing is clearly one or the other, right? Much of it has to do with intent, I reckon. Here's how I'd break it down.

One thing is clear to me: Love is good, hate is bad. These two seem to be about the only clear extremes to my mind. Love cannot be bad and hate cannot be good. Everything else will carry a blend of those two poles in accordance with the intent of the action taken and its consequences for the outside world.

So if you make it a point to make your choices on the basis of love, you'll be safely on the good side. If you constantly decide on the basis of superiority and hate, I find it difficult to not see that as a bad lifestyle.

Good and Bad lie within the basis of your everyday decisions, and there are really only ever two options. Do I do this act out of love, or out of hate?

this is a moral code.

you have to think of those words as on the same spectrum, example the color spectrum, on one side you have blue the other side you have red

the same goes for love and hate, one side is love, the other side hate. its technically energy (an emotion is nothing more than energy)

Someone watched that Teal guru lady too huh? I thought she was a little wonky, and apparently people in that "culture" arent too keen of her, but I thought that perspective was great. That you have to have something bad happen to truly know good (she referenced that if something like your house burns down you thinking "at least i dont have to fix the dishwasher now"). Ive definitely been trying to look at things like that.

watch more of her stuff, shes actually very outside the box thinker.

if you are able to label her as a "witch" you will gain a perspective of why there were witch trials/burnings back in the day. Witches understood spirits rising to consciousness (another level of awareness) and people like her were a GREAT threat to the powers to be. She has an interview on youtube that she explains out to use the current banking system against TPTB and why our modern day education is a complete farse.

Oh I didnt mean her being "wonky" as a slight like "witch". I think she shares a lot of wisdom and has a great perspective on life. Just that shes obviously different than other humans and how she carries herself, dresses, and talks.

I can see being accused of sorcery as a political tool, its still used these days (pretty sure Saudi Arabia recently executed someone for wizardry). I think thats an interesting take on that part of our history. Akin to civil rights activists being silenced by TPTB.

Check out Matt Kahn too. Another brilliant dude looking at things from a different perspective.


Teal Swan

i think that "realizing" (like a slap upside the head) what is wrong, (as opposed to hearing/reading about something & saying 'oh, well, the world is going to hell) is in itself, "a shift', wouldn't you say?

the fact that so many people are making their voices heard is in fact a change of consciousness & yes, it's a small step but it's an important step in raising consciousness. becoming aware leads to empowerment, imo.

it's really something; as if 'a veil' has lifted. i get the impression that some people are feeling like, 'why didn't i notice that before or how could i not know'.

i think for some people it happened after 9/11, then again in 2012. supposedly this is a cycle (that we're going through) that has happened in the past. hopefully this will be the one (at least for the next several generations?) that takes us into a better era ('the golden age'); we may not live to see it.

idk if our DNA has been 'programmed' to become aware at this time or if it's the awareness (a real possibility) that a group of "elites" dictate our lives, but whatever the catalyst is, it's definitely overdue.

I think we're on the brink of a general collapse of American and Western society in general that has come about by the deliberate perversion and subversion of all the ideals and values it was based on by the very governments that were supposed to preserve and promote them.

We're simply going to have to start over pretty much from scratch when the free-fall we're in finally bottoms out and we can't depend on any level of government to save us from that dismal reality.

We're also going to have to keep it simple and try to avoid that kind of a scenario from ever developing again. I say we, because it will be up the ordinary citizens to co-operate, co-ordinate, and participate in any and every way they can to keep life bearable.

I don't see politics even entering into that. It will be purely pragmatic management led by those who are the brightest and most capable among us to fill all the various tasks that will have to be done while everyone else does their little bit to help make it work.

This is pretty much how I come at it. I found my way to r/collapse first but it was like, "Oh, the environment this; oh, the environment that," and all I could think of was the chunk of Podesta emails about trying to sell solar to less well-off countries. I mean, what isn't a profiteering scheme? How are you going to reform that?

Never had to shift. Always knew it was positive for everyone to know what's actually going on. Knowledge is better than ignorance.

I feel you, OP. I used to get so down about the shitty state of things, but I think I've come to realize that going through this dark dip will lead to the necessary rise to recognize the potential of existence. Not saying it had to happen this way but that I understand how this may lead us forward.

I have, and to be honest, it's pretty goddamn depressing.

not me

Good observation OP

I sort of have thought this from the beginning-ish of the Podesta email to various levels of abstraction. People are waking up all the time, but in the past ten years at least, I have to assume it's been happening in continually in waves, ever since there was an apparatus for distributing information such that people could piece it all together for themselves. That's the inspiring way of looking at it, that we could possibly hit critical mass or something (whatever that means), because there's been a lot of strife for a lot people for long time.

On the other hand, you could arguably go back to any FFO ever, people have seen through them, and yet here we still are.

Ultimately, who knows: who knows if things will change; who knows what the change will look like? Can you imagine enough people giving up the most convenient reality available? Are we sure some conceivable mass change will be positive? I guess the best that any of us who feel like at all can say is, at least we're not too attached. 🍵

I wish David Foster Wallace were still alive.

I'm old, and have always been curious. Recent realizations have scared me. There is a dark force that is kidnapping souls.