Conspiracy Theory: UC Berkeley was a govt. initiated false flag

30  2017-02-04 by [deleted]

So my theory is thusly: we are going to war with Iran during the Trump administration. I've had this idea for a while, but this video provides some compelling points better than I could.

So what I would add onto that, is to connect some of the recent riots, specifically UC Berkeley. As they mention in the video, it's news that's being promoted as a distraction for the populace. Smoke and mirrors. I'd go further and say such things aren't organic at all.

Of course we all know cointelpro and how the govt/Delta Force likes to subvert organic movements. But UC Berkeley specifically was people rioting over that dangerous faggot. The one who works for Steve Bannon, Trump's personal adviser no less.

And even msm has gone ahead and said that perhaps their violent reactions would only serve to promote Milo and his message. And yes, that's true. I'm no lefty, but lets be clear that the lefty riots only make the righties feel more righteous. It gives support to that cause and discredits the people who are speaking out against Trump. It makes them look like leftists loons.

It's specifically part of a campaign to drum up more support from the reicht in order to garner political capital to spend on the upcoming war with Iran.

Obama used false flags/hoaxes to drum up support for his causes. LETS RETURN TO OUR ROOTS r/conspiracy. The Trump administration will do the same.

So I'm calling out UC Berkeley as one of Trump's administrations first false flag events.


Trump involved in a conspiracy but he's an outsider, swamp draining, Intel hating, smarter then the military billionaire. How can that be? I thought that was what we'll get if Hillary was elected. /s

Idk about that, but I do believe we will be seeing a reincarnation of the COINTELPRO during Trump's presidency.

I think you should have a look around r/conspiracy and re-evaluate your use of the word "will".

Remember: The righties were threatening violence and openly discussing coups should Hillary be elected.

Violence on the streets was the outcome regardless of who won, but only one side has been consistently projecting their own desires onto the enemy.

but only one side has been consistently projecting their own desires onto the enemy.

This is not sarcasm at all. Which side are you referring to? Contextually I'd take it you're talking about the right? But... I don't know? I think both sides are consistently hypocritical.

And yes, of course there will be organic protests. No denying that. But let's not forget what COINTEL is all about- taking things that are organic, peaceful protests and stepping them up a notch.

You might be right. All this crazy behavior seems driven by something less than organic. Weather you like Trump or not, I think we all know whom ever is sitting in that office is not the one making these calls. The COG makes these calls. The puppet in office is just the mouth piece delivering the message.


Cabal owned government?

Continuity of government has been in place since 911.

You lay out a great argument.

In my estimation, it looks like there's a proxy war going on in the States between the Bannon/Breitbart crew against the Soros cartel. Remember Hilary was Soros' girl the whole way. It would stand to reason that both sides are carving out territory and trying to prove they control this country.

All of the bullshit that comes from the war like riots, protests, executive orders and false flags are their way to control their unwitting soldiers. Both sides are constantly conditioned to believe the other to be lunatic fascists hell bent on destroying civilized society. They prey on the racial, gender and emotional leanings of their soldiers to entice them to fight in-person and all over the internet.

I don't trust any of these fuckers or subscribe to their nonsense so from my perspective it's been fascinating to watch.

One thing though, is that Steve Mnuchin was an employee of Soros. So while I'm not disagreeing with you at all, it's certainly a complicated web, whatever is going on.


I think it's worse than that. I think Soros and the Breitbart mob are engaged in a fake war. And their mutual goal is to nuke iran and expand israel. Soros is a villain, but so was Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984. A TV screen villain, only there to attract the peoples hatred.

That thought crossed my could definitely be on to something.

Well, we know someone told the police to stand down, so technically it was a government sanctioned riot. Its not a false flag when people get hurt for real.

Its not a false flag when people get hurt for real.

Come again?

False flag means people get hurt, but its blamed on someone else. The fake truth movement tried to muddy the water by saying that false flags and hoaxes are the same thing.

Could be Trump's doing though it doesn't matter. If he defunds a school because of rioters who aren't even students that is extremely unfair.

I doubt it'll be defunded, but if it is? shrugs I'll strongly reconsider my view on this.

Tbh it was a lame protest and wasn't a big deal. If anything, it's a distraction from what's happening in Romania, where 1.25% of the population is out in the streets and they're jailing former politicians

Yeh, my girlfriend was in Bucharest up until Wednesday. I was glad she got out.

Yeah definitely not a good time to be in Romania from what I gather. Glad she's safe

Thanks mate.

Likely its a actual group but pushed to be radical by someone seeking to push the left is violent, move the the right narrative.

The Riots and the conspiracy of Trump wanting to go to war vs Iran are not related in my opinion.

I just dont see Donald going to war in his first term.

If we make it 4 years without war I'll be a happy camper. But I do imagine that they'll want to start it before Trump ends on the off(?) chance he's only in for one term.