Breaking Report: Pizzagate / Pedo Crackdown May Be Happening Today - Clintons allegedly apprehended, with Hillary trying to leave the country

1926  2017-02-06 by [deleted]



Please be true!

The main claim, that Clinton was apprehended fleeing the country, is sourced from here:

I think it's a bit of a premature celebration to get too excited about it just yet.

These premature exclamations will come to nothing.

And thatt is sourced frome Globe Magazine. He is circular sourcing it and claiming proof.

Oh jesus christ...

There are many source of that. Not to say they don't all suck.

Great post. Thanks for writing it all up

You're welcome! I enjoy making connections.

If this is true, what do you make of the timing coinciding with the Superbowl? Coincidence, or does it help muddy the waters a bit as far as public awareness?

Here's a conspiracy for you, all those swasticas in the subways of NY and DC were a cover for the police mobilization that was used to get the pedos.

Can you explain a little better? I'm genuinely curious.

Due to mass vandalism that happened in Huston, NY and DC mass transit vehicles, a lot of cops where out in the streets. I'm just thinking if cops used the vandalism as the reason for why they were out in numbers while at the same time busting PG related people.

It would be too good to be true tho

Excellent summary, to the top!!!


You are posting a whole lot of nothing, sourcing known disinformation outlets like Glen Beck and superstation95. I therefore am forced to conclude you are full of shit and this is all nonsense.

The strength of this is not just a single source, but rather, in the great amount of chatter coming from a number of sources, both "respectable" and not. There are an awful lot of people both hinting that this is happening, and those wishing for it to happen, as well as a great deal of circumstantial evidence - such as Ben Swann and Milo's being told to quiet down - that indicates they've been muzzled for some reason, perhaps to maintain the element of surprise.

Chitter chatter splatter, you Sir are a Genius, I can tell!!

We'll see what happens. The next few days ought to be quite telling.

No, because you never learn, it's an addiction.

You might like to include this, as well.

Chaffetz said that the conversation between President Trump and himself took place after the 2017 GOP retreat in Philadelphia. This was also his second time ever speaking with the president in person.

The Utah Republican spoke to the committee saying, “He came up to me and said, ‘you do a great job. You do a great job,’ which of course I agreed with. Then he said, ‘listen, I understand that I am the President. You have a job to do. You do oversight. Don’t slow down. You go after everything you want to go after. You look at everything you want to look at.""

No, they won't.

Nothing will happen, and when it doesn't, you'll blame this vast, global media conspiracy and cling to the next nugget of trash invented by whatever circle of deranged shitbirds you get your news from.

Will you delete your account if you are wrong?

Any additional comments from you on this?


Removed, rule 6.

I thought Hillary leaving the country was an article for one of those tabloids you see at the check out lines.

Yeah I literally saw that today while buying me some chicken pot pie.

i love pot pie

My favorite kind of pie for sure... beats apple and blueberry all to hell.

beats apple and blueberry

You're dead to me.

Waitwaitwait—can't we all just pie along?


The pie is a lie.

Imagine world pies...

I literally just ran to the market and bought a few

My three favorite things: Chicken, Pot and Pie.

I tried to buy pie today. They were all out :( I guess everyone bought pie for the 🏈... I got a shitty donut instead.

And Hillary in jail.

I swear I saw that exact headline weeks ago

Extra Extra! Breaking News! Ninjakick buys Chicken Pot Pies!

I saw it in Walmart today actually lol.

It is - the Super 95 source is from the Globe.

Where do you think op got the idea from?

Most watched TV show every year. If they don't expose it in one way or another during the game I will be pissed.

Hahaha will this finally be the end?

Well... just the creepy looks of Tim Kaine and Chuck Shumer makes me think they're guilty.

So can we throw Amy Schumer in jail too? Just for being an awful human? Let her and her connected uncle get her some good deals on cigs.

If we're talking creepy looks, Bannon should be at the top of the list. The guy looks like he lives on a diet of Doritos and Mountain Dew. Hillary should be second for looking like a lizard.

/me grabs tin foil hat

Nice trope there buddy, you are witty and original.

Hasn't Tyrion taught us anything?

Sure 😂

These disgusting animals should be anally penetrated with rusty shovels. Death to them all.

Removed. Rule 4.

If this ends up being true, then I think it's safe to say that globalism and corruption in the gov't will finally come to an end.

Corruption never changes it just takes new forms. A vigilant, educated and well informed populace bolstered by effective investigative journalism is the best defense.

Those who attack journalists and the educated are often the most corrupt.

Except when most of the current "journalists" are pushing their globalist masters agemda.

Except when most of the current "journalists" are pushing their globalist masters agenda.

Except when most of the current "journalists" are pushing their globalist masters agenda.

Not a single credible source.

Uses "DailyStormer" as a source too. Twice.

OP needs to re-evaluate his life choices.

Shareblue aren't sending their best here folks.



Removed. Rule 10.

Boss man laying down the law. For some reason seeing these posts makes me happy. Even when it happens to me LOL.

Yes. Noticed that.

Can you guys not listen? He said there is a 100 % chance that there is a small chance that it may be happening today.

"Roflmao: “Jews Belong in the Oven” Graffiti on NYC Trains"

"Trump Defends Putin to Aggressive, Drunken Potato Nigger"

"Rap Monkey Threatens to Murder Trump as Eminem Calls Him a Mean Name Instead"

"Jewish Voodoo Transforms Mr. Clean into Dirty Dindu" -Let me be clear. Mr. Clean is not a Negro.


Jewish Problem

Race War

And whatnot

I would say I felt a little dead inside initially, but I realised then how fucking stupid it all is.

Typical liberal cuck, ignoring real news because you're offended.


For 3 seconds there I missed the /s and thought how anyone could find Mr. Clean's ethnicity to be a significant issue at all.

"Trump Defends Putin to Aggressive, Drunken Potato Nigger"

This sounds like a headline The Onion would use if they wanted to satirize a rascist website. Honestly I can't help but laugh everytime I read it. Like, what on earth is a potato nigger? Like, I want there to be a new DnD class "Drunken, Aggressive Potato Nigger." Is it his skin color, does he look like a potato? Is he made of potato, or does he eat potatoes? Does he use potato based magic?

These people have honestly become a parody of themselves.

I sense a great idea for a roleplaying game, where every character and class are based on racial stereotypes.

Too bad you'd have to reroll your Muslim character after every time he attacked.

Today I've learned what a potato nigger is, and I can proudly say I guessed right.

Holy shit tht is hilarious

His life choice is to run a youtube channel that Trumpettes will click on and share with each other, generating ad profits.

I prefer the term "Trumpkins"

The media definitely hasn't built an army of angry violent clicking hamsters in democrats over every 'giant' controversy....


If you knew what projection was you wouldn't be able to look in a mirror.

Go click some huffpo click bait little hamster. Go make Hollywood and the media some money

I get paid in youtube death threats. They've probably got my name on one of their kill lists scratched out in chicken blood or some shit.

Slightly uses a guy on 4chan saying he's part of the FBI as a source. Lol.

Slightly uses a guy on 4chan saying he's part of the FBI as a source. Lol.

Broadcasting that you are a law enforcement official seems Like it should be illegal??

Well people do it every day on 4chan, so it's nothing out of the ordinary.

Seems like it should be illegal.

And the top comment is "Please be true!"

Why the fuck would you be hoping for something like this to be true?

True in idea that criminals will be brought to justice. Not that the wrongdoings happened at all, because who actually would want all this dark shit to be true?

Well, I certainly wouldn't put it past the Stormfronters.

Because kids get fucked in the ass everyday by adults. Enough is enough.

Isnt that bernies platform? Minus the sodomy part..


I think in their mind, this whole thing IS true and they are hoping for justice.

And in reality as well. It's nice.

The entire world would collectively vomit. We will all drown.

They are desperate for something to distract people from the incompetence and corruption of Trump and his appointees.

Desperate?? You post in impeach_trump. Lol.

Honestly, this entire post reeks of desperation. I mean, replace all the Dem names with Republican names and read it again. Would it even make sense to you?

Truthfully? The only desperation I am seeing is the desperation of the reaction to immediately shut down and discredit any talk of the pizza stuff as soon as it broke. It is suspicious, whether or not it's real I don't know. But the shills out in force make it a bit worth looking into imo

Not everyone that disagrees with you is a shill.

I agree. Your point?

When you say the shills are out in force, who do you consider a shill?


because child trafficking involving global elite is a real thing, and bringing people to justice is the only way it stops.

Yes, child trafficking is beyond horrible and we all must make it stop.

Does that make this conjured up piece of conspiracy true? No.

I think the pizza gate thing is bullshit, but I'm not going to pretend child sex trafficking doesn't happen, and if there really was a big raid that saved a bunch of kids and caught a bunch of pedos, I'm all for it.

Don't worry with its 1000s of upvotes, this comment will assuredly be on top, as planned.

I hope it's true so I can point it to my wife and say "See, I wasn't crazy when I was talking about pizzagate!"

That said I spend very little time/brain power on it now.

Because they're so desperate for validation with their shitty hateful opinions.

I mean nothing actually stuck to "crooked Hillary" beyond the nickname (which is already huge and cost her an election) so they really need an actual reason to confirm their bias.

But, there's so many sources, that should mean something, right?


Unsupported crap x many sources = unsupported crap

LOL "unsupported crap" you actually believe socialism is a good idea. Why should we actually care what you think?

I suppose you'd believe it only if the Washington Post reported it? Or CNN?

Maybe BBC or RT or any big news company...

Not BBC, but RT would lovveeee it.

BBC refused to publish anything about saville, and that dude was connected.

When people do report on real issues its career suicide. Like the guy who's last report was on pizzagate.

"when people misuse credible sources and report on made up issues its career suicide. Like the guy whos last report was on pizzagate" is what you wanted to say ?

Or one of the alternative sites who do reporting.

Just because news organisations like WP & CNN have a left wing bias doesn't make sites like 'The Globe' that have 0 journalistic integrity or actual investigations (they rely ENTIRELY on tip offs) anything but total bullshit.

It honestly astounds me that you can't see this. This is what ACTUAL fake news looks like. At best, pure speculation. At worst, straight up lies.

He believes in alt news, not the false news. Basically riding Hitlers 2.0 dick.

If the message isn't clear yet from all of the comments - you're a nutter.

I'd start dreaming when an organization that can be legitimately sued reports it

Check yourself in to a mental hospital. You're officially way too deep into this conspiracy shit that you've completely lost touch with all reality.

So you're saying that this is news that may be false and intentionally misleading?

If only there was some sort of catchy two word phrase to describe that kind of news...

Pretend News?

Artificial News?


Entertainment News?

Alternative News

Factually challenged news.

Fox News?

Faux News

News today

I want to say "click bait" because i'm different....

Hard hitting facts.

lol yeah, this is pure speculation.

But Roseanne said so. So they've got that going for them.

She married Tom Arnold once, why shouldn't we trust her judgement?

So Hollywood rumors are the most this has going for it?

Man should get a job at Globe or National Enquirer tabloid. Does an excellent job of coming up with bullshit

It's because there are no credible sources reporting on this, so you can throw the phrase "fake news" around pretty easily to try to discredit this. This is a conspiracy sub, not a news or politics one.

Googling "Hilary tries to leave the country" also brings you here as the top hit.

Not holding my breath for anything in the next few days.

Are you trying to say that current day Rossane Barr isn't a credible source? Why do you hate all women and people of size?

I like Roseanne but sorry if she's been gulled into tweeting about this. I doubt she has any in with the FBI or knows what is going on in Washington.

I think it is pretty fair to say she has gone off the deep end at some point.

Business as usual on this sub.

I'm glad everyone seems to see bullshit here. A week from now this post will be forgotten and another dumb prediction will take its place to remain unfulfilled. I'm so sick of these 4chan LARPers...

As credible as this post. But mostly humorous.

Yeah so you're posting trash on this site too.

The Biden hand swat thing is a joke. I've seen it debunked. As soon as I saw that I knew it was bs

It's all a joke. Or at least a lie made up by Bannon and his minions.

Because 4chan apparently is the epic center of the American psyche. This is a bloody idiot.

"When you can't attack the material, attack the sources."

Very basic deflection technique.

Fantastic report. Great compilation

I hope trump does the executions himself durete style

Haha, always refer to this as the one simple answer.

Let low level, honest people, whom live off their actual wages live. (Cant live without gowdy rants) but fuck the rest of em.

Ces, NP, BF, MB, TK, DF, JM, LG.

Who are these people. Ces might be chuck schumer. Np nanci pelosi. Who are the rest?

Tim Kaine for TK?

He did seem pretty nervous, standing in the street, saying we have to "fight them in the streets". Basically inciting a civil war.

CES = Charles Ellis Schumer NP = Nancy Pelosi BF = Barney Frank MB = Michael Blumenthal TK = Tim Kaine DF = Dianne Feinstein JM = John McCain LG = Lindsay Graham

Gonna be an exciting week that's for sure...

The Democrats would be done forever, eternally.

DF would be AMAZING.

She's a fucking cancer on this country but keeps getting re-elected.

Her connection is Dyncorp, the company that Representative Cynthia McKinney outed more than a decade ago for child trafficking. Feinstein makes money on the side the same way Hillary does: selling children to rich Saudis.

Feinstein is human scum.

Lol how convenient that the two Republicans are the ones speaking out against Trump. You guys are ridiculously gullible.

Nobody buys this garbage. You're insulting some shills, congrats.

Thanks I was looking for a list of guesses!

LG Lindsey graham?

LG Lindsey Graham

JM = John McCain, LG = Lindsay Graham. TK = Tim Kaine

You are hopelessly mentally ill or a Russian stooge. This is all garbage, and you eat it up like it's fact. Quote some more 4chan and Skinhead mags for us please.

Trump did say Patriots win by 8...

Diane Feinstein.

BF = Barney Frank

Just make up anyone you want.

You do know that that was a 4chan post right? There is a 100% probability of this NOT happening. We don't live in some fantasy land of dictators clearing house and executing thier political opponents.

So when none of this happens, what will you say tomorrow? Does the conspiracy go derper than any of us could possibly have known?

He mentioned many times that he doesn't know if it is true.

Well, I don't have 100% proof or anything, but I heard that Trump keeps demanding private access to the orangutan exhibit at the DC Zoo and so far several male and female specimens have been discovered to have genital and rectal bruising afterward. Big Zoology doesn't want the public to know this is what their donations go to.

If you can provide me with enough sourced information as OP I might believe that was possible too.

OP's sources were 4chan, The_Donald, twitter, and youtube. The only legit links had no apparent involvement with any high profile political figures. Good enough for you.

Fair enough.

well, of course they have no involvement. If they did their info would be suspicious. Of course, if it did have a link, it would be confirmed.

Its so convient that by one mental backflip all sources that confirm my suspicions can be proven correct, while all sources that disprove my unfounded idea can be discredited with the same mental model.

It's called being skeptical whenever any huge boasts are made and analysing the corroboration, reliability, perspective, vested interests, and bias of each of the sources. The sources don't win on anything except maybe corroboration.




Chimp out

Oh that happened because a trump RNC worker named Reth Sich leaked all the documents to wikileaks and thats how you heard about private access?

Tell me more

big if true

He could done that 10,000 words earlier.

So if somebody replaces all those Dem names with Republican ones, it will be equally true as this post right?

If it doesn't happen tomorrow, then we up the ante and demand that it happen. And keep demanding it, until we manifest the world we want.

Or until the myth you've allowed breitbart to create in your mind becomes real?


This is sad

Lol you're fuckin something else aren't ya?

Up voted so people see how completely insane you are.

Are people on this subreddit, normally this retarded?

This is why pizzagate isn't taking off. It's fairly obvious that it is just a politically motivated fishing trip and wish fulfillment on the part of people that want to convince themselves that at least the lesser of two evils got elected.

It's not that we think it is impossible for a high ranking pedophile ring to exist, just look at the Catholic Church after all. It's that seasoned politics observers will remember so many absurd claims being made about the Clintons that we are going to need something stronger than a bunch of circumstantial evidence and circular reasoning.

Much derper

An typo that's more accurate than the original. Fascinating.

An typo


...a art.


We aren't even approaching maximum derpness.

But really, this is the greatest thread in the history of this sub.

I fucking love it. Don't ever change r/conspiracy. <3

All the derp you can eat!

He doesn't have to say anything. People who make wild predictions like this never face consequences.

Accusations. And it doesn't matter if any of it is true people will keep believing it and posting every day. Making it true in their minds.

that and how will they ever trust the numerous "sources" again. They've just been proven less than credible but i guarntee they'll show up in future posts.

Delusional people don't care when their "predictions" goes horribly wrong

Take jehovah witnesses for example, they tought the world was going end in 1877, when that didn't happened, they predicted that the world was going to end in 1891, 1904, 1916, 1917, 1920, 1922, 1924, 1938, 1941, 1942, 1961, 1966, 1967 and so on

It's sad what the Donald has done to this sub.

Almost every sub has become shitty one way or the other after Trump's election.

Go look at what liberals have done to /r/politics. Literally every front page thread right now is anti-Trump.

It was actually mostly trash to begin with. That is why there are things called subreddits, so you can look at the content you want whilst shifting through most of the other posted trash you don't see.

Eyes wide shut.

Trump is extremely polarising and wildly unpopular. If /r/politics didnt reflect that, I would be more than a little suspicious.

Oh is being unpopular how you win an election?

Well no not really as America uses the electoral college. Technically he was more unpopular than clinton as she got the popular vote.

It's certainly not a showstopper under the electoral college, as evidenced by Trump losing the popular vote by a significant margin. There's also two more major factors to consider with your less-than-scathing rebuttal:

The first is the spread of "Trumpgret". As people realize he's going to strip them of the ACA keeping them alive, or that he truely did mean his campaign promises literally, or simply as they note he's unable to gracefully accomplish even the most simple tasks. I imagine this plays a part in his historically low approval ratings for a new president.

And secondly, reddit is an international website and I hate to break it to you, but Trump is no more popular overseas. Countries around the world were shocked that so many Americans could cast so many votes for someone with so many personal and professional failings. The general concensus around the world was a simple "What the fuck?". Those people also submit stories, vote on content and leave comments.

Trump being openly mocked on Reddit isn't some liberal conspiracy -- it's exactly in line with worldwide sentiment about his presidency.

I used Reddit Enhancement Suite to hide all posts that use "Donald" or "Trump". On average 70-80% of /r/politics is now hidden.

Found the non kool-aid drinking genius.

Do you even know what that meme means? What about my post is crazy in any way? You can literally visit the sub yourself to see.

Oh, you thought I was being cynical...

It's sad that you think that. I was first introduced to the NWO thing in 92 probably, maybe 91.

This is the first time since then that I've felt like the American people have had a friend in the White House.

Believe it or not, these are very good times.

I hope anyways.

It's all brainwashing, he threatened Iran on the basis of pure lies.

I have no idea what you're talking about. The missile test?

I don't give a shit about Iran. They execute gays for being gay and want global Sharia. Fuck them.

I couldn't have said it better myself if I wanted to parody you.

First, why focus on Iran when Saudi Arabia is so much worse in its treatment of gays? Second, I never said I condoned Iran's treatment of gays or any others whose rights are violated from the perspective of international human rights standards. However, you are absolutely wrong in your general characterization of the Iranian regime, they absolutely do not believe in what you call "global Sharia," far from it, they are fundamentally a nationalist regime that instrumentalizes religion for genuine philosophical as well as for reasons of social control. In any case, they have--certainly in the last few decades-- always demonstrated themselves to be sane and clear-eyed enough to seek nothing other than the normal regional strategic influence that would be concomitant with a nation of its geographic size, economic potential, and populational scale. Iran doesn't wish to export "sharia" (whatever that is), it wants to protect its own Persian-Iranian civilization from imperialist, colonialist, and anti-Persian Arabist incursions, it does not wish to extend its civilization beyond its traditional and historical region of influence, it is not U.S., it does absurdly seek global domination if that is what you were ineptly implying.

Everything you said is wrong btw.


Do you honestly believe Iran seeks to spread "sharia law" throughout the world?

.. in our domestic and foreign policy, ... we have set as our goal the world-wide spread of the influence of Islam ... We wish to cause the corrupt roots of Zionism, capitalism and Communism to wither throughout the world. We wish, as does God almighty, to destroy the systems which are based on these three foundations, and to promote the Islamic order of the Prophet ...

Ruhollah Khomeini

You don't even try to examine your own beliefs do you?

I knew you would mention the political revolutionary origins of the of the regime, however, the influence of Islam of which Khomeini speaks is not militarist or imperialist, for that would make of the new regime an obviously unviable contradiction in terms. No, Khomeini speaking of an influence set by example, of the new revolutionary Iran serving as anti-imperialist and anti-colonialist model in the global fight against Western capitalist hegemony. You absolutely misread the revolutionary Khomeinian message (which btw has fallen out of favor even in Iran) if you are equating with the spread of what you call-a la Fox News--the spread of "global sharia." But hey, don't take my word for it, ask an American professor specializing on the modern Middle East, e.g. Prof. Juan Cole of U. Michigan, my suspicions are they would not be in agreement with your Iran-instigated "global sharia" thesis.

you're insane. believe religious fanatics when they say things.

the end goal of islam is global islam. global islam means global sharia.

it really is that easy.

islam is a religion that has a child raping, warlord, thief at its heart. islam is pure cancer.

islam is the patriarchy dumb feminists talk about.

you sound like either a brain washed muslim or like you have too much white/American guilt.

get over it.

You may be right (even a stopped clock is...), but it would not be reasonable to think so.

Hey, were you being ironic when you said this?

Jezebel is straight and to the point (doesn't give off those racist neo-Nazi vibes either). I like the Jezebel crowd, again, because they're not vicious racists.

I think I'm starting to understand who and what you are.

I'm being charitable by speaking the truth to you.

It's truly amazing to me how you put so much time into writing something that is so obviously and demonstrably false.

But I'm sure the fact that neither the Clintons--nor any other powerful person--will be "apprehended" today, tomorrow, or the next day will stop you from continuing to believe that what you posted here is true.

OK demonstrate awa

It took all of 10 minutes, honestly. I've seen a lot of back and forth chatter and different connections, and endeavored to put it down in one place. Not complicated at all, really.

No one is taking any of it as fact. There is only speculation without the ability to go and see for ourselves. Thank you for your effort here. Everyone poopoo'ing you must not have spent any time investigating pizzagate for themselves. If they had, they wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the potential of these sources being accurate. Those who have investigated pizza gate understand the need to notice-but-verify/wait to verify. Connecting potential related information allows confirmation or dismissal at a later point. It also lets you realize who you can (sometimes) trust. Thank you again.


"Investigated" in parentheses like that is humorous. Especially considering no "investigation" has been done, at all, beyond what online pedes/autists have. The fact that the Franklin scandal, the Norway bust, the Australian bust, Hastert, Savile, the recent LA bust... C'mon. You need to either stop shilling, get out of conspiracy, or wake up.


Removed. Rule 10.

Hey I'd love to believe this but this is just really garbage sources. I say this in truly and honestly a place of concern , pull yourself back to reality a bit. This level of misinformation serves no one.

Not going to say I believe a word of what OP wrote, but I'm definitely willing to see your evidence against his claim. Otherwise you're attempting to reduce his deductions with misinformation yourself. Are you being paid to shill, or are you just too wrapped up in that hive mind hate we're all being inundated with to know better?

What do I need to present ? That's some of the worst sources I've ever seen. Either you didn't look at them or your first instinct is assume I'm involved in covering this up? Yes I'm being paid to shill. I mostly get paid to shill about dark souls games tho. Feel free to look at my comment history. I'm very high up in the illuminati.

No one is debating that the OP is investing in the wrong sources and looking like a total jackass. Your methods of attacking people here are what concern me. Sarcasm is the greatest weapon to a shill. You embody that trait. Maybe you don't know what a shill is, or that people here do? Either way, you're posting to the same effect, and it's hard to believe you're doing it just to be a huge douche on the internet. You've provided no sources to lead an intelligent counter argument, so I figured I'd offer you the opportunity at a proper rebuttal. Do you have information regarding the topic, or are you a school yard bully using crude logic as a bludgeon? Take your time.

There's no need to offer an argument against a claim when a valid argument for a claim has not been presented.

You haven't even requested more evidence. Your mind was made up before you even read the sources, it would appear. There's no need to ridicule a claim so outrageous in the first place. Teach OP, but don't put the guy down. Look through the comments and you'll see a hefty number of people downvoting on topic conversation because they hold a different opinion. That's not what any of this is for or about. Especially now it's important to keep our heads on straight. Trump supporters and Clinton haters would love the cover story to be true. Anyone who watched the Super Bowl knows that's not true. That doesn't mean other pieces of information weren't true. I always invite you or anyone who says they know better to prove it instead of just insulting people. You challenged the guy's claim.

I do not challenge his claim, I say he did not support it himself, so why do I need to take it down when he didn't try to substantiate it?

Let's not talk about what you didn't do. What did you do? In your own words.

Meth is a hell of a drug.

It's truly amazing to me how you put so much time into writing something that is so obviously and demonstrably false.

They did it and had this thread artificially upvoted so that people like you could come in, tell them that they're definitely wrong, and dismiss EVERYTHING over op's provably false claims, even the shit that's actual fact.

Anyone who can sway 2k upvotes can easily throw a few downvotes to every truth seeker present in order to make it look as if the community as a whole disagrees with you.

The fact that people are being downvoted while staying on topic proves that manipulative practice is afoot. Scroll up and see people nabbing upvotes for talking about pie. It's too obvious for anyone who critically analyzes facts and evidence.

and I'm sure all those linked sources that have been proven less than reputable will be used to fuel future crazy without hesitation.

People like the Clinton's do not get arrested like this. Not even close. IF they were to get formally arrested, it would take place in the offices of an extremely high-priced attorney team.

Otherwise, Charlie Manson Jr. has nothing that coorelates this supposed happening with kids, ___gate, or anything else. The effort to support to support his claim is a batshit-nuts conservative who's media "empire" is failing. Of course that guy, Glenn Beck, is going to latch onto whatever he can to stay relevant and profitable. Just so happens, attacking a bunch of democrats is his bread and butter.

That was a month ago.

What was?

Why did you censor pizzagate?

Because it's a silly term that discredits the goal. I only left the last part to indicate what I was referring to.

I fought for it to be called pedogate, when that was an option, but to not accept that it's pizzagate now is like being self-conscious of a visible scar. It's way cooler to own it.

It would get more attention if both portions of that were dropped. People mistakenly think that something with a gate suffix is clever, trendy, rolls off the tongue. That's the furthest thing from the truth. It's become such a silly tactic that it actually minimizes whatever the hell you're talking about.

Call it what it is-- "An investigation into pedophilia and human trafficking, perhaps involving the most powerful people on Earth"

You mean like pizzagate?


Put them all out of their misery and save the tortured, raped, and otherwise used children.

I'd like to see who actually down votes this. Do you really trade your conscious for a dollar and a down vote? Keep down voting shills.

Great write-up thank you!

Commenting to save this

/r/Politics would still somehow make it about Trump, and start protesting for pedo rights/why arresting pedophiles like Clinton is unconstitutional

You're not joking though...there was an opinion piece in either NYT or WT about how pedophilia/pedorasty is a disease and not a crime. I dont remember the details, but I'm sorry, if opiate addicts dont get the benefit of disease and get jailed and shit, kid fuckers are getting their nuts chopped off.

It's one thing to say "fuck, Im attracted to kids, please help" and being a fucking predator. Shit, does that ever even happen? Idk how i'd feel, but if someone knows its wrong and is honest and doesnt actually do anything, then help them?

I think the logic there is 'being' a pedophile isn't a crime, acting on your urges and hurting a kid is a crime. And yeah you're right that people who haven't done anything wrong should get help, but they don't, so they don't ask for help.

You nailed it there.

The way I see it is this. Pedophilia is a mental disease. Rape and child porn are crimes. The two don't always go hand in hand. The ones that rape shouldn't be treated better because they have a mental issue. They should be punished but attempt treatment at the same time. The ones that aren't raping anyone and want help should be encouraged to come forward and not demonized, not condoned either mind you, so as not to push them away and possibly become worse. Everyone needs to try and put aside the taboo of it so it can be discussed rationally. As we're seeing this is a huge issue.

Pedophilia isn't a crime, it's a mental illness. NYT said so.

You know peodphillia is just the attraction to kids right? There's a bug difference between being attracted to a child and actually raping a child. If you act on those desires then 100% you deserve to go to prison, but if you actively try to seek help for a condition you didn't choose to have, then you should not be demonized and harassed because you are simply trying to get better.

I am skeptical of those sources, but gave you an upvote for the great work you did compiling this info. It's food for thought!

Thanks - it may be wishful thinking, but I believe our thoughts create reality, and a world where these sick pedos and sociopaths are rotting in jail is one I'd like to live in.

I'd love to see that too.

A world when they never exist in the first place will be even better, but yeah, let's start from the ground up.

If your thoughts create reality, maybe stop thinking about people fucking kids.


That is a pretty shitty message to send. Why do you want to urge people to not persecute pedophiles?

Perhaps try reading my comment slower.

I understand your insult clearly, playing off of 'our thoughts create reality'. It is a shitty jab and you should feel bad.

Hey don't look at me, I didn't think it.

No, you just preformed mental gymnastics, to demonize criticism of pedos.

It's brave of you to take the moral high ground while on a sub that has been happily throwing around baseless (but politically convenient) accusations of pedophilia for months now. What exactly do you believe you've contributed to the fight against child abuse? Except perhaps traumatised a few by encouraging someone to wander into a pizzeria with a loaded gun.

It's even more laughable considering the trail of influence in this sub spans back to 4chan, which gleefully posted CP on a daily basis.

But regardless, "demonize criticism of pedos" is quite the jump to make when I was simply mocking someone claiming to shape reality with their thoughts because it's quite frankly fucking stupid.

I'm not claiming to be some pedophile investigator hero, but I'm also not being going around telling people to pedophiles alone...

Neither am I, which leaves us right back where we started.

Stop thinking then. It's not working well for you.

I believe our thoughts create reality

Dude, no they do not.

Reality is reality. Your thoughts don't create it no matter how hard you wish upon a magic star.

You do you though. You go ahead and wish and wish, and maybe a magic fairy will make your conspiracy dreams come true!

Dude you need to seek help. I hate to diagnose someone online but you ramble like a paranoid schizophrenic and say things like "our thoughts create reality."

Hillary apprehended trying to flee to Bahrain? C'mon people, this is why we're laughed at... even if she was apprehended, it would never be in that fashion. This is supermarket tabloid garbage, nothing more.

How do you explain them taking the risk of being sued for putting our material like this, if it's false? People that cross the Clintons tend to end up dropping dumbbells on their heads, or falling down elevator shafts onto knives, or shooting themselves in the back of the head... twice. Awfully risky way to sell papers.

I believe in Pizzagate, but you, yourself, stated that the info about Clinton being apprehended came from a literal tabloid. Should the Clintons wish accidental death on a tabloid's staff, then every one of her millions of identifiable social media critics should also be concerned. Nobody takes tabloids seriously, including the Clintons.

Tabloid: a newspaper having pages half the size of those of a standard newspaper, typically popular in style and dominated by headlines, photographs, and sensational stories.

TIL "tabloid" doesn't actually mean "silly magazine that is all lies".

Seems legit, actually.

Spend two minutes there and tell me that it seems legit.

This cannot be serious.

They lie all the time and the clinton's couldn't care less about some tabloid headline. Why is this tabloid the only one to be reporting this?

Peruse the archives at and ask yourself that question again.

being sued for putting our material like this,

this isn't anything to sue for and wouldn't stick in the US regardless. if the clintons didn't sue anyone while being accused of murder they ain't suing anyone over claims they didn't make a trip out of the country.

She doesn't sue because she's not Donald Trump.

This particular tabloid has had similar headlines about her every issue for months. None of them have come true. Not too long ago they said she was already behind bars, with a picture of her in a prison jumpsuit. Before she was supposedly apprehended trying to leave the country.

because they're a satire rag. always have been. and a bad one too

You need to listen to me man.

This is bat-shit insane, you're citing the daily stormer and supermarket tabloids.

You need to go get yourself some help, because I promise you that there is a severe mental illness at work here.

One of the known tactics for astrosurfers is to discredit communities that can't be convinced to change their minds on a topic. This is to stop people from adopting the dissenting opinions expressed by those communities. So in this case a group like CTR would make an outrageous post, or just find an outrageous post, and throw their upvote bots at it. Then our whole community looks foolish because it looks like we support unsubstantiated craziness. And we know their upvote bots work because we saw a comments which aimed to dismiss 9/11 conspiracies hit the top comment slot when /r/conspiracy hit the front page with a twin towers post.

Just give it up dude. I was on pizzagate from the get go. We all got played by astroturfing Russians and it was all bullshit. We all got played, and that's it.

I'm glad that at least one of you can admit it.

Pizzagate is real. The fact there is this much bullshit just goes to show there are forces trying to drown it with noise and disinfo.

You're delusional. You need to seek help. If not then at least try to use this when coming to conclusions. Always criticize what you believe first

You're just as delusional as he is for coming to a conclusion on it either way.

People like you are always around to push a false equivalence.

How is me telling this person that the seem to have a mental disorder because they seem to seriously believe in a conspiracy with no basis in reality the same as them believing in a conspiracy that has no basis in reality?

Grow up.

You've decided it's not real, he's decided it is. You've both come to a conclusion based on the same amount of evidence. If he's delusional for coming to a conclusion, so are you. Calling your own hypocrisy a "false equivalence" doesn't change that.

You're not posting about invisible pink unicorns in your room right now. That's despite the fact that there's equally as much evidence for that as pizzagate. Why are you dismissing the obvious abundance of evidence for the unicorns?

I haven't "decided" that it's not real. I'm accepting the fact that there is no plausible reason to believe that it is.

The same was said of the people speaking out against the Catholic Church.

That's different, in that there were actual victims coming forward.

These guys are more craft. Their victims are either fed to dogs or cut up for organs.

You have no evidence to support your conclusion. You don't even have a plausible reason to believe it yet you do anyways. Why are you not questioning these the sources or intent of your sources or anything at all?

Bitch please. This is /r/conspiracy. It's like the /r/futurology of crime story subs. We thrive on speculation here. If it were proven true, it'd be in /r/news.

Though there is the big California pedo bust on Saturday that's struggling to make news...

I'm glad I agree with you on something. r/futurology is basically a basic income circlejerk and "guys technology is so totally going to happen soon it's basically magic" bullshit.

spec·u·la·tion ˌspekyəˈlāSH(ə)n/ noun 1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.

Not the forming of a theory with no evidence.

If I were to link you to the evidence, would you count it or dismiss it?

That's not evidence. It's hearsay, unverified claims, and conjecture made to fit a narrative.

That is the issue with a lot of conspiracy theorists. Most of them believe anything, won't fact check, or will use a source that posts utter nonsense and claim it to be credible.

If more theorists didn't spout out anything they read, and actually looked into stories, it wouldn't be such a joke to most people.

Well the difference here is that the pizzagate victims are getting killed. The church wasn't killing their victims.

Pretty hard to come forward as a victim if you're dead.

WHAT PROOF DO YOU HAVE!!! this is basically an excuse to qualify a theory that has no proof or reasoning to back it.

Not defending either side but if i had millions and didnt want to get caught i would probably kill anyone who would exspose me.

Emails and common sense.

He critical difference. These sadly gullible and possibly delusional (and likely as high as I am) people were literally coming to the conclusion that a popular pizza parlor was the epicenter of a pedo ring that then burned those children's bodies in ovens and so forth. AND THEYRE ALL DEMOCRATS. Meanwhile, Trump very likely raped a 13 year old, in addition to his own wife, and sexually assaulted numerous women. Not to mention all of the fraud. Not a peep from this group on that.

We have had multiple big busts as of recently, once those victims start coming forward and the media airs what they have to say, then you will have your victims.

None of that's true...

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And until that happens we'll keep laughing at you idiots.

I'll be waiting

The victims are not old enough to do that, and those who are, are afraid.

More conjecture.

Your entire argument is nothing but and ad hominem, and you still have the audacity to post a link about critical thinking?

Your entire argument is nothing but an ad hominem,

No. Only the first part.

and you still have the audacity to post a link about critical thinking?

Yes, I'm often very audacious because as a result of trying to be right (or at least not wron) as much as possible, I seem to often times be right.

You should be ashamed.

If I had reason to be then I would be then I would be.

You're too full of yourself to see how much of a hypocrite you are.

Full of myself? Maybe.

Hypocrite? I actually make a conscious effort to try not to be one as much as possible. On the few occasions that it does happen it's normally purposeful.

B-b-but, the little girl had tape on her hands. I mean, it was easily breakable masking tape, not duct tape like so many people appeared to believe. But clearly if a child's wrists have tape on them then there must be a sweeping pedo conspiracy that somehow only includes democrats.

God, what a disgusting mess. People really will swallow anything.

My kids did stuff like that all the time. Me and my siblings too.

And then a middle aged man who was of no relation to you, with no children of his own, took pictures of it and put them on his social media next to pictures of naked men and edited porn pictures?

Yeah.....but he didn't did he....

What I described is what James Alefantis did.

Well, no. He did have a relation to them, in that their parents were happy to have the photo taken. So they didn't think he was a democrats child catcher. And he didn't put them "next to" pictures of naked men and edited porn pictures. He put them on Instagram.

He put them on his instagram, which also had pictures of naked men and edited porno pictures.


So take whatever whatever you want from that information.

That's r/conspiracy in a nut shell!

"Take whatever you want", twist it into whatever suits your narrative. The truth is your to invent and you will always be right.

You can take the true information I shared and parse it how you want. That's your right as an individual. If you want to be hyperbolic and condescending to your fellow travelers that's on you as a person.

single tear

You are proving my point. Thanks.

It doesn't only include democrats, there are many republicans involved as well. Also, that child was not his child, he has no children of his own. He posted the picture on his instagram next to pictures of half naked men and edited porn pictures.

But it's mostly Democrats because they are the party of degeneracy and Trumps purge will expose them.

Fine... 90% demonrats... you happy?

This is the opposite of logical.

Hahaha Jesus Christ you fucking shills are unreal.

Thanks, I haven't been called a shill yet.

You are shill read this a holes comments

Read my ducking comments. They've been consistent for years. You're getting played.

It takes a big person to admit that. If something is too good to be true... the fact that anyone would fall for this stuff really does a disservice to people trying to understand real conspiracies. The ones happening in boardrooms and military hangars, and drug empires, etc etc.

You can't honestly be serious, you actually believe that the Russians are astroturfing? I can't believe that someone is so dense, I really can't.

Well, not sure if it's astroturfing or not, but there are definitely Russians who pretend to be Americans on Reddit. My favorite is /u/folkov, the most poorly disguised Russian ever.

Yes, I believe the Russians would do that. It's similar tactics to Iran using jihadists just a westernized version and it has been very effective. Just look at the people on t_d, they all believe they're righteous warriors morally defending children from HRC. It's a total fucking sham.

No we haven't. It's real. Look at the emails.

The theory that the planes on 9/11 were actually holograms comes to mind.

Yes. Clearly this is a false flag by the Clinton campaign to slander the good name of the extremely widely respected /r/conspiracy.

it's genius in its deceptive simplicity, isn't it? Who would suspect a political campaign for an election that ended months ago?

I wish mental gymnastics was an olympic event.

So, are you sying that CTR is actively posting long rants about the clintons being pedophiles? If you really believe this, i don't think this community needs any help looking foolish

They probably have no need to write the material themseleves, they just need to direct bots to upvote the crazy content that they do find.

so are you saying that the clintons use a bot army so that texts about the clintons being pedophiles be read by more people?

Not only that, she was "apprehended by members of the Trump administration" what?

Any given person that currently works a gov job, I guess.

"This just in, top agents from the US Postal Service have apprehended Hillary Clinton as she attempted to flee the country over allegations of pedophilia. In other news, the USPS will continue their policy of sending your personal mail to the wrong address."

If she mailed any child porn it could happen.

I heard they pulled up in a black van and Mattis jumped out the back, fought his way through a rabid horde of pedos and tackled Hillary (the pedo-queen herself) personally.

Sessions and Bannon swooped in afterwards and gathered up the rest.

I have a totally credible source trust me.

trust me

There's your source.

If it's good enough for @sagittariuscraig, it's good enough for me.

Believe me folks believe me.

He's got the best sources people tell me.

Once you decapitate hillary all pedos world wide will simultaneously die in screeching agony.

It's almost as good as the leftwing goons on /r/negareddit talking about the need to investigate Joe Rogan, because there are signs that he created the 'altright'

If that was so trump would have tweeted about it immediately.

Just saw something similar from the Globe while checking out at Walmart, there is no journalism at all in those rags.

[Saw this at my local Karns](

Supermarket tabloids have been saying HRC was on the verge of arrest / indictment since before the election. It's to keep the populace distracted from inconvenient facts like the Russian connections to Tillerson, Bannon et al.

Why is nobody as concerned about the very real collusion of the T campaign with the Russians and brute obsessed with a baseless claim about pizza?

Because people rather believe in false pedos and pizza gate shit. _^

People are concerned, it's just his base (and a ridiculously large amount of people in r/conspiracy) can't put up with any form of cognitive dissonance and instead prefer to double down on #pizzagate than face reality.

Because this sub in particular is an echo chamber. Half the population of this sub frequents the_donald, anything that paints there glorious leader in a bad light will be downvoted and shit on.

Multiple times I mentioned Russia and Trump in the same sentence in this sub, and literally every time I was shit on and people accused me of "being brainwashed by the media"

I got no problem with the_donald personally, however, these fuck heads need to get out of this sub if all they're gonna do is praise the president while ignoring all the corrupt and sketchy shit he does.

Politicts isn't football folks, we're all on the same team and we need to critique president Trump just as we did President Obama and Hillary Clinton. We can't ignore all the corrupt shit that's currently going on just because you may have been caught by the hype wave that was the Trump campaign. He's our president and we need to critique every fucking move he makes, because he's in charge of our lives in a way. You're only fucking yourself over if you take sides in politics and treat this shit like it's a sport.

How much do wanna bet first terrorist attack in his term will also be the first one this sub doesn't say a peep about false flags and crisis actors. I'd put money on it.

Exactly, we'll just blame the Muslims and the judge no doubt, just as Trump wants.

i dont want people hurt in an attack, but i want one to happen just to see how this sub reacts. im willing to bet the false flag accusations will either be down to 1/3 normal or they will say some rogue element in the govt orchestrated it.

Wow. You are a piece of work. Get out of here you sociopath.

Source on Russian collusion?

this sub is where all the crazies from R T_D go... so all of T_D. and where all of R\all goes to have a good laugh

It's to sell tabloids. That simple

Nice try, CTR. Show me evidence.

this is why we're laughed at.

See, everyone? This is how you do it. When you say "you guys" we all know you're not for real, but when you include yourself in the group by using the word "we", you can fool most everyone!

Please notice that this user here has only 4 comments and appears to be clearing their comment history out while being a pizza denier.

I'm a pizzagate believer... I was jerking off with my porn account, posted under the account here accidentally, and the post took off so I left it. Chill the fuck out.

Don't hide the traps. Unleash them.

So, no matter what that person said, wether it was "we" or "you", in both cases they're fake? Sound logic there pardner

Or maybe he's just someone who's sick of people who can be so easily distracted that they turn away from the real conspiracies happening right out in the open. SAD

Yup. THIS is why you are laughed at. Not because you're loons. It's this.

I would argue that you have to be a loon in order to think that Hillary Clinton was arrested for pedophilia while fleeing to Bahrain.

Literally where the headline came from.. But im sure you know.

Funny, I saw the tabloid headline "Hillary caught fleeing the country" at the supermarket today.

Supermarket tabloid garbage would object at being compared to this unholy piece of shit.

No conspiracy is laughed at because we have been intentionally discredited and tied to fringe discussion. There has been a long assosciation with UFOs which as a topic has been mocked by the mainstream. Frankly an ability to talk about anything is what has kept the movement alive since before the internet. This subreddit is a tiny fraction of the movement - it might be pretty 'straight' but it's super fucked up to insist on legitimacy in the eyes of the illegitimate. Stop being such a fucking sell out.

Stop being such a fucking sell out.

That's the mentality that makes those on the fence not want to open their minds up to the possibility of conspiracy. Using this story as an example... OP's source is the Globe, a tabloid known for ridiculous (and wrong) stories. Fine, maybe they have an inside source. Nope, the Globe doesn't have a source other than its "spies", and that's the end of the evidence trail. For all we know, a middle schooler could have written the article as a creative writing exercise for English class. Considering there's literally no evidence, not even circumstantial evidence, of Hillary being detained on her way to Bahrain, are we supposed to blindly accept the Globe's article as true? That's asinine, and if you genuinely can't see the importance of using discretion when analyzing evidence of conspiracies, you're part of why the tinfoil hat stereotype exists... don't make this sub a conspiracy theory circlejerk.

As someone coming from /R/All...ya. This subreddits worst enemy has always been setting deadlines. I've watched a bunch of these threads get bumped and then get debunked in a comment or two. I always went back and looked at the buildup only to find that it was just a giant circlejerk.

The dead body in the desert, the pedo ring out of the kindergarten, the cabin....

Now its just getting sad. I lived off military and conn ave. Comet was a shithole that only AU bros and kids that couldn't get into adams morgan bars would go to.

If you're running a pedo ring, you probably dont want loud ass GW rejects getting the cops called every thursday because of the quiet laws.

Even if she was were to be apprehended, it would never be in that fashion.

This is fucking hilarious to me. THIS is type of mental gymnastics are what people use to justify voting for trump. Fuck Hillary, but this is just fairytale nonsense. I cannot believe the fucking globe was used as a source. Yet trumpers call cnn, and WaPo "fake news" 😭😭

Not really. Vast majority of The_Donald are waiting with baited breath for their Lord to make a big reveal about the whole pizza crap. Trust me, Bannon will string this along for a looking time with his base.

oh yeah, this is the reason.

C'mon people, this is why we're laughed at.

Because a shill thread filled with people trying to use this obvious counter-op to attack /r/Conspiracy?

This is why you get laughed at? I could name many other reasons as well.

Hillary apprehended trying to flee to Bahrain? C'mon people, this is why we're laughed at.

Thats not the only reason but its definitely icing on the crazy cake that is R conspiracy. I was turned off by all the super bowl posts then I saw this and it made my day.

Won't that newspaper get sued if they publish a false story? Why would the operators of the Globe take the risk of losing a substantial amount of money or going bankrupt. Just because it's in a tabloid and not in the NYT doesn't necessarily make that report false. We saw during the election campaign that most of the MSM ran only positive items about HRC. For example, David Seaman was fired from the Huffington Post for pointing out Hillary's poor health.

This has been answered elsewhere. Nobody gives a shit about stories published in tabloids, including the Clintons, because they're that laughable. The Globe has been publishing similar stories about Hillary for ages, none of which have turned out to be true.

They normally do not get sued. Libel suits against public figures are extremely difficult to win, and I can't stress "extremely difficult" enough. You have to conclusively prove malice, specificity and material harm. You're operating under the assumption that publishing a fabricated story about a public figure is against the law or something. It is not.

Unlike the NYT, the sensationalism peddled by gossip tabloids like The Globe actually work in its favor in the context of libel law. David Seaman was fired (not sued) because the NYT cares about its journalistic reputation. The Globe does not. Gossip tabloids can always fall back on the "What would a reasonable person believe..." defense. Meaning, their bad reputation actually works in their favor as they can argue that no reasonable person would assume their articles to be truthful or literal in the first place. So proving material harm is an uphill battle.

Plaintiffs also have to deal with the "Scorpion Defense" when litigating defamation against a tabloid. Two famous examples of this would be Cruise vs Bauer Media and Taylor vs National Enquirer Inc.

Tom Cruise sues Life & Style for printing that he abandoned his daughter and Elizabeth Taylor sues National Enquirer for claiming she was sneaking alcohol into her room while hospitalized. Both publishers use the "insufficient knowledge" defense. Meaning, no one can absolutely know that these alleged defamatory claims are truthful or not, so the defendants require discovery on Cruise's daughter medical records to determine her mental state, or 30 years of Taylor's medical records to determine if she was in fact hospitalized and what her blood alcohol level was. The act of proving defamation now ultimately harms the plaintiff, since they now need to reveal personal information to the defendant which will likely be used for the purposes of even more defamation.

Yeah and we're supposed to believe she was apprehended at just the regular ass old airport? Ha!!!! Fuck outta here.

lol@ the answer to the 4chan question. That's the first place I'd think of if I wanted to the American people too!!

I'd probably be down to bet a pretty decent number this isn't going to happen. That is, we see Hillary go to jail.

Considering I saw the exact same headline on a shitty news magazine, that Hillary was stopped from leaving the country two days ago, I'm going with this is bs.

This guy!!😎 Saw the same thing. Question issssss, is it just more mud in the water? Facts blend too well with the shit and no one can tell the difference.

I really wouldn't be shocked to find out it's a limited hangout to discredit the notion of it. "Look at these dumbfucks, they'll believe a tabloid."

Yeah but it's not about believing the tabloid. It's the coincidence of the tabloid (which we all agree is fake) and OPs post that claims the same.

Your downvotes make no sense. I think people are reading what you wrote too fast and not really understanding or don't like emojis. I agree though. Tabloids muddy the water. It's like this, if you can convince people that some news is fake, while at the same time stirring controversy over who controls said media and whether or not what you read can be trusted, then it's divisive in and of itself to talk about it you see? We're bickering.

Duh. They had a time machine but jumped the gun on the precise date. Gotta be the first to print the yuge news, right?

Wants to be taken seriously but post 4chan as a source.

Do you expect an FBI insider to go the Washington Post with their info? Or CNN? Give me a break.

So the only evidence you need that someone's an FBI insider is that they claim to be such?

Look. Normally I'm an asshole, hell I may be an asshole right now but I seriously and non jokingly believe that you need to seek professional help.

You and many people in this thread seem to have serious delusional disorders that have probably been brought about by consumption of too much stressful media. You guys are suffering from a severe form of mean world syndrome.

I could just say that you're stupid, ignorant, uneducated or lack the ability to think critically but this post and your responses have gone way beyond that.




Sorry wrong one.

Yet they go to 4chan, the cornerstone of credible news.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Look. Normally I'm an asshole, hell I may be an asshole right now but I seriously and non jokingly believe that you need to seek professional help.

You and many people in this thread seem to have serious delusional disorders that have probably been brought about by consumption of too much stressful media. You guys are suffering from a severe form of mean world syndrome.

I could just say that you're stupid, ignorant, uneducated or lack the ability to think critically but this post and your responses have gone way beyond that.


Textbook gaslighting. If there's nothing there it's not hard to just ignore it.

It's not gaslighting if you are actually delusional.

Yes. Because people would listen to them instead of us laughing at you in /r/conspiracy.

Daily stormer twice

Just like that time 4chan said they had hillarys 30000 emails. or all the other times /pol said they had something only to never produce it. i mean jesus christ people, this shit is getting sad. people here might have actual mental problems.

Well I hope it's true.

Why would glenn beck know about it and tweet about it 2 hours before it even happened? Not exactly the most secure information op if true.. (It's probably BS)

What would his motivation be to post blatantly false information?

It could even be that it is true, but just a regular pedo op and has nothing to do with Pizza gate. We all want these fucks to get theirs, but if it was being tweeted 2 hours before it even begins, that's pretty sad Operations wise.

Let's not forget the history of mental illness.

Maybe Beck didn't know the specifics but only that sumthing was happening soon.. When in years past has he made shyt up to boost his ratings, ego? Genuinely curious..

Ad revenue

So Glenn Beck has no motivation to lie (for ratings) but the liberal media only lies? The lack of logic is astounding.

He’s a Zionist paid shill, so the fact that he gets paid to do it would be his motivation.

Lol shut the fuck up he called out the rothchilds

Lol shut the fuck up

That’s not an argument.

he called out the rothchilds

Irrelevant; he demands that every nation on Earth bow to Israel and worship its satanic rulers. He called out nothing.

hey dude your shilling is showing

Removed. Rule 10.


Yeah, why would someone with the domain name pizza gate. Com have to lie about info to drive people and money to his site? /s

I believe sumthing is going down soon.. fck the people downvoting

False flag to discredit the real announcements when they begin.

Glenn's been involved in a lot of rescue ops over the years and is in touch with a lot of key players.

He has also made big promises on Obama intel then strung everyone along to his then Fox show and gave nothing. I stopped paying any attention to him when he helped hijack the tea party folks for necons

Those'key players' are pretty stupid for being involved with some one that tweets about an op two hours before it even happens..

Glenn Beck is a closeted homosexual, who's probably a Pizzagater himself. It's why Glenn flipped on Trump and started sucking up to powerful leftists (like Hillary Clinton and Mark Zuckerberg). Beck's lowpoint (when he thought the Democrats would win) was when he wrote an article entitled "How Barack Obama Made Me A Better Man".

Basically, Beck was as terrified as the rest of the Pizzagaters that Trump would get into power. Either that, or he was blackmailed into compliance.

Either way, the man's a worm.

Beck seems like all of the above. The whole "Obama made me a better man" thing was when I actually started to think maybe he was a pedophile on the verge of getting outed.

Evidence that he's a homosexual?

If some reddit dude had evidence of that, we wouldn't be having this convo. We would be laying bets for what guests of his did he suck off.

I've got $5 on Penn Gillette, dude gets freaky. Any takers?

None. Other than Alex Jones and Mark Dice.

(According to both of them, it's well-known in the industry.)

Jones only outed him at the extremity of his patience with Beck. He knew for years and never said a thing. But then Beck became unhinged and started attacking him . . . and attacking Trump. Hell, attacking everything he once claimed to believe in.

Once he went full-neocon, Jones stopped being polite and outed the weepy, rubber-lipped Mormon.

(Both Jones and Dice talk about how Beck actually took acting classes to come off as less "gay". He worked hard at suppressing his actual mannerisms. But when Beck's theatrical sobbing fits start, all pretenses of the secondary personality dissolve and you see the fat man-child on display.)

Lol. Okay, so I don't believe you.

hes full of shit MOST of the time

I saw the Glenn Beck tweet and was really skeptical at first because it's Glenn Fucking Beck, but then I remembered that that dude is extremely tight with the Navy SEAL community and has SEALs on all the time. He's pretty much gay for them. I would give this a 25% chance of being real.

I think we can guess why Beck knows...

Are you implying that Glenn Beck is..... an undercover fbi agent?

Deep undercover. Not even the

Deep undercover. Not even the FBI knows he's posing as a little boy diddler.

He has that look about him.

"Probably" - you can go ahead and say certainly. This is a right wing fantasy. Somehow all the pederast are democrats and democrats only. Pffff.

Never knew this was only targeted at Democrats. It has never been partisan, and Beck has never made it such.

The entire post is partisan. Did you actually read it? This is practically a the_Donald fanfic.

You're still stuck in the right vs left meme. They're the same thing, bro. Have been for a long time. If you can snap out of the image created for us for a second, you'd see that it's peasants vs elite bankers. Don't you remember what made Bernie so popular? Talking about the wealth of the 1%ers. Now, the 1%ers are throwing everything they have at Trump (which should tell you something) because they have everything to lose. Power, Money and freedom. The world will come to it's knees when world leaders, celebrities (idols), business leaders and all the other pederasts and Moloch worshipers are brought to light.

“I’ll make you this promise,” Gowdy cautioned. “There will come a day where you will cry out for the enforcement of the law. There will come a day when you long for the law to be the foundation of this republic.”

Trump is a 1%er. He's an international puss-grabbin' businessman who got rich off of daddy's money.

Trump's 10 billion is nothing. Also, you forgot to call him orange. We all know how important that is. And his hair! OMG, can you believe it? /s ... Maybe you should let the adults talk.

And what do adults sound like when they talk? Is it something like Trump's tweets?

How dare the president formulate his own words and communicate them directly to the public without having public relations speech writers do it for him like Obama! Reeeeeeeee! I need political theater! Reeeeeeee!


So sad

Now, the 1%ers are throwing everything they have at Trump (which should tell you something) because they have everything to lose.

Somehow I think getting rid of regulations and reducing taxes won't hurt them so much.

Yes but it also means that politicians have less power. If less money goes to the government, politicians can exploit the system less.

And it also means that 1% has more power, they have more money and less restrictions.

It depends what is meant by the 1% . The corruptor politicians who move money around for personal benefit or owners of massive companies

When someone says "the 1%" they are usually referring to the top 1% of people in terms of money. So that would include politicians and CEOs probably.

Regulations hurt small business.

Everyone is getting tax cuts, not just the rich.

The rich are getting the biggest tax cut. And specifically estate tax only affects people with over $5 million and that's about to disappear.

So this negates the other tax cuts?

What? My point is that Trump's policies won't hurt the 1%. Him giving tax cuts to the 1% and to the 99% percent does not hurt the 1%.

Bruh the 1% is rejoicing over trump. You have got to be fuckig kidding with this post. They love him he's the ultimate silver spooner. Even better he has somehow convinced my fellow low income blue collar folk that he has their best interest at heart and will fight for them! Seriously? How many contractors and little guys has this trust fund dipshit fucked over in his time?

It's insane that people think this guy cares about them.

I'm basing this off of his campaign promises and what he has done so far while you are making obtuse emotional tirades with no facts to back up your claims. Speculation based on nothing but your own hatred.

You mean appointing a cabinet with a net worth equal to a THIRD of all Americans(16 people worth 6 Billion combined smh)those elites must be shaking over that.

You say I'm going on an obtuse emotional tirade. Do you deny Trump is an elite? He lives in a gold plated penthouse does that not scream 1%?

You're a 1%er compared to people in places like Africa. Citibank literally selected Obama's cabinet but I guarantee I can search your post history and there wont be one mention of it. Your propaganda is currently failing and will so ultimately. By all means, continue your copy/paste fake outrage though.

sorry but its too uncomfortable to think I've only had the illusion of choice. I'm putting my head back into the sand where your voice is just muffled noise.

These are all my words and thoughts Holmes and no you won't find shit about Obama in my history mostly because when he was president I didn't feel like our country's future was at risk. My time on Reddit has been mostly shitposts and video games but that's over I can't stand idly by for the shit. I'll speak up here and wherever else I can!

I was never an Obama stan anyway I figured he'd get shredded by the GOP and sure enough that's what happened. The only candidate I've ever been proud of voting for was Bernie but we all know how that went. Trump, Bannon, and Putin on the other hand have me legitimately concerned. But yeah write it off as fake outrage and propaganda.

when he was president I didn't feel like our country's future was at risk.

Then you were just like I was. I got most of my news from CNN/Fox/social media. I was a fan of Obama mainly because he was a great orator and the things he said made sense. I bought into the hope and change because I always hoped America could do better and he's the candidate that made me FEEL like he gave us the best shot. I wasn't too concerned about the details, not many people I know are. We just hear the message and trust they will do everything they can to deliver. That is, until Wikileaks. The "Red-Pilling" everyone talks about happened to me in late September. I happened to be off work for several months and spent a lot of time online. Naturally, I started reading the emails. At first I was expecting some dirt on Hillary breaking the law with her private server and maybe some truth about Benghazi. What I found, day after day of putting 12 hour shifts into reading and researching, was it was much larger than a server and larger than Hillary.

If you think Obama was less worrisome as a president, explain how finding out (if you did) that Citibank literally picked Obama's cabinet. How can anyone justify that? Our first black president was put in power by the despised elite bankers. Obama did exactly what he was told to do right down to surrounding himself with decision makers hand selected by bankers. All of them. If you could rationalize that for me, that would be great because, for the life of me, I can't understand why this doesn't enrage people. We were all lied to, it was all fake. Political theater. I'm ashamed at how intellectually lazy I was.

You misspelled literally.

90% dems.

Somehow all the pederast are democrats and democrats only.

Yeah, that's what everyone was saying... wait, no one said that.

90% democrats. You happy now?

You happy now?

Hastert and Bush Sr. were both confirmed perverts.

I've heard poppy had a mistress. And hastert has been addressed numerous times in this thread. What's he evidence on poppy?

Also, would you agree that pizzagate involves, as formulated by the core believer, at least 80% democrats? Maybe 90%. Is it possible that the only reason hastert is mentioned is because he's actually a pedophile (well, not exactly, he didn't do stuff with prepubescent children).

Bush Sr. was involved in the Boys Town scandal.

There's tons of perverts in Washington, on both sides of the aisle. I personally have non-public information on several Republican perverts.

i like the part where the OP says trump is no fan of pedophiles...<insert comments he made about his daughter. here>

lol have you seen the video? it's called a bad joke. and idiots take that one piece of info that was heavily pushed by MSM and the Daily show and assumes he wants to fuck his daughter. Ya makes complete sense man. He isn't a fan of pedo's he tweeted about it a couple of years ago.

Hey guys!! I found the guy who posts on /r/the_donald!

Fuckin' Sherlock Holmes over here

And yet he boasted about walking though the dressing room at the Miss Teen USA pageant so he could ogle 15 year old naked girls. What a fucking sick piece of shit.

But yeah let's go off what he said on twitter cause he's certainly never contradicted hisself. Right?

lol get your reality from time magazine. Hehehehehe. /end convo.

so it comes down to a report from 3 to 4 women during the time the establishment was trying to take him down at all costs. Yeah...must be true. Notice those stories are all from 2016 btw, not a peep ever before. Sounds like #fakenews to me for suckers if you ask me. And Boston globe and CIA conflict of interest Washington Post considered throwing good journalism my why? haha comical.

More like you'll never be more scrutinized than during a run for president. I mean FFS he admitted on tape he was a complete scumbag that didn't have a problem just grabbing women. You think he would respect the privacy of a locker room? SERIOUSLY!?!?

Let's be honest here too there's not a single news source I could link that you wouldn't have a problem with(sans brightfart).

I like this thread. Those of us shining a light on the Donald followers seem to be getting the upvotes. Maybe there is hope for humanity after all?

Goddamn I hope so. I've been here 5 years and the T_D takeover of this sub was(and is) fucking sickening imo. He's not a fucking outsider by any measure is he?

I'd give the tape a listen again. He essentially is stating a truth. If you're rich and powerful, a good amount of women will LET you (implying consent) do anything, even grab em by the Pu$$ as in joking of how much they'll let you do just because you have money attached to you. Doesn't sound great, but widely blown out of perpetration.

It's been months so yes when I get outta work I'm actually gonna do that. I can agree with you now though on the effects having money has. I mean I'm no millionaire but I've worked in places that serve and cater to them and I've seen how far people will debase themselves in those situations

Twelve women.

gimme a count please. all these articles (that say 3 to 4 women) are essentially saying these women are unidentified too haha. Seems plausible. I also heard that Trump was allegedly giving away ambassadorships in efforts to desperately get performers at his inauguration from unidentified insiders..... right. so credible.

He admitted to the dressing room thing on Stern. He told he story himself as though it was just hilarious.

Thank you!

oh that comedy show where people go on and try to make the audience laugh/entertained, when probably everyone at the time was also laughing?? You must be right bro, MY BAD!!!!



epstein? you're way behind the ball on this one dude. More research plz, you're on the conspiracy subreddit and don't know this situation?

Oh wow, a 29 day old account who happens to be a Trump supporter is downplaying Trumps connections with a known child molester. Color me shocked. I am a tad bit surprised given Clinton's connections as well but maybe you're pushing an agenda.

what does that even mean? The Clinton's relationship is wide known with Epstein. It's a known fact trump threw him out of mar-lago when it came to light epstein was into REAL young girls.

Of course it is wide known, it is wide known among all us Americans. It is not wide known that Trump, glorious leader is an innocent man. We must spread word. Trump is good man.


засунуть свой член отверстие.

Lol you're a trip bud.

You act like there is no moral corruption on the part of the right, especially the religious right Trump has so vigorously embraced.

Seriously? These fucks again? The religious fucking right? Are you a fundie? May want to get off the Internet and think about the kind of people you are indirectly supporting by supporting Trump.

nevaaaa said that, both sides are poop. The left just is hypocrisy to the max and has used the tactic of screaming RACIST, whatever, the nuke the conversation. by the way to let you know trump, isn't even a real republican.

I enjoyed that the FBI said he posted to 4chan because think of the children!

Really? You're pathetic.

That video is dumb. You can think that a family member is attractive and not want to fuck them.

People recognise attractiveness in other people without feeling lust.

are we really going to the Daily Mail as a legitimate source?

Its a video clip... the mail is just where I found the link.

I totally agree with your statement my good sir

Stop trying to intellectualize your sister boner.

He said if she wasn't his daughter he might be dating her.

His daughter was an adult when he was being a creep.

You really think a man who says his daughter is hot and he would be dating her if they were not related would just magically be attracted to her at 18. C'mon. No way he wasn't perving on her at a young age.

Not to mention that time be said 'I'll be dating you in 10 years' to a 10 year old girl.

But but it was a joke!

Yea, I'm a 28 year old man and I would not be joking about dating a child. Fucking disgusting.

“‘Don’t you think my daughter’s hot? She’s hot, right?’” Trump said, according to Brook. ‘I was like, ‘Really?’ That’s just weird. She was 16. That’s creepy.” Creepy is an understatement! The NYT piece includes so many other anecdotes from women who have worked for and with Trump, and have their own horror stories to share. A miss USA contestant, Temple Taggart, said that Trump kissed her on the mouth the first time they met! Jill Harth was working on a pageant with Trump in the early 1990s, when she says that he announced he was going to sleep with her, and groped her during a business dinner!" link

I didnt know she was 16 when he said that.

"Four women who competed in the 1997 Miss Teen USA beauty pageant said Donald Trump walked into the dressing room while contestants — some as young as 15 — were changing.

"I remember putting on my dress really quick because I was like, ‘Oh my god, there’s a man in here,’ " said Mariah Billado, the former Miss Vermont Teen USA.

Trump, she recalled, said something like, "Don’t worry, ladies, I’ve seen it all before."

Three other women, who asked to remain anonymous for fear of getting engulfed in a media firestorm, also remembered Trump entering the dressing room while girls were changing. Two of them said the girls rushed to cover their bodies, with one calling it "shocking" and "creepy." The third said she was clothed and introduced herself to Trump." link

Which daughter was is that he gave an interview pondering her future breasts just after she was born?


Full context.

I like the part where people omit the part where he says "If she wasn't his daugher."

Still slightly creepy but to repeat it over and over again often without the key portion where he says if it wasn't his daughter, it's just childish and dishonest.

It is creepy as fuck and so were his comments to the underage beauty pageant contestants. i like how people give him a pass and never hold him accountable for his actions, it's just childish and dishonest.

And the 13 year old he raped and then whose family he threatened to kill if she went forward with her lawsuit.

Ok shill

Hilarious. Expressing ones opposing opinion makes me a shill now. Cute.

Hastert was a powerful GOP pedo.

And VP Mike Pence defended him. Good luck getting r/conspiracy to go up against Daddy Trump and his minions.

6 month old click farm account, huh?

tips cap

That doesn't refute the factual information he presented.

For some reason you're shooting the messenger and ignoring the message, biased much?

This post Ian from a 1 month account LOL

Which post? The OP?

drain the swamp. take Pence down too

How dare you speak about the future president that way.


sigh fine. 90% democrats and a few Republicans, most of whom oppose Trump.

Dennis Hastert was a Republican Speaker of the House for eight years and is a convicted serial child molester.

I mean, that's not true. Dennis Hastert is a commonly referenced character in this whole thing and he's a Republican. The only ones who think Democrats alone are guilty are the ones who think Trump isn't just as corrupted as Hillary.

You do know that The Franklin Scandal was about pedophile Republicans, right?

Seriously. I used to like this sub. When do they start banning pizzagate? I'm fine with any inane alt-right political posts, because it is a slippery slope to ban topically, but the specific issue of pizzagate is a dead horse that we're the only ones still beating into the ground. Chances are it will go away if we just ignore it or start banning it. I've been less interested in this sub than ever, because of it.

President Trump may be aware of it, whooptidoo. The pizzagate movement is a yuge embarrassment to Trump, which is why he will never acknowledge it. This is saying a lot about the pizzagate movement.

Most of them are, but then there's neocons like John McCain, etc, who are probably implicated as well.

Pedogate is 100% real and involves 30% or more of the political establishment according to FBIanon, who's been pretty spot on with his predictions. No one said Republicans aren't involved: John McCain and Lindsey Graham are likely implicated, Hastert was a pedo, Franklin Scandals were directly linked to the Reagan/Bush White House.

Oh yes, definitely 100% real. Look at all this real evidence. The real missing children. The victims coming forw... whoops, nevermind.

You can watch the testimony of Cathy O'Brien, research the Dutroux Affair, the Franklin Scandals, the ongoing UK government pedo cases, the Vatican Scandals, all quite verifiable and involving incredibly powerful people. But you know that already, you're just willfully obtuse and obfuscating the issue with glib bullshit because you're a shill.

What exactly makes someone a shill? Do I have to be collecting a check? Or is it merely challenging the claims made here? I can be glib, it's still a free country.

I have never said that pedophile rings don't exist. Obviously that is false. I'm not saying there are no politicians who are active pedophiles. I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying a) that the core tenets of pizza gate are implausible and b) that they just so happen to align with the agenda of Trump's followers further fuels their defiance of logic. That's my position. That said, I will look into the incidents you describe above.

Not true. Check out McCain. This isn't left vs right. It's about globaists and they only serve themselves.

Years ago when I used to watch him he was active in collecting money to support which goes after human traffickers. He may still be involved with that group and if they're the ones that made the bust it would make sense.

because dog whistles. Glenn Beck is someone these paranoid self-deceiving numbskulls can trust, so his name gets dropped to make it sound credible (think about that for a second, Glenn Beck lends credibility).

How could Hilary be "fleeing the country" when I just saw her on TV?

Did this coming from a tabloid not send of a red flag?

I didn't say that it didn't. I think the beck thing is far more egregious, to the point where they aren't even comparable. If you have a massive Pedo Operation going on, and glenn beck is tweeting about it 2 hours before, not much faith in that at all.

Posting poorly sourced information does more damage to the story than anything. There are already people working full time to bury this by claiming its been 'debunked' on wikipedia and other sites even though it was not allowed the investigation required to fairly debunk it. If you post bullshit on this topic, you're just giving the white-washers fuel to discredit all of it, even if only some of the PizzaGate conspiracy is bullshit.

Well, we all have our opinions.

*statistically supported opinions

Source credibility doesn't matter much in this sub.

Unless it's condemning Trump, then the mods are all about that "Unverified Allegations" tag.

R conspiracy believes anything pizzagate/anti libtard. Its essentially the onion but more funny cause they take it super cereal.

What Beck was referring to had nothing to do with this stupid Pizzagate whackjob bullshit. OP saw an opportunity to throw in a name that would give this bullshit credibility and took it.

Probably, but beck still shouldn't be tweeting about OPs 2 hours before they even begin.

'Page doesn't exist' for some Twitter links about Sessions..

they tried to arrest Clinton but she morphed into her reptilian form and disabled the arresting officers.

Swat was on standby and moved in as a predator drone revealed itself from the distance.

Then a Syrian refugee with a shoulder rocket takes out the drone.

The swat team and Clinton chuckle over the irony of the situation and decide to go get a slice of pizza together.

You forgot the part where snipers started taking shots at Clinton, but she used her unnatural reptilian reflexes to avoid the bullets.

I'm upvoting this so you look like an even huger idiot when, as always, it turn out to be absolutely nothing.

If she appears in cuffs this sub will go off nuclear in every political sub across the interest. Just so we are clear.

I'm coming back here just to call bullshit on this in advance.

Lol! This sub is so bat shit crazy anymore.

That's not how you use the word "anymore".

When you are working in the equivalent of a 3rd world call center English usually isn't the first language.

Bookmarking this. It's a lot to read. Well researched.

Holy SHIT😁

Fuck the Superbowl, the life of even a single kid is way more important. Let's get this to the top 'Pedes!

What does "'Pedes" mean?

/r/T_D like to refer to themselves as Centipedes, or 'Pedes

I'd never have guessed that the_donald crew was a big Knife Party fan base.

Pedophiles... lol. I couldn't help myself

The Pgate subject on cost is compromised as of last week or earlier. We have a lot of evidence. We suspect Brock and co took it over.

The FBI guy was right about something going down this weekend with the Caribbean take down. I'm starting to think it just isn't a coincidence.

Can't wait to see what will happen in the coming week and hopefully they release details.



Looking at all those stupid politicians and others in 'high' places, I wouldn't doubt this is true. It remains to be seen how it will go down, but let's face it, we are dealing with some sick mfs. Trump knows and he needs US to help him clean this mess up. When Trump said he was gonna drain the swamp I got the impression it was gonna be a literal draining, not a long drawn out (election) type thing. Just like when Trump said in his inauguration speech that we are gonna eradicate disease and unlock the mysteries of the universe (paraphrasing ), it wasn't just somebody telling you their dreams, I believe he knows this is gonna happen. Think about it, who would you trust, personally I trust Donald Trump.

Yeah I honestly think people over look that part of the inauguration speech. I truly believe he knows what's possible and how it's being withheld from the light. If he could allow for diseases to be cured and boost the economy alone, he would get reelected in a heart beat.

Trump cures cancer! Still helpless against liberalism.

My skeptic knee is tingling. I appreciate the effort and mostly appropriate uncertainty you have in your writing though.

Operation Superbowl

Y'all are suffering from a mental illness

Are you really this dense, or are you out to give /r/conspiracy a bad name?

Probably just schizo

Good work man. Even if it's not all true, still hope it happens.

please...... how is this not been deleted yet by mods?

The mods are just as weird.

I mean... this is embarrassing for this sub... if the clintons were being apprehended it would be insanely big news and its obviously not happening

What's embarrassing are the users coming in here expecting to have it their way and believe how this sub operates.

What rule does it break?

well, it appears to be completely false.... have you heard any reports of the clintons getting apprehended???? cmon man be better

I'm not about to start removing posts on a conspiracy board if it doesn't violate the Sub's rules.

Perhaps this post has value - as those who need to learn to see through the bullshit need to know what bullshit looks (and smells like) once in awhile.

Then why not tag it "smells like bullshit"?

Wouldn't that be me asserting my own personal opinion on the sub?

If you want that, there's plenty of other subreddits where you can get that kind of service.

maybe tag it "objectively false".

You can't prove anything with absence of evidence. "objectively false" is objectively incorrect. "likely false" best describes the situation

It objectively smells like bullshit. It's not an opinion.


That's like, your opinion man.

You must be new here. Bullshit or no bullshit, it's called a conspiracy.

You guys have done it before...especially when it made the right look bad

You guys

That was one post and one mod who I don't even think is on the team anymore.

If the lack of a tag here has your jimmies rustled, I suggest some /r/outside time.

Yup. And this guy is replying to anyone questioning him and his propaganda by saying "nope", but if you check his comments, he's also a Donald mod. Shocking right? Totally not pushing an agenda right?


Like the Trump dossier that you guys tagged "unconfirmed" ?

You guys

That was one post and one mod who I don't even think is on the team anymore.

Thanks for bringing up the dossier though. I needed a chuckle. Are they still even calling it something official sounding?

For a sub dedicated to conspiracy you'd think the United States president having both circumstantial and verified Russian connections, while at the same time boot licking Putin would have y'all in a frenzy when a document alleging bribery came out. Nice deflection though. You're definitely not pushing an agenda.

For a sub dedicated to conspiracy you'd think the United States president having both circumstantial and verified Russian connections,

Billionaire real Estate mogul has connections with other countries? No way.

while at the same time boot licking Putin

can you show me a pic of this boot kickin? Askin' for a friend.

would have y'all in a frenzy when a document alleging bribery came out.

If there were any real legs to that story this sub would have.

Nice deflection though. You're definitely not pushing an agenda.

I'm not pushing any agenda here.

That's the point.

Yes. You. Are. I see you're also a mod at the Donald. Interesting. There seems to be a pattern ...

It's a conspiracy!

It's also false.

I'm not a mod at /r/the_Donald.

You're pushing an agenda and an embarrassment. This comment is evidence of it.

This is the best response. :D

Kinda like when documents painting Trump in a negative light got the "unverified allegation" tag but the Flat Earthers got to keep posting their drivel unedited?

Why all the FE hate?

No, good point. Please keep all the flat earthers and aztec arctic nazi alien people in your ranks- that really helps keep things in perspective so there is at least no doubt that you guys are certifiably insane.

What ranks? This is an Internet message board.

No hate from me. just thought that if anything deserved the "unverified allegation" tag, it'd probably be something that science disproved in the 1700's as opposed to something that attacks a politician many here support.

We are not going to be verifying any and all posts here (or the opppsite) so you can let that wish blow away in the wind whenever you're comfortable letting it go.

That's great. Except for the time you guys DID add an "unverified allegations" tag to something. What was up with that, again?

That's what I thought.

Wouldn't that be me asserting my own personal opinion on the sub?

Mods do this all the time here.

Why not in this case?

Wouldn't that be me asserting my own personal opinion on the sub?

Mods do this all the time here.

[Citation required]

Why not in this case?

Why would you want me yo?

[Citation required]

That's pretty funny since the posts that were tagged as "Unverified" are also posts that mods eventually deleted with the headline "Brigading" because they hit the front page and voting spiked as a result.

Still butthurt about that post that was brigaded for being "unverified?" We know what that was really about. There's people who read your words and there people who actually track the bots and companies tied to them.

Still wanting for links to all those posts...

Pretending it didn't happen isn't going to brainwash the people who saw it go down.

Two or three posts that would have been ranked highest participation of all time on this sub were removed, otherwise they would be on the front page when sorted by "top".

You don't need "all"... just the right targeted ones.

Pretending it didn't happen isn't going to brainwash the people who saw it go down.

Nobody is. But I'm not

Two or three posts that would have been ranked highest participation of all time on this sub were removed, otherwise they would be on the front page when sorted by "top".

Where are the links? Where are all these posts?

You don't need "all"... just the right targeted ones.


So your evidence is the one thread discussed, a self post bitching about it, and a post behind a pay wall?

I'm actually disappointed.

Next time do better.

You've made it abundantly clear you support censorship on this board and you will do what you can to deflect criticism about it. I didn't post those links for your benefit, but for the benefit of others reading the thread.

I don't expect any argument to be persuasive with you.

And I expected much more from you. Frankly I am a bit dissappointed.

You've made it abundantly clear you support censorship on this board

Are you serious? Half the comments in this thread are me saying I won't delete this.

and you will do what you can to deflect criticism about it. I didn't post those links for your benefit, but for the benefit of others reading the thread.

Your links were not as advertised and are also a dissapppintment.

If there is a paywall there, it isn't affecting me.

That's what it was tagged/flagged as at the time.

And I expected much more from you. Frankly I am a bit dissappointed.

I don't know why you have any expectations of me at all. What have I done previously to draw your attention enough that you have an expectation of me?

Are you serious? Half the comments in this thread are me saying I won't delete this.

And that is what we have been discussing... the inequity of which things you choose to censor. You support censorship, obviously, because you are defending those two posts removal despite them having more discussion going on than anything else posted on the sub at the time.

Your links were not as advertised and are also a dissapppintment.

How were they not as advertised? They were marked as misleading/unverified when they were active then they were deleted and marked with bullshit excuses that don't hold water to anyone who participated in those threads.

That's what it was tagged/flagged as at the time

Yes. And there wasn't a paywall then, either. But the post came down and was tagged as such.

I don't know why you have any expectations of me at all. What have I done previously to draw your attention enough that you have an expectation of me?

Calling me out here puts you in my radar. And it appears you can't walk the walk.

And that is what we have been discussing... the inequity of which things mods choose to censor or label.

So me saying I won't censor this means I support censorship. Gotcha.

You support censorship, obviously, because you are defending those two posts removal despite them having more discussion going on than anything else posted on the sub at the time.

Discussion level has nothing to do with removal immunity.

How were they not as advertised? They were marked as misleading/unverified when they were active then they were deleted and marked with bullshit excuses that don't hold water to anyone who participated in those threads.

Can you prove this in any way? This sounds like a conspiracy!

Yes. And there wasn't a paywall then, either. But the post came down and was tagged as such.

Then talk to the modteam about it (or the mod that deleted it).

Calling me out here puts you in my radar. And it appears you can't walk the walk.

Can't walk the walk? Really? I supported my claims with evidence and all you've done is hand wave.

I'll let you off the hook easy, though, since I wasn't OP who called you out, just a rando who piled on.

So me saying I won't censor this means I support censorship. Gotcha.

Your fellow mod removed the post. Guess maybe you are the lone wolf against removing posts.

Discussion level has nothing to do with removal immunity.

"removal immunity"? What sort of newspeak bullshit is that. I thought posts were presumed valid unless proven false... or they aren't. You guys clearly aren't on the same page about the issue.

Can you prove this in any way? This sounds like a conspiracy!

You have access to the mod dash... you can look back at all the posts that cross link to the removed posts, cant you? See what the community had to say at the time.

Can't walk the walk? Really? I supported my claims with evidence and all you've done is hand wave.

Your 'links' included the post I question, an unrelated paywall removal, and a self post complaining about it. None of it supports your premise that mods do this all the time.

I'll let you off the hook easy, though, since I wasn't OP who called you out, just a rando who piled on.

Thanks. My lunch break is almost over anyway.

Your fellow mod removed the post. Guess maybe you are the lone wolf against removing posts.

Aparently. We are all people here behind the scenes and it will be discussed in modmail.

"removal immunity"? What sort of newspeak bullshit is that. I thought posts were presumed valid unless proven false... or they aren't. You guys clearly aren't on the same page about the issue.

Comment counts should not and are not a criteria for mod actions if a post breaks the sub's rules. Is that really that hard to understand?

You have access to the mod dash... you can look back at all the posts that cross link to the removed posts, cant you? See what the community had to say at the time.

In other words:

I just made up a bunch of bullshit but you could prove me right if you wanted too

understandable, I didn't report the post , just giving some criticism. I think we can both agree that the post has fallen flat with its claim that clintons were going to be apprehended, but like you said, long live free speech in this sub

Obviously you're just bitching.

Try and be better yourself, next time, instead of complaining to the reddit ether to have volunteer users delete stuff you don't like.

I wish it was true that the clintons were getting apprehended and that hillary is trying to leave the country but that is clearly not the case. promoting that just makes this sub look stupid. I hope you proove me wrong

I'm not promoting anything. In fact, if you look close enough, you'll see that I deleted this thread 14 minutes after it was posted because it did violate the Sub's rules (specifically Rule 6).

And I've also been aware of the TD brigade as OP xposted both at the same time (but can't do anything about it).

For the record, I did not upvote this post.

A lot of upvoting for such negative comments..

Honestly. Boys and vote manipulation. It's pretty obvious that's what they do here and on t_d

50% upvoted. More like r/all deniers brigade.

Sometimes unverified allegations need to be dealt with though, you know?

What rule does this post break?

Answering that question would itself violate Rule 2.

Since you asked though, 11.

subject to removal

Just saying that unverified allegations have been flagged and removed before. Seems that should be applied equally.

And like I said earlier - that's not policy and happens infrequently (no other time that I know of).

Mmmmm, no "unverified allegations" or "hoax" tag at least?

Don't be silly; this isn't anti-Trump.

Now we see the true motive of this cry fest.

This is a conspiracy sub, everything posted is an unverified allegation. That is kind of the definition of a conspiracy.

See those quotation marks? Guess which group of individuals I was quoting.

It's a conspiracy board you dimwitted buffoon

It's a conspiracy board you dimwitted buffoon

See those quotation marks? Guess which group of individuals I was quoting.

Guess your fellow mods disagree.

It does happen from time to time.

In this post: fucking retard who doesn't know what conspiracy means.

Thank you. I don't like this whole new fake news term where people automatically discredit anything once It's called fake news. If there is anywhere I should be able to read about something that is most likely not true but even just has a possibly of being real. It's here.

It's here and you should know about it and learn the game being played.

You are most welcome.

It's literally using a headline from a supermarket tabloid that is provably bullshit.

It's literally using a headline from a supermarket tabloid that is provably bullshit.

Link to the tabloid in question please (literally). We have a no tabloid rule hidden on the sidebar.

It cites the daily stormer twice.

Is this site banned by reddit?

Link to the tabloid in question please (literally). We have a no tabloid rule hidden on the sidebar.

Is this site banned by reddit?

I'd assume it'd be banned by you.

You understand that it is a literal nazi website, correct?

I don't ban sites based on ideology.

Is that what you would like me to do?

Pizzashill is also defending the corporatist Democrats in /politics at the moment. Guy is probably only here to start trouble and sow dissent

Most likely.

It's OK. At least here xe has to play our rules.

Right, so is this confirmation that /r/conspiracy supports literal nazi propaganda?


That's odd, because you guys hosted some on your sidebar for a while.

I wasn't a member of the mod team 2.5 years ago when the community (or most likely teh chans) voted that as the Documentary of the week.

Honesty, if you have to scrape back that long your argument isn't on sturdy ground.

Why don't you take a break, get a coffee and come at me after lunch when you're rested and ready to go? I'll be here all day.

I always am.

I don't have to go that far back, the daily stormer is a common source used on your subreddit and the comment sections are riddled with obvious neo-nazis.

I haven't monitored that sub since users would post shit here and then xpost it there to make this sub look bad.

Do users actually think subs like that one and the others are worth any time whatsoever?

M8, this is just false. You're gonna have to accept the fact your sub has gone to shit.

I'd suggest purging the Trumpers if you want the sub to be decent again.

Removed. Rule 10.

Consider this your one and only warning.

I literally don't care, this sub is full of mentally ill crazies, you being one of them, ban me, please.

As you wish.

Honestly, the post is the latest iteration in a long line of posts trying to link many prominent people with child sex trafficking despite using DailyStorm, 4chan, twitter, the_donald comments as sources.

At some point, wouldn't the constant rehashing of the same conspiracy theory, with the same very, very poor sources, against the same group of people, which is obviously politically motivated, become a personal and political attack and character assassination that overshadows ANY real conspiracy theory value it provides?

Why has it not gotten an "Unverified Accusations" tag yet?

You know, like the story about Trump getting blackmailed by Russia?

Tagging posts you don't like with such descriptions is not standard practice here.

Sure. Only when it's critical of Putin and Trump and gets traction on /r/all.

I'd love for this to be true, but we all know it's probably not...even if it got to 99.99% of the way there...they're all snakes and have been evading the law for a long long long time...

Well clearly Hillary isn't in any sort of trouble. She's tweeting about lady gagas falf time show.

I doubt Hillary is actually being apprehended after trying to flee the country, but I highly doubt Hillary tweets.

I don't tweet

Old people don't tweet! Amirite?

Elderly women with serious health ailments don't go hiking during a presidential campaign, yet they faked her doing that to make her appear like a 'real person'. You think she really is sitting there watching Sportsball rather than being sedated by a cocktail of pharmaceuticals?

Good point, watching TV is way to strenuous for a 69 year old woman. She's probably an animatronic zombie anyway. Nobody that old can live without intense medical intervention.

There's probably 30 layers of subordinates between her and the person tweeting in her name.

Because nobody else would ever know her twitter passcode.. lol. Could have had a staffer do it




Whatever that means...

Nice argument. I'll get back to you when my account is a bit older for your liking. And I've been on conspiracy for a couple years now on other accounts.. CTR fcks like to shadowban and create problems. I'm guessing they leave your kind alone tho..

This news is from a different multiverse

And here is Trump's AG Jeff Sessions swatting away former VP Joe Biden's hand as Biden tries to inappropriately touch a little girl:

Look again. Her hair gets caught on one of his coat buttons. Sessions is just patting her hair back down.

Of course if he had info someone was a molestor and did nothing about it, he should spend a long while in prison.

He also says something to Biden as he stops him joining in..

Holy shit! I just realized the cryptic logo in Ben Swann's going dark photo could actually be the super bowl logo! And Tzuday could be referring to Munchkin the Shih Tzu!

I know it's not an exact match, but if he's trying to hint something big might happen on super bowl day, stating the date or posting the exact logo would have been too obvious and could have leaked the arrest.

nothing is happening, nothing will happen.

Yeh but isn't it more fun to play pretend as an adult?

It would be great to see Podesta and his besta pals get a visit at an uncomfortable moment from an honest law enforcement official.

Unfortunately, Rosanne, MILO!, and Glenn Beck are characters played by actors made for drama in this dystopian noise factory.

It's amazing to me that there are people stupid enough to believe this.

America, land of Trumpwits!

Believe, dude. Believe.

I hope this is true... but if war criminals like Kissinger or Cheney can walk freely around then there's no chance in Hell this can happen.

You are posting a whole lot of nothing, sourcing known disinformation outlets like Glen Beck and superstation95. I therefore am forced to conclude you are full of shit and this is all nonsense.


It is almost like he posted an unfounded conspiracy....damn bro, chill out. They all can't be winners. This is better than flat Earth nonsense at least.


How much bullshit pie have you crammed down your own throat? Does it make you feel good?

Is this bullshit?;t=2s

Pizzagate is the distraction. The crimes however are very real.

BIG if true!

The fact that Cynthia McKinney is backing this makes me stronger believe this is the real deal. Throw in that this bust is happening during Super Bowl week (possibly to cover up the Dragnet) and I'll be saving this for latter.


Shills hit this one hard judging from the comments, KEK.

fuck you OP, you got my hopes up about this, and if these arrests happened everything would change and change would occur, fuck me for believing in actual change

Hope, not belief. Don't believe until there is proof. But keep hope alive.

rolls eyes at self lol.

I'm confused, I'm new to r/conspiracy and pizzagate keeps coming up. Based on what Ive been reading, this story is b.s. and never cited with reputable sources. Why is this story getting so much traction here? How come r/conspiracy isn't flooded with more pertinent stories regarding Trumps Russian ties?

You're asking the right questions.

I bet you can find the answers, too.

Or you can just make up answers. That works here too.

What do you mean?

Oh I bet you can find that answer.

So you just walk by and chuckle at it?

I chuckle at pizzagate, yeah.

It keeps coming up because things are happening that are relevant to it. 473 arrests last week in LA with 28 children saved, 30 adults. 8 pedo furries arrested a couple days ago. One thing that OP missed was Chavetz (sp?) said that Trump told him to unleash the hounds, so to speak, a couple weeks back. Since Trump was elected there has been a quiet hope among the masses who had to leave to voat to talk openly about pizzagate due to that subverse being banned. Regardless of what anyone will tell you, there is without a doubt something worth investigating there.

Is this the first time the Feds have busted a child ring? No? Oh, well let's ignore all those other times and use this one instance to hedge all our bets on the conspiracy. And when nothing happens, no big deal, we'll just cite the next big thing that happens as evidence! 16D solitaire and shit.

Wasn't that the largest bust in the US? Also just so happened to get no media coverage and a riot took over the headlines conveniently at the same time. Isn't this exactly the type of thing that belong in /r/conspiracy?

I guess it stops being a conspiracy when it makes a democrat look bad. Oops

Of course there are pedo rings getting busted, they exist all over the world. What does that have to do with pizzagate?


How much longer will you shills push this "OMG Russia" nonsense, you have to realize that no one but the morons on /r/pol really buy that.

Found one of Russia's paid trolls.

Found a pedo.

It's so odd the double think that happens here

Removed. Rule 10.

Follow the misinformation campaigns. Those are the most telling.

I'm new to r/conspiracy and pizzagate keeps coming up

The best threads have been posted, the 'new' stuff keeps it 'lost in the noise'

click on the button for "top" threads "last 3 months" and look at some of the older Pizzagate threads for 'quality' sources

there are Lots

Because we don't usually go along with what CNN shoves down our throats.

Before the election, r/conspiracy got flooded by Trump's followers. You could tell many of the posts were bots, and many were not fluent english speakers. It made many crazy right wingers feel safe here, and some have never left.

EVeryone go to

Don't waste your time on Reddit

You first.

Don't come back.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh you fuckin told that idiot

Why are you still here?

The_Donald has overrun this sub, before the elections season it had SOME decent content

I don't know about that, I've been called an AI robot on this sub over 20 times for pointing out vaccines don't cause autism.

Damn robots and their nano machine injections parading as vaccines!!

Yea, I used to read stuff here cause some stuff was interesting to think about. Now it's like, nah, I'm out.

The problem is that people are willing to dismiss anything that doesn't fit their own narrative, and willing to prop up that which does. It's telling that you dismiss Pizzagate while propping up the Russian email hack conspiracy. That is literally because of partisanship. It's no different than those who are willing to dismiss the Russian email stuff and prop up Pizzagate as a Clinton link. Either you buy into shit without any actual evidence, or you don't. Also, to be perfectly clear, it really really doesn't matter if "NSA guy says it's true" since you know as well as anyone else that government agencies are fully capable of lying to you, so I don't give two shits about who says what is happening, no one has provided proof of the Russian email hacks, so they are just as unverifiable as Pizzagate.

Actually, /u/mumfordnme didn't say anything about Russian e-mail hacking, just that Trump had Russian ties, and there happens to be enough evidence for that claim that a reasonable person could believe in it - most notably, the fact that his campaign manager was a proven Russian agent, combined with Trump's own extreme and uncompromising pro-Russia stance. The email hack thing itself isn't proven, but it is at least plausible - Wikileaks does seem to be remarkably and consistently pro-Russian, what with Assange appearing on Russian state television and trying to downplay leaks that implicate Putin.

Pizzagate, meanwhile, is based entirely on the fact that if you literally rewrite John Podesta's emails to be about pedophilia, then suddenly John Podesta's emails are about pedophilia!

Care to actually cite where you found his campaign manager being proven as a spy? I would like to see that.

I hate Trump, so I'm not offering any kind of excuses for his actions here, I'm simply calling out the partisanship that both the left and the right are holding onto in order to be a believer or a skeptic when it suits them.

Well, that seems to have been written in August of last year. This snopes statement written in November doesn't quite fully corroborate that the allegations in that article are true. Infact, it says that it's likely just business dealings. The other problem is that you haven't shown me that it was proven that he was a Russian agent as you claimed. What this says to me is that you will believe what is said about the right despite flimsy evidence, but won't believe what is said about the left.

Now, you don't have to believe in Pizzagate in order not to be hypocritical here. You just have to be willing to actually fact check and apply scepticism to the information on the articles coming out of leftist media about the right. Both sides are incredibly guilty of widespread confirmation bias. If you want to continue, you will need to show me that it was proven that he was a Russian agent as per your original claim, otherwise, it just looks very partisan on your part to continue.

Well, that seems to have been written in August of last year. This snopes statement written in November doesn't quite fully corroborate that the allegations in that article are true. Infact, it says that it's likely just business dealings. The other problem is that you haven't shown me that it was proven that he was a Russian agent as you claimed. What this says to me is that you will believe what is said about the right despite flimsy evidence, but won't believe what is said about the left.

I consider the ledger to be proof. That he hasn't been charged is irrelevant. Perhaps there is a more innocent explanation, and when evidence of one is provided I will be willing to hear it. But at the very least, there is sufficient proof that Manafort is guilty of secretly lobbying for Yanukovych for it to be worth investigating.

Pizzagate, by contrast, has never managed to break that minimal standard of evidence.

That's fine, you clearly aren't objective enough to make informed decisions and that's the way you like it. You just shouldn't complain that others live just like you do because it comes off as hypocritical. If you think something is proven based off of flimsy evidence, then others will do the same. Pizzagate is a proven in these people's book, you just shouldn't berate them because you believe that a supposed ledger makes someone a Russian agent.

So the fact that I have evidence and they don't means nothing?

No, the fact that you value your evidence, which is very clearly flimsy over their's, which is also very clearly flimsy means that you haven't stepped past your biases. It's like pointing fingers at one another saying the other one started it, or that one got two hits in and that you only got one in. It doesn't matter what occured when both parties are clearly in the wrong.

Are you seriously asking why a subreddit dedicated to conspiracy theories is obsessed with a ridiculous conspiracy theory?

Why is this story getting so much traction here?

Putinbots and Trump supporters are pushing it because there isn't anything real they can push.

If all the conspiracy theorists would concentrate on the real conspiracy which is that Putin is getting his dick sucked by Trump on his cronies, Papa Putin would not be very happy.

Because there aren't any.

it's getting traction here because the /r/pizzagate subreddit was shut down...this is probably the last place on reddit you'll be able to find anything about it. seems fitting since pizzagate is essentially about a child abuse network conspiracy

the ACTUAL LEGIT CONSPIRACY of trumps ties to russia gets brigaded by t_D posters and the like. cause god forbid their "lord emperor" is proven to be the puppet we all know him to be.

Pizzagate is the new hip thing to follow. Who doesn't want such an emotionally driven topic to be motivated by than fighting against child predators and the possibility that they are in high places of our government at that.

Trump's Russian ties are boring, unverifiable, and expected as he does international business. They are far from interesting or concerning. Hillary's Saudi Arabian ties are much more juicy. Her top aid's family damn near funded 9/11.

So, how'd this story gain over 450 upvotes without a single positive comment?
Hmmmm, now THAT is the conspiracy we need to be looking at!

The big conspiracy is what is up with all the negative comments... people just typically stay out of topics here that they don't like... the regular userbase doesn't just drop in with a line of snark and then bounce.

There's no conspiracy. It hits front page and all the conspiratards lose their shit when their bubble bursts and new and differing opinions become available. This is all anyone needs to know about this sub. They're so into conspiracies they are incapable of separating the real world from the "everything is a setup" world. It's not difficult to connect the dots but here... it really is too difficult.

People that normally post here also don't use words like "conspiritard"... and are also generally smart enough to notice the outsiders from a mile away cause they don't speak the same way as the core userbase.

Everytime this sub makes it to /r/all you guys can't comprehend that it's not shills or CTR, it's normal sane wanting to see how batshit crazy the comments are.

This literally happens every time and you guys can't put 2 and 2 together.

It's hilariously sad

I didn't say it was shills... I just said it was strangers from away... They don't talk the same as shills... but functionally there isn't much difference... except the /r/all/ people don't make topics.

They're sitting here attempting to debase the entire sub as crazies over the click bait crap that hits the front page. That's exactly what shills do. It's one thing to come here to see what's happening, but it's another to bait people into making themselves look bad without offering any actual thoughts of your own. We've been taught to call truth seekers conspiracy theorists as that will make us co-conspirators.

My gut says one of the major conspiracy theories will be proven true soon on the national news... give it six months max and something big will be revealed.

They actually believe they can fight this, that they can get away with it.

Eh... they do such a shitty and obvious job... I'm assuming they thought this sub would be just as easy to subvert as most of the others... then they came here to do their jobs and ended up getting redpilled and now increasingly halfass it as Stockholm Syndrome sets in.

Lol yup, and now they're doubling down.

Plans A through F have all failed and they have just cycled back to plan B again in desperation.

people just typically stay out of topics here that they don't like

Yep, can confirm. When I see bullshit threads where tabloids speculate about ancient aliens in antarctica, I don't go into the comments to insult everyone who thinks ancient predator aliens built pyramids for their game of hunting xenomorphs.

That's how this community grows and thrives... if we don't have anything meaningful or thought provoking to say we usually just abstain... so when a topic is full of people calling the believers in pizzagate a bunch of conspiritards you know they are probably the baddies.

Or it hit /r/all and now people are here to make fun of the tin-foil hatters.

Yeah those /r/all/ people are not the typical userbase... they are baddies from away.

Did you read your comment before you hit submit?

Sure did... do you have anything meaningful or thought provoking to add to it? Cause it sounds like you don't.

It's because sane people from /r/all like myself want to see how crazy you guys are. It's like a horrific car crash....You just gotta look.

No shit nobody would check comments on obvious bullshit aliens, but you people have a hard-on for hilldawg and it's hilarious.

What are you going to do when you realize she wasn't arrested tmw? Are you going to invent a new conspiracy to explain this away?

Oh... the Clinton stuff is just clickbait to trigger the bots/T_D users to push this to /r/all/ to make you read all the stuff about the real pedophile rings in this topic... It is just the superficial sizzle to sell the steak... doesn't matter about HRC much at all. It's clickbait... now spend some time reading some other topics here too! Read a couple dozen of them... and the ones you don't like... debunk them... that's how we play. You can be devil's advocate.

Lol you know damn well deep inside the OPs intent was not as sophisticated as you want to believe. Many people here truly believe this stuff and is why this sub is mocked throughout Reddit.

Trust me I am well read about this pedo stuff I've been following it for a while now.

But don't delude yourself OP is purposefully doing what you claim

Oh we don't really have much control over what topics get brigaded here... but his title and subject matter is definitely a bunch sensationalism to garner attention.

Good thing ya know about all the pedophile rings... they are a kinda taboo topic a lot of people would rather just ignore.

Many people believe in a whole bunch of stupid shit all around reddit and the rest of the world... but you can't say that everyone in /r/food/ loves pickles just cause someone makes a topic there about how they like pickles.

this sub is mocked throughout Reddit

This made me laugh.

From r/all. I may do just that.

It's addictive... and don't be surprised if you hear something that sounds insane at first glance, but becomes fairly plausible as you dig a little deeper. It is a great way to flex those critical thinking muscles... a lot of other subs are such an echo chamber that you don't end up challenging any ideas.

A problem I'm seeing are all the trump supporters and downvoters, though.

Yeah... the points don't matter... just avoid the frontpage it is always curated by outside forces... head back to new and find something you wanna tackle there. Anything on the front page is usually there artificially to push some agenda so the conversations end up being pretty flighty.

I know the points don't matter, but when people start downvoting anything that is remotely antitrump or alt-right, then it changes the narrative. And that's not something I'm interested in. Thanks for the advice.

Alt-right isn't really a term we use around here... we are just straight up alt-everything... the votes don't really change the narrative of conversations, and they typically only hit the topics themselves and not the posts within them. Properly articulated anti-Trump topics do fairly well... but the pointless bitching ones get tiresome to the point that even the regular users probably downvote them just cause they are tired of opening a topic to only have it be some infantile "Zomg! Goldman-Sachs cabinet!" stuff that would be better off on facebook.

I've obviously only been here a short time, how did the sub handle his cabinet picks?

There were several topics with intelligent and in-depth discussions about the reservations many had about a few of the key picks... but then literally 100s of topics that were just childish trolling with no actual "theory" to them... just whining. The people from hit pretty hard at times, but their reddit division doesn't fair so well on this sub cause their tactics are fairly obvious.

I guess sorting through all of the nonsense will be the hardest part.

Yeah... there is a fucked up signal to noise ratio, but nothing most people can't handle... even reading total bullshit that is original is better than just reading the same old recycled bullshit you see on other subs.

And it doesn't look like people get banned for having different opinions either, which is definitely a refreshing change.

Thats what makes this place such a lucrative battleground in the fight for human minds... as long as you follow the rules on the sidebar you don't get deleted or banned. We're kind of infested with a lot of politics right now, but that is to be expected. There is a lot of good conversation tucked in amongst the political propaganda.

Calling yourself sane....yikes...thats for other people to decide.



By the way I don't think this post has any validity before you try to be retardedly witty or petty towards me thinking you're clever.

I get payed a penny from CTR every upboat I get here. Msg me to learn how to work from home!

My post was WAY before this made it to r /all ... there were easily about 200 negative comments, but yet over 450 upvotes.
Clearly "someone" knows the system and has perfectly balanced their upvote/time*sub output to keep it on the front page. Kudos to whoever work that is!!

CTR pays me $0.005 for every upvote I get on the comments I post here.

Cool, you're down with CTR, that's a sweet deal!
Me, I've got Tom Cruise and the Galactic Confederacy paying me 1/8th of a soul for each of my upvotes! :-p


Yeah but in fairness,

bullshit threads where tabloids speculate about ancient aliens in Antarctica

haven't been dominating r/conspiracy for the last several months. And by dominating I mean 8:2 ratio on some days. Although less lately, and it's more Trump-oriented overall than PG.

Just saying, there's bound to be a lot more resentment towards PG threads than towards ancient aliens threads.

This is what paid CTR accounts do on a platform like reddit. It's obvious.

Nah... the shills argue, the shill push an agenda... the strangers just bitch and complain and insult the whole sub.

You can accomplish the same agenda by bitching, complaining and insulting the sub if your post gets upvoted enough.

It's not viable long term, because those kinds of people will eventually get banned.

You forgot the /s at the end of your sentence right?

There are rules to this sub... and if you don't play by them you eventually get banned. That's no conspiracy.

Yep, and look at the post histories of the negative posters. Most of them are just from the defaults / other lame subreddits.

Are we looking at the same sub? People love commenting on topics that they don't like. Tons of users just upvote things they like and move on without even looking at the comment section but when something is transparent bullshit the top comments are always the ones calling it out. It's also a highly controversial post. Even though the score is just 800 some now, it has like 5,000 downvotes.

The big conspiracy is what is up with all the negative comments... people just typically stay out of topics here that they don't like... the regular userbase doesn't just drop in with a line of snark and then bounce.

Because it gets upvoted enough to get within the top few pages of /r/all.

i dunno. im a regular here and im pretty fuckin snarky when its something i think is obvious bullshit.

I upvoted because it's hilarious.

Shouldn't laugh at mental illness really...but threads like this make it so hard not to.

CTR loves to upvote these threads to discredit this sub. In addition to that, OP believes he's from another planet, which doesn't makes us look any better.

While not required, you are requested to use the NP (No Participation) domain of reddit when crossposting. This helps to protect both your account, and the accounts of other users, from administrative shadowbans. The NP domain can be accessed by replacing the "www" in your reddit link with "np".

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.

Shills brigading, that's how.

now THAT is the conspiracy we need to be looking at!

still waiting on hillary to be arrested, as this post claims will happen.

come on. disconnection with reality isn't a good look.

if all of this suddenly comes together, i'll come back here and apologize.

This didn't happen.

People, and sources, claiming this will happen are never credible.

The people that fervently believe this, also are the least of the least.


Coming in to r/conspiracy to tell everyone that there's no such thing as conspiracies.


Just because op is spreading misinformation doesn't mean everything having anything to do with their claims is also untrue. Don't be so foolish.

I post in here regularly.

Don't take something specific personally, unless the specific applies to you.

You aren't a white knight. Not everyone is attacking the sub.

This shit is stupid, whether you white knight it specifically or not.

What!?! You aren't convinced by the rambling 10,000 word post that promises things that didn't happen and cites no credible evidence!?!

Shill!!! You are clearly a shill!!!

Now I think you're a pedo.

You know who's definitely not arrested? Hillary Clinton

As badly as I want it to happen, I'll believe it when I see it.

Why would Clinton be arrested? There is no evidence and has committed any crimes.

Are you trolling?

Both of them are disgusting animals

CTR, baby

Or like...people with different opinions and ideas from you. But no that makes no sense, your perception of reality is perfect and the One True Way. My 6 year account that is 90% videogames and shitposting is actually a long con.

For real lmao. Everytime someone has a different opinion than these trump shills they go ahead and CTR us. Yet you don't nearly as much see anyone call these trump shills for what they are. Shills.

Hillary Clinton has done very illegal things though?

You got proof tho? Cause she's not in jail or convicted or anything so..

I'm not talking pedo. I'm talking about her emails.

She was compelled by congress to produce the evidence of her e-mails in a hearing to establish her innocence. Instead she destroyed that evidence. She's a lawyer and a statesman and she pulled the most damning and illegal thing she could, directly flaunting her immunity to rule of law in front of the American people.

The very fact that you are not unbelievably pissed off about that speaks volumes about your own character, and your ability to assess the character of others. Hillary was required to present evidence, instead she destroyed that evidence. That is a crime of an overwhelming magnitude.

Which emails?

Or like... ctr

That's just sad.

Well their offspring is a horrible mutant too

Being "disgusting animals", especially in a metaphorical sense, is neither a crime in nor serve as incriminating evidence.

Proof? Evidence? Actual evidence?

Ah I see the r/politics fucktard brigade is here.

How about the Inspector General report, genius? 22 Top Secret or higher classified documents send to uncleared persons.

Multiple violations of the Federal Records Act.

Fuck off.

It's weird how angry you got just at the mention that Hillary Clinton might not be the devil.

It's weird there are people who care enough about public perception of her that they go on the internet to defend her.

Yep, the Clintons are just as depraved as Trump and the rest of the scumbag elite. They view people as commodities to buy and sell.

It's weird that people who dislike Hillary Clinton, even with evidence to back the feeling, are called weird, crazy, angry, or conspiracy theorists. Those words can ruin a reputation. Are you trying to ruin reputations? What's your purpose?

Some one challenges my unfounded opinion, therefore they must be trying to suppress me. Not that I could be totally wrong or anything.

Agreed. Brigading is strong on this comment. Bunch of ppl trying to make it sound like it's only about getting HRC and saying there's no evidence of her criminality....which details the conversation and is actually a fairly effective tactic. The difference between pizzagate and most conspiracy theories is that almost no joke that delves into it WANTS it to be true...

If anything she's a war criminal, should be in an orange jumpsuit in the Hague (or let's say an ad hoc war crimes tribunal in Nuremberg), tried, convicted, and expediently hanged. Once it's done it'll still be too early to rejoice are there are still many guilty war criminals running around.

They don't hang people at the Hague.

They could innovate for the occasion

I miss real conspiracies that used to be on this sub. So much going on in the world and we're still looking backwards at Hillary.

In all fairness, nobody should be comfortable with Hillary behind them.

B-b-b-but Hillary was under investigation by the FBI!!

So was Trump, apparently it's no big deal to be investigated by the FBI.

We have a dossier that says the current POTUS is a Russian shill, dead spies, a spy that's gone (and still is) underground, Russian oil company transferring ownership - perhaps one of the most massive conspiracies in history, and we're still obsessing about HRC. As a moderate, I never liked either of them, but as a conspiracy lover, I'm disappointed we're still talking about Pizzagate. It feels...old...To me.

Probably gets old for all the exploited kids in sex trafficking rings too.

My thoughts exactly. Why is it that when it comes down to it, the group of individuals (politicians in general) that nearly everyone will vocally distrust when asked is somehow infallible in their collective sub conscious.

The thing with pizzagate is that we ran out of any new evidence and we've been completely dry for 4+ months. Ben Swansons video was reposted maybe a hundred times on this sub within the last month. Meanwhile we have new evidence and conspiracies against Trump every single day and everyone here either dismisses it calling it "propaganda" or downvotes it because it paints our president in a bad way.

I'm sorry for all the abused children out there, but as a sub there is only so much we can do. Pizzagate has literally had zero new information for months and yet it's still a topic that is discussed every hour of every day.

I miss real conspiracies that used to be on this sub.

Implication: Hey everyone, gather round! Let's all pretend the Hillary is not a career crook, murder, coke fiend, corrupt piece of shit because... I want you to stop thinking that. Right? Are you on board?

This "discussion X used to be better when (I assert without any evidence that) inconvenient subject Y was apparently was never discussed" de-railing attempt is one of the weakest yet.

Your silly claim is that Hillary's huge shit pile of crimes were never discussed on /r/conspiracy, but now, boo hoo, they are. OOoohhh, the good ol' days.

No, it was discussed plenty, it just feels like the world has moved on and /r/conspiracy has become a political sub. Hence the backlash.

Pizzagate is well beyond the left-right paradigm, as is the entire conspiracy behind it of which pizzagate is only part. Quit reducing it to "ppl wanting to bring down Hillary." Obviously, there are plenty of ppl out there that want that, but to completely shit on an entire theory based on your own projected bias is idiotic. If you really think reality is what you've been told your entire life, what are you even doing here?

I'm sorry if you thought I was shitting on your theory. Just because I think there's more important conspiracies to focus on doesn't mean I don't belong here. Sheesh, don't be so touchy. I didn't like Trump or Hillary and I don't have a political agenda to push.

Fair enough. I guess I misread the situation. Honestly I'd read enough astroturfing at that point that I was primed for confrontation... So mission accomplished, ShareBlue. Sry about that.

No worries, we all get like that sometimes. We wouldn't be on a conspiracy sub if we were weren't suspicious of others.

You've got to be the biggest troll, right?

have you seen the FBI file dumps on their vault regarding Clinton investigation? They definitely have enough to put her away for the email server alone.

And that's your expert legal opinion? If there was actually enough evidence then there would be actual charges. The fact that there isn't after all this time makes it pretty clear.

dude what are you talking about. Have you read the documents? clear mishandling of info from even third party firms in the first 1-3 set of documents. People have been put away for much less (like taking photos on board a submarine). She would have been put away prior if she wasn't running for president/had deep pull

The only thing that is clear is that Loretta Lynch has been in the Clinton's pockets for years. Why do you think there is so much push back to keep Jeff Sessions from being confirmed as the new AG? Corrupt politicians on both sides of the aisle know that as soon as Sessions is in, they are fucked.

There's pushback because of his professional history and alleged statements to colleagues.

Is it your expert legal opinion that we arrest big time criminals for small time crimes?

Hillary Clinton hasn't committed any crimes?! Are you serious?


Can you prove she has committed any?

Can you prove she hasn't committed any? What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Trump has never been convicted of anything either, what's your point?

When did I say anything about Trump?

So you think Trump and Clinton are both innocent people because they've never been convicted? That's a very interesting perspective, thanks for sharing!

My point is that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. Even Hillary or Donald.

First, the conversation wasn't about Trump. Second, OK, we know she hasn't been convicted or charged for anything, but what crime has she allegedly committed?

You realize people get arrested before being found guilty, right?

When there is a sufficient reason to suspect someone of a crime.

And the higher you move up the food chain, the more reasons that are found to discredit evidence (although in the world you and I live in it's just called excuses). 30 years walking the gilded halls of elite government and claims to not know how to recognize a classified document? Are you retarded? I mean, really?

Can you prove she has committed any?

Yes. Most people have forgotten about it, but the Clintons accepted bribes from the Chinese in exchange for state secrets in 1996.

Let me go through my checklist:

  1. Unsourced news article - Check
  2. Right wing website - Check
  3. Doesn't actually prove anything - Check

Good one.

Are you fukin kidding? Go move to Libya

Hillary is innocent? It's amazing you have the cognitive ability to use a computer while holding that insane belief.

I know right?

Don't trust what they show you. I'll believe it when I don't see it.

Honestly Hillary is probably guilty of some shit but she's small potatoes compared to some of the pedo scum floating around in politics.

This is such magical thinking and wish fulfillment. Somehow, the only people implicated will be democrats. And apparently literally 1/3 of washington are pedophiles. Pedophelia is a mental illness and a societally abhorrent behavior. The idea that all these so-called elites are engaging in pedophelia on some grand scale defies logic and a basic understanding of human behavior. Ask yourself, if you were suddenly thrust into wealth and power, would you go ahead and start diddling kids, or condone that among your peers? Of course not. It's ridiculous.

Does that mean pedophelia doesn't exist? No. And many politicians (many of them republicans, by the way) have been convicted of sexual crimes.

Protecting your kin?

either that or the exploitative type of people who rise to power and those who use their leverage to be pedophiles share similar character traits so per capita the percentage among leaders is higher.

It's not even about whether they're pedophiles or not. This subreddit could give less of a shit about actual kids being molested.

It's about demonizing a person or a group over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again, and then some more, and more, and more, and more, and more, and continuing to bash it over our heads again, and again, and again, ad nauseam, and clinging to their ridiculous beliefs because they would prefer it if the Clintons were ACTUALLY molesting kids rather than be proven wrong. Being wrong is no fun. Being wrong means dealing with reality.

If the Clintons were actually arrested for pedophilia and child trafficking, this subreddit would rejoice, and not care about the victims at all.

Bullshit. The heart and soul of this entire investigation is protection of innocent children. At worst this has already led to saving children. At best the entire structure comes down. I hate Clinton specifically because of these accusations not the other way around. This isn't a taking down the Clinton's no matter what thing, this is a stop the human trafficking of children thing.

Just replace name Clinton with Trump and read the OP again. Will all due respect, its a retarded fantasy with ZERO evidence.

If Trump were to be outed as a child molester, his balls would be nailed to the wall just like anyone else.

Yes, but even as a guy who is against Trump mostly, I would laugh at this evidence. Shoot, the only 2 Republican Senators in this report are the 2 most against Trump.

Hhahhahhahahhhhahhaaaaaa!! Please name one child. Just one name of a child who was abused in a pizza parlor. Not one? No names?

We're done here.

It's not about the pizza parlor my man. That's just the story that got everyone involved.

Like how you guys do it to trump?

Nothing needs to be made up or even exaggerated to vilify Dump. His total lack of character does it all just fine.

Then why do you exaggerate his last name??

Because it makes me smile. I would think a circus would understand.

As long as it makes you happy, that's what the circus is for!

This. Seriously. Pizzagate makes no sense. Somehow it's a grand conspiracy that much of the DC elite is in on, but only democrats are implicated. It makes no sense that there would be that many more pedos in that group than in the overall population. But apparently there's pedos all over the DC elite, and they're all democrats.

The "evidence" is emails talking about pizza, and it's ironclad, but it's totally implausible that Trump is financially tied to the Russian oligarchy.

This sub is overrun with shills, but somehow they're all democrat shills.

The mental circles on this sub are dizzying.

Not that I believe all the stuff posted above. But Dennis Hastert is a Republican, the Omaha Scandal involved almost wholly Republicans, and the weird thing going on with Poppy Bush is obviously, also Republican. Pizzagate has all that connected together along with whatever is going on now.

So, I'm not sure what you mean by only Democrats are in on it.

As I said, there have been several cases of both inappropriate sexual conduct and illegal conduct among politicians. But hastert is a perfect example. There's no conspiracy. He did it all on his own

It's like 90% democrats. Hastert is the only R I've seen mentioned.

Ask yourself this: what possible earthly motive would Hillary have had to be a part of this ring? A woman that spent half of her a career at the Children's said Society. This is a classic rightist smear: take a person's strength and turn it against them. They did it with John Kerry in '04. "Oh, you're a decorated veteran who literally saved the lives of your comrades? Well, let me create a false narrative that you're actually a coward."

All you need to make that work is a malleable group of people who will amplify your message. Bingo! r/conspiracy!

No, but see - people have asked themselves that.

Kakistocracy. Simple gang membership rules. Blood in, Blood out. And access to Haiti, so human trafficking while above the law. One of her first acts as Sec. of State was to broker the release of a child trafficker. Does that not seem weird to you? Is Hillary above the law? I can tell you most people think so because of the emails. The fact that Trump now seems above the law is not lessening that feeling.

Do I personally think that Hillary is raping babies in Westchester? Naw. But don't discount all the reasons that people have given in here that high level human trafficking exists in powerful political circles because you can't argue against it. Come up with an argument with the actual pizzagate argument, not a strawman.

This sub is overrun with shills,

Haha! This is hilarious!

Funny how you have, verbatim, the same talking points as multiple other posters in this exact thread, and you're accusing others of shilling...

Yea, but your reaction is exactly part of the problem that has largely surrounded the presence of this pizzagate shit on this subreddit. Anyone who casts and completely reasonable doubts over the evidence, or more appropriately, the lack of evidence is immediately called a shill.

And I mean, you completely missed the point of what he was saying;

This sub is overrun with shills, but somehow they're all democrat shills.

You calling him out for shilling is exactly what the poster was commenting on. Anyone who disagrees with pizzagate is not only a shill, they're a democrat shill. The poster wasn't calling people shills, he's calling out the absurdity of the attitude that this place is full of shills specifically out to get your vapid thoughts on something built off of greentext.

Time and time again I have seen people respond to absurd, and I do truly mean A B S U R D posts like this for incredibly reasonable ways that demonstrate that their comprehension exists on a level above confirmation bias. The rhetoric that surrounds pizzagate has always been one sought to demonize a particular population of the DNC and oust them as pedophiles in charge of a child-sex-trafficking ring, the evidence floats around in a gaseous bubble, and the attitude of those pushing it is noticeably political.

Pointing out that that is at least a bit unbelievable should not be met by the responses is usually draws on this subreddit. People that point that out typically get called shills too. What's critical thinking for?

Your last two sentences are the key to this sub, in my opinion. You have disenfranchised, marginalised individuals who have little relevance to anyone or anything on their lives (or at least they see it that way in their middle class suburban homes where they want for nothing).

Along comes a story that's completely implausible and without good evidence and threatens to topple the ruling class if true.

This disenfranchised group sees a chance for relevance, a chance to matter. A chance to finally, thankfully end up on some list. They're now so important they might be KILLED for their knowledge.

I mean, it's a Nicolas Cage movie and everyone gets to be Nic. Who WOULDN'T want to be that guy?

Anyone who casts any completely reasonable doubts over the evidence, or more appropriately, the lack of evidence is immediately called a shill.

I blame the actual shills for that. They make ridiculous posts saying "there's no evidence!" and there clearly IS evidence, it's just circumstantial and difficult to digest easily.

It's not only democrats. Ever heard of Lawrence King (Omaha, Nebraska) or Dennis Hastert? They're all in the same pedo circles.

not shills. stupid people that don't understand evidence. It's mob mentality for the bored.

But, that's half of the fun.

only democrats -John McCain -Lindsey Graham -Bush family -Marco Rubio -Larry King -et al

All enemies of Trump, what a coincidence. Except maybe Larry king. You really gotta be kidding me.

Democrats are named, but not the only ones who are under the gun for pedophelia. It would be obtuse to assume that no Republicans are implicated either, particularly if a third of our politicians are in on it.

But that the left and right are two sides of the same coin engaging in a farce of political rivalry is hardly a new idea.

Highly intelligent psychopaths are attracted to positions of power. They are also very charismatic and manipulative. Perfect recipe for positions of authority, including politics. I would also say that many child abusers are probably psychopaths, not necessarily attracted to children, but children just happen to be the most vulnerable, and that's attractive to the psychopath.

There's also this theory, which I find extremely interesting.

  • Kakistocracy

“One of the reasons for the intimate association of the power elite with child abuse is that they might use it to maintain their, somewhat hidden, ‘kakistocracy’: government by the worst and most evil people: a highly capable brand of psychopaths if you like.

Psychopathy is only mildly hereditary, so an elite psychopath cannot guarantee that sons or daughters will be just as psychopathic. I expect this entails that they need a steady resupply of ruthless and power hungry individuals who understand the world deeply and pervasively and, as such, are highly capable. Normally deep and pervasive understanding leads to wisdom and a sense of responsibility, humility even. But that is precisely not what that the kakistocracy needs: it needs the same depth and pervasiveness of understanding, but in combination with utter ruthlessness and the capacity to appear respectable.

Enter child abuse. By abusing children you “give” them an attachment disorder by violating or destroying the deep sense of security that is the basis for an open attitude towards learning and discovering. With this trust violated the child’s world changes from a world of opportunities, to a world of potential and actual threats. And often they will search and serve those who can protect them from these threats an in doing so giving their autonomy away for life. And they might even carry it over to their children: stultifying their growth towards autonomy. Aristocrats and priest must have discovered a long time ago that abused children lead to useful adult servants; slaves actually. And while this is despicable to people with a normal moral development, it is a positive thing for psychopaths who see other people as tools anyway.

Yet this does not solve the problem of keeping the kakistocracy supplied with respectable appearing, super high functioning, and completely ruthless psychopaths. Only a small fraction of the population (say 1%) is psychopath and as such has the benefit of an absence of empathy and a conscience: psychopaths are able to exploit others as if they were tools. Yet the vast majority of them are not particularly evil: they can be ruthless, daring, and callous, but they find mostly norm-abiding ways to be psychopathic: they might be mountaineers, military, ER-doctors, car or insurance salesmen, real-estate brokers, or white-collar criminals. But most are definitely not the high functioning individuals that compare with how the power elite sees themselves and would accept as their peers. So how do you recruit suitable psychopaths in your midst if they do not advertise themselves as such.

Enter child abuse again. If you organize events for the ambitious and capable in which they progressively can show that, notwithstanding their veneer of respectability, they are actually completly ruthless, you have the ideal recruiting grounds for the kakistocracy. Of course blackmail plays a role, but the suitable candidates gladly let themselves to become blackmailable because this gives them access to the inner sanctum of the kakistocracy: they proof themselves worthy members and loyal (due to their blackmailability) and in return they will receive access to power in a way they could never dream of on their own. After a while they become fully accepted a level that suits their capabilities and they will help to maintain the system that gave them so much opportunities (and can end their respectability at any point in time).

I think that what I have sketched above is a useful framework to understand the dynamics of elite child abuse networks. It is never an incident, it is “just” the kakistocracy maintaining and reinvigorating itself: business as usual. But the few moments the abuse networks become exposed it provides and ideal opportunity to glimpse the kakistocracy at work (and frantically protecting itself).”

(Source: Maintaining A Kakistocracy | Time Reference: 41:02)

That's how you can tell people who are in on the lie are posting.

That they disagree with your opinion?

The idea that all these so-called elites are engaging in pedophelia on some grand scale defies logic and a basic understanding of human behavior.

Have you heard of the catholic church? Penn State? Like you said it's mental illness, it doesn't follow rational thought.

These are news because they are rare.

I mean, I went to all sorts of different schools as a kid, in different countries - some of them were really good and others... not so.

Various bad things happened to me, but never once did any teacher, doctor, anyone even glance at me in a vaguely sexual way. (I had some guy grab my dick in a record store when I was 12, but I just walked out...)

What about you?

These things happen - but they happen somewhat rarely.

There are seven billion people on Earth, and by now we're so hooked up that if something uniquely terrible happens to any of us, we nearly all hear about it - and even fairly common bad things that happen are heard about by millions.

By the same token, it seems perfectly reasonable to me that there exist organized rings of pederasts in the world, even successful powerful ones. What I do not believe is that this is universal in the ranks of power and that the rest of them are in on it.

Those cases defy logic and a basic understanding of how human behavior works. You can't assume it doesn't happen just because it would be bad for those caught if they were caught. Crimes like that happen all the time.

I'm not saying either way what is happening. But the post I responded to tries to explain everything with, "normal people wouldn't do this," while simultaneously saying that "mental illness causes this." Then they aren't normal people are they?

I don't know about rarely. I've read studies that show a quarter of American girls and 10% of American boys are molested. And in Egypt a poll of adult women showed 50% of them said they had been molested as children.

But in the US most molestation is usually by family members, family friends or trusted caregivers, like priests. I don't see how the owner of a Pizza parlor would be in a position to be trusted with access to children in any organized way. Maybe I'm wrong but I've yet to see a scrap of real evidence yet.

The people involved in long term abuse have access to children who are usually out of parents care for some reason, orphans in orphanages or foster care, sick kids (with Jimmy Savile though some of his victims were teens attracted to him because of his links to the rock world), kids in private schools or private boarding schools. I just don't see a Pizza shop giving anyone access.

Exactly. Uncoordinated incidents. I'm not saying it doesn't happen. People with access to children. Repressed people who join the church.

Yes, I've heard of them. Both a person and an institution with almost unlimited private access to children. Technically Sandusky is not a pedophile, his victims were post pubescent.

The Catholic Church has long attracted people with inappropriate sexual urges who believe that taking a vow of celibacy will inoculate them against acting out these behaviors.


Pedophelia is a mental illness and a societally abhorrent behavior. The idea that all these so-called elites are engaging in pedophelia on some grand scale defies logic and a basic understanding of human behavior. Ask yourself, if you were suddenly thrust into wealth and power, would you go ahead and start diddling kids, or condone that among your peers? Of course not. It's ridiculous.

"Grand scale" is the operatives. And if you think priests are elite, I'd suggest you pop into your local Catholic Church and check out the living quarters.

That's not how Pedophilia works.

I suggest you read this article and educate on how Pedophiles operate.

TL;DR, they actively seek occupations that have

  1. Social status and power so they can be above reproach
  2. Unsupervised access to children

Bonus points if the occupation has both (like Savile, Sandusky, Polanski). That's why alarm bells should go off whenever a high profile person starts doing a lot of work with children's missions in the third world etc.

So the point is; the rich and powerful aren't suddenly becoming pedophiles - rather, Pizzagate implies that people who are pedophiles have risen in the ranks of the Democratic party and are now actively creating a safe-space for other pedophiles to operate in.

Your explanation is good and explains many of the showbiz pederasts. But look at this part:

Unsupervised access to children

Under what circumstances do politicians ever get unsupervised access to children?

I'm quite serious here - it's really hard to even come with such a situation. The reason that politicos are around children is precisely for a photo-op - nothing more.

Gym teachers, kids entertainers, doctors, ministers - all of these professions are routinely put in positions where they are the only adults around children. Politicos, never.

The (now grown up) victims of organised paedophilia describe events called "pedo parties" where the politicians are guests, and the trafficked children are brought along for "entertainment". Some people in political circles work as procurers. (I think for example that that Tamera Luzzato, author of the email to John Podesta with the line "they will be in that pool for sure" is such a person.)

Direct source?

This is a good one--Australian 60 Minutes about British Politicians. Fiona Barnett's interview with Laurence also covers pedo parties with politicians in Australia, and Fiona herself was trafficked as a child sex slave from age of five to Richard Nixon among other VIPs. See her video Candy Girl

That's because generations of inbreeding have rendered you unable to disbelieve things with no real evidence like pizzagate.

Did something like this happen in your family? How did you come to know so much about the effects of inbreeding? (We're not judging you.)

I spoke to one of these now grown up children & this person told me the adults doing the trafficking actually called the parties, "Pizza Parties". Said he never understood why as he was being used for sex as a kid, that is until now after "pizzagate" came out.

I'm a 32 year old single guy who teaches kindergarten. No wonder the female teachers don't want to hangout with me.

You probably eat pizza too. Sick fuck.

Well, in a recent report on Australia's 60 Minutes they make clear that people like Hastert (here in the US), Bill Clinton and a long list of UK politicians have plenty of time and opportunity to sexually assault young children . . .

The story was called "Spies and Lords" - Predators

Children were picked up from "homes"/institutions and taken to Dolphin Square - an up-market apartment complex minutes from Houses of Parliament.

Dozens of children suffered similar fates.

One of these abusers was the Second in Charge of Britain's British Secret Service -- Mi6 -- one of the most powerful men in Britain. He has been identified as Sir Peter Kelson Heyman, but when arrested he gave his name as "Peter Henderson."

Heyman was cauht with diaries of sadistic sexual fantgasies about children but the spy chief was allowed to walk free.

Of the victims is a young woman now of 30, who describes being taken to a "forest" as a young girl -- which should remind us of stories of sexual abuse and assault told by survivors here in the US - stories of Bilderberg.

Now, police have re-opened the case - also acknowledging they have credible evidence of murders by the Westminster Pedophile ring.

Former policemen are also coming forward to reveal the extent of the cover up and how their own investigations of politicians and government officials was stopped in their tracks on orders from above.

During the time of LBJ and Bobby Bakker, when "affairs" were enough to blackmail someone, they were running a scam in the US Congress of enticing elected officials to hotel rooms or apartments where they were making women available.

You'll also find similar stories if you read the Franklin Scandal where children were taken from Boys Town.

In other cases it was the heads of orphanages, boys schools & the actual heads of the charities that were involved in trafficking these kids. The kids are then brought to parties (pizza parties term actually is used in these rings) or they are brought to hotel rooms many times wired for video capture. I would always look at the head or the founding member in the political human trafficking rings.

So the point is; the rich and powerful aren't suddenly becoming pedophiles - rather, Pizzagate implies that people who are pedophiles have risen in the ranks of the Catholic clergy and are now actively creating a safe-space for other pedophiles to operate in.

It's exactly the same methodology that we suspect in Pizzagate.

>be a pedophile

>get enough power to no longer have to worry about police

>abuse children to your heart's content.

This is a tactic in Putin used in Russia to outlaw homosexuality years ago. You basically first put fear in the air of rampant pedophilia. then you make the small leap of equating homosexuals with pedophiles.

TIL Dennis Hastert was a Democrat.

Well, maybe he gets swept up and associated a) cuz he's a centrist, and b) he was caught so therefore he must be associated with the dems.

Lol u try so hard, get a real job bro.

sure is odd how all the perpetators of pizzagate are only and exactly people a bunch of reddit trumpers hate most in the democratic party.

I want to believe ™®©

That's essentially the slogan of this subreddit.

"I want to believe that Hillary Clinton is a pedophile because I don't like her." "I want to believe that the joos control the world, because... uhh... I'm totally not a nazi" "I want to believe that 11/9 was an inside job because US government something something." "I want to believe that climate change is a hoax because I don't know what scientific method is and it's a liberal conspiracy." "I want to believe that earth is flat because I'm a fucking retard who doesn't understand science."

They're soooo malleable. There was a 9/11 conspiracy: it was to get attacked by Saudis based in Afghanistan and then retaliate agains...Iraq? That war started with "operation shock and awe" where we exploded billions of dollars worth of untargeted bombs outside of Baghdad as a show of force. Of course that means we'd have to replace those billions of dollars of munitions with brand new ones. As with most conspiracies, it happened in plain site.

The fun thing about Hillary is that you don't even have to get into any kind of deep conspiracy to prove she's a piece of shit who would be a convicted felon many times over if not for her political connections.

All the other stuff is just hoping to have the big shit come out so we can openly ridicule all these fucking babies that are going round burning american flags and vandalizing property in the name of being with her.

What's the felony?

Cattle futures.

Nice user name. Do your own research.

Thank you my goyish friend.

Anyway, cattle futures, white water, blah blah blah. This is such old news that even Ken Starr couldn't find anything on after spending millions in taxpayer money. I lived through it, that's enough for me.

I'm more talking about people catching her lying under oath, violating laws related to handling classified information, and of course the destruction of evidence after being subpoenaed.

Can't find evidence if you destroy it right? ( Insert meme of that black dude pointing to his head )

Let's also keep an eye on the Anthony Weiner case. From what I've read it sounds like they've caught him both sending and receiving illicit messages from underage girls.

If the girl lives in another state, it falls under trafficking CP I believe, and is a 10 year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence.

So we'll just need to pay attention to that and see if he gets special treatment.

burning american flags and vandalizing property in the name of being with her.

[citation needed]

Right because soooo many anarchists support Hilary, you dumbass.

She's done enough bad shit, you don't need to misrepresent these stupid fucking anarchists as diehard lifelong Democrats that love Hilary - sorry but that's fucking absurd.

Ironic this reply chain is about "wanting to believe" - you seem to want to believe anyone that doesn't support Trump is an America-hating sore loser. I protested in DC and think Hilary is a piece of shit - oh my God how does that even work?!

United we stand, divided we fall motherfucker.

Your foaming at the mouth, hate filled message is hilarious. It's like watching shia labeouf yell at somebody and assault them while saying "he will not divide us"

The anarchists at a couple of events are one things, the other first amendment practicing flag burners and the people who support them are totally separate.

The anarchists wouldn't have a platform if not for the other people. What's more is that it's pretty clear that with Trump, it's business as usual. Ramping up wars, appointing bankers just like hillary would have done.

At some point people need to realize that the 2 party system is garbage and the media outlets help them push the narrative that there's only 2 candidates running.

Third parties get excluded from debates and get minimal coverage... and yet people are busy talking about russians, lul.

PS: Go fuck yourself.

These are my thoughts reading comments here sometimes. Theres a. Term for that bias. I think its confirmation bias. But that's too sciencey for some.

Wow, you aptly named yourself TheCreepero. What's it like to wake up every day to that much excellence in the only area of life at which you excel?

But hold on, we don't want to jump to any conclusions about a dossier on Trump and Russia though. Lets wait for some seriously credible sources.

"I want to believe that 11/9 was an inside job because it would be more terrifying if the US government just couldn't stop it."

It could just be a result of higher scrutiny of trumps opponents from r/conspiracy goers.

All you do is post about Democrats, trump and trying to discredit pizza gate.

Shilling got that paper tho right

...trying to discredit pizza gate.

...trying to discredit flat earthers.

Removed. Rule 10.

Demonrats are going down.

My theory is that this is a counter coup type situation. Out country may spiral down into full right wing control. What that entails is anyone's guess, but that is just my speculation on the assumption that things are happening the way beck and fbi anon suspect.

My theory is that this is a counter coup type situation. Out country may spiral down into full right wing control. What that entails is anyone's guess, but that is just my speculation on the assumption that things are happening the way beck and fbi anon suspect.

A sane man, I would wager a months paycheck that if I checked your post history I wouldn't find any posts to /r/the_donald.

What a terrible post.

I think there are many reasons for paedophilia. It is a taboo behaviour enjoyed by psychopaths. Paedophilia along with human sacrifice is also an essential element of Luciferian rituals. Some men have a psychological weakness and prefer a sexual partner they have complete control over. Very importantly, some ambitious people who want to rise in politics are invited to take part in paedophilia while submitting to being photographed, in order to "put some skin in the game". (Then the puppetmasters behind the scenes in politics will advance the careers of these "men in the middle" who can be controlled through blackmail.)

I think the problem is you don't understand enough yourself about human behaviour. You should read or listen to the evidence of the many (now grown) victims of paedophilia, which is now available on the internet. Then the claims of the pizzagate researchers would no longer seem ridiculous to you.

Liciferian rituals are a fantasy created by people like Alex jones. There is no human sacrifice. Just false. That someone would submit to being photographed with children for the reasons you state defies logic and a basic understanding of human behavior. Where are these photos? Why have they never been shown? What is their purpose if they're never exposed?

99% of people sexually abused are abused by a family neighbor or someone else they know. Not wayward politicians. Wake up.

No, they are not. You are clearly ignorant about these types of people and what they do, or more likely, you're a shill. Pedos come from all walks of life and human trafficking exists, and Luciferians most certainly exist within the halls of power. Facts.


Evidence please? Maybe just one single photo? And don't send me some bullshit abromovic art performance. I wanna see the slaying of innocents.

Luciferian. Jesus. Too many comic books.

Alex Jones is a pretty entertaining guy. Unlikely he invented Luciferian rituals though. Lol.

"People like Alex jones" - meaning people who know there are folks out there that'll believe anything that reenforces their world view.

many of them may be busted for pedophilia or CP without even being interested in it - they get dragged in, involved on a small scale, blackmailed and then it spirals from there. Brownstone op.

Pedophelia is a mental illness and a societally abhorrent behavior. The idea that all these so-called elites are engaging in pedophelia on some grand scale defies logic and a basic understanding of human behavior. Ask yourself, if you were suddenly thrust into wealth and power, would you go ahead and start diddling kids, or condone that among your peers?

If your a demoncrat or have clintion in your name you have no other options but to lust for child flesh.


"no, no, the Korean president couldn't possibly be under the control of a cult"

See how that worked out for her? See how easy it was to expose? No internet sleuthing necessary. And Nancy Reagan had an astrologer... so what? That's a loooooonnnnng way from molesting and sacrificing children. Why do I even have to explain that?

the dems = the repubs same difference pedos a pedos let them all hang

we all know hw was behind [giggle] franlin scandal

Why don't you just head on down to the pizza parlor and maybe bring a gun with you. Seriously, how gullible are you? What would it take for you to question this theory?

why dont you listen to george webb and stfu

Yeah, right. I just love child trafficking. Fuck you. I have two kids. Seriously fuck you.

And send me a link to Webb, I'll evaluate with an open mind, I promise.

where the hell have you been its day 106

start with day 53 [someone conveniently scrubbed 1-52] ok cuz he sums the prior

then jump to day 65 he finally has to tie pizzagate he didnt want to but evidence was COMPELLING .....

then look for user u/911bodysnatchers322 he has been summarizing cliff notes on the episodes and he is a tremendous threader in his own right get famiiar with him one of reddits [re-edits] finest!

or hear them through for yourself

open your eyes and ears especially if you have children [so do i ]

wake up and ty for listening with an open mind

Do you have any idea how cheap the organs of a Chinese political prisoner are? $750,000? That's absurd. I can score you a set of lungs and half a liver for no more than $5k. Send the money first though.

because dead people are loaded with it it has the highest value and it can live up to 17 days very transportable

Operation Brownstone. Intelligence compromising people through extortion and you are naive to think it's only Democrats.

I'm a lotta things, but I can assure you naïve is not one of them.

Oh ok thanks for the assurance

You are welcome.

Pedophelia isn't a mental illness, it's a fetish. In order to fight it we have to understand it.

You're right, just like how all those crazy loons accusing the Catholic Church of mass pedophilia and cover-ups were proven wrong in the end

I don't believe in PizzaGate or large groups of political elites engaging in a pedophile ring...but then I think of the systemic abuse perpetrated by the Catholic Church.

That's not how it works. People are trapped into compromising situations and blackmailed for political manipulation

Just confirmed that she was though. Replaced by a sexbot though.

big if true

"But how could they say this if it wasn't true? There would be litigation and shit! Check mate, unbeliever"

title is clickbait, it worked, I came to laugh at it / the comments

You know who will definitely be arrested? Hillary Clinton

That will never, ever happen. She could shoot someone of fifth avenue in broad daylight and nobody would touch her.

Remind me! 1 week.

Fantastic write-up. Thank you

What is the reality that this issue will ever be officially investigated and led to arrests? Will we see the end of pizzagate with any kind of closure? Any opinions ?

Pedo crackdowns are definitely happening, but the rest is likely drivel to poison the well.

This is why I Reddit. I find laughs in the most unexpected places. I never expected an /r/conspiracy thread to have me in tears laughing. Fucking LOL!

Seeing this three hours after it was posted. Just checked Drudge. Nada. Total bullflop?


Rather not Pizzagate is real, i hope Richard Bluementhal gets nuked. Talk about a career politician. He's from my state and i have a good friend who use to work for him. My bud (who is really credible) says Dick is a robot. Has no personality whatsoever. Says one word sentences and comes off as 'mindless inside.' Fuck him.

Hillary Clinton may not have been arrested, but she sure as shit did not tweet that message.

Yeah because she writes all of her tweets. I don't follow her but she probably signs ones she actually writes. I'm not saying I believe she was arrested but activity on her twitter proves nothing.

Only idiots pray!

Not a single credible source! Stop wasting your time doing this mindless research on sites meant to attract gullible viewers for ad revenue. Go to a library and read more books, or travel to a different country!

Thanks so much for this thorough, well organized, update. Big thumbs up.

You people are psychotic.

I guess we'll see

Uh, we've already seen. The jury's in, you people are fucking nuts.

If there was any evidence, it would have been presented. Instead, this stupid post repeats tweets from a man-child: "Got to do something about these missing chidlren grabbed by the perverts." As if that's some kind of evidence that Trump knows what's really going on.

Keep in mind, this is the same dipshit man-child that tweeted "Remember, new environment friendly lightbulbs can cause cancer." Because all scientists are secretly comic-book super-villains?

It's posts like this that diminish and discredit any kind of exposure of of real conspiracies. Pizzagate is a more fitting narrative for an Austin Powers sequel.

People called us nuts pre Snowden too, when we thought the government had a huge surveillance machine.

You're welcome to your opinions but it'd be nice if you could cut down on the personal attacks and general rudeness

People called us nuts pre Snowden too, when we thought the government had a huge surveillance machine.

The difference there is that Snowden released the evidence. He didn't just repeat the common knowledge that the US government had global surveillance programs, he went into detail about the extent of the surveillance, what they were doing, and then he leaked the evidence to back up his claims.

If you're going to make comparisons, then you have to compare pizzagate with the likes of David Icke, who also weaves a detailed web of conspiracies with NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER.

it'd be nice if you could cut down on the personal attacks and general rudeness

No, sorry, that's not possible, this pizzagate nonsense has gone on for WAY too long, and with NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE.

Yes, Hillary is as corrupt as it is possible for a yank politician to be, but there is zero reason to think she's running a fucking paedophile ring out of a pizza shop. She's a multi-millionaire ex-first lady, you don't think she could find a more practical location to organise the fucking of kids?

You're free to believe whatever you want, but if you don't want to get mocked for it, provide some bloody evidence.

You don't see the 90% of comments calling this bs? Maybe you're psychotic. Or selectively blind.

Mob rule does not apply here.

You're free to believe whatever you want. I didn't say those other 10% weren't allowed to believe BS. But if you're going to make a blanket statement it doesn't make sense to make it about the 10%.

This not a statement. It's a fact. This sub is not a safe space for those who agree or disagree one way only. A mob rushing in here spouting what they agree with will not change this sub.


When did I say it was a safe space? I just said it's not a sub full of psychotics. Are you saying it's a sub full of psychotics?

It's a conspiracy sub. It ranges from the most believable to the most crazy and abstract with little evidence. Do you understand?

What point are you trying to exactly make here?

Yes, but none of them should just be blindly psychotically accepted without pushback. And they rarely are, and this is no exception.

I'm all for putting everything up for debate with no reservations. I also appreciate that people give good reason to question theories. Like this one being based on 4chan and Dailystormer and anonymous sources and a recent presidential candidate who just tweeted about the super bowl having been detained at an airport trying to flee the country.

People assume she actually tweets and someone does not do it for her.

A fair point. Still, if she has been detained, it seems like something that wouldn't stay out of the mainstream press for very long. I'm doubtful that the plausibility of this theory is going to remain for long.

DF = Diane Feinstein

Good she needs to go down too

So Jeff Sessions "swatting away" Joe biden's hand in that video is completely specious. The grandkids hair was wrapped around his suit coat button, he's brushing it down.


Christ, guys. This read like /r/conserviporn.

I saw the Glenn Beck tweet and was really skeptical at first because it's Glenn Fucking Beck, but then I remembered that that dude is extremely tight with the Navy SEAL community and has SEALs on all the time. He's pretty much gay for them. I would give this a 25% chance of being real.

BF = Barney Frank

What is this stupid shit? Seriously. Is this the National Enquirer now?

Wikipedia deleted the list of US senators.

I was going there with the initials listed here...


Why are people complaining about a CONSPIRACY ON A CONSPIRACY SUB?

Well... people are reporting it's happened, when it clearly hasn't. Conspiracy doesn't just mean stuff that someone made up.

Isn't that exactly what Pizzagate itself is?

Because conspiracies are real, they've actually happened (e.g. Iran/Contra, Nayirah's bullshit testimony to help start the Gulf War, and of course Watergate). But this conspiracy is pure unsupported fiction.

Every piece of "evidence" for this beat-up is pedestrian at best. "Look! This politician drew a map to a pizza parlour for some out-of-town friends! Obvious paedophilia!" or my favourite, "Look! There's a Comet Pizza logo in this children's game, an obvious attempt to normalise fucking children!"

Now this post is claiming the Clintons have been "apprehended", and Hillary is fleeing the country. Bull. Shit.

It's rubbish like this that allows real conspiracies to be dismissed as further nonsense or ignored altogether. If anything, this bullshit Pizzagate nonsense is a conspiracy to distract from real shenanigans and keep simpletons occupied.

But for that belief to be rational, it must be based on evidence or reason. Pizzagate is based on faith and ideology, no different from young-Earth creationism or the belief that Xenu murdered millions of aliens in a volcano.

And your accusation of "shilling" is quite telling. I accuse people like you of having unfounded beliefs, asserted without evidence, and your knee-jerk response is to name-call and accuse me of "shilling" for someone(?) without any evidence.

You know, someone isn't a part of some paid conspiracy (a shill) just because they disagree with you. That's tin-foil hat territory.

And down the rabbit hole you go.

"But for that belief to be rational, it must be based on evidence or reason."

oh yeah....on the sub that has flat earthers and people that believe in lizard shapeshifters -_______-

oh yeah....on the sub that has flat earthers and people that believe in lizard shapeshifters -_______-

Which you'll notice, I'm arguing against. It's kinda my point. This pizzagate nonsense is as realistic and supported by evidence as the illuminati.

It would be nice if this sub would discuss real conspiracies (e.g. collusion between law-makers and private prisons, or going to war with Iran for fabricated reasons) instead of rejected scripts from Law and Order SVU.

Nice strawman argument. Explain "Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" But yeah this is all bull shit conspiracy!!!!!

Who the fuck draws maps these days? Almost everyone has a phone with a navigation app. Just give the fucking address of the pizza place.

Who the fuck draws maps these days?

A 68 year old man (Podesta) and his aging friends?

The whole thread feels like an intentional 'black PR' against Pizzagate to try to discredit it in normie's eyes.

You know how I know Hillary Clinton didn't get apprehended by Trump's goons? Because there isn't an anti-Trump post with 10,000 upvotes at the top of /r/aww declaring Trump to be Hitler.

using /pol/ as a source

Hahahaha oh god this just gets funnier and funnier

Upvoted because this is quite honestly hilariously ridiculous.

Hillary is not detained or arrested - she just tweeted during the Superbowl.

This is some BATBOY FOUND ALIVE type tabloid fuckery right here.

Please tell me you guys are smarter than this. Please

What? Batboy is alive? Did he fake his original death or was this due to a trip thru the alien recombination matrix?

Mon-Thur at the DOJ


Uvalde Man Sentenced to Maximum 20 Years in Federal Prison for Receipt of Child Pornography

Homer Resident Sentenced to 24 Months in Prison for Failing to Update Sex Offender Registration

Crowley Man Pleads Guilty to Taking Videos of Sex with Minor

International Fugitive From Child Exploitation Charge Apprehended

Four People Charged With Sex Trafficking Minors in Philadelphia

Meade County, Kentucky, Man On The Kentucky Sex Offender Registry, Sentenced To 15 Years In Prison For Transporting And Possessing Child Pornography

Federal Child Pornography Charge Filed Against Prominent San Antonio Photographer


Corning Man Arrested, Charged With Receipt Of Child Pornography

Tonawanda Man Sentenced For Production Of Child Pornography

Williamsville Man Pleads Guilty To Child Pornography Charge

Kansas Man Indicted on Child Pornography and Sex Tourism Charges

Mescalero Apache Man Sentenced to Prison for Escaping from Half-Way House and Failing to Update Sex Offender Registration

Gretna Man Pleads Guilty to Distribution of Child Pornography

Gloucester County Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charge

Martinsville Man Sentenced on Child Pornography Charges


Bland, Missouri Man Sentenced on Federal Child Pornography Charges

McAllen Man Heads to Prison for Downloading Hundreds of Child Pornography Videos and Images

St. Francis Man Sentenced for Failure to Register as a Sex Offender

James City County Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Charge

Scranton Man Charged With Possessing And Distributing Child Pornography

Fayetteville, N.C. Man Sentenced To 8 Years For Failure To Register As A Sex Offender While Committing A Crime Of Violence

Devils Lake Man Sentenced for Child Pornography


University City Man Indicted on Child Pornography Charges

Imperial, Pa., Woman Charged with Distributing and Possessing Child Pornography

Montana Man Pleads Guilty to Transporting a Minor with Intent to Engage in Criminal Sexual Activity

Silver Spring Sex Offender Pleads Guilty to Federal Charge for Production of Child Pornography

Former Aide at a Prince George’s County Elementary School Pleads Guilty to 15 Counts of Production of Child Pornography

Corpus Christi Man Gets 27 Years for Producing Child Pornography

Springfield Man Pleads Guilty to Producing Child Porn

Belleville Man Sentenced for Receipt of Child Pornography and Possession of Prepubescent Child Pornography

Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison For Child Pornography

Madison County Man Sentenced to Federal Prison for Child Pornography Offenses

St. Cloud Recidivist Sentenced To More Than 21 Years For Advertisement Of Child Pornography On Twitter

Williamsburg Man Sentenced to Prison for Child Pornography

Human Trafficking Fugitive On ICE’s Top 10 List Extradited To United States From Mexico

Literally none of this happened you mongoloid

How much money is trump gonna spend chasing imaginary dragons and getting the veep to look into how he could have possibly lost the popular vote without fake votes...

Holy shit. This is fucking sad.

No wonder this sub is the laughing stock of this site. And that's saying something.

Most regulars in this sub could care less about being made fun of on reddit, including myself.

could care less.

Thanks for confirming my point.


It's supposed to be "could not care less" that's what he's trying to point out to you dingus.

Yeah I understood it. Just didn't add much to the convo.

Yeah I understood it.

LOL. Bullshit. You had no idea that, "I could care less" is what fucking retards say instead of, "I couldn't care less" and you got called out on it and now you're just casually trying to play it over.

It's simple logic, which you lack.

I couldn't care less because that's how utterly I don't give a shit about it.

When you say, I could care less, then what? You could care less about it, but what? You do care? You could care less about it, but you do because you are empathetic about it?

See? The fucken shit don't even make sense. But you were happy and content being that fucken ignorant because you lack even the simplest form of logic.

Wait, let me get this straight. You can tell that I lack simple logic because of a grammatical error? You just wrote a few paragraphs berating me for it. I think you need to get your priorities straightened out. It's not good for you to be so worked up over nothing.

I just like calling out clueless people who think they have something right but couldn't be more wrong.

See? That's in the same usage as, "couldn't care less". It'd be retarded to say, "could be more wrong".

And in this case, you could say that I could care less, but I do because I like pointing out those clueless, yet pompous individuals who don't know jack shit, but act like they know it all.

You are just making a huge deal out of something so miniscule.

If that's what makes you feel better, let's go with that.

You couldn't be more wrong though.

See? That sentence has the same negative usage as, "I couldn't care less".

It would be utterly retarded to say, "you could be more wrong", wouldn't it?

OK buddy.

I feel like could care less and couldn't care less are both valid. I could care less is usually said in a more sarcastic manner, whereas I couldn't care less is said in a more declarative manner.

Oh, well learn something new everyday- thanks.

They're both valid in the same way that calling the Pacific Ocean the specific ocean are both valid.

Nah. I couldn't care less= I am unbothered. I could care less= Bitch, you're fucking stupid and I hate you and I don't give a shit what you think.

I could care less is better to use when you really want to convey that you don't give a shit about someone's opinions. Also, the fact that it pisses off grammar Nazis who take idioms too literally is also a positive too.

If anything it should be the opposite. "couldn't care less" I literally could not care less about what you're saying.

Bitch, you're fucking stupid and I hate you and I don't give a shit what you think.

So, in essense, you're saying, bitch, I couldn't care less what you think.

When you say, "I could care less about what you think", the fucking shit doesn't even make sense. You could care less, but what? You could care less, but you do?

Stop making shit up, ffs. It's embarrassing, you fucking fucktard.

Nah, what I am saying "Bitch, I could care less what you think."

If it doesn't make sense, then how could you understand it pedant? How I got you there smart guy. I could really care less about your response.

This is how you do it. Read and learn.

I fucking couldn't care any fucken less about what you think you know because it's neither pedantic nor semantics. It's just down right incorrect and wrong grammar from you lacking even the basic form of logical thinking.

Who's got who in this case? And so, since you could really care less about my response, but you don't, which means you really care, looks like I'm the one who's got you.

I could care less that you think you got because like everything else in this conversation, you got it wrong.

I could care less that you think you got because....

This fucking doesn't even make any sense.

Oh, I get it. English is not even your first language! Now, I understand. But this is odd. I found that on reddit, those whose first language isn't English tend to have perfect grammar and syntax with their writing.

I guess you're the exception. Perhaps you live in a third world country and don't have such good schooling, such as Sweden and Germany?

It's OK. All is understood now since we now know that you don't speak English in your country.

I could care less is usually said in a more sarcastic manner

Holy shit. Now, you're redefining the English language?

It doesn't even make any sense even if it's used in a "sarcastic" manner. Do you even know what sarcastic means?

Tell me a situation or describe a scenario in which you'd use "I could care less" in a sarcastic manner and would make sense. This ought to be good.

I could care less responding to your comments because I do not like your tone and you are obviously very stupid, wrong, and do not understand how language works at all, homeboy.

Here's how you do it.

I fucking couldn't care any fucken less about what you thought about me.

You're welcome.

You only do it like that if you suck. I could care less about the opinions of suckers.

I could care less about the opinions of suckers.

LOL! Exactly! You could care less, but you can't because you really do care and it really does bother you.

See? I can do this all day as long as you bring it on with "could care less". You're making it soooo easy for me. And it's fun watching you figuratively bitch slap yourself in the face every time.

No. Actually I could care less.

Thanks for playing along.

So, since you could care less, but you don't, that means you do care.

And you should care and be concerned with how much of a retard you look like.

I could really care less. Also don't use the word retarded.

I could really care less. Also don't use the word retarded.

Man. You really are oblivious.

if you're one of those people that confuses your and youre or there and their, i don't think we're gonna get along

Yea and you're not a pro dota player, prolly have like 500 mmr. Anyway the figure of speech gets used both ways

Lol!! Ur doing the reddit username thing. An original classic

Most regulars in this sub could care less about being made fun of on reddit, including myself.

How much less?

Just cuz you have the intelligence of a low grade paper pusher doesn't mean this shit is not happening. Or even that this kind of scenario is not possible.

are you sure it isnt the 1200 upvotes?

lol it's much more than just posts like this that makes everyone laugh at you wack-a-doodles

that makes everyone laugh at you wack-a-doodles

the "everyone laughing" bit is actually rewarding for people who post here, i think.

it provides a sense of separation from "the rabble"-- and on the off chance some of the analyses here are partially or completely borne out by fact in public, there's an opportunity to gloat. i say these things as someone who reads and posts here regularly.

Yeah go ahead and let me know when you have that chance to gloat. Until then, I will keep laughing at you crazies with the rest of the world.

Until then, I will keep laughing at you crazies

thanks for responding to my thoughtful comment with closeminded spite

LOL. Saying "I'm going to appreciate every bullshit crazy non-sensical theory here because MAYBE one day, one of them will be true," is not thoughtful. Just more crazy babble.

Saying "I'm going to appreciate every bullshit crazy non-sensical theory here

nobody said that

Just more crazy babble.

hard to say you're being thoughtful without considering alternatives to what you already believe to be true

Just because I don't consider the lunacy of Pizzagate as a real alternative viewpoint, doesn't mean I don't consider alternative viewpoints.

It's posts like yours that make this sub the laughing stock of this site.

shrug, like any subreddit there's hits and misses-- which people who subscribe won't necessarily agree on.

i come here for the open mindedness of the posters and the "non-mainstream narrative" discussions.

the idea that it's a laughing stock of the site is to be expected... people have low tolerance for new and unfamiliar things, and the content of this sub is particularly easy to dismiss or laugh at without appreciating the value of being able to float wild ideas and discuss them.

Look how much time you spent on this nonsense. I hope you kids see what an incredible waste of resources this was.

Hillary does not appear to have been apprehended since she posted this tweet two hours ago:

Because Hillary writes her own tweets

/r/Pizzagatev2 for the latest news.

And I MIGHT turn into a fucking dragon today. Get the fuck out of here shill.

I am always so sad when I read stories like this.

these rumors are so rumory, much rumorish - doge

read everything, be very careful about what you believe - me

why would you waste your time compiling this long ass piece of bullshit?

To give his pathetic life meaning?

don't forget about the emails

What do you mean?

Yeah. Um, Glenn Beck? I'll believe this when I see it.

So what's the plan for when none of this happens?

Well, hopefully those pushing this will have drunk the coolaid, and won't be a problem anymore.

This is bullshit, but if I say that it's bullshit, you'll just call me a CTR shill.

So I guess as the weeks and months and years go by, and Hillary continues to be free and live in her home in New York and probably run for mayor of the Big Apple and win, you'll eventually realize that you, and the people you find credible, are lying.

Judging from your post history it would probably make a good job prospect... You know what they say about giving it away for free.

I miss Time Cube being the craziest thing on the internet

LOL. No.

The fact that none of this is true is proof that it's all true and being censored!


yep. to become a high profile democrat, it's mandatory that you diddle kids.....

this sub. FFS.

Maybe she shouldn't have been personal friends with convicted pedophile Jeffery Epstein and go flying around on "Lolita Express" to "Rape Island" if she didn't want to give that impression.

Riding on a plane with a sex offender does not make you the head of an international pedo ring. You can read that sentence as many times as you have to, to let it sink in.

Riding on a plane with a sex offender

You mean being good personal friends...

no. no i don't. your first comment states "personal friends" which I think is a stretch. Now it's "good personal friends"... so their relationship is evolving. that's nice. :]

being "good personal friends"- gonna need a link to back that up- does not make her the ringleader of an international pedo ring. while you guys are wasting your time with this Illuminati bullshit, a pro-russian sec of state was confirmed. you fell for the 3 card monty con.

Good personal friends, along with Bill Clinton who partied it up at rape fest. Nothing to see there, I'm sure....."Hey look, Wussian!"


Lots of unwarranted opposition to this post. Here's a question, if we're all just idiots than why the fuck do you care if we talk about idiotic, fake, not-true things? What possible affect does it have on you or your life? People in this thread are crusading that it is the biggest fucking deal ever that we not talk about a conspiracy in a subreddit FOR CONSPIRACIES!

No one gives a shit if there is an unfounded or biased claim for UFOs and ETI. No one plasters the comments with shit like "Delusional" and "Seek Help". This alone makes for the strongest argument of just how unnatural and inorganic the opposition really is on this matter. You idiots keep over playing your hand and you keep exposing yourselves.

C'mon they are really trying... The boss tells em to "Just act natural."

I dunno. I find it hilarious.

Did you miss the part where a guy showed up at a pizzeria with an assault rifle because off your bullshit?

You can't control a person's actions and reactions to ideas. If it becomes necessary to ban all discussion that might radicalise a person to commit a violent act than why the fuck is Islam still permitted to be practiced?

I'm just glad that photographer was there to snap that amazing shot of him in the middle of the road, police guns drawn, him hands up with assault rifle! What a picture!!!! If he really is a conspiracy theorist and not a crisis actor, he did as much as he could to STOP the investigation. Total false flag

Ew, go back to the shithole subs you came from.

yeah, that is what it is, definitely. Couldn't possibly be that UFOs and UTIs don't make it to /r/all and this did.

Your opposition here isn't "the left" as many would totally support a bust like this if it was based on facts. Your opposition is trolls from the_dick that upvote this just because it is anti-hillary.

Cycle is this:

This is a conspiracy - gets posted to conspiracies.

The_Dilusional sees that it is anti-hillary and push it to the moon.

Reaches r/all

Others see it, don't know the headline is in conspiracies when they click.

Oppose in comments.

conspiracy subscribers push back on negative comments.

seems like the fight is between conspiracy subscribers and "the left" that commented coming from all.

The left is not brigading you, the_d is overexposing these theories and making your sub look bad.

That's what your angry about? A discussion on a popular conspiracy theory made it to the top of Reddit's super accurate and unweighted "best of" list? Why not get angry over an anti-flouridation piece or JFK assassination theory?

My tv doesn't tell me to

That's the best indicator that people are onto something with Pizzagate. There's not even any opposition to 9/11 truthers anymore, and the implications if that were true would've brought down the entire government. Yet Pizzagate is such a threat that it had to be censored off all online platforms and blackballed by the MSM? It's real.

They've obviously been ordered to focus their CTR efforts on this topic. The best form of defence is offence.

It's all Shareblue/CTR. This sub has been absolutely swamped with shills.

It's like the whole dam broke and their trying to do damage control on something that is not in their hands.

There is a big difference between speculating about UFOs and naming real people as child sex predators. Also, child sexual abuse is a real thing that has actually happened to many innocent people. When real problems which leave lasting mental and physical scars are people are speculated about recklessly, you are going to draw righteous anger. Calling them shills isn't helping.

Didn't directly use that term, but I think it would be foolish to ignore the highly probable likelihood that there are ShareBlue shills commenting this fiercely on one of the most censored discussion in recent history.

As you yourself have said, these atrocities absolutely go on everyday, and given the admittedly circumstantial evidence that we have been made privy to, it is not unreasonable to insist that a thorough investigation be conducted on the matter. This is just with the information the outside citizenry have been able to piece together, to say nothing of what has been rumoured to be on Weiner's laptop. Something this profound and vile demands investigation, and until that is adequately satisfied this discussion is not going to go away. As public servants, they should be willing to fully cooperate with this investigation if for no other reason than to clear the air and their names of any malfeasance. As the authoritarian elite love to parrot to us: "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear."

People care about this story in particular because we've already had one arrest of someone going into a family pizza establishment with an AR. Using obviously false and ridiculous sources (Dailystormer and the Globe tabloid, etc) just give people a false sense of assurance. I personally don't want to see anybody use posts like these as confirmation for them to go off the deep end

First and foremost I do not condone what the lone AR gunman did by arriving at Comet Pizza with a weapon. It was a wreckless move that has only served to discredit the investigation, and while I would point out that no injuries occurred as a result of his action, and that even the question of him firing a round is speculative at best with multiple reports citing different stories, it was still a rash and foolish thing to do.

The action is so detrimental that the question of whether this person was acting on their own accord or was a false flag to draw sympathy to Alefantis is one that everybody should be asking. The shooter had an iMDB entry and is the son of an independent film director who's most recent project is a sketchy, mermaid based piece featuring young girls, as well as having ties to a children's charity. It's amazing how many people who find themselves involved with the pizzagate investigation are in fact linked to various youth groups. Tie this in with the fact that the street cam that overlooks the entrance of Comet Pizza was mysteriously moved the day before the attack and quickly replaced afterwards and it is hard to ignore how many coincidences surround this pizza parlour.

Also, calling Comet Pizza a 'family restraunt' is the sickest joke I can imagine. Instagram pictures from James Alefantis' own account paint a very different and dark picture from what you may have been led to believe. No one in their right mind is going to take their child to a restraunt that showcases bizarre, pornographic and pedophilic art on it's walls, hires acts like Sasha Lord and advertises with naked men covering their genitals with a slice of pizza and a bottle of honey. This isn't Chuck E. Cheese we're talking about here, this is an establishment run by a deranged individual, seeking out like minded people in which to indulge their perversions.

We don't care we just think it's ridiculously funny.

I am new to this sub and have very little knowledge on the subject, but as soon as I saw Hillary apprehended trying to leave the country, I called fucking bullshit.

You're delusional.

So none of this happened. The 500 arrests in California this week were mostly Johns setup in a sting operation and the prostitutes themselves, a small portion of them were underage. Because some were underage it was sold as being part of this, which it simple is not. It was all low level.

This type of shit just makes us look bad, totally irresponsible.

If shit goes down and this turns out to be correct, great!!! Because they should bring the hammer down on these people, but I'll believe it when I see it.

This sub is such a joke. Why are people up voting this? This is even worse than fiction.

Pretty sure this is being pushed up by the opposition in another move to discredit this sub.

The vote ratio as of right now is 53% and was 65% when I checked a while ago, yet the net vote has gone up from like 530 to 857.

They should rename this sub to r/fanfiction

Sticking it to The Man!

You spent all that time trying to troll people?

TLDR? What the hell is this about? Hillary is in a pedophilia ring?


Great piece of journalism -- Its nice to see it all start to come together.

Glenn Beck knows too much about child porn methinks...

gay fake

Holy shit the shills are out in force on this one.

Yeah i know. Its sad, nothing but blind skepticism in this thread. They all sound really similar too.

Almost script like....

Do you not understand what happens when a post makes it to /r/all?

Do you even know what a shill is?

Oh man I am really new to reddit. And /r/conspiracy.. Why dont you explain it to me. Also if you guys are hiring, let me know.

Most of reddit is clueless about what's really going on.

When post reaches r/all, it gets flooded by these clueless people.

Hence the impression that 'shills' abound.

These kind of post are why no one takes this sub seriously.

You need help

How the fuck does this obviously fake bullshit news keep getting upvoted so quickly?

Not news. It's under conspiracy.

personally, I think shit like this gets forced to the top to make this sub look stupid/fucking crazy, but hey there's a reason I'm on this sub right

op are you in on the meme or do you actually still think this shit is real?

This is the most insane gathering of nonsense I've ever seen on Reddit.

CTR in full force in this thread

Theyre trying so hard too. Almost feel bad for them, such lifeless creatures.


The schizophrenic ramblings of a delusional redditor


OP is Obviously astroturfing to make this sub look deranged. How is this upvoted?

Wow, this subreddit is actually similar to /r/Politics, it's honestly annoying.

Low blow... haha... out of all the subs to compare this one to.

I won't hold my breath because this sounds so far fetched.

Y'all motherfuckers need Jesus.

For people who try to deeply delve into hidden sources and try to find out suppressed info, yall get duped pretty easily

I saw Eyes Wide Shut. This must be true!!

People who are downvoting this post have no appreciation for spicy memes and shitposts. I know it's early in the year, but I think this post has what it takes to be Best of 2017.

You are all fucking stupid.

You guys are goobs

Had this posted elsewhere, making it top level:

While many of the naysaying comments here are from "the left", your opposition here isn't "the left" as many would totally support a bust like this if it was based on facts. Your opposition is trolls from the_dick that upvote this just because it is anti-hillary.

Cycle is this:

This is a conspiracy - gets posted to conspiracies.

The_Dilusional sees that it is anti-hillary and push it to the moon.

Reaches r/all

Others see it, don't know the headline is in conspiracies when they click.

Oppose in comments.

conspiracy subscribers push back on negative comments.

seems like the fight is between conspiracy subscribers and "the left" that commented coming from all.

The left is not brigading you, the_d is overexposing these theories and making your sub look bad.;;t=21m25s

The bitch behind these videos is retarded. I've watched multiple and she just throws shit in, with clear explanations, but she is so deluded that she ignores it and makes shit up.

The guy was fixing the girls hair, then he swiped at it twice, clearing it. Biden was reaching to help, and saw that the guy had it under control. The swatting and Biden reaching were not related.

A report is coming out that Hillary Clinton


I will not provide source.

Yeah, so, might as well claim that toilet paper is now actually money while at it?

Gonna wait, not as if anyone can do anything, or has to do anything. If it's true, it'll come out soon enough.

Can someone make a resumé, thanks in advance. It looks like The Young And The Restless though.

The Clintons are private citizens - if they aren't being legally held, they can leave the country.

I'll never not be amazed how many times I see dailystormer links around these parts.

I don't want to be on this planet anymore dot jpg

Top of the frontpage-no tag calli g it the bullshit it is.

Thanks, mods.

So Roseanne Barr and Brietbart are well known legitimate sources but I won't be swayed until The Onion and Huff Post confirm.

I personally won't believe it 'til my grandma forwards a chain letter to confirm

I get my info exclusively from The Onion. They are the only ones not afraid of the truth!

this might be the dumbest thing ive read on this sub

Go ahead and remind me if anything happens. If Jimmy comet goes to jail or podesta or whatever. Im a pizzagate denier.

I doubt certain arrests of people in very high places could take place. They seem to be too powerful to touch. They did arrest Epstein and he was connected high up so it could happen but I don't think it will go all the way. At least now also law enforcement eyes have been put on Elefantis and his associates. The thing about these investigations is that we do have thousands of honest FBI and CIA agents investigating this stuff. I think that's how some cases are successful, but then also you might have the same pedos inside the government or Intelligence that may try and halt the investigations. But I think it's some of these honest FBI or CIA agents that "leak" this information out to to where then investigations and arrests are made. It's not done by "hacking" and it's just totally different.

They didn't stop Epstein, he plead out of a 30+ year sentence to serve 13 of the 18 months sentenced in his own wing of a prison that he didn't have to be at for 16 hours of every day.

The system is beyond repair. You have the MP pedo's in Britain too. It is a universal problem. Eventually one day it'll all get straightened out.

The entire system would have to be overturned for any actual change to occur but that's not going to happen through human effort. It will have to be a Higher Power intervening.

So this is the post that got me off Reddit. God damnit, why?

Do you want to buy a time-share?

Just wow, points fucking fake ass points. This is/was a fake story from top to bottom but it stayed on the truth sub for points . You conspiracy fuckers are the only sub that has the internet right to remove shit cuz it doesn't fit your prerogative.

Huh... could you rephrase that?

I think democrats are protesting Sessions because he's racist as fuck.


Google the asshole.

Hahahhahahahahahahhahah Clinton arrested trying to leave the country.

This is a fantastic example that you people will believe anything as long as you want it to be true.

I'm really not sure if I'm still living on planet earth.

Am I dead? Am I in a coma? Is my brain making all of this random, garbled bullshit up just to play with me?

I read through this post and I just couldn't believe that I wasn't in some fucked up nightmare.

OP, do you HONESTLY believe any of this? I'm finding it really fucking difficult to believe that you didn't just spend time compiling a list of bullshit articles just to troll this subreddit.

Now I've believed in some wacky shit before, but this is crossing the line. Hell, it didn't just cross it - it went over it with a steamroller and pissed out the window as it did it.

Thanks for making me question my sanity, my existence and my reality, you beautiful nutjob.

Stick around this sub for more things to make you question your sanity... what do you think about vaccines?

A necessity. Overused in certain areas of the world, perhaps - but still a necessity.

Some think they're awful. Some think they're amazing.

Even if there are risks involved with having them, I'm sure they've saved more lives than they've caused autism.

So you think that vaccines cause autism? You should stick around this sub... there's plenty more stuff for you to read.

Note how I said "even if"?

I'm not sure how acknowledging a possibility translates to me thinking it is true, but alright.

Nice conclusion.

I guess I misinterpreted you... Sorry.

I forgive you, Ninjakick.

Good... cause I got a piping hot chicken pot pie I wouldn't enjoy as much if I thought I pissed you off.

I hope you enjoy that chicken pot pie as much as I've enjoyed this conversation with you, because that'll mean you really enjoy that chicken pot pie.

It was delicious... now time to go to bed with a full belly.

Why are you acting like a self declared defender and friend of Epstein is a defender of at risk youth/children? If your gonna tie everything together, you can't just ignore whatever doesn't fit your own narrative.

This post must have taken you hours to type up, and really I just have to wait another 12 hours to see that everything discussed in it was bullshit. I hope someone pays you for this garbage.

I wonder if pizzagate is going to be use as an excuse for a coup.

You think someone is going to topple Trump because of Pizzagate?

No, I think he might use it as an excuse to clean out his rivals.

How stupid do you have to be to believe this??

Bigly stupid. The biglyest.

to believe in pinzzagate= not stupid, to believe the globe as a source of information= pretty god damn stupid

And just like that, about 3~ hours after its posted and once its reached /all pages, discrediting information starts pouring in. Like clockwork.

Reddit didn't remove the downvoat count for nothing! What good is controlling the narrative when we can tell that's what you're doing.

holy fuck this subreddit is filled with fucking idiots and bot spammers

I stopped reading at Glenn Beck.

Hilary is getting arrested

Yeah... you're going to understand why I'm skeptical of that .... right?

I want this to be true... but I'm not seeing anything that suggests it's even remotely true.

I won't believe it until Trump tweets it.

We have the best flights to Bahrain don't we, folks?

When people wonder no one takes this sub seriously, this is why.

This is just ridiculous.

OP's only resources to this claim are youtube videos of dudes talking asking you to like their video and tabloids like the globe.

OP is being a bundle of sticks. She was not stopped leaving the country because she never tried to leave. She is busy working on her next book so she can make another few million selling out and talking about it. Not doubting pizza gate, but when you use websites that are all about the return of Batboy and bigfoot fathering children as a source, and youtube videos of fruitcakes getting their panties in a bunch, you detract from the cause and make the whole case look like it is an assumption of a bunch of internet detectives.

OP, Shut the fuck up! You are making the circumstances look fucking insane and detracting from the actual truth in Pizzagate. You give us all a bad name and make people chalk it up to more internet sleuths who have nothing else to do between MMOs and wank sessions.

Hahahaha, come on man, at least make it sound credible, Clinton fleeing to Bahrain? Really!

Horse shit. That Biden clip is just ridiculous. You cunts will believe anything.

glenn beck.

wikipedia is a more reliable source.

First source is some cunt standing in front of moon wallpaper. Seems legit.

I'm going to tag this to come back here when none of this happens just to watch you rely on these same garbage sources a week from now anyway. r/conspiracy. Those of us that live here can take this post, parse into wheat and chaff as a matter of course and file it as pertinent to the times all while laughing wirh mirth and amazement at the butthurt, the outrage (both real and faux) from shills and others . If real, holy shit. If fake , we move on. This aint our first rodeo so if.its too hot in here dont come in the kitchen, go bitch at the Globe if you need to vent.

When you're taking flack, you know that you're over the target.

"If real, holy shit. If fake, we move on"

Except it doesn't work like that. You can't just throw out wild accusations with zero proof and be like "oh well, I was wrong". This level of McCarthyism has got to stop!

Is this a joke?

Maybe that's what all the Ben Swann stuff was about..He could of had push back telling him not to continue pushing it while they're being investigated

Hopefully it's happening

All right, /r/conspiracy, time to filter you out of /r/all.

It's way past due. Take a look at the subreddit that's proven conspiracies... The newest post is always so old. This is just literally insane people who think that they're 'connecting the dots.' It's really sad and pathetic .

You think the FBI went to 4chan for help with an investigation? God you're so gullible.

John McCain and Lindsey Graham. Those fuckers goin down!

Tell Hill that there may be an extra room at the Honduras Embassy

How does it feel to devote so much time and energy to absolute nonsense?

What if Ben Swann's post about Tzuday Feb. 1 he really meant the first Tuesday in February meaning the 7th?

Top post on r/conspiracy...uses 4chan and infowars as sources.

Lol Jesus.

They're more credible than CNN. Disney gets more ratings and viewers than CNN.

go back to TD retard.

She posted on twitter 6 hours ago so I don't think this is true, her staff wouldn't post if she was facing the death penalty for treason.

I don't think I've seen CTR working a Sunday in over a month.


Get real jobs. Help your fellow man for once instead of arguing on the internet for pennies.

You're delusional.

I don't think anything I've said so far suggests that. But hey, I hope you're having a good weekend. Personally I'm stuck at work.

Delusional people don't know they're delusional.

Well, duh.

Clearly this post is reaching too far, but the amount of people commenting their disagreement with it makes me wonder why they all feel the need to explicitly state how stupid they think it is. Tons of posts on conspiracy make r/all, many with thousands more upvotes than this and are just as unsubstantiated. I have never seen anything more violently opposed than threads on pizzagate. Say what you will about the lack of concrete proof, there is a lot of strange things that people have dug up. Does that mean there's definitely a pedo ring high up within our government? No, but it does mean the type of people who frequent subs like this are going to look into it as much as humanly possible. Like, what do you think telling them their 'cause' is stupid is going to do? Make them stop investigating? No, they're only going to try harder and accuse you of being a shill or whatever. You are wasting your time commenting here about how stupid posts like this are. You're not going to convince anyone who already buys into it, and if it's as stupid as you say, no sane person would ever consider the possibility of this being accurate. You're just making what you're trying to silence louder. Congratu-fucking-lations

If you go to /r/conspiracy/all/top I guarantee you most of the top posts will have people from /all calling it bs.

Your interpretation of hundreds of shills invading the sub specifically because of the nature of this story is wrong.

Reread what I wrote. Did I ever say the people commenting their disapproval are shills?

Too much brigading and post slamming. The amount of engineered upvoting is beyond normal.

This is so laughably ridiculous. I mean, read the Q&A.

It's amazing how much you can make out of so little.

I don't get Hillary's involvement in all this whole pedo-gate fiasco. Is she raping young boys or girls? I find it hard to believe an older woman with that kind of fetish.

Chuck Schumer, yeah, I can see him being a pedo. That whole family (Amy Schumer) is just all kinds of nasty. Disgusting if true.

LOL. It's funny because if you look up Steve Bannon, he's the dude that was at Goldman Sachs who decided to fund IGE, which was the company Brock Pierce and Marc Collins-Rector founded after DEN imploded. Goldman was also pretty pivotal in funding DEN and Collins-rector's other companies before he founded DEN. Anyway pizzagaters then point to "An Open Secret" as proof of pizzagate when An Open Secret was trying to expose Marc Collins-Rector who got money from Goldman because of Steve Bannon. Like.

She PROVIDING the children, allegedly

Holy fuck! That's even worse. What's her motivation? Everything about this whole thing is weird.



Let's call it "Operation Bullshit" - cuz it ain't happening.


I'm I being played?

My nuts need a good sucking. A good Pizzagate sucking.

Open wide...

NOTHING is happening guys. Here is what really happened today. It's a drug trafficking bust with associates in Washington DC.

I want pizzagate investigated too. But let's not hype everyone up for no reason.

Easy to search

Law Enforcement Arrests Alleged Drug Traffickers, Gang Members and Associates in Mississippi and Washington

Posts like these are fucking cancer. If you're still falling for "4chan insider" bullshit after all these years then you are completely hopeless. You're being made a fool of by some 12 year old LARPer using his parents computer in between homework assignments.

The Globe.

What's next, Weekly World News and exciting stories about Batboy?

Fuck this bullshit. If you use The Globe as a source for anything in this sub, you should be fucking ashamed of yourself. For fuck's sake, they advertise right on their main page, where you would have to go to find this story, that they will pay ANYONE FOR ANY STORY THAT THEY DECIDE TO PRINT, no questions asked. Pitch a wild story, get that cash mon-ayyyy!

Fuck it, I'm going to start posting Batboy stories to /r/conspiracy every couple of days. I'll just spice them up with some #BatFucker tags, maybe some claims that there's a worldwide bestiality cult run by...fuck, why not Tony Danza. Yeah, fucking Tony Danza pimps out bats, llamas, and Pekingese puppies in the basement of a government building at Minot AFB. The Libertarians are in on it! Just them. No other politicians, just Libertarians. And...ummm...the Boy Scouts are secretly the security force for all of the meetings! Yeah. There we go, now to send that story to The Globe, Weekly World News, and The Enquirer, profit, then start flooding Conspiracy with this story. Fuck yeah.

The Fucking Globe.

I need to go back and see the exact moment that this sub died. I've got a suspicion it was the day Trump announced his candidacy.

Take it easy there chief

Shhh. I wanna see where this goes...

I think we are going to see more and more posts like this until this sub along with the topic become completely de-legimitized.

This makes zero sense and has no credible evidence.

Fuck you are stupid.

There goes your credibility.

So... Nothing happened...

Wait until after the expected time to say that.

What's the expected time? I'll come back and make the same comment and see what reply you have then.

It seems the main prediction of mass arrests is for "Monday or Tuesday", ie today or tomorrow. I won't hold my breath, but yeah...

why?!?! anyone that has the sense they were born with knows its not gonna fuckin happen!

Some of it kinda came true already. Big bust in Haiti saving 31 kids. Granted, OP dump a huge pile of crap and something happened to mostly stick.


How does it feel to be vindicated?

I don't understand how you are smoking a victory cigar based on a Glenn Beck rumor.

And even if it is true, we are talking about children being raped, not about how you/we would feel anything if it was exposed. No one wins here.

fake news is fake.

lol Fuck Glenn Beck

i just saw the Joe Biden video... ffs stop wasting our time.

This just may be one of the most amazing days and weeks... Ever. All those times everyone around us laughed at us, attacked us and declared us crazy. All that may end today. Including the suffering of innocent children at the hands of these "untouchables".

Sooo yeah this would be great, but not a single bit of proof or a source of Hillary being "stopped from boarding a plane to a country that doesn't extradite to the US."

Pretty sure it'd be big fkn news if that actually happened

I know Beck's tweet is posted because he's talking about pizzagate but... He only started recently when it looked like it was really gonna happen :/

Shills changed their strategy, instead of downvoting they are just forcing their propoganda by commenting on hordes

" I will not provide any picture's for proof as I don't feel like clearing metadata."


This is sad. RIP /r/conspiracy Was interesting reading stuff here. Time to unsubscribe


There's nothing here about the Reverse Vampires. Glaring omission. Hightower suspicious.


The clue was "Hillary was caught trying to board the plane to go to a country that doesn't have extradition....... any report worth it's salt would have known which country if it knew that country didn't extradite.

I saw the Globe article and it said it was Bahrain.

Thanks. But the article was still horse feathers.

Holy shit what's going on??

There should be a limit to the size of a text post.

I eagerly await your next post in 24 hours about how $hiliary bribed her way past heroic FBI agents so you can pretend that you were never wrong.

Ops comment when even the_donald called his post bullshit

Can we all agree that even if this is a bunch of B.S. - that this is something worth memeing into existence?

No op, that's bit how any of this works.

Hilary is so jammed up she tweeted about lady Gaga?

You guys are unhinged.

12 hours later, how much of this has actually happened?

And a member of Trump's inner circle on an AMA also confirmed Trump is aware of Pizzagate:;utm_medium=user&amp;utm_source=reddit

Doesn't mention that at all


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If you load more comments the question he replied to asks about pizzagate.

Lol this thread got shilly. Left vs right politics like we give a fuck.

Right? I've seen one saying it's all bullshit in two separate replies. Not replying to other comments, I mean replying to the main story twice.

It's ridiculous. Left vs Right is keeping us in the same place we've been for a long time.

Every weekend this bullshit is forced upon us. Luckily every weekend we pick up more free thinkers. That's why ultimately this is the best sub on reddit. We are a bit immune to these brigades

Once you know what to look for, they become pretty obvious. I saw a lot of the same behavior during the initial CTR push during the primaries.

I just tag the names for reference later and just move on.

Sad to see that over 90% of commentators here are outright declaring it crazy and are first time commenting on this sub. People here are flocking and commenting that ban this post. This is a conspiracy sub. Any and every type of conspiracy can be discussed. It is called conspiracy because it has not been proven yet.

There have been numerous incidents where conpiracies have come out to be true. This may be one such case. Why deny that pedophillic rings have existed in western society. Several of those have busted in last couple of years.

The idea of this sub is maybe. Maybe pizzagate is real maybe not but it is better to have a discussion than not having one.

It is a well written post and op has privided his obsevations. You can discuss on its merit and challenge it with counter views. But if history has taught us anything then we must try to go deeper than to abandon any conspiracy for too many of them have come true.

Why is it hard to think that a large scale of underground child sex ring is not possible? Is is logistics or about keeping it a secret? Because both are possible.

He claims hillary is in handcuffs after being lifted by "Trumps team" in Bahrain.

Thats why most comments are calling bullshit.

And he uses stormfront and grocery store tabloids as sources.

Yes, and we will all live, we understand those are pour sources. Thanks for coming into our sub and shooting the messenger while providing zero insight on the pedo ring within our government. We know our fucking sub. Every fucking weekend you turds come in here and muddy the waters and every fucking weekend we pick up more free thinkers. Obviously there are probably going to be arrest concerning all the pedos in the government, who knows when, but it'll happen. And I can guaran fucking tee we don't care if it's right, left, independent. Politics is a farce and these people are evil. Take back your free will brother

When the messenger is delivering shit to my doorstep I'm gonna shoot him every time.

Thanks for trying to frame this ridiculous story as somehow worthy of discussion.

Show me a victim that hillary has raped or transported, show me a picture of John Podesta balls deep in a child. Then we'll talk.

He also said the globe is a tabloid and is unreliable. He doesnt deny it.

When investigative journalists research the Clinton Foundation and missing children they often end up dead. Watch the George Webb series. Id rather error on the side of protecting innocent children than dismiss it flat out. I believe they are waiting for Sessions to be sworn in as AG before they can act.

George Webb is a liar man.

I gave up after he started spouting nonsense about Eric Braverman.

The Braverman story originated on Sorcha Faal, familiar to my conspiracy friends as made up bullshit:

Perhaps someone should alert lying George Webb that Braverman is not missing, never was missing and is taking up a new role in Alphabet, Google's parent company.

Could there be a pedophile ring operating within government? Yes, it's possible. However there isn't any evidence there is.

Isolated cases in Norway or California does not evidence make!

Out of curiousity I checked your account,it is merely 10 days old. All you have been doing is commenting on posts related to pizzagate. You are baiting too hard. Am I suppose to understand that an account 10 days old has a full grasp over what has been going on for so many months in various subs that are running or has been banned.

Is their any ulterior motive to do this?

When you comment that there is no evidence there is, then I must tell you that this sub and many banned other subs are digging and trying to find some. An evidence will only be found if an investigation is done. There isn't much a sub can do than to discuss it and find something worth. People in this sub are doing that,trying to unearth some.

Refrain from shilling hard.

Don't bother with shills they are raiding subs for the special purpose of stopping pizzagate

Also pizzagate sub was banned

This is the greatest conspiracy since 9/11 yet more people will be accepting to the truth.

You'd think Trump and Putin combined could afford a better calibre of shill, but apparently not.

I thought this post was funny until​ I saw the level of effort and detail that op put into this. Now I'm just sad for op.

Shoot the messenger all you want, it helps you stand out. Regardless of your strong feelings towards the messenger, hopefully the day of reckoning for the establishment pedos is not far off. Right, left, independent, who cares. Hasert has friends. Be a grown up about this. Take back your free will and reject the farce that is politics.

Jesus fucking christ. You people are completely fucking insane. Pizzagate was never real and now you're saying the Clintons were arrested? AND you're linking Breibart?

"Pizzagate was never real"

Looked pretty fucking real to me.

What was real about it? Like actually real? Not speculation, something actually concrete!

Looked real.

You SAW pizzagate happen?

oh wayne, there are pedo rings within our government everywhere. hassert is from my home state, dude is straight evil. Gacy is from my home state as well, gacy serviced over 30k people in his ring, many high profile washington elites. Read more my brother! Look forward to hearing from you once this all sinks in. Fucked up world we live in. We need to move past politics and take back control of our reality. Our government runs pedo rings, this is not something for you to dispute, it's now on you to educate yourself

It's incredible how people like you are for real.

I am you brother. We will both end up in the same place. Try to keep from fighting with your brothers and dividing your fellow man. I am you and you are me.

You're like a troll right? This is all satirical? Nobody is actually like this.

No troll. Just a free thinker. Stick around, I'm sure you have some amazing ideas concerning the world around us.

I think dogs should be able to vote.

I thought you were the troll. There are pedophile rings worldwide involving powerful people. The NYPD chief of detectives said the emails on Weiner's laptop revealed numerous crimes including child exploitation linked to the Clinton Foundation. Get your head out of the sand.

LOL. Get your head out of InfoWars and Breitbart, the only 2 publications that reported that, er I mean, made it up.

Strange how /u/alexbella is replying to anyone who responded to /u/KingJames19

Strange indeed.

I'm on OG son, got users turned red all over this sub. Best if you stick around and get a feel for this sub. What is your favorite conspiracy

Favourite conspiracy right now is probably the Trump/russia stuff.

Doesn't seem to get much traction here.

I should tell you KingJames19, this is not my first nor my only account here but thanks for your advice.

But you got to go past that, obviously if the Trump Russia stuff has legs, it's orchestrated by TPTB. What are the motivations of TPTB concerning that conspiracy

I don't belive in tptb.

But you said you post here a lot. Haven't seen anyone on this sub, which is built around the idea of tptb, reject tptb. Interesting stuff homey, I look forward to your posts in the future after this current brigade dies down. Aren't you ready for this sub to get back to normal?

I didn't say I post here a lot.

I like conspiracy theories that have a basis in the reality I acknowledge.

I don't like the ones predicated on a huge network of darkness which operates out of plain sight.

And if this sub ever gets back to how it was 2 years or so ago I'll be overjoyed.

Well this sub certainly wasn't talking shitty political conspiracies two years ago, so I'm with you.

One of the best posts of all time!

Brietbart has taken more time researching their stories than CNN does. I'd say they're as credible as any MSM source. I mean Dems use Slate magazine, Buzzfeed, Huff Po as valid sources.

Breitbart has released dozens of fake news stories. Alex Jones is a complete and utter hack. And Huff Po used to be good before they started pandering to the far left.

CNN has released dozens of fake news stories as well. I say consult multiple sources.

Fuck you people are delusional...

Damn bro. Write a book. Insane amount of conspiracy here.

There is something very effective about this approach to bringing something into the public conscious. Start with the fringe communities on the internet and slowly bubble up into the mainstream. This bubbling up through various paths together with a possible viral aspect ensure very organic and natural results.

Maybe pizzagate is supposed to make it into everyone's mind that way to make it easier to forge evidence and arrest opposition.

Oh boy! News Magazine is back! Tell me, how is BatBoy doing? Still a marine?

including an alleged FBI/DOJ "insider" on 4chan

They should really put critical thinking back on high school curriculums.

LOL I love this sub. Its like the onion but so serious.

You all are motherfucking idiots over here. Shit.

Sure is feeling a bit shilly in here! Lots of gaslighting and personal attacks against people defending pizzagate as being real, disproportionate amounts of upvotes on anti-PG posts, nothing to see here...

"According to the tabloid, officials from the Trump administration intercepted her trying to board the flight. SuperStation95 has not been able to confirm the claims made in the story, but the fact that the newspaper is already selling in stores makes their headline worthy of our notice. The magazine could not say such things if they knew them to be false, because that would be slander/libel/Defamation of Character."

I'm not so sure about that.

the challenge: make up a whole bunch of bullshit and see who you can get to repeat it.

Dude, all of this is pure speculation and assumptions that don't make any sense. Please go outside more.

Holllllly shit. What infinitesimally small shred of credibility this sub had is now forever destroyed. I mean jesus christ people, give pizzagate a fucking rest. it's bullshit. complete and utter bullshit. hillary isnt running a fuckin pedophile ring under a god damn pizza shop. stop being monumental idiots.

Lol, all this rant and nothing hapened, good job op

We have further confirmation from Benjamin Fulford. Maybe he can be right this time.

This sounds like Bullshit.

There are so many astounding real things happening in the world right now, and you people are just focused on the fake Pizzagate, it's beyond pathetic.

We focus on pedo rings, ufos, antarctica, energy from the vacuum, the moon, ets, ancient history....all of that..stick around after the brigade dies down and join in. We love asking questions, that's why this sub continues to grow and why it is the best community on reddit. People have a lot of questions and that's a good thing. We will all find our truths together when we demand to read from the same page. Look forward to your contributions to this sub

You're asking the wrong questions when you become a partisan horde for the Donald, a "useful idiot" is a formal term used by academic researchers:

I recommend you read up on it.

I reject all politicians and government, point blank period.

......but have the name of a book created to govern with its politics 😂

Or you know, a basketball player

Even sillier lol

let go of division brother. welcome to the sub.

In conspiracy we understand all sports are rigged, and are the opiate of the masses.

No? Just me?

Oh sports, especially on TV, are nothing more than advertisements to dumb down the masses. However, I was just out for a run and was thinking about how exercise sharpens our mind. And why people are encouraged to sacrifice health for a dollar bill. If the mind sharpens when we exercise, why are we not given mandatory time for exercise?

I agree! Time outside in nature, especially being physical is so important and underestimated. Instead of encouraging us to get out and do, we're encouraged to grab a beer, some Doritos and just watch.

I mean come the fuck on people. This shit is delusional and sad. Some of you might legit have mental issues.

Ahhhh, 4chan LARPing has ruined Pizzagate. People who are into this conspiracy get to riled up over nothing a lot of the time. All of the shit that happened in the beginning was legit, a lot of this nonsense is just the product of over speculation. Everything in 2017 has been a waste.

I can't believe anyone believes this

Oh look at that bullshit at /r/conspiracy. Imagine my surprise....

""Dropping a small piece of information, take it however you may. I will not provide any picture's for proof as I don't feel like clearing metadata. I likely will not reply back to any questions, unless they are questions I do not mind answering.""

stopped reading here. show proof or shut up

Hmm sounds like more wishful bullshit.

Just like the shit right before the election

This Just In: Hillary and Bill found in Central Park sharing a young child's small intestine reminiscent of Lady and the Tramp spaghetti scene. Tabloids.

All of the truth will come to light.

Absolutely smashing post. Well done. These kinds of posts are so important. And impressive. Good work. Can't say enough good things. Keep it up.

Posts like this make me want to unsubscribe from this sub.

I wonder how much money the shills in this thread make collectively?

And hey, buddy of mine that works at the shill building in Bethesda, I hate what you do, I hate how much they pay you, BUT text me when you come across the river and let's get a beer and argue about ethics again.

imagine being the kind of idiot that thinks every response to his ridiculous fantasy conspiracies is someone paid by the master conspirator to mock them

If it turns out to be BS. Are you going to apologize for wasting my time with your long ass diatribe?

OP, I'm removing this post. In the unlikely event that Hillary is actually in police custody, I will be happy to reinstate it.

Lol a lil late for that. Idk how this was in the #1 spot for so long.

Alt-right circle jerk fantasy.

So enough fuss can get anything removed? This seems a slippery slope. We've tolerated much nuttier shit posted here for years. The only possible reason for this action in completed disregard of historic precedence, is outside pressure. The much crazier and even more poorly sourced things posted here, didn't make it to /r/all and didn't get a bunch of outside crybabies and CTR's on the lobby and death threat patrol.

Do you think the Clintons have been apprehended?

That is totally irrelevant. Do you think flat Earth is proven? Whataboutism to the max on that point. I mean really, the quality of sources is irrelevant to a theory. OP obviously put a decent amount of effort into collecting sources and forming a conspiracy theory. All theories aren't going to be winners and many of them are not going to be based on solid sources or information. Otherwise, just post it in /r/news instead. It is one thing if OP was just trolling, with or without a brigade crew, but it is another thing to remove conspiracy theories because they seem unlikely or poorly sourced. I really expected the mods to scoff at /r/all's misplaced outrage, as they've always done in the past.

The research and links provided by the OP can be recycled in another post with a more suitable title. It doesn't need to proven, but it shouldn't be false.

If I post a "conspiracy " about it will that be allowed here?

It's just mods reinforcing the conspiracy since they cant even allow reasonable discourse in /r/conspiracy.

We got any way to vote out the mod?

I wouldn't suggest an attack on the mod, as something tells me it was a group decision that weighed heavily. I'm sure they felt quite a squeeze of pressure. Despite mass reporting, whining to the mods, and other lobbying, they may have been pressured by Reddit administration. The whole ministry of truth associated with the "fake news" cop-out, might have brought the fascism of Reddit admin down on our mods.

Do you honestly believe CTR is still running?

I think there are dozens of CTR's running, by many companies, governments, and organizations for many reasons. "CTR" is just a recognizable name.

There are certainly Ron's of propaganda firms in operation.

Brock created a whole new group with more millions from Soros. They are planning four years of attacks on everything from Trumps presidential actions to how he goes to the restroom & if he's doing it correctly.

His plans consist of American Bridge, Crew & Share Blue.

Is there an alternate conspiracy forum similar to how /r/RationalPsychonaut is a more reasonable version of /r/psychonaut? I found the real conspiracies or whatever subreddit, but the posts are only about proven historical conspiracies. Is there a subforum that allows for speculation inside a reasonable spectrum that isn't full of bullshit chain-mail tabloid garbage and frothing at the mouth Trump supporters? This place is a shithole.

There are plenty of invite only subs... but you won't get invited with that attitude.

Is there an internet archive of this anywhere ? I want to read it but can't find any :(

Bullshit, till its confirmed... Right?

Wow that's an insanely long post full of bullshit... OP you need to get outside a little I think.

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not that I don't despise everything clinton. But come ON, people.

fakey mcfakerson.

lol OP deleted his account!

The shills flooded into this thread.

For some reason I can't up ore this from my mobile.

it is known worldwide that both clintons, soros and other highly ranked US establishment members as well as in Europe are in a phedophile ring, loads of suspects before as welll from pizzagate leaks. To me the reason they want to bout Trump and delay Gorsuch. Drain the swamp

Chitter chatter splatter, you Sir are a Genius, I can tell!!

It could even be that it is true, but just a regular pedo op and has nothing to do with Pizza gate. We all want these fucks to get theirs, but if it was being tweeted 2 hours before it even begins, that's pretty sad Operations wise.

Ad revenue

So Glenn Beck has no motivation to lie (for ratings) but the liberal media only lies? The lack of logic is astounding.

I fought for it to be called pedogate, when that was an option, but to not accept that it's pizzagate now is like being self-conscious of a visible scar. It's way cooler to own it.

He’s a Zionist paid shill, so the fact that he gets paid to do it would be his motivation.


Yeah, why would someone with the domain name pizza gate. Com have to lie about info to drive people and money to his site? /s

Lol shut the fuck up he called out the rothchilds




There's no conspiracy. It hits front page and all the conspiratards lose their shit when their bubble bursts and new and differing opinions become available. This is all anyone needs to know about this sub. They're so into conspiracies they are incapable of separating the real world from the "everything is a setup" world. It's not difficult to connect the dots but here... it really is too difficult.

They actually believe they can fight this, that they can get away with it.

people just typically stay out of topics here that they don't like

Yep, can confirm. When I see bullshit threads where tabloids speculate about ancient aliens in antarctica, I don't go into the comments to insult everyone who thinks ancient predator aliens built pyramids for their game of hunting xenomorphs.

I believe sumthing is going down soon.. fck the people downvoting

I post in here regularly.

Don't take something specific personally, unless the specific applies to you.

You aren't a white knight. Not everyone is attacking the sub.

This shit is stupid, whether you white knight it specifically or not.

We have had multiple big busts as of recently, once those victims start coming forward and the media airs what they have to say, then you will have your victims.

Most regulars in this sub could care less about being made fun of on reddit, including myself.

False flag to discredit the real announcements when they begin.

This is what paid CTR accounts do on a platform like reddit. It's obvious.

Just cuz you have the intelligence of a low grade paper pusher doesn't mean this shit is not happening. Or even that this kind of scenario is not possible.

Reddit didn't remove the downvoat count for nothing! What good is controlling the narrative when we can tell that's what you're doing.

Good... cause I got a piping hot chicken pot pie I wouldn't enjoy as much if I thought I pissed you off.

are you sure it isnt the 1200 upvotes?

Yep, and look at the post histories of the negative posters. Most of them are just from the defaults / other lame subreddits.

Isn't that exactly what Pizzagate itself is?

It's literally using a headline from a supermarket tabloid that is provably bullshit.

Lol!! Ur doing the reddit username thing. An original classic

An typo




lol it's much more than just posts like this that makes everyone laugh at you wack-a-doodles

Hard hitting facts.

It's a conspiracy!

Well no not really as America uses the electoral college. Technically he was more unpopular than clinton as she got the popular vote.

I'm not a mod at /r/the_Donald.

What's embarrassing are the users coming in here expecting to have it their way and believe how this sub operates.

Not news. It's under conspiracy.

personally, I think shit like this gets forced to the top to make this sub look stupid/fucking crazy, but hey there's a reason I'm on this sub right

Pretending it didn't happen isn't going to brainwash the people who saw it go down.

Two or three posts that would have been ranked highest participation of all time on this sub were removed, otherwise they would be on the front page when sorted by "top".

You don't need "all"... just the right targeted ones.

It's certainly not a showstopper under the electoral college, as evidenced by Trump losing the popular vote by a significant margin. There's also two more major factors to consider with your less-than-scathing rebuttal:

The first is the spread of "Trumpgret". As people realize he's going to strip them of the ACA keeping them alive, or that he truely did mean his campaign promises literally, or simply as they note he's unable to gracefully accomplish even the most simple tasks. I imagine this plays a part in his historically low approval ratings for a new president.

And secondly, reddit is an international website and I hate to break it to you, but Trump is no more popular overseas. Countries around the world were shocked that so many Americans could cast so many votes for someone with so many personal and professional failings. The general concensus around the world was a simple "What the fuck?". Those people also submit stories, vote on content and leave comments.

Trump being openly mocked on Reddit isn't some liberal conspiracy -- it's exactly in line with worldwide sentiment about his presidency.

Are we looking at the same sub? People love commenting on topics that they don't like. Tons of users just upvote things they like and move on without even looking at the comment section but when something is transparent bullshit the top comments are always the ones calling it out. It's also a highly controversial post. Even though the score is just 800 some now, it has like 5,000 downvotes.

Oh yes, definitely 100% real. Look at all this real evidence. The real missing children. The victims coming forw... whoops, nevermind.

How much do wanna bet first terrorist attack in his term will also be the first one this sub doesn't say a peep about false flags and crisis actors. I'd put money on it.

I like this thread. Those of us shining a light on the Donald followers seem to be getting the upvotes. Maybe there is hope for humanity after all?

That is a pretty shitty message to send. Why do you want to urge people to not persecute pedophiles?

50% upvoted. More like r/all deniers brigade.

It's posts like yours that make this sub the laughing stock of this site.

shrug, like any subreddit there's hits and misses-- which people who subscribe won't necessarily agree on.

i come here for the open mindedness of the posters and the "non-mainstream narrative" discussions.

the idea that it's a laughing stock of the site is to be expected... people have low tolerance for new and unfamiliar things, and the content of this sub is particularly easy to dismiss or laugh at without appreciating the value of being able to float wild ideas and discuss them.

I'm a lotta things, but I can assure you naïve is not one of them.

The big conspiracy is what is up with all the negative comments... people just typically stay out of topics here that they don't like... the regular userbase doesn't just drop in with a line of snark and then bounce.

Because it gets upvoted enough to get within the top few pages of /r/all.

because dead people are loaded with it it has the highest value and it can live up to 17 days very transportable

You are welcome.

I'm more talking about people catching her lying under oath, violating laws related to handling classified information, and of course the destruction of evidence after being subpoenaed.

Can't find evidence if you destroy it right? ( Insert meme of that black dude pointing to his head )

Let's also keep an eye on the Anthony Weiner case. From what I've read it sounds like they've caught him both sending and receiving illicit messages from underage girls.

If the girl lives in another state, it falls under trafficking CP I believe, and is a 10 year mandatory minimum federal prison sentence.

So we'll just need to pay attention to that and see if he gets special treatment.

What's the expected time? I'll come back and make the same comment and see what reply you have then.

Do you honestly believe Iran seeks to spread "sharia law" throughout the world?

I've obviously only been here a short time, how did the sub handle his cabinet picks?

You may be right (even a stopped clock is...), but it would not be reasonable to think so.

And it doesn't look like people get banned for having different opinions either, which is definitely a refreshing change.

I'd give the tape a listen again. He essentially is stating a truth. If you're rich and powerful, a good amount of women will LET you (implying consent) do anything, even grab em by the Pu$$ as in joking of how much they'll let you do just because you have money attached to you. Doesn't sound great, but widely blown out of perpetration.

Any additional comments from you on this?

i dunno. im a regular here and im pretty fuckin snarky when its something i think is obvious bullshit.

why?!?! anyone that has the sense they were born with knows its not gonna fuckin happen!

You can take the true information I shared and parse it how you want. That's your right as an individual. If you want to be hyperbolic and condescending to your fellow travelers that's on you as a person.

They probably have no need to write the material themseleves, they just need to direct bots to upvote the crazy content that they do find.