FULL LIST of Wash, DC pedophiles involved with PGate that were arrested today...

40  2017-02-07 by smokinbluebear


Wasn't Hillary on that list?


yea I'm just waiting for ole Jeffie boy to be confirmed

Sessions isn't in yet. hold your horses.

You're funny.

no, you are.

blind faith

yeah because there's clearly nothing happening. right, buddy. You're using a platform that banned the main subreddit looking into it. Thinking cap please.

Never said nothing was happening. But unlike you, I need evidence to believe that Trump and his appointees are actually going to take action. Every week The Event is totally for sure going to happen in a few days.

yeah like they would leak out evidence to you and ask your opinion before they make an announcement. keep dreaming.

So you admit there's no evidence. I wouldn't act so confident, then.

oh there's evidence trickling down from all over. I'm just saying when a strike occurs, you better believe the whole team is in effect. Giving sometime for the enemy to bleed out.

Classic shill lib mentality Won't believe until they see. Prepare yourself mentally for a hell of a mindfuck, no one will have pity if you dont

Once you spend more than a couple years researching the deep state, you'll start to get tired of hearing 'bro it's all totally happening in a few days for real this time' every other week. If a sourceless tabloid or a spooky 4chan post is enough to make you believe unquestionably, then you are a perfect example of why it's so hard for serious researchers to be taken seriously.

I've spent more than a couple years researching all things deep. As far as PG.. yea it's real.. what is it you are waiting for?

Is the joke supposed to be that there were none?

"Yes, that is joke.

[/German accent]

Also could be Arnold Schwarzenegger too. I prefer to imagine accents in the most aggressive tone possible, especially German.

There's an app for that

I wish people would quit listening to LARPers on 4chan.

Hey it's yesterday still somewhere in the world.

I don't wanna see any more of those FBI Anon posts. They're all bullshit.

So you admit there's no evidence. I wouldn't act so confident, then.