Why is the mainstream media allowed to exist in it's current form? They do nothing but spread misinformation to try to get people to follow a certain agenda.

30  2017-02-03 by [deleted]



You answered your own question in the title.

Because it isn't technically against the law? Thats the worst thing about all the fucked up things powerful people do... they are powerful enough to get the laws changed just enough to be able to get away without getting in trouble in a lot of cases.

Yep, people even pay money to watch the propaganda!

You make it sound like you're being played from only one side.

No, but I only see one side committing domestic terrorism and trying to start a civil war.

You don't think "TPTB" have control over Trump?

The alphabet agencies have complete control over our communications systems. If you remember Snowden revealed that as a government contractor (not even an employee) he had access to the President's phone, if he wanted to pull it up.

So the figures behind the scenes allowed Trump to be elected. I'm sure you also remember in the Wikileaks email release, that Clinton's team wanted to go up against Trump. They strategized around it.

You can go through my history and see that I would have preferred Clinton. Mostly for healthcare and freedom-from-religion reasons. But I'm under no delusions about the government, specifically the NSA and CIA. The wars overseas will continue. The media will continue to divide us and incite hatred.

Things will not change under Trump. And if he rocks the boat too much, expect him to be quickly removed so Pence can take his turn in the hot seat.

No I don't think they have control over them. I think Trump genuinely wants to put AMERICA first and so far he has proven that to me.

There's a reason the globalist elites have went at him since day 1 harder than they've ever gone at anyone. The media, the celebrities, the corporations, they all hate him. That makes me think he's not in bed with them.

"Have gone."


I think Trump represents the Zionist right while Obama represents the Globalist left. There are different factions of elites. They all seem to love the military industrial complex though.

Indeed, they all serve the same masters

Freedom of Speech. Freedom of the Press. It doesn't say they can only print truth.

If you want to know why they are allowed to do this, I found a post here that really shows who is truly controlling our media. I think it is most of why propaganda and misinfo is allowed to be published as "news." Some of the top comments contain more information and insights, too.

because people pay attention to them. that sounds circular and it is, but lack of attention is the only thing that will cause them to actually dissolve.

Bill Clinton and the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is a good start.

They're keeping US occupied while the cabal drains the wealth from the middle class. Business as usual.

people love lies b/c its comforting

the truth in a evil time is unsettling

In the words of the still living Joan Rivers: 'Everyone knows'

Everyone knows why the media is allowed to exist in its current form, unless they live under a rock

Just as everyone knew (((they))) admitted they were determined to own and control information aka 'news'

Just as everyone knows (((they))) admitted that less than 25% of what claims to be 'news' is BS, lies, disinfo, fake and invented

Thats because US would fall if they would report the truth