Trump against the cabal?

7  2017-02-06 by [deleted]



I just want to know how I can believe that this guy is working with the defectors when he is doing weird stuff.

You can't. He's big business and a politician. The only belief you can be sure of is that they have their own interest at heart, not yours.

The only belief you can be sure of is that they have their own interest at heart, not yours.

You do not know that for sure.

Trump is all about the Business Class, his populism shtick was something that Roger Stone told him do.

I wanted to believe he would truly shake things up and slow down or stop globalism, but then the first thing he did was appoint half a dozen corporate CEO's as his cabinet.

Time will tell. That being said, all immigration should be banned, and the DAPL should be built with American steel.

I think it's fairly clear he is a puppet

How so?

Who do you thinks owns Steve Bannon? Trump is a Mercer Puppet, and he is a bit of a Koch puppet with Reince Preibus, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Rick Perry, and what not. Plus, there is the influence of Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly as well.

It's a case of a) rip a band-aid off or b) slowly peel it off. I don't believe in government, nor do I support Trump, but honestly time will tell. I see Trump approaching this with B. I think he should use A, but methinks we have a long way to go, before the US is ready for that. At the end of the day, no one truly knows. Truly, interesting times...

It's a case of a) rip a band-aid off or b) slowly peel it off. I don't believe in government, nor do I support Trump, but honestly time will tell.

If Trump had any intention of getting rid of the "cabal" he would go after the Military Industrial Complex, which is something he is unwilling to do considering he believes Obama didn't spend enough on your military budget, which is just corporate welfare for the Business Class. But time will tell, but Trump learned from Roy Cohn, there is no fucking way he will challenge that system, he is going to embrace it.

I'm not too sure about that. He really did say: "fuck you" to the Catholic elites at that dinner, who control the MIC (imo). Like I said, it's truly a case of ripping the band-aid off or peeling it off. Both, have pros and cons...

He really did say: "fuck you" to the Catholic elites at that dinner, who control the MIC (imo)

What? This is the first I have heard of this, the Catholics in this country control the MIC, do you have any proof of this?

Like I said, it's truly a case of ripping the band-aid off or peeling it off. Both, have pros and cons... Just my two cents...

He still has do some peeling for your case to be true, and he hasn't done any yet.

What? This is the first I have heard of this, the Catholics in this country control the MIC, do you have any proof of this?

Yeah, check out the Catholic Dinner him and Hilary attended. Also, yes, I do... Check out the theory of Tri-Sovereign States.

TL;DR. Rome never fell but diversified into three Sovereign territories (The Vatican - Religion, The City of London - Banking, and The District of Columbia - Military).

Most (if not all) ranking MIC brass and Intelligence (CIA,NSA, etc etc) are Jesuits or Jesuit trained. I get a lot of heat, even here, for proposing the theory, but it's becoming more widely understood...

He still has do some peeling for your case to be true, and he hasn't done any yet.

He hasn't even been in office for a month, yet... Time will tell.

Yeah, check out the Catholic Dinner him and Hilary attended.

Not relevant to my question.

Also, yes, I do... Check out the theory of Tri-Sovereign States.

Links, evidence? I am not finding much.

Not relevant to my question.

Yes, yes it is. Have you watched the speech? Here:

Links to all of this evidence, specifically the Jesuit part? I am not finding much from Google.



lots of W.A.S.P.S. in charge of the MIC from WW1 and onward.


"This guy is a fraud. This guy ran for president of the United States saying, 'I, Donald Trump, I'm going to take on Wall Street -- these guys are getting away with murder.' Then suddenly, he appoints all these billionaires." - Bernie Sanders on Trump

I think old Bern might be on the money.

The media hates him. That's what tells me he's a threat to them.

He doesn't have the support. Obama didn't have the support. They'll crash everything and neither has the support to weather that storm. Besides government itself is in debt to the cabal regardless of who is in charge and that debt rules things.

When you say "the cabal", who are you referring to exactly? Do you know their names and how wealthy they are?

I ask, because The Cabal includes trillionaires, not billionaires. The Cabal does not work at Goldman Sachs, they own and control Goldman Sachs and much, much more.

I ask myself the same questions. I'll also introduce another facet we might be overlooking - he's a Hero with limited capacity and scale in an environment actively rebuffing bureaucratic change.

If you believe that you're just as close minded as those who thought Obama could do anything. If we play their game they will always win.

I keep saying all over (sorry)

The Cabal is split and factions are fighting.

Trump is backed by one faction who is sick of the other faction's shit.

No president is against the cabal unless he gets rid of the Federal Reserve.

I have heard from many sources that Trump is against the cabal. He knows the corruption and is fighting against it.

Yep, he does.

However, it appears that he is doing a lot of draconian acts in government


appointing bankers/oil tycoons


going ahead with the DAPL


dismantling financial regulations

No shit; he wants to destroy the fed.

muslim ban

  1. Holy shit, stop listening to the media.
  2. They should all be deported and islam criminalized.


Trump has done more in half a year to publicly smear the media than anyone else has managed in decades. The media centers–the news aggregators like Fox and MSNBC–are the primary means of controlling the population. If Trump was controlled opposition, he wouldn’t be taking a massive steaming dump on the Jew’s best and primary means of getting what they want in America. The news networks know nobody watches them anymore and the Democrats and Republicans know that nobody wants to vote for either of them anymore. But they need the people to believe otherwise, because that’s how the Emperor’s New Clothes charade is maintained. People who question or attack the parties and the media machine that promotes them are by definition eroding the Zionist control over America. Trump isn’t controlled opposition. Old videos of him show him holding the same general opinions and political leanings that he does now, and he is directly attacking the things that allow Jewish elites to maintain a stranglehold on Washington.

Recall Tolkien’s works. “I think a servant of the Enemy would look fairer and feel fouler.”

If Trump was controlled opposition, he would superficially appear to be a bad goy, but his policies would all serve Jewish and Israeli interests. The exact opposite of this is true. He superficially appears to be a good goy, but all of his policies are bad for Jews and Israel–or at least, bad for the Jews and Israeli interests who wish to directly control and influence us. He’s not controlled opposition. He’s a Jew-wise bull in a china shop. The worst possible enemy of the establishment. He threatens to break the monopoly of both sides of the aisle. That’s why both parties are attacking him, just like both sides attack the Tea Party because it threatened to wake up the 60% of the US population that doesn’t vote, the vast majority of which are conservatives. Even worse, his mere presence and standing up to the monolithic machine has caused some of the Neocons to start uncucking themselves.

Huckabee has spent the last three decades hiding his power level because he knew it was the only way to get anything done, and now he’s coming out swinging on Trump’s side. We saw something absolutely unprecedented during the GOP debate. We saw the entire Republican lineup shitting on the moderators and their bullshit agenda. Trump has now even called out, on television, the fact that news stations play loops of footage of events and call it “live”. Not only did they immediately stop doing this once he said it, he even got the anchors to agree with him. That has literally never happened before. And who started the fire? Trump did. Does that sound like a good goy to you? If the GOP wants to snub Trump, they’re going to have an internal struggle to manage it–between the people who had given up hope and become part of the machine and those who were willing accomplices. And if they do snub him for someone like Bush or Rubio, they’re going to risk not only a political schism that would split the conservative base between the progressives and the traditionalists, but also further risk an Independent winning the Presidency, which is the one thing that would spell certain doom for both parties. Because once the people realize an Independent can actually win again, the Emperor’s New Clothes charade is over, the false dichotomy is broken, and the genie can’t ever be put back into the bottle.

Who do you thinks owns Steve Bannon? Trump is a Mercer Puppet, and he is a bit of a Koch puppet with Reince Preibus, Mike Pence, Mike Pompeo, Rick Perry, and what not. Plus, there is the influence of Black, Manafort, Stone & Kelly as well.