Interim DC Police Chief Peter Newsham who supports publicly James Alefantis also allowed an 11-year-old girl to be charged with false report of rape despite medical accounts of her sexual injuries and findings of multiple samples of semen on her underwear instead of locking up the men who raped her

2612  2017-02-06 by Bernie4Ever

Here is a picture of Peter Newsham with James Alefantis.
And here is the article on the rape story.
No wonder no arrests related to PizzaGate have yet been made.


Absolitely disgusting. These people will have to answer for their crimes one day.

Hopefully "one day" will be within a week or two of sessions' confirmation.

Why would a government insider expose something like this? How naive

This subreddit is dead, gone to politics. Who knew, all it took was a politician to show the conspiracy community a drop of attention and they've fallen head over heels. The idea of uncovering the truth for truth's sake is dead and buried, because it never had a pulse to begin with.


Stop trying to paint all of us here with the same brush. It's profoundly annoying and insulting.

Yeah this sub is shit because it gets to /r/all now. It's deteriorating like every other big sub.

start a new one...

Another 6 month old spam account, sad.

Lol, look through my post history.

Don't take it personally. It is the truth, after all.

What's the truth? Enlighten me.

They can't.

So you will believe that a Catholic Priest is capable of raping and molesting kids, but not a Politician?? Think about it!!

Some people dislike casual crime. SHOCKER!

There must be a reason the other senators controlled by international elements vehemently oppose his nomination. The verdict's out, but based on his history he does seem to hate pedophiles with a passion.


I thought it was gonna be the day that Sessions got confirmed which was supposed to be sometime this week since he'd been briefed on this at least 3 weeks ago

Hate to burst your bubble, but sessions isn't going to do shit. Why the blind faith in sessions? And trumps cabinet in general?

Why is everyone so eager for sessions? Why is he so great?

I'm worried about his possible war on encryption and privacy rights

The Just World fallacy is relevant to this post

Judgement day bro

In addition, Newsham was also responsible for ordering the mass arrests of demonstrators during a 2002 anti-globalization protest:

Newsham was not only responsible for the mass arrests in 2002 of more than 400 protesters and bystanders at an anti-Globalization protest, which cost the city more than $10 million and resulted in guidelines for how police should interact with protesters (which he seems to have violated at the recent DC crackdown), he has other problems in his history.

According to FOX 5, which asks Is Interim DC Police Chief Peter Newsham fit to be top cop?, the leading candidate to become the DC police chief, allegedly has a personal history of alcoholism and spousal abuse. In addition, they recount a story where he authorized the arrest an 11 year old girl who was allegedly gang raped, she “was charged with filing a false report after her account of events were found to be inconsistent– despite several medical accounts detailing her sexual injuries and the findings of multiple samples of semen on her underwear. . . it was Newsham who allowed investigators to charge her 11-year-old daughter over locking up the men who raped her.”

On the 2002 mass arrests FOX reports:

“The arrests that followed the 2002 demonstration protesting meetings between the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund also reportedly cost taxpayers nearly $3 million just to defend Newsham and then Police Chief Charles Ramsey. Not only did Newsham order the wrongful mass arrest, but he was virtually allowed to investigate himself because at the time, he was also head of the Office of Professional Responsibility—the ethics branch of the police department.

“It was ultimately discovered that the log of events that would have certified and documented the chain of command and orders made that day completely vanished. The evidence somehow disappeared in the immediate aftermath of the arrests. Messineo added, ‘You have the mass false arrest of 400 persons, followed by a massive coverup. Peter Newsham has never apologized, he’s never indicated that what he did was wrong. I believe that what the facts show, he knew it was wrong. if you look at what the court opinion found, the court opinions found that no reasonable police officer could have ordered these mass arrests.’”

There were more than 100 applicants for the police chief job. The decision will be made by Mayor Muriel Bowser. The mother of the young girl arrested for reporting allegedly being raped wrote Bowser saying “You are about to unleash a monster in this city, that will not have any restraints and in years to come, you will have to hold yourself accountable. . .“ KZ

The man is a living pile excrement, and apparently fits in well with his city and his department, respectively.

Good find!

Just because this guy is a shitty cop who once mishandled a child rape case it still doesn't provide any evidence James Alefantis is a child abuser or that he is being protected from justice.

Or do you have evidence to suggest otherwise?

You're correct. Correlation and causality aren't equivalent. But there's so much pedophile correlation around James Alefantis that its causality's probability becomes pretty significant.

When you see and hear lots of flies, there's a pile of shit somewhere nearby.

the Lord of Flies in this case......

Your a shitty shill.


Uh....There was multiple semen samples in taken from her and the telltale signs of rape/sexual abuse.That is fact.This guy CHOOSE to ignore this and tried to scare her by threatening to charge her with filing a false report.

Do you really think she abused herself and collected multiple male semen samples and put them in herself and all over her underwear?This was a cover-up.Plain and simple.

I am not indicting all police and police chief's,btw.There are many good and honest cops just as there are many who are pieces of shit.The problem is that the good guys swear an oath to never cross the blue line i.e. never narc a fellow officer out unless the order is sent down to do so.I had a parent who was a police officer so I know the dirt that goes on from the inside.They protect each other 99% of the time.

So spare me your defense of this "man".There was direct evidence of a rape that he obviously chose to ignore.

Man, how many chiefs of police do you think there are who :

1) haven't mishandled a case

2) haven't dealt with child abuse

He's a cop, he has a high probability of having dealt with both of those things, and given this guy is a shit cop with a bad record it's not surprising that he mishandled a case, probably many in his career.

Now tell me, what kids have gone into comet ping pong and not come back out?

Funny like the two users \u-Veridian and \u\JimiKendricks_ who describe this only as a bad cop's work have accounts exactly 10 days old.

Even if pizzagate isn't real, your argument is still shit. I'm pretty sure child traffickers will try their hardest to make sure the public doesn't know that they're trafficking at all

Where does child trafficking come into it?

You're making connections between discrete events, people and locations. With absolutely no logic.

I'm not making any conclusions, I'm just stating that "we don't have a record of kids that went in and didn't come out" isn't conclusive evidence of anything at all.

It's evidence no children are known to have come to harm at comet ping pong though.

Which is the entire fucking basis for pizzagate.

Put it like this - we have no evidence Donald Trump is a carrot. However we have seem him eating carrots. Thus it is logical to investigate if Donald Trump is actually a carrot.

so you think Comet Pizza had like secret doors and stuff where unassuming kids were grabbed and thrown down a chute or something?

Pedophilia and child trafficking go hand-in-hand. The kids they use for their rituals or events are not local kids who are on amber alert; they are children stolen from far away somewhere or kids without families. To get those types of children, you end up in child trafficking. Nobody is claiming that random children were plucked from their families in the DC area; like you say, there would be a big uproar about why kids go missing at this pizza place if that were true. You'd want to look more into missing or kidnapped children and kids who are coming in as illegal immigrants - and that's how child trafficking comes into it.

It's evidence no children are known to have come to harm at comet ping pong though.

Let's say Comet Ping pong had 'kill rooms'... they are called that for a reason. If a pedophile ring is using trafficked children, nobody is going to know about it because you are assuming there are still children to come forward. They could still be under their abusers control, or they could be dead. How would we know then?

So you're being reductive. Hey - Alex Jones says Pizzagate is just the distraction from the real stuff, and that it's a fake rabbit hole planted by the pedophiles to distract away from where they really don't want us to look. So maybe Pizzagate is bullshit, but pedophilia is not and neither is child trafficking. We owe it to the kids to not be naive because its more convenient for us who are free.

"think of the children"

Dude, child abuse is sick no one is disputing that.

The fact is pizzagate makes specific claims about John Podesta and James Alefantis which are frankly laughable. Which is why I spend my time poking holes in these posts, it's to bloody easy.


I'd argue if you earn a living by being a keyboard warrior, you should be good at it.

You are black and English, give us some more clues scumbag.

Friend of Alefantis?

Uh ok... ROYGBIV

Doesn't surprise me in the least.

Looks like someone bringing their kids to the holiday home for some hot tub fun.

I know my family gets excited when we take the kids home, if my parents had a hot tub I'm sure the kids would be excited to get in too.

Doesn't mean anyone is getting raped and murdered - is that how you read the email?

No, I read it as the kids being in the pool will be entertainment for the old guy who is coming out. Also, children are willingly put into pedo rings by the parents at times - the fact that there is a woman involved doesn't automatically mean that nothing is wrong either. Most kidnappings/molestations/etc. happen by somebody close to the victim - not random actors.

I'm just saying its creepy. Have you seen Podesta's brother's taste in art? It's not just one thing or another. There are breadcrumbs, and that's why people keep getting amped up about this.

Again, i'm not even convinced that Pizzagate is the real issue. I think it could very well be a distraction from something bigger. I just don't agree with being willfully ignorant because the information is inconvenient.

It's incredibly easy to fake emails?

They were part of the wikileaks dump. Real enough for the FBI to not refuse them.

Then why hasn't the FBI done anything about it?

You mean why hasn't the FBI kept the public aware of every detail of their investigation? They are investigating it, unless Pizzagate is a diversion, in which case they would be working on the real stuff.

Look at the amount of pedophilia charges made over the last 2 weeks. They are working overtime on this stuff, which is good.

It's much harder to fool wikileaks.

Wrong.The FBI has said the emails were real.Its on YouTube.

You know this whole pizzagate conspiracy has been completely discredited from pretty much everyone, right? I understand contempt towards politicians but cmon guys this is grasping at non existent straws

You should try playing dominoes over the hot-dog, not under it.

Sometimes a thing is just a thing and not pedophiles.

Hot dog stand actually means...A hot dog stand.

"But he conceded that his brother often says--in a voice that seems only half-joking--his biggest goal after the White House is to run a hot-dog stand in Hawaii. Even that might prove too stressful for a presidential chief of staff already getting the feel of beach sand in his toes. His true goal, Tony Podesta speculated, is to run "a crazy T-shirt store on the Big Island."

Actually kids WERE plucked from DC and northern VA. Unfortunately the rates of child abduction in that area are disproportionally higher than a lot.

According to fbi anon NYC, DC, CA, and a few other spots are hot beds for abductions and trafficking.

But you're right, theyre not amber alert kids, because Laura Silsby is one of the heads of that system and decides what kids are put on amber alert.

Incase anyone is unfamiliar that's the Laura that was arrested in Haiti for trafficking 33 "orphans" across the border to DR, and was released from jail with Bill Clinton's help. And her orphanage in general was called out by McKinney for trafficking kids.

Well if eating a carrot was a heinous crime it might just be worth looking into, dontcha think?

You're a shitty shill.

Haha, whats up shillarooni.

Nice try though. Trying to say that behavior is normal when his own fellow officers said "no reasonable cop would EVER order this" arrest of 400 protestors tied wrist to ankle for 10-15 hours protesting the crooked as fuck IMF.

And what fucking human sees an 11-yr old girl with multiple semen samples in her underwear, ER reports confirming rape, a girl probably so fucked up mentally, and FUCKING CHARGES HER?

Not only did he try to charge an 11 yr old rape victim with a crime, he did it in the FACE OF EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY?

If that's normal for you, please go check yourself into a hospital, or otherwise kill yourself. Because that's fucking insane and evil behavior.

Removed. Rule 10.


Who knows when you have the police dept. covering for you?And if these kids are from another country without records,there would be no trace or trail to follow.

Funny like the two users /u/-Veridian and /u/JimiKendricks_ who describe this only as a bad cop's work and who question PizzaGate have both accounts exactly 10 days old.



At least, you have a nice good sense of humor!

Account is about a week old and all postings are on this sub. Lol try harder.

I'm trying my hardest!

I'm sorry for your loss.

People here still claim it's not being invaded by shills

Are you calling me a shill?


The exact same response is killing me, hahaha

We just can't

... get the staff anymore

Nothing says shilling like a response in less than five min. Plus the exact same bot style response. How much do you get paid? I can wright simple code.

You replied within 5 minutes too!

Caught red handed!

I didn't build a macro to do it for me...

Neither do I.

Do you know what redditisfun is? Do you know it's not against the rules to have more than one account?

For what reason, other than being a dick, would you have more than one account and post in the same sub? That is literally the definition of being a shill/troll. If you want to do that go the /r/The_Donald. If your life is really that pathetic, I suggest you get out of your parents' basement and find a hobby.

On alien blue, posting time is shown, so my two theories is either shills or two brothers shit posting in the same room

I'm lord of the fallen, and I approve this message.


Pretty sure he was insinuating that you are just a bitch in general. Took a peek at your comment history, people must really like you in real life huh?

Are you calling me a shill?


Lmfao at the exact same responses at the exact same time.


And why discredit something that is totally factual, and verifiable? The fact they're here doing this shit lends SOOOOOOOO MUCH credence to PizzaGate.

That is just terrible logic.

Says the guy who signed up a week ago. Fuck off.

That doesn't take anything away from my point. Quit deflecting and take criticism for once in your life. Love you too.

Ok, shill.

I wish I was getting paid for this, but enjoy your time in this sub, while you can :)

Sure you do.

I just love when they're all this blatant.

Your right, I actually hate money and I would rather live my days as a homeless person.

You do what you do. More likely for your transparent "faith."

You're proud? Defending pederastic monsters, torturers, and killers? That's your idea of superiority?

"Hah, youre here in your free time killing your fucking brain with awful stories to help find the truth and spread it. While I get paid to troll you like an asshole, haha you're so sad!"

Really....? That makes you better?

What's even worse is if you're doing this for free, then you're just a little shit that deserves to get his head rocked for this stupid ass shit.

You're proud? Defending pederastic monsters, torturers, and killers? That's your idea of superiority?

What no, the poster whos comment got deleted asked if got paid to post in Reddit and then he called me a "shill."

"Hah, youre here in your free time killing your fucking brain with awful stories to help find the truth and spread it. While I get paid to troll you like an asshole, haha you're so sad!"

Really....? That makes you better?

Never said any of that at all. And why are you calling me a "shill?"

What's even worse is if you're doing this for free, then you're just a little shit that deserves to get his head rocked for this stupid ass shit.

Yes, violence is always the answer.

These people are morons who think they have found some truth and it makes them feel smart that they have it figured out and everyone else is too dumb. Ot are shills like you and probably me now. It's all about ego.

.... look at your own comment history.

ty john

You know it is probably not the government and probably someone random who likes to post shit right?

Wow, I've seen a lot of firstname/lastname people like you, but I think you're the first one that has three names.

It's the next false flag assassin patsy

Do you think I work for the gooberment or something? Cuz i dont. Look the name up. Look st my post history. If I was a gooberment employee they would be upset with me probably

I don't believe pizzagate is real BUT I don't doubt that there are sick people in this world, and that the events in this case were intentionally malicious (rather than just poor cop work).

I don't believe in pizzagate, but I do believe organized rings of human sex slavery exists. Just... not at Ping Pong Pizza in DC.

For sure. I find it ironic that pizzagaters are so obsessed with the idea of Hillary being a child molester/rapist/murderer based on vague emails, and tended to be pro-trump during the election, when there is much stronger actual evidence that Trump has had sexual relations with young girls.

Hillary has been established as a murderer decades ago. That shit ain't just "vague emails."

But how does that relate to the initial argument? Please and thank you.

You implied the murder allegations were tied to recent vague emails only. That's why I only cited that.

I didn't imply it, that was /u/ttocsc :) but I appreciate your clarifying.


Please define? Most people wouldn't agree with this statement.

Vincent Foster? Read Stratfor emails that were leaked. They may not have personally pulled the trigger, but the Clintons have a knack of finding dead bodies related to investigations into their sketchy dealings.

So what you're saying is it isn't established.

Maybe rumored and even that is iffy.

I just wanted to comment, hello fellow accountant.

Google it yourself. There's tons of info out there. Anyone who disagrees is just willfully keeping their head in the sand.

So anything on a random blog on google is a "source" now? You claimed it was "established" that Hillary was a murderer. I'm asking you for your source on that claim and you can't even provide a single one? 🤔

so obsessed with the idea of Hillary being a child molester/rapist/murderer

what is a strawman?

Hillary was established as a murderer over a decade ago. That shit ain't just "vague emails."

From one comment above yours.

I'm aware. What is it, like 50 deaths associated with her starting in the 80s?
However, I don't think anyone here thinks she was the one who suicided any of them. Nor, does anyone think she has raped or molested, I've never seen that claimed. That's the strawman.

So, no evidence of that stuff for hillary, means that there is stronger evidence that Trump "sexual relations with young girls." Because, anything is greater than Zero. Because beauty pageants, therefore pedophile. Wow. What a revelation. Take that shit right to the NYT.

If you believe Cathy O'Brien then Hillary has personally raped/molested.

there is much stronger actual evidence that Trump has had sexual relations with young girls

Is there?

There's not. In fact the opposite. He banned Epstein from one of his establishments.

not. In fact the opposite. He banned Epstein from one of his establishment

But he also fraternized with him, rode around on his private jet, and associated with him on some level. This, in conjunction with some of the other comments he's made about women, and the woman who started to sue him and Epstein for rape (but dropped the case), makes me think Trump isn't so innocent either.

Let's be clear here -- I'm not picking sides for an election that doesn't truly represent me anyways. I'm just saying, they're both bad hombres. The argument here is not who is the baddest, it's about the crime(s) being committed.

Flew in his jet is a fact, there's evidence. Chronologically, he banned him from his establishments after that.

Being sued doesn't mean you're guilty, pleading and admitting guilt are. Paying off plaintiffs is murky. I'd say Epstein is guilty AF. Don't think trump is based on the evidence I've seen.

Also many DC people and HRC, WJC, etc continue fraternizing with Epstein. I see that as way more suspicious.

yeah dude there's that one rape case that has been thrown out of court twice remember, what more evidence could you need :p

No, there is not.

Please elaborate on this "much stronger actual evidence".

Well, for one there was a women who twice brought a lawsuit against both him and Jeffrey Epstein for allegedly raping her when she was 13 years old, in 1994. Epstein has been convicted of soliciting minors for prostitution (in a separate case that involved many girls as young as 14 and an undercover sting operation) and has been accused by victims of running a sex slave ring.

Trump's name was in Epstein's little black book (with 14 different numbers for him), alongside the names of several other men who were accused of raping another Epstein victim.

Trump has denied being in Epstein's "lolita express" plane, whereas Epstein has contradicted this and stated that Trump indeed has been on it.

When asked if he and Trump ever socialized together with underage girls, Epstein pleaded the 5th.

Quote by Trump: "I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it -- Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

Trump has denied being in Epstein's "lolita express" plane, whereas Epstein has contradicted this and stated that Trump indeed has been on it.

Would you trust a convicted pedo/child molestor? I certainly wouldn't. Was Trump listed in the Lolita Express logbook like the Clintons were? I have seen nothing to prove this, but also haven't looked too hard. If not then I'd rather not take a convicted pedo's word at face value.

Trump has admitted to knowing Epstein, and also admitted to booting him out of his club after Epstein was caught making lewd advances/comments to a member's young daughter. If Epstein hadn't been convicted at that point, and he had kept it quite secret until he was caught, then how can people be expected to know about his darkest secrets? Who knows, your best friend might murder prostitutes in his spare time. Does that mean you're a prostitute murderer too because you associate with him?

I agree that people choose their friends, and should avoid bad people. That said, if someone discovers something bad about a colleague/friend, then disavows, then that is fine with me. On the flipside, the Clintons continued to be associated with Epstein even after his conviction. You are as good as the company you keep.

All I am saying is that it is stronger evidence than pizzagate, which is pure conjecture based off of "hm, I don't understand the references to pizza, it must mean the DNC runs a child porn ring"

Fair enough. :)

Hilaries ties to this as i understand are related to her work in Haiti. Not that she "partakes". Ppl seem to think she covers for Bill partaking though.

There are people who make this claim about Hillary - and these claims have been floating around since her Arkansas days. But during the campaign I do think the focus was mostly on her being an enabler of Bill.

These kinds of claims have been made about Hillary for decades - they emails have nothing to do with that.

I don't think there is strong evidence at all that Trump had relations with young GIRLS. Young WOMEN for sure but not girls.

I respect your opinion re: PizzaGate, and am on total agreement. They had a ton of physical evidence, not even circumstantial, and a live victim. No way it's just "sloppy police work" whoopsy-daisy like these shills are trying to sell.

Pizzagate is not a term that only describes Comet Ping Pong, but rather it describes the many people involved with this situation including the owner of comet ping pong.

It's unfortunate that this situation got pigeonholed in such a way that people believe that it only has to deal with comet ping pong and discredit the whole situation because of this.

Thanks for clarifying this. I assumed it was in relation to that one specific pizza parlour. You mentioned the owner of Comet Ping Pong. How does he relate to this? (Forgive me if I'm being daft, I'm kinda new here)

But yes, there is an incredible amount of human trafficking in DC and you don't have to look hard to find it. The government fails victims at so many different levels.

The owner of Comet Ping Pong is James Alefantis. In 2012, he was listed as one of the 50 most powerful people in Washington DC.

This isn't just some random pizza shop, there is a reason it was singled out.

Thank you. I'm surprised this guy is considered one of DC's most powerful, considering Comet is like a shitty little restaurant. (I mean, am expecting this head hauncho to have a 5-star establishment. Comet is like glorified Chuckee Cheese)

Small independent pizza places have long had connections to Organized Crime.

The U.S. defendants utilized a number of independently owned pizza parlors as fronts for narcotics sales and collections – hence the name “Pizza Connection”. Evidence at the trial proved that the enterprise shipped no less than $1.6 billion of heroin to the U.S

Cash based businesses are always susceptible to money laundering where you can ring up cash receipts for transactions that don't exist so you can funnel in dirty cash while making it look clean. Cash is King has remained a staple for a very long time.

except at comet ping pong everybody pays with credit card. they don't sell pizza by the slice. so it's not the best money laundering front when your average transaction is $60 (pizza and a few pitchers of beer while playing ping pong or watching a band)

This argument doesn't really hold up well considering the allegations. The connections that Alefantis has render him above the law as far as the IRS is concerned. Plus there is to my knowledge no evidence that CPP is the laundering joint anyway.

I believe it's more likely, since the sums of money would be so large and participants elite (at least rich), that the laundering is done through much safer channels. Charitable organizations, churches, foundations with government ties, and political parties are much more likely to be taking/exchanging/dispersing massive amounts of cash.

There's no way CPP is the main source of money cleaning for pg.

The globalist move for a cashless society is to exert more control over everyone. It's a threat to freedom.

Outside of the list made by GQ I don't think he's considered one of the most powerful. The list also has bloggers, Strasburg (pitcher for the Natonals), and another restaurant owner. Unless the mobile site is different this list doesn't explain why, it's just a slideshow of these people's pictures.

Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan podcast actually broke this down pretty well. Had to pause it to do some work but I'm actually listening to him for once instead of tuning out his humblebrag BS

Honestly.. I used to laugh him off but, even his crazier claims like "THEYRE PUTTING CHEMICALS IN THE WATER TO TURN THE FRIGGIN FROGS GAY" are turning out to be %100 true..

relevant user name? 🤔

I ain't no queer frog.

come on dude, don't you realize that these 2 crooks are part of the game? all evicences show 2 free masons controlling the opposition. if those guys were genuine since long time they will be killed to be so popular

But something shady is going on with Ping Pong Pizza. You can't deny that.

Even if it isn't fucking kids (it is) it's something worth looking into.

Do you mind elaborating on what you mean? I'm not being condescending, I'd really like to know what you think happens there. To be honest, I've been a few times with coworkers and it just seems like your average pizza joint.

Why is the owner of an "average pizza joint" one of the most powerful men in Washington DC?

Why were the Instagram accounts (since deleted) of people associated with Comet Pizza full of creepy shit about fucking kids?

How about this?

I'm conflicted by your username but I appreciate that you shared this with me? Ehhh...

What's the question mark for?

He's not one of the 50 most powerful people in DC, that GQ list is the equivalent of a shit post. It doesn't even give any good reasons to consider him one of the 50 most powerful.

Do you have a source for your claim?

Umm the list that you're sourcing your own claims from? It's a shitty list from GQ that has like 5 bloggers on it, and it doesn't give any reasons to consider him one of the most powerful people in dc.

Yes, my claim does have a source.

Unlike yours. :)

So you can't give any actual reasons, or find a better source than that shitty GQ list?

Yeah yeah, deflect because you suck at making arguments. Funny though coming from someone asking for pics of loli's.


Where in there do you see something that support Alefantis being one of the 50 most powerful people in DC?

Click it. Read the words.


I did read it, it uses the same shirt gq slideshow to support its claim. I honestly can't tell if you're just trolling or you really believe that clickbait.

Unless you can give a good reason he's one of the most powerful people in DC or find a credible source for that statement I think we're done here.

I did read it

You must be the world's fastest reader. ;)

If you think I'm missing something you could always quote it, and I've read it plenty of times in the past.


Just like I thought, you know there isn't anything there that supports your claim.

Projecting really hard man, let me know if you get a good source. Until then have fun with your little fantasies I guess.

Do you like extra relish on your pizza?

GQ isn't a highly credible source either. How does GQ measure power in relation to this area? Their list doesn't even touch upon some well known DC faces. Also, just in case you've never been, Comet Ping Pong isn't exactly the type of business that a "Top 50 Most Powerful" mogul would own. I promise you, it's like Chuckee Cheese mixed with a dive bar and mediocre non-hipster pizza.

I love how you guys come out of the woodwork to protect your deviant boss.

Can you clarify on who my boss is, Mr. Seeking Pictures of Underage Anime Cartoons? Are you implying that it is Alefantis? Or Clinton? Or some other irrelevant argument.

Have you even been to Comet Ping Pong, the site of the place which you are accusing is a sex trafficking ring? I'm sure you have, based on your immense confidence in ttrying to bring me down. Please, share with me what you witnessed, with your own eyes, and how it not only relates to DC's most powerful, but also, how it gave you the idea that I am somehow a pawn of this scenario.

I was thinking the same thing. As a DC native, he doesn't fit the bill.

How did it make you feel when you went to the bathroom and the giant mural of a naked man jerking his sperm off onto the pizza was covering the whole wall. "Family Friendly", huh?

How the fuck is someone with the name "pm_pics_of_lolis" calling out pizzagate?

You are literally asking people to send you cartoons of sexualized underage girls.

Lolis are fucking gross, sexual anime caricatures of young girls.

You are literally asking people to send you cartoons of sexualized underage girls.

You're literally a factory producing shea butter. How are you able to type???????

Lolis are fucking gross, sexual anime caricatures of young girls.


I'm sorry but if you don't understand the irony in your username and posting in this thread, and why you have so much negative feedback regarding it, then the real conspiracy theory is inside your head.

Are you telling me you can't tell the difference between cartoons and reality?

No, I'm saying someone who likes what is boarder line cartoon CP probably likes real CP.

If you get turned on by kids, even in cartoon form, you are a pederass.

So people that enjoy violent movies are violent people in real life?


Are you saying you have no idea what false equivalence means?

Are you saying watching cartoon CP is similar to watching a Hollywood movie?

What I'm saying is fiction is not reality.

Honestly, enjoying watching fake violence is fucked, but it's something so many of us enjoy, and are able to separate from reality, that it's socially acceptable. It's probably fair to say our enjoyment of fake violence comes from an animalistic aspect of our psyche that takes a sick pleasure from violence.

Enjoying cartoon CP, fictional or not, is not normal. It is sick, and enjoying it too likely comes from a part of the a pedo's psyche that takes pleasure in sex with children.

Given how dangerous enjoying the sexilization of children can be, any pleasure taken in the idea should be viewed accordingly.

Why would it be any different?

What the fuck, man?

You need me to explain the difference between a regular person enjoying a violent movie and someone who jerks off to children!?!

One of those things is a sick but NORMAL aspect of human behavior, the other is the most dangerous pleasure for a human to partake in, that is only done by people who are the sickest people alive and A DANGER TO OUR SOCIETY IN THE WORST WAY.

Basically, you think CP is OK.

Basically I know the difference between fiction and reality.

Disturbingly, that's where your grasp of common sense ends.

Who is getting hurt when some random person looks at some doodles?

This guy would blow his top if he learned some people like to pretend to be children during sex acts. They are totally consenting adults. Also, daddy/daughter relationships. Where the man acts as a father to the partner. I know adults in relationships like this. Sexuality is complex.

He thinks that my ironic name is serious and that I actually enjoy lolicon.

He's really doubling down on it hard, you'd be better off not replying to him anymore.

Ironic name?

There's no way you don't get PM'ed pics of lolis. If you are willing to look at that shit for a shitty joke, you probably want to see it.

Great joke. You "ironically" getting PM'ed cartoon CP is hilarious.

I'm not clicking on those.

I love how the response was to come for your name, like a shea butter (a moisturizer for those uninformed) user name compares to a username literally describing the types of behavior's this sub is aiming to expose.

But y'know, do your thing.

I don't believe pizzagate is real BUT I don't doubt that there are sick people in this world

It's well known that child abuse runs rampant in political power structures (as well as psychopaths) and has for countless years. Why in the world would you think that shady characters like the Podestas (who are deep in the political power structures) would not be people involved?

They fit the mold perfectly (I mean they literally even have art of naked children being abused in their homes and offices). When you have so many difference pieces of circumstantial evidence pointing to the same shady groups and people you have to be pretty naive to not see that these people are involved in this stuff. It's over the top obvious if you look at all the evidence put together. Unfortunately the Podestas and friends are just some of many that are involved in this behavior. Republicans at the highest level have been implicated in this stuff too, so it's a bipartisan issue.

open your eyes!!! why do you think that it's no real? look at the evidences!! what interest people like you who investigate realize that it's true? they (the psychopaths) have all to lose, not us. think about it.

The fact that you have add eight O's to the phrase "so much credence" confirms that Pizzagate lacks credibility

Lol OK!

they have their agendas

we have ours ;0

you mean preferences?

no agenda exactly what isaid

you are free to say whatever you like for yourself

more of a rhetorical question hinting we aren't pedos aside from obviously having different agendas.. Guess you missed it.. but cool got it thanks for allowing me to speak for my self.

always speak for yourself

and notice no down vote i never do

thats censorship

Always speak for yourself? While your literally directing me to do something with that statement, when i was simply asking a question? Practice what your preach.

A down vote isn't censorship, it's a way of agreeing and disagreeing, it also filters the best responses and worst responses more quickly and efficiently, so we can't get down to business.

Get out of here with your hippy tarot Bern-out bull shit.

a downvote is censorship to me

thats mine to say what it is to me

you have 40 trolls on your own ass everyday and then get back to me how it feels when they go out of their way to ruin my day

40 trolls? Somebody has an inflated sense of self worth.
Did you ever think some might not agree w you?

of course folks disagree but they arent rude about it

Well, hard not to be condescending when I have a person who claims the entomology of cannibalism has to do with bahl worship and Canaanites.

you have 7000 karma points over 3 years

i have 55000 over 9 months yeah id say there is some traffick good and bad

Yea, is that suppose to mean something? That statement actually hurts your contention.

These poems don't rhyme.

not sll are meant too


to rhyme


best? worst? but what does it all mean, Basil?

Or punctuation. Fight the power!

d you use punctuation when you speak?

As much as I spell out each word, yes.

i dont

Go for it. Some people, not that you care, will take you less seriously on here.

Y A W N just like you said

like i care ;0

So edgy. Go back to voat where the people who can't spell and don't think it is important hang out.

stay on re-edits where spez hanges your words

Yeah, I'm sure he changed tens of comments. In fact, nearly everything I've ever personally posted was turned into some liberal alt right commie bullshit. And boy am I pissed. Seriously though, go back to voat.

ps preference implies something much different than agenda

my agenda is to make this world better for my son not worse

whats yours different than that? do explain

Hahaaa, and I had already tagged one of those accounts for suspicious behaviour, didn't even check the history. Golden.

Hmmm... user /u/-Veridian deleted their account today. shills, shills, everywhere...

I think there account was banned.. Look at what the "deleted" comments say now... All my time on Reddit and I've never seen that.

What theory are you going to make up for my account?

This whole thing is retarded. Look at the right side of the screen. See Cynthia McKinney in the sidebar? Nothing says credibility like her.

During the 2000 presidential campaign, McKinney wrote that "Al Gore's Negro tolerance level has never been too high. I've never known him to have more than one black person around him at any given time." Gore's campaign pointed out that its manager, Donna Brazile, was black.[20]

That's just a small taste of the crazy train.


And one of the accounts is deleted, you hit the jackpot.

First guy deleted his account.

Second guy doubled down.

They have to know it just makes them look worse, right?

Hijicking top comment to say that one of these two accounts is now deleted and another shill account that was 10 days old too is deleted and his posts have been editted like this:

Reg. 18 U.S.C. § 2251A is the law about children traficking. Either someone is trolling us or shit is happening.

We need to expose more accounts that only comment to make our realistic accusations of pedophiles , naive or fake . Good on you for this comment !! We will stop the pedophiles and their ring !!

realistic accusations

People without evidence based claims need to reassure themselves like this other user

this shit lends SOOOOOOOO MUCH credence to PizzaGate.

Lol or the copious amounts of disturbing child art John podesta has in his home/office and that statue, or the amount of child pedophilia signs on their restaurant but sure that doesn't matter either huh? What is your bargain in denying something catastrophic ? Are you worried it's gonna be too big of a realization to gulp so you're happy living in your happy make belief , tv land to distract you or for you to avoid from ? If this child pedophilia ring is correct , then a bunch of kids get saved , a ton of evil , crooked , corrupt, disgusting people go to jail. If not then nothing happens. So tell me what exactly do you get from shooting down other people's amount of evidence that plenty of people can see. Tell me. I'm honestly curious if you're disagreeing cuz you're scared of living in a world like this or are you just as sick as them fucks ?

"The amount of child pedophilia signs" the triangle in a triangle? What is the fucking shape of a slice of pizza? Why would a child sex ring supposedly run and used by top level members of government employ a symbol widely known to multiple law enforcement agencies?

Out of all of that , that's your argument ? Have you read the emails of Marina abramovic and tony podesta inviting John to a spirit cooking dinner event ? Do you know what spirit cooking is ? How can you have the audacity to think this dude is a normal pizza owner. Come on

You mean the performance art of an eccentric Yugoslavian artist? Yeah, fuck them for that, people in the privacy of their own home partaking in an art form focusing on the avant garde.

You still haven't answered my question by the way ;)

Have you heard of the bohemian grove ? A resort with an owl statue where both Hilary Clinton and bill Clinton have been seen going to 2-3 times ? Watch the documentary buddy. Abramovic is a satanical spirit cooker and don't you think anyone who attends that would have a reason to be going ? As for the kiddy pictures , how is that art ? You sound like Charlie's uncle from IASIP. I don't have the info with me as I am mobile right now but if you can't even see how it's a little bit strange how naive can you be

I wasn't talking about that picture in Podesta's house bucko, I was asking about Abramovic. How is she related to the trafficking ring? How is it that get art, satanic as it may be, related to kids getting diddled? I won't disagree that Podesta's taste in art is questionable but it's questionable at best. If this had been an out and out picture of a naked child you would have had a point, but as far as we can tell its two paintings. Here:

,one of your boys did a write up of it and he only names the two. If Podesta was a kid diddler, why didn't he just choose to hang the more fucked up ones? He had the option to, and according to that article he has no problem being fucked up.

Why he wants to see that kind of art, is up to him at that point. Fucked up as it may seem, this isn't evidence. Him asking people over to see strange performance art isn't evidence either. It's strange art but we don't give people who are walking into galleries that host stuff like this and more grief, do we?

Watch the 3 hour radio talk show with Alex jones and joe Rogan, he explains thoroughly. The owner of pizzagate was considered one of top most 50 powerful people in Washington. Why is that ?

Hello? Are you going to tell me how that performance artist is related to a child sex trafficking ring? I still have my initial question as well.

Lmao can you relax ? I'm not always on Reddit buddy. I have things to do. And the painter abramovic , has been known to do spirit cooking or satanic rituals that tony and john podesta were emailed for an invite about. Have you seen the videos of spirit cooking ? Have you seen the scar on John podesta's wedding finger ? I'll reply to the initial question right now but you can keep denying , fuck people denied the catholic priests and look how that turned out. They denied Sandusky with the orphans and look how that turned out. What's your goal in shutting down other people's goals for a clean healthy environment for kids and their kids to be safe in ?

Have you seen the videos of spirit cooking ? Yes I have and not once did I see any children or anything remotely related to the allegatations we're discussing. She's a goddamn performance artist, one time she cut the shit out of her hands and passed out on a fire. How does any of this relate to child trafficking?

I'll reply to the initial question right now Yeah but you didn't. Cmon man I just want to know why you think a group this well connected would supposedly choose a symbol that's so well known.

fuck people denied the catholic priests and look how that turned out. They denied Sandusky with the orphans and look how that turned out.

You know what people had in those situations, that you people have yet failed to produce? A mountain of material evidence and a shit ton of material WITNESSES. Where are the victims of this thing? You know, besides the one with multiple inconsistencies and straight up false details.

What's your goal in shutting down other people's goals for a clean healthy environment for kids

Wasn't it one of your guys who shot up the pizza place, while families were fucking eating? I was asking a question, a genuine and sincere attempt to understand why you think these people act this way. I wanted to know why you think a group this well connected is being this overt. Literally the 5th time I've asked.


It's interesting to see what's happened to those accounts since this morning.. Totally legit

Ya know, thank gawd for independent researchers, reporters and investigators. Thank you OP.

I was SO tired of living in the dark thinking I was nothing but a tin-foil donning idiot....full of angst and negativity.

Now?......I feel so less alone because every single thing I suspected is coming to light !!

Washington DC is full of pedophilias and our government is at LEAST 30% infested. Hillary among the many.

I don't think Hillary fucks kids. I think she let's others do it because it makes them taste better.

Think again:

This is the same woman Roseanne Barr is supporting (not that I feel we need celebrity sponsorship to make things true....) Hillary is a devious pedophilic dyke!

devious pedophilic dyke

no disrespect to the lesbian community

Choose one

PC Police bringing the memes

The zio police, bud.

If I call a black person who's acting like a nigger a nigger, that doesn't mean I feel the same way about all black people.

Or we could just not call people niggers

There goes The Dark Lord again, taking all the fun out off racially charged epithets and insults.

Edit: Leaving these comments up because the downvotes of racists and homophobes only make my dick harder

If you're acting retarded I'm sure as hell gonna call you a retard. Same as if you're acting like a nigger.

Up voted to soften ur tool

Rule 1, this will be your only warning.

Oh really? So we can't use dirty words in the context of discussing the words themselves?

"Devious pedophilic lesbian" better?

He wasnt saying "fuck this woman, she's a dyke" he's saying she rapes women as a woman, making her gay. Idk how derogatory dyke is, but I wouldve said lesbian.

No choice needed cause dykes are different than lesbians. But thanks anyway.

Yeah, Google Hillary Cathy obrien. That is one victim that was mutilated and said Hillary partook in her, excited at her sexual mutilation.

I was just making a joke.

Oh, sorry. I don't assume anything about this subject is joking matter.

Everything is a joking matter. If you lose your sense of humor in all this the darkness will consume you.

I reread your post and it was obviously a joke, I don't know why I took it as anything but. My apologies, brother.

Hey no problem man. Comments like this cheer me up, seeing others trying to get along around here. There is too much hostility and conflict on this sub right now, not the least of which is the 24/7 assault by team Brock. Every time we treat each other with a little respect, they lose a little.

Indeed, well said.

I don't think Hillary fucks kids

She did something on those Epstein flights. Could be adult prostitutes, could be weird sex, who knows?

slapping down her husband? performance art? get it.

Hey, you are not alone. But for your psyche, don't attach to it so strongly. We are all out there, pushing away darkness little bit by little bit.

When this is done, people may not like what they see and wish it covered up again.


Holy shit son, if this sub is the only thing keeping you going you got some serious fuckin problems homie. Please seek mental health services.

Full of pedophilias....yep, you are the one smart enough to figure it out.

That's why if you're raped don't go to the police, go to some kind of private genetic testing paternity place with semen samples, take pics of the panties and then go to the ER to get documentation, telling them that police were involved so be discreet. They usually notify police in these cases, if they do after they were told not to, you file arrest charges and sue the shit out of the doctor / staff who made the call for conspiracy to commit murder and you make sure everyone at the hospital knows about it by printing up leaflets and putting them underthe windowwiper of the hospital employee cars, explaining everything and you leave multiple voicemails and letters to the hospital administrator, who generally won't bother with plebs like us directly because they think we are all trash

This is terrible advice.

Private dna place doesn't count for shit in court mate.

Every heard of the chain of custody?

If you are raped, go to the police not Dr. Nicks totally reliable DNA testing Co.

You're pooping on his advice without offering a realistic alternative.

The advice would be go to the police, who, despite people's rabid insistence, aren't involved in covering up a absolutely fucking mental, unhinged conspiracy involving a secret child sex dungeon hidden in a pizza parlour.

Well, the presumption from OP is that there's some degree of truth to what you're dismissing. Does the advice still hold in that context?

I have a hard thinking the best move would be to take things to the Oakland PD, but maybe your local PD is better.

Police have been involved/bribed/blackmailed in protecting pedos for decades.

There is also the work of a fellow redditor (Post regarding: In light of the recent Pizzagate revelations, let us all remember one of the best posts of all time in /r/conspiracy; "[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies" by /u/LawOfAttraction33 ( )) that used to go by /u/LawOfAttraction33, and now, /u/Love_And_Light33

Hey! I wrote this. I expanded the thesis from 16 pages to over 100 as part of a larger book on psychopathy and power.

Free here in pdf form if is anyone is interested. (3 years ago a Redditor compiled information about the mountain of evidence for a massive, international pedophile ring protected by police and investigators.)

There have been many accused and convicted for rape many times in the past.Dont act like it's an impossibility.

There is also the work of a fellow redditor (Post regarding: In light of the recent Pizzagate revelations, let us all remember one of the best posts of all time in /r/conspiracy; "[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies" by /u/LawOfAttraction33 ( )) that used to go by /u/LawOfAttraction33, and now, /u/Love_And_Light33

Hey! I wrote this. I expanded the thesis from 16 pages to over 100 as part of a larger book on psychopathy and power.

Free here in pdf form if is anyone is interested. (3 years ago a Redditor compiled information about the mountain of evidence for a massive, international pedophile ring protected by police and investigators.)

The fact you think this all has to do with Comet Ping Pong shows your inability to critically think or look at the big picture.

Actually,it's a easy connection.

Police chief shown to ignore and threaten obvious rape victim. Business owner with close political ties with the top politicians in the nation. Police chief ignores any and all rape claims or allegations about this business owner.

Too difficult for you to connect that?

Go play outside for a while.Don't forget your helmet!

Must be as farfetched as BBC figures and British MPs being involved in pedophilia huh?

There is also the work of a fellow redditor (Post regarding: In light of the recent Pizzagate revelations, let us all remember one of the best posts of all time in /r/conspiracy; "[ORIGINAL RESEARCH] The Mountain of Evidence for a Massive International Pedophile Ring Protected by Police and Intelligence Agencies" by /u/LawOfAttraction33 ( )) that used to go by /u/LawOfAttraction33, and now, /u/Love_And_Light33

Hey! I wrote this. I expanded the thesis from 16 pages to over 100 as part of a larger book on psychopathy and power.

Free here in pdf form if is anyone is interested. (3 years ago a Redditor compiled information about the mountain of evidence for a massive, international pedophile ring protected by police and investigators.)

If you are raped, go to the police

And what if the police are involved in the raping, then what?

see how smart you are TY snatchers

you should print this advice as its own thread

it will soar front page!


i wasnt speaking to you so shine on

You're posting on a public forum. You're speaking to all of us.

yup what of it

that particular message was directed to snatchers

so read it at your own risk

he understands me exactly right if you dont too bad shine on <--its not bad shining

just might make you rise to a new occasion

What of it is that you're trying to say you were having a private conversation in a public forum. That's not how that works.

why not now we are having our own conversation

no one has ciritsized your english so you dont know how it feels

Were addressing each other, but this is far from private.

How do you what I've experienced?

i dont know what you have experienced unless you reveal

or invite me to peek psychically

please don't peek at me as i have bad head is bad place to be.

What the hell did I just read

Some damn good advice.

Okay, so first thing to do is find some kind of private genetic testing paternity place with semen samples...

Hate to go with the shill, but this advice is nonsensical. Don't scream or put things under windshield wipers, and no one has the money for private testing...

MOST cops would handle this case rationally.

Is anyone in Washington besides Fox 5 and that journalist Marina Marraco (good journalism btw) bothered about this guy's promotion?

No because the people on TV are just reporters, not journalists. They don't do anything other than read what's on the teleprompter.

IMO....anything the Mexican cartels are doing,Uncle Sam is doing the deluxe version .

Don't be surprised if he turns out to be a Freemason.

That has a nice ring to it.

I see what you did there

Lots of crooked cops protecting for things like this have been masons.

Yep, Jimmy Saville case is the most prominent probably.

maybe he was one of them

it's wired hits me to and i know better.

i knew you were decent!

i go into "thoughtrage" everyday.....i'm listening to the nanotech bootleg of ministry's NWO right now....

that will thought rage you for sure be careful friend

i would counterbalance with at least 3 jimmy dores

u yanks are thick as shit

As thick as people who call all Americans ''yanks''.
Clearly most Americans would think you are beyond idiotic to call them that.
And it's been quite a few ill informed decades of such, and still going.
Do you have any idea what you are uttering?

yeah yeah i don't need a history lesson. go shoot up a school or something

Go have a shoving match in the underground. Aww did hims soccer team lose? Is hims going to have hims a temper tantwum? Here's a lolly, and some barley sugar, pet.
Now you know that I've been there and know how violent the streets are.

the streets 😂😂

Blackpool Grime innit?

football firms are one of the things that scare me.....

It's not our fault the tastiest foods are the worst for you.. :(

point proven ☝🏻

Lmao is there another meaning for thick?! That was a fun exchange and excellent response to smart ass. Have a good one!

Kinda similar to the Brits with Saville, no?

no. saville abused hundreds of young boys and girls. overwhelming evidence. pizza gates a fake news story yet americans believe it and start spouting bull shit

You guys covered for him for decades. Even knighted him!

don't confuse scotland with england or britian. the scottish always thought he was a creepy bastard. but like i said, that was real and this is fake yet u dumb yanks take it in like soup

I just hope you guys get your shit together one day.

coming from an american who's typical favourite past time is shooting kids in a school. or black people. or the mentally ill. just anyone vulnerable

Good one! By the way, shouldn't you know the difference between "England" and "Britain"? Embarrassing.

"don't confuse scotland with england or britian." - u/bigpopperwopper

You've already used that in this thread.

well spotted. thought id get away with that. u yanks are smart

Holy shit, the comments here are nuts. It's like someone never wants any of you to vote Democrat ever again.

Trying to insert since partisan politics so you can label us alt right nut jobs, eh? I see what you're doing

It's just funny all of this is aimed at Democrats.

No it isn't. Hassert was a Republican. Bohemian Grove is almost exclusively Republican. When heads roll it will be bipartisan.

The deniers keep trying to make this partisan but it isn't.

So am I like a Holocaust denier? Will I where a mark on forehead because I don't believe that the Illuminatis satanic pedophile cult is more prevalent in power positions of society than the white nationalists whose propaganda you're carrying water for right now?

While we're at it... what's your opinion on so-called "Holocaust deniers"?

They should be flayed like that king on Vikjngs. Just kidding, being willfully ignorant shouldn't be illegal.

How many times do they have to alter the amount of Jews killed? Why was the holocaust not discussed until the sixties, when all of a.sudden books started pouring out of publishers? Why is the Six million dead myth repeated in newspapers as early as 1905?

Adolf Hitler - The Man Who Fought The Banks (

Haavara Agreement ("Transfer Agreement") (

I think it's essential to note that the majority of gassing locations were debunked by mainstream western historians in the 60's. In the 40's there were 10+ locations in Germany, Austria and Belgium ( where it was claimed that the Nazis gassed people, and there were witnesses and even Nazi "confessors" who swore this was true. Today, there are but six gassing locations, and all are in Poland. Importantly, the Soviets would not allow western inspection of the Polish camps in the 60's. In other words, the current allegations of "Nazi gas chambers" rely entirely on Soviet claims from the 1940's.

You may, for example, wish to look into the initial Soviet claims after capturing Auschwitz (, where they said they discovered an electrocution conveyor belt, blast furnace, and placed the "gas chambers" on the opposite side of the camp as is now believed. Similarly, at Nuremberg, 19 months after capturing Belzec, the Soviets were still claiming that electrocution was the method of killing there ( Then there are the infamous "steam chambers" of Treblinka, the human soap and lampshades, shrunken heads, etc -- an enormous number of erroneous and debunked claims which are always omitted by the Holocaust industry.

Similarly, the footage and pictures of dead bodies in the western camps (since debunked as "extermination camps") are repetitively shown without informing the viewer that they were the result of disease in the last weeks and months of the war, as supplies dwindled with the collapse of the German state under the barrage of Allied bombing. US Army doctors confirmed this at the time (see the article on the liberation of the camps(

Next, regarding links: there's a giant cache of material at the /r/holocaust/wiki. I'd recommend starting with a few short videos by a French historian who is about to go back to prison a second time for his research:

Vincent Reynouard: Holocaust? What They Hide From You ( (30min)

Vincent Reynouard: Argument 1 - Nothing proven at Nuremberg ( (9min)

Vincent Reynouard: Argument 2 - The dishonesty of the official historians ( (9min)

Another good introductory video is about the use of the western camps by US psychological warfare units:

Dean Irebodd: Buchenwald - A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil (2009) (

This video by Jewish revisionist David Cole is a classic which many credit with opening their eyes to the dishonest presentation of Auschwitz:

David Cole Visits Auschwitz (1992) (

There are a few articles which are essential introductory reading:

'Extermination' Camp Propaganda Myths (

Liberation of the Camps: Fact vs Fiction (

The Nuremberg Trials and the Holocaust (

Eye Witness Testimony of Gassings (

And there's a short book that is a good starting point also, which is an evaluation of the preeminent Holocaust scholar's use of evidence:

(pdf) The Giant With Feet of Clay: Raul Hilberg and his Standard Work on the ‘Holocaust’ - Jürgen Graf (

You'll find book-length studies of the various camps, and related topics, in the /r/holocaust/wiki (

One Third of the Holocaust:

Treblinka Archeology Hoax:

Holocaust, Hate Speech, and Were the Germans So Stupid?:

Last Days of the Big Lie:

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I wasn't even talking about the Holocaust, I was talking about how people are censored for denying it, which is why I assume you were attracted to my comment. Those behind the revisionist movement can eat shit and die though.

I love the "Pizzagate isn't partisan - Dennis Hastert is a pedo" manuever. It's pretty common, too.

He was convicted in a court of law and he's no longer relevant in politics. Somehow that's supposed to balance out flimsy accusations directed at basically every major player in the Democratic party... and no one affiliated with Trump.

He was convicted in a court of law and he's no longer relevant in politics

I'm sorry, the fact that a "serial child rapist" (quote from the judge who sentenced him) managed to make it to the level of Speaker of the House, is no longer relevant to you?

I'd still like to know every single politician that wrote letters to the judge on his behalf, defending him as being not a bad guy. What person in their right mind, ESPECIALLY politicians, would stick their neck out to defend a pedophile?

The whole thing just shows how even if there aren't a large number of pedophiles in the government, there are more than enough people that know about it, and even help these people cover their tracks.

Left or right, I don't give a fuck, anyone who touches kids, or knows about someone who touches kids and says nothing or tries to help, should be put down like a rabid dog.

This isnt partisanship...not that it even fucking matters. Bush and Clinton were so called partisan, didnt matter a damn.

But what does a cop dubiously promoted and promoted to the highest levels while costing $10's of millions of tax payer money, filing charges on an 11-yr old girl, abusing his wife, losing his gun, etc, have to do with parties?

Yeah, bipartisanship is ass, it makes every politician fall in line which is ridiculous. It gives false sense of choice, and is divisive to the public. I don't think "this person is conservative he probably has no social/moral compass" or "this person is a democrat they're probably some progressive socialist".

If you're a critical thinker, idc who you support, as long as you remain skeptical and vigilant. Dems or Republican? If you like Bush or Clinton, go fuck yourself, fuck your partyline.

I am skeptical, that's why I distrust campaigns from the alt right.

But Hillary is super chill.

Here we go again. Being everyday more fervently against this white nationalist alt-right propaganda disease has absolutely nothing to do with Hillary fucking Clinton. Stop.

The "alt-right propaganda" you speak of is basically just anything the MSM doesn't want the public to hear. Stop.

So head over to r/uncensorednews and tell me who the mods are. The alt-right. Your being distracted by white nationalists and being fed lies by billionaires. Don't confuse my skepticism of white supremacist news with endorsement of anything the mainstream media feeds us either. None of you can defend your alliance with them which why you grunt "Hillary" everytime someone points it out.

I don't confuse your skepticism of white supremacist news. I'm more pointing out the fact that NONE of this bothered you while it was Obama in power, talking hope and change while drone striking civilians, removing civil liberties, and launching a scam healthcare system. Then your team loses, and all of a sudden NOW you seem to care about the other team doing the same thing. It just seems pretty hypocritical, that's all.

I think this is the third time I'm telling you I am not the "them". I've been wondering why Russians have been meddling in US politics since I found out Dredge Report was owned by a Bulgarian with ties to the Putin regime. That was about 5 years ago, and now we have people like you and Trump is president. Yay.

Most of us never voted for either the fake left or the fake right.
Both the DNC and the GOP are puppet shows, barely covering the obvious coordinated teamwork gangster activities afoot.

Hence why wet support Bannon who wants top destroy both parties, hence why the shills are going nuts.

If someone showed me a video tape of Hilary, Bill , Trump, GW Bush, Amy Goodman, Noam Chomsky, Alex Jones, and Louis Farrakhan all having sex together like a caterpillar, with strap ons, and eating babies, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.

like the recent kayne west video?

we are in need of a Frank Castle. they had their chance, the swamp is spilling over. repentance is overdue. the streets still confused who to trust, while globalists claim fakenews hashtags and exploit it for their own misuse. concrete sidewalks still freshly stained with the blood of victims, that drown each night in terrifying memories. zombified teenagers posting emotionless selfies so emotionless followers can fill their void with digital high fives. we shed tears for eyes that been dry for ages, we let this happen, this world soaked in it. virgin tears mixed with blood particles, released by child anxiety and fear, the globalists' number one, euphoric party drug, while the mainstream is still high on molly. keeping us fed with dumbed-down autotune hits and easy highspeed internet access. their thirst is real and it is increasing rapidly. crooked investments camouflaged as righteous donations triggering the right side of our consciousness to stand up, while safespace seeking left-overs fight hired free speech activists, on their own grounds using terroristic activity, in the name of false equality.

This is beautiful cringe material.

What's holding you up?

ministry nwo!

Watch out for -Veridian, he just said in a private message he likes to rape and kill children. He also goes by Jimi Kendricks.

So... are the feminists going to riot?

Good one. They better get making signs!

So that Breitbart can demonized them?

Is it demonizing if it's true?

They're demonized if they riot, mocked if they protest, and called hypocrites if they do nothing.

Oh bullshit. No one is calling them hypocrites, they should be demonized if they riot, and everyone gets mocked, get the fuck over it.


Just like we were hearing from the previously non-government-run Wikileaks, there's fire under this p iz z a smoke.

Heads are going to roll. Enjoy.

who gives a fuck. doesn't change the fact the "yanks" are thick bastards. hopefully the mexicans breed yous lot out

This is all damaging stuff no doubt but it says a lot more about the DC police chief than JA.

I would be much more likely to believe the police chief is involved in q DC pedo ring than a pizza parlor.

But does she like beast pizza?

Here's a much better article on the case that's not based entirely on the recollection of the victim's (crack addict) mother...

Basically, she was a drug addict at 11 and a mother at 15. The police said it wasn't possible to exclude that there was consensual sex, and also that she was very instable and inconsistent in her story. Which is to be expected from an 11yo drug abuser tbh.

Was she indeed raped? Very possibly. But not necessarily provable. The proof required to press charges for rape is pretty substantial. Was there a mishandling of the information? Yes, the department itself admitted so. There is however no proof that that mishandling would be the fault of then-deputy Peter Newsham. It's funny that this article is trying to tie it to him when the person he replaced was just as involved in this case as he was. The only thing implicating him personally is the opinion of the victims mother. Who, again, is not exactly a stable, reliable source (but Fox omits that detail).

Bad sub to be the voice of reason. Thanks anyway.

crackwhores can't be trusted

I like her gang tattoos, tho.

Bad sub to be the voice of reason

Trying to do so here is mostly pointless.

Voice of reason

lol, since when is a having sex with an 11 year old not rape?

Reason, in this case, does not mean common sense. Specifically:

It's extremely common for parents to "sell" their kids in seedy hoods, at least in the country where I live, sex tourism of this kind is flourishing. This, paradoxically, shields pedos from the law.

And since this is r/conspiracy, allow me to speculate:

Best’s daughter was raped by multiple men at just 11 years old. Her daughter, who is still emotionally recovering from the 2008 aggression, was charged with filing a false report after her account of events were found to be inconsistent--

The story could be that they wanted to cash in on the big catch. And later on, it turned out telling the full story would implicate mom as a pimp. That's the point when they called it a day, even if it's normally a fairly strong case. Here, have Boondocks (elaborating further)[]

Sounds exactly like the type of person these people choose as their victims, "troubled youth", specifically so that when they try to tell people about their abuse, people like you just discredit their story because of the victims character.

people like you just discredit their story because of the victims character.

No, he said that there was no proof.

The part that you're missing is that there was proof of sex. An 11 year old cannot legally have sex with a 20 year old. That is considered rape.

Fair enough. Although there were multiple statements that explain the lack of proof comes from the witness' character.

That's some weak shit. Any sex with an 11 year old is rape, they had all the proof they needed regardless of her mental state.

Any sex with an 11 year old is rape

Yep, pretty much. Unless the other person is equally underage ofc, but we can't assume that.

they had all the proof they needed

No. They had no clear DNA match and so they would basically sentence someone on a testimony alone. Which they can't do.

You don't need to have a suspect in hand to treat this as a crime.

"Furthermore, Danielle’s age at the time of the assaults raises the question of why, when there were two medical reports detailing the sexual injuries she suffered, the police did not at least look into statutory rape charges."

Are you kidding me? Your own source invalidates your argument.

The police said it wasn't possible to exclude that there was consensual sex

Since when could an 11 year old give legal consent?

and also that she was very instable and inconsistent in her story

which the article also states "experts say inconsistent accounts by rape victims are not uncommon but do not mean that rape did not occur" and also "An officer misled her to get her to contradict her account, and then had her charged with lying, according to police reports."

Was she indeed raped? Very possibly.

No, she was definitely raped, and also as u/DontTreadOnMe16 said, she's a prime target for abusers because of her situation.

"Better article" from the Washington Post lol. Fuck WaPo. Trash journalism.

The original DC police chief was given a fancy job working for the NFL. Interesting

lots of "hotdogs" there.....

I'm just now traveling down this rabbithole of conspiracies... and as someone who lives (somewhat) local to DC, I'm not at all surprised with how much is coming to light now. I'm sure it's shocking news to those who aren't from the DMV (DC/MD/VA) region, but sex trafficking and politics, unfortunately, go hand in hand here.

I know I don't have any evidence, but I think Relisha Rudd is one such victim of it and the justice system continues to let her, and other young victims, down. If you aren't aware of Relisha Rudd, [I did a write up of her a few months back(]. Please take a moment to read and understand how common child trafficking is in the capital, and how so many levels of protection failed here.

He's a piece of shit in every regard. I'd bet he used his power or, aspirations of power, to do a lot of wrongdoing. Who were the rape suspects? Did you consider what connection they may have had with this interim chief? Maybe he had illegal dealings with them. Maybe he was paid. Maybe he was being blackmailed or threatened.

Also, it's assumable this man has a lengthy past of things that never came to light. One could likely cherry pick something from that past and make a connection elsewhere. The above photo doesn't mean anything. It's a power-hungry narcissist who aims to hob-nob with DC people, who know other people..and so on.

Then again, he could have a trunk full of body parts.

I NEVER thought I'd hear something more disgusting than "if she didn't dress like that, then she wouldn't have been raped." THIS actually might be worse! I'm speechless.

Then they fucking charge an 11 year old. FFS

Isn't Trump good friends with a pedo, Epstein? Why is no one talking about that?

From what I've seen on the sub it's usually disregarded because he only has 1 recorded flight on Epstein's plane and I don't think any records of him being on Epstein's Island (although I swear I read a girl who worked on the island said she's seen Trump there, don't quote me on that though). Also when it's brought up people tend to divert the thread to "but the Clinton's have heaps of recorded flights, clearly they're the bad ones" because somehow that invalidates claims against Trump (obviously they can't BOTH be guilty, right)?

Personally I don't think there's enough evidence to say Trump was definitely involved in the shit Epstein was doing but I think it's likely he knew what was happening but didn't say anything about it.


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.

Imagine just for a second that this was Hilary talking about James Alefantis, and that Alefantis later got nailed for pedophilia. Now imagine how this sub would react. It would be taken as fucking ironclad proof that pizzagate is 100% real.

But instead, people here are all like "lol that's not proof of anything plus Clinton was on the sex plane waaay more lol"

And as soon as what happened came to light he disavowed him. Unlike Bill Clinton and English Royals who continued to meet with him.

So if Alefantis had pedo buddies and was quoted in the press saying "He likes young girls as much as I do!" and then later disavows, you'd believe him?

And can I get a link to Trump's disavowal?

The quote back in '02 about Epstein liking girls on the younger side suggests Trump might have known before it came to light. Also from what I could find (from James Patterson's book on Epstein) an incident of Trump kicking Epstein out of his club for coming onto an underage girl happened in '99; 3 years before Trump called Epstein a good friend in that quote; 4 years before Epstein said Trump has dinner at his house; and 9 years before Epstein was charged. Seems like Trump didn't want to be involved or implicated in Epstein's crimes but otherwise had no problem with Epstein.

I think Trump's just smart enough to realise continuing a relationship with Epstein AFTER things came to light is plain bad for business, regardless of whether he condemns or condones Epstein's actions. Trump understand the importance of image.

Also the Clintons continuing a relationship with Epstein is irrelevant to Trump's relationship to him. Clintons being shit people doesn't mean Trump isn't shit as well. Kind of brings me back to the point before about deflections to Clintons when Trump is brought up.

He has no recorded flights on Epstein's plane, that's a lie. He only showed up in Epstein's contact book. If you can't get the facts right don't say them.

As I said that's what I see being said in the sub. But I swear there's a photo of Trump's name in the records and Epstein's brother said Trump flew it at least once?

Yes, that latter scenario is what I meant. That's why I honestly don't take this sub seriously, it's so hilariously biased, but pretends its not. And then you're an asshole for saying you don't think pizza gate is real.

Seriously, the two questions everyone has to ask are:

How does the owner of a place that serves crap pizza become one of the top 50 most powerful people IN DC?

Why are so many powerful people coming to the defense of the owner of a shit pizza joint?

Even if it is something other than a pedophile ring of powerful people (it is) it's fucking something that should be investigated.

Can't wait until Jeff Sessions put these faggot pedos away.

AHHAHAHAHAHA, WHAT?????? Wake up man, the Trump administration is every single bit a apart of the Oligarchy that Clinton was. God i cannot wait till Trumptards have to eat their bullshit sandwiches.

I bet that's why they are jumping off bridges and such

I bet that's why they are jumping off bridges and such

Your comment makes no sense.

If you think chucks tears were because of the plight of refugees from Muslim nations, you are mistaken

FYI, anyone that thinks in left/right is brainwashed. We live in a bipartisan oligarchy. People caught up in liberal/ conservative are the fucking problem.

Never said a word about that. I don't doubt many on "the right" are involved as well. That is why so many people are behind trump, he is neither. He just used the platform to get there

YA, you dont seem to get it. Trump is part of the Oligarchy. To think other wise is just plain fucking stupid.

If he was people wouldn't be sitting their pants the way that they are. They are looking to impeach two weeks in

Jesus you dense fuck. The people stuck in left thinking are just as brainwashed. The left/right divide is a fucking illusion, political theater to keep the masses separated. If you think Trump is some magical outsider then you have been fooled yet again and should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

Lol OK there buddy. I keep forgetting things are going to be different this time. Stupid me.

I'm so disgusted by this world, and I feel so helpless. This makes me so sick you have no idea.

i find hating them helps.......

Fucking fuck, this pizzagate shit fills me with rage like nothing else has

I would love to see the shills deny this in some way

... and this isn't on the front page btw, with 2k votes.

The reddit, Inc. staff want to shield the pizzagate people.

I've read hours and hours of material on pizzagate. I've seen the IG of Alefantis. Nothing even close to convincing there. So here we have yet another cop with a shady background. Pizzagate is still horseshit as far as I'm concerned.

What are their ties? The source only points out a picture of the two men standing together. Are they business partners? Does Alefantis have some kind of access to law enforcement?

James is a fucking scumbag

redditor for 11 months with 613,000 karma that only posts political stuff posting about pizzagate. were just letting that one go? nobody gonna call this one out? just gonna buy into the narrative? this is why this sub has gone to shit.

redditor for 11 months with 613,000 karma

You're accusing me of posting things that interest people? I plead guilty.

"Silenced by truth"?

Is today role players day out or something? Jesus!

I like your posts. Now that the election's over and HRC is most definitely NOT POTUS, due in some part to your hard work, maybe I'll visit this sub-Reddit more often instead of just hanging out on /r/wayofthebern

Counting down the hours bitches

What the hell?

Torches. Pitchforks.

the top of creepyness, we are living very bad time with all these murders at the power laughing at us.... The Rule of Law must be applied, electric chair for all these murders


I'd argue if you earn a living by being a keyboard warrior, you should be good at it.

You are black and English, give us some more clues scumbag.

I reread your post and it was obviously a joke, I don't know why I took it as anything but. My apologies, brother.

You should try playing dominoes over the hot-dog, not under it.

start a new one...

Another 6 month old spam account, sad.

I'm sorry but if you don't understand the irony in your username and posting in this thread, and why you have so much negative feedback regarding it, then the real conspiracy theory is inside your head.


to rhyme

You mean the performance art of an eccentric Yugoslavian artist? Yeah, fuck them for that, people in the privacy of their own home partaking in an art form focusing on the avant garde.

You still haven't answered my question by the way ;)

Hello? Are you going to tell me how that performance artist is related to a child sex trafficking ring? I still have my initial question as well.


“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine for a 2002 profile of Epstein. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.

Imagine just for a second that this was Hilary talking about James Alefantis, and that Alefantis later got nailed for pedophilia. Now imagine how this sub would react. It would be taken as fucking ironclad proof that pizzagate is 100% real.

But instead, people here are all like "lol that's not proof of anything plus Clinton was on the sex plane waaay more lol"

He has no recorded flights on Epstein's plane, that's a lie. He only showed up in Epstein's contact book. If you can't get the facts right don't say them.

Yes, that latter scenario is what I meant. That's why I honestly don't take this sub seriously, it's so hilariously biased, but pretends its not. And then you're an asshole for saying you don't think pizza gate is real.

As I said that's what I see being said in the sub. But I swear there's a photo of Trump's name in the records and Epstein's brother said Trump flew it at least once?

Watch the 3 hour radio talk show with Alex jones and joe Rogan, he explains thoroughly. The owner of pizzagate was considered one of top most 50 powerful people in Washington. Why is that ?