Anyone else feel like we're closer than ever to the whole fucking system being blown wide open?

1153  2017-02-06 by [deleted]



Like what?

For one I believe a sizable percentage of our government and celebrities are involved in child sex slavery and they're going to be exposed soon. Far too many people looking into it.

When that happens, and the people with all that money and power no longer have anything to hide, it will be interesting to see what happens.

But only the Democrats and leftists, right?

You guys might not look quite so Looney Tunes if you weren't so obviously biased and being fed a government propaganda-fueled narrative.

Dontchaknow Breitbart and ilk count as propaganda now since they're towing the line of the party in power? Or is the government propagandizing for them? Hard to tell any more.

You're letting your bias get the best of you.

eg. Dennis Hastert.

Um... No you haven't been paying attention much, there are Republicans involved too. Just look at who takes Soros money.

It's always follow the money with these people. They begin to seek power more than anything. I believe this is what fuels their thirst for children -taking away a human being's innocence simply quenches their thirst for power.

Needlessly antagonistic bro, especially when he didn't even represent he was a liberal or anything. Chill the fuck out

many people think establishment republicans are implicated too

They absolutely are. Dennis Hastert and Lawrence King have already been exposed.

The allegations are serious. People on Reddit get up in arms over women faking rape cases, but I see pedophile accusations everywhere now. The actual evidence behind these accusations is minimal or nonexistent. It's as ridiculous as the satanic panic 20 years ago.

what do you make of all the actual pedo busts lately?

They've been happening for years unfortunately. Whether it be in the Catholic Church, entertainment industry, etc. None of this is brand new. The most that people can do is push for more investigations, but that shouldn't entail ruining people's lives over baseless accusations.

I havent personally seen many baseless accusations. You do have to do a little bit of research.

Defacto is probably a pedo, ihmo.

Dude, I don't think anyone is saying it's just leftist. Why are you painting it a partisan thing. There's been rumors of the Bush family being involved in satanic pedophilia for decades. This whole movement does not care about bullshit parties.

Did I say left or right, shill? For the record it's both.

Don't put words in my mouth.

The fact that he has to say "you guys" shows he doesn't frequent this sub.

The fact that he has a shit ton of upvotes shows there are many others like him prowling this sub.

Look....take a minute. go drink a beer or maybe smoke a bowl. then try to empty your mind of the confirmation bias you've baked in to it over months and months of reading /r/conspiracy and then re-read your post.

"For one I believe a sizable percentage of our government and celebrities are involved in child sex slavery and they're going to be exposed soon. Far too many people looking into it. "

Do you TRULY 100% believe that we have a MASSIVE child sex slavery ring that is magically being hidden by a huge number of people whom are in the public spotlight all the time? Do all these politicians and celebrities magically disappear at certain times to descend in to their child sex slave dungeons and have their way with their sex slaves only to emerge the next day to continue on about their life? Like just step outside your little insane bubble for a minute and think about it...It's sad to read really. Sad that you have allowed yourself to be so fucking indoctrinated with insane far reaching bullshit that you believe a "sizeable percentage" of our gov't is fucking kid slaves. My brain draws a blank to even think of what to think about it.

seems to me that child sacrifice cannot become massive because it is an elite membership and control mechanism. IE the initiation and performance of truly appalling acts that are recorded with children assures the elite of obedience..or else. so perhaps what we are seeing is the pruning of the elite (hillary, podesta et al and there many minions within government) because it has become too large for the super elite to manage. this is clif highs plan b model being executed now by the alphabets.

I do and here is why: One of the most famous serial killers of all time, Gacy, had a list of 30k clients - many of them Washington elites. But now, he's just Gacy, a lone wolf pedophile.

Do you TRULY 100% believe that we have a MASSIVE child sex slavery ring

Ummm the BBC, the Catholic church, Hollywood, etc etc. These already exist and are 100% real. Why would extending it to DC elites be any different?

This x1,000. Many government elites in Britain were exposed not too long ago. It's not as far fetched as you may think... And there is evidence that suggests it's real. This isn't just coming out of thin air.

The point of this sub is to think for yourself. Part of this is to notice when there are too many coincidences and investigate further.

the BBC

had victims come forward


had victims come forward

the Catholic church

had a shitload of victims come forward

So you're denying there could be a pedo ring in D.C.?

So you're telling me victims of this ring have come forward?

Do you email your buddies about hot dogs and pizza?

If I'm having lunch with them? Or if they sent me a gift basket with pasta in it? yeah dude, i would. and there wouldn't really be anything weird about it.

What are you doing here then? No conspiracy right

was curious about "the whole system being blown wide open"

I'm not sure why you think it's so difficult to believe.

because so far all i have seen is a podesta email with the word pizza in it and some silly youtube videos with demented individuals drawing absolutely asinine conclusions. not a single one of you #basedgodcucks has shown a single shred of decent evidence.

There's plenty of evidence out there, though I'm not on my computer atm to share it. What's your explanation of the Podesta email, are they just choosing random, incoherent words?

It's ridiculous to think that something like that could exist, right?

Until you think about a few things:

  1. There have been previous large cases of this discovered in the past.
  2. All these people that are implicated are those that are 'bought' (by those orchestrating the false dichotomy of D/R etc) and to insure their loyalty, are blackmailed with evidence of their participation in this.
  3. If this was happening on such a large scale, do you not think the NSA/CIA/FBI would be aware of it and stop it? Unless maybe they were part of it like the rest of the government?

Who knows though, its probably just some crazy conspiracy theory and we all know that all those guys are just racist flat-earthers that ignore fact and logic for a false narrative (vs the one the news provides with its lack of corporate agenda and funding) /s

snap back to reality, wash your face, and then rethink the whole thing w/o confirmation bias

do you still believe in huge global child sex slavery rings?

It seems farfetched because it's appalling and you've been conditioned to believe that it's heinous and not factual. Take a fucking seat bitch and use your own advice. Take away your bias that you've been ingrained in and realize that EVIDENCE = FACT. Once we get the right evidence, things will hit the fan.

firstly i didn't insult you, no need for you to do so either

secondly, fact!=evidence.a fact can be do you prove that there are huge child sex slavery rings for rich people in hollywood or w/e?

just like in the case pizzagate, one can't say besta pizza is a child trafficking simply can't there's no palpable evidence.a lot of coincidences and more than likely something shady's going on, but in all this time, no concrete proof from the place, no proof from some employee, absolutely nothing.

The way a fact is proven is by evidence. There is evidence. You choose not to see the evidence, but that does not mean it doesn't exist.


weird formulations in emails wouldnt hold up in court.neither would the logo==boy lover.nor would podesta's taste in art.

I know man, did you see lady gaga eat that child on stage yesterday? I knew they had something crazy planned for the superbowl but wow what a show.

Soon? Who will expose them? The government? :b

What percentage?

I believe a sizable percentage of our government and celebrities are involved in child sex slavery and they're going to be exposed soon.

And you think the government is really that good at keeping a secret like that? They couldn't even keep secrets from low-level contractors like Snowden. How would they keep something as explosive as a child sex ring completely secret? All it would have taken is one person in the NSA to intercept something dodgy to blow the whole lid off it.

The cultural psychosphere is evolving.

Fascinating, Captain.

It is evolving, as are the forces trying to tamp them down. It is a mess, and I sometimes wonder if it is savable.

Well, how do you define "savable"? I mean, do we really want to save this system?

Well, wouldn't that be the ideal? Purge the sickness, save the good, grow from there cancer free?

I see Trump supporters ideas are now evolving into what I predicted. Hate and thoughts of genocide. But, you guys are going to save the system. It has been interesting watches you folks. It's like watching.the fall of the Weimar Republic and the rise of fascism, but in 2017.

Oh, you are so smart, aren't you. It is so wrong to want leaders that don't rape or eat people?

Leaders that rape and eat people? So. There is proof of this? I have talked to you before. Unfortunately, I see you really drank the koolaid and are now being prepped for violence.

Nobody's talking about violence. We use our guns for self defense, unlike the Leftists who use it to cause violence. You can purge the system of the wicked people without violence. It's happening before your very eyes right now

Um, bs. I lurk the Donald. I have seen many calls to violence. Op himself stated he wants to kill liberals in his comments. So, spew your lies to someone else.

Those are shills and they're being called out for that. We talk about violence as a last resort or if our society devolves into chaos

But its the leftist that cause violence... only them!!! Ours are just shills, nothing more. Our violence is totally righteous.

Please see the hypocrisy.

90% of shootings are caused by democrats. It's well known that we like our legal guns for sport and self defense


I'm sorry, but that was an awful and bias article. Nothing I say will change your mind, so please keep living the us vs them, right vs left mentality.

I live in elites vs us but we were talking about gun violence

90% of shootings in the US are done by low value white males, actually.

Relevant username?

More like 53% of shootings, robbery, rape & murder are committed by 3% of the us population.

hint hint, they're not white males of any income bracket.

Are you that type of guy who is going to say 90% of Sweden's crime is committed by like 400 people?

Look, white males are the ones doing mass shootings. White males are the ones walking into a theater and shooting it up because they can't get laid. They are the ones that threaten "normal" society. Yes, there are shootings daily in bad parts of Chicago, for example. No, it's not a relevant concern for 98% of that city. Ghettos are ghettos.

400? No, there's way more than 400 shitty muslims getting their rape on there.

If you're only claim is that you're not over represented in mass shootings that's a pretty fucking low bar to aim for.

And yes, violence, robbery rape, assault and so on absolutely threaten "normal" society unless that's part of your definition.

Ayo whitemalevictimhood I thought you deleted your account after u got caught saying all that pro pedophilia bullshit in other threads. This nigga likes to fuck kids yo. Trying to justify fucking little white kids you disgust us nigga fuck you

U dumb bitch most muslims are white most middle easterners are white. Why u still on one nigga?

Yeah, t-d is a group of people and a bundle of energy all its own.

A group of people and bots... And your statement means nothing. Was it a retort is some way. I have noticed t-d users are unable to back up any of there claims and have replies that barely make sense. Too much time in an echo chamber.

You know, there were hillbots, and donaldbots. There are always zealots in anything. I ignore or downvote most baseless zealotry and move on. Don't take it personally.

And, another statement that has nothing to do w the conversation. I do take threats on my life seriously. That's why I stay strapped now days. Can't have another Donald supporter killing six more innocent people.

You are probably a blast at parties. Keep on, keeping on, brother.

Used to be, now an old man yelling at kids to stay off my lawn.

Or sell us to foreign interests.

The complete opposite feeling is soaring right now. Optimism is now waning into chaos and panic. I'm very concerned to be honest.

You get too much main stream media. They are currently pushing the "chaos" narrative. It is in your head. Stop it. No one is panicing, the chaos is homemade paid protestors. Be vigilant, be prepared, be defensive, but don't be scared or buy what they are selling.

<"No one is panicing">

Not true. It is not 90% of the people running around on fire in the middle of a zombie attack panic, but there are real people around me that are literally operating in a panicked state.

I'm not talking about whether the news is reporting facts or falsities, but the fact that you state that "no on is panicking" is clearly not true. People are panicking. Not as many as the headlines would have you believe, and possibly not for any good reason, but some people are indeed panicking. However it would be fair to say that this is perfectly normal.

One thing I am curious about, is whether the election of Trump is more evidence of conspirancy, or of people waking up?

You are absolutely right and I am wrong. I should not talk in absolutely like that. My point, and I worded it really badly, was that the media is making mountains out of molehills, and it is true, that energy does get people panicky.

To your last question, I am unsure. I honestly have a feeling that the MSM worked accidentally against Hillary in that they let people know she had it in the bag - so all those people that were lazy or tired didn't go vote. Whereby people voting Green or Libertarian, and in some cases Trump, they knew those votes counted and didn't squander them.

It is pretty cool to think that the machine may have backfired on itself :D

I know, right? What is nice is it shows them as imperfect. And if they are imperfect, we got a chance.

and you're distracting from the topic by being unnecessarily pedantic, and missing the forest for the trees.

Interesting that after 6 years your account has < 1000 karma.

Interesting that on a sub that is about people waking up, you would shit on people that don't accumulate tons of fake internet points.

fear is a choice


and they're reacting to the paid protestors.

Go drive around your city or county or whatever.

What do you see? fires? protests? violence?

or do you just see trees, grass, water, sky.


It's all in your head.

Or a couple weeks ago when I was driving through Lancaster Pennsylvania the woman with the dead fetus hat... Maybe they were paid protesters, but some of the people stuck in the middle of the protest looked a little panicked. I'm just saying that if you want people to become woke to reality, you can't just brush aside things as if they are not happening at all. People are panicking, just not in the droves and droves that the media would have you believe. It sounds nice to say "people are not panicking", but it's also nice to believe that all authority is working to better you life, and if that were true, then there would be no point to this subreddit.

Let's say it's utterly unsalvageable.

What changes? Do we just give up, go home, and plug back in? of course not.

There will always be a struggle and fight for our freedom no matter what.

That's why the elite try so hard to get people to give up.

I feel like there is going to be a 'reset'. All the world leaders exposed. Faith in democracy lost. Then emerges the one ruler for the one new world.

Kanye west.

I upvoted for the faster stronger better Kenya West world

Yeezy season approachin

Yeezus will rise again

Yeezy Seezy

U wavy 🌊🌊 I like that

Got two words on. Drunk and I love you lmfao


The only celebrity this sub is more obsessed with than Donny Tineehands.

Confirmed not wavy

We want the old Kanye!

I miss the old Kanye, straight from the 'Go Kanye Chop up the soul Kanye, set on his goals Kanye I hate the new Kanye, the bad mood Kanye The always rude Kanye, spaz in the news Kanye I miss the sweet Kanye, chop up the beats Kanye I gotta to say, at that time I'd like to meet Kanye See I invented Kanye, it wasn't any Kanyes And now I look and look around and there's so many Kanyes I used to love Kanye, I used to love Kanye I even had the pink Polo, I thought I was Kanye What if Kanye made a song, about Kanye? Called "I Miss The Old Kanye," man that'd be so Kanye That's all it was Kanye, we still love Kanye And I love you like Kanye loves Kanye

what she order what she order fish filet

Look for it to happen in an equinox, then we'll see who's a freak or not.

No one man should have all that POWER.

Kanye for prez 2020 baby make it happen

Lol I think he's gonna let trump have 2 terms. That's what he met with him to talk about. #Kanye2024


Ugh, I'll do it I guess.


lonely at the top

Faith in democracy lost

There is faith in democracy only because "we" are socially engineered to have faith in it. At the top there is a deep rooted belief that if we do not make the general population into a democracy cheering bunch, their irrational side will take over and elect a new Hitler. (Very simplified explanation, but in short that's what a lot of psy related research post-WW2 was about, the likes of Anna Freud or Edward Barnays being core to it).

There is faith in democracy only because "we" are socially engineered to have faith in it.

That's something you could say about any system.

At the top there is a deep rooted belief

Think about, how would you even know that to be true? The belief of a "top" that rules the common populace is also something we believe only because we have been socially engineered for that.

If we actually suppose that such a top existed, how would you even know what their deep rooted beliefs was? Or is an ability to read minds something that's achieved when taking the red pill? Because otherwise how can you really know what other peoples true beliefs are, or how deep those beliefs go?

Let's just hope it won't be another one (pedo) ring to rule them all type of thing.

Well, will human nature fundamentally change? Probably not. So we will just repeat this cycle again. I dont think anything is ending since we are just existing in a continual loop. We are just at a different point in the loop than we were yesterday and tomorrow will be diffrent than today, but we'll come back around eventually.

This is, I think... the point where an unfeeling unbribable machine administrative complex would come in handy, if for nothing else than a change of scenery. The common element to human administration is the corruption element. Take that out of the mix and look to a decentralized, open source architecture, and you get something very different. And this sort of thing removes a large portion of what human nature stands to impede progress on. Would it be perfect, likely not, but would it be a change? Yes.

Would be convenient for the nwo and one world gov't and whatnot

Mr. Rogers in a bloodstained sweater?

So the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny to determine our leader?

Bob Ross, he will bring world peace through painting away the world's fears.


Would be interesting to see the current pope step into that role....establish a peace treaty for Palestine, etc.

The God-Emperor of Mankind.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon ;-)

The God Emperor of Mankind shall emerge victorious, and will lead us into a golden age of wealth and prosperity.

All the world leaders exposed

Exposed for what?

People aren't awake. You spend too much time here, among like-minded people. I see too many posts like this, and I wish it were true, but you're forgetting about the world outside this sub. If you read a newspaper or turn the TV on, you'll see what everybody else consumes. They are the 99% (not talking about the rich-poor gap here). Don't forget that this conspiracy community and others on the internet, are the 1%; and 99.9% of this 1% (including yourself probably) are doing nothing to further the cause, instead are just consuming whatever is on this sub on the safety of an armchair behind a computer screen.

Probably true 😞

People are way more awake then some will have you believe. Don't let the naysayers bring you down. We're going through big changes, and it is real. Peace!

Lots of people are waking up, I think the current political climate is suppressing lurkers and others who are afraid to voice their opinions publicly from losing friends and/or harassment. I think there are more of us than we estimate and the numbers are growing quite rapidly. I'm taking the optimistic approach as I know it's just a matter of time before it truly does break wide open.

Radical optimism can change everything!!!

I can get behind that!

I think there is definitely a silent majority who are getting fed up with the system. The identity politics. The ideological tribalism. It's all nauseating.

To top it off intellectualism has been on a slow and steady rise especially with access to the Internet. For the first time people are able to investigate issues themselves and not have to be spoon fed by news and television.

It may not be a tipping point where one day something happens. People will just be more prone to call bullshit and think for themselves.

There's never been a time in history where information can be accessed and shared like it is now, that's why this is happening, and it will continue to happen as long as we have this ability to be connected and spread ideas among each other.

I totally disagree. I see more and more "alternative" viewpoints popping up everywhere I go in the most unexpected places. I see it in my family and community, people far from online conspiracy communities.

i think that seeing this stuff, being tuned into it and talking about it with others is the key to unlocking people from their conditioning.

My Mum and Dad were incredibly easy to pursuade, somewhat suprisingly. Although a lot of other people i know are fighting it hard. They cannot believe that the people they know and percieve on TV are false idols and have been lying to them despite mountains of evidence that shows it.

I feel that what we do, talking about things on this and other subs helps us fine tune what it is we all are becoming aware of, which then drives the word of mouth that helped so many people go against the grain of the establishment media and organisations that set the narrative.

"It's easier to fool people than to convince them they've been fooled"

Baadher-meinhoff phenomenon

That doesn't explain people I've known my whole life radically changing their political and social views in the past year. And it certainly wasn't my influence, I don't get into this stuff with them.

You're young, this is the first election you and the people you've known have been old enough to actually understand or participate in.

More than that, this is the first election you've witnessed where your freedoms are actually on the line. The young generation these days thinks the government has always been progressive and promoted equality, as if we weren't going through similar republican bullshit just 8 short years ago.

It's confirmation bias, baadher-meinhoff, and plain ignorance through and through. Trump is a lunatic, yes. He's worse than your average republican president, yes. He's going to do terrible things to the country, yes. But this "we're all going to die" attitude has been around for hundreds of years, it's nothing new. Every election, half of the country thinks the government is about to burn to the ground and the other half couldn't be happier with the result.

Okay, thank you for your thoughts. I hope you have a nice day.

Me too. You're not alone.

No one is alone. :)

There was no one to begin with ;)

I see that too, and it worries me, because a lot of the "alternative viewpoints" are fake news and gullible people are buying it hook, line, and sinker.

There was a massive operation in Eastern Europe to churn the crap out in the run up to the election. Tons of people in the US were being trolled on a massive scale by Macedonian teenagers. That's not a positive development, IMHO.

Can you explain what an alternative view point is? I stopped watching the news. I hadn't really watched tv in nearly a decade until this election came up.

agree, not saying that it isnt happening. But we are in our own echo chamber, also to a certain extent we are on reddit and just a sub of it. This isnt the deep dark web, you didnt have to go throughdowloads, and steps to get here. Which begs the question is this also controlled content, Certainly not like the rest of the world but still. Sure we are wise to certain themes that play over and over again in MSM, but maybe we could be more awake and question more. It can make you crazy just over thinking it.

You underestimate the number of lurkers.

Lurker here. He's right.

See here. I've been awake for years now. Quiet, and preparing.

That's the best part. Most get their start on politics and then before you know it they are asking about the hollow earth and the erasing of human history. Politics is a gateway for normies that allows them to start questioning their reality. I hate the political spam on this sub, it's a tactic to create noise, but I do think we are picking up free thinkers along the way. We are all more connected then we are lead to believe

HRCRatline on Twitter

Idk though. The collective human frequency is rising (schumann). Open-mindedness is contagious because when one recognizes one isn't open-minded, and witnesses true open-mindedness in a companion, that closed-minded person is personally introduced to an enormous flaw in character. And I see this happening regularly now. People are changing and so is the Earth's/our environment's frequency. It's all connected. Just maybe not to the degree OP fathoms.

It's happening faster and faster. The awakening grows exponentially but will take years just because some people are so deeply brainwashed. Just thinking about the change that has happened in my immediate social circle is amazing. It gives me hope for humanity as a whole.

I was redpilled this election, and I have (somewhat) redpilled my parents and my friends. Even the people who are fighting it hard are at least seeing that there is a tangible force that is rising and starting to dominate, and they do not understand.

this post reminds me of the 'conspiracy of opinions' post from a few days ago. dont let this guy discourage you, I have several redpilled friends, we even have a discussion group.

Observing the manipulation and censorship doesn't necessarily tell you anything.

Consider Reddit right now. Itis filled to the brim with shill accounts and propaganda subs like politics and ETS.

They've gone one step further than shills and now manipulate votes to hide dissenting speech or freon it out with falsehoods.

Let's remember that Trump succeeded through alternative media, as did Sanders until he was blocked.

Yeah, the new blue CTR files claimed they were specifically going to attack Breitbart from every angle they can, which tells me that's one of the most trustworthy news sources available.

Maybe that's what they want you to think. Don't blindy trust anybody.

See, found the shill already. :P

And that's why we're in the global situation we're in right now. What's that line...evil prevails when good men do nothing?!? But the problem is anyone who rises up is tagged anti government and anti America and the masses go along with thinking that way and never join the fight.

This. People have to remember...think about the most ignorant, brainwashed person you know. More than 50% of the world is more ignorant than that person.

I thought this too, then my gym buddy- who goes home and watches tv and smokes, and only really has access to liberal perspectives (heavily blue state)- says Hillary is probably corrupt and DJ is the better choice. And another friend in Mass. switches sides. And I see these people randomly popping up everywhere and in every social circle.


THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE SHILLS' GOAL IS. Make us feel like your resistance is futile. Make us feel downtrodden, and alone. Like we are weird freaks that will just never make a change in the world. Guess we gotta give up guys, the sheeple will never break free. People are waking up, I know you don't want to hear that, but it's true and our people on this sub are as tenacious as ever.**

Agreed. I think the number of people waking up IS growing, but the overwhelming majority still outsource their worldview to the TV set and Huffpo shares on FB.

I am but I am also thinking 'What if this is a diversion from something else?'

No, I really don't think so. I have had the feeling though - but I'll sum it up to confirmation bias from exposing yourself to a lot of different sources on the matter and in that extent a lot of people of the same mindset.

To me, it's a bit like when religous people claim that the return of the their messiah will happen in their lifetime. It's mostly claimed by people with an above average dedication to their faith. Some of them will even scour through litterature, news and events looking for signs and symbols of this end - not dissimilar to what some of the people in this sub are doing.

The deeper you delve into it - and the more vague cues and clues you allow yourself to follow, the bigger the odds are that you'll feel that there's a correlation between what you read and talk about - and what is happening.

Personally, I don't believe in great unifying conspiracies - like the illuminati or the occult cabals. There seems to be an incoherence in it all, where people believe them to be all powerful and orchestrating everything, but at the same time they're braggy and clumsy. Leaving clues both intentionally and unintentionally everywhere. I mean, pick one. I find it far more probable that a few people manipulate and control fewer events and spheres, acting on self interest to promote income and power.

I also believe that it's much easier to promote ideologies and movements to believing their being mistreated, victims or that everyone else is better off, than it is that you hire dusins of crisis actors and not have it being discovered.

They are arrogant and brazen because it works. They've controlled the channels of communication for so long that they didn't realize that the Internet would be their own downfall.

When you control the channels of communication, you don't have to be careful, you just need a good clean up crew.

I very much disagree. The internet is the greatest polarizing tool around, because it gives everyone a voice and a belief that they know a lot about something that they basically know nothing about.

It's the easiest way to group and enforce every stereotype - and undermine and drown out credible sources. Again - like I suggested earlier; Just like demonstrations, riots and even social media - the easiest thing is to convince people that they're the ones who have to contribute in one way or the other.

So if you want control - giving every idiot a platform and a voice has grouped people of similar beliefs - and with the base assumption that the most moronic people are often the loudest, it's quickly the easiest way to discredit anyone. In example, there is surely some credence to BLM, Feminism and alike - but what credibility there is being drowned out by the loudest voices. And just like everything else - social acclimatization and normalization occurs; Basically - what this does is moving the bar of normalcy. In example - a few years back - there was a case in northern europe (where I live), where care personal were caught being horrendously abusive towards mentally challenged elders - doing everything from screaming to hitting and punching them. What happened was, that when someone new started - this behavior seemed inappropriate - but the degree that they encountered in, gave them a sense of normalcy - deciding that this is normal because those around them all did the same. There's an indiriect peer-pressure going on here - where people act psychologically against their better judgement, because their shown or told the contrary to be true or alright, by those around them.

Quite similarly, a group of feminists screaming their lungs out, doxxing or alike is considered normal and acceptable by the group, because of the prior actions of the group.

What the internet has done - is enforce this sort of behavior - and allowed extreme opinions, actions and so on to gain ground. People need nothing more than a social platform, where they can gather with like-minded individuals.

The loudest ones will be the ones heard and seen by the outsiders - even more so when the extremes rise. And this will help to form a picture of the group as a whole - creating and enforcing a certain stereotype. Which in turn polarizes people into their groups - which make them far easier to control.

Also - believing that just because traditional media is on it's way out, when it comes to credibility - that the internet isn't affected and is some sort of untouchable free speech zone, is letting your guard down.

It's the greatest trick in the book -- letting people think you're dumber and clumsier than you are, because that gives you all the room in the world to act as you please, when and where they aren't looking.


Right you are -- english isn't my first language, so errors will occur :)

I don't really think it's all that secret. It's just the people with the most money creating/manipulating events. Most people dont know about it, or just never get the information of what their doing, ir where their money is flowing, so they come up with the vague idea of the illuminati.

Yeah - That's a further point, that I've given quite some thought - that for the most part you can shape the general consensus if you control the primary outlets of information for the majority of the population. People are inclined to believe - and sometimes adamantly - the first piece of information they're given. That discredits a lot of the alternative theories. But the matter of the fact is, that a vast majority of what we know - both the ordinary population and those who delve deeper - is second hand accounts. It's damn near impossible to be sure about anything - which is why general consensus rules supreme.

But that - to me - doesn't mean I believe in the symbolism and the outright flaunting is something that occurs. And I still maintain my view that most conspiracies are orchestrated by a handful of people who aren't necessarily collaborating or even aware of one another.

The cold war never ended. WWIII was conceived on 9/11, if there will be one. A third world war may cover a financial crash of the USD, like it did before. Hopefully WWIII will be aborted.

With the way the Federal Reserve private banking cartel is set up, the USD will eventually crash. Without the petrodollar system, the USD would have collapsed decades ago. The USD is the world reserve currency and effects the value of most, if not, all other currencies, especially fiat ones. Under the petrodollar system, many countries are forced to trade oil for USD. Leaders and governments that decide to use another, often gold backed currency, are taken out (Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, etc.).

Global Elites like the Rothschilds have funded both sides of many western wars since Napoleon. After WWI, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds created the League of Nations, a step into global governing. The same and other global elites financed the second world war (included papa HW Bush's papa, who has funded the Nazis in WWII).

After WWII, the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds created the United Nations. The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are two of the families of "The Council of 13" (highest known, but others may be even above them) of the "Illuminati" - but for not getting labeled as a "nutter" - call them the global elites.

Anyway, there are people that profit from the war industry itself (Haliburton, Boeing, arms & ammunition manufacturers ect.).

Certain global elites started in oil and/or banking (such as the Rockefellers and Rothschilds), which remain as key avenues. Some families have also went into big pharma, biotech, MSM, federal politics, etc.

All wars are bankers wars. Most, if not all wars in the last or few centuries were just business opportunities and to expand powers of business and revenue (the fundamental basis of the global elites (see Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins, War is a Racket by Major General Smedley D Butler (the highest decorated general in US history (served 33 years and 4 months))), the Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein, etc.).

The wars of the lest century and onward are at least for profit and natural resources like oil, minerals, gold (See Ukraine - most of their gold went missing after the western backed Neo Nazis took over the government) - but it does not end there - their thirst for power includes controlling forieng government puppets, central banks, and leverage over Russia, especial in those regions.

However, the people (Rockefellers, Rothschilds, other global elites) also control Russia (or at least the people above them control them both). One or some of the people that are running the IMF and/or World Bank also control the Russian powered BRICS banks.

The end goal of these global elites is rather cliche - they want total control over everything on this planet, like a psychopath. The end goal of most of these western global elites is to have a one world government and one world currency, all under their control.

These powers that be want total control over everything and everyone on this planet, just like how the original Illuminati had wanted to do before they were caught and diminished.

Were they truely executed or did they reimerged like a Phoenix from a satanic hellfire? The original Bavarian Illuminati had contingency plans for if they were discovered and stopped. By the way things are going, their contingency plans have prevailed.

However, and especially thanks to internet and instant communications, many people are awakening to the evils of certain big governments and big corporations that seem to be orchestrating the end goals of this original Illuminati group, weather they are the Illuminati, or just a new set of few individuals looking for absolute power over everything on this planet, even after they had accumulated vast amounts of wealth.

These global elite families, extended families, political puppets, etc. all want control over all monies, countries, and all aspects of us plebs on this planet full of sleeping giants that are just emerging from their deep slumber and are now awakening in much more and full force than ever before thanks to internet and instant communications.

People in your previous generation (if you are as young as me) may have thought masses were waking up big-time, but failed to do anything - they may just well see the greater humanity awake -right now or very soon.

Think of the experiment/story of the "100th monkey". After nuclear bombs were tested, some researchers decided to put a pack of monkeys on an island that had been nuked. They teached some of the monkeys to wash radioactive coconuts in water for cleansing. Not many monkies did at the beginning. The monkoes that did wash them taught others, slowly building up like a curve on a data graph. It took time to kick in, but by the time the 100th monkey started washing his coconut, all of the other monkeys of the population joined into what the dissenting monkeys were doing, by washing their coconuts!

We are in extraordinary times right now as humans on earth. Big things seem like they may be coming. Do not feel defeated and hopeless, although how difficult it may seem. By the looks of it, the anti-humanist global elites are shitting themselves right now as they are loosing power as the general populations are waking up to their bullshit!

A free and prosperous human race will endure without negative interference of these anti-humanist global elites ruining everything!

Live long and prosper brothers/sisters!

Majority of people are nut jobs, i gotta get outta here and away from all of you before shit goes down.

I think the key is not watching TV. TV is such a powerful brainwashing tool.

It's true. You have to cut the cord. Even then, it takes a long time to recover. I go back and visit the parents who don't seem content unless they are vegging in front of the tube.

My father in law spends every waking moment watching TV. You could say the indoctrination runs deep. What a pitiful existence. But it's hard for people to have the energy to do anything else when they're basically sick from all the chemicals in our food, water, and air. Fuck TV. I haven't watched anything since Breaking Bad!

And dat wage slavery

Seriously, I was perusing r/the_donald and I saw this thread: (blah blah wagemcdonalds blah)[;h=1536&amp;w=1536&amp;s=f2812967473f60115c0f080eb05a13ec], and I was pretty shocked at the comment section seeming like a giant crab bucket with the rhetoric being "how dare they ask for so much! They dont deserve it! Nothing is free!"

Pretty sad when the slaves are so eager to reign each other in.

Learn more about capitalism before you make broad assertions like that. I agree with them even before I got into politics.

Care to enlighten us on what you're talking about?

I agree that the minimum wage for $15 is ridiculous. It's anti-capitalism and does way more harm than good.

In what ways does raising the minimum wage cause harm?

It artificially raises the minimum wage and pushes out the young, unskilled and elderly from the job market (which puts more burden on the welfare state). It also prevents small businesses from being able to afford employees which stops economic growth in the small business sector. Then you add in all those other regulations that the Obama administration implemented and you understand why the American economy is the way it is.

Don't forget that in order to accommodate a jump in wages that drastic, most employers will either need to make layoffs, raise prices, or automate. Raising prices would be inevitable, and after a few short years, $15 is just as shitty a wage as the current minimum.

You're not supposed to be able to make a living on minimum wage jobs. They're supposed to either be stepping stones so you can get a better job after some experience as a young or supplement your income as an elderly person. Btw, having a smart phone and cable don't count as part of surviving.

You're living in a bubble. The cost of living in some states is just too high for the minimum wage to not be reconsidered. Also, there's that whole "no jobs" thing.

No, I live in Canada and I've been watching you guys for awhile now. Stating that I'm living in a bubble is a cop-out.

What whole "no jobs" thing?

I live in the south, so $7.50 an hour plus another job is enough to survive, but in some states that's just not the case. No argument, as I too live in a bubble, where most people believe other states are lazy. But truthfully, our most populated areas aren't doing well.

cost of living in some states

This is why minimum wage at the federal level is the most ridiculous concept imaginable. This should be an issue that is handled at the state/city level.

The federal government needs to keep its hands out of the free market.

bingo this is the answer right here. keep government out as much as possible, in this case let the states and or cities handle it.

I agree in theory, but in practice there are states that would set it way too low, or not at all.

The fed min is merely a safety net.

Yeah but why do you think that

I would suggest you read up on all the arguments on why the $15 minimum wage is a good idea and then read up on all the arguments on why the $15 minimum wage is bad. Once you see both arguments it is really hard to back a $15 minimum wage.

Free market capitalism will be the fairest way to determine wages in the market.

If you want to discuss this at further length I would be more than happy to, because at first glance... Just looking at the surface of the issue.. of course the argument makes sense for a $15 minimum wage... But in reality it is really bad.

Capitalism without socialism begets fascism.

Socialism without capitalism begets communism.

Regardless the much more important discussion is about a maximum wage

Yeah... okay..

What do you mean by the much more important discussion is about a maximum wage.

There is a reasonable maximum to an individual's pay relative to their employees. At a certain point, you don't need and cannot possibly justify acquisition of more.

Limiting that ratio forces employers to justly compensate their employees relative to the total success of the business.

...are you saying it's NOT just a choice A or Z like we're told to believe, and that there are real solutions to problems? It's almost like you actually belong on this sub.

Real solutions, definitely. But the populace is distracted and has neither the political capital or will to enact changes that would fix what's broken. And therein lies the real conspiracy.

Thanks for the compliment my man, any more I'm nearly afraid to comment for fear of being called a libtard cuck, a shill, or a Trump supporter. And it's like, fuck, can't I just be a suspicious but thinking individual?

Only if you're a shilling cuck fascist I guess.

Fuck man, I've been saying this for sooo long. If, even an owner, was only allowed to receive a maximum percentage more than the lowest worker, and all in between a division of that, then the system would be fixed. Boom equality. But no, muh capitalism.

Warren buffet made over 11 billion dollars last year. Yet the minimum standard of living in our country is homelessness. that level of wealth inequality is inarguably immoral.

the best options to combat this inequality are a maximum wage and a maximum inheritance.

What does Warren buffet have to do with anything we're discussing?

Maybe you should define maximum wage for me because I have no idea what you're talking about.

warren buffet earned the most of all Americans last year; i used him illustratively as one end of the wealth inequality spectrum

a maximum wage is really rather self explanatory. there should be a certain limit beyond which the acquisition of personal wealth is not allowed. any wealth created beyond that limit should be used for the good of society.

to determine what that limit should be would require a real national conversation about the system we live in. but it seems as a nation all we are capable of is national argument.

This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. When will you commies learn that socialism and communism doesn't work. Humans need freedom to aspire to be great. Do yourself and your family and your descendants a favour and read some history because you've been brainwashed.

you have been fooled by the false dialectic my friend. you are stuck within the false division within society.

you are correct; marxist communism is not the answer. but anachro-capitalism is not the answer either. we need to have actual synthesis but the decisive attitude you espouse is counter productive.

you have lost sight of our collective humanity.

What false dialectic. Speak plain english dude.

Here you go. Watch this if you're open to some new information. It may shatter your worldview.

marxism is abhorrent. the main idea of marxism is the destruction of the individual (society itself subsumes and replaces the individual). it is a fundamental misunderstanding of the entirety of evolutionary history. what makes things special is what makes them different.

what cultural marxism is the destruction of individual choice in culture. society tells you what culture is acceptable. everyone is forced to think the same ("political correctness" what an oxymoronic term in the first place). But that's not what makes us great! the best thing about america is that everyone is allowed to be different.

it's the difference between equality and equal rights.

Equality tries to tell us everyone should be the same. this is a fallacy

equal rights tells us everyone is allowed to be different. that's a better ideal. that's the greatest ideal of america!

but we are off on a tangent. this is the false dialectic that i talk about. this is where the division in society exists now. we were talking about power structures but now you are talking about thought structures.

in society now we have a Marxist thought structure and an anachro-capitalist power structure.

I look at the marxist thought structure and think it is terrible as well, we can agree on that.

but the anachro-capitalist power structure is horrible as well! it's basically jungle law; at the top of our power structure our "leaders" (rulers) can do WHATEVER the fuck they want. this is the power structure that allows a dupont heir to rape his 3 year old daughter and be spared jail. this is the power structure that allows the promotion of sociopaths to the top of our society. on a macro level this is the power structure that enabled america to install dictators all over the world; as the most powerful country we can just do whatever the fuck we want. shit here in r/ conspiracy there are people who will tell you that our elites abduct children, rape them, murder them, consume there pineal gland for an adrenochrome high and then inject children's blood to live longer. they can believe that because they can see that our rulers CAN do whatever the fuck they want.

All the red tie cunts do is pretend to attack the bullshit marxist thought structure.

All the blue tie cunts do is pretend to attack the bullshit anachro-capitalist power structure.

But nothing ever seems to change.

and that's EXACTLY how TPTB want it. they want to be able to do whatever the fuck they want. and they want us all to think the same so that we are easy to control. both of those things are entirely inhumane.

We need to find real unity and resurrect real productive conversation. we can create a synthesis and create a new system that is better on both fronts

There's No way that having maximum income is a viable solution to anything and no matter how many ways you discuss it it's still communism/socialism.

So you laid out your thoughts in a well thought out concise manner so I believe you deserve a apathetic debate. But I still stand by the fact that maximum income is wrong. The answer is in the Constitution. Freedom and small government to uphold the Constitution. Have you seen Donald Trump's tax plan?

As if the laws ever served the pleb or were impossible to ignore.

What is Fabian Socialism?

i think one of the major problems comes from the idea that people must choose option A, option B or option C when the reality is we probably need a combination of all options. We label and categorize policies far too much when we really just need to take the best of both worlds

I would agree with that! and that is exactly why divide and conquer is the strategy of the elites. real unity would foment real change and our aristocracy does not want real change.

the system now is setup 100% in the favor of the oligarchy.

most complex issues in life are not an option a or option b thing, usually its somewhere in the spectrum in between

I love how people speculate about (insertword)isms, while the framework was always various versions of feudalism since recorded history.

There's no such thing as capitalism with socialism. They are diametrically opposed economic systems.

Do Nordic countries not exist?

If the problem is inflation then you deal with the money supply. Increasing the minimum wage just props up the Fed to be able to devalue the dollar.

Because of how the fiat system works, it's destruction requires 2 things:

1.) Adoption of Bitcoin by the peasants

2.) Extermination of the parasitic banker and politician class

I don't have much hope.

Extermination of the parasitic banker and politician class

Got room for lawyers? Or does that take care of itself once the politicians are gone we won't as many convoluted and complicated rules to follow.

I think lawyers are a symptom, not a cause.

Greed is the root problem, not just gluttony towards money but also towards power.

Spot on. Power > Money > All Else

50% of us spending is on an increasingly irrelevant and decrepit military.

Capitalism is one long indoctrination campaign.

I saw that also, I wonder how many people there work production jobs in a factory. I have seen machinists, and welders reduced to button pushers and parts loaders.

Pretty sad when the slaves are so eager to reign each other in.

And a pretty ancient method of controlling the peasants.

I picture requiem for a dream! Just the chanting on 📺

So what you are saying is pawn my tv for drugs! Lol

careful drugs can also slide you into a false apathy where you become zombie-like like the painkiller addicts.

Its still good to have a tv around to see how they are brainwashing people

Lol yeah, I was just referencing requiem for a dream. His mom gets brainwashed into buying some stimulants off tv to lose weight, and her son steals her tv at one point and pawns it for heroin. I smoke a little, but I don't fuck with opoids or any hard drugs.

"Be excited! be be excited"

"Juice by tappy!"

The mom, Sarah Goldfarb, tells her Dr. that she wants to lose weight and he prescribes her speed. I have seen that movie too many times, never learn my lesson because i always regret watching it for a couple days after.

Make it mushrooms then


Juice by numbers, juice by numbers!

Juice by coolhand, juice by coolhand, ooooh juice!

Better Call Saul yo


You should go back and watch all of Mad Men.

Not only is it an amazing drama/story, but it's about how advertising hijacks your brain!

Do yourself a favor and watch a BBC docu called The Century of Self. Effin amazing shit.

I will! I'll find it somehow in American TV. I have Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon. Just no cable. :P

i wouldnt say television shows are all that bad to watch so long as you watch them on your own time. It is when you tune in to cable television "programming" where things get fucky real quick. Commercials, news alerts, breaking news stories, reality shows, fake history shows etc. To me watching breaking bad cannot be put in the same category.

But it's hard for people to have the energy to do anything else when they're basically sick from all the chemicals in our food, water, and air.

Yeah, but some of that is about personal responsibility. If you eat like shit, you shouldn't be too surprised when you feel like shit.

I work with many people who are always "too tired" to exercise but they eat fast food and drink soda and wonder why they're unhealthy.

Same. When I go back to visit my parents all three TVs are playing... mom is in her sewing room watching Dancing with the Stars, dad is in the den watching Fox News, and the TV nobody is watching has the sports channel blaring. Makes me kinda sad for them.

They don't know what to do instead of watching tv. It acts as a release for many ppl (like video games) when you are constantly being subdued by some BS tv programme average life becomes more tedious

Video Games to me are on a whole other level. I play what games i want when i want to. My mind gets stimulated moreso than any time i have watched TV. It actually really angers me when people mention playing video games in relation to watching television. My parents would watch television for 3-4 hours per night and tell me i need to stop playing video games as it is wrecking my mind. You have no idea how much that angers me now that i am older and red pilled.

Well in a way Video games are a cancer for you're mind imo

how so? Video games are the highest form of art known to man. Video Games encompass everything that is creative about us as humans. Video Games encourage critical thinking. Video Games can tell a story better than any movie. Video Games can teach you something better than any classroom. With Video Games there is a level of interaction that is unavaiable in every other form of media entertainment. Video Games also bring many social aspects to peoples lives who wouldnt normally be social.

How are they a cancer to ones mind? Im actually very curious.

Preach, I'm with you on this one.

Absolutely. Turn off the dummybox and read a fking book. Or create something. Almost anything is better. Wasting your life watching TV is exactly what they want you to do.

My wife and I are 59. I've gotta admit that slumping in front of the tube feels good at the end of a long day. It's my wife who likes it most. I'm usually browsing the web and only looking up from time to time... usually to make rude comments about some particularly outrageous bit of propaganda embedded in the script.

I had stopped watching TV at age 15, long before the 'net existed, and didn't really start watching again until I was 24 and my roommate brought a used one from his parents' house. We thought we'd just watch it "ironically", but man, we got sucked in about as hard as anyone else. Pretty scary.

OTOH, somehow I have always had a certain level of "propaganda resistance" or skepticism, even as a little kid. I just couldn't take what the teachers said without examining it, then trying to get better explanations - which marked me as a troublemaker/"poor student". And later, watching politicians, I would think "Isn't their bullshitting obvious? Do people really take this at face value?"

If you are stuck at a house with the TV on, an interesting exercise is to aim your eyes just far enough away from the TV so that no part of the image is even in your peripheral vision. I usually look at the floor in front of me. Just watch the flickering. Especially during the ads, you'll begin to notice an almost hypnotic rhythm as they cut from scene to scene. It is eerily consistent from one ad to the next. When I say this to people, they say "well of course, they only have a very short time, so they're going to cut often - and they're all under the same constraint, so the cuts are going to be about the same." I don't know if that's necessarily true. And a few ads do use slower pacing. My sense is they're doing some very basic hypnosis to bypass the rational part of your mind. Who knows... anyway, give it a try.

hey great remarks I do agree that you can mitigate some of the damage by looking away, by muting, by changing the channels, and basically becoming active in your viewing habits. But nothing like eliminating it from the house. netflix, streams, downloads, it's all available online, and without the bullshit.
May your rude comments never end, sir!

Absolutely. I like to think I'm free of it, but I'm not. I may be partly disengaged, but I'm still mostly absorbing the bullshit. if you're not looking at another advertising platform right now.

Yep! And one which can watch me back, via web analytics.

To be fair, reddit is not intrusive when it comes to ads.

But the "promoted media" is pretty deceptive. Who knows what other services they outright sell or simply condone the resale of.

This guy gets it :)

I work in post. It's intentional

You got any more info on that?

Doesn't really need a source it's the basics of production. Framing and cutting are some of the most powerful tools in editing

Yes Dalton said it well. Look up the relationship between cutting speed, music tempo, and our heart rate.

Tell-lie vision

i mean, i still watch Netflix, but that's all I have. Would you say that not being subject to having to watch commercials all the time is one of the things that "severs the connection", so to speak?

It's TV in general. All of the major networks push baseless Cultural Marxism now. For NBC's Today Show to the shit on CNN to the garbage on MTV. Watch each each of those three for a few days. You'll be blown away.

MTV has really gone downhill, I just want to watch beavis and butthead, daria, and downtown. I don't want to be called a scumbag for being white.

Hulu has both b&b and Daria, unsure on downtown.

I don't have Hulu, could you check on downtown? I'd totally pay for it if they did.

Checked, don't see it :/

That sucks, than you though!

They're on YouTube! ☺

Thanks! This channel is how I watched it on my last marathon of old TV shows, just wish one of the major providers had it so I could watch the entire episodes in HD and not have to search for parts 1-3. MTV used to produce some really amazing stuff, wish they'd get back to their roots.

Totally agree. I had actually forgotten about this series until reading your comments, so thanks for that! ☺

Yeah, no show titled downtown. Sorry!

I didn't think there would be. Thank you for checking though.

Cultural Marxism


Depends what you're watching

Partially. They still influence tv and laden it with filth and subliminal messaging. Netflix is better because ad's are pure propaganda but most tv shows have their own propaganda bits

According to theory the "connection is severed" just by watching the screen, so watching bob ross painting will fry your brain as much as anything else.

But if that's true, using the computer would also be shutting down circuits in the brain, which could actually mean that what a lot of people are interpreting as "waking up" is actually the exact opposite - critical thinking shutting down, and because of the lack of critical thinking abilities people suddenly start thinking that all kinds of absurd and illogical stuff is true, and that anyone not agreeing with them has to be wrong.

I would argue that the computer is a different kind of beast, in the sense that it actually requires interaction sometimes (threads, Reddit, Fb, etc), but you hit it on the head in terms of limiting critical thinking for the most part. I have to come to subs like these to see what people are really talking about, and having actual (for the most part) intelligent (I say this rather loosely) conversations about what's happening in the world these days. The TV just broadcasts what they're allowed to show, whereas the internet offers a plethora of content which can be filtered by the user. So, if someone just wants to read TMZ, then they can, but it can also be avoided if they wish.

I have to come to subs like these to see what people are really talking about, and having actual (for the most part) intelligent

But if the theory holds up it goes for all of us, if using the computer compromises critical thinking, you have to consider that everything which happens online is happening through that not-so-critical filter, even this conversation!

But then again, the idea that tv (and computers) fry your brain is usually a concept that most people is introduced to either online or through tv, so you would also have to consider if you had actually thought critically about the concept or just un-critically accepted it as fact.

I think the commercials are the true evil. They are designed to shape the viewers' reality. I still view entertainment on a screen but we have eliminated all cable and commercials.

that's what I mean. With Netflix, you can pick and choose what you watch (although alot of it is still garbage), but it's the advertising on Cable, buy this, consume, get a home loan you can't afford, blah blah, real "They Live" kind of crap. And now, I feel sort of "unplugged". Half the time I don't even know what major movies are in the theatres cause I miss the trailers and the lead up to release. lol. My mom and dad still have Cable though, so when we go to visit I see commercials and I realize how much garbage we're being fed on a regular constant basis. it's kind of daunting when you go from one extreme to another.

Just go watch the "satanical art" diet. The santa Clarita diet. They're programming hard on nflix now

i literally just finished the first season yesterday. lol. it was. . . interesting. . .

The lack of commercials is specifically why I got Netflix when I canceled cable. I watch a LOT less TV now and I can't help but think it's good for my mental state. The garbage they peddle on cable "news" is ridiculous.

Totally agree, I saw someone type the other day something like, 'they're not called "programmes" for nothing.' I'd never thought of it that way before, so simple too.

Have to admit at times some of the people I'm close to act as though they're just reflections of the things they watch.


You're all doing my head in this week lol.

Also, just putting this here 'cause I don't like making new links, someone should mention that the Queen isn't planning on celebrating her 65th Anniversary which is today and also they've published an old photo instead. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I think there's summat definitely up there. Made a massive fuss when she hit 'the longest' last year. This year another first and nothing (at all). Odd to say the least. Saw the link via CNN not checked the BBC's mention of it yet. Sorry for putting this here, hope someone spots it.

Television places your brain in a susceptible alpha-wave state as quickly as 60 seconds after you start watching it.

For a brain to comprehend and communicate complex meaning, it must be in a state of “chaotic disequilibrium.” This means that there must be a dynamic flow of communication between all of the regions of the brain, which facilitates the comprehension of higher levels of order (breaking conceptual thresholds), and leads to the formation of complex ideas. High levels of chaotic brain activity are present during challenging tasks like reading, writing, and working mathematical equations in your head. They are not present while watching TV. Levels of brain activity are measured by an electroencenograph (EEG) machine. While watching television, the brain appears to slow to a halt, registering low alpha wave readings on the EEG. This is caused by the radiant light produced by cathode ray technology within the television set. Even if you're reading text on a television screen the brain registers low levels of activity. Once again, regardless of the content being presented, television essentially turns off your nervous system.

Is this the same for any screen?

No. Their computer/ipad screens plus internet is helping people wake up. Internet and some radio stations are the only free (meaning uncontrolled and uncontrolling) media. (Great question btw.)

It it was known this effect was produced by the cathode ray tube, what possible reasons would it have been eliminated when moving to liquid crystal display? The effect is caused by the radiant light patterns, which are by definition more crisp and pronounced with LCD displays. As we get into High Definition and now 4K technology, it appears that the prevalent trend is to deliver as convincing and precise a signal to the eyes as possible.

Many people in the UK actually think she is dead. Her Christmas message is recorded months before and she was super ill over Christmas and canceled many of her engagements, we've been told she's better but I don't think there have been any recent photos.

Imagine the chaos it would cause if we found out she was dead at a time like this! The UK is already a headless chicken.

Do we? I haven't come across anyone here who thinks she's dead. However, many of us do hope that when she kicks the bucket the RF as a whole dissappears.

"You don't need eyes to see, you need vision"

  • Maxi Jazz

I heard MK Ultra survivor Jay Parker say that exact thing about TV "programmes".

I got Hulu commercial free, and watch a few remaining shows. When I am somewhere with live tv, it feels like an annoying kid screaming for attention.

yeah see i am ok with netflix and hulu. When you choose things for yourself it is a lot different than just watching what is being fed to you.

The programming is still there but you control it better. I still watch SNL and Daily show and wow, the fricking programming is thick!

Yeah I agree to a certain extent. Like that white helmets documentary on Netflix was straight up propaganda.

Yeah my wife and i have been fully satisfied with Netflix and Youtube (through the Chromecast, which somehow makes youtube rarely play any commercials). Not to say this is way better than broadcast TV, but not having commercials and not being exposed to anything but what we select i think cuts down on the BS.

Commercial-free is so worth it! I'd pay extra for cable to get rid of commercials if I could (of course that was originally the whole damn point of cable).

Haha, I know. I put off going ad free thinking why bother paying extra 50%, but dang, I wish I had done it sooner! And it is true about cable starting commercial free.

I do watch TV but being red pilled to core I can easily spot the bullshit also living outside us helps

Are people outside the U.S not being brainwashed?

We are but the methods are not as ridiculously blatant.

This is why the stereotype of Americans outside of the US is the way it is.

Source: I'm not American.

This sounds like something a brain washed person would say

Whenever I went on this planet, the propaganda was the same everywhere.

I haven't had a TV for about a decade. Getting rid of it was the best thing I've ever done.

Same here, our town 'went digital' in 2012, didn't bother, never been happier.

Cheers! Cut the cord in 2006. Best decision ever.

If only people enmasse would start doing the same with smart phones. I stopped using mine when my daughter was born and the freedom was something I hadn't realized I lost until I disconnected. Very nice not being shackled by technocratic chains.

I've actually though about doing this. But it's an inexpensive, easy way to stay in touch with my family.

I've been nearly a quarter century without one, and do not miss it one bit. It is clearly a tool to manipulate people.

What's "red pill"?

In the matrix Morpheus offers Neo either a red pill or a blue pill. The red pill let's him escape the matrix and see the truth of "reality", but the blue pill makes him forget everything he learned and go back to his normal life believing whatever he wants.
"This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill—the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill—you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember: all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more." - Morpheus

I think altright took "red pill" and turned it into being a nazi.

And started shilling for Trump, which isn't actually being 'red pilled'

The JQ is the last redpill and the one that turns "Hitler did nothing wrong" into more than just a meme.

Go find out for yourself.

The JQ is the last redpill and the one that turns "Hitler did nothing wrong" into more than just a meme.

Go find out for yourself.


Jewish something, I guarantee it.

Jewish question of why such a small amount of the World's population can control so much of our media and financial industries.

Or you can go fuck yourself, nazi.

Isn't that ironic with red signifying Republican. LOL

Quote from the movie "The Matrix" meaning wake up to the truth. Realise conspiracies exist.

Realize that the last time a bunch of redditors banded together to solve a crime, we lead to a kids suicide and probably a lot more shit that could've been avoided.

This is a non sequitur.

The term has been appropriated by some less-than-pleasant individuals unfortunately.

Men who hate women because they can't get laid.

Or they feel their partners' career success is emasculating them.


Exactly. The wide awake and enlightened are using a term from a fucking movie. Go fuck yourselves.

Why "exactly"? Many movies are in fact full of hints about conspiracies. And metaphors from creative writers eg. Shakespeare enter the language and are used by everyone.

I haven't watched TV in a few years, its great.

TV news is basically just someone spouting opinions off at you: whether you really believe it or not, there is definitely the possibility of subliminal influence. Not to mention how many stations are controlled by so few.

I was watching a documentary about the Vietnam War (yes, I know - more TV) and I noticed something interesting. The 1960s news shows would show a clip of someone talking for at least 30 seconds, then follow up with their own commentary. Sure, the clip was probably carefully selected to eliminate important context. Still, you heard the person's actual words. Some time later they began to show the clip muted, while the newscaster talks over it, to "tell you what the person said". That way they have complete control over the way you perceive it. What they tell you may be a completely inaccurate and biased re-interpretation of the person's words, or simply their opinion about them.

It struck me pretty strongly because I was a kid in the 1960s and had been familiar with the older style, yet someone missed the transition to the new style until confronted with it by that documentary. (and even the documentary itself was propaganda, as it left out many of the realities of how the war was instigated by false-flag, and the rampant atrocities in its prosecution.)

What's the name of the documentary, if it's not too much trouble to find? I'd like to watch it.

I can't remember the exact name but it was the PBS documentary about the VietNam war. A search of their site may turn it up.

The mind control is most definitely real. It's like breaking a spell once you cut the cord.

Idk dude I watched the superbowl and watching the Patriots make a comeback that was almost symbolic to Trump's win in a way. Last night after the game it felt simalar to election night. It was "all positive"

But yeah as far as mainstream news they've basicly outed themselves for what they are whole sale mass mindcontrol.

I know this is not your point but reminds me I heard Bill Burr say recently he'd stopped spending time on conspiracy theories because he realised he couldn't change things anyway. He'd gone back to watching sport because "may as well enjoy the bread and circuses."

I really like Bill Burr. I don't think he's actually the simple idiot he portrays himself to be

I watch TV all the time and I'm definitely a red pill person. Not everyone is brainwashed.

It would be interesting to see if there's a correlation to "awoken" and cutting TV cord. My gut tells me greater chances IF the cord is cut.

I find it quite hopeless with the rest. The midwest rural areas had 1 or 2 channels til cable came in around 2005, and many are still without it. Give a midwest/southern/rural moron 100 channels and they'll be glued for life to the very thing they've been dreaming of. Tee Veeeeeeeeeee!

Back atya with a relevant video for you. The guy in this still is us: normal TV watchers (shown as a miserable, brainwashed, damaged egghead.)

(The linked video is the 7 minute long "I Pet Goat ii", a brilliant and hinty--but bewarned demoralising--animated film project of the illuminati. Clearly demonstrates the function of TV among other points it makes.)

One tab of LSD can redpill you if you feed the right media into your experience. DMT will blow the doors of perception right out the window.

agree with this 100%. I stopped watching cable television completely about 5 years ago and i have zero desire to go back. I am now at a point where i watch what i want when i want rather than being forced to watch what corporate media wants me to watch.

I just recently got out of prison (not proud) but whilst inside I fully realised how T.V. is a distraction for the masses.

I just renewed my internet and was given a cable package. It sucks to be jacked back in.

Comcast Xfinity is 44.99/mo for 12mo for 100mbps Internet and 40 channels of X1 "talk into your remote" interactive TV with built in Netflix... Or! 49.99/mo for standalone 25mbps internet. I wonder where the incentive is? Maybe I should ask my remote for answers.

Agree, good friend of mine refuses to be red pilled and my belief is because he can't let go of CNN

It's funny you say that because I only ever started getting into counter political ideas (I'm an ancap) because I moved out of my parents house and couldn't afford cable, so I watched YouTube and read.

Another important piece of the puzzle is to possess a paranoid mind set. Question everything. Research. No assuming.

I'd rather spend 10x less money on an Adobe CC subscription than cable tv.

I watched the super bowl on Sunday. That was the first time I watched tv in over two years and it was odd. Commercials all seemed to have a creepy disingenuous vibe to them.

You mean the Superb Owl?

Mainstream media is a powerful brainwashing tool, my friend.

This is a lot easier now. I can stream/YouTube anything that hits the TV that I want to watch with no commercials. Watching the News blows my mind sometimes, and it's to the point where it seems like information tug of war between multiple media sources with information that doesn't collaborate sometimes/alot of the time. It's honestly just incredibly stressful to keep an eye on what is going on in the world right now.

Don't give up.

Yep. Last year of normal or what we thought was normal... can't really deny it any longer

No, what you're feeling is premature enlightenment.

I wouldn't call 'being aware of fuckery' enlightenment

In a literal sense of the word, he's not wrong.

  1. factually well-informed, tolerant of alternative opinions, and guided by rational thought

Sounds like Antifa /s

Im certain we're gearing up for war to distract us from that though.


Something something secret nazi base

just give us the damn ufos already lol

They don't run on oil, so no.

Have you seen the trailer for Iron Sky 2?

What's the deal? I've seen it come up a lot recently, even following that WikiLeaks tweet. Is there something there or is it just a distraction?

Some people say it's a false flag to create a one world government.

Some people Aliens.

Others climate change/oil.

Supposedly a 'hail mary' to distract from peteza g8

But Kerry went there so long ago.

10 minute rational explanation of the world elite's fascination with Antarctica that doesn't involve aliens, demons, or Atlantis.

In summary: It's about resources, Antarctica is an entire continent that has (most likely) never been harvested by humans. If conditions / technology have changed enough to make harvesting possible the continent is likely worth trillions and trillions of dollars. This would be worth some personal visits by important people and a military presence to defend claims.

Pretty easy to cover up some things during war.

What things? You're just spewing bs you aren't old enough to know what war really is

No you're just spouting brainwashed drivel. Too old to not be indoctrinated, shut the fuck up.

I'm shouting brainwashed drivel? He just suggested that the government is starting a war to distract us from corruption, and im the crazy one?

It sounds crazy because you've been conditioned to believe that it is.

How old are you, kid

Of course you're more interested in the age of someone than the information they're spreading. Fuck you. Truth comes from all angles, even the ones you look down on. Realize that your age has nothing to do with experience. Realize that a 10 year old can live a more fulfilled life and be more understanding than a 35 year old. The only thing age gives you is the chance to experience more. That doesn't mean you even experienced it, just that you had the chance. What I have heard/read from your comments implies that you are older, but that is the most detrimental part of you. You've had more time being exposed to television, the radio, the "news". You have been ideologically assaulted by the mainstream media who has polarized you. You believe that anyone who doesn't think like you is wrong. You have been conditioned since birth to think, believe, and act in certain ways. You've been told that certain ideas are crazy, or insane, because that is what the people on top want you to believe. Honestly I would recommend you a dose of LSD, or Psilocybin (in the form of magic mushrooms) so that you can brush the cobwebs off the underutilized parts of your brain. Unless you have a family or medical history of mental illness, in which I'd hesitate to recommend psychedelics since it can exacerbate or bring a dormant illness to the surface.

Of course you're more interested in the age of someone than the information they're spreading.

As i've already stated, the information you're spreading are lies and your age is all to telling of why you believe those lies. I'm 23, i'm not a republican, i'm just level-headed.

The only thing age gives you is the chance to experience more.

and wisdom and perspective. Tell me, what was your opinion of Bill Clinton on February 6th, 1993? Oh, you didn't have one? You were too young? This is the first election you've been old enough to understand and participate in and therefore you don't have perspective on the last 30 years of American History to guide you?

your comments implies that you are older,

I'm 23, i'm not older i'm just rational.

You've had more time being exposed to the media

I get my news from multiple sources and outlets and I do my own research because I don't want to be spoon-fed someone else's opinions. I can guarantee you have one source of news and you believe every word they say.

You have been ideologically assaulted by the mainstream media who has polarized you.

I don't subscribe to any one media outlet, I source my news from multiple outlets because i'm a rational person who does my own research instead of being spoon-fed someone else's opinions.

You believe that anyone who doesn't think like you is wrong.

I believe anyone who doesn't think like you for themselves is wrong. You think like the person you source your news from. I think like myself because I source my news from multiple sources and do my own research. It's the only way to keep your news unbiased.

You've been told that certain ideas are crazy, or insane, because that is what the people on top want you to believe.

You think the idea that the government isn't starting a war to cover up corruption is crazy because that's what your news outlet told you to believe. Do you see the hypocrisy?

Honestly I would recommend you a dose of LSD, or Psilocybin

I did both, multiple times each, when I was in college. They were very eye-opening and helped me turn myself into a more honest, hard working, driven man. I also smoke an ounce of marijuana every month and drink a beer or two with dinner every day. Interesting how little you know about me yet you assume so much.

Honestly, kid. You have no perspective on life. You just went through your first election as a bona fide adult and you're frightened by all the corruption and bullshit you saw. Don't get me wrong, this election was more eventful than recent elections, but the doomsday attitude you and your peers have picked up is irrational and has been around since the creation of the government.

I'm older than you. 1992. Just because 2 people come to different conclusions due to multiple news sources does not mean one is wrong and one is right. This is called polarization and also the reason you've been so dismissive of things that you don't deem "sane". The idea that a corrupt government (we atleast agree on that right?) would use a war to distract the populace from the corruption is not an insane idea. It has happened before, and it will happen again. Do psychology research, do government research, do research on history, the history of our nation, the history of socio-political movements. Once you have done enough research more things come to light in your perception. When you look for something, you'll find it. Call it confirmation bias, call it baader-meinhoff syndrome. The fact is that you allow news sources to do your research for you. You just said so. That means, by your own logic, that you are wrong. I, on the other hand, do my own research. I read the e-mails, I studied the rhetoric, I've researched the mechanisms of our situation. I have read on right leaning boards, I have read left leaning boards, (definitely more than right tbh), I have read and discussed at length peer-reviewed journals and scientific analyses of our political climate. Once you have grown beyond the notion of letting people teach you, then you'll understand my point of view. I teach myself, i take into account partisan bias, and I read and critically analyze viewpoints that are not my own. Only once you have fully researched and understand the depth and breadth of our situation will you realize that war is evident.

The fact is that you allow news sources to do your research for you. You just said so.

I'm not going to debate with someone who's so ignorant that they will outright lie to my face about something I just said.

I get my news from multiple sources and outlets and I do my own research

I don't subscribe to any one media outlet, I source my news from multiple outlets because i'm a rational person who does my own research

I think like myself because I source my news from multiple sources and do my own research.

I have no idea how you can take those three statements and immediately assume the opposite.

Whatever. Try to educate yourself. Try. I hope for your sake.

I would tell you to pull your head out of your ass, but I know you're too afraid of the world to face it.

Nice insult man! Thanks. Have a nice day. :)

Fucking lol, 23 and acting like youre some wise old sage. Youre still a kid.

I'm not acting like a wise old sage, i'm acting rational. Let me know how your revolution went in three years when Trump is still our president.

Hey at least youll be old enough to rent a car by then

I own a car, but thank you.

Fresh off the breast -_-

I think that'll only fuel the flame, because a large portion of this "woke" crowd is distasted by wars. I think the blow back from the public would be similar to, and most likely larger then the protests against Vietnam. The difference now is people are smarter and have learned from a lot of past protests what works and doesn't. People are easier contacted and easier given information to convince them war is wrong now too.

I'm pretty conservative and even served in the military at one point. I'm completely anti war unless someone is actually invading the US. I may be projecting my own feelings onto others but I think most of The People are in this mindset.

It's getting harder for TPTB to move the populace to war. The Syria engagement just got shut down a couple years ago and that was after a bright line chemical attack. Granted they did a work around with ISIS but there were no major US deployments to that country.

I agree. Overall humans are less violent, and that's the difference imo

War is the best way to prevent people from awakening/enlightment.

The next few months are going to be absolutely wild

I think being positive like this is only cobtributing more to the awakening for sure but you're being way top generous.

The majority of people WILL NOT vote outside of the two party system.

I have always been red pilled. But I was a huge fan of American news. Even though I lived in Canada I couldn't stop watching CNN, and loved to yell at the television. I was also a heavy marijuana smoker. Eventually I moved to South Korea and quit all drugs, alcohol, smoking and television. Everything from my posture, to spending habits, to diet, to mental wellbeing improved.

Looking back, what I found most odd was I would preach to people about the illuminati about how they controlled the world and yada yada while smoking joints and cigarettes, drinking beers and caring about brand names and trivial shit. Some of the people I preached to had no idea about the illuminati but it didn't matter. They had no vices; just good family, friends and a love for knowledge, albeit in the name of science and tech.

A huge change for me is I can reflect and am not tied to any beliefs. If you can convince me of something I will accept your opinion. Liberals these days not so much.

Yeah, it's fun. You can tell it's still picking up stream because topics get rehashed over and over with new sincere free thinkers talking about how their world is rocked. We can take back control of our reality. We have reached the tipping point, we just need a spark



I feel like I see a post like this everyday.

YESSSS!!!! Thank God for Donald Trump's happening! I woke the hell up AND then woke the rest of my entire family😁

No, just the opposite. The people are divided more than ever, fighting against each other instead of the powers that control them.

More propaganda (fake news) and shills than ever. People reading/seeing all sorts of shit that turns out to be untrue leaving people confused, not knowing what to believe, so that they remain in a state of paranoia and doubt.

Any real free-thinkers that manage to read between the lines become pushed outside the acceptable boundaries and they too are accused of pushing fake news and won't be believed.

In reaction to this we have people who think they are liberal and to the left pushing a neo-con agenda and people on the right supporting a different kind of agenda disguised as being anti-establishment but still very much in control of elites and bankers. Those who don't take either side are attacked by both sides. And yet here we have people rejoicing at how free and awake we are. It could not be further from the truth. It is an illusion.

The 2016 election was the biggest psyop I've ever seen. People have never been so confused. The establishment finally destroyed the freedom of the internet and they did it with a vengeance.

People were "waking up" for a few years, but now they are drowning in Hegelian Dialectic.

I feel something as well. Just like a volcano in society is about to erupt.

Everyone is getting hit with a lot of disinformation and spin right now. You're being forced to choose a narrative, and the vast majority of people will not be vetting information, but repeating the spun stories that fit their chosen narrative.

No, its made to make it "feel" that way.

It is happening now

I feel like all systems--financial, educational, political--have been shown to be fraudulent or rigged over the last few years, and that's why people literally all over the world have taken to the streets to take it back. Or at least call BULLSHIT in the loudest voice possible.



Yes! YEs! FUck YEs!


Lol, op wants to kill liberals but thinks he "awoke". What a joke. You Donald people have drug every conspiracy message board a joke. You are your ilk have done more harm than good.

Turn off your tv and reject your politicians. Has nothing to do with politics. It has everything to do with you and I realizing that we are brothers fully capable of shaping our reality

Not joining hands and singing w fascists. I checked out Op's profile. He is partisan as you get and recently stated he wants to kill liberals. That is nobody, I can work with. Look deeper, be critical, do not brush off media because it doesn't fit your preconceived notions. Watch it critically, don't put your head in the sand. I can withstand attempts at brainwashing, are you so mentally weak as to fear it?

Wrong reply?

Not for me, maybe you did.

As long as the message is to reject politics, understand that we are all connected, and our reality can be shaped however we please, I'm down. I just don't want to feed into the "he said this so he is bad and I am different than him" trap. That's not us. We didn't invent liberal, or right or left or any of that bullshit, so why join in? We can simply ignore all the labels that are slapped on us and be brothers together

Like I already said. There can be no compromises with those that preach hatred. You are enabling them by acting as if their agenda doesn't involve scapgoating and hate.

I have love on my side. This world is light, shine it wherever you see darkness and you're good. We all have free will, I cannot enable anyone, only show them what they could be.

New age bs. I've heard this song and dance before. Love is a word, an idea. It can not do anything for you.

Love is real. A thought is a thing brother, nothing new age about that.

Yeah it's called open warfare. Happens to nearly every generation.

I my humble opinion, ""It" will get blown up before blown wide open.

If you really knew what the truth was this big lie would have been obvious millennia ago.

I know man, it's great to finally see some change. Just last night Hillary Clinton was arrested while trying to leave the country.

It wont happen like that tho. It wont be a huge explosion that everyone looks at like a train crash. Even now, there have been THOUSANDS of arrests in r/t pedo's. And hardly a whisper about it.

Nano aluminum-coated fiberglass snow.

Yeah, I feel exactly the same way. In February 2009.

Its supposed to happen in the next 2 weeks.

Not even close. The shadow rulers simply don't care.

As more and more recognize the truth however...

It's been like this every election since the cold war. It will never happen. The world just gets dumber and shittier every year...

Maybe if this coming generation of kids from the internet won't get distracted by all the bullshit and fake news... Unless the kids wake up it will always stay this way

So yesterday, as per this damning culmination of "facts", hillary and others were being rounded up and justice was about to be served.

WTF do you guys tell yourselves when all this bullshit proves to be... bullshit? Like this morning, when none of that actually happened.

I mean seriously? Do you honestly believe a word of this insane shit? Even when nothing happens, you re-stoke the completely idiotic fires of a stupid cause that has no actual proof, outside of crazy people like alex jones, circles. I'm not a supporter of hillary of any of the people that this involves, but rather a person who follows truth. This is a dry well. Move on to more important matters, as this is silly and has caused me to no longer take this sub seriously.

No replies tells you everything you need to know. Down the memory hole it goes!


Dude, this is so true. Like one of the comments below me, I think less and less people are watching TV, so that hugely alters their grasp over our minds. Not to mention the way the dominoes have been falling since the election process started. HRC showed us that not only can politicians be super fucked up and full-fledged criminal status, but they can be that way and almost secure the POTUS... Since then, with more and more people seeing the light, I think you're right. I think we are ready for the truth, and I think most are aware that we've been fed lies our entire lives. I'm very optimistic at this point.

I hope your right. The people that have been questioning why FBI anon would speak out if real is important to me. Real or not it's amping up the woke people. The more the people are woke the better chance we have for action. If all are quiet and unknowing they can sweep it under the rug. I give a lot of credit to citizen investigation! George Webb and others (all of you investigators!) who keep up the great work and push every day to get all this out in the open are incredible!

One of the few good things about social media, stuff like that spreads a lot faster now that you don't have to go to obscure or semi obscure forums where only like-minded people are lurking.

I now what you're saying but every few decades (sometimes less) it seems feel this way. Almost cyclical.

This is also how gambling addicts, apocalyptic believers, and other gullible people think. That big win is just around the corner, I can feel it!

God I hope so, I really really hope so...

There are corrupt, immoral people in government, as everywhere. Doesn't mean there's a vast conspiracy.


So you belive corrupt people are in power, but aren't actually doing anything with said corruption?

What an...interesting view point.

People in this sub have been saying this for all the months I've been browsing. I'm inclined to believe this is just a belief held by many here regardless of current affairs.

I've been here for years and it's changed enormously.

I been hearing this line from 2010 when ae911truth was gaining steam. Guess what? Nothing massive happened.

Yea. This same dog and pony show dates back thousands of years.

Fact is, non-sociopaths will never get the upper hand over sociopaths. They're seemingly will to do more to get their means. And they're a hell of a lot smarter.

Nothing is going to change that hard truth.

There is definitely a change of attitude. People who would never agree with anything I brought up are starting to change. This can only be s good thing.

I feel like something huge is going to happen soon.

Freedom of movement for everyone? A world not divided by arbitrary concepts like nations or races?

Or just another "peoples movement" which declares that the first world, by gods grace, deserves a more comfortable live than anyone else?

I think that's just counter intel doing it's job. Let scraps of fake bullshit "leak"

Wide range of awareness regarding things that make you go hmmm.. the concept that like-minded individuals organising isn't a foreign concept.

What isn't clear is the right path forward, when you feel like you're only scratching the surface its tough to come up with a gameplan. Its tough not to have that gameplan be incorrect, or it be co-opted.

Then, if you're successful and find that correct path forward.. an entire new set of challenges present themselves, that could result in you either being bought/paid off, or disappeared, publicly, or covertly.

No, because you people are doing it wrong.

In 2015, I would have said something along the lines of just remember how powerful they actually are.
After witnessing all the shit that went down in 2016, I think you're absolutely right.
The psychopaths who've hijacked the U.S. gov may be disgusting murderous fucks, but, apparently, they're surprisingly clumsy disgusting murderous fucks.
Maybe the crafty old geezers are dying off and they left their kids with a bag of tricks that really only worked in the pre-Internet era, and the kids are too dumb to create a new bag of tricks.

This. I like I a lot.

Man I didn't know this thread or whatever it's called, existed. I'm glad to see a bunch of people who think the way I do. Very comforting. I was just about to completely drop reddit until I saw this post.

TV is the worst. Sad to say, but advertising works, they wouldn't do it if it didn't. Thus, we must assume that tv propaganda works, too. And when it arrives via the evening 'news', it becomes even more pernicious. I ditched my tv some years ago and haven't looked back since. The world doesn't suddenly become black and white but there's certainly a lot less grey.

Conspiracy where are you ?

Not really. Keep hearing this will happen, then nothing.

Hasn't it been blow open already? I mean the uncovering of the NSA tracking pretty much everything everybody does everywhere would ruffle more feathers than it did, it's the definition of a big brother program.

People just don't seem to care.

I don't even believe half of the theories on here and I feel like something big is going to go down soon.

Really? I feel the exact opposite.

I feel like we're more asleep than ever. All Westernized humans have been neutered.

I agree.

The only issue is some people still think being "awake" is that new age bullshit of rainbows and happiness, or good willed aliens or some universe synchronization.

The only "awake" people is that who can understand who are their owners, the co-opted system that preserve and extend this order, the exploitation of entertainment and media to permeate the culture, and of course the new weapons and surreptitious strategies to preserve their game.

They're turning on each other. That freak Glenn Beck who sold his soul out is now joining in on the Pizza-gate.

I really want to have Term limits because politicians would have to sell each other out onto the alter of populisim to get reelected.The establishment politicians who've been in office since before Clinton was in the WH would be thrown out,they would be replaced with populist who would also be replaced with populist when term limits run out.

I'm done with politicians who're cozy with each other.

I feel like something huge is going to happen soon.

Me too. Glad I'm not the only one.

I sure hope so

the rate at which i see everyone staring mindlessly at their smartphones I'm certain we're more asleep than ever.

Yes, but im really concerned with trump. I have feelings that he will be removed very soon. The Left is obviously 100% against him.. The right (im talking politicians) are as well. We need to do something to help.

I am with you.

I agree with OP, but I am worried about what the elite are going to do to resist. I feel like a need month bug out now more than ever.

2012 was real. In 2012, the internet became so huge, it's now unstoppable. Too many people have learned.

This summer is the first with the new prez. Shiz gonna go down

What happened in 2012? The whole end of the world thing?

2012 "end of the world" are based on the Mayan calendar and the "Great Year," a 26,000 year cycle of axial procession. 2012 was the start of a new age, cosmologically. Pretty cool stuff. The Pyramid Code on netflix goes into it.

The allegory of the cave comes to mind

Yea, I really think that all the systems are just gonna be blown wide open. Don't you just hate the systems? I do

Not hating, just curious? What system? What are we referring too?

Our current reality. Shaped by war, greed, media, government, tptb, etc etc. Do you feel in control or are you merely given the illusion of choice? If you had all the money and all the resources, is this the reality you would build or would you give the people free will to shape their journey however they choose?

Hmm interesting. I would give people free will.

Best part is we still have free will my brother. Think of all that would be accomplished if we didn't hand over our free will to these politicians and the elite. Instead of focusing on the boogeyman, we focus on lighting out neighbors house, fuck the whole neighborhood for free. The system is going to tell me we can turn an idea into an atom bomb in 4 years to save our asses but we can't turn the fucking light on in Detroit? The these cities are our problems because we all hate each other? Come the fuck on, you know? I know you would give free will because you are good. People are good. You have free will and I have free will.

Exactly. People are good. We can be good. Detroit isn't the way it is because people hate each other. There are good people everywhere ready to help. We need to take the power from these elites

I think these are the best of times, the times where the most change can come about.

Innovation, empathy, progress. Love for our enemies (not the system) after swift justice has taken place. Decentralization. Free Energy. Transcendence. Abundance mentality.

It's not gonna happen by wishing it into existence

I've heard this been said many times in the past few years. Sounds like a copypasta at this point. It's good to be optimistic though.

Oh, I hope so.

Haven't we been all saying this for years now? And nothing ever actually happens? Obama was supposed to be the anti christ and destroy the world. That never checked out.

As long as we remember Trump is just a thirst quencher and drop him like a hot brick when he proves to be one of them, which is already happening and move on out of the fucking stupid idea that someone who is part of the system is going to fix everything.

Then it shouldn't be too long.

The 2016 election was the biggest psyop I've ever seen. People have never been so confused. The establishment finally destroyed the freedom of the internet and they did it with a vengeance.

People were "waking up" for a few years, but now they are drowning in Hegelian Dialectic.

And now, with the fake outsider in office, net neutrality will be destroyed and they will lock in this new paradigm.

Some of the biggest lies today:

  1. Donald Trump is an outsider -- no, he is a Republican dirty trick

  2. The media is either "liberal" or even "Democratic" -- no it's corporate

  3. Libertarianism represents an alternative for freedom -- no, it was created by a community of oligarchs to support wealth consolidation

If we could get through these three basic falsehoods, we would be way ahead. :)

Aaaaand, then I hit Facebook and realize, we're FUKT.

SometimesI think things are going to change then I go to r/politics. Don't view it as anit-anything, only just validating propaganda that msm puts out.

Everything I read there is how wonder a job the msm is doing and who ever they say is god is god and the Putin - sorry the devil - is definitely real and truthful 100%.

Russia hacked the election is absolutely true. Any questioning means you are silly and unpatriotic. Hillary lost because of silly people like you. Hillary's corruption is just due to how the Assange Russian puppet edited and then very malicously released the emails. Bernie Sanders lost fair and square, 40,000,000 votes shows no DNC or media manipulations involved.

It's sickening. Irony is that it is a bigger sub then this one.

I've been feeling this way since 2011. I do hope something big happens very soon.

If you think thungs are going to change read r/politics.

I don't think the fact that we are awake is our doing, unfortunately the timing doesn't seem to be in our favor. Although people are waking up, it doesn't really matter if the information is shared or not. Case in point, 911 that shit obviously had something wicked involved and there still is basically no information released

There seems to be a thightening of the noose from a social media perspective, which is strange. I would've expected by now that they'd panic and loose control. Gotta say I'm getting conlficting signs from the ongoings.

No. To me it feels like when you're gonna sneeze, but never do.

I understand. It is almost like mankind is discovering a new element like a fish about to discover water.

I'm really late to the thread but Jean-Baptiste Baudrillard has a great quote on this that makes me inclined to disagree:

"It is useless to dream of revolution through content, useless to dream of revelation through form, because the medium and the real are now in a single nebula whose truth is indecipherable."

What Baudrillard is trying to tell us is that our system (the government and media) instill upon us both the means and the ends to a revolution, but only on their terms. We are numbed to the killings and uprisings that should cause us to stir. We are numbed to the dissent and angry voices that should cause us to take arms.

We are numb with content, a weapon this government uses effectively more than any other country through consumerism. We are too content with the now.

Until we can change that, there will be "breaking the system"

We really are closer than ever before! You are not imaging it. Yes, there are many of us awake. But not enough of us. We need to wake more people. But it is hard.

Yes, but we're still not at the precipice yet.

The MSM figureheads are the next group of people that need heavy investigation

Look at all the shills in this thread, trying to divide and annoy people into leaving.

There's a reason for it.

There might be one or more major false messiah deception soon.

Stay woke

Redpilled 10 years ago. I'd say we are behind schedule but on a train with no brakes right now.

no. And you can come back to my post in a couple months and see that I was right.


I have given up the hope that it will happen. Nothing is going to happen....

I agree that the minimum wage for $15 is ridiculous. It's anti-capitalism and does way more harm than good.

that's what I mean. With Netflix, you can pick and choose what you watch (although alot of it is still garbage), but it's the advertising on Cable, buy this, consume, get a home loan you can't afford, blah blah, real "They Live" kind of crap. And now, I feel sort of "unplugged". Half the time I don't even know what major movies are in the theatres cause I miss the trailers and the lead up to release. lol. My mom and dad still have Cable though, so when we go to visit I see commercials and I realize how much garbage we're being fed on a regular constant basis. it's kind of daunting when you go from one extreme to another.

I'm pretty conservative and even served in the military at one point. I'm completely anti war unless someone is actually invading the US. I may be projecting my own feelings onto others but I think most of The People are in this mindset.

It's getting harder for TPTB to move the populace to war. The Syria engagement just got shut down a couple years ago and that was after a bright line chemical attack. Granted they did a work around with ISIS but there were no major US deployments to that country.

What's the name of the documentary, if it's not too much trouble to find? I'd like to watch it.

I agree.

marxism is abhorrent. the main idea of marxism is the destruction of the individual (society itself subsumes and replaces the individual). it is a fundamental misunderstanding of the entirety of evolutionary history. what makes things special is what makes them different.

what cultural marxism is the destruction of individual choice in culture. society tells you what culture is acceptable. everyone is forced to think the same ("political correctness" what an oxymoronic term in the first place). But that's not what makes us great! the best thing about america is that everyone is allowed to be different.

it's the difference between equality and equal rights.

Equality tries to tell us everyone should be the same. this is a fallacy

equal rights tells us everyone is allowed to be different. that's a better ideal. that's the greatest ideal of america!

but we are off on a tangent. this is the false dialectic that i talk about. this is where the division in society exists now. we were talking about power structures but now you are talking about thought structures.

in society now we have a Marxist thought structure and an anachro-capitalist power structure.

I look at the marxist thought structure and think it is terrible as well, we can agree on that.

but the anachro-capitalist power structure is horrible as well! it's basically jungle law; at the top of our power structure our "leaders" (rulers) can do WHATEVER the fuck they want. this is the power structure that allows a dupont heir to rape his 3 year old daughter and be spared jail. this is the power structure that allows the promotion of sociopaths to the top of our society. on a macro level this is the power structure that enabled america to install dictators all over the world; as the most powerful country we can just do whatever the fuck we want. shit here in r/ conspiracy there are people who will tell you that our elites abduct children, rape them, murder them, consume there pineal gland for an adrenochrome high and then inject children's blood to live longer. they can believe that because they can see that our rulers CAN do whatever the fuck they want.

All the red tie cunts do is pretend to attack the bullshit marxist thought structure.

All the blue tie cunts do is pretend to attack the bullshit anachro-capitalist power structure.

But nothing ever seems to change.

and that's EXACTLY how TPTB want it. they want to be able to do whatever the fuck they want. and they want us all to think the same so that we are easy to control. both of those things are entirely inhumane.

We need to find real unity and resurrect real productive conversation. we can create a synthesis and create a new system that is better on both fronts

I'm sorry, but that was an awful and bias article. Nothing I say will change your mind, so please keep living the us vs them, right vs left mentality.

I live in the south, so $7.50 an hour plus another job is enough to survive, but in some states that's just not the case. No argument, as I too live in a bubble, where most people believe other states are lazy. But truthfully, our most populated areas aren't doing well.

Haha, I know. I put off going ad free thinking why bother paying extra 50%, but dang, I wish I had done it sooner! And it is true about cable starting commercial free.

400? No, there's way more than 400 shitty muslims getting their rape on there.

If you're only claim is that you're not over represented in mass shootings that's a pretty fucking low bar to aim for.

And yes, violence, robbery rape, assault and so on absolutely threaten "normal" society unless that's part of your definition.

Ayo whitemalevictimhood I thought you deleted your account after u got caught saying all that pro pedophilia bullshit in other threads. This nigga likes to fuck kids yo. Trying to justify fucking little white kids you disgust us nigga fuck you

U dumb bitch most muslims are white most middle easterners are white. Why u still on one nigga?