9/11 and the Comex silver & gold vault beneath the WTC

86  2017-02-09 by casualjane


So with all this vault talk from wikileaks I wanted to revisit this 9/11 detail... Is several hundred million dollars worth of gold missing? And if so who made off with it?

Hopefully somebody on here knows more about this than I do (I haven't watched 'Loose Change' which apparently deals with this theory). Or about the story of Kurt Sonnenfeld.


Very good catch. I think this is the biggest overall insight into the WikiLeaks Tweets that I have seen.

I almost forgot that it was a giant gold heist

Sounds like the plot of Die Hard: With a Vengeance

Smuggled out in dump trucks....hmmmm. You may be on to something.

They do tend to foreshadow truths in movies as many of this sub can attest to.

Didn't they haul all the concrete and rubble away from ground zero immediately? Before forensics, etc...

So the 9/11 attack was to recover the cold from there? I'm not sure I follow.

I think 9/11 had multiple levels that benefited the top hierarchy of those that planned and funded it. This theory was one of the benefits.

This is old. There's like a half a dozen reasons for the attack. The vault, the destruction of pentagon money laundering records, the laws locking down opposition in the US, the mass spending to enrich the coffers of the weapons manufacturers, the federal contractors, and the ability to hand over assets to oil companies at discount prices....not to mention preserve the petrodollar.

This is old. There's like a half a dozen reasons for the attack.

Yep that's correct; it happened in 2001, and there are likely to be several reasons (or motives) for the attack.

Also the Securities Exchange Commission offices, the people who regulate wall street had offices in Building 7 which collapsed because apparently burning material fell from the big buildings and caused the complete demolition of building 7 which was a completely separate building

Don't forget the insurance policy and put options on airlines, islamaphobia for divide and conquer, hysteria for encroaching civil liberties (Patriot act, DHS), perpetual destabilization of the middle East and growth of terror cells to provide a constant enemy

sounds like the perfect storm. What masters wouldnt want a 911 attack to check-off on all these points...

I have been wondering for a while if there is a connection with the Dragon Family lawsuit. Someone posted the other day that it has been discredited, but they were not able to provide a source for that.

Anyways, here are some links about the lawsuit:



145 trillion dollars just in bonds? People talk about the Rothchilds and Rockefellers but I have never heard of Dragon and they seem to shit on them both.

Largest dynasty (family) in the Orient, who hoarded gold (demanded gold payments from other states and the Silk Road), which they effectively used to trade for unmarked bearer bonds.

Distributed over the world during WW2, never got it back from safehouses. Part of it in WTC vault, disappeared without a trace. Also, 2 arrests in Italy.

This is what I am wondering. It would make sense. The Bush family are trillionaires, too, so I think they would have a motive regarding 9/11.

I remember hearing about the truck found abandoned in the tunnels filled with gold. One of the reasons I believe it was not an attack it was planned by someone and used to cover up several things.... building 7 was destroyed to cover up/destroy records for some investigation(I forget what it was). And the owner took out an unusual insurance policy on the buildings and got double the payout.

Enron records were allegedly stored in building 7.

Several hundreds of millions isn't really shit in the grand scheme of things.

there was an official FEMA photographer who was assigned by FEMA to take photos and video of the aftermath of the attacks. He claimed he videoed EMPTY vaults with doors standing wide open and in his mind, that proved pre-knowledge by at least somebody. When he announced his video, he had to flee to Argentina to escape accusations of murdering his wife by authorities. http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/fema_9-11_photographer_243.html

Yea I read that and didn't know what to make of the story. Not the FEMA/video part, but the part about his wife.