Is there any truth to the theory that the government poisons us?

15  2017-02-04 by [deleted]






water, air and food all contaminated. look up with weather modification, flouride and glyphosate

So there's no way to escape it? And what effects does this contamination have on a human being? I've heard the point is to make people stupid, docile and controllable, but I don't feel like I'm any of those things.

You can drink reverse osmosis'd water, eat organic and local to the best of your ability and exercise. The major things to look out for are developing an autoimmune disease or diabetes. I think it is mostly used for a type of soft culling, but I do think it is becoming harsher as well.

Another big thing about not feeling stupid, docile and controllable is that you are truly infinite consciousness having a human experience. Selling your time as labor is slavery and if you're content within a system to mandates wage servitude, you unfortunately are being farmed.

Maybe it is working because I'm having trouble comprehending what you're saying. What do you mean an infinite consciousness having a human experience? And labor slavery? Are you saying the people this works on is the wage slaves?

I probably sound like a moron haha, but I'm new to all this conspiracy stuff.

I'm happy you have a sense of humor. You don't sound like a moron at all, it's tough to soak it all in at once, especially when it can be such an emotional experience. Let's see...

Consciousness... focus. Our consciousness is a mystery to "science". You could spend a lifetime thinking about awareness and focus. But most importantly we are taught we use "5 senses" touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. Right now we are using the internet which we cannot experience using any of those senses except in the very specific circumstance where we have a computer specifically for downloading 1s and 0s and converting them into information we can understand. This is similar to the universe where "visible light", what our eyes can see, is tiny compared to the other parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum. So we have a very powerful mind however it only has tools to experience very little of what is actually happening around us.

With wage-slavery it goes to a type of property is theft argument which assumes that without a government that uses force and incarceration we would simply be able to farm, trade and pursue happiness without the need of taxes. It seems most compelling to me because we are born into a country with an ID that demands that we pay its tax collectors money. It's a scam from the start that you didn't get to agree to.

The most interesting aspect of this whole situation is that all it takes is for people to realize these things and demand to not be poisoned and have control over their resources and faculties. The powers that be keep people fighting and abusing each other to distract them from these aspects of living.

Don't worry, the real poisons are in processed foods and cheap household items, so that they affect the rich less.

Ain't no rich guys got the time to get cancer when they can be making a killin on their pharma stocks.

Eat organic and get a remineralizing water filter, cut down on processed foods and do some cardio exercise and don't take yearly flu vaccines... You'll live as long as Soros and without the need for baby blood.

I haven't heard about anything in regards to the government directly poisoning people although I only tend to stick to the biggest and most current conspiracies typically speaking. If they were to do something like that they would have to do it with great care because something like that could be detected by the public. I'm under the impression that they use tactics that are a bit more subtle.

Yes, fluoride. Look into how it was "implemented" without proof of benefits. Then take into account where the idea came from, which is the nazis, who explained it helps to keep a population "docile" and manageable.

They do poison us.

Yes, maybe the government does poison us. But you cant prove that with such a BS picture. Conspiracy memes like those are laughable.



Most definitely.

Ironically we self-poison now so the gubbernants job is easier.

They put fluoride in drinking water, and allow the use of Potassium bromate in bread products.

It aint no theory.

Or that the government just allows us to be poisoned due to the fact that they cannot control or are just paid off by polluting industries. We are all masters of our own demise because we demand the very lifestyles and products that poison us daily. We are addicted. We are distracted. Shiny things!

Yes. Aluminum silica and barium salts in jet fuel (breath it in threw your nose and it goes goes strait to the frontal cortex of the brain, makes you submissive). Pestisides like glyphosate (cancer) and atrozine (turns men feminine). Floride , it competes for iodine receptor sites, an all around endocrine disrupting chemical, dumbs you down, concentrates in you pineal gland (third eye). Yes there is some truth



Water is globally toxic. In the last 15 years, mercury levels have increased 6 times over. The Japanese reactor meltdown has caused radiation to be dispersed throughout much of the planet, and our freshwater is getting corrupted through drilling and fracking. Oh, and fluradine has been introduced into our lakes in massive quantities to deal with the algae epidemic. It's potentially safe for people who are healthy (meaning as far as they know), but studies indicate that it causes cancer cells to replicate at an exponentially higher rate.


I'm happy you have a sense of humor. You don't sound like a moron at all, it's tough to soak it all in at once, especially when it can be such an emotional experience. Let's see...

Consciousness... focus. Our consciousness is a mystery to "science". You could spend a lifetime thinking about awareness and focus. But most importantly we are taught we use "5 senses" touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. Right now we are using the internet which we cannot experience using any of those senses except in the very specific circumstance where we have a computer specifically for downloading 1s and 0s and converting them into information we can understand. This is similar to the universe where "visible light", what our eyes can see, is tiny compared to the other parts of the Electromagnetic spectrum. So we have a very powerful mind however it only has tools to experience very little of what is actually happening around us.

With wage-slavery it goes to a type of property is theft argument which assumes that without a government that uses force and incarceration we would simply be able to farm, trade and pursue happiness without the need of taxes. It seems most compelling to me because we are born into a country with an ID that demands that we pay its tax collectors money. It's a scam from the start that you didn't get to agree to.

The most interesting aspect of this whole situation is that all it takes is for people to realize these things and demand to not be poisoned and have control over their resources and faculties. The powers that be keep people fighting and abusing each other to distract them from these aspects of living.