Why I believe in Pizzagate

526  2017-02-07 by [deleted]



Because no matter what side of the politcial spectrum you're on, the people will unite against child trafficking. This is what they fear the most. The people rising up together.

This fits in with left vs right of the political spectrum is bullshit, post that got stickied

It's all just secret police and gulags eventually


It's not just people, but also individuals in special or powerful positions as well.

It's well know that in the upper echelons of the elite paedophilia is prevalent. God knows why that is the case but it is.

Pedos are the perfect politicians because the people in charge can blackmail them into doing whatever they wish.

This is true and should be obvious to all. Sad that its not.

Perhaps that plays a role when people ask themselves how a conspiracy so big could be kept secret by so many.

This is true, but its not just politics. The Catholic Church, Ancient Greeks and Romans. pedophilia has been around as long as man has likely, and the people in positions of power and prestige get what they want.

It's a cycle too. Romans/Greeks and their young students or apprentices are abused, they normalize it, continue the cycle. Watching that Hollywood pedophilia documentary one of these brazen fucks said he was abused as a child, and tried to make it seem normal for him to be a child manager and allegedly continue the same behavior.

Do you have the name of said documentary, perchance?

An Open Secret, by Amy Berg. She has other great documentaries on pedo rings and the coverups. She (obviously) had no support, made little to no money, etc, etc.

Wonder why hollywood? Why would you possibly deny the making and release of these films?

Highly intelligent psychopaths are attracted to positions of power. They are also very charismatic and manipulative. Perfect recipe for positions of authority, especially politics. I would also say that many child abusers are probably psychopaths, not necessarily attracted to children, but children just happen to be the most vulnerable, and that's attractive to the psychopath.

There's also this theory, which I find extremely interesting.

  • Kakistocracy

“One of the reasons for the intimate association of the power elite with child abuse is that they might use it to maintain their, somewhat hidden, ‘kakistocracy’: government by the worst and most evil people: a highly capable brand of psychopaths if you like.

Psychopathy is only mildly hereditary, so an elite psychopath cannot guarantee that sons or daughters will be just as psychopathic. I expect this entails that they need a steady resupply of ruthless and power hungry individuals who understand the world deeply and pervasively and, as such, are highly capable. Normally deep and pervasive understanding leads to wisdom and a sense of responsibility, humility even. But that is precisely not what that the kakistocracy needs: it needs the same depth and pervasiveness of understanding, but in combination with utter ruthlessness and the capacity to appear respectable.

Enter child abuse. By abusing children you “give” them an attachment disorder by violating or destroying the deep sense of security that is the basis for an open attitude towards learning and discovering. With this trust violated the child’s world changes from a world of opportunities, to a world of potential and actual threats. And often they will search and serve those who can protect them from these threats an in doing so giving their autonomy away for life. And they might even carry it over to their children: stultifying their growth towards autonomy. Aristocrats and priest must have discovered a long time ago that abused children lead to useful adult servants; slaves actually. And while this is despicable to people with a normal moral development, it is a positive thing for psychopaths who see other people as tools anyway.

Yet this does not solve the problem of keeping the kakistocracy supplied with respectable appearing, super high functioning, and completely ruthless psychopaths. Only a small fraction of the population (say 1%) is psychopath and as such has the benefit of an absence of empathy and a conscience: psychopaths are able to exploit others as if they were tools. Yet the vast majority of them are not particularly evil: they can be ruthless, daring, and callous, but they find mostly norm-abiding ways to be psychopathic: they might be mountaineers, military, ER-doctors, car or insurance salesmen, real-estate brokers, or white-collar criminals. But most are definitely not the high functioning individuals that compare with how the power elite sees themselves and would accept as their peers. So how do you recruit suitable psychopaths in your midst if they do not advertise themselves as such.

Enter child abuse again. If you organize events for the ambitious and capable in which they progressively can show that, notwithstanding their veneer of respectability, they are actually completly ruthless, you have the ideal recruiting grounds for the kakistocracy. Of course blackmail plays a role, but the suitable candidates gladly let themselves to become blackmailable because this gives them access to the inner sanctum of the kakistocracy: they proof themselves worthy members and loyal (due to their blackmailability) and in return they will receive access to power in a way they could never dream of on their own. After a while they become fully accepted a level that suits their capabilities and they will help to maintain the system that gave them so much opportunities (and can end their respectability at any point in time).

I think that what I have sketched above is a useful framework to understand the dynamics of elite child abuse networks. It is never an incident, it is “just” the kakistocracy maintaining and reinvigorating itself: business as usual. But the few moments the abuse networks become exposed it provides and ideal opportunity to glimpse the kakistocracy at work (and frantically protecting itself).”

(Source: Maintaining A Kakistocracy | Time Reference: 41:02)


Also the whole Talmud thing.

corbett report is awsome. upvote

This is an outstanding theory.

It's very intriguing. If you haven't listened/watched the Corbett report podcast, you really should.

Either that or it's one of the easiest ways to blackmail people involved

Why not both?

100% this ... plus it will usher in the precedents needed to change the internet as we've come to know it.

See child trafficking and pedophelia are something 99% of the population are already against. If there is a big no no in society it's hurting kids. That's why so many of them are assaulted or killed once they go to prison.

Even the worst criminals hate them, or they get broken out and we just get time they were killed

Great answer, this is something that could really fuck them up if they ever get busted.

Very, very good observation.

Pizzagate is a conspiracy involving real people, rather than ideas.

Aliens and 9/11 involve organisations and throwing around ideas. Not a few specific individuals to be targeted who operate restaurants in known locations.

You're not going to get libel out of aliens.

Who got libel charges for saying that? They didn't sue anyone yet, afaik.

It's still libel even if it's not pursued.

Not if it's true.

You still gotta prove it.

I'd love to, he won't take his accusers to court.

I'd love to

Then why don't you?

he won't take his accusers to court for libel.

Probably not. Court is a long, looooooooong and expensive process.

Are you concern trolling?

So far all i've done is provide an explanation and say it needs to be proven.

Maybe I don't understand the definition of concern trolling. Probably.

There's no version of proof you would accept outside of a court ruling. Isn't James Alefantis a rich and powerful person with connections to lots of other lawyers we've accused of child human sacrifice?

If he's too pussy to defend himself in court, but is able to hire shills to shout down anyone who mentions evidence against him that's pretty damning in my view.

Still waiting on proof.

What would you accept as proof. I'll prove it in court, I told you.

Want me to contaminate my evidence by posting it online?

What would you accept as proof.

Pics, testimony from Comet Ping Pong victims, the standard stuff.

We'll prove it in court,

YOU will?

Want us to contaminate evidence by posting it online?

Oohh okay so you've got the proof, you just won't show it.

We will.

You personally?

Or 'we' as in 'other people will do the legwork whilst I take credit'.

What does that article have to do with Comet Ping Pong?

Nothing, they just don't like you interrupting the circle jerk. Dudes on his 4 day old account meant for larping and making shitty arguments that won't be tied to his main acct after all this blows over.

Main account got banned during the hyper-emotional US election season where everyone decided that anything even slightly dissenting of their own side is racist/nazi/islamophilic/satanic.

I got banned from T_D before I got banned from /r/hillaryclinton though. I think Trump is involved with Epstein and company also.

Pizzagate has never been solely about comet ping pong.

It's just been about it significantly.

Not really, comet ping pong is a very minor part. But even so, 38 victims of pizzagate were just rescued but they don't count because it doesn't fit what you've decided pizzagate is? Doesn't work that way. Haiti has been part or pizzagate since before comet ping pong was.

What does Haiti have to do with Pizzagate?

Pizzagate refers to a particular set of child injustices - not all child issues wordwide that share a common trend.

You must not had followed it and instead followed all the fake news about. Pizzagate was never just about one store, it's about an elite pedophile ring (politicians, celebrities, rich). The main theory has been Haiti is the main source, though not the only source, for child sex slaves. This is because of the Clinton Foundation ties to Haiti, the missing Haiti money, and rumors of people "didappearing" when the Clintons are around, as well as a few emails. Comet Ping Pong was never a big part of the equation.

You must not had followed it and instead followed all the fake news about. Pizzagate was never just about one store, it's about an elite pedophile ring (politicians, celebrities, rich).

Pizzagate went from being about Podesta emails, pizza, and comet ping pong and evolved to include ALL child trafficking.

It did this to try to gain legitimacy, because the podesta and pizza restaurant claims were shit. So by grasping onto worldwide child trafficking it forced it's nonsense into an area of legitimacy.

No, it didn't. The idea start as "eyes wide open threads" and were mostly about the Clintons, the Bushes, and Epstein. As I said, CPP is a small peice in a much bigger picture and always has been. If you had actually followed the development, you'd know that.

No, it didn't. The idea started as "eyes wide open threads" and were mostly about the Clintons, the Bushes, and Epstein.

So how did it get the name, PIZZAgate?

If you had actually followed the development, you'd know that.

Given you claim to be so educated on the matter, I await your answer to my question above.

Because of the code word "pizzagate." It had a variety of other names but for some reason that's the one that caught on.

Claims to be educated on the matter...

When asked about it...

but for some reason



I thought you knew what you were talking about?

The reason it was used is because of the code word "pizza." If you want an in depth analysis as to way society at large attaches to some buzzwords over others, you'll to talk to a sociologist, but those tendencies are wholly unrelated to pizzagate.

The reason it was used is because of the code word "pizza." If you want an in depth analysis as to way society at large attaches to some buzzwords over others, you'll to talk to a sociologist, but those tendencies are wholly unrelated to pizzagate.

So the reason the name became Pizzagate, was unrelated to Pizzagate?

Let that sink in.

What are you talking about? The reason the name became pizzagate was because of the code word "pizza," I've said that 3 times now.

I think there are definitely some threads on Reddit arguing over whether pizzagate is an appropriate hashtag or if it would lead to exactly the kind of uninformed diversionary tactics that /u/Rockran usually enjoys.

He's really just displaying the worst of his own sides argument.

Wrong. When it first came out there were ling discussions about the hashtag because they felt it would make people assume that Comet Ping Pong was the first incident instead of the last.

Any comment on that victim I mentioned?

What victim?

read my other replies toyou.


Dunno what you're referring to.

What does this have to do with Pizzagate?

Proves DC police covered up at least one underage gang rape. Pizzagate refers to the systemic child abuse and coverup by law enforcement in the US. It's not about comet ping pong.

Pizzagate refers to the systemic child abuse and coverup by law enforcement in the US.

Since when?

It's not about comet ping pong.

Where's the PIZZA in the name come from?

Since always. It came from some leaked emails that ended up hinting at these allegations. When they came out a lot of people argued against using Pizzagate as the hashtag because idiots like you would use this kind of argument

idiots like you would use this kind of argument


So you are basing your entire understanding of the meaning of this issue on a hashtag? Dumb.

The pizzeria is about 1% of Pizzagate. It is nearly impossible to have followed the investigation over at VOAT and still think it is about the pizzeria. If you haven't followed the investigation then your opinion on the matter is worthless.

The pizzeria is about 1% of Pizzagate.


How can you say the Pizzeria is 1% of PIZZAGATE when it's in the name?

investigation over at VOAT

There's no difference between VOAT and REDDIT.

Because it was named that very early on. It grew into a much bigger investigation once DynCorp, Tavistock, and the federal government were implicated.

Because it was named that very early on.

Pizzagate has tried to evolve beyond its scope to attempt to gain legitimacy.

Doesn't stop me focusing on its inception.

What do you mean VOAT is the same as Reddit?

Pretty simple. VOAT was intended as a student IT project to learn IT by copying REDDIT.

The maker literally copied Reddit's design. It's also funtionally identical to Reddit. It's just a forum where people post random shit, and where subreddits / subverses get away with posting underaged kids in bikinis.

Wrong you don't remember when it was being named. People argued loudly that calling t pizzagate was misleading. We know about cognitive infiltration now.

If you have actual evidence of a crime, you have handed it over to either the police or the DA right? I guess you have, because it would be insane to go to on reddit and write about it, before handing it in.


I bet lots of judges are pedos. It would explain the ridiculously light sentences doled out.

Or the DC Police helping cover up a gang rape.

Or they are all freemasons. These clowns hiding in the shadows put their brothers freedom higher than the law and everyone else.

Secret societies have no place in a free and just nation.

Secret Societies are the foundation of ours.

Unfortunately. They are weird. From strange and questionable initiation rites to some basic tenets, they go against real democracy and freedom.

Theres a big one collecting Adrenochromes to keep Henry Kissinger alive beyond all reason.

I bet it takes a lot to keep that fat fuck alive

There's no version of proof you would accept outside of a court ruling.

CORRECT. You are accusing people of raping hundreds of children. You better have a fucking MOUNTAIN of evidence to back that crazy shit up.

Concern trolling is the new thing. Still trying to wrap my head around it too... From Urban Dictionary:

A person who posts on a blog thread, in the guise of "concern," to disrupt dialogue or undermine morale by pointing out that posters and/or the site may be getting themselves in trouble, usually with an authority or power. They point out problems that don't really exist. The intent is to derail, stifle, control, the dialogue. It is viewed as insincere and condescending.

A concern troll on a progressive blog might write, "I don't think it's wise to say things like that because you might get in trouble with the government." Or, "This controversy is making your side look disorganized."

Why do you think Ben Swann only got let back on TV after deleting his social media? I don't know if JA got lawyers involved or if the station was being prudent...

And why did he get demoted after having an extremely popular segment (which was then cancelled).

Same old. Tow the party line Ben or else!

Who would they sue? Users in here are anonymous, so if anyone can be held responsible for what is written in here, it's reddit, so maybe they would want to avoid getting sued before it actually happens? And maybe it isn't just about getting sued or not, but about losing advertisers? Since this whole thing about "fake news" no matter what you think of the concept, you have hordes of advertisers cutting all business and funds to sites suspected of spreading fake news, so it would seem very plausible that there's some kind of monetary motive behind the resistance, i don't see how the resistance in itself proves anything about pizzagate?

If you picked a totally random person, and then started to ramdomly and very publicly connect this person to all sorts of "facts" about child molesting activities, would resistance in that case also "prove" guilt?

Wouldn't most normal people resist when getting accused of child molesting?

Mike Flynn Jr. is not anonymous.

Normal people would use the legally available methods to defend their reputation. Look what happened to Gawker.

Normal people would use the legally available methods to defend their reputation

In a system of justice that upholds the principle of "innocent until proven" wouldn't the legally available method for someone who was innocent, to not do anything? And what does it matter what "normal" people does? Normal people don't visit conspiracy sites or for that matter go around and accuse other people of being child molesters because the internet told them to

Well? I'm innocent of libel until proven guilty in a court of law too.

That's called freedom of speech.

Well? I'm innocent of libel until proven guilty in a court of law too.

I can't deny that, and i'm not accusing you personally of anything.

But i think you can find plenty of undeniable proof of libel in posts about pizzagate, posts that claim that certain named persons are child molesters based only on conjecture and speculation. The fact that some of the info floating around pizzagate might turn out to be true, still won't change the libelous nature of all the rest.

Even if it turned out that some of the usual suspects named in PG was actually guilty of child molesting, then it still has nothing to do with whatever artwork was collected or how company logos are designed.

What's the difference between your standard of evidence for accusing people of libel and the standard you are applying to them?

Why not just debunk specific points instead of concern trolling about libel when none of the accused have even hinted they will move towards pressing charges?

It can still fit into the legal definition of libel, even though no one has pressed charges. - If we use PG logic then the fact that no one has pressed charges, must be proof that it is libel, and if you ask anymore questions into why that is so, you are either a shill or a libel supporter!

Why not just debunk specific points instead of concern trolling about libel

Why concern troll about my concern trolling?

Debunking specific points proves nothing and would be contrary to the point i'm trying to make, so what would be the point of spending time debunking them one by one?

What kind of evidence would for example be required to prove that owning a certain piece of artwork doesn't make you a pedophile?

What's the point you are trying to make? That it's wrong to discuss conspiracy theories on the internet?

Is this your first time on the internet?

What's the point you are trying to make?

At folk nogengange tror de har det store overblik og har gennemskuet det hele, men når det så kommer til stykket fatter de nok ikke en skid, ikke engang at de ikke fatter noget!

Is this your first time on the internet?

Nah, i been doing it for the most of my rumspringa, and before that i tried it a few times when sneaking off the compound.

FYI everything you read online is fake news.

Really? Are you somehow implying that i'm not really an amish person doing my rumspringa

The nerve some people have huh, appropriating harmless christian folks just to jank some peoples chains.

I'm not gonna explain my point anymore, you can go through the discussion and see what i've already written, i won't spend anymore time regurgitating the same points over and over, or trying to prove a thing that can't be proved. I'm not trying to stop anyone from discussing, only trying to keep the discussion at a respectable level.

I'm allowed not to be convinced by whatever "proof" i have seen so far, right? Or does freedom of thought not apply in this sub?

To add to that, we got the next best thing r/pizzagate getting banned.

That's reddit compliance. If reddit said "fuck you bitch, this shit's protected under the first amendment and its the opposite of hateful, it's trying to find truth amongst evil" then reddit would get slammed.

I don't really support the closing down of that sub, on the contrary, let people have the discussion in a space where they aren't bothering anyone, just like shutting down alt-right - It's not like shutting down the sub will make the people that have opinions they don't like disappear.

Speculating about whatever reason reddit might have to do this, doesn't mean i support it. i'm not really too pleased about the fact that reddit has to cater to advertisers or whatever interest that's in control of this place. It isn't a conspiracy though, anyone with enough capital could buy and control reddit if they wanted to.

Well TECHNICALLY conspiring to control media like reddit is a conspiracy, but I know what you meant.

Already a dipshit moron pizzagater tried to murder random people.

Obvious false flag and not a shot was fired. The guy was an actor for god's sake.

Everything is a 'false flag' with you morons.

Moron pizzagaters also took shots at pizza places and food trucks here in Austin due to Alex Jones' lunatic ravings, so fuck you psychopaths.

Yeah, nothing is a false flag.

By the way, here's a list of 42 confirmed false flags.

By the way probably no one on this sub takes Alex Jones seriously.

Then why isn't he being charged with attempted murder?

Because there isn't enough evidence to make that charge stick.

I like how you're defending a lunatic that threatened a random restaurant.

Moron pizzagaters also took shots at pizza places and food trucks here in Austin due to Alex Jones' lunatic ravings, so fuck you psychopaths.

Isn't that the same reason Dennis Hastert didn't get sent to prison for being a pedo? Or why Epstein got off so light?

PS they didn't charge him with anything. He's innocent. Got off with a secret plea bargain, and has not been proven guilty in a court of law.

I wish we get some libel.

Too bad that involves proving it was libel, and burn all the emails you want Hillary, shits still gonna float to the top.

Oh you mean the lists of names popping up with 9/11 aren't as "personal" as P8? I see no fundamental difference here. We have the top of the iceberg for both we can see and the body below the surface we can all speculate about.

lists of names popping up with 9/11

What list?

The people who are usually mentioned in connection with 9/11, unofficially and officially.

Still doesnt mean the media overreaction has been appripriate or rational

Pizzagate isn't appropriate or rational.

In my opinion, there is enough to warrant suspicion. I suppose we will have to agree to disagree.

In my opinion, there is enough to warrant suspicion.

In my opinion, if the level of proof provided from Pizzagate warrants an investigation from the police, then we average Joe's are fucked.

I suppose we will have to agree to disagree.

If that's the case, then the cops should investigate you the moment I or anyone else merely accuses you of being a pedo.

In my opinion, there is enough to warrant suspicion.

In my opinion, if the level of proof provided from Pizzagate warrants an investigation from the police, then say goodbye to your rights.

They were public employees avoiding transparency via private communications lines. They voided those

I suppose we will have to agree to disagree.

If that's the case, then the cops should investigate you the moment I or anyone else merely accuses you of being a pedo.

Sure man....as long as ive been discussing pizza entrěes that cost 10 grand "per hour" in verbiage the FBI has identified as linked to human trafficing codespeak on a server that shouldnt legally exist


Innocent until proven guilty.

Investigations and public discussion of public officials behavior is not a sentence, moron.

They were public employees avoiding transparency via private communications lines. They voided those

I think you are wrong here, unless I missunderstand what exactly you are saying

They sent classified info on that server.....the server was legally subpeoned. Privacy rights are not a factor for these citizen officials. In this argument

Yeah, but isn't Pizzagate about the Podesta emails? I don't think those had much to do with the server

Call the police then.

Libel is the only reason to shutdown discussion and yet we've never seen (outside of maybe the Spez thing) anyone citing libel as the reason for the blatant censorship against PG. If they said "you can discuss PG but don't accuse any person of it" or something then that's one thing but I've never ever seen that. THAT'S what makes me believe in PG more than anything else.

involving real people

9/11 involved fake people?

I think we have enough names. Conspirators and patsies to indict a whole fucking circus for 9/11. Let's start with the Bush's, Clintons, Rumpsfeld, Cheney, Rice, and throw in Meyers (the general promoted to highest possible military position days after 9/11 and his "incompetence" which is obviously rewarded. While men died at ground zero...That's the time to promote the war games guy, the fake planes guy, the 4 jets are enough for all of the NE guy, the fuck our defenses with sims ignoring all warnings guy, the send our one fighter to the ocean guy)

The constant, and high resistance to anything pizza/pedogate related has made me believe in it being true has been the biggest i've ever seen, and I don't think its ever been like this before. It just blows my mind.

Every time flat earth theorists pop up on this sub, they get flooded with a thousand comments telling them how stupid they are.

Do you now believe in flat earth theory because there's a lot of opposition to them?

Flat earth theorists? You know that it's community is a parody right

It's hard to tell. It's like 4chan. Some are parody, some are serious.

Read the sidebar and you'd know.

I'm not talking about just /r/flatearth, just flat earthers in general.

Well just fyi flat earthers don't believe in a specific model. They use the term as a buzz word to make people stop and take notice. The idea is they don't know the model so any flat earth maps you see are a creation of non flat earthers. Also flat earthers do not associate with the flat earth society and believe they were created to put out a model so the theory could be attacked. It's some interesting crazy once you get into it.

Having people call you out as an idiot is completely different than censorship.

Flat earth is pretty obvious disinfo to make alternative media look crazy


This is true. I remember back years ago on the chans, the pedowood threads (regarding pedophilia in the entertainment industry) were routinely shut down by the moderators and/or flooded and/or derailed within minutes of being posted. This has always been an apparently very, very sensitive subject for some well-connected people with access to social media teams.

Anybody else remember those pedowood threads and want to refresh my memory? They often got shut down IIRC. This was back around 2013-2015 when it was called "pedowood" instead of "pizzagate."

I remember them greatly and all the pastebins. Opened my eyes about Nickelodeon shows and Dan "Hold her Tighter, She's a Fighter!" Schneider.

Definitely hit some chords with certain people involved.

i saw that, but still wasn't really sure

reading some of the emails though, it was like 'wtf am i even reading?'. two really stuck in my head that made me pretty sure that at least something illegal was being discussed. then looking in to it deeper with all the FBI pedo symbols and stuff, i started to believe it could be real

email1 was from (iirc) the pizza shop guy to podesta, i'm paraphrasing it

the realtor found your handkerchief with a pizza related map on it. Do you want me to mail it back to you?


are we going to use the same route obama used for the white house party? $60,000 of hot dogs on a private jet

Really? Personally, I thought people (like myself) disliked PizzaGate due to the lack of hard evidence and the fact that people were basically 100% of this potentially innocent pizza shop owner's guilt towards one of the worst possible crimes in existence.

If you 100% believe he's guilty of what he's being accused of, then I can understand why you'd wanna promote the story and spread awareness. But if you're doubtful regarding the legitimacy of the allegations after examining all the "evidence", then I completely understand why you'd want the story to go away before innocent lives are ruined.

I don't understand why people here can't understand that fact regardless of whether or not they think he's guilty.

That's not the point though. There are many, many conspiracies that are harmful to people but none have ever faced such laser-like suppression as pizzagate has.

Can you give me an example of one that sparked such a huge, targeted online witch hunt the way PizzaGate has so far? Especially one with no hard evidence and based purely on speculation, like PizzaGate.

After I posted a link to a Pizzagate site, and this was the day after the spirit cooking email was released, I was instantly sent a message by facebook asking me if I'd like to memorialize my facebook page in memory of my (lost) life. They literally sent me a death threat (and one to my girlfriend) for posting a link. So, no, there is an exceptional attempt to silence people going on, and this is why I believe there most definitely is a high degree of truth to every claim that is made regarding it.

This was a recent Facebook glitch you're referring to where ~2 million users (including Zuck himself) received the same message as you. More info here:


That was the message, but I received mine well before the election, and this was a few days afterwards. The only other people who got had the message displayed on their profile page, were the two people I linked the initial post to.

Do you honestly, truly believe the more likely explanation is that someone at Facebook was sending you and your friends death threats rather than it just being part of a well-documented glitch in their system around that same time?

If that's the case, then I really think you should re-assess your confirmation bias towards this stuff. I think you're probably convincing yourself of things that you want to perceive as reality rather than accepting the more reasonable explanations that most would perceive. I'm not saying it's not possible that they sent you death threats...because anything is possible...but I just feel like one explanation is MUCH more likely than the other.

Could be. I only related my own experience with Pizzagate, and how I personally experienced incidences that caused me to perceive an organized opposition towards its disclosure from very early on. The facebook incident was only one such experience, but it certainly left a profound sense that this was the case, because of the message that was left on my girlfriend's account more than anything.

for the record, I don't think any one person at facebook sent me a death threat, but rather that the site in question created an automatic response when posted on facebook. It was instantaneous the second I posted the facebook link that the page refreshed with that message. It was too soon to be anything but an automated response. I also had my Twitter account hacked by people in Denver the day after I posted some links bw Madeline Albright and child sex traffickers. Denver of course is the headquarters of the anti-trafficking organization named in her father's honor. Every single time I've posted anything to do with the investigation, something bizarre like this has happened.

You fell for the distraction, sir. Its not about Alefantis amd Ping Pong. It far surpasses him and that establishment. Him amd his business could be innocent and it wouldnt affect my rational nudgment that there are powerful, rich people out there commitimg such heinous crimes.

Remember, for every criminal caught, how many go uncaught?

both of which could be innocent and it wouldnt affect my rational judgment that there are powerful, rich people out there commiting such heinous crimes.

Okay, but don't you then see that there IS something wrong with potentially ruining the lives of potentially innocent people just because there are other guilty people out there that you know exist? It makes no sense to me why people are okay with the Alefantis witch hunt just because people like Hastert and Weiner and all the other sick fucks in this world exist.

So you would think it's okay if a bunch of people accused you of being a child sex trafficker/pedophile, just because such people do exist?

You should see the complete compiled lists they've made of every entity that has been involved in pushback and censorship. It is mind blowing

I was shocked a couple of months ago when I tried to type all the letters in PG on one of my favorite app games... it came out like %#*&(#. That surprised me, even after I lost my second TWTR account to that mess.

How would one go about finding this?

They compiled lists on voat. Pizzagate wiki may have it

No one got kicked off a forum, /r/pizzagate got shut down for doxxing and conducting a witch hunt.

Also pretty sure some people did get fired for 9/11 hoaxes (one of the NIST scientists iirc).

The fact you have a pizzagate post here, the front page of conspiracy is covered in pizzagate links to voat and beyond, how can you with a straight face say the discussion is being subdued?

pizzagate got shut down by a doxxer that kept getting unmuted by the admins.

The Sandy Hook conspiracy faces the same resistance when death threats are made towards relatives of the victims.

Labelling people as criminals without evidence can have very grave consequences, remember when reddit thought to have found the boston bomber?

This is the reason reddit banned witch hunting and doxxing.

Whereas the government and police never accidentally drone the wrong young boy or his sister.

Not when it's random internet dudes.

How do you think drones select their targets?

People with degrees that are allowed to do so because it's in their job description.

Haha oh wow. Yeah, bro, uh... Drone operators are just kids fresh out of high school with a few weeks of training.

Drone operators are commissioned officers.

Though the Air Force is somewhat tight-lipped about drone pilots, various news reports indicate their ranks range from second lieutenants to majors.



I've heard talk about Enlisted pilots as far back as 2010. I guess they pussy footed around for a few years and are just now getting in to it. So my post was only mostly wrong. Thank you for the correction.

Also, your average Lieutenant is not far removed from just another high school kid, except with an English or Liberal Arts degree. Your average TSgt is far more experienced and trustworthy than any Lieutenant.


E-6, Technical Sergeant

Drone operators aren't the ones choosing targets right? They just operate the drones.


It's also the job description of Radicals and Activists, and some vague accusations that could easily be put to rest with a libel suit if there is no truth to them is a far cry from droning a 16 year old boy or his sister.

Actually it's an automated database.

This is probably why the earth is flat

So much butt hurt

Piza8, flat earth and in the past 'holocaust denial' (not really, just number of death discussion) has crazy vitriol

The earth is round. Many people have circumnavigated the globe. If you are in a plane, you can actually see the curvature of the earth. By talking about flat earth, which is fake (I love reading about conspiracy theories but this one is just too out there. There's no way it's real. I've personally flown around the world. Over the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean. It's not flat and people who talk about the "Flat Earth" in a thread about pizzagate, which is in fact real, are really serving to delegitimize the issue to the eyes of many who are looking for ANY excuse to say that widespread child sex trafficking and slavery is not happening. Talk about it in another thread, it's just not necessary to have that kind of nonsense polluting this issue which is of the highest importance.

It's the newest disinformation tactic. They're bringing up flat earth wherever there's a conspiracy so when people look at it they'll think the people who believe in the conspiracy are the same people who believe in a flat earth.

David seaman did a video on it; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66AJg8cTNRw&t=1s

Look at the top comments. They are everywhere.

You can go aroun the disk, on a ship.

You cannot see the curve from a commercial aircraft

Have you ever flown on a commercial aircraft across the ocean? You can actually see the curve.

Show a picture or a video of that , then

You never have, have you?

Never have what? Flown on a plane. I have yes.

I generally drink and don't look for the curve of the earth.

I've heard you cannot see if from a commercial airliner. It's a myth.

No doubt you can link a video or picture to end the discussion. Of the curve of the earth from a plane window.


Holy shit, you've actually had a chance to check and you didn't because you were too busy to look out of the window? Good job investigating your theory, Sherlock. Do you really expect people to take you seriously when you're literally drinking to avoid the truth?

Also, why would you not look out of the window? You're in the air. Why would you not take some time to enjoy the view you're privileged enough to experience?

I didn't have much knowledge of the fe theory last time I flew

The picture you added isn't the impressive. Are you confident that's evidence of a curve of the earth from the plane?

I struggle to see it

Kind of like how it looks flat from footage of balloons that fly to 3 or 4 times the hight of the photo you've added

Dude, it's clearly visible. Are you now also claiming that balloons are disc-shaped?

I don't drink much on terra firma

It's no clearly visible at all

If its visible it's very slightly so. How do you rationalise balloons going much higher not being able to see the curve?

Doesn't seems to make a lot of sense

Balloons don't have eyes. This conversation is absurd for so many reasons. People have flown from the US to Japan and from Europe to the US.

Er, balloons with cameras attached to them.

It's possible in theory to fly aroud the disk. Which would seem like going around the 'globe'

But that would drastically change flight length to a point where it would be noticeable to say the least.

Perhaps yet I was expecting better proof than that

Better proof than physical flight times not corresponding with and heavily contradicting your theory? Like what?

If planes hadn't been invented, we'd have no proof of a globe earth?

If planes hadn't been invented we'd still know because of ships. That doesn't make sense.

But you can't. The horizon would still be the same distance away in all directions therfore straight. If you could "see the curve" we would be on a cylinder.

No we wouldn't, that's not how a globe works.

That's a curve...

What? I am not denying a curve... that would be stupid. I am saying most airliners cruising height isn't high enough. The picture in the link is from a weather balloon at twice the height. 70000'

Have any 9/11 truthers ever shot up a restaurant?

Have any pizzagate truthers?


He didn't shoot anyone and didn't shoot at anyone or even shoot when anyone was in, he evacuated everyone and then went looking for proof of the kill room.

So, consider yourself now informed or exposed as a fake news propagandist.

Source for he evacuated everybody? The only thing I can find is he pointed a gun at an employee who fled, then the occupants fled when he started shooting.

Police said 28-year-old Edgar Maddison Welch, of Salisbury, N.C., walked in the front door of Comet Ping Pong and pointed a firearm in the direction of a restaurant employee. The employee was able to flee and notify police. Police said Welch proceeded to discharge the rifle inside the restaurant; they think that all other occupants had fled when Welch began shooting.

I never claimed that he shot anyone.

Try again.

so you're really going to double down on the fact that he technically shot a wall or a door or something after people left as your explanation for 'a pizzagate truther shot up a restaurant'?

Did you find that source yet?

That was one of the most obvious false flags of this century

And your evidence for that is what exactly?

The guy was found to be a professional actor, right?

Yup, and related with some FBI agent.

Just so you know, comments like yours are why people think the way like OP. People attacked this thing just as bad BEFORE the guy - who never even shot anyone. He just carried a gun.

"kids in the pool for your entertainment"

Which is clearly a sarcastic statement in context of the email.

You clearly haven't looked into it enough

I have. There's nothing compelling. Link me one email which can't be explained away.

Here's a link to the thread that convinced me. Just the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence is staggering. That coupled the 400+ arrests in LA and the arrests going down in Haiti seems like it may not be total horseshit after all


Saying that because pedophiles have been busted elsewhere is evidence that Pizzagate is real is like saying because Jerry Sandusky got busted that Bill Belichick is a pedophile.

And people are making a big mistake when evaluating that circumstantial evidence. If you only look at the things which confirm what you already thought was true, then of course it's going to look like a mountain of evidence. It's the same thing as climate change denialists thinking there's a mountain of evidence against climate change because they only look at the 3% of papers disagreeing with climate change theory.

I get what you're saying about the need for more contextualization when it comes to confirmation bias and using unrelated examples, but the bill belichek/sandusky analogy isn't the same. If there were rumors going around that Belicheck liked little kids and the response was, "no way a football coach would do that". Why would we would not bring up Sandusky as an example to suggest that it is possible? This type of evidence is to defend against dismissal, it's not meant to be proof of anything, necessarily. There were apparently whispers of sketchy stuff preists were doing for years but many wouldn't believe men of god could do such a thing. Now that we have numerous examples that this is not unheard of, when people do speak up, we tend to listen more closely.

Pedophiles being busted all over the country simply means that this might be a more pervasive problem than people would like to believe. It's not evidence, it's context. When scientists are caught manipulating temperature data, it doesn't mean climate change is fake, it means there might be multiple agendas with an interest in confirming their existing beliefs. Citing that "only 3% of papers diagree with climate change theory(?)" tells me you haven't looked too closely at the actual debate and are just blindly accepting consensus as evidence of your own claims, which it is not.

If there were rumors going around that Belicheck liked little kids and the response was, "no way a football coach would do that"

But that's the thing: they're fighting a strawman. Nobody is saying that it isn't possible pedophiles exist in government. People are saying there is no compelling evidence that these political actors are pedophiles.

My bad, I guess I just read your comment by itself and responded based on my own experience. You were literally responding to someone who said,

Here's a link to the thread that convinced me. Just the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence is staggering. That coupled the 400+ arrests in LA and the arrests going down in Haiti seems like it may not be total horseshit after all.

So I guess we just disagree on what qualifies as compelling, which I'm okay with. It's definitely not an open and shut case, just a lot of little weird things added up.

On that note though, don't you see any relation between this case and the one with climate change? Anyone who disagrees with this statement: The climate is warming at an unsustainable rate specifically due to anthropological factors-- is automatically a "climate change denier". That's the definition of a strawman if I've ever seen one. Did you ever read the survey that they got that 97% number from? I'd be happy to link so you can read the actual report if you want, not what some opinion writer thinks it says. Even after you decipher that there is somewhat of a consensus, it is not nearly 97% percent that are in agreement about specific factors, natural cycles as significant drivers of temperature change, and most importantly, the degree of severity of the situation, and what various policies are going to be both a) noticeably effective in combating "change", and b) cost-effectiveness. I think its bogus and misleading to classify me as a climate change denier just because I don't agree with their strict definition and "at any cost" approach to policy prescriptions. Any thoughts? I'm just curious. I'm not a natural science-oriented person so I'm just going off of how I see the debate being framed, and actually reading the reports/surveys concerning the scientific community.

I will mention that they also found that, "of the 90ish scientists with over 120+ studies done on human-caused climate change, 97% agree."(iirc) Well, why would someone do over 100 studies, or how would they get funding to do 100 studies, if they aren't seeking to confirm this phenomena? Not saying it invalidates their research, just that it's not de facto proof.

That's the opposite extreme. No one is saying that because it happens in some places it happens everywhere. You evaluate all evidence and ask questions.

That's what this is. As Gowdy said "I haven't reached a conclusion, I ask you don't reach one either. This is an investigation."

What makes people get upset is the active cover ups and silencing of dissent. If I can't ask "Why are the clintons doing X, Y, and Z,?" then something is fucked. The circumstantial evidence is often paraded falsely because people for some fucking reason love to say "this is absolutely stupid".

Why? Franklin cover up showed gov't leaders running sex rings. So it CAN happen, why CANT it happen with Podesta/Clintons? That's my question. It's not purely circumstantial, Clintons werent picked because LUL MAGA FK HILLDAWG. No, their whole clan has been doing shady shit, then over 10 years evidence of child trafficking leaked out, so we ask "Are they really doing this?" And in response to "impossible" we say "well it's happened here, why would it be impossible in similar situations?"

The point he's making (I think) is that there is ample documented evidence that child sex trafficking involving government and media elites has happened and affected governments and media have had an active part in covering it up.

Documented cases of it happening have popped up at least 3 times in Washington DC since the 1970's and despite the evidence showing deep networks of pedophilia happening in the nations capital I can only think of 1 person convicted (Hastert). Many of those involved in the 1970's and 1980's rings will still be employed today.

Most recently in the mid-2000's we found out that at least 5000+ people were purchasing child pornography using government funds (likely purchasing cards) and yet we cannot name a single one, including any of the nine with top secret clearance involved in the practice.

The point is this; We know it's happened. We know it's happened recently. We know very very few are caught and punished. Logically many of those who have evaded capture or punishment are still active in Washington DC. Those people need to be stopped and need to face justice.

is like saying because Jerry Sandusky got busted that Bill Belichick is a pedophile.

No, but just because you kill one bee doesn't mean the beehive suddenly disappears.

I have a few questions about the CA arrests. Was this over a course of several months or all in one day when the arrests happened? Someone said or maybe I read that there were 20 or so underage people involved that were between the ages of 16 - 18. The rest of the 400 were pimps and prostitutes using like craigslist or something?

FBI anon said something about this. I think it was that it wasn't directly involved, but they may possibly roll up some of those arrested into bigger busts. I dont wanna mispeak, but its unclear whether it was just a periphery or to satisfy some branches and dissuade actual arrests or straight disinfo saying they were all pedos and "hey, we got em all, Clintons are cool".

Link me one email which can't be explained away.

Please explain this one where it says: "Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

Yeah sure.

"PS Do you think I'll play better dominos after eating cheese or pasta? I'm deciding on lunch."

So you're telling me that he's saying that he would play the game dominos better while "on" cheese or "on" pasta? As if their nutritional value somehow dictates his ability to play the game dominos?

That's an insane stretch.

That's not an insane stretch. He's obviously doesn't believe that the food will significantly change his ability to play checkers. Its not meant to be taken so literally. He's just casually joking about whether he should eat cheese or pasta while he plays checkers. This is an old man joking with a friend, for fucks sake.

But saying it like he does makes no sense.

I don't say, "Oh the reason I'm feeling so good today at the gym is because I'm on cheeseburgers right now"

It does make sense. It's meant to be casual. You're looking at it too literally.

The alternative explanation, that he's speaking in code, is completely unsupported by evidence. Cheese means cheese and pasta means pasta. Those code words were made up in a 4chan post.

The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related).

What is your explaination for this one?

Would love to get a pizza for an hour?

Nobody has ever said they're going to eat something "for an hour".

Can you send me walnut sauce recipe?

I immediately realized something was different by the shape of the box and I contemplated who would be sending me something in the square shaped box. Lo and behold, instead of pasta and wonderful sauces, it was a lovely, tempting assortment of cheeses, Yummy. I am awaiting the return of my children and grandchildren from their holiday travels so that we can demolish them.

The most powerful people in the world are sending each others square shaped boxes with cheeses? You really think that's not some kind of a code? They're gonna demolish their kids and grandkids?

It's very obvious that they are talking in some kind of a code. It might not be children they are talking about, could be drugs or something else.

Oh come on. In multiple emails these people discuss dinner parties where one of them cooks and make their own pasta sauces. They enjoyed the pasta so the person made them some. You've honestly never heard of people giving friends homemade food before? A square box is code somehow? I guess everybody who has ever moved before or put their things in storage are child murderers because they used square boxes. Also, cheese is a very popular food to give as presents. That person is waiting for their kids to get home so they can demolish the cheeses, because, idunno, maybe they want to share the food with their family? Christ, I guess I'll stay the fuck away from the dairy aisle next time I go grocery shopping, lest I end up a registered sex offender/child trafficker for my part in liking smoked Gouda.

Hey buddy, why dont you read all the emails. In some they actually discuss food.

Guess what...it doesnt read anything like that. There is no code, and more than chicken, cheese, pasta, walnuts, and hotdogs are discussed.

So why are they speaking in some fucked up broken talk one time and normal another?

And tell me this, the story that actually made the paper on Bush Sr and co hiring gay porn stars and prostitutes, does that ring a bell? I'll help out: Obama flying in $65k in Chicago Hot Dogs. You can actually argue that one. On one side he's been accused of participating in the gay community in Chicago as a senator and that White House rules are strict against outside food and that $65k in "lol taxpayer money" of hotdogs is insane for a smallish party. On the other, they've done crazier things, may be they just overpaid for some gourmet shit.

Either way, be skeptical. But straight denial is absurd.

What do you find so nefarious about people sending each other square shaped boxes of cheese? That's the most benign thing I could imagine.

and "pizza for an hour quote? Don't you think that's just hyperbole?

As for the handkerchief, I think that they are literally talking about a handkerchief that he left at the house. Map may have been a typographical error for Mark. It's only suspicious if you assume that they're involved in pedophilia in the first place and try to fill in the evidence afterwards.

I've never heard of "walnut sauce" in my life and I'm a foodie.

Not that much of a foodie then, a Google search shows that walnut sauce is a thing. But that doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

Not that much of a foodie then, a Google search shows that walnut sauce is a thing. But that doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

Not that much of a foodie then, a Google search shows that walnut sauce is a thing. But that doesn't fit the narrative I guess.

Nobody has ever said they're going to eat something "for an hour".

You've clearly never met extremely busy people in politics.

It's not literal. It's a joke.

No, it's code. Try arguing that it's code for drugs or someshit.

Trying to say "they're all in one these weird jokes" is stupid. It's consistent code. And code consistent with pedophilia.

Trying to say "they're all in one these weird jokes" is stupid.

Why? If you looked at my emails, you'd be equally confused. It doesn't mean I'm a pedophile. It means you don't know the context in which I'm emailing people because (surprise!) I've also talked to them outside of emails.

I'm not saying there is no inside jokes or weird shit people say. It's a fucking pile of evidence saying this is consistent code that falls in line with established pedophile code.

Show me emails where you say "is this your pizza/map related handkerchief" or w.e.

Like are you shilling or just willfully defending pedo's?

If I tell you that "sunburst" means handgun in some gang and "planet" means victim and then show you a bunch of emails saying shit like "oh yeah, I cocked my sunburst and that planet fucking dropped" would you say "nothing to see here, clearly a joke" or would you say "hmm, this isnt conclusive but I'd dig further"?

Within the context of the email about receiving a cheese assortment, I think it references an in joke about playing dominos. I don't see how it suggests anything nefarious.

This is a much better explanation, thanks. It's definitely possible that there already have a running joke about something or another.

It could still be interpreted in a nefarious way, however. But it would need supporting evidence or other emails for that to be the case.

Seems more likely to be a drug reference, if anything, given the use of the word "on".

Yup, also a possibility

A drug like adrenochrome? And I would not doubt dominos is code too.

There is no denying the Laura Silsby case, she was 100% busted for trying to kidnap 30 children. The clintons were directly involved her release (huge cover up here). The Andrew Breitbart tweets about podesta also cannot be ignored that man knew something and most likely paid the ultimate price. Podesta has multiple connections to pedos and he inquires about playing dominoes on cheese or pasta, I definitely wouldn't put my kids in a pool with him all night. These people are fucking creeps from friends they have to the art they collect. You are in denial if you think this is normal.

Trump has even made a "joke" about Clinton taking "a village" from Haiti. I'm sure this is all just a coincidence, right?

Silsby served jail time In Haiti. The Clinton's didn't help her out, they left her there to face charges.

Stop lying please. She was released, she did not serve a sentence. And bill was tied to her release, as muddy as that situation is there is no denying Hillary knew Laura and was made aware of their capture. And then quickly all but a few were released.

And hey buddy, take a look at what happened today. More missionaries caught kidnapping kids in haiti to take to DR and off the island.

And McKinney, the GA rep who attacked DynCorp billions in govt contracts after being found to be trafficking, and attacking Cheney or Rumpsfuck over 9/11 has said she saw the haiti thing unfold in real time.

"Nine of the ten missionaries were later released but NLCR founder Laura Silsby remained incarcerated in Haiti. Her trial began on May 13 and the prosecution sought a 6-month prison term. On May 17, she was found guilty on a reduced charge of "arranging irregular travel" and sentenced to the time served in jail prior to the trial." - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children's_Refuge_case

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Life_Children's_Refuge_case

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Now tell me what part of that says "convicted of child trafficking and served the time" to you?

The part where it was reduced to 6 months under some bogus travel charge? Weird, if I got caught with 33 kids I claimed were orphans and got charged with child trafficking, I'd be rotting in Haiti.

I can't even find info on whether she stayed the 6 months. Like dude, what part of that chain of events says "innocent" or "justice served"?

I'll help you out, GA's McKinney and others wanted investigations into Clinton's children centers in Haiti, never happened. The only action was Haitian authorities trying to jail em. The fact that most of them were just released and the head bitch in charge got some bogus charge and walked away TO HEAD THE FUCKING AMBER ALERT SERVICES that doesnt say anything to you?

Tell me what part of equal under the law applies here? If you got caught trafficking kids would you then get a job deciding what missing children deserved an alert and which didnt? If you got caught selling weapons to ISIS would you then get a job at a weapons factory let alone being in charge of sales or distribution?

She wasn't convicted of trafficking. Apparently they didn't have enough evidence that they thought it would be something they could get a conviction for so they reduced the charges. She is a moron and could have thought she was helping kids get out of bad living situations for all we know. She probably thinks of herself as an advocate for children and that's why went to work for Amber Alert.

Hypothetically, if I was caught transporting kids in a third world country, thinking I was doing something to help them, I bet you anything I would just get a slap on the wrist as well. If I was dealing arms and was caught I would probably make a deal with the FBI and get a light jail sentence in return for information, after serving my sentence, yes, I could probably parley my experience into a legit job in sales or distribution.

Are you a shill or are you thick?

Apparently no evidence? So hillary wasnt prosecuted cause "not enough evidence"? or some other reason?

No dude, it's a two tier system, connected and powerful people get one treatment and regular people another.

It's right there dude...she WAS RUNNING A CHILDRENS SANCTUARY why the fuck is she taking kids across a border? She runs a fucking center for em? She decided these 33 needed to be illegally smuggled out? She couldnt ask for help to get em elsewhere if need be?

Also she said they were orphans, they were not. Is she misguided, stupid, or idk evil?

Like come on, this isnt skepticism, this is denial. You have a literal ton of evidence showing that rich and powerful are not prosecuted for crimes. Don't use that excuse.

It's like saying "no kids came forward therefore no crime!" Yeah, Sandusky, Saville, Cosby, Franklin Omaha, NO CRIME

Or is it more complicated? Ask why there were no witnesses coming forward and find the truth, stop trying to deny everything outright.

I said they must not have felt they had enough evidence to find Silsby guilty of human trafficking. They got her for a different charge they felt they could prove. I didn't say shit about Hillary being prosecuted. That's a completely different situation.

Yeah, most American people in third world countries who can afford a lawyer are more likely to get out of legal issues there. This happens all the time regardless of their political connections. The Secretary of State was alerted to her situation and probably plenty of others as their job to be aware.

I think Silsby is a dumbass who thought she was helping these kids. Have you ever met any missionaries? Many are blinded by their faith and I could see them being easily fooled or doing something wrong while thinking it's something God wants them to do. I think more people are ignorant than evil.

It's also interesting how you said, "You have a literal ton of evidence showing that rich and powerful are not prosecuted for crimes." And then continued to name rich, powerful, connected people who were convicted of crimes. I guess I'm the thick one though.

Jesus shillary clinton's cunt...

I'm done with you dude. I just said stop denying and use skepticism or some sort of critical thinking, your response "mustve not had evidence" and "missionaries are crazy, God lul right?"

Like dawg...what is wrong with you?

I said rich and powerful dont get prosecuted and named 2 people who have, one who died before anything came to light, and a situation where a few went down and the rest ran our nation.

And Laura is not a religious nut, nor are missionaries spreading faith, that shit's ridiculous. They call em all missionaries and yet the few that are have nothing to do with the people establishing and running these centers. They werent there for God, but "for the kids."

For fucks sake its in wikileaks, Clinton cronies talking about how perfect the earthquake is in haiti.

W.e., im done.


Puello called the Baptist church in Idaho which five members of the missionary group belonged to and offered pro bono legal services. They were dumb and blindly trusted him. He was almost certainly attempting to con them somehow but was found out.

Wikileaks shows many emails between Huma Abedin and Hillary detailing the work of Laura Silsby in Haiti and expressing a special interest in her...I will try to find the article linking Puello to HRC, as it indicated that she had helped to arrange his representation of Laura. BTW, he wasn't "found out" until well after her release.

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It doesn't say anywhere there that Clinton arranged him to represent Silsby. Also, you're right, they obviously didn't find him out in time and it looks like he got money out of the Baptist church. I'm not looking at anything from the Donald because it's far too biased and not a trustworthy source.

Understood; just wanted to provide the resource if you were interested. :) I must agree that the association with HRC is loose--it is through her obvious interest/involvement with Silsby's case and her discussion of Puello with the lawyer that preceded him that I formed the impression.

Honestly, I think they probably are guilty of what would have technically been human trafficking. It sounds like the missionaries thought they had proper documentation but they didn't. I don't feel that they were trying to sell these kids to be sex slaves for the elite though.

It seems like the Clintons got involved because it was her job to know these things as Secretary of State. The Clintons probably did so shady things to make money off of the tragedy in Haiti but I just don't buy into the whole stealing kids for occult sex and murder. That's just how I feel personally though and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

Thanks for being understanding and not just calling me a shill or thick for having a different opinion, I really do appreciate it!

You responded with respect - and made good points. I'm afraid I've been convinced of the worst of it. Have you seen George Webb's videos on YouTube? He presents a tremendous case... Cheers!

I don't watch youtube videos. If there was a written summary I would read it though.

Unfortunately, I don't have any succinct summaries...the information is very detailed, so I don't feel that I could do it service by summarizing. I'll keep my eyes open for a summary and let you know if I find anything. Cheers!

Thanks! Have a good one!

Well, believe it or not, a VOAT user serendipitously posted a thread on precisely this issue today! While I haven't read all of the "cliff note" content, he/she seems to cover the key points quite well. Worth a read: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1632546 - Cheers!

How convenient adorns tinfoil hat. Just kidding, thanks, I'll give it a read!

6 month for kidnapping 33 children...

The six months was for 'arranging irregular travel.' Apparently that's all they could find her guilty of.

That, or he's extremely familiar with it

Do you have children?

1) It's clear that the children are not from the home of the person hosting.

2) It's not clear that the children have ever met Podesta

3) The woman (who has the same last name as the children) refers to them as 'entertainment' for Podesta to enjoy. I would never refer to my children as 'entertainment' for a visitor to enjoy, especially in the context of them swimming in a pool (presumably in bathing suits).

The language doesn't make sense. As a parent or even a family member, why would I refer to my children or nieces/nephews as 'entertainment' for an older male visitor that hasn't met them before? For me, that's the big question mark.

In the context of the email, I understood it to mean that they were dropping off the kids because the hosts had a pool and the kids wanted to swim. The "entertainment" quote is sarcastic...because kids are difficult to watch and keep safe.

It's like when someone drops off a dog and says "have fun!" because they know the dog is going to go wild and it's going to be stressful.

Why do you understand that to be the context? Why are kids being invited and Uber'd over if Podesta doesn't have children as well? Why invite a stressful problem over in the first place?

You are reaching as much as anybody asking why some lady calls her kids 'entertainment', even as a joke. Considering who the email was for (Podesta) and the lack of relationship, I don't understand why you would place it in the context you have. Again, from all accounts these kids had never met Podesta, hence why their full names and ages were used in the email.

That's another point - if this is supposed to be a jovial, friendly email, why are we talking about people with full name and ages attached? If I was having my kids Uber'd to some pool party with an old man, I don't think i'd refer to them in email by their full title and age.

'Have Fun, child John Doe, age of 6! Enjoy the party!'

The email wasn't addressed to Podesta and the kids were not using Uber. "Bonnie" was acting as "Uber" aka bringing them to house. Reading comprehension.

Who was it addressed to?

It still doesn't explain why the children are there as 'entertainment'. No mention of other children, and just because other couples were mentioned doesn't mean there aren't multiple people interested in whats going on.

Fair enough on the 'Uber' service - got that part wrong.

My response from elsewhere in the comments:

Original quote from the email: "We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure."

Alternate phrasing: "The pools is gonna be heated so you guys can swim while you're here. Also, Bonnie is gonna be bringing along the Luzzatto kids (they're between 7 and 11). They'll definitely be in the pool so that should be entertaining."

It's a matter of phrasing. Entertainment doesn't have to mean "hey we're gonna bring these 3 kids so you can fuck them." At least that isnt anywhere near the first thing I think of when mentioning little kids being entertainment, but maybe I'm just a normal person. Old people get a kick out of little kids. And it matters their ages because different ages require different supervision. They aren't 2 or 3 where they need constant surveillance in a pool and outside the pool, but they also aren't teens so they will need to be supervised.

So why is the fact that there will be 3 kids in a heated pool for entertainment being expressed in an email to other adults? If i'm planning a dinner party with my friends, I don't mention that my children will be there and will be swimming 'for sure' - that would be super creepy of me.

Again, I don't understand why the children even come up in the first place.

Also, why does it matter that they will 'be in that pool for sure'? Why does she need to confirm that fact? The language is suspect if you think about the intention. Why is she wording it this way?

Old people get a kick out of little kids. And it matters their ages because different ages require different supervision.

A grandparent? Sure. An uncle or close family friend? I can understand it. People who are complete strangers (hence needing to use full names and ages)? What the hell - no! Again, I don't understand how this is not at least a little suspect.

I will concede that very unfortunate wording may ultimately be the culprit, and I don't even want to imply those children were directly impacted - maybe he just watched them play in the pool in a family setting like you're implying. I still think it's kinda weird that they were used as a point of emphasis for 'entertainment'.

The email wasn't addressed to Podesta.

That was a mother talking about her children, which doesn't even fit in with the pizzagate narrative of abductions.

No it wasn't, it was a woman of not blood relation to the children she was referencing. And even if it had been the mother, doesn't mean that it still would be impossible for her to be a horrific mother.

I assumed a relation between the sender, Tamera Luzzatto and Ruby, Emerson, & Maeve Luzzatto. I'm just going off the email, I don't know anything about the Luzzattos.

If you don't know, why would you say it was the mother?

Based on context clues I assumed a relation like mother or grandmother.

Soft lesson in assuming something and then posting it as a fact.

In all honesty I feel like most r/conspiracy users are at risk of posting unsubstantiated claims. The crux of pizzagate is a 4chan post about the pizza code. Just trying to be skeptical of all evidence.

Yes, but we're not talking about most r/conspiracy users. We're here for the truth and posts that assume the truth push us further away. Keep being skeptical of everything, though. That's one thing we all need.

Making a claim like "That was a mother talking about her children" is not "just trying to be skeptical of all evidence." It's the opposite really. You fabricated evidence out of thin air...oh I'm sorry...from "context clues"

You are in no position to be judging anyone else's risk of posting unsubstantiated claims. You made a mistake. Own up to it. Don't whine and say "but what about them!?"

I own up to stating without conclusive evidence that I thought she was the mother. Do you want to talk about the "Pizzagate Code" from 4chan?

sounds like pizzagate.

We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.

The pools is gonna be heated so you guys can swim while you're here. Also, Bonnie is gonna be bringing along the Luzzatto kids (they're between 7 and 11). They'll definitely be in the pool so that should be entertaining.

It's a matter of phrasing. Entertainment doesn't have to mean "hey we're gonna bring these 3 kids so you can fuck them." Old people get a kick out of little kids. And it totally matters their ages. They aren't 2 or 3 where they need constant surveillance in a pool and outside the pool, but they also aren't teens so they will need to be supervised.

, but maybe I'm just a normal person.



Nothing, I'm just trolling. I'll kill it.

lol, the creepiest part is giving their exact ages and you just completely remove that part like it's not creepy...the fact she gave specific ages is really fucking creepy

Is it creepy because you think they want to fuck them?

Because outside of that, it's not creepy at all.

No it's creepy to give their ages, period. either way, i got enough PG long ago and all this shit will be brought to light soon. Now we have to remove our government and work together as good human beings on some free energy. no reason for me to rehash pg any longer. see you soon brother

It really isn't though. I'm guessing you don't have kids and have never set up a situation where they're going to be babysat. It's fine, good luck with all your stuff.

Goodluck to you too brother! Talk to you soon

A circumstantial case is often made up of individual pieces of evidence that on their own might appear innocent or only mildly suspect, but when you tie all the individual pieces of evidence together paint a pretty clear picture of guilt.

If people are part of a circle of people who keep making comments that use pedophile code words, use pedophile symbols and logos, make pedophile jokes most people would find revolting, decorate their homes with pedophile art work, are close friends with convicted pedophiles, advocate for jailed pedophiles, support policies that make it easier for pedophiles to gain access to children, are part of a circle that comments online about kill rooms, while some members of this circle build or refer to underground bunkers in their homes or places of business, at some point you have to stop giving them the benefit of the doubt when a comment seems a bit suspect and consider that it should be added to the pile of evidence.

Okay but explain why this email is weird.

Because of all the sneak previews including Hastert, Saville, Sandusky, the Bush I Boys Town and the amount of resistance that had to be overcome to even know about those. So you know there is an even bigger iceburg under the waves, there always is when the tip of the iceburg alone causes that kind of reaction.

On the other hand, many of us will be worn out long before its exposed, running down false leads. Also those on a witch hunt will attack innocent people, bringing disrepute to the movement. So, the criminals have a lot on their side.

Bush I Boys town?

Holy shit, I never heard about that. Let's hope pizzagate will take all of them down.

Watch conspiracy of silence on YouTube

Yep, it's missing some audio or video, and has placeholders, but was definitely interesting. And by interesting I mean making me hate HW and all those twats posting his for-some-reason-still-alive 92 year old ass from the superbowl saying shit like "so adorbs, love this man".

Fucking children, even the public in the 90s hated him without even fucking talking about Arkansas, CIA, JFK, Reagan, etc.

But now Bush is adorbs. I mean FFS my young ass almost cried when he was reelected and when 9/11 seemed BS. NY'ers dont forget, except when it comes to Hillary propoganda, then transplants eat that shit up and spread it like a disease. If you're young in NYC you either buy into Hilldawg's evil cunt or you support trump and parade it like an ass.

Like fuck, you were alive when 9/11 happened, respect the fucking ground you march on, us citizens were killed here, FDNY and NYPD and EMT are still dropping from cancer.

You can't believe the fucked up shit seeing the patients every fucking day. Heroes slowly dying or going crazy from PTSD. Good men and women who gave their lives, or their health for some cabal that needed those bldgs down and wanted a new war.


Because someone showed up with a rifle ready to shoot people. As much as 9/11 truthers are annoying and alien truthers are a fun reminder of great '90s television, they've never actually posed a danger to innocent people. Some pizzagate truthers were posing an active danger to people, something that doesn't happen with most conspiracy theories.

That rifle incident was one of the most obvious false flags of this century.

Even if that's true, if the theory turns out to be false you're still negatively impacting innocent people's lives in a way that other theories don't.

'Innocent' people that go to Spirit Cooking events, have abhorrent tastes in art (art depicting child torture) etc, people, who have connections with DoJ employees, high police officers and influential politicians who also attend Spirit Cooking events.

Don't tell me we shouldn't be concerned and at least try to investigate on our own accord.

No, innocent people who run pizza parlors who had people attacking them online and people with guns showing up to investigate.

You think it's that unbelievable that someone genuinely wanted answer that badly?

When the only shot fired is in the computer in the back office, yes

lol... Another PG lie. He didn't fire into a computer. He fired into the floor (probably because he wanted to find out if there was a basement). I've been following PG since the incident and PG proponents made up a bunch of details to push their narrative.

lol... Another PG lie. He didn't fire into a computer. He fired at the floor (probably because he wanted to find out if there was a basement). I've been following PG since the incident and PG proponents made up a bunch of details to push their narrative.

Really? Because here's a video of Alrfantis showing the computer he shot.


Thanks for the information. I was wrong. I hadn't heard where they got those details and I knew there were reports of him shooting the floor, but he definitely shot through that door.

Regardless, the shot was accidental. It would have been impossible for him to know exactly what's behind those doors. Even if he did, it's clear that only the computer's power supply was shot and there is no mention of loss of data. Those types of computers have their hard drives located below the optical drive bays. This is very important, because it's clear that even though the computer was shot, he can't claim to have lost data (which is presumably the reason for this "false flag").

PG proponents argument would that JA and/or the others accused would somehow stage a huge elaborate "false flag", yet neglect to actually destroy the data? It makes no sense. If they weren't trying to destroy the data, then bringing up the fact that he shot a computer is irrelevant, since the "false flag" was meant for some other reasons. Either way, this specific detail doesn't really indicate a "false flag" IMO. You can feel free to disagree, of course, as either scenario is equally likely (there were definitely people advocating for going to CPP to "investigate" and to bring "protection").

TL;DR: I was wrong about the details, but there's a difference between shooting through a door and accidentally hitting a computer's power supply vs going to the pizza shop specifically to shoot a computer. The latter sounding much more suspicious wrt a false flag than the former. It's clear the shooter was looking for a secret room, but found nothing. My mistake about the details, but the fact that he shot a computer doesn't add credence to the belief that this is a false flag.

What reporter lost their job?

Perhaps he's referring to ben swann being taken off tv

People are just tired of seeing this stupid bullshit is all. You guys are so sensational while never providing anything substantial, we can't argue against it without being called a shill or pedo defender, and now you guys have run out of your "evidence" so you say the resistance is what makes it believable. The whole thing, including the people who push it, are just stupid.

This. Endless posts of "hey it's all true!".



This is a conspiracy site, I should be able to be critical of theories here without being freaked out on. But only PGers freak out so hard when you question anything.

Seems like disinfo.

I agree, I think they like to accuse people of what they're doing.

If there is no evidence they aren't theories they are hypotheses.

Dawkins was right "we need a new word"

We finally found a common enemy we can all hate equally!

If you don't remember 911 truthers being kicked out of forums then you weren't there.

I was there and I don't remember censorship to the level pizzagate has recieved.

Political Pedophilia isn't a rare happening, it's been documented numerous times all over the world and from Alefantis's Instagram pics (which "strangely" went private for some reason) and Besta Pizza logo change, to the Code Language you read in the Podesta Emails and it matching up with FBI database for symbols and lingo, to the Breitbart warning and shortly after murder, to the web of corruption via the Clinton Foundation and its ties to human trafficking and perpetuators of said trafficking, when you have so many "coincidences" that all seemingly align, something is up. Way to many flies and stench for there to be no rot.

I think theres a big difference in pizzagate and 9/11 truthers, in that pizzagate has a targeted specificity, and an extreme urgency, theres a lot of different theories about 9/11, the consensus just being that the official story isn't true, a pizzagate version would be if all 9/11 truthers thought "Grimes Elephantus" orchestrated 9/11, an was still actively plotting to kill more people as part of his evil scheme.

Even if you think the CPP shooter was a false flag, do you really think its unbelievable? to a lot of people there are children ACTIVELY being abused and murdered, and the police refuse to do even a basic investigation! if someone could just get in there and see something, you could crack it all open and save those kids! Before the guy did that, people were saying on reddit to go there with a go pro, and bring a gun for protection.

That kinda thing scares people a lot more than jfk/9/11 conspiracies, because they're 1000x more likely to act on something like this, than on a conspiracy where you couldn't conceivably do anything about it anyway


Because levying allegations against someone that they're a pedophile, without substantive proof (aka, not an anon 4chan post), is a punishable offense by law and admins don't feel like dealing with this pathetic bs.

Today, the best way to separate the arguments is to look at the media supplied by the spectrum of doubters and believers. Invariably, the doubters are from large (corporate) media institutions and, as a rule, they examine as little evidence as possible - usually defaulting to the "4chan hoax argument." MANY independent researchers have put together their own compilations of information and drawn their own conclusions using VARIOUS FORMS OF EVIDENCE to state their case(s).

Is there actual proof? If there is, I have not found it; I am thankful, as actual proof is CP. Still, there is more than ample evidence to make the determination that SOMETHING SKETCHY was going on with Pedostas, JA, and Co. Sadly for our partisan doubters, the NSA has all of the information logged away. Legal precedent from copyright case vs. KimDotcom gives legal precedent for this to be used as evidence. CF players are going down. If lefty partisans want in on the action, then they need to look into CF crimes in Haiti and demand prosecution of Dyncorp. Luckily for Dyn, the lefties get no such instruction from their echo chambers (has nothing to do with racism/sexism/EvilRussia). 2017 is going to be an interesting year!!!

"But most of the users here agree that it's silly nonsese and don't you want to be a part of the herd? This is your last community, after all. Surely you see what we offer you".

Still gonna believe, and just know that my brothers and sisters are kind of dilluted among a sea of imposters. We'll be able to gather purely again someday, but for now, I just try to get better at finding out who's real and who isn't.

How is no one mentioning the political aspect?

It's really simple why myself and a lot of other people push back against it: the theory was conjured up by Trump supporters to attack Trump's political enemies.

If you've got it in you, try to take a step back and look at this from the perspective of someone who dislikes Trump and does not find the evidence for PG remotely compelling.

Is it really that surprising that people would push back against poorly sourced pedophilia accusations thrown around against the political opposition to the most powerful man in the world? A personal army of supporters to the President trying to discredit every prominent member of the opposition party (the one with little actual power at the moment) with the most horrible accusation imaginable.

If you're a member of the Democratic party or simply anti-Trump you're a potential victim of this witch hunt. You see it here all the time - someone speaks out against PG (or even Trump in general) and gets called a pedo or pedo defender.

Are the people pushing PG capable of imagining being on the other side of these accusations?

Pure lies, PG was absolutely NOT conjured by Trump or his supporters. And screw you for making me defend Trump.

Nowhere in my comment did I even imply that Trump himself was involved in pushing the theory. So, an aggressive, bad faith response to my comment and an instant swarm of upvotes for it. Clearly the people pushing PG have no agenda...

Nice cherry picking

Cherry picking? There were like 3 words in your comment that weren't just insults or misrepresentation. And I don't feel like convincing you that /pol/ and The Donald are pro-Trump/anti-Dem.

Pure lies, PG was absolutely NOT conjured by Trump or his supporters.

It totally was. The_Donald still has regular posts about it.

It absolutely was not. Who cares what T_D posts about, doesn't mean it originated there.

I didn't say it originated with T_D, I said it originated with Trump supporters and T_D still has regular posts about it.

The whole thing stemmed from the podesta leaks. Wikileaks cited T_D as the best place to get information (apparently they decided that a political advocacy group that openly and intentionally uses disinfo tactics to smear their political opposition was the best place to get objective info) and that group was the one spreading the implications.

Some of it was on reddit, some of it was on 4chan, some of it was on voat, but the whole point of it was to take down "crooked hillary" and her supporters (MAGA).

You should stop while you're ahead CTR

I've said it before. Shill accusations are a great disinfo tactic if you're trying to convince the public that the truth is a lie.

But that's only true if people can't see what you're doing. People are a bit more aware here. There's even a post in the sidebar: "The Gentleman's guide to forum spies"

Calling me "CTR" without addressing a single thing I've said is like a big neon sign saying "I'm using disinfo and can't be trusted" over your head.

This will be your only warning for rule 10. If this is all you have to add to the discussion, you should just say nothing.

Absolutely... John McCain is on the dirty list

OK then what else explains the code words found in the leaks?

They aren't code words.

Can you link me to a pizza-related handkerchief? I want to buy one.

C'mon man

Great! I'm gonna buy it. I have a big trip to a hotdog stand in Hawaii. Boy I've been dreaming about that one....

If I looked at that handkerchief and was describing it to someone - I would call that "New York related".

We're talking about a grown man - who probably wears a suit 99% of the time, lives in Washington DC, not Brooklyn New York. Next.

Think you've lost the plot, personally.

Does this look like a normal bedroom for a guy to have? No kids. 73 years old currently.

And I'm all for creative and artistic expression but does this art collection seem normal to you?

Again, consider the source.

I think the art is a distraction. 80% of restaurants on Staten Island are pizza related.

Look up the NYC Farm colony or the Church of Satan both bases on Staten Island!

What am I looking up in regards to those buildings?

I don't understand the significance of 80% of restaurants on Staten Island being pizza related either. No one is saying ALL pizza restaurants are pedo rings.

Y'all have been looking too small. You have got to chase the pie in the sky.

Believing something is true bc others oppose it is extremely poor rationale for holding a belief.

You should look up your local university or community college and take some classes in critical thinking/formal logic.

I'm in the same boat as you. However, you said:

I don't remember 9/11 truthers or Alien truthers getting kicked off of forums.

You gotta remember how much the Internet has changed in the last couple years. They crack down on stuff a lot faster these days than they did back in the early 2000s.

Also, people only use two services now, Reddit and Facebook. Much easier to control.


That's for jobs.

I don't remember 9/11 truthers or Alien truthers getting kicked off of forums.

well they weren't sent from 4chan to slander people with accusations of rape and trafficking and then dox them.

follows is a comment I've posted before

i was hanging out in r/wikileaks 3-5 hours a day starting about 2 weeks before the release of the Podesta e-mails that birthed pizzagate. i occasionally swung by 4chan during p-gate's spawning, but not daily. I saw real-time the whole process from "Hmm, what's this?" when the e-mails and their odd phrasing/syntax was discovered, to "Umm, guys?" to "This isn't real." to "ohhhhh shit..."

Nobody was looking for anything pedo related when the two e-mails that originally piqued interest were released. The syntax/phrasing was so odd people figured it for a code and started trying to puzzle it out. After several days, someone found an FBI list of pedo-slang/codewords. When read as slang, the e-mails made creepy sense.

IMHO, the two e-mails didn't convince the majority of eventual pizzagaters (such as myself). Alot of eyebrows went up but... Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and this is extraordinarily serious shit. Enter SpiritCooking, Marina Abramovic, some pretty dark art/artists surrounding children, one reallllllly questionable photo on Instagram, and Madeleine Mccann. And all that on top of what was already common, well-proven knowledge about the Clinton's associations with Jeffrey Epstein/Lolita Express.

People were motivated to start digging. IIRC, it was mostly via Maria Abramovic that the connection to James Alefantis & Comet Ping Pong was originally made. And from there shit gets really "no-effing-way" unreal very quickly. IMHO, discovery of the SpiritCooking stuff allowed the majority of pizzagaters to entertain the possibility there's some genuine pedo/ritual abuse going on.

From there, its not a very large conceptual leap to consider the broader problem/idea of sex/child trafficking and its history, both in the US and worldwide. People started looking into "pizzagate" in that context and found Comet Ping Pong, et.al., fit a certain profile way to well and, even uglier, Clinton Foundation actions in Haiti and other 3rd world countries they operate don't always make sense unless there's some sort of questionable motive.

Now, Pizzagate has evolved to be as much a reference the global child-trafficking/abuse as anything at Comet Ping Pong. Most of the original pizzagaters have evolved in their beliefs as well. Most who go down the rabbit-hole and look into just recent events in the US find there's a huge dearth of convictions and arrests relative to investigations and publicly available information. There's also a pattern of investigations getting stopped and major stories stories getting held back.

Admittedly, alot most of the SMOKING GUN!!!!1!! posts about pizzagate are exercises in confirmation bias but there's still a fair bit of questionable stuff.

The Instagram photos are an excellent example. Most of the photos getting attention probably have innocent explanations. However, the chickenlover Instagram photo... There's clearly intentional symbolism in the pic. In and of itself, it'd be chalked up to poor taste and South Park humor.

Another example is the logo/graphics stuff. I'm an artist with graphic design/layout xp and, again, the overwhelming majority of what is getting posted is almost certainly aesthetic/style choices devoid of pedo meaning. However, having said that, the original Comet Pizza logo with the spiral was a bit blatantly coincidental to pedo code.

There's just too much stuff. Its like a doctor or a teacher who keeps seeing a patient or student come in with scrapes and bruises. How many times can a kid fall off their bicycle or someone's spouse trip down the stairs before red flags go up?

The Madeleine Mccann kidnapping is a good example of the "too much stuff" idea. Normally, most of us would consider the police sketches one of those really weird coincidences, be glad we don't look like the Podestas and quietly hope we never look like someone in a police sketch. Most of us would justifiably and reasonably give the Podestas a pass. Shit does happen. But then you find out the Podestas were probably staying at a nearby house at the same time, John P. was having an assistant answer his e-mails during that period, the Mccann's story is, at best, an exercise in negligent parenting...

Too. Much. Weird. Shit.

Personally, the phrasing/syntax of the two pizza e-mails (handkerchief & domino/pizza/pasta) piqued my interest but was hardly enough to convince me of anything. It was the conjunction with SpiritCooking, Abramavic and Tony's abused-kid art collection that convinced me to start looking into it on my own. Nothing I've learned since, either specific to Pizzagate or the wider pedos-among-the-powerful concept has done anything to alleviate suspicions.

Ah, speaking of innocent-ish explanations... In and of itself, TP's art collection wouldn't have raised a red flag. People groove on weird shit well past their teenage years. Not knowing the guy but putting myself in his shoes, my first impression would be a) he's trying to shock people or b) this is how he deals with messed up shit from his own childhood. However, given everything else... There's a recurring theme here.

Do your own research on the Clinton Foundation. Literally, there is absolutely nothing to absolve them of child-trafficking suspicions. There's no smoking gun but there's a f-ton of questionable choices/events/associations. CF activities in Haiti absolutely need to be investigated. As does the "suicide" of Monica Peterson. Before her "suicide" shortly before the US elections, Monica Peterson was in Haiti investigating human trafficking and had found links to the Clinton Foundation.

Folks want to be all in denial about this stuff b/c "that kind of thing doesn't happen" and the overwhelming majority of us are decent sorts who prefer to "assume goodwill". BUT... there's quite a few well-proven stories/cases of the powerful engaging in regular pedophilia and ritual sex abuse. Its also seriously ugly crap to wade into and most people don't want to think about it.

its worth reviewing other material first that has nothing to do with p-gate. the following links are just a place to get started on their respective topics.

Conspiracy of Silence

Jimmy Saville

Annette Lucas

English football

Corey Feldman

Jerry Sandusky

Twittergate (i saw this in real-time on r/wikileaks. crazy)

Ronald Reagan (Franklin/King related)

The Presidio

Dutroux affair

recent Norway ring

Jeffrey Epstein

Operation Delego

US Gymnastics

UN peacekeepers

Eastern Europe


Dyn Corp


Max Spiers



Portland, OR

and if you really want to get weirded out, look into the long-term psych effects.

Start investigating the above links on your own and sooner or later one can't help but wonder what motivates people, who benefits, logistics and all the other stuff associated with any human endeavor. Every answer leads to more questions.

Its looking at pizzagate allegations with the links above in mind that made alot of p-gaters realize it was more than a little possible the Podestas, Clintons, et.al. could be involved in child sex/trafficking/ritual abuse. Start looking at the Clintons in that context and stuff starts to pop out (i.e.: Jeffrey Epstein's main madam/"procurer" having a front-row seat at Chelsea's wedding).

Great write-up! You (and others) might also find the documentary Tricked interesting and worth a watch. I think is still on Netflix where came across it last spring and though it's not exactly about the PGate stuff, there were some interesting statistics and insights into sex trafficking. I think I was mostly surprised that the US is one of the worst offenders when it comes to human trafficking in general iirc.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and this is extraordinarily serious shit.

There is no "extraordinary evidence" here, just completely unverified and hysterical nonsense claims. Some of these people claimed demons and space aliens raped them.

>No extraordinary evidence.

Nothing weird about the Podesta's taste in art at all, nothing extraordinary.

"I have a weird art piece" = "I am the head of a thousands-strong international rape conspiracy"

Did you drink lead paint as a child?

Not piece, pieces, hundreds of pedophilic art pieces.

Do you have a source on that, one that actually shows these alleged 'hundreds' of art pieces?

Great chronology. How I remember it too. Amazing.

Watching it all unfold/spawn was incredibly addicting.

Annnnnddddd nailed it.

You lost me a 4chan.

You had me at meta

Well put! One nitpick: I think the now-changed spiral logo was for Besta pizza, nearby Comet. Still very relevant.

Well said this reflects a lot of how I feel about the subject.

As someone who doesn't believe the theories and isn't convinced, it reeks of the hyper partisanship from the election.

That election was long and nasty. Most people want to just move on. When the whole pizza gate thing started, it seemed centered on the Democrats and the Clinton Foundation.

I know people are now drawing links to Republicans and the Gop, but since most of the sources still digging into it seem to be the "Killarey/ lock her up!" crowd, but that hyperpartisanship is off putting for most people, regardless of political camps they reside in

Oh is it off-putting? Do you all just want to move on? Too fucking bad. Kids are being abducted, raped, abused and then murdered.

Lolz, see this is why I don't post in r/conspiracy anymore.

You clearly didn't read my reply. What is oft putting is the hyperpartisanship, a word I used twice in my post.

Elitist pedo apologist? Are you high or something? If you want people to "open their eyes" try not talking to them like your fixing for your next hit.

Kids are being abducted, raped, abused and then murdered.

As long as they are white males, is this really a problem?

Pizzagate is special because it has duped a bunch of teenagers with too much time on their hands to pick through a mass of data, make loose connections with spurious logic and flood every outlet they can spam saying things like above.

If you are wondering about the resistance, maybe it is because reasonable people have a negative reaction towards accusing people of sex crimes and distributing photos of children and claiming they are victims with no credible evidence.

If you are looking for more reasons to think Pizzagate is special, consider that its support was galvanized on forums with a history publishing child pornography. Critics were able to watch the creation of pizzagate in realtime and it went like this:

There are weird food words in e-mails, including Cheese Pizza. -> CP is a popular abbreviation for Child Porn on the website I frequent. -> Cheese Pizza must mean Child Porn -> They must be pedophiles!

The rest of the "evidence" is drawing conclusions based on this weak bit of speculation.

Yep, sounds like a lot of 4chan projection by anons with guilty consciences.

I believe it is scapegoating.

In modern society sex is so heavily forced on everyone that it causes an intense internal and cultural conflict with vying emotions of lust, guilt, fidelity, and promiscuity. Couple this with rapidly changing social norms about sexual and gender identity alongside changes in technology that allow instant communication, online dating and very little direct contact and society begins looking for a scapegoat to alleviate their sense of conflict.

In the past the target would have been gay men but that is no longer possible so the target has moved to the pedophile. Attacking the pedophille (because no one questions attacking the pedophille) allows for a release of conflict. You didn't see the same fervor against pedophillia in the past when there was a more visible target. You will notice how accusations peaked during times of great upheaval like the daycare hysteria during the 80s or the priest scandal momentum after 9/11.

Now keep in mind, what I am talking about is the public's interest and targeting of pedophiles. there have been other times when the public's interest was on animal abusers, terrorists, corrupt politicians, police officers, etc. but there is always an ultimate evil.

Now consider 4Chan. It is no wonder that the most vocal and tenacious pedophillia opponents come out of an anonymous web forum flooded with not only run of the mill pornography, but trap porn, anime porn, Rule 34, and child pornography.

nothing to see here

You're right. I am not going to waste time on some article about a pool party on random website.

Do you realize what sub this is? How much is David Brock paying you?

Shill accusations with no evidence are a great disinfo tactic, but we're paying attention for that here. Also a bannable offense.

I do, and I wish this sub spent more time discussing actual conspiracies then the debunked accusations that have filled it since the rest of pro-pizzagate subs were shutdown.

Hell, I would rather actually debate Pizzagate then see a litany of euphoric self-posts but apparently any criticism is only met with accusations of being a shill.

I know exactly where I am, except you are trying to build a hall of mirrors here while I am throwing hammers.

its from his email

Only on /r/conspiracy would the fact that an idea is so ridiculous it get more ridicule than Truther movements be considered proof of that ideas vitality.

I laughed, but sadly, both are real examples of (at the very least) coverups in action.

If we take away their pedophilia, we take away their cheques and balances. They will have no way to trust each other if they can no longer have blackmail material over one another.


Why is Pizzagate so special?

on the surface, it's because it appears to target a specific person who is not necessarily considered a public figure- JA. And he is using the safety of his employees to deflect. "I don't care if you crazy kids want to make some ridiculous accusations about ME, but I am obliged to protect my employees and family from you tin foilers"

He has been able to say- look, because of this witch-hunt, my employees are now threatened with crazy conspiracy theorists who are coming into my restaurant with guns.

If podesta was the primary figure here, i don't think they could shut it down as easily, because he is obviously a powerful public figure.

There used to be libel laws which could stopped journalists from making spurious claims against people and corporations. With the internet, we can all make any claims we want. This allows us to theorize without proof- free speech. But it also means anonymous people can make stuff up and impact your PR, and you have no recourse.

This dude called in some favors (I still haven't seen why he is supposedly so powerful and connected) and they started shutting down conversation on this BEFORE there was a demonstrable threat (maybe he had death threats, but who hasn't received some of those? this is the internet). When that guy walked in there with a gun, it really solidified it.

And because the theory was so poorly constructed at first- with a lot of leaps and assumptions, it really just looked like a fear-mongering haphazard conspiracy theory that was targeting specific people. It was really easy to dismiss as crazy.

All I'd need from Podesta not to think the very worst is a simple admittance that the emails contained coded words, and what those coded words translate to.

Seriously, if he came out at the start and said, "Look guys, we're sorry, but politicians like to take drugs a lot. Chicken = cocaine. Hotdog = Heroin."

There's obviously a code in the emails, why has no goddamn journalist directly asked what the coded words mean? It baffles me.

This would effectively put all our suspicions to bed.

'Journalists' are not 'asking' because a whole lot of them in the DC and New York market are themselves aged out child prostitutes. It is a very popular career track for them to pursue when they are too old to sexually cater to the politicians any more.

Because 9/11 being an inside job makes so much more sense than a paedophilia ring taking place in a pizza shop.

take a second to re-evaluate that statement.

the government conspiring to kill 3000 americans to start a war overseas is more believable than a pedophile owning a pizza store?

a pedophile owning a pizza store?

As if pizzagate is about one paedophile owning a pizza store. If it was just one person that would be very believable. But Pizzagate stretches to the very top of the US government, supposedly. Right? It's supposed to be a huge thing.

Killing 3,000 Americans lead to actions that might have benefitted some powerful people. Patriot Act, Iraq War, etc.

But why would paedophiles in the government choose a pizza store? Aren't there more secure and secret locations out there?

i would assume because of this very same argument youre making right now... front businesses are a common thing in organized crime. bars, restaurants, strip clubs, casinos, these all help wash money and become meeting places.
tldr; its less obvious if youre selling illegal guns out the back of a chuckEcheeses than it is to be doing it on craigslist n shit.

and this alefiantis guy is named one of the top 50 most influential people in DC so obviously someone is benefiting

im just not seeing the disconnect between 9/11 and pizzagate, pizzagate is obviously the more realistic/believable conspiracy.

especially when you look around the world and see that other government officials get caught for this shit. its not a huge leap to think that maybe they talked to eachother about where they went and who they called to get there...

i dunno seems pretty retarded to believe a really fantastical giant conspiracy (and by all means, 9/11 in my opinion is true, but that doesnt take away from the fact that its absolutely ridiculous in its scope) over a conspiracy rooted in already proven facts.

I mean if they just kept the kids in some abandoned bunker or something and didn't use those codenames then no one would have discovered shit.

especially when you look around the world and see that other government officials get caught for this shit. its not a huge leap to think that maybe they talked to eachother about where they went and who they called to get there...

Agreed, it's very much a possibility.

govt officials constantly going to some abandoned warehouse? pretty obvious its nefarious shit thats going down.
even the drivers and the security personnel could be kept partitioned by the fact that they are just going to a pizza place, but if they are going to drive X or Y character to some abandoned sketchy building, they now need to be in on the whole scheme.

like i said before, fronts are useful

Take as fact, just for my comment, that the WTC towers collapsed due to charges strategically placed inside the elevator shafts by a crew of contractors "hired to upgrade the internet" as this random source says.

Well, those contractors would have been operating (planting explosives) under a front. The government, or Saudis, or Mossad, Jews, reptilians, alines, whoever you think wanted it done - they would have ordered it done from their own office (or equivalent), but they can't very well plant the explosives themselves. So they have it done by proxy behind a front.

With that in mind,

But why would paedophiles in the government choose a pizza store?

They didn't pick a pizza store. The pizza place is just one facet of the whole story. And from everything I've seen on it, it is or was a front.

It's like this: say this "CES" guy FBIanon (or was it a LARPer...) claimed fucks kids - well, Check Schummmm I mean CES, he's not going to do that in his office, right? Certainly not at his house? Definitely not somewhere people know to find him, e.g. places be drinks, hands out at, shits at. And certainly not anywhere where he's the only one fucking kids - because there is strength and acceptance in numbers, right?

I don't think they picked a pizza place. I think they picked a front shop owned by someone they were all connected to, a place they all knew they could get away with fucking kids at. A place owned by the guy that maintains the circulatory system of the conglomerate body of high-ring pedos in DC. They didn't pick it because it was a pizza place - they picked it because of who owned it. And who says it's not secure? Have you been to the basement?

Same as the internet contractors on 9-11, it's a front. An abstraction, obfuscation of the group that's really in charge. 9-11 and Pizzagate conspiracy theories are both equally as believable. They are not at odds with each other, and believing in one does not mean that you necessarily have to renounce the other.

"Spilled the beans and ran" seems like an outlier compared to the other two descriptions.

Because it's despicably awful to accuse random people of raping children based solely on political bias. This dopey bullshit came up before, it was called Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Listen to Alex Jones and you will believe.

Libel is the only reason to shutdown discussion and yet we've never seen (outside of maybe the Spez thing) anyone citing libel as the reason for the blatant censorship against PG. If they said "you can discuss PG but don't accuse any person of it" or something then that's one thing but I've never ever seen that. THAT'S what makes me believe in PG more than anything else.

Someone said to me 20 years ago...."What if this IS....Hell" and at the time I was like, that's nonsense.

But look around, there's some form of Evil everywhere you look.

Awhile back I watched a Sibol Edmonds video on Denny Hastert where she went deep into that network. Hastert had a townhouse he was holding drug and sex parties with children. His conviction and punishment is nothing compared to what he's actually guilty of. But several intelligence agencies including the FBI and other foreign agencies were video and audio recording for blackmail purposes and there are dozens of current and former politicians that were fucking kids. We will never see those videos but they exist.

It is a blackmail operation. Get the new congressmen F'ing drunk and then show then how to rape children, filming the whole thing. It has been a successful blackmail operation for decades.

If I told you the number of 4chan threads that were 404'd on this matter, your head would probably explode.

Are you seriously not able to understand WHY people who believe Alefantis is innocent would try to stop the spread of such allegations without any hard evidence yet? What if it was your grandfather who owned this pizza shop and all of a sudden was being accused of the most horrible crimes in existence while you believed he was innocent? Now his financial livelihood is at risk and potentially even his life itself being threatened by vigilantes leaving threatening phone/internet messages and bringing guns into his shop.

Even if you are convinced he's guilty, are you not able to stop for a moment and put yourself in the mindset of those who examined the same "evidence" as you but came to different conclusions? That's just being closed-minded, imo.


It Guilty!!!

defending your grandfather is different than MSM and social media defending absolute strangers.

even more questions rise when those same places get caught housing child porn (twitter) and ban the one who blew the whistle

also, news is about ratings.... remember the penn state stuff? no one silenced that, why is this different

defending your grandfather is different than MSM and social media defending absolute strangers.

Not if you're an empathetic person who doesn't have to be related to someone to care about them. I guess a lot of people here are incapable of feeling empathy towards another human being unless they're related to them or belong to the same political party or something.

remember the penn state stuff? no one silenced that, why is this different

The Penn State stuff is INCREDIBLY different because they had actual proof and victims and witness testimony, etc. People who can't see the difference between PizzaGate and Sandusky are just blind.

*I don't remember so many people being silenced or otherwise disappearing, (here's looking at you Ben Swann)

What about the security guy who was murdered on 9/11 when the buildings collapsed? If you think people have not been disappeared in order to cover up the crimes of 9/11, then you are living in a total la la fantasy land.

You missed the point entirely. Re-read what he said, I wasn't saying it wasn't happening. I was building on what he/she had already said.

I agree and not only the silencing, but also the reaction of those implicated. Alefantis for example, he seems smug and assured everything is fine. He doesn't seem aghast at the accusations, just mildly annoyed. I would be jumping out of my seat to bring forward the parents of the kids in my pictures, explain my dark sense of humor, make it right.. I can't imagine reacting as he is.

i don't see how you can be connected and not be one yourself.... i just cant fathom the idea of non pedos being ok with it

It's only a theory based on how I see him acting. He could do it for power, money. His successes are obvious but the reason for them is not so apparent, IMO. I don't doubt the guy is a freak so if there is an occult connection it could also draw him in.

And why are there so many busts happening so far in 2017

The most bizarre is Megan Kelly of Fox News defending PizzaGate!


Pizzagate is special because it was constructed to interfere with a democratic election. That is not the case with the other conspiracies you mention.

I struggle to follow your logic. Are you saying that a strong reaction to a conspiracy inherently confirms it?


I am a 9/11 truther and I was kicked off of a whole lot of forums because of it, including the reddit 9/11 truther site. Just because YOU don't remember it happening, does NOT mean it did not happen. I could make a long list of sites that banned me for 9/11 comments. HuffPost, MediaMatters, TalkingPointsMemo ... there are a whole lot of them.

If you don't remember reporters losing their jobs over 9/11 - or college professors for that matter, then you really are super ignorant about the whole 9/11 cover up, aren't you?

Yes You Are.

Maybe so then :O

Because you guys are posting people's personal baby pictures and doxxing them. It's an actionable invasion of privacy and it's slander per se. Unlike the examples you gave, which are public figures.

It really is not aptly named

I think 9/11 conspiracy theorists went after the Bush admin. So the liberals didn't rock the boat too much - as it was killing off the GOP base in small increments

Indeed, 'Fake news', that was one of the things that made me really take interest in Pizzagate, I showed an interest in PG prior to that, but the evidence was all circumstantial, so I was inclined to not believe it at that point. And then the media crackdown came and it was bizarre, I have never heard the term 'fake news' in the media before, yet when PG emerged, all of a sudden every media outlet is using it?! And if you look at a graph of trends in Google searches, you see a suspicious correlation between the terms 'fake news' and 'pizzagate', fake news kicked off just prior to pizzagate in Google searches, almost as if they were getting in there quick to prevent too many people from catching on and looking into PG.

Then of course was the way they reported on it, ignoring the more disturbing details and picking out isolated pieces of circumstantial evidence to 'debunk' and distorting the entire investigation to make it look like a few loons online that jumped to wild conclusions based on no evidence. But with PG, in the absence of concrete proof, you've got to look at each piece of evidence in the context of the wider investigation, sure, that one weird photo of a baby on its own looks innocuous enough, but when you consider everything else in the investigation together, the emails, the other pictures, the creepy comments, all Alefantis' connections in high places, the 'Pegasus' museum overlooking a children's playground etc etc, suddenly that weird picture of a baby doesn't seem as innocuous anymore and you can't help but wonder...

Post has been deleted. Anybody have a screenshot of it?

If planes hadn't been invented we'd still know because of ships. Why did you delete your comment?

Not when it's random internet dudes.

I didn't have much knowledge of the fe theory last time I flew

The picture you added isn't the impressive. Are you confident that's evidence of a curve of the earth from the plane?

I struggle to see it

Kind of like how it looks flat from footage of balloons that fly to 3 or 4 times the hight of the photo you've added

'Innocent' people that go to Spirit Cooking events, have abhorrent tastes in art (art depicting child torture) etc, people, who have connections with DoJ employees, high police officers and influential politicians who also attend Spirit Cooking events.

Don't tell me we shouldn't be concerned and at least try to investigate on our own accord.

Here's a link to the thread that convinced me. Just the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence is staggering. That coupled the 400+ arrests in LA and the arrests going down in Haiti seems like it may not be total horseshit after all


Link me one email which can't be explained away.

Please explain this one where it says: "Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?"

Well? I'm innocent of libel until proven guilty in a court of law too.

I can't deny that, and i'm not accusing you personally of anything.

But i think you can find plenty of undeniable proof of libel in posts about pizzagate, posts that claim that certain named persons are child molesters based only on conjecture and speculation. The fact that some of the info floating around pizzagate might turn out to be true, still won't change the libelous nature of all the rest.

Even if it turned out that some of the usual suspects named in PG was actually guilty of child molesting, then it still has nothing to do with whatever artwork was collected or how company logos are designed.

So you're telling me that he's saying that he would play the game dominos better while "on" cheese or "on" pasta? As if their nutritional value somehow dictates his ability to play the game dominos?

That's an insane stretch.

Yep, sounds like a lot of 4chan projection by anons with guilty consciences.

Yup, and related with some FBI agent.

There is no denying the Laura Silsby case, she was 100% busted for trying to kidnap 30 children. The clintons were directly involved her release (huge cover up here). The Andrew Breitbart tweets about podesta also cannot be ignored that man knew something and most likely paid the ultimate price. Podesta has multiple connections to pedos and he inquires about playing dominoes on cheese or pasta, I definitely wouldn't put my kids in a pool with him all night. These people are fucking creeps from friends they have to the art they collect. You are in denial if you think this is normal.

Trump has even made a "joke" about Clinton taking "a village" from Haiti. I'm sure this is all just a coincidence, right?

Unfortunately. They are weird. From strange and questionable initiation rites to some basic tenets, they go against real democracy and freedom.

Why not both?

I didn't say it originated with T_D, I said it originated with Trump supporters and T_D still has regular posts about it.

The whole thing stemmed from the podesta leaks. Wikileaks cited T_D as the best place to get information (apparently they decided that a political advocacy group that openly and intentionally uses disinfo tactics to smear their political opposition was the best place to get objective info) and that group was the one spreading the implications.

Some of it was on reddit, some of it was on 4chan, some of it was on voat, but the whole point of it was to take down "crooked hillary" and her supporters (MAGA).

Stop lying please. She was released, she did not serve a sentence. And bill was tied to her release, as muddy as that situation is there is no denying Hillary knew Laura and was made aware of their capture. And then quickly all but a few were released.

And hey buddy, take a look at what happened today. More missionaries caught kidnapping kids in haiti to take to DR and off the island.

And McKinney, the GA rep who attacked DynCorp billions in govt contracts after being found to be trafficking, and attacking Cheney or Rumpsfuck over 9/11 has said she saw the haiti thing unfold in real time.

Think you've lost the plot, personally.

Does this look like a normal bedroom for a guy to have? No kids. 73 years old currently.

And I'm all for creative and artistic expression but does this art collection seem normal to you?

Again, consider the source.

If there were rumors going around that Belicheck liked little kids and the response was, "no way a football coach would do that"

But that's the thing: they're fighting a strawman. Nobody is saying that it isn't possible pedophiles exist in government. People are saying there is no compelling evidence that these political actors are pedophiles.

In all honesty I feel like most r/conspiracy users are at risk of posting unsubstantiated claims. The crux of pizzagate is a 4chan post about the pizza code. Just trying to be skeptical of all evidence.

sounds like pizzagate.

6 month for kidnapping 33 children...

That's for jobs.

What's the point you are trying to make? That it's wrong to discuss conspiracy theories on the internet?

Is this your first time on the internet?

Y'all have been looking too small. You have got to chase the pie in the sky.


No it's creepy to give their ages, period. either way, i got enough PG long ago and all this shit will be brought to light soon. Now we have to remove our government and work together as good human beings on some free energy. no reason for me to rehash pg any longer. see you soon brother