Why is Trump attacking Iran? I remember us all hating Hillary for wanting to nuke them, and we said Trump would never. Now look... Are Trump and Clinton agents for the same team?

392  2017-02-03 by showmeurboobsplznthx


The war machine is bigger than Trump, bigger than Hillary, bigger than Obama.

Didn't we learn this from Eisenhower? If you truly believed Trump would not start frivolous wars to topple governments and install dictators...you were not paying attention.

Take this upvote, son. You said it well.

Iran's on list

Same as Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc.

Although this is referred to as "Neoconservative" it's important to call out that the Obama administration diligently continued the work.

So it's more accurate to call it a defense-sector corporate initiative.

Even Murdoch is outing Obomba as a neocon, that's not just "continuing the work".


The author of that article needs to do some more research. It's also pretty clear that he doesn't understand what a neocon is. I suppose I should expect this from a Murdoch owned media group.

Pinning this on the names and faces of presidents (Clintons, Bushes, Obamas etc) directs attention away from the power structure of the 1% that plan, organize, control, and profit by these initiatives.

Politicians are just the face on the cereal box, and they're not the owners, movers, and manufacturers.

it's more accurate to call it a defense-sector corporate initiative.

Yep. Exactly this. There aren't any political sides here really. It's just one big evil fucking machine designed to make the plebs think they have a choice in matter we currently don't.

That can be changed, but more and more of us have to wake up big time.

I 2nd that. But this is Netanyahu's war. Let him fight it and pay for it himself.

this is Netanyahu's war. Let him fight it and pay for it himself.

Exactly. Cut this assholes off.

I didn't vote for the guy, but I was happy he beat war hawk Hillary. I had a glimmer of hope that he wouldn't be pulled into this pointless war bullshit.

Still a chance he won't. The MSM has zero credibility in my book right now. I need to see more before I give up that hope.

Trump was talking like a warmonger before he was elected, particularly against Iran. Heck, he's already made a raid that killed an American SEAL and an American child as a part of a Saudi proxy war in Yemen.

Regardless of how you feel about the MSM, there are good journalists who work for the press.

Trump was talking like a warmonger before he was elected, particularly against Iran

But what has he DONE. That is what matters. He is NOT showing aggression toward Iran, he is talking shit to save face for moving against ISIS (a US creation) and toward supporting Assad.

He killedcan 8 year old child.

You're giving me talking points you heard on the news. And they are DESIGNED to mislead you. You probably don't even know what the power alignment is in the region.

Which side is Iran on in the war in Syria? Who else is on that side? Which nations are opposed to that?

We literally can't even have a conversation because you think in memes that have been planted in your head from the outside. "Trump is fighting Iran!"

No, he isn't. It's CLEARLY a PR stunt designed to hide his pivot AWAY from the Britain/Saudi alliance to overthrow the Syrian government, and TOWARD the Russia/Syria/Iran side in Syria.

We're less at risk of war with Iran than at any time in decades. Go ahead and downvote this post and then repeat your media-produced talking points a second time... OR, go do some research on your own.

Read what the leaders of Iran, Russian, and Syria are saying about the situation. They speak quite clearly and openly.

But what has he DONE. That is what matters. He is NOT showing aggression toward Iran, he is talking shit to save face for moving against ISIS (a US creation) and toward supporting Assad.

Give it time. We'll see if actually carries out his veiled threats against Iran. Also, ISIS isn't a US creation seeing how it originated with al-Qaeda in Iraq.

ISIS isn't a US creation

it originated with al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Yea, about al Qaeda...

Regardless of any connections between the US, the Afghanistan Mujahideen, and the original al-Qaeda, al-Zarqawi's al-Qaeda in Iraq was a separate organization that rose to prominence in response to the US occupation in Iraq... unless you are saying that the US was funding al-Qaeda to fight US troops in Iraq, which would be a claim that I have never heard from anyone.

We'll see if he actually carries out his veiled threats against Iran.

It's a smoke-screen. He's already moved to a far less aggressive position relative to Iran by turning against ISIS.

Also, ISIS isn't a US creation seeing how it originated with al-Qaeda in Iraq.

Correct. We created Al Qaeda, too.



It's a smoke-screen. He's already moved to a far less aggressive position relative to Iran by turning against ISIS.

No he hasn't, especially after Iran tested that missile. I wouldn't be surprised if the US and Israel strikes at Iran over the next few months.

Correct. We created Al Qaeda, too.

Al-Qaeda was a faction of the Mujahadeen just like Ahmad Shah Massoud was one, too. That doesn't mean that all of the Mujahadeen were one and the same, because they most certainly were not.

People have their timelines screwed up because the US wasn't funding al-Qaeda while the organization was striking at the U.S.S. Cole or other American targests in the 1990s.

I asked this question earlier, but all I received was downvoted in response: Do you think the US was funding al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) while they were fighting US troops in Iraq? Do we have ANY evidence of this?

People have their timelines screwed up because the US wasn't funding al-Qaeda while the organization was striking at the USS Cole or other American targets in the 1990s.

Yes they were. Who do you think scooped up those Soviet nukes that went rogue?

Do you think the US was funding al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) while they were fighting US troops in Iraq? Do we have ANY evidence of this?


We were funding "moderate rebels" knowing exactly who they were.

Yes they were.

The CIA had little motivation to fund al-Qaeda during those years. It isn't as if the US invaded some country and took their resources under Clinton, so the proof is in the pudding.

Al-Qaeda at that time was an emerging threat after the fall of the Soviet Union, but it wasn't a well-known one until later in the 1990s.

Who do you think scooped up those Soviet nukes that went rogue?

Any "lost" nukes were probably grabbed by a state or we would have seen them used by this point, especially by al-Qaeda.

We were funding "moderate rebels" knowing exactly who they were.

I fully agree that the US, more specifically, the CIA, has been funding FSA Islamist groups, but they weren't necessarily al-Nusra itself (though some groups shift allegiance, such as the Islamists with Turkey's Euphrates Shield). Remember, while ISIS and al-Nusra were under the al-Qaeda umbrella at one time as ISIL, they've been hostile enemies ever since they split. (I've been following the Syrian Civil War for some time as a pro-YPG Redditor.)

BTW, that document you just showed made a point that I wanted to mention earlier. The Syrian government was allowing AQI to operate out of Syria against the US last decade, so it wasn't the CIA who were funding al-Zarqawi 's group at that time but regional state actors hostile to the US invasion and occupation.

Just curious, are you just regurgitating cnn talking points or did you actually read the articles? Asking, because it sounds like the former. The 8 year old girl was the daughter of Anwar Al-awlaki, who was a terrorist, even if a dual citizen. It is sad it happened, no child deserves death, but at the same time it's not just "some" 8 yr old. If you want more fodder how about all the other women and children killed in the raid? Did you read that the women shot back too? Do you honestly think they are innocent? They knowingly put themselves and their children in harm's way.

It's sort of like the sanctions against Iran, "oh! He is a warmonger". Or could it be that sanctions were already drawn up by Obama and Trump just delivered them at an appropriate time?

Just curious, are you just regurgitating cnn talking points or did you actually read the articles?

CNN talking points? Are you saying that Trump didn't launch a mission to attack al-Qaeda or he hasn't used bellicose language against Iran? Are you using Trump White House talking points? Is this Sean Spicer?

Which articles are you referring to?

The 8 year old girl was the daughter of Anwar Al-awlaki, who was a terrorist, even if a dual citizen.

That doesn't mean she was guilty by association. She was a little girl, though I know Trump did say that we have to kill terrorist's families, so maybe this is part of his strategy.

If you want more fodder how about all the other women and children killed in the raid?

Yes, dozens were killed during the raid. That doesn't sound like a very clean operation with SEALS engaging in firefights killing civilians.

Did you read that the women shot back too? Do you honestly think they are innocent? They knowingly put themselves and their children in harm's way.

I haven't heard anything about the women shooting back, though it certainly would make the mission sound rather poorly planned if we are attacking a compound where people lived. How do we even know if they were terrorists?

It's sort of like the sanctions against Iran, "oh! He is a warmonger". Or could it be that sanctions were already drawn up by Obama and Trump just delivered them at an appropriate time?

I am not talking about the sanctions. Trump has said that military force isn't off the table. Now, it's probably that military force wasn't off the table with Obama, either, but the Republicans have indicated a willingness to "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran," and that desire doesn't seem to have subsided with Trump.

It's not just one 8 year old either, it's at least 10 women and children.

Did you read that the women shot back too? Do you honestly think they are innocent? They knowingly put themselves and their children in harm's way.

...how? By living in their own country and defending themselves when they were invaded?

You could just read the cunt's own words: "Iran is playing with fire - they don't appreciate how "kind" President Obama was to them. Not me!"

He's a warmongering piece of shit.

Read his tweets.

This is, like, the quintessential example of when you don't need to pay attention to MSM to know what's going on. You can literally read the words that Trump himself wrote. Unless you believe that Twitter is posting fake Trump tweets to discredit him and Trump himself is not calling them out for it.

I'll hold on to hope to. "I am not a war president." - Obama.
Yeah.. yeah, right.

I still have a glimmer of hope. I prefer to wait and see before drawing conclusions. We shall see.

Iran tried to punk him with the missile test. He had to do something or they would make him a doormat. They are counting on his inexperience. I'm still hoping it is Saber rattling.

I'm still not sure why everyone thinks it's our fucking job to keep every asshole dictator in line.

Then again the US is kinda like the big crab that all the little crabs are just waiting to molt so they can rip it apart.

Pretty much haha

The thing is, Obama signed a deal with Iran. That requires them to hold up their end of the bargain in order for them to continue their uranium enrichment program.

I think it was a horrible deal to start, but there's a difference between starting a frivolous conflict, and calling someone out for specifically breaking agreements.

Was that the same deal that they didn't even sign?


The test was within the bounds of the agreement.

They didn't break the deal though

Negative. It's an unsigned, non-legally binding agreement. Iranian parliament approved, but the Supreme leader denied it and didn't sign, and he has final say-so. Additionally, Congress rejected it, so Obama used an executive treaty(like a executive order, but for foreign affairs.) Their are no set agreements other than Iran is not permitted to build or test nuclear weapons. It was a preemptive social conditioning for the upcoming false-flag/ or declaration of war.

they are going to

Iran's not really even a dictatorship. It's a weird presidential quasi-republic in which the elected republic half shares power with a clerical oligarchy.

Iran's supreme leader has final say-so. If he doesn't object, then Parliament has authority to enact policies.

To have a war you need public support. I was wondering how trump would do that then I realized "Radial Islamic Terrorism" is the new "Weapons of Mass Destruction". I wonder if the public will fall for it this time.

All they need now is another convenient little false flag and they'll have their war. Although the simple threat of terrorism has allowed the perpetual war on terrorism to go on for years now.

I wonder if the public will fall for it this time.


They will manufacture consent, one way or another. A second 9/11 would be the best choice for this. No doubt several options have been weighed up and whichever one happens to be most opportune will be actioned. It's always just a matter of time.

Maybe your first or second war, but if you keep multiple wars going, like we do, people barely notice.

You're being utterly misled by the media, and I don't say that lightly.

He's drastically shifted US geopolitical strategy AWAY from wars, you just don't see that because you think that bombing ISIS is pro-war. ISIS is a US creation that is perpetuating the war in Syria. BY turning on them, Trump is turning against the Saudis, and against toppling elected governments.

I hope you're correct! I'm still waiting and seeing. Trying my best to remain impartial.

I had hoped that, but it looks like he plans to do everything she would have and more.

She would have been poking the bear. He's resetting relations. That's already a vast improvement to me.

We'll see how this Iran nonsense goes.

The war machine is bigger than Trump, bigger than Hillary, bigger than Obama...If you truly believed Trump would not start frivolous wars...you were not paying attention

Attention to what?

Trumps tweets


Trump's AIPAC speech in March 2016: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bHmINZRwiZU

The fact that he wants to build the "strongest" (most expensive) military "in history". The fact that he wanted a Military parade with tanks to roll past his inauguration like he's a fucking Tsar.

This right here. I can see why the leftists say Trump supporters are dumbasses, some dudes just don't get it. Shit I VOTED FOR THE MAN and then realized it's the same shit (especially the sham "ban" w/o KSA due to petrodollars). Neutrality is the name of the game because it allows clarity of thought.

I have a theory the writing is on the wall for Iran. I was somewhat young when the buildup to the 2003 surge started but all these recent events sure sound like the beginning of another surge. Since Russia is on good terms with the U.S. it would seem Iran is on their own. Perfect time for another coincidence.

Iran's been coordinating with Russia in Syria for awhile. America just hates Muslims, although we've never had a terror attack from Iran.

I'd be curious to see the turn out. Iran's defense minister just had "tough talk" about the missile thing. The development of this situation should be interesting to say the least. Russia may improve diplomacy and Gazprom may put a pipeline from Baku to EUR by the way of syria instead of Iran if things get dicey.

They directly support Hezbollah, it's not like Iran doesn't have blood on their hands. I put the blame on their government just trying to keep the US busy elsewhere, but they aren't exactly innocent, just like America sure as hell isn't innocent.

Iran has much blood on their hands. More too come too.

Can you explain the petrodollars thing?

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2016-05-30/the-untold-story-behind-saudi-arabia-s-41-year-u-s-debt-secret ^ I'd be curious to see what will happen these next 3 years since apparently KSA is suffering a bit, the Kennedy files are this year, and that 9/11 pub is in the works (which if released will suck for diplomacy W/KSA).

This can be a start. I'm sure a Conspiracist has a video to break it down even further. Myself I'm going to start George Webb's Dyncorp series and JFK to 911 doc on youtube. I believe those break them down even more.

No comrade of mine believes Trump supporters to be necessarily stupid -- irrational, perhaps -- but not stupid.

The myth of the reactionary white working class

I don't believe everyone thinks Trumpers are dumb but keeping a neutral point I can see why. I cannot explain things like my theories to them without being attacked. If I told them that the current political climate, especially the public and mil support, is perfect for another surge that would not bode well with them. I wonder if there are some neutral folks among them that can analyze everything and deduce there is something afoot.

Truly amazes me that people still see Trump as some good guy on a crusade to clean up the world. Those that believe he has some sort of benevolent agenda to 'drain the swamp' and change the world and take down pizza gate are fucking deluded.

This guy is as bad as team pizza, in fact I'm sure he's been implicated in similar shit in the past (previously accused of under age rape on Epsteins island).

He's fucking dangerous. Pay attention trump supporters ffs

He Drained the swamp right into his cabinet.

He replaced the swamp with a garbage dump.

Trump worshipers look an awful lot like Obama worshipers.

"Big government and war are a-OK if it's our guy in charge"

..because they put their faith in the Elites instead of their neighbors?

Pretty much.

Ya I tried to tell my Trump-supporting friend this with these points but they were too focused on the antifa Berkley story... or just didn't seem to want to engage in the discussion.

If you truly believed Trump would not start frivolous wars to topple governments and install dictators...you were not paying attention.

This is rigid, "always good or always bad" thinking. It's incredibly dangerous when thinking about any person, much less a president.

Trump is pivoting away from the policy of supporting ISIS to topple the Syrian regime. I'd read more into that than some shit-talking to Iran.

But it's best if you don't read tea leaves at all, and stick to primary sources.

What does Iran have to do w defeating ISIS? If CIA is supporting ISIS, is this intelligence agency civil war? Would make sense. But still don't see why alienating Iran.

What does Iran have to do w defeating ISIS?

Iran opposes ISIS. ISIS is supported by the US, Britain, and Saudi Arabia, primarily. And opposed by Russia and Iran primarily.

Trump shifted that, and is joining the coalition opposed to ISIS.

If CIA is supporting ISIS, is this intelligence agency civil war?

Not if. It's proven through leaked documents. "Moderate rebels" (which we supported) =ISIS=Al Qaeda


is this intelligence agency civil war?

Sort of. The brass already openly rebelled against Obama's orders to support ISIS, and was helping Syria and Russia fight them.


I'd prefer a REAL intelligence agency war (like killing every single senior official at the CIA for treason, nuking the building and salting the earth), but I don't see it happening.

How insane is this? We are deprived of our freedoms and privacy bec ISIS. Then we support and fund ISIS spending billions. This has GOT to stop.

"We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." Eisenhower

"For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covet means for expanding its sphere of influence--on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed." JFK

Knocked it out the park. Everyone really needs to grasp this.

As much as he opposed war w Russia, he always wanted to "rebuild military". Maybe Russia is too white for him? US Military is already biggest in the world (of all militaries in the world combined,) so don't get how they were neglected. More than 50% of our discretionary budget goes to defense (2% for welfare). I'm sure you've all seen the graphs by now of these facts. Still, blaming undocumented and refugees for Vets being uncared for on the streets.

Yeah it's ridiculous. Immigration is great for the health of the country. Demonizing them is just to raise an enemy in the spotlight for the nation to hate.

Soon he will converge his domestic immigration policies with our overseas terror policies. Quite scary, considering the gov believes they can murder American citizens with drones with no repercussions.

Iran hates us after the last 5 decades of sanctions and whatnot on them. Same with isis. That doesn't change with a new administration.

Trump uses scare tactics and unpredictability. I don't think he is keen to actually send American troops to another war, but the fact you think he is gearing up for that means his strategies are working

Why? Because Israel told him to. That's why.

If this is a surprise, you weren't paying attention during his campaign. Trump has always made it clear that he intends to attack Iran on behalf of his puppet masters in Israel.

This. Even when Hillary loses our Jewish overlords still win.

Alas, that's probably true.

It's all about the Greater Israel project, Iran is the only obstacle right now which is why the focus has been on Iran for more then a decade now.

Actually Syria is still the primary and arguably only obstacle, so assuming Trump is some closet zionazi filling the Greater Israel conspiracy role, he's not doing a good job.

That being said he did denounce a really one-sided shitty deal we had with iran, and gave them a punishment after they broke a UN missile testing sanction.

Trump will get around to ISIS, give him a minute.

He said this was his top priority, but he knows ISIS =CIA. Oh, I get it. Cleaning out NWO CIA elements. Saw report of US helo landing in al Queda camp for no good reason. What is going on?!

I just figure war with ISIS has public approval that can be launched anytime. There's investments to be reclaimed.

No agreement was broken. Iran deal is broken into binding provisions and suggestions. The ones that say "we call X to do Y" are suggestions, non binding. The part about ballistic missiles is a "call to", ergo non binding.

Ron Paul Liberty Report? That was an interesting discussion.

I just don't understand this about Trump. He ran his entire campaign on "America first" but he's quick to bend over for Israel. How does that make sense?

It makes perfect sense when you're desperately trying to breed your family into the Khazarian Mafia.

Do you have evidence or does everyone in this sub believe Israel rules the world? One could argue we're instigating war with Iran on the behalf of Saudi Arabia who's been a more important ally for a longer period of time. Saudi Arabia and Iran have been the dominant powers struggling for control of the Middle East and fighting proxy wars for decades, Israel cannot stand without the US

-Plenty of evidence that Israel rules America -Most in this sub don't acknowledge that -Instigating war with Iran on behalf of Saudi Arabia or Israel are not mutually exclusive.

OK, you haven't helped your case, where's the evidence??

What kind of evidence are you looking for? What would you accept as evidence?

The keep missile testing and they recently had some iran back yemeni's hit a saudi vessel at sea. Conventional wisdom is they thought it was our boat as they on camera yelled negative words of america and jews. Personally i wish we could forge an alliance with iran.

I like Persian culture. That's where poetry and math started

And hummas.


Is this a terrorist version of garbanzo beans that I've never heard of?

Watch out for the kebabs

That's no tablecloth! It's a hijab! Duck! She's one 'o them muslim turrristsss!

According to Ben Carson, yes.


Oh snap.

And by "snap", I really mean snap peas. I hear they go really well with hummas - especially the militant terrorist kind.

And chess.

Most beautiful women in the world too. Also architecture there from the few pictures ive seen are amazing. Wish i could visit there.

Such a sparsely discussed perspective.

If Trump really is all about America first, then that would most likely be what he would choose. The only reason we don't is because of our unconditional support for Israel. Which seems to put him at a real crossroads, and we should all hope that he'll take the road that doesn't lead to WW3.

I cant be a hypocrite. I am a zionist and practice judaism. But while i want a recognized israel i also believe we can make partners with iran. I truly do.

Tell us why your tribe is entitled to an exclusive state, out of everyone on earth.

Entitled.. well thats more of a biblical answer but you may not accept that which is far so i offer this. Many nations have changed borders and hands.. why does israel bother you but not serbia/croatia or the ottoman empire or the fall of the USSR? Why does only israel make people mad?

Ask that question when Serbia has an AIPAC that vets U.S. political candidates, when Croatia has John Hagee and three million "christians", and the ottoman empire has someone special agitating for restoration of their "homeland".

No things in life are fair. We killed natives here in america with small pox and rifles. If you can take power and hold it.. then you have it. I love Hagee and AIPAC and whatever power they have is deserved. Just like africa has been a shithole for 6000 years and america became a world power in 2 centuries. Power earned is earned. Israel is tiny and no one can defeat them. Now or ever again. Fact.

US just tired of being Israel's nation state.

Same was said about Rome

When Europeans stole Native lands, it was horribly wrong. When the United States violates treaties held by Native tribes it's still horribly wrong. When Israel throws people out of their homes and steals their land; in violation of treaties agreed upon; with the audacity to claim it's the will of God because they are "special"- it's despicable.

Egypt was a world superpower starting from 3150 BC for about 1250 years. Archeologists and historians divide this time into the old kingdom, the middle kingdom and the new kingdom.

You may have heard of the Egyptians.

It was to Egypt that Abraham went to avoid famine. It was into Egypt that Joseph was sold. It was Egypt where Jacob sent Josephs brothers to get food when famine hit Palestine. It was Egyptians who enslaved these people called that history calls Jews till God freed them. It was Eygpt who put an end to Solomons empire after his death. It was Egyptians who probably broke the Judean kingdom at the battle of Megiddo where King Josiah was killed and allowed it to be conquered by the Babylonians.

It was the Egyptians who invented things like hieroglyphics, ink, calenders, make-up, sun clocks, papyrus the plow, breath mints, toothpaste, designed ships that sailed the rivers and in the oceans, worked with gold, glass, and bronze.

The Egyptians also built things like the Pyramids, the Spinx, temples in Karnak and Luxor, etc...

Where is Egypt?

In Africa. For 1250 and beyond it wasn't a backward shithole. And the way things are going I can't see U.S. lasting a hundred years let alone a thousand.

Very factual and well written. Point conceded about Egypt.

Hagee and AIPAC are illegal agents of a foreign government. As with the endless violations of the Symington amendment, they're given a pass by blackmailed, bought-off "Presidents", because dufuses believe the Hate-State is needed "to make Jesus come".

This will not last. The U.S. will not last, in large part because of the soul-destroying acts it's committed for Israel. Good luck trying to guilt 4 billion Africans and Asians into becoming your next Golem, or playing the "muh holocaust" card to Russians who were Hitler's real victims.

Sorry but no. Just no. Hagee is minister and AIPAC is a lobby group. Neither of them break any laws.

The government's "pursuit" of AIPAC and its predecessor was half-assed at best and corrupt at worst and the latest example is repugnant:

In the 1950s President Eisenhower's administration repeatedly demanded the leaders of the American Zionist Council register as "agents of a foreign government."[35] In November 1962 Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy's Department of Justice ordered the American Zionist Council to register as a foreign agent because of FARA violations alleging it was being funded by the Jewish Agency for Israel and acting on behalf of Israel. The Department of Justice later withdrew its demand.[27]

The American Zionist Council was reorganized as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). In 1988 former Senator William Fulbright in the 1970s and former senior CIA official Victor Marchetti, unsuccessfully petitioned the Department of Justice to register the lobby under the Act.[36]

The 2005 case of United States v. Franklin, Rosen, and Weissman against United States Department of Defense employee Larry Franklin and American Israel Public Affairs Committee policy director Steven Rosen and AIPAC senior Iran analyst Keith Weissman[37][38] raised the possibility that AIPAC would come under greater scrutiny by the Department of Justice. While Franklin pleaded guilty to passing government secrets to Rosen and Weissman, as well as to an Israeli government official,[39][40] the cases against Rosen and Weissman were dismissed and no actions against AIPAC were instituted.[36]

...and the bribes keep comin' and the blackmail keeps comin'..

Thats how you get political change though.. riots and looting change very little. You know what works.. money and lobby groups. Aipac. Nra. Aarp. And on and on. The lobbys can bring change. All the people with money and power think those idiots are berkeley are a joke. Terrorists.

Bro as much as I hate bankers n shit, a lot of the bad stereotypes of Judaism come from international jews who are opposed (publicly, alas they still bias media towards israel) to Zionism. Anti-Zionist jews talk about non-jews in the most derogatory way in private, seriously check it out on youtube, and they have the banks/education stuff. I'm aware the Rothchilds at one time helped form Israel, but in the context of their role compared to their overall power, it's not significant.

Anyways we have a unique opportunity with Zionist jews being focused on just living in their lives, I'm not saying Israel is perfect by ANY stretch (USS Liberty, Mossad/Egypt/Sayanim false flag) but give the dude some credit for being open, it's not easy to willingly be a public target for all the anti-jewish sentiment. I'm a patriotic American and I still hate the CIA with a passion

What does 95% of what you said have to do with what you responded to?

alas they still bias media towards israel

Doesn't that make them Zionists then? An Israel-first Globalist sounds like a Zionist to me. This stuff is tricky.

Can't you guys (US Govt) just grow some balls and stand up and tell Israel to go fuck themselves?

I mean really, without the USA what have they got?

I keep hearing that the people there are pretty cool with us and cool in general, their government is not. It happens.

They didn't mistake the ship, they are not retarded like Flynn. They just chanted their signature war cry of the Houties "allahu Akhbar, death to America, death to Israel, curse upon the Jews, glory to Islam".

what's the over/under on the USS Cole getting hit by an "Iranian" missile?

i thought they already targeted that one?

Trump sent the Cole to patrol off the coast of Yemen. If you have any friends or relatives on the Cole, pray for them.


oh wow I thought you where being funny, but you aren't joking.

It's just so good at being the target of false flags.

If you think Wall Street would really allow for choice in our elections you have another thing comin.

That's EXACTLY what this looks like. Installing the bank in Iran and getting oil.

And it looks lovely or it's going to happen.

Perhaps Iran doing ballistic tests puts our military shackles up?

Trump has several times admitted, in effect, that whenever he says things he often just says things for effect. He's amusing himself at the expense of this country.

Could also be a negotioation tactic. Make people think all cards are on the table. So far Trump has been the same if not slightly better than our last 2 presidents in some aspects (wouldnt vote for him, but ill admit i am cautiously hopeful)... But it seems on foreign intervention he will be the same.

This pisses me off and I can't say I didn't see it coming. Much of Trump's rhetoric has been good but this war mongering? Doesn't he know ISIS was created by US and others?? He is on board with Israel as well and personally, I despise what they have done to the Palestinians

"Obama is the founder of isis!"

Do people forget that when he was campaigning in the primaries when he was proclaiming loudly that he loved war and would have no problem using nukes when it came to terrorism?

Trump loves saying that Obama & Clinton are the founders of ISIS. I wonder what the name of the next big terrorist organization that owes it's creation to Trump will be? Because, with the poorly aimed ban and pissing war with Iran....he's well on his way to inspiring a whole new generation.

Hillary supported the Iran Deal. She helped craft it before kerry. She wanted the no fly zone in syria. Trump didn't which is why I voted for him. Iran's problem is that they admitted too violating the deal. What's trump supposed to do? Also if we allow Iran to get a bomb that will lead too saudi Arabia wanting a bomb. Does anyone here want saudi Arabia too get a bomb? The next 9 11 with a nuclear saudi Arabia will leave the island of Manhattan a giant irradiated crater.... also look at North Korea Bill Clinton let them get a bomb by letting them develop nuclear power first. Does anyone here think it's a good idea that north Korea has a get out of jail free card too do what ever they want? When dictators get nukes they get a giant btfo too anyone who wants too try screwing with them.

Okay, so activate the treaty and demand inspections. Don't put up a red line on fucking twitter and wait for Iran to cross it so you can invade.

It's all bullshit. This isn't about preventing Iran from getting nukes. Nobody who pays attention to global politics gives a fuck if Iran gets nukes. They won't do anything with it. Iran isn't even anti-US, it's anti-Middle East intervention.

If I was Iran I would want one too.

I understand, But you missed my point. Do you want everyone in the ME to then want one? Saudi's are next. I dont blame Iran for wanting them either. Can you imagine if Syria had them? and ISIS got them somehow? Or If Iran does get them and some zionist in Isreal decieds first strike is better? ALOT of people die when the nukes start too fly. MAD stopped Russia and America, Do you think people with a death wish give a fuck about MAD?

What are you talking about? The test did not violate the deal, nor did it violate UN guidelines.


aljazeera is the fox news of the ME....

Good fucking Christ. Is there any news source at all that you would accept? Because I can find this same analysis on NPR or Democracy Now! Honestly, what is a news source that you would accept?

Infowars brietbart any trump sanctioned independent news outlet and stormfront. And blogs if it mentions pizza.

Seems like Alex Jones did a good job turning conspiracy theorists into the same machine they warned against.

This is a Poe's law situation . . . I can't tell if this post is serious or not.

That's exactly what Alex Jones has been up to, since about 2011. See how quick you can get banned in their comments section.

It's extremely strange how he just changed his tone and agenda COMPLETELY. literal 180.

Yeah I figure they got to him or he's been in it for nefarious reasons this whole time and is just working the plan. He's so partisan they'll probably stick him on FOX one of these days.

He was the dis-agent he warned about the whole time.

Was I the only one who felt uncomfortable at how much he was on Trumps dick on the Rogan podcast? He was praising him like he was a God

Saudis are our petro-dollar worshiping homies.

He is paying lip service to the military industrial complex. He's courting it. He wants to instigate loyalty from it. It is the most powerful element in the US political system. He's just an elected civilian. He has no choice. They could assassinate him whenever they feel like it.

"Courting" the military-industrial complex just makes him a sellout.

Depends how he courts it.

All the way to the back of his throat.

Lmao wow. I'm sorry, but Donnie Trump literally lives to sell out


I'm getting kinda sick of americans not waking up and realizing that their government is basically just an extension of the Israeli one. This has now been going on now for many decades but many americans are still oblivious to it. A lot of americans still think that Trump is the real deal because he shit talks muslims and talks about the dangers of islamic terrorism as if islamic terrorism is the number one threat to the american people and not the actions of their own government. It's just the same old crap that we heard after 9/11 only it's just more direct now from Trump. It's just the usual dehumanization of brown folks in the M.E so americans will be less resistant to bombing them.

They just keep getting duped every single election, thinking the person they elect will be different and will make good changes only to later realize that the current president was no different from the last one because the same interest were being pursued. And then the next election arrives and they get duped again...How many times can the same trick work? Just how stupid is the average american exactly? Their ignorance and lack of action has ruined a whole region and it could even escalate to WW3.

I would also like to add that the dehumanization of the muslim world is way bigger and way more effective now then what it was a decade ago because it is more widespread now then before and that is mostly due to the migrant crisis. It was most likely the intentional plan of the EU to bring in as many people as they can from the muslim world without doing any background checks so that even the criminal bad muslims gets to live in some European country. We've seen the effects of it, rapes, murder, theft and all of that has increased in Europe and a lot of the perpetrators are from the muslim world(Even though they do not represent the muslim world as a whole because in muslim countries they would be harshly punished) and the EU takes no action to combat it, instead they want to welcome more of them. Why? Because they know that the crimes will not only continue but they will also continue to rise.. This will just create more and more hatred towards muslims within the populations of Europe which is also why the popularity of the far-right is increasing. This is just another way of dehumanizing all of the muslim world as these barbarian thugs that deserves to be bombed and killed. So if America and its European allies would want to start a war against Iran, I’m sure they would get less resistance from the people because after all, it’s muslims that will get killed right?

Great post

My opinion I think some people like the new York times owner have this fetish idea of the original caliphate from north Africa to spain being the cultural highpoint of history and want to restore that idea

That's the outcome. But it's left-wing governments demanding migration, and left-wing trying to hide the crimes from the news to continue the migration plan. I don't think the left-wing wants the general population to fear migrant crimes as you claim.

Right-wing groups will stop the migration instantly if they were in power. They don't need to create fear of migrants. They would just not open the borders in the first place.

I just wish you wouldn't say "brown folks." The us fights wars that are in their interest. It has nothing to do with skin color.

What was the U.S. "interest" in this week's raid in Yemen since the U.S. created the Al Qaeda it says it was targeting?

To kill terrorists and gather intelligence? I doubt it was because the people were brown.

Youre not wrong..., if it were poor whites or asians in that location they would gladly kill them too,

People of oil descent.

Oy vey that's a highly anti-semetic comment there, goy.

Bro he never even said "Jews" and Palestinians are the Semites.

True Abraham was a semite and both Arab and Jews claim him as they're ancestor. So semite means both Jews and Arabs.

Modern day Jews are descended from the Khazars, so they aren't even Semitic.

Have heard of this theory. Have done no research on it. I cannot refute or confirm your statement.

When I read about the theory I was reading a book about Viking influence in Russia and it was a footnote.

However at this time I knew there where Jewish populations in Palestine, as well from Africa and India that would pose a problem for all Jews being of Kharzar descent.

Knowledge of Jewish population in Ethopia is on the internet.

My knowledge that there were Jews in India uInknown to the Jews of Europe I read in a history of the church in the east. In the book it mentioned the arrival of the Portuguese in India and its persecution of the church of St Thomas with a side note there was a they also found a Jewish synagogue which they also persecuted.

Wish I could give you references but like this was 20 years ago and have a problem remembering authors and books names.

Was there a candidate that wasn't going to be an Israeli-puppet?

A lot of Americans know we are in their pocket. The system is rigged where we don't have a real choice in the matter.

Maybe Israel has crazy blackmail on us.

Yes there was Jill Stein! Gary Johnson's VP pick Bill Weld is CFR so you can't count Johnson.

Bernie Sanders maybe was, he was the only one who refused to speak at AIPAC. I still massively respect him for that, if only he wasn't the candidate of the SJWs and the fucking 20-gendered landwhales. I still believe that the fact that those people 'lost' might keep our culture intact.

Bernie Sanders the Jew who lived in a kibbutz in Israel?

This Bernie Sanders?

It's not the people. What do you want us to do when we have two prescreened choices. People are just trying to get by.

There were other choices, we decided to laugh at them and stick with the same old... Although still not sure if trump is same old... Maybe in some areas he is the same but definitely not in others.

There is the same ignorance in Australia. We have to do what the Americans say otherwise we don't stand a chance in the world. So we follow regardless and blindly even when it was not un our interest and the US screwed us. We did it in Vietnam, Iraq 1, Afghanistan, Iraq 2, and now Syria. People often forget proud ex aussie Ruppert Murdoch is an ex Australian.

Obama said things would be different too. The right will learn as the left has that nothing changes

The right will learn as the left has that nothing changes


Sorry, but that's exactly what the right has always wanted, isn't it?


Trump will do what Kissenger or the Rothschilds want him to do.

Didn't Iran break an agreement by testing a missile?

Not the Obama deal, but with the UN I believe. The shills will only cite the Obama deal.

cough Israel cough

Yeah, this is bullshit. Should have been Bernie.

Bernie would too. Remember Barry? He and Bernie had similar message and you saw what happened. It's systematic, not the individuals themselves.

You have to give Bernie props for being Jewish but not Israel-first.

Bernie was starting to press hard on the Saudi's, Quatar and the UAE to figure out who's funding ISIS out there and putting an end to it/them.

Barack Obama said literally nothing in his entire campaign about what he was going to do. Just hope and change.

Bernie Sanders was outspoken against the establishment and in favor of wealth redistribution. If there was any candidate who wouldn't have been Israel's lapdog, it was Sanders.

I could see him being controlled opposition, but it sure looked like they were losing control during the primary.

Obama denounced the wars (he added 5 to it), He denounced the NSA and spying on American citizens (He added and made it even worse), closing down gitmo didn't happen and a lot more shitty stuff.

Yeah, I fully understand your logic and definitely consider it feasible. The main difference was acknowledging the class warfare. No other presidential candidate has done that in decades.

I still think the military industrial complex is too massive for anyone in the oval office to slow it down. They'd just get Jfked if they tried.

Republicans blocked him from trying to close down Gitmo, it's not like he didn't want to do it. Everything else in your comment is spot on tho

I would have liked Bernie too but had he gotten in the Democrats and Republicans would have just teamed up to block every change he tried to make.

2 Hours in and Nobody mentioned how Iran Has Dropped the dollar. SAD. Iran To Ditch The Dollar In Wake Of Trump's 'Muslim Ban'

I've seen some other posts about that. Exciting stuff.

While the White House has said the order to bar Iranians and others was made to tackle the threat of terrorism, it is notable that since 1975 no Americans have been killed in terrorist attacks in the US by the citizens of the countries included in the ban.

I wish more people knew this.

Exactly. Iran plans to drop the petro-dollar and 2 days later this happens.

No different to Iraq, Libya, Syria etc.

However, this is a bit different because Israel has been wanting to wipe out Iran for a long time. Now they're just getting the USA to do it for them.

Well if we're going to do it, let's get it over with. /s


Trump has been consistent in regards to Iran, saying there is no way they stop developing weapons despite the deal we struck with them. One of the first things he mentioned after announcing his candidacy was what a shitty deal we made with Iran. I think he is trying to cancel the deal and get our money back/re-install sanctions.

Iran doesn't need to develop nuclear weapon, rather they would purchase them from North Korea, Pakistan etc.. And Iran probably isn't doing jack shit other than trying to sell oil for gold instead of the US currency(petrodollar)

I kept telling people over and over, "he is going to start a war." People were too blinded by the media hype behind him.

I tried too, nothing but downvotes.

I think Trump is a dirty Zionist, but he did say "I love war in a certain way."

Because they are testing ICBM's and he wants to project an image of strength to the world.

They are testing ballistic missiles, not ICBM's.

Difference is Russia can nuke back, Iran can't.

iran is allied with russia

Only as long as Russia has more to gain by allying than to lose.

Putin is not a hero. If Trump gives him something he wants (Soviet Union, anyone?) he would gladly give up Iran.

Iran is a pawn, if Trump and Putin think they could say joint capture the spoils of Iran they would gladly do it. If Russia gets behind actions on Iran it will be the proof of the Trump/Putin alliance, which is really the oil production alliance. They have to stop the advance of solar energy which will destroy the value of the oil reserves they control as well as the leverage control of oil supply gives them over the world.

There might be some shit behind the scenes Trump is having to deal with we don't know? Obama made a deal with Iran to allow their nuclear program to continue and then gave them a shit ton of money in the middle of the night. Something was going on.

The bourgeoisie are beholden to the military-industrial complex. They do not have your best interests at heart.

Concern trolling much? First of all the sanctions aren't against much, it's 11 companies that are tied with the Companies who produced the weapons source. The Russian sanctions we were hitting them in places like the food industry which would hurt their civilian population, the current ones are their military. Secondly Iran is openly violating a deal they have signed. Finally this isn't /r/endlesswar , Iran has had this coming and shouldn't have been given the nuclear deal in the first place, the missle test was a test to gauge Trump's reaction. Hillary and the Dwmocrats were calling for a no fly zone and egging on WW3 with Russia.

Israel wants us to take out Iran. It has for decades.

OP thank you for the thought provoking post.

Our current economy is dependent on the Petrodollar. Iran, like others before, want to sell their oil without using the US dollar as the medium. Therefore, we will destabilize their country to install a leader who will comply with our demands. Of course the narrative is that they are building bombs, and the "Iran Nuclear Deal" was just a modified and more convincing version of "they have weapons of mass destruction."

This exactly. I don't know why there aren't more upvotes. The other two countries that decided they weren't going to use the dollar for their oil sales were Iraq and Libya... You see how that turned out for them.

Any serious action against Iran will send oil prices spiking due to risk valuations.

This makes US oil conglomerates happy & essentially elevates Russia out of their 2014 recession. It also makes Israel happy.

2 birds, one stone.

LOL at rude awakening for Drumpf voters now realizing he's just another tool or the corporate and banking masters.

USA really think the world buys this shit again

MSM says "they have(want/build) nukes, they sponsor terrorism and they dont wanna use dollar."

... same shit they did with Iraq

i personally feel like iran has a right to be a sovereign nation and pursue nuclear ambition for energy purposes. i dont think we should be saber rattling for war with any nation, but we also cant allow these nations to walk all over us and test nuclear capable missles, etc. so im not really for war, or making cases for war (especially interventionist wars) but im not going to be a pacifist and pretend war sometimes is necessary and having a strong military presence and being tough isnt important.

Since we fucked over Iran in the 50's it's just been tit for tat ever since. Another one of the CIA' s purposeful fuckups.

No politician defies the religio-military industrial banking complex and lives

Israel wins nomatter which party wins.

Israeli PUPPETS comes to mind

I'm sorry, but are you an idiot?

Did you not listen to every single thing Trump has ever said about Iran and the people he has surrounded himself with?

The notion that Hillary Clinton wanted to bomb Iran more than Trump is so, so retarded. All you seriously have to do is listen to every single thing his admin has said in 2 WEEKS on this subject and there has been more sabre rattling and threats than anything Hillary Clinton has ever said about Iran.

Other that she said she wanted to use a MOAB on them in her Goldman Sachs speech.

You're only now waking up to the fact that the conspiracy movement has been gamed by mainstream Republicans? Of course Trump had a good sales pitch. A true Conspiracy theorist would not have fallen for it.

Watch as a lot of Trumpists simply leave this movement, as the got exactly what they wanted: Another Republican elected.

Spot on.

A true Conspiracy theorist would not have fallen for it.

This saddens me. Because you're right. And that made me realize that the idea that the truth movement has been fast growing is mostly illusory.

Sorry I'm answering this late, but yes, exactly!

It's now largely a for profit right wing propaganda machine. The most war-like faction of the World Order factions.

Even the stupid "New World Order wants to rule through Socialism" meme is a crock of shit. Oligarchs don't want socialism. It's the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard, but it's a conspiracy movement accepted gospel, because the paid think tanks gaming this movement want it that way.

This focus on a fictional New World Order that might occur, is it's own Psy-Op, because it makes people want to defend the existing World Order. It's part of why Trump was elected.

And oh look, it's business as fucking usual at the GOP mainstream Old World Order Swamp with Trump's appointees to cabinet.

The whole movement is a joke.

Yes, well I definitely think that there is a huge threat from the left. Not so much communists, but perhaps it's like Brave New World vs 1984- the left comes in and teaches people to censor themselves ala BNW, re: SJW.

The right comes in and uses might to enforce censorship ala 1984, re: Trump's libel laws.

Obviously there would be examples that oppose that "theory" but it just seems a tendency that the left does more brainwashing and the right just takes people already brainwashed and gives them more instructions. Which is why schools and media are left and the military is right.

Establishment is the enemy. Trump has bowed to its power.

I was convinced Hitlery wanted war with Iran. Trump is going for sanctions. I'm totally for using economics and alliances to turn your back on someone, as long as you're willing to revisit it later and determine if it was effective.

Sanctions definitely do not equal war.

You do know sanctions are an act of war.

Many die as a consequence of sanctions.

I don't think he does. They're an unruly bunch

Trump was always the illusion of choice.

Hell yeah. Who ever thought otherwise?

Doesn't matter who president is, lets hope Trump stands up against the deep state

It's a simple distraction play. Trump wants to 'normalise' relations with Russia. The hawks in Washington need to be thrown some kind of none to distract them while that goes on, and Iran fits the bill for many reasons.

Trump is a cartoon villain from a prepared playbook, he'll wreck Iran then when the ensuing (also pre-planned) chaos and carnage spreads throughout the already destabilized region he'll get the blame, while the neocons will have surreptitiously (and unattributedly) achieved their aim.

He's doing it to prevent the "shadow governments" WWlll with Russia. If we are at war with Iran, can't hardly be involved in a WW with russia at the same time. "In his knowing what is being plotted against him by this Vatican-Communistic “shadow government”, however, Freemason leader President Trump and his aligned US military forces are, instead, preparing to unleash war on Iran—which if able to occur before the Federation has to engage in conflict with Ukrainian Nazi forces, will stop World War III as the American people will not allow two wars to occur at the same time."

Thanks for the distraction.

Since when no 2 wars? Currently bombing 8 countries. Or has Trump stopped all the bombing?

He hasn't attacked yet. However the cynic in me feels this is just a continuation of the plan and what is basically going on right now is the hands have switched but the result is the same. The US is still bombing Yemen helping Saudi Arabia. Now lets see what will happen with Syria, will they go after ISIS with Russia? because fuck ISIS. If you saw what they did to people who surrender. Unarmed soldiers executed by the thousands.

If they were on the same team he wouldn't be getting 80% of the backlash he is receiving

I thought we were mad at Hillary because she was sleeping with them.

Reading these comments I pick up it is bec of Israeli agenda. So, I will put out some Biblical prophecy that may give some clues to how/why Israel prominence.

So JESUS is returning, that was His promise, and it will be to save self destructing world. Before this happens, these things will be in place-

The AntiChrist will come to power and lead a one world gov. that takes cash out of circulation and ppl can only buy and sell if the have a his mark on their hand or forehead (associated with number 666).

The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt. (Why is US embassy being moved to Jerusalem, where Temple is located? Hmmm)

The AntiChrist will sit in the temple to be worshipped as god. This is called "the abomination that causes desolation" in Revelation.

A great army from the north (of Israel) will attack and the carnage will be unimaginable. This is Armageddon.

JESUS will return to save world from total destruction.

Keep these in mind when watching powers align and move. As you know, the cash prophecy is now unfolding before our eyes.

One thing I failed to understand previously, Israel government will be hijacked by NWO players to allow AntiChrist his attempt to usurp JESUS place. Many Christians support Israel, but are not realizing this, my opinion, therefore supporting unjust Israeli actions.

Some things aren't that simple.

Even a coin has three sides.

Trump is being a lot more pugalistic toward other nations than I expected him to be. I thought his first move would be to reconcile things with Putin and reduce tensions with Russia. I didn't expect him to inflame China, Russia, Mexico, Iran, and Israel all at once, one after the other. It seems pointless to me to inflame the hatred against himself -- there's enough hatred already.

It means the fracture in the elites does not include war making generally. It would seem the military industrial complex is compatible with trumps fossil fuel foreign policy. What trump et. all seem to disagree with the establishment on is secretly funding the enemy, which we've been doing now since middle eastern terrorism was a thing. Or even South American stuff. It's hard to appreciate how duplicitous the CIA ops in South America have been all in the name of American security.

It means the fracture in the elites does not include war making generally. It would seem the military industrial complex is compatible with trumps fossil fuel foreign policy. What trump et. all seem to disagree with the establishment on is secretly funding the enemy, which we've been doing now since middle eastern terrorism was a thing. Or even South American stuff. It's hard to appreciate how duplicitous the CIA ops in South America have been all in the name of American security.

I don't remember hating her because she wanted to nuke them. I remember hating her because she wanted to give them the capability to nuke other people.

If Iran wants to play a stupid game, they can win a stupid prize.

Billions of $ worth of oil and natural gas just waiting to get stolen...

are Trump and Clinton agents for the same team?

I can't believe this sub is naive enough to think that anyone who wasn't gonna play ball would be allowed to become president. seems this sub is in love with Donald and just like the rest of his supporters, are somehow blind to how obviously shady he is. if anyone considers themself a conspiracy theorists to any degree this guy has gotta set your bullshit detector off.

You and a few millions of your fellow countrymen believed that Trump and Hillary are different.

A tiny fraction, who still have a functioning brain knew that all the candidates are playing for the same masters, the maintainers of the fiat system.

Because Iran NEEDS a Rothschild central bank. Everybody needs one, and if you don't have one, the American military will gladly bring you one. 'Democracy' will be installed.

Look up. kayfabe


One of the great lessons to be gleaned from the world of conspiracies is that of the Hegelian Dialect. In this theory, we are presented with options that inevitably put us where the puppet masters want us through a coordinated series of false events.

the choices were either trump or hillary, sadly both serve the same masters.

we were just believed to have a choice while in truth the agenda of the illuminati that was envisioned by albert pike in the late 1800's and is still right on track, even if they let you believe that you made a choice for the better by picking nationalism over globalism....

ignorance is bliss...

Good fucking Christ. Is there any news source at all that you would accept? Because I can find this same analysis on NPR or Democracy Now! Honestly, what is a news source that you would accept?

US just tired of being Israel's nation state.

Same was said about Rome

Yes there was Jill Stein! Gary Johnson's VP pick Bill Weld is CFR so you can't count Johnson.

Bro he never even said "Jews" and Palestinians are the Semites.

When Europeans stole Native lands, it was horribly wrong. When the United States violates treaties held by Native tribes it's still horribly wrong. When Israel throws people out of their homes and steals their land; in violation of treaties agreed upon; with the audacity to claim it's the will of God because they are "special"- it's despicable.

Egypt was a world superpower starting from 3150 BC for about 1250 years. Archeologists and historians divide this time into the old kingdom, the middle kingdom and the new kingdom.

You may have heard of the Egyptians.

It was to Egypt that Abraham went to avoid famine. It was into Egypt that Joseph was sold. It was Egypt where Jacob sent Josephs brothers to get food when famine hit Palestine. It was Egyptians who enslaved these people called that history calls Jews till God freed them. It was Eygpt who put an end to Solomons empire after his death. It was Egyptians who probably broke the Judean kingdom at the battle of Megiddo where King Josiah was killed and allowed it to be conquered by the Babylonians.

It was the Egyptians who invented things like hieroglyphics, ink, calenders, make-up, sun clocks, papyrus the plow, breath mints, toothpaste, designed ships that sailed the rivers and in the oceans, worked with gold, glass, and bronze.

The Egyptians also built things like the Pyramids, the Spinx, temples in Karnak and Luxor, etc...

Where is Egypt?

In Africa. For 1250 and beyond it wasn't a backward shithole. And the way things are going I can't see U.S. lasting a hundred years let alone a thousand.

There were other choices, we decided to laugh at them and stick with the same old... Although still not sure if trump is same old... Maybe in some areas he is the same but definitely not in others.

Not the Obama deal, but with the UN I believe. The shills will only cite the Obama deal.

Bernie Sanders maybe was, he was the only one who refused to speak at AIPAC. I still massively respect him for that, if only he wasn't the candidate of the SJWs and the fucking 20-gendered landwhales. I still believe that the fact that those people 'lost' might keep our culture intact.

Iran doesn't need to develop nuclear weapon, rather they would purchase them from North Korea, Pakistan etc.. And Iran probably isn't doing jack shit other than trying to sell oil for gold instead of the US currency(petrodollar)

Hagee and AIPAC are illegal agents of a foreign government. As with the endless violations of the Symington amendment, they're given a pass by blackmailed, bought-off "Presidents", because dufuses believe the Hate-State is needed "to make Jesus come".

This will not last. The U.S. will not last, in large part because of the soul-destroying acts it's committed for Israel. Good luck trying to guilt 4 billion Africans and Asians into becoming your next Golem, or playing the "muh holocaust" card to Russians who were Hitler's real victims.